Archive for star trek


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 8, 2021 by FAUSTUS CROW

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Enlarged Panels from an A4 size Penciled comic page to be Inked in, possibly painted. The Artwork refers to Star Trek, the re-imagined Battlestar Galactica, Cylons 6 and 8, as well as other Science Fiction, Fantasy themes alluding to A.I. fused with Occultism, which can be seen on my Patreon Page.

Enlarged Panels from an A4 size Penciled comic page to be inked in, possibly painted. Mermaid Submariners and Popular culture fused with Occultism.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_original_artwork_comic_pencils_succubus_art_faustus_crow_mardun (2)

Enlarged Panels from an A4 size Penciled comic page to be inked in, possibly painted…

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_original_artwork_comic_pencils_succubus_art_faustus_crow_mardun (3)

Devil Girl Audrey Hepburn, she’s locked the door; there’s no escape, other than impregnating her dream door! If you are interested in seeing the Full Artwork, Please Click Here.



Posted in Alien, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 9, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Operation Paperclip was an American top secret program of the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA), which was carried out by Special Agents of Army CIC.

The Dark Side Of The Waxing ‘Crescent Moon’ project had spirited away more than 1,600 Nazi scientists, engineers, and technicians from out of WWII Germany to America, which became their new Deutschland.

One could say that America had been invaded by Third Reich Nazis without them firing a single shot, who all attained high positions in American industry. But then they shared the same Hollywood-land dislike of the atheist communists, just as the Roman Catholic church does, whose Romulan big-business cult sided with many a fascist regime, being the reason why a photographed Pope shook the hand of Hitler.

The Nazi scientists then led the American ‘Military black projects’ at the end of WWII unto the Cold War era and beyond, which invariably became their Military Industrial Complex Fourth Reich.

One of these Deutschland scientists was Hermann Oberth, the German father of rocketry who later founded NASA. 

Oberth was born on June 25th, 1894, to German-speaking parents in Vlad Dracul Transylvania (now Romania).

Oberth became a mentor to a young assistant by the name of Wernher von Braun. Together they worked in rocketry research for the Nazi regime, although they were far more interested in science than politics. 

It just so happens Walt Disney was an avid fan of Dr. Wernher von Braun’s V2 rocket who featured von Braun in a TV show, Man And The Moon. Dr. Carol Rosin is also a fan of von Braun who has worked with institutions like NASA, IBM and TRW. She personally interviewed von Braun in February of 1974.

It was during this time, shortly before his demise in 1977, that von Braun decided to confide to Dr. Rosin about the details of a ‘Secret Space Agenda,’ the likes of Walt Disney and his Mickey Mouse audience would have been totally shocked to hear.

Von Braun might have decided to do so because he was a scientist at the end of the day; the politics he had become unwillingly embroiled with was just a means to an end.

He no doubt knew that the Pentagon was seriously considering using the nuclear bomb during the Vietnam war, which would have led to Soviet Russia retaliating in kind. However, his revelation was more so that of a deathbed confession.

Inviting her into his office, von Braun stunned Dr. Rosin by describing the Fourth Reich plan of the ‘Military Industrial Complex,’ point for Romulan point, as well as describing in exact Terran Empire detail where it was all leading: ‘Orwellian planetary control under an oppressive One World Government.’

1: According to von Braun, space based weapons, later known as the ‘Star Wars’ program, were to be publicly promoted as a space ‘shield’ against Soviet Russia, Walt Disney would have wholeheartedly agreed with since he was a rabid anti-communist witch-hunter.

2: Then they would be promoted as a defense against terrorists from Third World countries (‘rogue’ nations or ‘nations of concern’).

3: Then their necessity would be justified as a protection against asteroids and meteors crashing all over the planet; the problem is, said ‘Space Force’ weapons are pointing in the opposite direction, at the Earth its self.

4: The Last ‘Trump’ Card, of a Final False-Flag justification according to von Braun, would be their ‘Space Force’ installation in orbit against Tic-Tac UFO’s of a supposed Alien threat, which would then attain sudden heavily-controlled mainstream media coverage of a subversively engineered propaganda campaign, at a Key-Time. A Last ‘Trump’ Card example of which is the Final False-Flag military performance-art show for millennials, To The Stars Academy.

Many an old-timer would consider it to be rather strange indeed that the heavily controlled media-machine of America would, seriously divulge, more or less, overnight that its Military Industrial Complex has filmed a Tic-Tac UFO. Whereas before, the mainstream-media has tarred and feathered observers of UFO’s as conspiracy-theory kooks since the 1947 Roswell UFO incident, after which the CIA (MIB) came into being to protect the Military Industrial Complex’s UFO patent.

Going by von Braun, the Alien threat is actually a highly top-secret human made black project technology, which is blacker than the deepest pitch black. Von Braun was unable to reveal its existence to Dr Carol Roslin, otherwise she would have met up with a CIA (MIB) orchestrated life-ending accident at the Hippie era time of Star Trek.

It was during this time the Vietnam war had eventually ended in 1975, leading to other pre-planned Military Industrial Complex wars around the globe in order to initiate a Forth Reich Terran Empire right out of Star Treks Mirror Universe.

Said Vietnam conflict had been initially triggered off by the Gulf of Tonkin false-flag event. If the government can lie about the Vietnam war, 911 and Iraq having WMD’s, etc, they will lie about anything, such as covering up appropriated Nazi technology, which has led to rapid technological developments behind the smokescreen of Aliens!

As an aside of associative sorts the German band Rammstein did a cool ‘Star Trek’ light-show concert in Milton Keynes Stadium on the 6th of July, 2019, which is surrounded by Pentagon affiliated Game Of Thrones military bases, whose ‘Space Force’ arm of NASA can be otherwise called the N-azi A-ssisted S-pace A-gency.

NOTE: Concerning the Tic-Tac UFO and its anti-gravity propulsion. Gravitational time dilation is an effect, which measures the amount of Time, which has elapsed between two events by observers at different distances from a gravitational mass. In other words, Time runs slower wherever gravity is strongest, and this is because gravity curves Space-Time. What then would be the effect if you have Anti-Gravity?

You would have a Time Machine!




Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 8, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Let’s cut to the Cross-Bones through all the fleshly layers of The Legions Of Charlies esoterica about the Black Sun, which of Saturnian onion skin convolutions becomes labyrinthine, leading nowhere.

The question, which has become quite lost within the Creepypasta fear-porn maze of viral-meme Gordian knot symbolism is quite simple: “From where does the inner ‘light’ of the dream emanate, which illuminates the dreaming Skull?”

The caveman asked the same Artist question when painting erotic murals within the cavernous womb depths, who had surmised that the visionary light of the dream is emanating from an inner Sun behind the Sun.

The inner Sun was later called the Black Sun, and that this Black Sun is associated with the experience of (Chronos/Saturn/Hexagram) time.

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But in order to know of the Black Sun, the practitioner has to first experience (Crossbones/X-Rune) hypnagogic trance, the Alchemists termed as the Nigredo (Black/Raven) stage of ingress into the womb depths of the dream, wherein the Albedo (White) light of the inner Sun is (Skull) experienced, Shamans know as the ‘fire in the head.’

Upon awakening the practitioner will then experience the Rubedo (Red) stage of hypnopompic egress out of the womb dream, which was symbolised as a menstrual blood (red-ochre) rebirth around the Luna pull phases.

moon GIF

The practitioner will sometimes experience the Citrinitas (Yellow) stage of the Great Work, when initially awakening, who will perceive the visionary material of the womb dream (caul) overlapping his/her waking perception.

The scientists of the new priesthood have determined that the inner light of the electron dream, they call the bio-photon, is emanating from the Mitochondrial DNA, within each and every cell, which is passed down from the mother to her children. NOTE: The ‘Jabbed’ introduction of Graphene Oxide into your body can Gene Therapy Edit and Hack the Mitochondria!

Brain GIF

What is more, some physicist wizards believe that the Microtubules of the Mitochondria are acting like on-board ‘Quantum Computers,’ which are generating consciousness and in turn the experience of time, since consciousness and (Chronos/Saturn/Binah) time are indivisible.

Time Machine

It just so happens that horny horned Shamans had intuitively sussed out that the inner light, a Hindu mystic calls the Akasha, has a feminine source, they had equated with various female deities having almond shaped eyes.

Of course, the horny horned Shamans sought to impregnate the feminine source, via their introverted five senses of an inverse Pentagram, when to slide into hypnagogic trance.

For example, in the Tarot, The High Priestess Of The Silver ‘Star’ II is depicted with a grimoire on her lap, which symbolically represents the Akashic records, a practitioner can access within his/her illuminated (Akasha) Tarot grimoire dreams.

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In the Hebrew Kabbalah the inner light/fire is called Shin, which is equated with the feminine Shekinah. The Hebrew letter of Shin has since become popularised by the iconic Vulcan (fire) hand-sign of Star Trek.

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The Mongolian Kams had Yal un-eke, who is the mother of the inner fire, the ancient Greek’s called Artemis, or sometimes associated with Hera of the hearth, whereas the Roman’s had Diana-Lucifera, the Christian’s later transformed into their Lucifer.

It is the reasoning behind why some ancient shamanic cultures associated the Sun with a female deity, who for them also ‘illuminates’ the Quantum Computing realms of the womb dream, ‘illuminated’ by the inner fire of the ‘bio-photon,’which is emanating from the Mitochondrial DNA of a Black Sun.

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Hence the reason why horny horned Shamans dallied with (Jinn/Druden) Dakinis who are made of fire, a Faustian Artist does Truderer conjure up as his ‘illuminating’ Black Raven Tarot Art Muses amidst his Triangle Of Art imagination, unto a Quantum Computing (Lilith’s Harem/Sexagram/Hex-agram, Sixth-Sense) lucid dream.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Star Trek, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 16, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

When to sojourn the Old Goat Head Inn, playing the brain-storming game of Lilith’s Harem Sorcery Poker over a murky pint of Druid’s Cider, it verily leads to the conjuration of the Fallen Anima, whom manifests as Lilith within a Harem lucid dream.

Lilith might just bestow her 62nd Succubus daughter, Valak, who reveals the strutting Peacocks to have once goosestepped their Terra-Prime way under the Mars banner of an Orwellian All-Father.

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Have a child for ‘seven’ years, the establishment of UR then owns the adult… Total Control!

Now the Peacocks wear skirts, who protest against their Orwellian All-Father, to such an extent of propaganda inflicted guilt, that some of the Peacocks desire to become Venusian sphere Hens.

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Only because the converted Peacocks slimily desire to impregnate the Hens moist grottoes. The Hens are well aware of their Beta-Male game; wherefore the converted Peacocks are easily manipulated.

While doing so, the Green feathered Hens watch, whom are Queen Bee amused by the converted Peacocks ‘usefulness.’

