Archive for merkaba


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 8, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

Did H.G. Wells know the secret of the Sphinx? Wells very likely knew that the ancient Greek word, Sphinx means to strangle. Wherefore the Sphinx was known as the strangler, which refers to the original meaning of the composite word, Night-Mare, which is experienced when an an individual inadvertently accesses hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep, who then feels a great weight bearing down upon the chest area of the body, leading to the sensation of being strangled.

In Hebrew folklore the experience of the strangling (Sphinx) Nightmare is associated with a Night-time Succubus visitation of ‘Lilith.’ Although the phenomenon of a Succubus visitation is documented by many another culture. Hence the reason why the female term, ‘Mare’ is used. The Nightmare is technically termed as the ‘Old-Hag-Syndrome’ or otherwise known as the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The initial hypnagogic trance experience of the Night-Mare is utterly terrifying, since it involves experiencing vivid visionary material, which can be that of pure horror made manifest, causing a ‘Flight, Fight’ response, this then induces your lungs to secrete endogenous DMT.

The (Sphinx) experience of hypnagogic trance is also the power of the Merkaba throne in the Hebrew mystical system of the Kabballah, which had been influenced by ancient Egyptian symbolism. The Pharaoh considered the throne as being feminine of source, which was personified as the Goddess, Isis, who is often depicted being winged, like a raptor.

The throne refers to the power of the dream, which is illuminated by the bio-photon, emanating from the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children. When consciously accessing hypnagogic trance an individual might experience the sensation of horns sprouting forth from atop of the head, or that of the top of the skull opening up, or the head elongating. These sensations led to the symbolism of the crown, such as the elongated crown of the Pharaoh.

The experience of the head being elongated is spoken of by the Kalahari Bushmen, as well as the Dogon of South Africa, which is a common neurological sensation of accessing trance. In some societies it was taken much further by artificially deforming the skull of a child. There are those who believe the elongated skulls belong to alien hybrids; such is not the case.

In ancient shamanic societies, Shamans practiced consciously accessing (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance, which enabled them to attain conscious ingress into a lucid dream.

A Pharaoh is essentially a Shaman. When attaining ingress into a lucid dream via (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance the Pharaoh was enabled to attain an Out-Of-Body-Experience (OOBE), to thence fly as a disembodied winged Sun, or to Remote-View Time-Travel hover as a Horus Hawk over the Zodiac Ages.

As a sort of an aside, it is rather curious that Robert Munro OOBE accessed a steampunk alternate Earth via an inner (Stargate) ‘portal’ governed over by a female called, Lea.

Dr John C. Lilly also spoke of inner doorways, which lead to other worlds, who to have floated as a Pharaoh (Shaman/Nommo) within his floatation tank of a kings sarcophagus.

It just so happens that the name of Lea is etymologically connected to the name of a Celtic Faerie Lover (Art Muse) called a Leannan Sìth. It is with Lea, slider Monro becomes romantically attached, as his (Succubus) Dream Lover, when sliding into an alternate self of an Avatar.

Maybe H.G. Wells had done likewise, to ‘Sphinx dream’ of an Eloi Muse, named, Weena, when accessing (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance?

If So, then H.G. Wells had ‘Travelled Without Moving,’ when drifting off to sleep within his humble ‘Montauk Chair’ of gnarled wood and tatty Victorian leather as his ‘Night-Mare’ Time-Machine, to Remote-View know of other alternate Zodiac Ages, whose conjured Theta Brainwave ‘Art Muses,’ inspired his quantum computing lucid dreams.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Discordianism, Dr Who, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW
The American television series created for CBS All Access by Bryan Fuller and Alex Kurtzman, entitled, Star Trek Discovery, should otherwise be called, Star Trek Belial.

Let me explain. A number of years ago, long before J. J. Abrams reinvention of Star Trek, I reversed the all male ‘Animus’ fixated symbolism of the Playgirl Goetia, which included the 68th (Animus archetype) spirit of the Goetia, called Belial towards that of an ‘Anima’ manifestation, to rename as Beliala. I then associated with the symbolism of Star Trek.

