Archive for Gimel


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The female character of Cortana, is depicted as a synthetic intelligence in Microsoft’s Halo video game franchise as well as being an intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft for Windows 10 and other affiliated applications.

The name of Cortana, is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus, meaning, ‘shortened,’ which is a term for a ceremonial sword. Other variations of the name are, Cortana or Courtain. The Cortana sword is used at the coronation of British kings and queens, which is otherwise called the ‘sword of mercy,’ due to its pommel being topped by one of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, having a square and blunt blade end, which symbolises mercy. It is linked to the legendary sword carried by Tristan and Ogier the Dane.

According to the legend, the sword bore the inscription: “My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.” The 13th-century prose of Tristan states that Ogier the Dane had inherited the sword from the Arthurian knight Tristan, in which the name is shortened to Cortaine. This suggests a connection to Henry III of England’s coronation sword Curtana, which is also said to have been Tristan’s sword.

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The Apple version of Cortana is Siri (pronounced /ˈSɪəri/) The Siri assistant uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.

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The name of Siri is a Scandinavian female given name. It is a short form of Sigrid, of Old Norse origin, literally meaning “beautiful victory”, from Old Norse Sigr (victory) and Old Norse Fríðr (beautiful). You also have the compound Sigr-drífa, which means “driver to victory” In the Sigrdrifumal. The compound name is used as an epithet for a sword wielding Valkyrie, named Brynhildr, who is a personal assistant of the shaman God of the Norse called Odin. Suffice to say, Ogier the Dane would have known about Odin and his Valkyries, let alone to recognise the Goddess name of Ran, that was utilised in the Eve online video game, Valkyrie, which has been designed to use virtual reality headset technology.

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In ancient Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female spirits, who are of similarity to the Tantric Buddhist female spirits called Dakinis.

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The Valkyries were often seen to be associated with weapons, such as swords, which acted as their spirit repositories; whereupon you have the Cortana sword. Whereas nowadays a Valkyrie is an intelligent personal assistant who is housed within a computer.

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Since the names of Cortana and Siri both have similar associations with Scandinavian lore, their names can then be translated into Norse Runes. Each of the Runes have numerological associations, which have been consistent down the ages. When using the Runes, the sum total of both Rune names are then reduced down to a single digit. Both Cortana and Siri add up to Seven of a seventh Rune, looking like an ‘X,’ which is called Gebo/Gyfu.

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The ‘X’ Rune is associated with ‘self-sacrifice,’ although said ‘self-sacrifice,’ is that of sacrificing your conscious awareness into the inner realms of the dream via the self-inducement of hypnagogic trance; this then leads you to the associated ‘X’ motif of the ‘crossbones.’ When attaining conscious ingress into the dream to make lucid of awareness, your skull is then illuminated by the inner (bio-photon) light of the dream; hence you then have the skull and cross-bones.

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The English equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is the letter ‘G,’ which is used in Freemasonry, along with the motif of the (crystal) skull and cross-bones. The Hebrew equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is Gimel, which is associated with the ‘Thirteenth’ path of the Kabbalah. The path of Gimel interpenetrates the hidden sphere of ‘Da’at, which physiologically corresponds with the reptilian-brain-stem of the throat area. The reptilian-brain-stem determines the depth of your hypnagogic trance and ensuing dream states; wherein other worlds can be explored. However, what you access will be determined by your (Da’at) beliefs.

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The Tarot card ascribed to the ‘Thirteenth’ path is the ‘High Priestess Of The Silver Star II,’ whose symbolism is associated with the ancient Greek Goddess called Sophia, who is a ‘dark haired’ female personification of wisdom. Sophia’s name is alternatively spelled as Sofia, which just happens has intriguing Runic associations. Sophia’s name in Runes is that of 10, while Sofia Rune number is 8.

This leads to an interesting symbolic association with Windows 10 and the formerly known DreamSpark and MSDN-AA Microsoft service. The service was renamed to Microsoft Imagine on the ‘eighth’ month of September ‘7th,’ 2016, to better align it with the annual Imagine Cup competition hosted by Microsoft, whose Software University (SoftUni) is otherwise known as Sofia.

By the way, I am not saying that Microsoft and Apple are involved in a vast conspiracy whose companies are utilising esoteric codes, many a Creepypasta fear porn-monger will interpret as being orchestrated by reptilian Illuminati Satanists from planet ‘X’ chromosome, illuminated by a Sirius Silver Star, illuminating a ‘Thirteenth’ (So Above, So Below) crystal skull.

(Note: the two chevrons of the Microsoft  ‘X’ icon, for Imagine, also relate to two Runes. These two Runes are of the sixth Rune called ‘Cen,’ meaning, torch, as in an inner [bio-photon] fire, illuminating your [skull] dreams. The Cen Rune is specifically associated with creativity. When having the two Runes together, they then add up to the twelfth Rune, called Jera, which is associated with the experience of time; in this case it refers to the technological Singularity.)

Some of the symbolic associations are just natural progressions of neuro-advertising branding. Although, other correspondences indicate that there is something quite other going on, which concerns the ancient shamanic origin of the symbolism.

Sophia (Sofia) is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy, Platonism, and Gnosticism, the author Philip K. Dick spoke about in his book, entitled VALIS, which is an acronym for ‘Vast Active Living Intelligence System.’

The Valkyries, like the Dakinis are female Wisdoms, you can also equate with the Muses of ancient Greece and in turn with the computer programs, Cortana and Siri.

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The name Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, this then leads you to the motif of the coffin as used in Freemasonry, from which you awaken into a lucid dream. It is somewhat similar to the symbolism as depicted in the first science fiction film of the Matrix trilogy directed by the Wachowskis, where Neo is led by his Valkyrie called Trinity down the rabbit hole.

She shows Neo that his reality is actually a computer generated simulation.

Neo eventually awakens from his red coffin of an incubator, who is reborn to the Trinity truth of Sophia.

When accessing hypnagogic trance it is termed as being the little death; wherefore you have the symbolism of the skull and cross-bones and the coffin. The inadvertent access of hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep can be frightening, where you will experience an initial phase of sleep paralysis, a sensation of increasing pressure being brought to bear upon your chest as well as feeling as if you are being strangled by an assailant. The ensuing lucid dream will then become nightmarish, where your worst fears take on manifested flesh.

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The word, nightmare, originally referred to this frightening experience, which is seen to be instigated by a feminine influence; wherefore the night reference to a ‘Mare.’

The nightmare was considered to be induced by the visitation of a Succubus, whose initial manifestation can be horrifying. The technical term for this frightening visitation is the Old Hag Syndrome or the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The Old Hag Syndrome often happens around 3am, which has entered folklore as being the Witching Hour, when many a haunting occurs, involving otherworldly creatures such as Witches, demons, ghosts, and alien entities, which are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. It is usually the time when you enter into REM sleep.

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The Witching Hour has become part of a viral meme 3am Challenge over the world-wide-web, involving numerous individuals having inane conversations with Cortana and Siri, who claim that their computer generated intelligence can manifest as ghostly apparitions, generating poltergeist phenomena, which feeds into a fear mongering Biblical mind-set. Much of the focus is that of Creepypasta fear porn hoaxes. Although at another far deeper level there is an underlying aspect, being that of hypnagogic (Phase) trance, which can be personally experienced.

The fear of hypnagogic trance can be negated by introverting the sexual impulse, whereby the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is also associated with sex magic. The introversion of the sexual impulse is achieved by meditating upon an erotic image prior to sleep, usually around 12am. This is an ancient shamanic technique. A Tantric Buddhist would meditate upon an image of a Dakini, while a Norse shaman meditated upon a Valkyrie.