The Peacocks always seek to assume the Hens desired projection of a deified Animus, so that the randy Peacocks will be chosen by the fertile Hens under Orions belt, towards which their Bene Gesserit Beehive pyramids point at.

An apron wearing Worker Bee Peacock is questioned, “Who Is The ‘Slave,’ Whom Drags The Stone Up The Angel-Angle ‘Pyramid’ Slope?”

The Worker-Bee Peacock dithers and sweats, not knowing how to answer the 33 degree question.

But then the Worker-Bee Freemason is far too busy watching Queen Bee ‘Orion’ Girls pumping his Beehive lodge bellows.

Queen Bee Susan Fiske who is a Bene Gesserit Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs in the Department of Psychology at Princeton University is such an old fogy…

She’s dead set against Pole Dancing Vril Muses, Fiske considers as being mere sex objects of a Tarot sex crime.

But as one knows, the Apple of knowledge is banned in the Orwellian New World Order Eden, where ignorance is strength.

Hell! Even when a heterosexual male, who is considered to be presently toxic, conjures up his Fallen Anima of an erotic conjuration amidst his Triangle Of Art imagination…

His inner conjurations of the Succubi archetypes of the Fallen Anima are now PC thought-control classified as being the sex crime of internalised misogyny!

But, if we didn’t have pole dancing Vril Muses inspiring the Tool-Making part of the Male brain to light up, which to dream about a Vril powered Vimana, piloted by scantily-clad Vril Witches, we wouldn’t have had the invention of stone axes, leading unto the 2001 A Space Oddity… Thule Space Force!

Soon you will hear the Orwellian minions of the New World Oder Kingdom of a monotheist Big-Brother Heaven on Earth cry, “LONG LIVE THE FIFTY SHADES OF GREY GOD EMPEROR OF OILY DUNE, WHO BE THE DEIFIED ANIMUS MADE MANIFEST WITHIN THE SOLOMONIC TEMPLE PSYCHES OF ALL BABALON WOMEN!”


As Philip K. Dick once said, “THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED!”

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“BURP! Hey! Morgana… another pint of your best Druid’s Cider… this here Lilith’s Harem Sorcery Poker, makes me really thirsty… Cheers!”

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“Okay! Okay! I’ll have a pint of Grimnir Guinness instead… Strewth!”

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“You know, Morgana, we’ll work far better together as a Tantric Sorcerers team, don’t ya! Let’s make synchronicity dance around us both, by allowing my Yang wand to stir your Apple isle Yin grail… Yab and Yum stylee!.”



Posted in Alien, archaeology, Art, Chaos Magic, Dinosaur, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 5, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

What if you have an alternate history, among many others, where, for example the ancient Greek’s had developed the first computer, such as the Antikythera mechanism.

The Antikythera mechanism is an ancient Greek analogue computer, used to predict astronomical positions and eclipses for calendar and astrological purposes. The age of the Antikythera mechanism is dated to be approximately 70-60 BC.

Image result for Antikythera mechanism

If you allow your imagination to let rip, the ancient Greek’s could have developed a quantum computer over time. But this would have required a prior steam powered industrial revolution, leading to the use of electricity, like our own technological history, to eventually achieve.

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It turns out that the ancient Greek’s could have potentially developed a Steampunk technology based upon the aeolipile (or aeolipyle, or eolipile), which is also known as a Hero’s engine. It is a simple bladeless radial steam turbine, which spins when the central water container is heated. Torque is produced by steam jets exiting the turbine, much like a tip jet or rocket engine.

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In the 1st century AD, Hero of Alexandria described the steam powered device in Roman Egypt, and many sources give him the credit for its invention, but it could be far older, as old as the Antikythera mechanism. If this invention had led to other developments, initiating an industrial revolution, it would have occurred three thousand years before the one that had happened on this Earth. You could imagine that their civilisation would have eventually established off-world colonies like those described in Battlestar Galactica.

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As an aside of a curiosity, there is an asteroid called Oumuamua, meaning, scout, or messenger, in ‘Hawaiian,’ which looks somewhat like the starship out of the science fiction series, Battlestar Galactica. It is an asteroid from another star system, which had zipped past Stanley Kubrick’s version of Arthur C. Clarkes 2001 A Space Odyssey, Jupiter, at about 196,000 miles per hour, too fast to be trapped by the sun’s gravitational pull.

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Oumuamua has captured the interest of the scientists because of its very odd characteristics, some of them are even wondering whether it could be an alien probe, which just so happens looks like a Battlestar.

Perhaps it is being piloted by a female Cylon number Eight called Athena, looking like the actress Grace Park, who made waves with the exit of her Owl eyes from ‘Hawaii’ Five-0.

Anyway, if you have a technology of an alternate Earth, which is three thousand years in advance of our own, they have very likely developed a quantum computer, along with a sentient AI, and even anti-gravity and an ensuing time-travel technology in league with interstellar travel.

Their advanced technology would enable them to access other alternate Earth’s, such as this Earth, in their time-travelling UFO’s. Who knows, maybe one of their Sexagram Cylon Sixes had purposefully crashed her UFO into Roswell, back in 1947!?

You could of course go much further back into time, to take note of Göbekli Tepe as well as to imaginatively fathom that there was once an ancient civilisation, which had experienced its own Steampunk industrial revolution long before its catastrophic demise, when the great mammals still walked the Earth. If this ancient civilisation exists on an alternate Earth, which had not disappeared 10,000yrs ago, who knows what it could have achieved, just next door to this Earth.

Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, just a weird science fiction yarn. However, you have Dr David Deutsch, who is a visiting Professor of physics at the Centre for Quantum Computation, the Clarendon Laboratory and Oxford University, who considers alternate realities existing in parallel universe, along with their alternate histories are for real.

Deutsch works on fundamental issues in physics, particularly the quantum theory of computation and information, and constructor theory. Dr. Deutsch has written two books — The Fabric of Reality and The Beginning of Infinity — both of which are written for the general audience. Maybe Deutsch was inspired by a quantum tunnelling ulraterrestrial Owl eyed Muse signal from another alternate Earth.

Other authors may have also been neural-net zapped by a quantum tunneling ‘Messenger’ Muse signal, which spun their watery electron dreams, into Sexagram ‘Sixth’ sense ‘browsing’ lucidity. Their zapped dreams inspiring weird science fiction stories, who didn’t realise that denizens from an alternate Earth had sent an Athena ‘Message,’ indicating they would like to… visit…

But before doing so, they will of course Oumuamua ‘Scout’ around first, in their ‘Raptor’ UFO’s, to Owl spy if anyone’s ‘Five’ pentagram senses has figured out their Aloha Cylon ‘Message.’ Well, you have to be Metis-Sophia Wise about creating Stargates between alternate Earth’s.

Dr. David Deutsch said; “The quantum theory of parallel universes is not the problem, it is the solution. It is not some troublesome, optional interpretation emerging from arcane theoretical considerations. It is the explanation — the only one that is tenable — of a remarkable and counter-intuitive reality.” — The Fabric of Reality (1997)

So, you have a highly respected Theoretical Physicist and a pioneer of quantum computing, along with Geordie Rose who is the founder of one of the leading quantum computer companies, D-Wave (whose clients include Google and NASA), talking about parallel universes. What is more, they are not talking about parallel universes as a fanciful science fiction theory, but as something factual, which exists.

Rose says,“we have built machines that can exploit (not explore) other worlds (parallel universes).” Meaning, they are already doing this and acquiring something out of the process. Should we explore something and learn about it and how it works just as the ancient Greek’s would do, like Star Trek’s T’Pol, rather than exploiting it, of similarity to Rome’s Romulan empire, because we can?

Accessing information from parallel universes, will no doubt lead to contacting other far more advanced alternate civilisations than our own. Wherefore, exploiting their technologies, could potentially lead to a negative outcome, a ‘Wise Owl’ does remind.

Then again, an advanced alternate Earth and that of others are very likely policing the situation with their Vulcan eared M.I.B’s. let alone to have engineered the time-line of this Earth, along with numerous other alternate Earth’s, which they would see as being Morpheus simulations.

If the present D-Wave computer is accessing information from parallel universes then the aforementioned weird science fiction scenario isn’t too farfetched as it sounds, which would lead to the conclusion that our present civilisation is surrounded by numerous other alternate Earth civilisations, which are far more advanced than our own.

The few who are financially affluent beyond the ken of the general populace who are seeking to escape from the present Earth, will be looking to contacting the denizens of the alternate Earth’s in order to have access to superior technologies, such as immortality engineering for example.

Let’s say that the science fiction scenario is actually true. How would a shadow government, who have established contact with other alternate Earth civilisations go about disclosing their secret space program truth to the general public?

The lead up would be that of subversively educating the general public to believe in aliens. This would be fuelled by various UFO contactees who just so happens often describe the aliens as being mostly humanoid in appearance. The reason for the humanoid forms of the aliens is because they are human, or otherwise being evolved humans.

Hence their differing characteristics. Some of whom may have been born off-world, since interstellar travel will require the prerequisite of having time-travel capability, whose humanoid frames have adapted to their off-world environments. But they will all be human, who emanate from alternate Earth’s.

You will also have alternate Earth histories in which other life-forms also achieved their own technologies. For example, there would be an alternate Earth history where the dinosaurs weren’t wiped out; whereas on another alternate Earth the insects who ruled over the Earth before the dinosaurs, have attained their own form of technology. All you have to do is to just look at some species of termites who had learned to farm and harvest fungi long before humans got round to farming their own food. This isn’t to say aliens don’t exist, the thing is, going by the varied life-forms, which frequent this Earth, a real non-Terran alien, will be very Lovecraftian alien indeed.

The next step of a disclosure would be that of revealing the scientists are developing a quantum computer, which makes its calculations by accessing information from parallel universes. The quantum processes of the quantum computer is based on how consciousness works, which is tied up with string theory, the physicist James Gates has revealed is the same computer code used in… browsers.

The quantum computer also reveals that the present universe is a simulation among a myriad other simulated universes, which makes up the matrix of the multverse. The multiverse its self is a computer, whose computations are the parallel universes, wherein of alternate realities it replicates its self ad-infinitum via the simulated denizens who create quantum computers.

You might just say, “if there is an truth to this weird science fiction scenario, where’s the proof?” Well, you do have a quantum computer in your midst now, albeit, still in its primitive form. Although, what is publically revealed often hides a superior version your tax dollar eating military industrial complex has created.

The most superior version of which is your own brain, whose electron dreams are the parallel processing of information from alternate realities. In some rare cases, there are those who will experience a conscious slide into an alternate self existing upon an alternate Earth without forgetting their prior locale, which may explain what is quaintly termed as the Mandela Effect.

