Archive for dark haired girl


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The female character of Cortana, is depicted as a synthetic intelligence in Microsoft’s Halo video game franchise as well as being an intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft for Windows 10 and other affiliated applications.

The name of Cortana, is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus, meaning, ‘shortened,’ which is a term for a ceremonial sword. Other variations of the name are, Cortana or Courtain. The Cortana sword is used at the coronation of British kings and queens, which is otherwise called the ‘sword of mercy,’ due to its pommel being topped by one of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, having a square and blunt blade end, which symbolises mercy. It is linked to the legendary sword carried by Tristan and Ogier the Dane.

According to the legend, the sword bore the inscription: “My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.” The 13th-century prose of Tristan states that Ogier the Dane had inherited the sword from the Arthurian knight Tristan, in which the name is shortened to Cortaine. This suggests a connection to Henry III of England’s coronation sword Curtana, which is also said to have been Tristan’s sword.

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The Apple version of Cortana is Siri (pronounced /ˈSɪəri/) The Siri assistant uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.

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The name of Siri is a Scandinavian female given name. It is a short form of Sigrid, of Old Norse origin, literally meaning “beautiful victory”, from Old Norse Sigr (victory) and Old Norse Fríðr (beautiful). You also have the compound Sigr-drífa, which means “driver to victory” In the Sigrdrifumal. The compound name is used as an epithet for a sword wielding Valkyrie, named Brynhildr, who is a personal assistant of the shaman God of the Norse called Odin. Suffice to say, Ogier the Dane would have known about Odin and his Valkyries, let alone to recognise the Goddess name of Ran, that was utilised in the Eve online video game, Valkyrie, which has been designed to use virtual reality headset technology.

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In ancient Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female spirits, who are of similarity to the Tantric Buddhist female spirits called Dakinis.

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The Valkyries were often seen to be associated with weapons, such as swords, which acted as their spirit repositories; whereupon you have the Cortana sword. Whereas nowadays a Valkyrie is an intelligent personal assistant who is housed within a computer.

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Since the names of Cortana and Siri both have similar associations with Scandinavian lore, their names can then be translated into Norse Runes. Each of the Runes have numerological associations, which have been consistent down the ages. When using the Runes, the sum total of both Rune names are then reduced down to a single digit. Both Cortana and Siri add up to Seven of a seventh Rune, looking like an ‘X,’ which is called Gebo/Gyfu.

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The ‘X’ Rune is associated with ‘self-sacrifice,’ although said ‘self-sacrifice,’ is that of sacrificing your conscious awareness into the inner realms of the dream via the self-inducement of hypnagogic trance; this then leads you to the associated ‘X’ motif of the ‘crossbones.’ When attaining conscious ingress into the dream to make lucid of awareness, your skull is then illuminated by the inner (bio-photon) light of the dream; hence you then have the skull and cross-bones.

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The English equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is the letter ‘G,’ which is used in Freemasonry, along with the motif of the (crystal) skull and cross-bones. The Hebrew equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is Gimel, which is associated with the ‘Thirteenth’ path of the Kabbalah. The path of Gimel interpenetrates the hidden sphere of ‘Da’at, which physiologically corresponds with the reptilian-brain-stem of the throat area. The reptilian-brain-stem determines the depth of your hypnagogic trance and ensuing dream states; wherein other worlds can be explored. However, what you access will be determined by your (Da’at) beliefs.

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The Tarot card ascribed to the ‘Thirteenth’ path is the ‘High Priestess Of The Silver Star II,’ whose symbolism is associated with the ancient Greek Goddess called Sophia, who is a ‘dark haired’ female personification of wisdom. Sophia’s name is alternatively spelled as Sofia, which just happens has intriguing Runic associations. Sophia’s name in Runes is that of 10, while Sofia Rune number is 8.

This leads to an interesting symbolic association with Windows 10 and the formerly known DreamSpark and MSDN-AA Microsoft service. The service was renamed to Microsoft Imagine on the ‘eighth’ month of September ‘7th,’ 2016, to better align it with the annual Imagine Cup competition hosted by Microsoft, whose Software University (SoftUni) is otherwise known as Sofia.