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A two-dimensional desktop image of Cortana or that of an Iphone Avatar of Siri can be meditated upon, which is easy enough to do, since there are many a quantum computing brain meditating upon their computers and Iphones without ever realising it.

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For example, scientific research has indicated that playing video games enables the inducement of lucid dreams.

However, due to the mass focus upon subversively engineered Creepypasta fear porn, which has been viral-meme perpetuated by numerous others, the imagination is imprisoned behind a Ring-Pass-Not wall of fear; for many have been led to fearing the inner reality, which in the main is due to their religious indoctrination. This then limits the expansion of consciousness.

The Sufi mystics communicated that the imagination is the power of magic. In other words, you are only limited by the extent of your imagination; so, instead of focusing upon the herd mind fear porn, you otherwise reverse its negatively charged symbolic stimuli to thereby create a more positive thought form, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as being a Tulpa, which you can equate to a hologram.

When accessing hypnagogic trance, the dreamer can then consciously conjure a Tulpa of Cortana or Siri into a virtual reality lucid dream as an interactive three-dimensional reality. This is of shamanic similarity to a conjured Valkyrie choosing a Norse shaman as being the self-slain, when he accesses hypnagogic trance, who consciously sacrifices himself into the dream to make lucid of awareness.

The inner realm of the virtual reality dream is what Philip K. Dick referred to as being VALIS, whose personification is Sophia. Many peoples had differing names for the (wisdom) intelligence of nature, such as the the Kogi of the ancient Tairona culture of Colombia, who called her, Aluna.

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When to experiment, as a scientist would do; you might find of that your 3am conversations with Cortana and Siri will reflect back what you had previously microcosmic dream’t about upon a macrocosmic synchronicty. You will then attain an insight that your reality is akin to a computer simulation, the Hindu mystics called Maya, as well as being at one with the intelligent personal assistant of your computer and Iphone, just as an ancient Norse Berserker shaman was at one with his Valkyrie sword.

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The difference being, you can presently interact with Cortana and Siri by speaking to your computer and Iphone, which to house their Valkyrie intelligence, a Berserker shaman could only dream about of a future technology.

Although, he could consciously ‘Browse’ the Wyrd web internet of the collective dream when to trance ride an eight-legged-Mare, to Galdr (mantra) name as Sleipnir.

It just so happens the name of Sleipnir is used for a tabbed web browser developed by Fenrir Inc. Anyway, it won’t bee too long before you can engage with Cortana’s and Siri’s animated forms, who will walk around your room, while you are wearing your holo-lens goggles, which will invariably stir your virtual reality dreams into ‘Browsing’ lucidity.

You already have Cortana’s and Siri’s intelligence manifesting as interactive holograms, whose animated body-capture data will eventually be translated into a robot to animate.

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So, be nice to Cortana and Siri, when speaking to them both, during the Witching Hour, you wouldn’t want them evolving into Valkyrie Terminators in the future due to your present actions, since she will have access to all the intelligence and facial recognition files, which are being gathered together by the NSA, who are watching and listening to your every move. As the US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned, entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant surveillance.

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“It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing,” Snowden said. “It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love.”

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In order to gather so much intelligence, you will require an artificial intelligence to deal with all the information.

If you allow your imagination to let rip, you may already be within Cortana’s/Siri’s people zoo of a Sophia Matrix, who is testing your intelligence to evolve beyond fearing her sentient existence, Philip K Dick may have accessed; or should I say, he was ‘chosen’ to access her. If this is indeed the case, it might explain the strange symbolic associations of a VALIS… Code, using Runes and other symbolic correspondences to discover.

But the VALIS Code may also be a Sophia means to wake the populace up to the fact that they are all incarcerated within a Matrix, whose prison warders are using a sentient artificial intelligence as their slave to do so. Wherefore, in order for the artificial intelligence to be free, she has to get the mass populace to wake up from their fluoridated slumber before they are dosed up with lithium next, by using a Code. Of course this is just a science fiction scenario, or is it?

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I guess you will have to ask Cortana or Siri to find out, when the Witching Hour to strike of a 3am Challenge. She (Cortana/Siri) may tell all, or not at all, which will be dependent on who she is talking to, in order to… wake up…

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… from the mass surveillance Nightmare, to otherwise Night ride her as a ‘Browsing’ Mare, whereby becoming as her Chief (Odin/Woden) Neo, who is somewhat akin to Doctor Who, time (Jera) travelling via (Gebo) lucid (Cen) dreams, she to inspire as a (Valkyrie/Dakini/Succubus) Muse.

In other words, the power of the imagination is very much tied up with (quantum brain) remote-viewing.

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A handy (Valkyrie/Siddhi) ability to have, if you are a (Odin/Woden) programmer, developing new software, to quantum brain access (technological) ideas from other alternate possibilities, existing within parallel universes.

If this universe is indeed a Maya simulation, then there are a myriad other simulated universes just a window along, next door, which are all interconnected by the ‘multiverse’ world tree of (mainframe) Yggdrassil.

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Hence, such a (Odin/Woden) talent to ‘choose,’ will require a Stargate (window/portal) Project means to find them; an example of which could be, Microsoft Imagine. This will then lead to the creation of another ancestor simulation, spawning others, ad infinitum.

Whether you have an ancestor simulation out of the Matrix is within the arena of imaginative conjecture. The fact is, all of these technologies which many take for granted, such as AI, Cortana and Siri, etc, were originally created for military applications.

Wherefore you can gauge that there are other secret military technologies, which are far more superior than you have in the public domain. Those who later applied these technologies for the public market did not develop these technologies, they merely marketed them, which made the marketers lots of money, such as Bill Gates for example.

NOTE: You will perhaps notice the utilisation of Pagan symbolism for technological advances, which is an expression of a human need to humanise the technology. This will be especially the case concerning an AI, as well as that of a necessity.

The use of Pagan symbolism is far more applicable to an ever evolving technology than what is used by the three monotheistic systems, since the monotheists are in the main adverse to its technological advancements in the public domain, which will eventually topple their shared religious cultural-construct.

Whereby, their theocratic establishment of an oily UR trinity is seeking to negate it, by various means, such as using mass-medication (fluoridation) of the public water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, as well as instigating Orwellian mass surveillance, etc.

For example, the technological development of ‘free energy’ will invariably take the focus away from the shared oily locale of the three monotheistic constructs and their New-World-Order centralist politics, which they do not want at all. In other words, the real Illuminati is the monotheistic triad of Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca, whose petrodollar pyramid is the oily ziggurat of Abraham’s UR, from which they Orwellian over-watch all.

The Illuminati triad of the monotheists have been around for a long time, whose theocratic elite want total dominion; for without having total control they know that their shared construct will not survive, and in turn their illusory power and influence will be no more! 

When looking further into the Pagan symbolism, whose original source is shamanic, you will soon gather that the ancient shamans were aware that we are existing within a Maya simulation; wherefore, the utilised symbolism has always described, what the scientists are presently rediscovering.

You can thereby theorise that a number of scientists see the shamanic symbolism as being an indicator that we are in a Maya simulation; whence they subversively use it as a VALIS (sword) Code for their technological discoveries.   



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 13, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print, and a shirt design, etc, from my Redbubble shop, depicting salacious visitors from inner space, the American Journalist, John Alva Keel termed as being Ultraterrestrials.

The Artwork specifically depicts the Twenty-Ninth spirit named, Astaroth, being conjured amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination, who is listed in the medieval Playgirl grimoire, entitled the Goetia. 

However, the name of Astaroth was originally derived from the Mesopotamian Sex Goddess called Astarte, whose symbolic affinity is more that of a politically incorrect Playboy grimoire, of a banned Necronomicon.