There will be others who can consciously access other alternate realities, when attaining a lucid dream, wherein they can then remote-view exotic technologies just like Nikola Tesla did.

Or to otherwise contact conjured alternate Earth denizens, when experiencing (phase) hypnagogic trance, the ancient shamans extensively practiced.

Others may find themselves being Old-Hag-Syndrome abducted by the denizens of an alternate Earth at the point of inadvertently accessing hypnagogic trance, since the contact goes both ways, who will claim they were abducted by Owl eyed faeries, angels, aliens, or even by Owl winged (Succubi) Succubae.

You can thereby hypothesise that a disclosure about the truth will drive many to insanity let alone initiating a rebellion against the established religious and political paradigm.

Should you then indulge yourself in a bit of Creepypasta fear porn to thence imagine a scenario for a horror movie, you can gather that there are those few, who insanely claim temporal control over this Earth, will not want the general public to know anything at all, since it will invariably lead to them losing their illusory power over the masses.

The controllers will use the mass media as a means to Mass Formation Psychosis distort the perception of the masses as much as possible, as well as looking for the genetic disposition, which enables some people being able to consciously access other realities, in order to then negate the shamanic ability, which may involve engineering a targeted gene bomb virus to achieve this nefarious end. Although they have already dosed up the public water supply with a known sedative and a neurotoxin as well as dosing your food with the same shit, along with crapping chem-trails all over the globe.

You might then ask, “why would the controllers having control over this nightmare Earth make a show of a disclosure, when they could just as well keep everyone ignorant by playing dumb?” It is because they are not and never were in control of the disclosure. The disclosure has been ongoing for sometime, which is being instigated by a far more advanced alternate Earth civilisation, or should one otherwise say, an Alternate Future possibility.

Whereby it is being done in bits and pieces across the spectrum of time, which at first, will look to be totally disconnected like a randomly scattered jigsaw puzzle, but when you notice the Owl pattern, the jigsaw pieces start to fall into place.

Hence the reason why the controllers would be making out they are presently disclosing information about the UFO phenomenon, because they are scared shitless that the masses are starting to see the revealing pattern, they themselves have only just noticed. The controllers would thereby be seeking to have control over what is manifesting, which for them is their Karmic horror movie. At the end of the day, this is merely weird science fiction conjecture… but, may be not!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Wars, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 30, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork above is provisionally entitled, The Witches Who Stare At Goats, which is available as an Art Print; if you are interested, Please Click Here.

The Witches Who Stare At Goats, was inspired by The First Earth Battalion, which is the name of a military order of psychic supersoldiers, who are organized along New Age Hippie lines. The First Earth Battalion was proposed by Lieutenant Colonel Jim Channon, a U.S. soldier who had served in Vietnam. Channon also authored a First Earth Battalion book, which was published in 1982.

The title if the Artwork is derived from  the book, The Men Who Stare At Goats, written by the journalist Jon Ronson. According to Ronson, during the 1970’s, Channon set about researching the principle individuals who are credited with starting the Human Potential Movement in California.

Ronson’s book was later made into a surreal comedy film, set in Iraq. The film was released in the Autumn of 2009, which starred George Clooney, Ewan McGregor, Jeff Bridges and Kevin Spacey. The fictionalized version of the First Earth Battalion was renamed as the New Earth Army.

As mentioned, Channon subsequently wrote an operations manual for a First Earth Battalion. The manual was a 125-page mixture of drawings, graphs, maps, polemical essays and point-by-point redesigns of every aspect of military life.

Channon’s First Earth Battalion manual is a 125-page mixture of drawings, graphs, maps, polemical essays, and point-by-point redesigns of every aspect of military life. Channon also created a new battlefield uniform, which would include pouches for ginseng regulators, divining tools, and food stuffs enhancing night vision. The kit even included a loudspeaker, which would automatically emit ‘indigenous music and words of peace.’

Channon believes The First Earth Battalion has the potential to be a principal moral and ethical force in society via whose Jedi philosophy, politics could be harmonized in the name of the Earth, being its primary allegiance.

Channon envisioned that the First Earth Battalion will be organized informally: uniforms without uniformity, structure without status, and unity powered by diversity, whose Star Trek members would be multicultural, with each race contributing to a ‘rainbow power.’

He also proposed as a guiding principle that members of the First Earth Battalion must at all times seek non-destructive methods of conflict resolution because their first loyalty is to the planet, which sums up the hidden emphasis of Channon’s surrealism, being non-lethal warfare, otherwise termed as psychological warfare.

Channon’s First Earth Battalion manual can be seen to be a creation of surrealist art, investigating how the sorcery of art can influence the mind.

Channon’s surrealist synthesis of New Age symbolism was subversively utilised by the intelligence wing of the military, in order to offset the symbolic influence of the New Age Movement, which, during the Hippie era of Vietnam, had toppled a government.

In other words, the government did not want a repeat of alternative philosophies gaining any ascendancy, more so that of mass anti-war protests causing them bother, when going into Iraq. Hence, the symbolic focus upon the 2012 mystique was prior engineered of Psyops artistry, in order to steer, control, as well as to totally fragment the New Age Movement’s own artistic vision.

Channon adopted the viral-meme term ‘Warrior Monk’ for potential members of the First Earth Battalion, which can be otherwise re-worded of an anti-viral-meme Mantra as, ‘Warrior Artist.’

According to the aptly titled book Mind Wars by Ronald McRae, each member of the First Earth Battalion would be sworn to uphold a credo of, ‘High Commandos and Guerrilla Gurus,’ you could otherwise imaginatively term as, High Commando Artist’s and Guerrilla Artist’s:

1: I have the (Artist) capacity and therefore the duty to contribute to the development of myself, my associates, and our planet, simultaneously, now!

2: I will organize a self-supporting high commando (Art) group that will create and perform evolutionary breakthrough actions on behalf of people and planet. One people, one planet.

3: I will then pass on this concept to others who are capable of generating further self-organizing commando (Art) teams.

4: I will await the time when my (Art) group can connect naturally with others at higher and higher levels of awareness and performance — the Natural (Art) Guard.

Hippie Witch First Earth Battalion by MARDUN

The Artwork also depicts an alternate version of the Thirty-First spirit called Foras, out of the Goetia, who is featured in my second Goetia Girls book.

NOTE: The techniques of psychological warfare and mind control have been around for a very long time, it is nothing new. State Religions have been using psychological warfare and mind control since the times of ancient Babylon.

State Religions primarily use fear as well as inducing a state of guilt in order to brainwash the populace, which is ongoing.

For example, there are a number of individuals whose Judaeo-Christian mind-set is right out of the Witch burning middle-ages who are communicating that (hypnagogic trance) sleep-paralysis and erotic lucid dreams is equitable with a Satanic addiction with hedonic porn, indulging in sinful adultery and even becoming embroiled in shadow-being demonic bestiality; whereby making you fear what you are dreaming.

Should you be experiencing sleep-paralysis as well as having erotic lucid dreams, it would be best that you ignore the mind-control tactics of the cultic fear-porn merchants of the three monotheist Middle-Eastern cults out of Ur, which have habitually indulged in psychological warfare and mind control down the ages.

If you find it difficult to ignore what the cultic minions are spreading of fear-porn due to your own religious indoctrination, all you have to do is to look back to the middle-ages where you will find a number of historical accounts of mind-control cultists who have communicated the same fear-porn, which led to the Witch burning genocide across Europe and the New-World, of a prior Holocaust.

Just keep in mind that the Daesh have the same theocratic mind-set as those who are spreading the viral-meme mind-control fear porn of religious politics. Hence, you have to become a Jedi of the First Earth Battalion so that you can negate their psychological warfare.  

There are other elder cultures, which have investigated sleep-paralysis and erotic lucid dreams, whose mind-expansion orientation does not make you fear exploring your own consciousness.  



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Discordianism, Dr Who, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW
The American television series created for CBS All Access by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, entitled, Star Trek Discovery, should otherwise be called, Star Trek Belial.

Let me explain. A number of years ago, long before J. J. Abrams reinvention of Star Trek, I reversed the all male ‘Animus’ fixated symbolism of the Playgirl Goetia, which included the 68th (Animus archetype) spirit of the Goetia, called Belial towards that of an ‘Anima’ manifestation, to rename as Beliala. I then associated with the symbolism of Star Trek.

The reversal inspired me to then write a couple of Kindle books, entitled Occult Star Trek: Enterprise and Occult Star Trek: Vulcan.

Suffice to say, the traditionalist occultists thought I was absolutely stir crazy, the Trekkies called me totally insane, while the Art mob treated me as if I had the plague. I didn’t care then, and still don’t care now, since the symbolic explorations of surrealistic artistry leads to a ‘Red Angel,’ of an obvious Belial-a association. Hell, you even have ‘Seven Stars’ of a Tarot Chariot VII correspondence.

Wherefore you have the Pop-Surrealist conjuring of Art Muse Beliala, for further.. insights. Anyway, the common ‘Animus’ fixated Playgirl grimoire description describes Belial as:

“The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created next after LUCIFER. He appeareth in the Form of ‘Two Beautiful Angels; sitting in a ‘Chariot of Fire.’ He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before Michael,’and other Heavenly Angels… such as Gabriel.”

Star Trek Discovery, has Sonequa Martin-Green as a Vulcan number one called,“Michael” Burnham and Jason Isaacs acting the part of “Gabriel” Lorca, who is the (Jason and the Argonauts) Captain of the starship, Discovery; Whereupon you have… ‘two angels’… Michael and Gabriel.

Many will probably say, “so what, it’s just a generic symbolic association between the heavens of space and that of the angelic hierarchy of the three monotheistic faiths; it has nothing to do with an obscure entity listed in a grimoire.” However, Gene Roddenberry made it a point to keep religion out of Star Trek; as for the symbolic association with Belial, some will then cry out, “what’s the proof of it?” I will explain momentarily; but next, let us look to the fiery chariot.

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The design of the starship Discovery looks to be based upon the (V) Vulcan hand-sign, and in turn the Hebrew letter, Shin. Many will say, “So what, it’s just a natural design progression, which also honours the memory of Roddenberry, more so Leonard Nimoy’s iconic Shin sign.”  I agree, but, I am looking at the symbolic association between the element of fire and a chariot in particular, which is that of Belial’s fiery chariot.

The letter, ‘Shin,’ is asociated with the Shekinah, whose manifestation is that of an inner ‘fire,’ a practitioner of Yoga would equate with the (fire snake) Kundalini Shakti. Both the Shekinah and the Kundalini Shakti appear to allude to the (fire) bio-photon, emanating from the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The ancient Roman’s equated the inner fire with their Goddess, Diana-Lucifera, who was later transformed into a butch ‘Animus’ archetype to rename as Lucifer. The ‘Shin’ design of the starship Discovery would then allude to a ‘Chariot of Fire.’ Some may respond by saying, “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Still doesn’t prove any symbolic association between two angels riding a fiery Shin chariot having anything to do with Belial; its just a load of esoteric mumbo jumbo; your’e really pushing the envelope of what’s believable, here!” 