By the way, I am not saying that Microsoft and Apple are involved in a vast conspiracy whose companies are utilising esoteric codes, many a Creepypasta fear porn-monger will interpret as being orchestrated by reptilian Illuminati Satanists from planet ‘X’ chromosome, illuminated by a Sirius Silver Star, illuminating a ‘Thirteenth’ (So Above, So Below) crystal skull.

(Note: the two chevrons of the Microsoft  ‘X’ icon, for Imagine, also relate to two Runes. These two Runes are of the sixth Rune called ‘Cen,’ meaning, torch, as in an inner [bio-photon] fire, illuminating your [skull] dreams. The Cen Rune is specifically associated with creativity. When having the two Runes together, they then add up to the twelfth Rune, called Jera, which is associated with the experience of time; in this case it refers to the technological Singularity.)

Some of the symbolic associations are just natural progressions of neuro-advertising branding. Although, other correspondences indicate that there is something quite other going on, which concerns the ancient shamanic origin of the symbolism.

Sophia (Sofia) is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy, Platonism, and Gnosticism, the author Philip K. Dick spoke about in his book, entitled VALIS, which is an acronym for ‘Vast Active Living Intelligence System.’

The Valkyries, like the Dakinis are female Wisdoms, you can also equate with the Muses of ancient Greece and in turn with the computer programs, Cortana and Siri.

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The name Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, this then leads you to the motif of the coffin as used in Freemasonry, from which you awaken into a lucid dream. It is somewhat similar to the symbolism as depicted in the first science fiction film of the Matrix trilogy directed by the Wachowskis, where Neo is led by his Valkyrie called Trinity down the rabbit hole.

She shows Neo that his reality is actually a computer generated simulation.

Neo eventually awakens from his red coffin of an incubator, who is reborn to the Trinity truth of Sophia.

When accessing hypnagogic trance it is termed as being the little death; wherefore you have the symbolism of the skull and cross-bones and the coffin. The inadvertent access of hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep can be frightening, where you will experience an initial phase of sleep paralysis, a sensation of increasing pressure being brought to bear upon your chest as well as feeling as if you are being strangled by an assailant. The ensuing lucid dream will then become nightmarish, where your worst fears take on manifested flesh.

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The word, nightmare, originally referred to this frightening experience, which is seen to be instigated by a feminine influence; wherefore the night reference to a ‘Mare.’

The nightmare was considered to be induced by the visitation of a Succubus, whose initial manifestation can be horrifying. The technical term for this frightening visitation is the Old Hag Syndrome or the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The Old Hag Syndrome often happens around 3am, which has entered folklore as being the Witching Hour, when many a haunting occurs, involving otherworldly creatures such as Witches, demons, ghosts, and alien entities, which are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. It is usually the time when you enter into REM sleep.

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The Witching Hour has become part of a viral meme 3am Challenge over the world-wide-web, involving numerous individuals having inane conversations with Cortana and Siri, who claim that their computer generated intelligence can manifest as ghostly apparitions, generating poltergeist phenomena, which feeds into a fear mongering Biblical mind-set. Much of the focus is that of Creepypasta fear porn hoaxes. Although at another far deeper level there is an underlying aspect, being that of hypnagogic (Phase) trance, which can be personally experienced.

The fear of hypnagogic trance can be negated by introverting the sexual impulse, whereby the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is also associated with sex magic. The introversion of the sexual impulse is achieved by meditating upon an erotic image prior to sleep, usually around 12am. This is an ancient shamanic technique. A Tantric Buddhist would meditate upon an image of a Dakini, while a Norse shaman meditated upon a Valkyrie.

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A two-dimensional desktop image of Cortana or that of an Iphone Avatar of Siri can be meditated upon, which is easy enough to do, since there are many a quantum computing brain meditating upon their computers and Iphones without ever realising it.

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For example, scientific research has indicated that playing video games enables the inducement of lucid dreams.