The reversal inspired me to then write a couple of Kindle books, entitled Occult Star Trek: Enterprise and Occult Star Trek: Vulcan.

Suffice to say, the traditionalist occultists thought I was absolutely stir crazy, the Trekkies called me totally insane, while the Art mob treated me as if I had the plague. I didn’t care then, and still don’t care now, since the symbolic explorations of surrealistic artistry leads to a ‘Red Angel,’ of an obvious Belial-a association. Hell, you even have ‘Seven Stars’ of a Tarot Chariot VII correspondence.

Wherefore you have the Pop-Surrealist conjuring of Art Muse Beliala, for further.. insights. Anyway, the common ‘Animus’ fixated Playgirl grimoire description describes Belial as:

“The Sixty-eighth Spirit is Belial. He is a Mighty and a Powerful King, and was created next after LUCIFER. He appeareth in the Form of ‘Two Beautiful Angels; sitting in a ‘Chariot of Fire.’ He speaketh with a Comely Voice, and declareth that he fell first from among the worthier sort, that were before Michael,’and other Heavenly Angels… such as Gabriel.”

Star Trek Discovery, has Sonequa Martin-Green as a Vulcan number one called,“Michael” Burnham and Jason Isaacs acting the part of “Gabriel” Lorca, who is the (Jason and the Argonauts) Captain of the starship, Discovery; Whereupon you have… ‘two angels’… Michael and Gabriel.

Many will probably say, “so what, it’s just a generic symbolic association between the heavens of space and that of the angelic hierarchy of the three monotheistic faiths; it has nothing to do with an obscure entity listed in a grimoire.” However, Gene Roddenberry made it a point to keep religion out of Star Trek; as for the symbolic association with Belial, some will then cry out, “what’s the proof of it?” I will explain momentarily; but next, let us look to the fiery chariot.

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The design of the starship Discovery looks to be based upon the (V) Vulcan hand-sign, and in turn the Hebrew letter, Shin. Many will say, “So what, it’s just a natural design progression, which also honours the memory of Roddenberry, more so Leonard Nimoy’s iconic Shin sign.”  I agree, but, I am looking at the symbolic association between the element of fire and a chariot in particular, which is that of Belial’s fiery chariot.

The letter, ‘Shin,’ is asociated with the Shekinah, whose manifestation is that of an inner ‘fire,’ a practitioner of Yoga would equate with the (fire snake) Kundalini Shakti. Both the Shekinah and the Kundalini Shakti appear to allude to the (fire) bio-photon, emanating from the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The ancient Roman’s equated the inner fire with their Goddess, Diana-Lucifera, who was later transformed into a butch ‘Animus’ archetype to rename as Lucifer. The ‘Shin’ design of the starship Discovery would then allude to a ‘Chariot of Fire.’ Some may respond by saying, “Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Still doesn’t prove any symbolic association between two angels riding a fiery Shin chariot having anything to do with Belial; its just a load of esoteric mumbo jumbo; your’e really pushing the envelope of what’s believable, here!” 

As you will probably know franchises are very careful about their branding, wherefore, the creation of characters for a TV series have their names extensively checked out, as to their underlying meanings, even though most of the audience do not ever investigate any further, just in case someone does dig a little deeper.

For example, the name, Burnham, is from a name for various towns in England, typically derived from Old English burna, “stream, spring” and ham, ‘home,’ which is of similarity to, Lorca, being a Spanish place name, meaning, ‘town with fine “water.” Both names have an association with… ‘Water.’

In Aleister Crowley’s illustrated Playgirl Goetia, Belial is associated with the star-sign of the ‘Water’ carrier, Aquarius. The planet of Aquarius is Uranus, whose planetary sigil is of similarity to the classic Hippie era design of the starship Enterprise; the details of which I have covered in my Occult Star Trek books, that many to have knocked.