As you will probably know franchises are very careful about their branding, wherefore, the creation of characters for a TV series have their names extensively checked out, as to their underlying meanings, even though most of the audience do not ever investigate any further, just in case someone does dig a little deeper.

For example, the name, Burnham, is from a name for various towns in England, typically derived from Old English burna, “stream, spring” and ham, ‘home,’ which is of similarity to, Lorca, being a Spanish place name, meaning, ‘town with fine “water.” Both names have an association with… ‘Water.’

In Aleister Crowley’s illustrated Playgirl Goetia, Belial is associated with the star-sign of the ‘Water’ carrier, Aquarius. The planet of Aquarius is Uranus, whose planetary sigil is of similarity to the classic Hippie era design of the starship Enterprise; the details of which I have covered in my Occult Star Trek books, that many to have knocked.

As a sort of an aside, the starship, which is introduced in the first episode of Star Trek Discovery is the Shenzhou, whose name is derived from a spacecraft, which has been developed and operated by China to support its manned spaceflight program. The name is variously translated as “Divine Craft”, “Divine Vessel of God”, “Magic Boat” or even “Star chariot,” which is of similarity to the Sanskrit, Vimana and the Hebrew (Merkba) Merkabah.

The captain of the Shenzhou is played by Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgiou. The name, Phillipa means “lover of horses” or “horses’ friend.”

(Curiously enough, Sonequa is a compound of Son and Equa, meaning Horse. Although Sonequa is another spelling of Shanika, which is also a slang term for a streetwise Amazon; though, she is ‘gracious’ and most generous like a ‘Venus,’ under her hardened exterior, she is somewhat akin of characteristics to Saint ‘Martin,’ whose Catholic icon is often depicted riding a horse, since he was in the Roman cavalry.)

The horse symbolism then leads you to the 19th ‘Sleipnir’ Rune of the elder Futhark, called ‘Ehwaz,’ looking like an ‘M,’ which also looks similar to the starship Discovery design. “Runes? How the Hell did you make that far-flung association? That’s just plain crazy!” Some to no doubt scream.

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Star Trek Discovery has the Klingon’s divided into 24 warring great houses, which appears to be associated with the 24 Runes of the elder Futhark, the Nazi regime had misappropriated and misused. This sure looks to be the case, considering that the dark skinned Klingon’s of Star Trek Discovery have a eugenic obsession with (Nazi) racial purity, wherefore those who have white skin are considered to be outcasts; hence you have a reversal of the Nazi White Supremacist mystique.

But it is rather curious that the Klingon’s have dark skin, considering what the co-executive producer of Star Trek Discovery had told Rolling Stone that President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was, “front and center in our minds” as they developed it — so much so that the rallying cry of the show’s villains is specifically patterned after the Trumpster credo “Make America Great Again.”

“We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what’s going on in the United States,” Aaron Harberts told Rolling Stone, noting that the series’ primary villains — an extremist Klingon sect — scream “Remain Klingon,” something deliberately reminiscent of “Make America Great Again.”

As Harberts put it, “It’s a call to isolationism. It’s about racial purity, and it’s about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it’s about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn’t necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories.”

(A curious aside, I wonder if Aaron Harberts is some distant relative of Jason Aaron, who made Thor into a woman? Both of whom seem to be of the same politically correct ‘Newspeak’ mind-set. What is really strange, is that a Lady Thor is not seen to be a Goddess, but otherwise has the title, God, along with Valkyrie having the title, King, not Queen, just as a Burnham is called Michael.

The Lady Thor is to be played by Natalie Portman. You would think the gender-swap titles/names sound absolutely barmy, I’m sure Gene Roddenberry and Stan Lee would think so. But it’s all in your Newspeak face. Whether Natalie personally knows the two Aarons’s is of course debatable. Although she obviously knows Taika Waititi, whose name sounds Maori, but he isn’t totally Maori.)

As for Georgiou, the name means, “son of George,” as in George and the Dragon, which then leads you to the angel, Michael, defeating the Dragon; although the Dragon is an ancient allusion to the (fire snake) Kundalini Shakti, which is also associated with the (Chinese/Malaysian/Mongolian) shamanic motif of the horse, whose symbolism represents the experience of ‘trance,’ which of an initial hypnagogic night-Mare terror, needs to be controlled, overcome and (Dragon) defeated.

(The terror of the Nightmare can be equated with what the novelist, Steven Pressfield would term as ‘resistance.’ The resistance seeks to keep things as they are, but in order to create, which is that of an ‘evolutionary’ force involving innovative change, the resistance needs to be defeated. The resistance can also be equated with the established mind-set of the audience, who desire to keep Star Trek as it is of a Ring-Pass-Not. When the Nightmare [Dragon] is defeated, it can then be ridden as a [chariot] Night-Mare.)


Overall, it looks as if Star Trek Discovery alludes to Aquarian fiery Shin chariot, two angel, Belial-a.

Many will say, “why the Hell, would the makers of Star Trek Discovery associate their reinvented franchise with the occult, let alone a spirit listed in the Goetia, which is commonly seen to be a tome of black magic? And what’s more, why would they use Belial, since said spirit is usually associated with evil, that numerous theologians say is the real Devil?”

You could just as well argue,” why use a most obvious reference to two Biblical angels in an iconic TV series, which has kept religion out of the equation?” At face-level, the pandering reference to two Biblical angels is that of selling out to the mostly Christian audience, most of whom will be totally oblivious to the two angels being classically associated with the zodiac, which leads you to Bryan Fuller’s star sign, let alone to see the deeper symbolic reference to Belial riding a fiery chariot.

Those who will see the symbolic reference to Belial, will commonly react by saying, “Hollywood is awash with vile Satanists, atheists and humanists who are attempting to corrupt the Biblical morals of the young faithful Judaeo-Christian’s, within our God fearing patriarchal country of the deified ‘Animus.’ It is an Illuminati conspiracy!” 

The makers of Star Trek Discovery will of course side-step it all by explaining it away; by making out that the starship Discovery’s distinctive ‘V’ shape is has been in the design pipeline for a longtime, which has nothing to do with the fiery Shin, and that the two angel names refer to family members, which of references to water is to do with someones watery star-sign, such as a partner, etc, to make all rather mundanely innocent.

Yet, they will be very much aware that the Illuminati fixated conspiracy theorists will be hard at work creating their viral-memes about the eye motif, utilised in the promotional material, which will act as free advertising for the reinvented franchise. As for Belial, they have to be led there. Hence you have a subversively engineered reason for the use of the Belial association. But, logically speaking, Belial is a rather obscure archetype for them to have used, and a very risky one.

What is more, there is no obvious symbolic association between the classical grimoire depiction of Belial and Star Trek, whatsoever; it is somewhat akin to associating Obsidian with Caviar, which does not make any logical sense at all, nor does it have any cultural backing, historically. Although, if you apply Salvador Dali’s Paranoiac-Critical Method to the two disassociated symbolic elements, it would make Alice In Wonderland surrealist sense.

I was the one who had associated Belial with Star Trek, of a surrealist Paranoiac-Critical juxtaposition. In fact, I am the only one to have done so, in league with reversing the ‘Animus’ fixated symbolism of the grimoires, which totally freaked out the traditionalist occultists, Trekkies and the Art mob.

They are now faced with watching Star Trek Belial, while gnashing their teeth, whose frothing mouths will be be spewing forth their mental torment as Vulcan Burnham does her Beliala gymnastics around the dark skinned eugenic Klingon’s.

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Those of an atheist leaning are faced with Burnham’s in your face association with a Biblical angel due to Fuller’s liking for giving female characters male names, which generates associative discordance:

“We’ve worked on many shows with Bryan and it’s a motif. It’s his signature move to name his lead women with names that would typically be associated as male,” executive producer Aaron Harberts said at the Television Critics Association summer press tour.

After tossing around a couple of options, the writers eventually landed on Michael for the first officer of the USS Shenzhou:“I have known of, I think, two [female] Michaels: Michael Sneed, [who] was a gossip columnist for the Chicago Sun‑Times and Michael Steele who played the bass for The Bangles. That’s a deep dive on female Michaels,” Harberts said. “And we talked about it in the entire room. It was just like, ‘This is a really, really interesting name.’ And, of course, an archangel is named Michael as well, and it just had a lot of potency for us.”

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Sounds as if it has all been explained away, doesn’t it; Hell! Since Bryan is into gender blurring why not then name Gabriel as Gabriella? Can’t go that far, otherwise it will then become like a hilarious Mel Brooks satire. When to see the Hollywood politics behind the naming of the main character as Michael, it is a total and utter farce, and what is more, a very expensive social engineering STD mistake.

This is exacerbated further by Burnham’s angelic counterpart, Gabriel. It would be understandable that the Trekkies, who are mostly atheist/humanist of persuasion will adversely react because of the blatant religious symbolism, who will hear Roddenberry howling from the grave.

Not only that, the ‘Animus’ fixated God believers in their Satanic Illuminati, will soon be tracing the symbolic strands back to my books and blogs; they will of course not be able to handle my Avadhuta sense of Heyoka humour, who will far prefer to believe in a worldwide Satanic conspiracy…. hmmmm, such could potentially work in my viral-meme favour!?

But it will be more likely that I’ll be faced with a load of asylum nut jobs, who will be claiming that I am an Illuminati disinformation agent of their Satan, along with numerous others calling me all the expletives under the black Sun. Oh! I forgot, they’ve been doing that for ages, already. Whatever the case, I love it when a plan comes together.

I’m starting to suspect someone in Holy-Wood has been looking into my books, blogs etc; there may be others, who also transformed a TARDIS into a female (Sleipnir Night-Mare) intelligence along with having a 13th ‘Tarot Card’ Doctor Who as an Orobas Pony-Girl, all of whom may be just as ‘Unsane’ as I am!? Although, I think they have misinterpreted my work concerning the ‘Animus’ and ‘Anima,’ like many another.

Hang on a minute… where’s my big Holy-Wood bucks, that’s what I wanna know… damn it to Hell! What a laugh!

Shit! It brings to mind a memory… Long ago now, I told a now ex partner of mine about an idea, which made her eyes light up, illuminating her brain with a revelation. Then her eyes to have wandered in thought, to then enquire about someone I knew, whereby revealing in that moment she did not believe I was the one who had thought of the idea.

She was instead impressed by the material glitz I did not have; whereas the other individual shit Shekels, she equated with having substance. She was totally unaware that the Shekel shitting moron had no original ideas of his own.