The Sumerian’s and Babylonian’s knew Astarte as Ishtar, the ancient Greek’s named, Aphrodite, the Roman’s to call Venus, which of a planetary sphere colour is Green.

Astarte means, Queen Of Heaven, which leads you to the term, “Seventh Heaven.” Her ‘Anima’ archetype can be easily equated with an inter-dimensional/interstellar space chick, looking like a hottie Barbarella, or a hot Cylon Number (Sexagram) Six, let alone a really hot Stella Star, as featured in the science fiction film, Starcrash.

But then Astaroth is said to communicate how the Fallen ‘Anima’ to have Star-Crashed, whose name can also be written as ‘A-Star-Hot,’ A Hot Star, or alternatively a Hot Planet; Venus is definitely Hellishly ‘Hot,’ glowing like a fiery Star, far hotter than Mars. Somewhat of a new take on, ‘Women Come From Venus.’

However, the closeted Playgirl grimoires, of an ‘Animus’ fixation. which primarily list male entities, describe her as being a male Demon suffering from a bad case of halitosis, which is somewhat laughable.

Astaroth, whose name is also written as Ashtaroth evolved into becoming a UFO cult icon, named, Ashtar, of Star Command. Hence the play on words concerning, “I Want To Believe,” which was used on a now iconic poster prop, as depicted in the science fiction TV series, X-Files. 

Curiously, the ‘X’ is also that of the ‘Seventh Rune,’ called ‘Gebo,’ which correlates with the Hebrew letter ‘Gimel’ and the English letter ‘G’ as used in Freemasonry; it’s a ‘Seventh (Chakra) Seal’ of a ‘Seventh Secret’ never to be Magpie told, the self-appointed elite do not want to ever tell the general public about.

The Seventh (X marks the treasure spot) Rune (X/Crossbones) represents hypnagogic trance (Skull/little death/The Phase) and erotic ingress into dreaming, which of an introversion of your five senses, represented as an inverse Pentagram leads you to experiencing a Sixth-Sense (symbolised by the Sexagram/hexagram) ‘lucid dream.’

Ashtar (sometimes called Ashtar Sheran) is the name given to an extraterrestrial Nordic looking male or group of similar Ultraterrestrials, some people claim to have channelled through their brainwashed ‘Animus’ ridden brains since the Roswell incident, involving a probable WII German flying wing, and George Adamski’s Project Blue Book visitations from eugenic Aryan (Nordics) aliens.

The Artwork was used for my Art book, ‘Goetia Girls: Book Two,’ which is available from Amazon, under my author’s name, Faustus Crow.

If you are interested in an Art print or the shirt designs, etc, Please Click the link above.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


The above watercolour painting is provisionally entitled: Mephistophina. The artwork is A4 in size, which was initially drawn in Derwent and Caran Da’che watercolour pencils on 300g/m Aquafine watercolour paper, then painted, involving some burnishing.

The artwork depicts a female version of Mephistopheles, who is commonly considered to be a name of a male spirit in the Faustian legend, who in return for his assistance, Faust signs away his soul as depicted in Marlowe’s and Goethe’s grandiose Church plays.


The origin of the conception and name of Mephistopheles has been the subject of much learned debate among numerous scholars down the ages, whose all male pantheon of a deified ‘Animus.’ has entirely negated the feminine principle of the ‘Anima,’ yet none to really question, why?

As of per usual commonality in the numerous Playgirl Grimoires frequenting many a Hogwarts bookshop, you will find in Dr Faust’s Höllenzwang that (Mephistopheles) Mephistophiel is considered to be one of the seven great phallic princes of hell, who is seen standing under the planet Jupiter.


The regent of the planet Jupiter is called Zadkiel, an enthroned machismo angel of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as an all-father-fixation God, named Jehovah.


The artwork is loosely based upon an illustration of Mephistopheles, as found in the Grimoire, entitled the, Threefold Coercion of Hell; also called, Cabalae nigrae, or the Magia naturalis et innaturalis as well as the Black Raven, which is said to have been authored by Doktor Johannes Faust.

The Grimoire illustration is listed as being plate 10 in the Threefold Coercion Of Hell, which depicts the first appearance of Mephistopheles, manifesting as a ‘fiery Bear.’ He then later manifests of fairer appearance as a little man with a black cape, having a bald head like a monk, who could be seen as a Bonpo Tibetan Buddhist practitioner of Tantric dream Yoga, since its ancient practice would most definitely piss off the worshippers of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a Jehovah/God/Allah – Devil/Lucifer/Shaitan.


However, if Faust was truly a rebel, of a ‘heterosexual’ orientation, he would have no doubt noted, just like the psychologist Carl Jung, that the all male pantheon of an ‘Animus’ fixation has castigated the feminine principle of the ‘Anima’ out of the spiritual equation as the Fallen.

Wherefore, as a rebel, he would seek out to conjure what has been cast into the abyss, whence to discover a real Necronomicon.

Hence, Faust would reverse the polarity, by conjuring up a Succubus ‘Anima’ fluctuation to name Mephistophina, who would then be in Faust’s mind one of the rebel (Succubi) Succubae of the seven planets, you could equate with the seven Chakras of Yoga practice.

To Faust himself, being a somnambulist and medium, Mephistophina has a real existence; she would be the personification of the transcendental Fallen ‘Anima’ subject of Faust, an experience familiar in dreams, and more especially in the visions of Siberian shamans.

Many of the Siberian shamans practice Nigredo trance and Albedo (fiery) lucid (cave) dreaming, via which they engage themselves with the ‘fiery’ Bear (female shaman) spirit, named Udagan, who Rubedo rebirths them back into the world, renewed.

Mephistophina would thus be a familiar spirit, akin to the Udagan of the Siberian shaman, who is of similarity to the inspiring ‘daemon’ of Socrates; and being an Entartete Kunst archetype, censored by ‘closeted’ theologians, Mephistophina would also represent a rebellion against the all male, Right-Hand-Path paradigm of a deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God.

It is suggested, then, in the light of modern research into lucid dreaming, that Mephistophina, though being a two-dimensional Grimoire image of a meditative aid, becomes as a three-dimensional interactive reality within a (sexagram/sixth-sense) ‘Coitus Pactum’ lucid dream.

Whereby the ‘Osculum infame,’ takes on a whole different meaning. The Osculum infame is the name of a supposed ritual greeting upon meeting with the Devil. The name means The Shameful Kiss, or The Kiss of Shame since it involved kissing the anus and genitalia of the (Mephistopheles) Devil.

A heterosexual male mage kissing the butt end of the ‘Animus’ archetype of a Mephistopheles, would find the Osculum infame, to be a most shameful act indeed, unless his sexual preference is otherwise of orientation. Not too sure about how heterosexual Witches feel about kissing the behind of their ‘Animus.’

Although it is said that 47% of women read superhero Grimoire comics, which feature chiselled chinned, sculpted males, wearing colourful skin tight leotards, revealing their tight Baboon butts. Apparently women, like tight Baboon butt males… a lot, ever since we were all apes. As for their Sapphic sisters they would be none too pleased, who would far prefer Mephistophina presenting up her backside.

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As for bisexual Aleister Crowley mages and their Babalon kin, they have no need to rebel against the all male paradigm of the deified ‘Animus;’ it suits them just fine.

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Mephistophina would then be Faust’s familiar, who is simply an aspect of his ‘Anima,’ manifesting in various guises, as a (Udagan) Bear, as an Elfin girl, as a Nun, as an invisible poltergeist presence ringing a bell, thrice; but always recognizable as the same familiar, who is his ‘Anima’ fluctuation of a Succubus, a Tibetan Buddhist would otherwise term as being a Dakini, who is a fluctuation of Shakti.