As a sort of an aside, the starship, which is introduced in the first episode of Star Trek Discovery is the Shenzhou, whose name is derived from a spacecraft, which has been developed and operated by China to support its manned spaceflight program. The name is variously translated as “Divine Craft”, “Divine Vessel of God”, “Magic Boat” or even “Star chariot,” which is of similarity to the Sanskrit, Vimana and the Hebrew (Merkba) Merkabah.

The captain of the Shenzhou is played by Michelle Yeoh as Philippa Georgiou. The name, Phillipa means “lover of horses” or “horses’ friend.”

(Curiously enough, Sonequa is a compound of Son and Equa, meaning Horse. Although Sonequa is another spelling of Shanika, which is also a slang term for a streetwise Amazon; though, she is ‘gracious’ and most generous like a ‘Venus,’ under her hardened exterior, she is somewhat akin of characteristics to Saint ‘Martin,’ whose Catholic icon is often depicted riding a horse, since he was in the Roman cavalry.)

The horse symbolism then leads you to the 19th ‘Sleipnir’ Rune of the elder Futhark, called ‘Ehwaz,’ looking like an ‘M,’ which also looks similar to the starship Discovery design. “Runes? How the Hell did you make that far-flung association? That’s just plain crazy!” Some to no doubt scream.

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Star Trek Discovery has the Klingon’s divided into 24 warring great houses, which appears to be associated with the 24 Runes of the elder Futhark, the Nazi regime had misappropriated and misused. This sure looks to be the case, considering that the dark skinned Klingon’s of Star Trek Discovery have a eugenic obsession with (Nazi) racial purity, wherefore those who have white skin are considered to be outcasts; hence you have a reversal of the Nazi White Supremacist mystique.

But it is rather curious that the Klingon’s have dark skin, considering what the co-executive producer of Star Trek Discovery had told Rolling Stone that President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign was, “front and center in our minds” as they developed it — so much so that the rallying cry of the show’s villains is specifically patterned after the Trumpster credo “Make America Great Again.”

“We felt like it would be interesting to really look at what’s going on in the United States,” Aaron Harberts told Rolling Stone, noting that the series’ primary villains — an extremist Klingon sect — scream “Remain Klingon,” something deliberately reminiscent of “Make America Great Again.”

As Harberts put it, “It’s a call to isolationism. It’s about racial purity, and it’s about wanting to take care of yourself. And if anybody is reaching a hand out to help you, it’s about smacking it away . . . That was pretty provocative for us, and it wasn’t necessarily something that we wanted to completely lean into. But it was happening. We were hearing the stories.”

(A curious aside, I wonder if Aaron Harberts is some distant relative of Jason Aaron, who made Thor into a woman? Both of whom seem to be of the same politically correct ‘Newspeak’ mind-set. What is really strange, is that a Lady Thor is not seen to be a Goddess, but otherwise has the title, God, along with Valkyrie having the title, King, not Queen, just as a Burnham is called Michael.

The Lady Thor is to be played by Natalie Portman. You would think the gender-swap titles/names sound absolutely barmy, I’m sure Gene Roddenberry and Stan Lee would think so. But it’s all in your Newspeak face. Whether Natalie personally knows the two Aarons’s is of course debatable. Although she obviously knows Taika Waititi, whose name sounds Maori, but he isn’t totally Maori.)

As for Georgiou, the name means, “son of George,” as in George and the Dragon, which then leads you to the angel, Michael, defeating the Dragon; although the Dragon is an ancient allusion to the (fire snake) Kundalini Shakti, which is also associated with the (Chinese/Malaysian/Mongolian) shamanic motif of the horse, whose symbolism represents the experience of ‘trance,’ which of an initial hypnagogic night-Mare terror, needs to be controlled, overcome and (Dragon) defeated.