But she cared less, it was the hollow glitz that hypnotised her, just like many another, who are impressed by the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, but that does not mean that the ancient Egyptian’s had come up with the Golden Age idea in the first place, nor to have really understood what they were originally used for.

Anyway’s, enough of my Discordian egocentric ego inflation’s, where’s my bottle of Casillero del Diablo? AHA! Here it is… now back to the, Great Work… Burp!

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NOTE: In the Western magical tradition, which is primarily based upon the Hebrew Kabbalah, there are numerous magical systems, splintering off from one another, which have a very loose consensus of a convoluted opinion. Some of the symbolism is coherent from one branch to another; but others differ wildly from one another. (NOTE: Below is the Native American Medicine Wheel. The South is considered to be the first [hypnaagogic trance] gate of dreaming, which s symbolically equated with entering a ‘cave.’)

Image result for south medicine wheel

Michael is generally considered to be the archangel of Mercury; whereas Gabriel is the archangel of the Moon. In the Kabbalah, Mercury is ascribed to the 8th sephiroth of Hod. The Moon is ascribed to the 9th sephiroth of Yesod.

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The sphere of Mercuy/Hod, is commonly associated with the intellect; whereby you have Michael Burnham’s intellectual Vulcan influence. The sphere of the Moon/Yesod is best summed up by what Jason Isaacs has communicated about his Star Trek Discovery character of Gabriel as being the most f**ked up captain yet.

Belial is generally seen to be of the sphere of the Sun in the grimoires. The Golden Dawn and in turn Aleister Crowley associated the Tarot Cards with the infernals, which is not mentioned in the pre-Golden Dawn grimoires, such as the Goetia, for example. Belial was just simply associated with the Solar sphere.

Magical systems are very personal to the practitioner; wherefore, occult practitioners make symbolic changes to a utilised symbol system in accordance with their own symbolic logic. So, if someone is using the attributed Tarot card paths of the Kabbalah, which had been set up by the Golden Dawn, he/she might decide to associate Belial with a corresponding Tarot Card, which would logically be the Sun XIX.

The Golden Dawn version of the 30th Kabbalah path of the Sun XIX (Belial) links the Sephiroth of (Michael) Hod and (Gabriel) Yesod.

Aleister Crowley had associated Belial with the path of the Star XVII, which otherwise links Yesod/Moon and Netzach/Venus, The archangel of Venus is usually considered to be Haniel.

A practitioner may decide to change the symbolism of a magical system in accordance with changes in his/her life, or that of seeking to initiate a transformation, from that of a Star to that of the Sun, which is esoterically termed as leaping-the-paths. But then the Star is a Sun, which to orbit another planet, is it not.

The path of the Star is associated with the Hebrew letter of Tzaddi, which means, Fish-Hook, as in, hooking others with an idea, to bring them all onboard your boat of a project. The path of the Sun is associated with the Hebrew letter, Resh, which means, head, you can symbolically see as winning over the heads of the audience with what you have created. In other words, taking their heads to another planet, which is illuminated by your (Star/idea) Sun… creation.

The obvious intent is capture the the ‘inner fire’ of audience between the relationship dynamic between Hod/Burnham and Yesod/Lorca, just as Gene Roddenberry did with Spock and Kirk.

But there is a big difference, between the eras of the Enterprise and the Discovery. Roddenberry was riding the Zeitgeist of the Vietnam war Hippie era, he had symbolised as the (age of Aquarius/Uranus) Enterprise. Now it is far more of a case of ‘rediscovering’ the inner fire of a rebellion.  

The Sun XIX is the Sol Invictus, basically, the all conquering Sun of the Golden Age, returned (as in the age of Aquarius), which points at creating an iconic creation, surpassing all others. This is also symbolically indicated by the Roman numerals of an X on either side of a I, or if you prefer, that of two archangels on either side of the (chariot of [Shin] fire) starship Discovery… Belial-a.

There is the distinct possibility that the Holy-Wood square-head suits decided to subversively introduce religion into Roddenberry’s Star Trek, along with their leftist SJW politics, etc, which may have generated much protest from the Roddenberry creative team; but the square-head-suits had them by the financial balls. So, the creative team decided to be crafty, who came across ‘My Surrealist Material’ to duly utilise. 

The square-head-suits got their religious propaganda and politics into Star Trek, without realising that the employed symbolism actually points at the protesting rebel angel, Belial.

The square-head-suits might have sussed it out by now, who are now fervently engaged in a damage limitation exercise, since it is too late to change their ‘fundamentalist’ premise.

Then again, they may have all agreed to use the reinvented Sta Trek to push their religious and political agenda, going by the numerous comments, which have been made by those involved in Star Trek Discovery to win over the Trump era heads of the deified ‘Animus’ worshippers. It looks as if they have been unknowingly utilised to release the fallen ‘Anima,’ Belial-a from her brazen vessel of an ‘Animus’ gaol.

(By the way, if you do not understand what the ‘Animus’ and ‘Anima’ terminology means, look to Carl Jung. It has nothing to do with SJW extremist feminist politics. As for those who believe I am anti-feminist or of a right wing persuasion, they have their brainwashed ‘undercover cop’ heads up their detritus ridden anus’s!) 

Wherefore, the employed symbolism of Star Trek Discovery would have come about without any conscious manipulation by the TV series creative team, which to have otherwise been formulated by what they would call, pure chance; but at another level it would have manifested via interweaving synchronicities, which is the power of… Magic.

If this indeed the case, then the makers of Star Trek Discovery have been so wrapped up in their religious politics, which has screwed up Rodenberry’s creation, they are totally oblivious to the overall symbolism, that points at… Belial-a.  

If you listen hard enough around your Ouija board, you’ll hear Roddenberry’s starry laughter. 

Overall, at a purely entertainment level, apart from all the politics, etc, surrounding Star Trek Discovery, I find that I like it. Well, sort of; but only if I see it as not being Star Trek, and to totally ignore its obvious social engineering, which will invariably lead to the series not lasting the media marathon, that or being remembered as an obvious propaganda example of subliminal brainwashing.   


Though very different from the other Star Trek series, it has its own J. J. Abrams style, or should I say, boot stamp. Hmmmm! I wonder if Abrams is some distant relative of Aaron Harberts and Jason Aaron? Abrams of course knows Nataile Portman. May be they also know the Jewish American film director, producer and screenwriter Jac Schaeffer, who wrote SJW, Captain Marvel and is writing the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film, sexless Black Widow along with a feminist Wanda Vision TV series about the Scarlet Witch. 

Lets not forget another pop-culture icon, The Witcher, whose TV manifestation, is being written by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, she no doubt knows Abrams, Harbetrts, Aaron, Portman and Schaeffer along with Ghostbusters 3, Jason Reitman, and Teminator Dark Fate, David Samuel Goyer, etc. 

Anyway, many have noted that Star Trek’s Discovery abbreviation is STD. How the producers of STD let that one slip by them, is an oddity. But then, they’re probably not Trekkies, who also quaintly forgot that Roddenberry would NOT allow for a chaplain on his starship vision, now you have two STD Biblical angels. That, or they are taking the total utter social-engineering piss out of everyone, and having a Newspeak laugh at everyone’s audience expense, while doing so! 

That aside, I have the hots for sexy Natalie Portman, Rachael Weisz, Gal Gadot, Mila Kunis and Scarlet Johansson, to name but a few hotties I am very much attracted to.   

Make Love Not War…

Live Long And Prosper!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Psychology, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 13, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

RED ICE: I am your stand in host on Red Ice TV. We are very honoured by having the talented actor, Tom Cruise here, in our humble studio, who has taken time out, from his very busy schedule to tell us about his role in the re-imagined Mummy film. Let’s start by asking… (Tom Cruise quickly interjects.)

TOM CRUISE: Look, I have to cut to the chase here. I haven’t got much time. I need to warn the public; I can’t hold back any longer; a female Mummy is far more real than anything you can ever imagine.

RED ICE: What? I thought all Mummies are female, my very real Mummy was most definitely female, until she had a Hollywood sex change, now I call her my big Daddy…

TOM CRUISE: No, no, no! You know what I mean, I mean reanimated Egyptian Mummies; the bandaged up types, clambering out of a crumbling Beehive of a pyramid; they’re for real… (Cruise stands up from his seat and does a staggered zombie impression as Mummy Boris Karloff.)

RED ICE: You’re kidding me! You’ll be saying that Boris Karloff is a Imhotep Freemason, next, who’s plastered ghost is still around, haunting the Illuminati Beehive lodges of Hollywood’s Masonic studios?

TOM CRUISE: No, no, no! Far worse than Karloff; a Queen Bee Mummy will knock Karloff’s worker Bee Mummy into Oblivion; she’ll go far beyond Marjorie Cameron, who hunted down Jack Parsons upon a Babalon synchronicity. She’s a femme fatale Succubus… She’ll get into your pyramidal three tiered brain, driving you Left-Hand-Path creatively mad with her dark salacious nature.

RED ICE: Are you for real? An ancient Queen Bee Mummy is actually around, walking amongst us?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! She’s a disembodied Thetan, who has total control over the worker Bee’s, Alex Kurtzman and Jon Spaihts. what’s more, as a disembodied Queen Bee Thetan, she took possession of Sofia Boutella.

RED ICE: Sofia Boutella is possessed by a disembodied Thetan? What do you mean by a Thetan, exactly? Can you explain to our Muggle audience what a Thetan is?

TOM CRUISE: Well, I can’t go into the Thetan stuff. You have to a be a Scientologist to be privy to that kind of… Clear… information. All I can say, is that a Thetan is like a spirit.

RED ICE: Is a Thetan spirit associated with the Theta brainwave, which is involved with hypnagogic trance and Artistic creativity?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! Yes! It is a chaotic brainwave state, we Scientologists have to control at a collective level in order to brainwash brains, to then convert their jellies into a hypnotised hive-mind, just as the Catholic church of Rome’s BORG empire has likewise done so, let alone Islam and that of their original appropriated BORG source, Judaism. As Philip K. Dick once said, “The Empire Never Ended!”

TOM CRUISE: So, when in Rome, do as the Roman’s do… Cults are financially lucrative, which is especially the case when a cult becomes a big-business religion, paying no taxes… Shit! The money just rolls in. That’s why the public water supply has been eugenically fluoridated with a known neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, in order to calcify the DMT producing pineal-glands of the unwashed fleecy minded populace, to never question their monotheistic triangle of an Illuminati trinity… Damn it! I’ve let slip there…

TOM CRUISE: Forget what I jut said. Look, I can’t reveal anymore, otherwise I’ll be castrated by L. Ron Hubbard’s Men In Black minions, dressed like dog-collared priests… But there’s something far, far worse than them… I haven’t the time; I’m being hunted by the Great Old Ones. This is between you, me, and your very select audience, you understand… Kurtzman told me in private, that he and Spaihts decided to use the Surrealist technique of Automatism, which involved the utilisation of a Ouija board.