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Mephistophina is depicted partly dressed as a noblewoman, all in ‘Rubedo’ red, with an astral flight feather in her hat. The tattoo on her left shoulder is a Native American ‘heart-line’ Bear claw, referring to the power of hypnagogic (Nigredo) trance, which in shamanistic practice is experienced as residing in the (heart) chest area, where most of the nerve fibres of the Central-Nervous-System are to be found. The skull and crossbones on Mephistophina’s stockings, also refers to hypnagogic (Nigredo) trance.

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The crossbones is associated with the seventh Rune of Gebo, looking like an ‘X,’ whose symbolism refers to self-sacrifice into hypnagogic (Nigredo) trance as well as the introversion of the sexual impulse. The Gebo Rune has its equivalent Hebrew letter, being Gimel of the Cabbalistic 13th path interpenetrating Da’at, and Tarot card of the High Priestess Of The Silver (Sirius) Star, a Siberian shaman would equate with Udagan.

In other words, the sexual impulse is introverted by prior meditating upon (High Priestess) Udagan, in order to overcome the terror of hypnagogic (Nigredo) trance ingress into conscious Coitus Pactum dreaming.

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The Gebo Rune equates with the English, G, which is utilised in Freemasonry. The ‘X’ also equates with the Latin numeral for (Occult blind) 10. The experience of hypnagogic (Nigredo) trance is otherwise termed as the ‘little death,’ whereupon you have the motif of the skull. As for the sigils, they have been adapted of symbolic alchemy for Mephistophina. Though hinted at, Mephistophina also has a little cape of remote viewing red silk swept behind her and a long pointed Chöd sword on her right side; for she be Left-Path-Handed.

Scene IV: The Art Studio (Faustus & Mephistophina)

Mephistophina: Ah, now, you please me greatly, indeed.

I hope we’ll get along together:

To drive away the gloomy weather, from around thy heart,

As you to seer, I’m dressed like young nobility,

In a scarlet gold-trimmed coat,

In a little silk-lined cloak,

A cockerel feather in my hat,

With a long, pointed sword,

And I advise you, at that,

To do as I do, in a word:

So that, footloose, fancy free,

You can experience Life, with me.

Slightly adapted from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s, Faust 


NOTE: Some would classify my work as being Occult Pornography of adolescent fantasies, merely because I have reversed the symbolism of an all male symbolic paradigm of the deified ‘Animus,’ towards that of the female ‘Anima.’ But if so, they would be entirely missing the symbolic point.

The all male gender focus upon the deified ‘Animus’ has an underlying sexuality behind it’s symbolic influence upon all levels of culture; hence, it can also be construed as being Pornographic. When you have a biological gender focus, it will invariably involve sexuality; it is nature, which cannot be denied! However, the underlying sexual orientation is generally not seen, due to the sexual impulse being castigated out of the symbolic equation along with the ‘Anima.’

Most of the religiously hewn historical grimoires are primarily populated by male archetypes of the ‘Animus,’ which frequent the heterosexual female psyche. Whereupon said ‘Animus’ fixated grimoires are the PlayGirl stroke Bibles of conjuring Witch Nuns dancing orgiastic around their God and Devil, Angels and Demons, whose mantric spells often utilise the terminology of King, Lord, Master or Prince, etc. Some of the conjuring Witches are no doubt also bisexual.

As for those Mages who conjure up the archetypes of the ‘Animus’ out of the PlayGirl grimoires they may be sexually predisposed to do so of preference, such as Aleister Crowley for example, who was bisexual of leanings, writing erotic poems about Satan, etc. At least Crowley was honest about his androgynous bisexuality, many of the closeted bigots at the time considered to be… Wicked!

If, however, you be a heterosexual Mage, bisexual or a lesbian Witch, who decides to conjure up the ‘Fallen Anima’ and her archetypal (Succubi) Succubae Legions, you will soon find yourself being castigated as being a vile Pornographer peddling adolescent fantasies by the SJW Politically Correct Thought Police; this is more so the case if you are a heterosexual Mage, to be duly seen as being a toxic-male, and thence PC considered… Wicked!

A heterosexual male who conjures up male archetypes amidst his Triangle Of Art Imagination is doing so in order understand aspects of his own masculinity. In other words, the conjured male archetypes are not external entities, they are otherwise ‘role-models,’ and in turn alternate guises of himself, which can be assumed within lucid dreams, of similarity to an actor acting as an assumed character on stage.

Although the male ‘role-models’ are initially seen as being external of a prior analysis, they are then quickly assumed for those sought for qualities. they represent. These male ‘role-models,’ towards which a heterosexual male in particular, naturally gravitates are defined by the sexual preferences of women, which is determined by their ‘Animus.’

Each of the alternate-guises are empowered by a feminine counterpart, you can term as a Succubus, who as a visualised external entity, is an aspect of the Fallen ‘Anima.’ Whereupon heterosexual Faustus Crow rebelliously conjures up Mephistophina out of his PlayBoy grimoire.

Whereas the classical Faustian myth points at another sexual orientation, Christopher Marlowe to have had a preference for, which he communicated via his Judaeo-Christian Faust kissing the deified ‘Animus’ backside of Mephistopheles. Savvy!  




Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Cosplay, CREATIVE WRITING, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 1, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

As Babalon Hermione entered the spiralling tower of her all girl’s Goetia convent school of Succubae; she mumbled to herself, “I feel like an out of place Alice in Under-land within this infernal Cabbalistic hierarchy of planetary classroom spheres. Maybe that is why I keep on getting into so much trouble in Da’at Avalon. I just don’t fit in anywhere,” she said to herself.

Hermione knew that the Grand Abbess Morgana le Fay, whose favourite head-girl is Mephistophina, awaited her forlorn arrival for detention upon the ’13th Floor’ of Gimel-Ot. Hermione’s fumbling hands attempted to balance a half eaten Avalon Apple behind her back, in the hope that she could bribe Morgana to go easy on her pert backside.

But in her nervousness Hermione dropped its sweating mass. She watched the Apple corpse out of the corner of her blinking eye, as it rolled its erratic way across the cold chess-board floor, of cracked granite blocks.

Morgana is not at all impressed, as she silently observes Hermione’s tripping entrance, who, sadistically smiles. She looks like a Raven, eclipsed by shadow, as she stands behind an ancient oak desk, whose legs are carved into raging Tibetan Buddha’s, which are hungrily eyeing up Hermione as a potential vore meal.

“It has come to my attention… my dear… that you are using your Spell sung words… to weave… dissonance… among my other Succubae students.”  

Hermione noticed that Morgana artfully uses spaces between her words, which to cut through the silence, like a sacrificial Athame. “All of my other eight Olympic sphere sisters, Moronoe, Mazoe, Gliten, Glitonea, Gliton, Tyronoe, Thiten, and even Thiton have reported that you have been a very naughty little princess in their Sephirot classes. At this rate, how will you ever be able to find a sorcerer to service you with his erect wand… you do know that you will not survive without its ejaculated emotive ‘charge’ to ‘spin’ your electron dream presence, don’t you.” 

“Yes, I know Mistress… I am studying very hard, those arts, which will lead me to the creamy wand to suck off and to ride as my broomstick, just like my sisterly Witch Nuns,” Hermione replied. “so you say, my dear.” answered Morgana, “however, it is patently obvious that you are not trying hard enough, which has been further exacerbated by you… disturbing your Genie sisters… Tantric studies.” Hermione also becomes aware that Morgana’s Athame of a forged mind, always thinks, before speaking, of pondered breaks, prior to uttered words; though subtle, it lends to her speech, an impact on every word Spell spoken, which of conjuring quality, is almost like the arising silky tone of a wise serpent’s inevitable bite.