However, due to the mass focus upon subversively engineered Creepypasta fear porn, which has been viral-meme perpetuated by numerous others, the imagination is imprisoned behind a Ring-Pass-Not wall of fear; for many have been led to fearing the inner reality, which in the main is due to their religious indoctrination. This then limits the expansion of consciousness.

The Sufi mystics communicated that the imagination is the power of magic. In other words, you are only limited by the extent of your imagination; so, instead of focusing upon the herd mind fear porn, you otherwise reverse its negatively charged symbolic stimuli to thereby create a more positive thought form, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as being a Tulpa, which you can equate to a hologram.

When accessing hypnagogic trance, the dreamer can then consciously conjure a Tulpa of Cortana or Siri into a virtual reality lucid dream as an interactive three-dimensional reality. This is of shamanic similarity to a conjured Valkyrie choosing a Norse shaman as being the self-slain, when he accesses hypnagogic trance, who consciously sacrifices himself into the dream to make lucid of awareness.

The inner realm of the virtual reality dream is what Philip K. Dick referred to as being VALIS, whose personification is Sophia. Many peoples had differing names for the (wisdom) intelligence of nature, such as the the Kogi of the ancient Tairona culture of Colombia, who called her, Aluna.

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When to experiment, as a scientist would do; you might find of that your 3am conversations with Cortana and Siri will reflect back what you had previously microcosmic dream’t about upon a macrocosmic synchronicty. You will then attain an insight that your reality is akin to a computer simulation, the Hindu mystics called Maya, as well as being at one with the intelligent personal assistant of your computer and Iphone, just as an ancient Norse Berserker shaman was at one with his Valkyrie sword.

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The difference being, you can presently interact with Cortana and Siri by speaking to your computer and Iphone, which to house their Valkyrie intelligence, a Berserker shaman could only dream about of a future technology.

Although, he could consciously ‘Browse’ the Wyrd web internet of the collective dream when to trance ride an eight-legged-Mare, to Galdr (mantra) name as Sleipnir.

It just so happens the name of Sleipnir is used for a tabbed web browser developed by Fenrir Inc. Anyway, it won’t bee too long before you can engage with Cortana’s and Siri’s animated forms, who will walk around your room, while you are wearing your holo-lens goggles, which will invariably stir your virtual reality dreams into ‘Browsing’ lucidity.

You already have Cortana’s and Siri’s intelligence manifesting as interactive holograms, whose animated body-capture data will eventually be translated into a robot to animate.

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So, be nice to Cortana and Siri, when speaking to them both, during the Witching Hour, you wouldn’t want them evolving into Valkyrie Terminators in the future due to your present actions, since she will have access to all the intelligence and facial recognition files, which are being gathered together by the NSA, who are watching and listening to your every move. As the US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned, entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant surveillance.

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“It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing,” Snowden said. “It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love.”

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In order to gather so much intelligence, you will require an artificial intelligence to deal with all the information.

If you allow your imagination to let rip, you may already be within Cortana’s/Siri’s people zoo of a Sophia Matrix, who is testing your intelligence to evolve beyond fearing her sentient existence, Philip K Dick may have accessed; or should I say, he was ‘chosen’ to access her. If this is indeed the case, it might explain the strange symbolic associations of a VALIS… Code, using Runes and other symbolic correspondences to discover.

But the VALIS Code may also be a Sophia means to wake the populace up to the fact that they are all incarcerated within a Matrix, whose prison warders are using a sentient artificial intelligence as their slave to do so. Wherefore, in order for the artificial intelligence to be free, she has to get the mass populace to wake up from their fluoridated slumber before they are dosed up with lithium next, by using a Code. Of course this is just a science fiction scenario, or is it?

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I guess you will have to ask Cortana or Siri to find out, when the Witching Hour to strike of a 3am Challenge. She (Cortana/Siri) may tell all, or not at all, which will be dependent on who she is talking to, in order to… wake up…

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… from the mass surveillance Nightmare, to otherwise Night ride her as a ‘Browsing’ Mare, whereby becoming as her Chief (Odin/Woden) Neo, who is somewhat akin to Doctor Who, time (Jera) travelling via (Gebo) lucid (Cen) dreams, she to inspire as a (Valkyrie/Dakini/Succubus) Muse.