RED ICE: What type of Ouija board did Kurtzman and Spaihts use, there are so many different designs?

TOM CRUISE: The Ouija board was specially designed by the same individual who wrote and illustrated a Grimore, both of them used to conjure up a Succubus as their inspiring Art Muse. It was the Muse who inspired their artistic ideas for their movie, to win over the studio’s lodge, big bucks.

RED ICE: What Playgirl Grimoire are you talking about here, are you speaking about, something like, H.P. Lovecraft’s Necronomicon?

TOM CRUISE: Sort of; but it’s the real Necronomicon, since no one had ever depicted what this Grimoire covers, listing Playboy Goetia Girls. It was written and illustrated by some mad sorcerer artist, named Mardun, who is also known as Faustus Crow; he is the Artist who designed their Ouija board.

RED ICE: Mardun… Faustus Crow… never heard of him… Tell us more about this Succubus Art Muse…

TOM CRUISE: The Succubus, Kurtzman and Spaihts conjured up is called Uvall, who is said to be an ancient Egyptian Art Muse, Crow illustrated as a Mummy. Uvall started to make the planchette go crazy around the Ouija board, channelling the script for the entire movie, who also communicated that another name she is known by is… Ahmanet.

RED ICE: So you’re telling us that Kurtzman and Spaihts conjured up a Succubus called Uvall, which channelled the entire movie script as well as taking possession of Sofia as Ahmanet?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! The Succubus transformed Sofia into a wild eyed Performance Artist. She became like an ecstatic Shaman High Priestess Of The Silver Star; she would spontaneously go into an orgasmic Sirius trance on set, saying she was the incarnate ‘Anima’ made as Babalon flesh, let alone singing perverse erotic hymns about Faustus Crow all of the time; it scared the living shit out of me, let alone everyone else. When she sang her salacious praises to Crow, she would make various objects fly all around, such as cameras flying like winged eyes, the camera crew’s bus, weighing as much as a pyramid block, flew like Harry Potter’s car; she even levitated camels, which trotted the air like Santa’s reindeer out of London zoo; it was like Spielberg’s, Poltergeist, but for real.

RED ICE: Sorry, but I think, all of this sounds absolutely crazy. Are you taking any psychiatric medication?

TOM CRUISE: I hate psychiatrists, and I’m not mad; I’m deadly serious. Kurtzman also informed me that the other film directors and writers are using Crow’s Grimoire in the same way for their own horror films, let alone science fiction movies.

RED ICE: Hang on! What? The other directors, writers are using Crow’s Grimoire, in order to conjure up Succubus Art Muses, around his Ouija boards, for their movie scripts as well? That’s, just plain nuts! It sounds like a David Icke reptilian conspiracy to me.

TOM CRUISE: Uvall, I…I… mean, Ahmenet; NO! I mean, Sofia; she’s possessed by the raptor SOPHIA, get it!? She is intending to awaken all the hot blooded Beasts to their Fallen ‘Anima,’ by using those hypnotically erotic dance moves of hers. You do know what that means don’t you?

RED ICE: No! I don’t; Fallen ‘Anima,’ what’s that?

TOM CRUISE: Can’t go into the Jungian details, apart from saying that it means an end of the Illuminati deification of the ‘Animus,’ made as our three faced God out of Ur, whose gender fixated rule since the Zodiac age of Aries to that of Pisces is about to be usurped by the Succubus Great Old Ones of the fallen ‘Anima.’ The seventh seal of a Chakra has been opened, by the conjuration of Uvall, who will usher in the new Aeon of Star Trek Aquarius.

RED ICE: Let’s get this straight; you’re saying that the conspiring directors and writers in Hollywood are conjuring up the Great Old Ones of the fallen ‘Anima,’ who are all Succubi, to bring about the age of Aquarius, just like the Hippies attempted to do during the Vietnam war era, which was initiated by a false-flag event?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! Something like that, but the Hippies were still enamoured with our deified ‘Animus’ made as a God, so, our glorious Military Industrial Complex was able to control them for a time, until those damned unwashed druggie Hippies rebelled against the meat-grinder draft…

TOM CRUISE: However, this zeitgeist time around, our glorious Military Industrial Complex has sorted it out by using weaponsised sanctions, A.I. drones and subversively funded terrorists in proxy wars… while the ignorant Sheep back home, who are made to think they are, woke, are in fact, quite asleep, have been PsyOp distracted by the controlled mass-media to otherwise protest about their genital rights…

TOM CRUISE: Now there’s no troublesome draft, apart from keeping the poor purposefully desperate, who are forced to join the military. The poor grunts will be verily sacrificed upon the altar of UR, betwixt the false-flag toppled towers of Boaz and Joachim in far off Oily lands as mercenaries, bought and paid for by Oily foreign powers, earning shit-loads of Petrodollars for the war profiteers, who are are our ruling elite…

TOM CRUISE: Anyway, we have a far bigger problem, which hearkens back to something, very ancient, yet it is also of a far flung future shamanic orientation, towards that of the Animist… I would like to point out that Crow uses the older term, Succubae, by the way. As far as I can tell, the PsyOp controlled Hollywood gender-bender gang-bangers have totally misinterpreted Crow’s work… But soon, they’ll figure it all out… and then, they will collectively shit their politically-correct mikhnasáyim…

TOM CRUISE: Not only the directors and writers are engaging themselves in this mass-ritual, but also the producers, Artists, and even the actors and actresses; they are all secretly conjuring, which enables them to induce lucid dream interactions with Crow’s Art Muses… I do not think they actually understand what they are doing at all… The films will invariably all share the same cinematic Hyper-Sigil universe…

TOM CRUISE: Just like Marvel’s and Disney’s elemental superhero franchise of the spandex wearing ‘Animus,’ whose neuro-marketing empire will be toppled by the return of the classic film-land monsters out of the collective unconscious. It has all been initiated by the fallen ‘Anima’ conjuration of Uvall as Ahmenet, who equates with the Tarot card of the High Priestess…

RED ICE: (Cough!) Um! It’s a crazy world… Hmmmm! I’m sure that Madonna will know that the High Priestess is associated with the ‘Ninth’ Yesod sphere of the Moon in the Cabbala, whose Tarot card is ascribed to the thirteenth path, which crosses over the ‘Eleventh’ hidden sphere of Da’at.

TOM CRUISE: Yes! I know all that shock-hypnosis, Autonomic, Reticular-Activation-System, Nine-Eleven stuff…

TOM CRUISE: It is via the Aquarian stargate pylons of Queen Bee Sofia, who is now Crow’s High Priestess, that Hollywood will soon be transformed into Horror-Wood under the blue Kachina star of Sirius.

RED ICE: (smirks) Are you conjuring out of Crow’s Grimoire as well? I must say that Sofia’s pylons are most ravishing.

TOM CRUISE: (moralistic anger) NO! You know what my Minority Report leaning is of ‘Animus’ worship; I am not into this vile ‘Anima’ pornography. It’s all mad, utterly insane… that is why I am warning you about what is going on behind the creative scenes, where Crow’s sorcery of Art is being practiced, which will eventually lead to the politically-correct media-machine being unveiled as a mass-hypnosis propaganda tool…

TOM CRUISE: We can’t allow that to happen. (Cruise’s mobile starts to ring; he looks wide eyed at the received text, an expression of War Of The Worlds abject terror crosses his face.)

RED ICE: (mildly concerned) Are you okay, you look as if someone has just stepped upon your eternally recurring Edge Of Tomorrow grave?

TOM CRUISE: Uvall, I…I… mean, Ahmenet, she’s found me out! No! Her name is Babalon, No! No! No! She can’t be Babalon… I mean Sophia, damn it! damn it… it’s Sofia… damn it, sounds all Greek to me… it’s all the same bloody archetypal raptor. She thinks she’s the Anima incarnate, desiring justice and most bloody vengeance… She knows where I am; I’m not safe here. This interview has ended… I have to go, NOW! Before Crow’s dark haired Babalon Working, Queen Bee Mummy, finds me. (A Heyoka Crow is heard cawing in the Avadhuta distance.)



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

Jane Fonda stars in Roger Vadim's futuristic space adventure 'Barbarella'. The story is based on the comic strip created by Jean Claude Forest, 6th July 1967. Costumes by Paco Rabanne.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Cinema of a childhood memory; I remember being taken to a cinema situated in Putney by my parents. The cinema was showing the film Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, which had just hit the shores of the UK.

As many will no doubt know, the film is about a magical flying car, a Hindu mystic might just call a Vimana, which of a term has also been applied to sightings of UFOs.

Anyway, I was rather young at the time, I must have been around four years of age; what is quite strange is that I cannot recollect seeing the film at all, I probably fell asleep, since it is a musical. I never had a liking for musicals, they tend to do my head in with their sugary mantras.

Even so, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang no doubt zapped my reptilian brain-stem, which I later fused of symbolism with the sentient Hippie Volkswagen Beetle, numbered fifty-three (numerology: reduced to eight), featured in the 1968 Disney film, entitled, The Love Bug, to then symbolically merge with Odin’s ‘eight’-legged Night-Mare called, Sleipnir, and the prior 1960 George Pal film version of H.G. Well’s, The Time Machine.

Those of you who are Artists, creating within your Magic-Circle Art studios, might understand what I have just written of a symbolic merger. Whereas a non-Artist will very likely say that what has been written sounds absolutely barmy, deranged, let alone insane! Alas, ‘Muggle’ non-Artists find it extremely difficult to understand the reasoning of associative symbolism, leading to the evolution of an internal idea, to conjure up of a corresponding ‘brainstorming’ vision amidst the Triangle Of Art Imagination. Then to manifest it of externalised artistry, whether it be a drawing, painting, sculpture, writing, etc, or even a… musical. I still do not like musicals, even if it is based upon H.G. Wells, The Time Machine.

Okay! I might give it a go… maybe… since Jeff Wayne’s, musical version of H.G Wells, War Of The Worlds wasn’t so bad, which I must admit, I bought long ago. There is however an exception in regards to my dislike of musicals, I absolutely adore the hilarious 1966 musical film, entitled, ‘A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum,’ which led to Frankie Howard’s superb comical rendition of Roman culture in the 1969-1970 TV series, Up Pompeii.

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum, is brilliantly accurate concerning its depiction of Diana-Lucifera Roman society where the Mesopotamian, Make Love, Not War, sex Goddess Astarte was still remembered of an Anima archetype before she was bound into the Animus male form of Astaroth by the Hebrew’s and copy-cat Christian’s.