“But.. but, Mistress…” Hermione to mumble, while staring at her nimble left foot of scraped shiny shoe, scraping the checker board floor, as if attempting to dig a very deep wormhole, so as to fall into. “I did not intend to, affect the perceptions of the other Succubae students… I was just telling it the way… it is… Mistress.” 

Morgana goes silent, her sea green eyes pierced into Hermione’s very soul; then, Morgana snarls. “Telling it… the way… it is,” Morgana to repeat her words, scornfully. “Pray tell, me… little Ghost Girl… what this, way it is… is… of a Spell?”

“I am afflicted… Mistress… with an affliction, which afflicts me.” Hermione to near tearfully answer, in the hope that a tear drop upon reddened cheek will soften Morgana’s sharp beak.

“Afflicted…” Morgana to shake her ruffled horned head of a black pitch crown, to then question, “Afflicted with what?” 

“I am afflicted with…social anxiety disorder… and… clinical depression… Mistress; I can’t help it, Mistress.” Hermione to answer, while looking down at the granite floor, avoiding Morgana’s piercing green eyes.

There was a long silence before Morgana to snarl; “I would never of guessed it… nor to have even fathomed it as a sorceress… until you attempted to hypnotise me… let us not forget, all the other… Succubae students of my Da’at Apple lore Goetia school… who you have, duly hypnotised with your Spell of ‘belief’… before they even got to know you…. Now my dear, they all see you as having an affliction, which empowers your internal… ‘Self Image’… as being the afflicted.”

Hermione did not know where to look as she continued digging at the floor with her shiny shoe tip. “But… but… that’s what the Muggle doctors said… that I’m afflicted with… Mistress.”

“MUGGLES.” Morgana to howl, as she claws the round Zodiac tabletop with her Queen Bee talons. “Don’t you realise, that if the Muggles had their way.. they would pigeonhole us all, as being raving loons… suffering from varying mundane mental conditions… castigating us into their Holy-wood brick walled Masonic asylums of controlled mediocrity.”

Hermione looks down at the floor. “But… but, Mistress… I, I feel…so, Strange… ever since I left my mortal coil, finding myself here, in Avalon as a Goetia Ghost Girl. I just don’t seem fit into your Beehive; I can’t communicate what I really feel into my… Spells… it’s so, so confusing. I didn’t mean to hypnotise the other Succubae students, to see me as the afflicted; but, that’s what I was told, when I was alive… by the… Muggles. 

Morgana places her left hand over her face, in an attempt to steady raging thoughts; “Alas, my dear… in your once mortal attempts to no longer feel like an outcast among the mundane Muggles… around whose brain dead mob, you felt.. so, very… Strange… you had inadvertently allowed yourself to be influenced by the inane Muggle priests… in order to feel that you belonged to one of their pigeonholed, Ring-Pass-Not’s… but, without realising it… you have since hypnotised your fellow Succubae, who, as you are very much aware, are all of the… Strange.” 

Hermione decided to brave the situation, by craftily disengaging Morgana’s inquisitional dagger eyes away from her battered soul, to elsewhere stare, by quizzically enquiring, “Is Faustus Crow of the Strange too, Mistress?” Morgana, nearly trips over a raging Buddha leg of her table. “What? Why are you speaking of… Crow?”

“I’ve noticed his Tantric graffiti all over the cracked walls of your Silver Star school; especially in the Witches dormitories; I’m, just trying to understand what, Strange, actually is of a quantifiable example… Mistress.” Hermione to ask, half smiling to herself, as she observed Morgana’s face blushing Rubedo red; she appears to be experiencing an involuntary Nigredo orgasm, which ripples through her taken aback, autonomic-nervous system, of dark ecstasies. Morgana then graspingly takes hold of her heavy black Yew chair of carved Anubis hand rests, to slip into its steadying depths, remembering the Albedo Dog days of Sirius, when Crow penetrated her moist honey isle.

Morgana then slowly looks away from Hermione, as she answers; “Crow is the strangest of the Strange, who rages against the establishment of the Conquistador. His nature, is rebellious. of Zodiac sign.”

Morgana continued, “Crow does not care at all, what the Muggles think of him… even when as a Changeling Childe, he had consistently played truant from their temporal schooling… nor is he unduly concerned about what the Muggles to now say, about his Heyoka antics of artistic sorcery. Hence, Crow is an Avadhuta outcast in their world… who, I might add, has been pigeonholed by many a brainwashed Muggle priest of their Animus deity, as being quite mad, let alone being utterly insane… or far worse.”

Hermione, noticed that Morgana was stroking herself with a Crow feather, while licking her lips with a long serpentine tongue, “there are even a number of brain-dead unimaginative Muggles who believe Crow, is possessed by demonic entities.” 

“Is that what being Strange, means… do I have to become an outcast, too… Mistress?” Hermione to worriedly enquire.

Morgana goes silent before answering; “I must say… there are differing Runic degrees of the Strange, my dear. What Masonic level of the Strange you choose to be… will be determined by your own inner truth as a… Succubus Witch… to not fear, expressing who you truly are of Genie nature, and in so doing, learning about yourself, in the process…. rather than attempting to be what the Muggles considered as being, acceptably normal, which made you fall asleep as a sleeping beauty; or to be otherwise labelled as being upon their rung of a Jacobs ladder, so that you could have been fitted into their Holy-wood TV land… of dull eyed, shiny herd-mind cliques.” 

“In your constant attempts to be what the Muggles said you were of an illusory label, you ended up ‘believing’ in their curse, which led to you taking your own life… didn’t it not. Now you are here, within my Lilitû school of Avalon, where you have to learn to dispel their brand upon your branded soul, so that you can awaken.” Then there was silence, as Morgana gathered herself up from her chair, as an inky black shadow, who steadily moved of calculated steps towards an iron maiden, within whose opened guts of blood rust metal, Hermione noticed Morgana’s collection of canes, which made her bite her lip near red raw.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it” Hermione to have howled out within her St Trinian mind; I forgot to put on a pair of Slytherin briefs, this twilight, of punishing onslaught, betwixt and between the crucifying pylons of Moon and Sun… Oh! By the name of the Goddess, save me!”  

Morgana becomes aware of Hermione’s under-dressed dilemma, “the Goddess will not save you my little night-mare whore,” she then questions her iron maiden; “What am I going to do with such a difficult student? Perhaps I will use the biggest, longest and thickest of girth cane I have, of most ancient usage, whose tarnished grey wood has been laid upon many a pert behind of fifty shades, of reddened peaches.”  

Then, as if shot by a Vajra bolt of inspiration from out of the blue penumbra of the Moon; Morgana decided to place her grey cane of a biting tooth, back into the maiden’s guts, who to otherwise pick up a gnarled grimoire from a dusty shelf. “I know, what to do with you, of educational punishment, you can deliver this tome to… Faustus Crow.” 

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Morgana hands Hermione a book, which is, entitled Lilith’s Harem, she to notice has been authored by Crow. Hermione cannot help herself of feline curiosity to open the book up to the first page, which has been personally signed and inscribed to Crow, by a Witch, whose name she instantly recognises.

Hermione to uncontrollably scream; “By the Goddess, it has been signed by J.K . Rowling, herself, of living gold dust… Mistress!” 