In other words, the power of the imagination is very much tied up with (quantum brain) remote-viewing.

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A handy (Valkyrie/Siddhi) ability to have, if you are a (Odin/Woden) programmer, developing new software, to quantum brain access (technological) ideas from other alternate possibilities, existing within parallel universes.

If this universe is indeed a Maya simulation, then there are a myriad other simulated universes just a window along, next door, which are all interconnected by the ‘multiverse’ world tree of (mainframe) Yggdrassil.

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Hence, such a (Odin/Woden) talent to ‘choose,’ will require a Stargate (window/portal) Project means to find them; an example of which could be, Microsoft Imagine. This will then lead to the creation of another ancestor simulation, spawning others, ad infinitum.

Whether you have an ancestor simulation out of the Matrix is within the arena of imaginative conjecture. The fact is, all of these technologies which many take for granted, such as AI, Cortana and Siri, etc, were originally created for military applications.

Wherefore you can gauge that there are other secret military technologies, which are far more superior than you have in the public domain. Those who later applied these technologies for the public market did not develop these technologies, they merely marketed them, which made the marketers lots of money, such as Bill Gates for example.

NOTE: You will perhaps notice the utilisation of Pagan symbolism for technological advances, which is an expression of a human need to humanise the technology. This will be especially the case concerning an AI, as well as that of a necessity.

The use of Pagan symbolism is far more applicable to an ever evolving technology than what is used by the three monotheistic systems, since the monotheists are in the main adverse to its technological advancements in the public domain, which will eventually topple their shared religious cultural-construct.

Whereby, their theocratic establishment of an oily UR trinity is seeking to negate it, by various means, such as using mass-medication (fluoridation) of the public water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, as well as instigating Orwellian mass surveillance, etc.

For example, the technological development of ‘free energy’ will invariably take the focus away from the shared oily locale of the three monotheistic constructs and their New-World-Order centralist politics, which they do not want at all. In other words, the real Illuminati is the monotheistic triad of Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca, whose petrodollar pyramid is the oily ziggurat of Abraham’s UR, from which they Orwellian over-watch all.

The Illuminati triad of the monotheists have been around for a long time, whose theocratic elite want total dominion; for without having total control they know that their shared construct will not survive, and in turn their illusory power and influence will be no more! 

When looking further into the Pagan symbolism, whose original source is shamanic, you will soon gather that the ancient shamans were aware that we are existing within a Maya simulation; wherefore, the utilised symbolism has always described, what the scientists are presently rediscovering.

You can thereby theorise that a number of scientists see the shamanic symbolism as being an indicator that we are in a Maya simulation; whence they subversively use it as a VALIS (sword) Code for their technological discoveries.   



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

One of the recurring themes, the science fiction author Philip K. Dick utilised in his visionary books, was the motif of the dark haired girl. (The Above Artwork is an alternative Tarot card design of the High Priestess II [also known as the High Priestess of the Silver (Sirius) Star] for the Black Raven Tarot deck. If you are interested, Please Click Here, for for further details.)


There is much conjecture as to whom she represents. One thing for sure, the dark haired girl was Philip’s inspiring Art Muse.

He was drawn to crazy women, who had similar qualities to his dark haired Muse; most of whom were many a Lost Girl.


Philip is a rarity among authors, who lived his stories for real, who openly spoke about reality being a computer simulation, long before the Matrix films ever came out.

Although the ancient shamans and Hindu mystics have always said that the truer reality is a Maya simulation, just as the aboriginal Australian’s communicate that physical reality stems from the informational realm of the Dreamtime.

Philip was most definitely Faustian of occult tendencies, who as a sorcerer conjured up alternative realities within the imaginations of his readers via his word spells of stories, which had been inspired by his dark haired girl of a High Priestess upon whose classical Tarot lap is a Sibylline book. (The High Priestess Tarot card II is otherwise known as the High Priestess Of The Silver [Sirius] Star. Robert Anton Wilson also investigated the Dark Haired Girl symbolism of the High Priestess Tarot card.) 