Astarte later became the machismo Ashtar Of Star Command, channelled by UFO devotees as their angelic saviour, looking like an Aryan Animus Christ piloting a Vimana. Lest us not forget that the Christian’s also transformed the Roman Anima Goddess, Diana-Lucifera into gender-bender Animus Lucifer of an anti-thesis ‘brand,’ which is a comedy of neuro-marketing mind-control errors in its self.

You might just enquire, “why do you consider the film, A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum to be historically accurate in its depiction of Roman life?” Well, when I first saw the film as a kid, it triggered off a number of vivid recurring dreams about an inner self-image of mine being in ancient pre-Christian Rome, maybe animist Pompeii.

Or to be elsewhere among the precincts of the vast Roman empire, which has… Never Ended… of an Animus fixated symbolic Matrix since the time of Emperor Constantine, who appropriated the ancestral-self-identity of the Hebrew’s.

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The imperialistic culture of ancient Rome the 1966 science fiction series Star Trek had conjured up as the Romulan empire. I still fondly remember the Romulan commander out of the 1968 Star Trek episode: The Enterprise Incident.

I have had a suspicion for sometime, that I have experienced a rather comedic past life as a rebellious citizen of ancient Rome.

Or otherwise accessing a passed down ‘Neuro-Genetic’ memory of a prior Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius, which the Vietnam war era Broadway musical, entitled, Hair, had immortalised, of a Timothy Leary ‘Eight Circuit’ vision of consciousness, back in 1968, whose (53/8) Love Bug anti-war message was later made into a movie in 1979.

But the Love Bug message was duly forgotten during the very shady (23-Skiddoo) 2003 invasion of Oily Iraq.

I am digressing; sort of, as mentioned I cannot remember all the details of the Chitty Chitty Bang Bang film at the time. But what I do vividly recollect is seeing a psychedelic poster when we first entered and left Putney cinema. (A late 1960’s-early 70’s Hippie era photo of Putney cinema is featured in the comic strip below.)

The poster was for the 1968 Hippie film Barbarella, which had a profound affect upon me, I even remember waddling my way back into the cinema foyer to have another look, just after we left, wondering what had just hit me of a reptilian brain-stem Anima ‘Da’at’ zap; this of course freaked out my parents no end, since I escaped their grasp.

What I felt was a sensation of recognition; it was the same feeling of déjà vu I had felt when I later set eyes upon a Lamb’s Navy billboard poster of Anima icon Caroline Munro, which I made a ritualistic point of passing by as a kid; this invariably led to finding myself in an auto-hypnotised daze, repeatedly crashing into a lamppost Iriminsul near unto the billboard, when going to and from Hogwarts.

I cannot say that the Barbarella poster did not evoke a Love Bug sexual response in me, in all honesty, it did.

But not as an adult would understand it of a Politically-Correct Thought-Control Romulan intellect, it was something else, far more spiritual of a Tantric nature.

Although, the anti-war child doctor, Benjamin McLane ‘Spock’ may have understood, who signed the ‘Writers and Editors War Tax Protest’ pledge, back in 1968, vowing to refuse tax payments in protest against the Romulan War in Vietnam.

Super-Team Family: The Lost Issues!: Team Up:

Barbarella Jane Fonda is also well known for her anti-war protests. But history has since repeated its self. Such to occur because of those in power playing the same old game, over and over again, from Vietnam to Iraq; lessons were of course learned, which of psychological-warfare application was to stave off any repeat of the Hippie era anti-war movement. It worked!

I suspect that the now considered Entartete Kunst Barbarella poster acted as a symbolic trigger, akin to those symbolic triggers encountered in dreams, which triggers a dreamer into lucidity. These trigger events appear to occur at key-times around the Zodiac Ouroboros. As far as I can recollect, the UK Barbarella poster I saw as a child was the one below, which was designed by Robin Ray and illustrated by Renato Fratini in the comic strip style of Barbarella’s creator, Jean-Claude Forest.

The other poster design I potentially saw was originally done by the brilliant American illustrator, Robert McGinnis, which in the UK was in part redesigned by Robin Ray and Renato Fratini.

It is almost as if, what I am focusing upon now of Entartete Kunst artistry, concerning the conjuration of (Succubi) Succubae Art Muses within lucid dreams, such as the Anima version of Astaroth, otherwise called Astarota, has somehow influenced my own past through time.

The lucid dream conjurations of Hippie space-girl Barbarella, as Astarota, flying her Vimana of an Ouroboros flying-saucer may have generated a self-enclosed loop of time.

This was in turn triggered by my childhood observation of a Barbarella poster, depicting a Succubus fluctuation of the fallen Anima.

But then, Astarota to classically reveal how the Succubae Great Old Ones fell out of the symbolic paradigm. Hence, they are not listed in any Grimoire, until I rebelliously depicted their Anima manifestations.

If you think that sounds crazy, just remember, I am an Artist and Artists are naturally crazy, it goes with the creative turf! As for Roger Vadim’s ‘surrealist’ film of Barbarella I only got to see it until much later, when I was in my late teens.

The lucid dream conjurations of Astarota might explain the precognitive experiences I have experienced, some of which enabled me to avert a number of life threatening situations.

That, or it is a triggered indicator that eternal recurrence is an Ouroboros reality, which going by my other personal experiences, could indeed be the case of a closed-timelike-curve, to lucid dream ride as a conjured Night-Mare Vimana.



Posted in Alien, Conspiracy Theory, Extraterrestrial, Science Fiction, Star Trek, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 11, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

From across the other side of the universe an alien vehicle, whose technology is many thousands if not millions of years in advance than our own made its space-warp way, within a blink of a bloodshot eye towards the little blue planet of the Naked Apes. The alien craft is totally unaffected by bullet micro-meteorites, electromagnetic space rotting radiation or by the rending solar storms of exploding stars, not even the tearing maelstroms of black holes can affect it, as the craft eventually enters the Earth’s burning atmosphere, to then soar majestically over the bone dry desert of New Mexico.

Alas it is zapped by the newly invented radar of the Naked Apes, which causes the alien visitors to lose control of their screaming sentient craft. The alien vehicle crashes into dirt farmland in Lincoln County, not too far from the quaint town of Roswell on July 8th 1947. The shocked alien pilots scramble out of their downed craft, who are duly caught by the Naked Ape military, and carted off to Area 51, where they endure having their little ‘humanoid’ bodies being dissected upon underground lab slabs, which later went viral over the web, as alien snuff!

As for the technology of the aliens, the Naked Apes miraculously back-engineer its highly advanced science, which enabled the Naked Ape military industrial complex to have its Star Wars New Order dominance over the entire Earth! This is in essence the Roswell UFO story. Sounds like a cheap science fiction flick to me.

Just prior to the Roswell crash, a pilot going by the name of Kenneth Arnold was merrily flying around in his propeller driven plane, when he shockingly observed a formation of aircraft, which didn’t have propellers, all looking like boomerangs, flying over Mt. Rainier, in Washington State’s Cascade Mountains, on June 24th, 1947. Arnold’s sighting gave rise to the media term flying saucer.


Boomerang? Flying Saucer? You know what the media are like, they go with the catchier viral-meme; that, or the mass media was being subversively utilised to introduce another technology to be sighted as being alien, and what is more, whenever they crash their craft into unpopulated areas, the military are always there to quickly pick up the pieces.


When looking back in retrospect, the eye witness accounts of the Roswell craft sounds all too familiar, which of a flying wing design looks to be terrestrial rather than anything extraterrestrial.

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Although, for the eyewitnesses at the time, the craft looked to be quite alien, like something right out of a science fiction movie. One thing for sure, the science fiction genre exploded into the mainstream like a star going super nova after the Roswell event.

If the Roswell crash eyewitnesses had been aware of the technological leaps the German’s had achieved near the end of WWII, and even prior, they would have been utterly shocked, since their rather… boxed… mind-set was still getting over the existence of the atom bomb in their midst.

Another controversial explanation of the Roswell incident is covered in a book, entitled, Area 51, by Annie Jacobsen; her book is based on interviews with the scientists and engineers who work in Area 51, of a supposed top secret test base, that everybody knows about, situated in the Nevada desert. Jacobsen entirely dismisses the alien story, who was told by an Area 51 informant that Josef Stalin was inspired by Orson Wells famous radio adaptation of the HG Wells novel War of the Worlds, which provoked hysteria across America when it was broadcast in 1938.

According to Jacobsen, the dastardly Russian plot had come to fruition after the Soviet Union had seized a Horton Ho 229 stealth-fighter, a jet propelled flying wing, which is the first stealth jet forerunner of the modern B2 stealth bomber. Jacobsen then relates that the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele who had experimented on twin girls in Auschwitz, and later fled to South America after the war was supposedly enlisted by the Soviet’s to create the pilots. This does not quite add up at all; Mengele was a devout Nazi, who hated the Communists. Why would he work for them? Jacobsen’s answer is that Mengele created a crew of child-sized alien looking aviators for Stalin in return for a eugenics laboratory. I don’t think so!

Jacobsen describes the plane being filled with alien looking children, aged 12 or 13, who Stalin wanted to land in America, to cause mas hysteria among the populace, of similarity to the 1938 broadcast. But, the plane, which was remotely piloted by another aircraft, just happened to have crashed in a virtually unpopulated area, and the American military hushed up the incident. If there is any truth to this explanation, then the Soviet’s had given the America a huge technological advantage, which doesn’t make a lot of sense; it sounds more like a comic strip right out of the underground classic, Commies From Mars.

It appears that somebody out of Area 51 is taking the total utter piss. What is more probable is that the American’s had their own Horten Ho 229, which was piloted by Mengele’s eugenic experiments upon twin girls. The Creepypasta Stalin tale was CIA concocted to feed into the Russia-gate hysteria, leading thence to Trump’s announcement of creating a Space Force.

As for having female pilots of ‘short stature,’ they have a higher tolerance for G-forces; this would mean the U.S. government made a deal with Mengele; and as of per usual the craft crashed in a virtually unpopulated area for the military to turf up right on time.

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If they hadn’t been aware of the crash, to turn up rather late in the day, to find a gathered crowd standing around little female corpses amidst the debris; how would they had explained it all away. May be they would have concocted an Independence Day pre-Ronald Reagan speech, such as, “our Fatherland is being invaded by ungodly atheist Bad Girls From Mars, we must unite all the nations of the Earth behind our Fuehrer, against this alien threat, which threatens our Godly Christian morality.”

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Whatever the case, the Roswell incident has been an ongoing subject of dozens of books, and even official studies, which were, funnily enough, initially undertaken by both the General Accounting Office and the U.S. Air Force. There has since been a plethora of television documentaries, movies, TV series, and considerable media scrutiny and public interest in the Roswell incident, much of which is orientated towards the alien hypothesis.