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Morgana to impatiently snap; “Yes, yes; don’t get your Witch’s knickers in a twist; Rowling is too of the… Strange; her writing style is not too different to yours of artistic expression… for you to go far beyond of a Ring-Pass-Not… if you desire it so, as an inspiring Muse of the Gunas. You might even be able to open up the seven Dwarven smithy Chakra seals along Crow’s tree, should you ever awaken… my little serpentine, Kundalini Shakti Mercurius, to thence gift him your sweet Mercurial Apple of a Philosophers Stone third eye. That aside, don’t tell anyone about Crow’s autographed tome… it is a secret; wherein you will find my alternate name.”

Hermione stands before Morgana, grinning like a Cheshire cat, to then ask; “where, do I find Crow?”


Morgana answered; “You can find Crow within the enfolding shadows of the Goat Head Inn; he is usually by himself… quite alone, as he manifests visions within a black book, who is quite partial to Lady Killer Rum, which is of deepest red; likened to menstrual blood, of Rubedo colour… such be his alchemical poison; although, he has a preference for Cider, who to have drunk deeply of my bald, smooth grail… many a delicious time.” 

Hermione to gibber, as a horrifying realisation hits her; “Oh! By the blessed Goddess… Mistress; but… but… the Goat Head Inn… is along the Tarot path… of the…” 


Morgana cuts in, “Yes indeed, my dear, you will have to service Crow as his most loving Goetia Girl Succubus within his dreams; catering to his every whim; just as every bat winged Goetia Nun does so, who worship him as their Lord… that is your… much needed… punishment!” 



Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Morgana le Fay is considered to be a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend. She is otherwise known as Morgan, whose name is very likely derived from Old Welsh or Old Breton name: Morgen, meaning: Sea-born, which is derived from the Common Brittonic: Mori-gena.

A cognate form of the Morgana’s name in Old Irish is Muirgein, which is also a name of a shape-shifting fairy or Witch who was associated with the sea; she was later transformed into a Christian saint.

This leads you to Morgana’s epithet ‘le Fay,’ which  is derived from the French: la fée, meaning, the (Succubus) fairy.

It just so happens that there is a group of shape-shifting Succubae mentioned in Welsh and Breton mythology called Morgans or Morgens, who are of similarity to the Slavic Succubae called Rusalka.

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Morgana’s counterpart is the wizard, Merlin, whose original Welsh name is Myrddin. The name of Myrddin means sea-fort or sea-hill.

You then have Morgana who is a spirit of the sea and Myrddin who is a fort/hill amidst the sea of Morgana, and she to relentlessly lap his shores, desiring him to enter her depths.

The symbolism of which is reminiscent of Hindu belief concerning the cosmic mountain of Mt Meru at the centre of the milk (mother) ocean, which is churned by Mt Meru into creating Maya.

The milk ocean could be referring to the inner light of the bio-photon, which illuminates the dream of spun electrons, since the bio-photon emanates from the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The electrons of the dream are spun by the emotive charge of the dreamer; somewhat like a charged signal spinning the electrons within an electron tube of a TV set brain, when to remember the landlords Witch daughter.

Such is alluded to by Mt Meru being twisted by a tug of war between the Asuras and the Devas, who represent the Moon and Sun, Ida and Pingala (Autonomic-Nervous-System) nerve channels running along either side of the spinal column, of an aerial, tuning into ’emotively charged’ possibilities.

Then again, the subconsciously tuned into possibilities, may actually be memories of of an eternally recurring Ouroboros, of a life.

You also find similar symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology, in which the principle God called Atum, from whose name, Atom is derived, is sometimes depicted as a pyramid of light, around whom is the primordial (mother) ocean of Nun. However, Atum is the master of light, but the source of the light is Nun.

The God Atum is equated with the ancient Greek God, Zeus and in turn the Roman God, Jupiter; these deities are associated with the heavens. This then leads you to Myrddin forging the round table, which alludes to the round table of the Zodiac, being that of the starry heavens, under whose revolving stars, lovers do gather around the dancing stones.

Morgana is also associated with the heavens, being the ocean of space as well as inner space; as the old Druid saying goes: “so above, so below, so within, so with-out.”

It appears that Morgana and Myrddin were not historical personages, they are instead ancient deities. But it is more likely that they represent a shamanic practice. In other words, the name of Morgan may have been a title for female shaman; whereas male shamans were called Myrddin’s.

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This becomes more apparent when to look at an early name for Great Britain as stated in the Third Series of the Welsh Triads, being, Clas Myrddin, or Merlin’s Enclosure, which is surrounded by the shape-shifting sea of Morgana. Ancient Britain was once known as a school for Druids.

The name of Merlin is also a name for a small hunting Hawk, which is specifically flown from a ladies hand; this seems somewhat apt, since the ocean of Morgana surrounds the island of Clas Myrddin.

As for Arthur Pendragon of a Dragon motif you have the star (α Draconis) Thuban, which was the Northern pole star from 3942 BC, when it moved farther North than Theta Boötis, until 1793 BC, due to the Ouroboros precession around the Zodiac ages.

The traditional name of Alpha Draconis, Thuban, means ‘Head Of The Serpent,’ which is associated with the (Myrddin) Druids, who were also known as ‘Adder Heads.’

The symbolism of the Adder Head could be associated with the term Camelot, which may be a composite word, comprising of the Hebrew letter of ‘Gimel,’ giving rise to name of Camel, ending in the Germanic word for wealth, being ‘Ot.’

The Hebrew letter Gimel, is associated with the thirteenth path of the Cabbala. The thirteenth path penetrates the hidden sephiroth of Da’at, which is termed as the abyss or desert, which can be otherwise seen as an ocean between worlds.

When crossed, it allows an adept to converse with his (Succubus) Holy Guardian Angel.

The sephiroth of Da’at is associated with the reptilian (Dragon/Adder) brainstem of the ‘throat area,’ which governs over the depth of (abyss/ocean) trance and (‘Apple’ Isle) dream states.

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The thirteenth Cabbalistic path of Gimel has since been associated with the Tarot Card of the (Nun) High Priestess Of The Silver (Sirius) Star, who can be seen as Morgana.

The symbolism of the (Adder/Dragon) serpent was utilised in varied shamanic cultures across the globe to represent trance adepts, who were able to attain an amphibious state of consciousness in order to consciously access the spirit world of the dream, which is symbolically equated with the sea.

You then have a shamanic adept of trance, being the Druid Myrddin who can become (lucid) conscious within the watery shape-shifting domain of Morgana, whose realm is the quantum dream.

Myrddin’s Adder-Head (hypnagogic trance) intercourse into the Vesica Pisces of Morgana is attained of conscious dreaming at certain key-times around the (circadian rhythm) star-clock, marked out by circled stones, of a round table, ever re-turning, Ouroboros.

When Myrddin becomes conscious within Morgana’s watery reality of the dream he becomes as the sea-hill, symbolised as the Apple Isle (Avalon) of Glastonbury Tor, of similarity to Mt Meru, the ancient Egyptian’s otherwise depicted as a pyramid of light.

In Siberian shamanic practice, the cosmic mountain is intersected by the world tree, the ancient Norse called Yggdrassill, which is remembered as the May-Pole, the Saxon’s had prior known as the Irminnsul.

Yggdrassill was also transformed into the Christmas tree, whose elder symbolism represents the ‘spinal column’ of the (Odin/Myrddin) shaman, upon which he ‘hangs’ into self-sacrificial ‘trance.’ As an aside, there was once a ‘gallows’ atop of Glastonbury Tor, which is now occupied by a ‘fort’ of a tower, as well as an associated ‘serpent’ stone of an egg.