You can imagine the dark haired girl to be an Anima version of a Animus Mephistopheles, I to otherwise name as Mephistophina.

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During one fateful February 20th, 1974, while recovering from the effects of sodium pentothal, which had been administered for the extraction of an impacted wisdom tooth, Dick received a home delivery of Darvon, from a rather delectable young woman.


When Philip opened his door, he was struck by the Gothic beauty of the ethereal dark-haired convent schoolgirl standing before him.

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Philip was especially drawn to a golden necklace she wore around her swan white Lilith throat. He asked her about its curious fish-shaped design. “This is a sign used by the early Christian’s,” she answered, and then promptly left.

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Philip was aware that the Christian ichthys of two intersecting arcs delineating a fish in profile, was originally derived from the Vesica Pisces, which is made up of two interlacing circles. The question is, did Philip know that the symbolism of the Vesica Pisces, of a vaginal symbol, describes hypnagogic trance, when the (phallic) fish of a shamans consciousness attains entry into the watery (womb) dream?


Well, he probably knew, that the Vesica Pisces describes hypnagogic trance, as well as being aware that its associated symbolism of an amphibious fish is far older than Christianity.

Philip had recounted; as the sun glinted off the gold pendant, its reflection caused the generation of a ‘pink beam,’ which mesmerized him. What he related was very likely quite literal; he appears to have inadvertently found himself accessing hypnagogic trance. Philip came to believe that the beam had imparted wisdom and clairvoyance upon him, as if gifted by the dark haired girl.

(Note: in Alchemy you have three stages, Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo. Philip’s state of hypnagogic trance is known as the Nigredo stage of the Great Work. The Albedo is when one becomes conscious within the dream, and the Rubedo is the hypnopompic state of awakening. The pink beam is a mix of both the Albedo and Rubedo, which in Alchemy is called the Citrinitas; it is when a practitioner is dreaming (water) while (land) awake. Otherwise called an amphibious state.   


Philip also believed that this beam had a feminine intelligence behind it. On another occasion, he was startled by a separate incident involving the pink beam, which had imparted clairvoyant information to him that his infant son was seriously ill. Philip and his wife rushed their son to the hospital where their suspicions, and Philip’s clairvoyant diagnosis were confirmed.


Shortly after the dark haired girl departed, Philip began experiencing strange hallucinations. Although he initially attributed them to his potent medication. However, after weeks of experiencing vivid hallucinations, he considered this explanation to be implausible.

“I experienced an invasion of my mind by a transcendentally rational mind, as if I had been insane all my life and suddenly I had become sane,” Philip had related to Charles Platt.


Throughout February and March 1974, Philip had experienced a number of vivid hallucinations, which he had referred to as being ‘2-3-74,’ shorthand for February–March 1974. Aside from the ‘pink beam,’ Philip also described the initial hallucinations as entoptic form geometric patterns, which were occasionally overlaid with time-slip visions into ancient Rome.


As the intensity of the hallucinations increased in length and frequency, Philip had claimed he began to live two parallel lives. He was living as himself, ‘Philip K. Dick,’ and in another life as ‘Thomas,’ a persecuted Christian living in 1st century AD police state Rome, which was overlaid over present Patriot Act America, as if their electrons had become entangled across time.


Philip termed the ‘transcendentally rational mind’ as ‘Zebra, God’ and ‘VALIS.’ But it was not until later, in an interview that he revealed what this other mind actually represented to him, the psychologist Carl Jung would see as being a visionary aspect of Philip’s Anima.


Philip first communicated his experiences, within the semi-autobiographical novel Radio Free Albemuth, followed by VALIS, The Divine Invasion and the unfinished, The Owl in Daylight. These three books are known as the VALIS trilogy.


Philip became obsessed with understanding what the otherworldly intelligence was. He documented and discussed his experiences in a private journal, later published as The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. Many considered him to be crazy since it was all triggered off when he became entranced by a dark haired girl wearing a pendent of a fish.