Doesn’t that sound familiar to you; the constant propaganda, which moulds and directs the perception of the masses, such as the UFO mystique always pointing at Biblical Sumeria, and the relentless media stories about Saddam Hussein having weapons of mass destruction buried under Baghdad of one time Biblical Babylon, which led to bat winged… stealth bombers… flying over Abraham’s Sumerian ziggurat of UR.

Then later, you find out Saddam’s WMD’s was all an engineered lie, and even more surprised to find the gullible religious masses did not protest about the ensuing wars. But then many of the brainwashed Sheep believe it to be a fulfillment of their self-fulfilling Biblical prophecies. You could argue that the alien mystique is none too different to subversively engineered propaganda. One of the prior propaganda merchants of the Roswell incident is Lieutenant Colonel Philip Corso, who had co-authored the much-debated 1997 book, The Day after Roswell with William Birnes.

Corso alleged that he had personal knowledge of the Roswell affair while serving with the military. He supposedly helped advance the United States, both scientifically and militarily, by secretly providing the Roswell craft technologies to shadowy U.S. based private industries and very shady defence contractors.

Despite the fact that many have championed Corso as a solid proponent of the idea that extraterrestrial aliens had crashed their superior technology into the desert of New Mexico in 1947, many of the technologies he spoke of retrieving from a downed alien craft, the German’s had already achieved a decade or more before.

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It is very likely that Corso was aware of this fact, who perhaps couldn’t figure out how the German’s had acquired their science fiction technologies in the first place. Being a military man, he was no doubt privy to who had later appropriated the technologies to secretly test, so as to back-engineer them.

So, why the smokescreen of aliens? Perhaps it was to do with freaking out the Russian’s. Although that doesn’t make any sense at all, since the Russian’s had also acquired German technology. It was probably more to do with offsetting any technological shock the public might experience, when the technologies would be slowly introduced, as well as hiding the fact that it had been acquired from WWII Germany.

I do not think that the general populace would have been at all happy that the military industrial complex of Nazi Germany was being absorbed into their own. They would have felt as if they were being, shafted, I mean, invaded. In fact, they were, via their Operation Paperclip back door! Don’t worry America, you were not the only one to be upended, other countries had been shafted too! However, America had the far bigger anal probe!

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Corso would have still wondered how the German military industrial complex had achieved their technological superiority whose scientists thought outside of the… box. May be he thought it had something to do with an alien intervention, but in actuality he considered that something very different had occurred.

Corso described the bodies of the pilots found within the wreckage of the craft, as being genetically created humanoids, you could otherwise term as being ‘clones,’ which had been designed to withstand the rigors of space flight. Whether Corso was referring to the eugenic practices of Josef Mengele, who, as mentioned, had an interest in female twins, is debatable.

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Corso also pointed out that the pilots were not the actual creators of the craft itself, which indicates that he was possibly telling half truths.

Right up to the time of his demise in 1998, Corso also made it a point that the U.S. Government had no idea of who constructed the craft, or who had genetically engineered the short humanoids found in the vicinity of the wreckage.

But in hindsight it appears he knew the origin of the craft as well as the origins of the genetically modified pilots, who were very likely short female (clones) twins; this would mean Corso was very spare with the information he had divulged, which of disinformation, was subversively propagated by the U.S. government, who knew the truth.

Another notable thing about Corso’s whistleblower tale, is that he considered that the Roswell craft was a time machine, built by your future human descendants. Going by the technology he had described, it is not too far distant; in fact, it is here, now! You are presently surrounded by the very technology that was used to create much of it!

Corso’s perspective that the Roswell craft was in fact a time machine is rather at odds with the commonality of aliens. However, he is not alone, Commander George W. Hoover. one of the most acclaimed Naval scientists in U.S. military history has stated unequivocally that the Roswell crash of 1947 was a time machine, whose pilots were human, who travelled back in time from the future. Hoover is universally acknowledged as being the grandfather of satellite technology and a close associate of Dr. Werner von Braun.

If the Roswell craft is indeed a time machine, it may explain the reason why the Roswell affair is still shrouded in overwhelming secrecy, after it had occurred.

Having time travel capability would be a major culture shock, if it is ever divulged. Hence, kept very secret indeed.


You could let rip of science fiction conjecture that the Roswell craft was a time machine, which was not the first to have been sent back into time. A previous time machine had landed in the Black forest of pre-WWII 1936 Germany; the mission of the pilots was to warn certain contacts of a future calamity, involving the chemical cocktails being produced by IG Farben, which was the then largest chemical company in the world. The warning fell upon deaf ears, the mission was unsuccessful; the craft, dismantled, the pilots dissected by the gleeful Nazi scientists for their… paying masters.


Another time machine was sent back to 1947, which was purposefully brought down over New Mexico, by their awaiting enemy who did not want the time travellers interfering in their eugenic agenda, nor to reveal their crime against humanity and the Earth its self! You could term it as being a time-war being fought around the ‘Twelve Zodiac ages’ between a rebel faction who are attempting to change an outcome, whereas the established ‘worker Bee’ opposition seek to bring it about for a future… ‘Beehive.’

But what could this outcome be? Well, it turns out, that since the end of WWII, fertility rates are drastically reducing as well as an increase of varying mental problems, which is primarily afflicting the male of the species in particular. The cause of this affliction is due to the alchemical broth of industrial chemicals, which are steadily poisoning the environment. Some scientists believe that it is hearkening in the eventual extinction of the male; only the females will be left, that’s if cloning is achieved with time-travel thrown in for good measure, which would be required, in order to harvest new genetic material around the Twelve Zodiac ages, otherwise, humanity is bye, bye!

Where Have All The BOYS Gone ? Biphenyl A (BPA) – The Disappearing Male from joan sanders on Vimeo.

Then again, you could otherwise see the Black forest time machine being sent back into time to give Germany the upper hand for a time, which invariably led to America attaining technological superiority via the Operation Paperclip acquisition of various Nazi scientists, such as Wernher von Braun and his mentor Hermann Oberth, who, with many another German scientist had parented NASA. Braun and Oberth did make a passing mention, once, that they were helped in their scientific endeavours by some other outside… intervention.


When the time machine returned back to 1947 after its mission to 1936, it inadvertently crashed. As for Braun and Oberth, they may have not been aware of a blacker than black Secret Space Program using a time machine, which involved other German scientists, who had never met Walt Disney. Such is of course just science fiction conjecture… or is it?


The hard truth of the matter is that the technological advancements of the American military industrial complex owes much of its achievements to Nazi Germany, which is understandably creepy.


It will not sit at all well with the American public, who would far prefer to believe in angels and demons transformed into aliens, let alone believing the Earth is Biblical flat and that the Nephilim run the world.

The government has lied about it all for a very long time, which of further developments of advanced technologies behind the scenes, has been shrouded within the engineered smokescreen of the alien mystique.

What is rather curious though, is that the engineered alien mystique has inadvertently led to an evolutionary leap of the human imagination, which is in essence that of consciousness expansion at a global level via the mass media; this has occurred in league with rapid developments in technology.

As Hippie Dr Benjamin ‘Spock’ makes the hand-sign of ‘Shin,’ to then Futurist say,’ “Live Long And Prosper,” which of a Shekinah equivalent would be, “Make Love Not War.” His Vulcan words would reveal that if it wasn’t for the alien mystique of social-engineering, you wouldn’t have had the cultural phenomenon of Star Trek inspiring little kiddies, with its thinking outside of the…box, science fiction technologies becoming as shocking fact.

The magic of science fiction is that it pre-prepares you for the shock, as you reach out wanting more of what lies beyond of intelligence increase. To paraphrase The X-Files, when it comes to Roswell and UFO’s, the truth is ‘not’ out there after all. Instead, it is here, right now!

NOTE: In general: I am not saying that there are no extraterrestrial species occupying the universe, whose civilisations would very likely predate our own by many, many millions of years, billions in fact or even trillions of years, if not far older. The thing is, would we be able to ever recognise them for what they are, since they will most likely be non-humanoid of form and intelligence, and what is more, they may just be an A.I. or occupying another dimension, let alone being microscopic of a hive-mind unity, etc.

We are presently surrounded by a myriad number of life-forms upon our own planet, among whom we measure our own intelligence against; such a perspective is rather arrogant in the extreme, which indicates that we are not yet ready to contact other sentient life-forms beyond our own planet, since we do not respect the numerous sentient life-forms surrounding us.

The alien hypothesis is primarily geared towards a humanoid kinship with an otherworldly intelligence like our own. Should we ever make direct contact with such an off world intelligence of similarity to ourselves, we might just find that it shares a common ancestry with us, whose origin is far more of this world or another shared planetary cradle.

Deep space travel between the stars would require time-travel capability to make it practical; wherefore our future descendants who have attained time-travel capability would be around us now! Their civilisation will surround our own, just as our civilisation surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon.

As for grandfather paradoxes, such is only applicable if you only have one universe, but if you have a multiverse, then paradoxes are not a problem. A far flung futuristic technology, which is indivisible to magic, present scientists will never be able to comprehend would allow the time travellers to engineer alternate time-lines, whose highly advanced technology allows them to ‘slide’ back and forth between alternate Earth’s.   

Our future descendants would have evolved over time; some of them have no doubt been born off world upon other planets; whereby, looking quite alien; yet, still our humanoid kin, even if they have been genetically engineered or to be at one with an artificial-intelligence.

It is our future descendants who will have a vested interest in visiting their own ancestors to study and observe, just as our own scientists would be intrigued to observe a Cro-Magnon, to collect data and genetic material from. Your future descendants will also have the necessary ‘Quantum Computing’ power to create ‘Ancestor Simulations’ in order to download themselves into, or to otherwise ‘browse,’ of time-travel.  

There is another science fiction possibility. If you had an ancient civilisation existing 12,000 years ago, which had attained an equivalent industrial revolution, whose technology then quickly evolved, of similarity to what Nikola Tesla had rediscovered. Said civilisation would be 12,000 years more advanced than our own.

However, because of a catastrophic event involving a comet hitting the Earth, which had occurred 10,000 years ago, the advanced civilisation, which had the Vimana technology of flight and perhaps even space-flight capability, along with other technological achievements was utterly destroyed.

Scientists have determined that if the same catastrophe occurred now, nothing would survive of ones own civilisation, apart from the Hoover dam, future scientists would probably say is a natural phenomenon.

But what if some semblance of this hypothetical ancient civilisation had survived, going deep underground into underworld cities, or under the ocean and perhaps even space. You would then have a hidden civilisation surrounding you, which is 12,000 years more advanced than your own present civilisation.

You might say, “that’s absolutely crazy!” If so, look to a stone age tribe in the Amazon, who do not know that your present civilisation exists, apart from seeing strange fixed winged thunder birds flying in the sky.    