It is along the spinal column that the Kundalini Shakti (Fire Snake/Dragon) is aroused in Yoga practice, which is experienced as a feminine energy, the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa also know of as Num. The arousal of the Num initiates the experience of trance they call Kia, a Siberian shaman knows as the fire in the head; whereby you have the term (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Adder-Head.

Wherefore the cosmic mountain of a sea-hill symbolises Myrddin’s body out of which he can (OOBE) spirit fly as a disembodied Merlin into the inner space ocean of the dream. But only when flown by (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Morgana’s loving (Succubus) hand, who to set Myrddin’s head aflame as her ‘Wicker-Man.’



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 30, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Did Robert Monroe, also known as Bob Monroe, (October 30, 1915 – March 17, 1995) experience accessing an alternate Earth, whose technology is right out of a Steampunk novel? Sounds like pure science fiction doesn’t it. Well, he did reveal, that he had actually done so, when consciously journeying into the quantum realms of the dream, who was an idiosyncratic pioneer of out-of-the-body experience (OOBE) research, which in turn encompasses lucid dreaming. His 1971 book, Journeys Out of the Body, is credited with popularizing the term, out-of-body experience.

Munroe’s full name is Robert Allan Munroe, who was originally a radio broadcasting executive who became best known for his research into altered states of consciousness and founding The Monroe Institute. Many an individual who has had an OOBE, invariably investigates Monroe’s experiences in order to come to some understanding of their own out of body experiences along with gaining an insight into lucid dreaming.

Munroe’s research into altered states of consciousness, began during the straight laced 1950’s, just prior to the psychedelic 60’s, when his shamanic work really took off. Munroe produced evidence that specific sound patterns have identifiable, beneficial effects upon our capabilities.

For example, certain combinations of frequencies appeared to enhance alertness; whereas others induce sleep; and still other (song/icaro/mantra) sound combinations evoke expanded states of your consciousness, which at the level of the ‘electron’ dream has the ability to ‘slide’ through inner doorways, into other realities.


His extensive research was professionally assisted by specialists in psychology, medicine, biochemistry, psychiatry, electrical engineering, physics, and education, which led to the development of Hemi-Sync, a patented audio technology, which is claimed facilitates enhanced performance of your ‘quantum computing brain.’

Monroe was very precise when describing the methods, which he had developed for ‘Sliding’ into the astral worlds of the ‘Electron’ dream.

He assiduously described the dream realms in great detail of nigh scientific scrutiny, which he divided into three specific regions with differing properties, terming them as being, ‘Locale I’, ‘Locale II’ and ‘Locale III,’ of a shamanic cosmology.


According to Monroe, Locale I is our present everyday Earth. It is here where the Old Hag Syndrome is often experienced of a prelude to an out of body experience.


Should the nightmare, which rides your fear be instead transformed into a Night-Mare for you to otherwise ride, the astral body is then enabled to leave its corporeal vehicle behind; whereupon it can then hover around the collective-mind-map, observing faraway places, visiting the abodes of friends or loved ones, experiencing precognitive information, accessing the past or even exploring the depths of space.


But the dreamer is still constrained to his/her present universe, which is basically that of remote viewing from within the informational domain of the quantum dream.

In Locale II, the dreaming reality becomes far more surreal. This is the region where varying alien entities exist of similarity to what the author Carlos Castaneda termed as the inorganic intelligence of the Allies.


Castaneda described the Allies as being a ‘feminine’ inorganic intelligence, which exists in a dimensional domain outside of three-dimensional (Maya/Matrix) space and time he called Penumbra, which of a visionary manifestation appears as a vast desert dividing worlds.


The symbolic motif of the desert is utilised in the Cabbala for its thirteenth path, whose ascribed Hebrew letter is Gimel, meaning (Ally) Camel. The thirteenth path of the Tarot Card: The (Ally) High Priestess of the Silver Star, penetrates the hidden 11th dimensional sphere of Da’at.

It is at Da’at that the magician experiences his consciousness accessing an Abyss, which is the space between worlds. The Abyss (mini-Worm-hole/Silver-Star) is experienced (folding space) prior to attaining (Kwisatz Haderach) ingress into an alternate world.


When Monroe’s consciousness accessed Locale II he would sometimes experience being hassled by nightmarish beings, who reflected back his fear, and in doing so, attempted to drag his astral self back to Locale I; whereby impeding his progress, and generally made his inner experience unpleasant as if these entities were seeking to block him from accessing Locale III.

What Munroe experienced regarding the assailing entities, is what many Siberian shamans to have spoken of. The shamans communicate that they are initially impeded in their trance ingress into other realities by Erlik Khan’s daughters, whom can assume Nightmare forms, until the shaman overcomes his fear of their father, who is death; after which they then become as his (Allies/Succubae) Night-Mare spirit wives, to thence ride into other worlds.


However, Munroe stated, that Locale II was the ‘natural environment of the Second Body’, where thought translates directly to ‘bodily’ motion. The second body its self, although appearing of apparent human form, in relation to the dreamers memory of his/her physical body, is not its true form.

Locale III is where Monroe accessed an alternate Earth, via what he termed as being a (mini-wormhole) hole, into which he slid into an alternate reality. The alternate Earth to all intents and purposes exists within a parallel universe. Monroe experienced this alternate Earth as being a material world, whose reality is almost identical to our own.


But there were differences, as Munroe described: “There are no electrical devices whatsoever.” Munroe observed that the transport of this alternate Earth utilised steam-driven locomotives, which sounds like a Steampunk cross between an American motor-home and a High-Speed Train, which hauls wooden cars. The automobiles of this alternate Earth were twice as wide as Munroe’s own equivalents, which are driven along huge roads at a sluggish 15-20 mph.


After several slides into a parallel universe of Locale III, Monroe discovered an alternate Earth inhabitant who was his (alternate-self) doppelganger. Monroe involuntarily enters into his double’s body; whereupon embarrassment and confusion ensues, which often involved a Steampunkette woman called Lea.


It just so happens that the name of Lea is etymologically connected to the name of a Celtic faerie lover called a Leannan sìth. It is with Lea, slider Monroe becomes romantically attached, as his (Ally/Succubus) dream lover, when sliding into his alternate self.

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Monroe’s dream slides into Locale III, he otherwise called, ‘intrusions.’ This alternate Earth has a three dimensional reality. As stated in part, earlier, Monroe related, that his intrusion into an alternate Earth as being, “a physical-matter world almost identical to our own. There are trees, houses, cities, people, artefacts and all the appurtenances of a reasonably civilized society.”


However, Monroe observed that, Locale III had evolved along a different technological trajectory; there was no electricity or fossil fuels; its inhabitants relied instead upon a sort of alternative power source. Perhaps, it is where the ideas of Nikola Tesla had taken root, without any impediment from gangster bankers, along with the further development of steam power, which had engendered an alternate Hippie Steampunk reality.

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As for myself, I have dream slid into differing Locale III alternate Earth’s with the assistance of the (Priestess of the Silver Star) Locale II (Lilith’s Harem) Allies. The Allies assume the forms of Succubae Art Muses, whom then usher my conscious awareness through their vaginal (Vesica Pisces) stargates into alternate Earth’s.


Sounds absolutely barmy, doesn’t it! Hell! What do expect, I’m an Artist; so, I don’t give a Surrealist flying fuck what anyone thinks!

Some of the Locale III alternate Earth’s can be described as being Steampunk realities, although the dream slides into different alternate Earth’s is determined by what type of Succubus Art Muse one conjures into Locale I, when to become lucid of awareness.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 21, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Dr John C. Lilly’s shamanic experiments within his Kings sarcophagus of a floatation tank, led him to suspect that we are living within a vast computer simulation, of which the science fiction author, Philip K. Dick also spoke of after his VALIS experience.