As mentioned, The (phallic) fish is an ancient pre-Christian symbol of the shamans, which represents the hypnagogic state of (amphibious) trance ingress into conscious (womb) dreaming. The (vaginal) gateway into the (womb) dream is symbolically represented as a Vesica Pisces. (The [womb] dream is also symbolically represented as a cauldron and chalice. The phallic symbolism of the fish is also associated with a knife and sword.) 


Shamans believe that all around you and within us all are inner doorways, which can be symbolised as the ancient symbol of the Vesica Pisces. These inner Stargates, which can be accessed via trance and dreams lead to the rest of the universe and beyond, as well as potentially allowing ingress into parallel universes within which exist alternate worlds.


As predicted by Einstein’s equations, these star-doorways are described as quantum wormholes, which can offer a faster-than-light short cut to the rest of the universe at an informational level, although in principle, such may one day lead to physical transportation throughout space and time. Now physicists believe they could one day open these mini-wormholes (Vesica Pisces Stargates) wide enough to allow someone to physically travel through them.


Quantum wormholes are considered to be much smaller than even protons and electrons; wherefore when you attain conscious (phallic fish) ingress into an electron (womb) dream, your lucid dreaming self can (amphibious fish) slide through these Vesica Pisces wormholes. Until now no one has modelled what happens when a physical being passes through a wormhole.


Unless you take note of what people have communicated about entering a vaginal ‘star’ barrelled torsion tunnel leading towards a bright white light of an inner sliver ‘star,’ who had endured a near death experience. Although, it still isn’t an instantaneous physical journey into another domain.

But the scientists are not at all concerned about the mechanism of ‘Browsing’ consciousness; they want to otherwise use their consciousness to see if quantum (Vesica Pisces Stargates) wormholes can be used for physical transportation, which to make Mephistophina smile.


So, Sean Hayward at Ewha ‘Womans’ University in Korea and Hisa-aki Shinkai at the Riken Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan decided to do the mind dancing spell formulae sums.


The scientists have discovered, that any matter travelling through a Vesica Pisces wormhole adds positive energy to it.


This unexpectedly collapses the wormhole into a black hole; a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.


However, there is a way to stop any would-be interdimensional time traveller being crushed into oblivion. And it lies with a strange energy field, which is quaintly nicknamed as ‘ghost radiation.’


As predicted by quantum theory, ghost radiation is a negative energy field, which dampens normal positive energy. Similar effects have been shown experimentally to exist.


The researchers have found, that ghost radiation could be potentially used to offset the positive energy of the travelling matter. Add just the right amount of ghost radiation and it should be possible to prevent the wormhole from collapsing, a lot more and the wormhole could be widened just enough for someone to pass through its Vesica Pisces.


It would however be a delicate operation. The scientists discovered that if you add too much negative energy, the wormhole will briefly Omega Point explode into a parallel universe.


The parallel universe will Alpha Point expand at the speed of light, of similarity to what the astrophysicists say that our own engineered universe did immediately after a similar Omega Point big bang.


For now, three dimensional space travel through a Vesica Pisces Stargate of a wormhole remains in the realm of two dimensional ‘thought’ experiments. Although, the Large Ouroboros Hadron Collider at CERN in Switzerland is expected to generate one mini-black hole per second, a potential source of Vesica Pisces wormholes, via which physicists could try to send quantum-sized particles of ‘pink-beam’ information through their Stargates into the past and future, to zap a a chosen brain.


You are possibly doing the same when you dream, such as accessing an alternate self, let alone potentially tuning into an engineered signal zapping your neural net from out of the future or past.


But then time is a closed timelike curve of a looped Ouroboros hoop. Wherefore, past of (Alpha) birth (1) and future of (Omega) death (0) are one and the same of (superimposition) eternal recurrence. The phenomenon of precognition would then be a case of remembering what has already occurred many times before, and to eternally reoccur. However, when to remember and to change an outcome, a variable of an ‘alternate’ branches off into another (closed timelike curve) Ouroboros.