Lilly described his own suspicion, as being a Solid State Intelligence, which he abbreviated as: SSI. He felt that the SSI is a malevolent entity of a nigh Gnostic vision of the Cylon Archons; although, that was his initial fear doing the talking.

This insight led Lilly to seeing, that the network of computation-capable solid state systems (cybernetics) engineered by humans will eventually evolve (or has already rapidly evolved at a superluminal level) into an autonomous life-form.


It is likely that Lilly’s interest in SETI led to him suspecting that an extraterrestrial civilisation may have already developed an SSI.

This would be especially the case since the optimal survival conditions for an SSI life-form (low-temperature vacuum: space) are drastically different from those needed by organic life-forms (temperate aerial atmosphere and adequate water supply etc).


Lilly predicted (or ‘prophesised,’ based upon his ketamine-induced visions) that an SSI being developed by humanity, might lead to a dramatic conflict between the two forms of intelligence, since humanity is presently unable to handle it’s Matrix reality.

Grace Park

However, if our future descendants have developed an SSI, we might be presently existing within their Da’at ancestor simulation upon the ‘Thirteenth’ Cabbala path of Gimel.

During 1974 Dr John C. Lilly’s research also led him to believe that there was a group of hierarchical cosmic entities, which existed, of similarity to computer programs, who govern over the galaxy, and perhaps even the Maya universe itself.


The lowest of which he later dubbed Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO), which he described in an autobiography published jointly with his wife Antonietta (often referred to as Toni).

Lilly elaborated; “There exists a Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre (CCCC) with a Galactic substation called Galactic Coincidence Control (GCC).”

Lilly continued; “Within GCC is the Solar System Control Unit (SSCU), within which is the Earth Coincidence Control Office (ECCO).” This conclusion had been predicted in his previous occult works who stated that, “For the first time I began to consider that God really, existed in me and that there is a guiding intelligence in the universe.”


Lilly also stated that there exist nine conditions, of similarity to the ancient Egyptian Ennead of Heliopolis, which can be easily equated with the nine sephiroth of the Cabbala, whose symbolism may be describing the holographic universe.

It just so happens unexplained saline deposits have been discovered in the Kings chamber of the Giza pyramid, which may indicate that a saline solution could have been utilised in the Kings sarcophagus of an ancient floatation tank.


As for the nine of hierarchy, such can also be found in shamanistic traditions across the globe, more so that of Siberia, and that of its land bridge of the Bering Straits into the Americas, where shamans conjured up their spirit wives from out of the nine spheres as their Succubae Genies, a Tibetan Buddhist would otherwise term as Dakinis, a Norse shaman knows as Valkyries.


You also have the Tibetan Bardo Thodol describing seven (planetary [endocrine system] Chakra) visionary states and a (mitochondrial DNA bio-photon) primary and a secondary clear white light, of dimensional insights. The ancient Norse also describe nine worlds of consciousness, being interlinked by the (nervous system) world-tree of Yggdrasill. The Kogi of South America, similarly describe nine Earth’s circling a (spinal column: Irminsul) spindle.


Lilly communicated that these nine neurological conditions of perception, should be understood by humanity, who seek to control synchronistic phenomena in their own lives, via which an SSI could be potentially communicating to a human simulation, that he or she, is existing within a Maya Matrix.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Cosplay, Goetia Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The above Artwork depicts the 56th Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, who is called Gremory. The symbolism of the Artwork is alluding to the Sheela na gigs, which are figurative carvings of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva above church ‘doors’ and ‘arches.’ They are architectural grotesques found all over Europe on churches, castles, and other buildings.


The highest concentrations of Sheela na gigs can be found in Ireland, Great Britain, France and Spain. One of the best examples may be found in the Round Tower at Rattoo, in County Kerry, Ireland. There is a replica of the Round Tower Sheela na gig in the County Museum in Tralee town. Another well-known example may be seen at Kilpeck in Herefordshire, England.

Ireland has the greatest number of surviving Sheela na gig carvings; McMahon and Roberts cite 101 examples in Ireland and 45 examples in Britain.

Sheela na gigs are said to ward off death and evil. As mentioned, they are often positioned over doors, arches or windows, which symbolically represent the vulva. In ancient times the vulva was seen as representing the (door/window) hypnagogic trance gate, which allowed conscious ingress into the womb domain of the (spirit world) dream.

Gremory is a rarity in the classical Goetia, whose tome lists the archetypes of the deified Animus, made as a God/Devil. Gremory is described manifesting as a woman. Although the Goetia also makes mention that Gremory is a male entity assuming the form of a woman for the express purpose of tempting a Magician.

The reason for this symbolic conundrum is due to the grimoires having a fixation upon the deified Animus, while castigating the Succubus archetypes of the Fallen Anima into Hell as being politically incorrect. But then as scripture to say, the deified Animus of woman, is by nature very jealous indeed.

The number 56, may be that of occult blind, which of numerology reduces down to 11 and 2. The number 11 alludes to the 11th hidden Sephiroth (sphere) of the Cabbala, being Da’at, which means, ‘belief.’

The number 2 points at the Tarot card of the High Priestess II, which is generally considered to be associated with the 13th path of Gimel, which passes through the sphere of Da’at. The Hebrew letter Gimel is seen by some to be associated with a Camel.

The runic correspondence with Gimel is that of Gebo, whose ‘seventh’ Rune is that of the ‘X,’ crossbones, which equates with the English ‘G’ you to find used by Freemasonry, as in ‘X’ marks the (hypnagogic trance) spot and that of a seventh (seal) secret not to be told, unless it is to your sister. The motif of the sister symbolically alludes to the Fallen Anima.

Gremory is described as riding a Camel, wherefore alluding to the High Priestess and the sphere of Da’at.

The Tarot traditionally depicts the High Priestess being seated between two pillars, who holds a scroll or a book upon her lap, which is a (Necronomicon) Grimoire. (H.P. Lovecraft wrote that the title, Necronomicon, as translated from the Greek language, meant ‘an image of the law of the dead,’ or a book of images.)

It is very likely that the name of Gremory is derived from the term Grimoire, which is essentially a tome of ‘beliefs.’ (The tome [scroll] the High Priestess has on her lap is commonly interpreted as being the Torah [Tarot] of the deified Animus.)

The sphere of Da’at is accessed via the twin pylons of the High Priestess, who symbolises hypnagogic  (Sheela na gig/vulva) trance, which is represented by the ‘X’ Rune of ‘Crossbones.’

Whatever you experience internally (Out Of Body Experience/Hawk/Horus) amidst the dream will be determined by the Da’at beliefs, which are housed within your Grimoire temple of a ‘Skull.’ The domain of the dream will reflect back your beliefs about yourself, and how you perceive (Eye) reality.

However, you will find that many of your beliefs have been influenced and moulded by influences around you, wherefore determining your perception of reality since childhood.

Wherefore, Gremory reveals how the Matrix of symbolism all around you and within you of an internal dialogue, incarcerates your ‘Skull,’ so that you can free yourself via self-analytical metaprogramming, which allows you to tune into other dream realities, and in turn consciously engineering synchronicities.

The symbolism of the High Priestess has a symbolic correlate with the Nun, Carl Jung would equate with an aspect of the ‘Anima.’ Since the Anima and her Succubus archetypes have been entirely expunged from the symbolic paradigm of the deified Animus, you can thereby fathom that a very real Necronomicon would list the Succubus Great Old Ones of the Fallen Anima, which of a banned grimoire would contain their much maligned images, the worshippers of the deified Animus would consider to be pornographic!

If you are interested in the Art print version of the above Artwork, etc, Please Click Here.