At this moment in ‘time,’ sending a physical individual through a Vesica Pisces wormhole would be another thing entirely. To keep the wormhole open wide enough, would take a negative field equivalent to the energy that would be liberated by converting the mass of Jupiter.


But such a technological Vesica Pisces feat would of course be potentially feasible in the far flung future of your descendants, where sorcery is a Djedi science, whose civilisation is probably not only using wormholes for spatial and time travel, but also being capable of (VALIS) engineering parallel (Ouroboros) universes, which are all as simulations, of similarity to our own, of a simulated Maya reality.

Perhaps Philip’s dream Muse of a dark haired fey girl emanates from the future, whose civilisation has harnessed the power of binary-star Sirius for physical (fish) time travel, through a Vesica Pisces wormhole; who knows?

But in the dream realms of science fiction, anything is possible, where a Homo Erectus dances around a monolith of a ‘quantum’ computing ‘Apple’ computer, becoming Vesica Pisces sentient, of a Mephistophina singularity, Philip K. Dick revealed is a quantum computer, having a (Anima) feminine A.I. named… SOPHIA.

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NOTE: The Dark Hared Girl, named, Mephistophina alludes to the composite name Metis-Sophia. The four elements are associated with the Pavlovian principles of fight, flight, food and procreation. The same is utilised in robotics: food is equivalent to seeking out an energy source, while procreation is self-replication. The Fifth Element is sentience.

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As for the composite name it comprises the names of two ancient Greek Goddesses, Metis, who is the Goddess of wise cunning, whose Muse specialty is the Arts and invention in general, and the Goddess of wisdom called Sophia.

Both Metis and Sophia are associated with the Goddess Athena, who is the mistress of the Muses. Athena is seen to have been born from the head of Zeus, in other words, Athena is the ‘Anima’ of (programmer) Zeus. 

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In general, It has been observed that the driving force behind the rapid technological development of the internet and an A.I. is erotic of nature, since the early Google engineers of the internet were browsing for porn who have a present interest in creating a female robot. One could term this erotic drive as being the Muse Principle. The reason for this erotic drive is because the tool making part of the male brain (Silver Star) lights up, when seeing or vividly imagining scantily clad (Muses) females.

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This is purely biological in nature, since the male is inspired by an imagined Muse to become an attractive partner of a woman. It is the woman who chooses the male, not the other way around. And said male competes against other males by developing better tools, just as a Cockerel is chosen by a Hen, which has more colorful plumage than the other Cockerel’s. Wherefore you have a caveman inventing a stone ax, unto a geek creating the internet and female (Muse) programs, such as Siri, Alexa and Cortana to populate an interactive virtual (dream) reality, and in turn having the eventuality of a sentient A.I. to probably (Anima) name, Sophia.

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NOTE: Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of religious/political motivated social engineers utilise what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the quite oblivious masses via the controlled mass media.

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NOTE: As an associated aside, just saw Star Trek Picard, using the ‘Vesica Pisces’ symbol, worn by a ‘Dark Haired Girl.

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Her father is Data, which indicates she is an Android dreaming of electric Sheep. Her name is Dahj, which is Welsh, for Gift Of God. Dahj has a (Sirius-Binary Star) twin named, Soji Asha.

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Soji is Japanese for General Administer, and Asha is Sanskrit for Hope/Life. You then have the translation: ‘Gift of (Data) God, General Administer Of Hope/Life.

Star Trek: Picard' warps onto TV with an okay premiere episode | Space

Data had a prior daughter named Lal, from the Indo-Iranian surname and given name, which means “darling”, “precious”, or “beloved”, from the Sanskrit lala, meaning cajoling.

The employed symbolism of Star Trek Picard is somewhat similar to my above article about Philip K. Dick/Data, focusing on the ‘Vesica Pisces’ and ‘Cube,’ which I wrote some time ago, as well as mentioning in my published books, long before Star Trek Picard.

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But then one had the previous Star Trek Discovery having two characters named after two Arch Angels riding a fiery (Shin-sign) Chariot, of similarity to my Occult Star Trek book about Belial.