(The terror of the Nightmare can be equated with what the novelist, Steven Pressfield would term as ‘resistance.’ The resistance seeks to keep things as they are, but in order to create, which is that of an ‘evolutionary’ force involving innovative change, the resistance needs to be defeated. The resistance can also be equated with the established mind-set of the audience, who desire to keep Star Trek as it is of a Ring-Pass-Not. When the Nightmare [Dragon] is defeated, it can then be ridden as a [chariot] Night-Mare.)


Overall, it looks as if Star Trek Discovery alludes to Aquarian fiery Shin chariot, two angel, Belial-a.

Many will say, “why the Hell, would the makers of Star Trek Discovery associate their reinvented franchise with the occult, let alone a spirit listed in the Goetia, which is commonly seen to be a tome of black magic? And what’s more, why would they use Belial, since said spirit is usually associated with evil, that numerous theologians say is the real Devil?”

You could just as well argue,” why use a most obvious reference to two Biblical angels in an iconic TV series, which has kept religion out of the equation?” At face-level, the pandering reference to two Biblical angels is that of selling out to the mostly Christian audience, most of whom will be totally oblivious to the two angels being classically associated with the zodiac, which leads you to Bryan Fuller’s star sign, let alone to see the deeper symbolic reference to Belial riding a fiery chariot.

Those who will see the symbolic reference to Belial, will commonly react by saying, “Hollywood is awash with vile Satanists, atheists and humanists who are attempting to corrupt the Biblical morals of the young faithful Judaeo-Christian’s, within our God fearing patriarchal country of the deified ‘Animus.’ It is an Illuminati conspiracy!” 

The makers of Star Trek Discovery will of course side-step it all by explaining it away; by making out that the starship Discovery’s distinctive ‘V’ shape is has been in the design pipeline for a longtime, which has nothing to do with the fiery Shin, and that the two angel names refer to family members, which of references to water is to do with someones watery star-sign, such as a partner, etc, to make all rather mundanely innocent.

Yet, they will be very much aware that the Illuminati fixated conspiracy theorists will be hard at work creating their viral-memes about the eye motif, utilised in the promotional material, which will act as free advertising for the reinvented franchise. As for Belial, they have to be led there. Hence you have a subversively engineered reason for the use of the Belial association. But, logically speaking, Belial is a rather obscure archetype for them to have used, and a very risky one.

What is more, there is no obvious symbolic association between the classical grimoire depiction of Belial and Star Trek, whatsoever; it is somewhat akin to associating Obsidian with Caviar, which does not make any logical sense at all, nor does it have any cultural backing, historically. Although, if you apply Salvador Dali’s Paranoiac-Critical Method to the two disassociated symbolic elements, it would make Alice In Wonderland surrealist sense.

I was the one who had associated Belial with Star Trek, of a surrealist Paranoiac-Critical juxtaposition. In fact, I am the only one to have done so, in league with reversing the ‘Animus’ fixated symbolism of the grimoires, which totally freaked out the traditionalist occultists, Trekkies and the Art mob.

They are now faced with watching Star Trek Belial, while gnashing their teeth, whose frothing mouths will be be spewing forth their mental torment as Vulcan Burnham does her Beliala gymnastics around the dark skinned eugenic Klingon’s.

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Those of an atheist leaning are faced with Burnham’s in your face association with a Biblical angel due to Fuller’s liking for giving female characters male names, which generates associative discordance:

“We’ve worked on many shows with Bryan and it’s a motif. It’s his signature move to name his lead women with names that would typically be associated as male,” executive producer Aaron Harberts said at the Television Critics Association summer press tour.

After tossing around a couple of options, the writers eventually landed on Michael for the first officer of the USS Shenzhou:“I have known of, I think, two [female] Michaels: Michael Sneed, [who] was a gossip columnist for the Chicago Sun‑Times and Michael Steele who played the bass for The Bangles. That’s a deep dive on female Michaels,” Harberts said. “And we talked about it in the entire room. It was just like, ‘This is a really, really interesting name.’ And, of course, an archangel is named Michael as well, and it just had a lot of potency for us.”

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Sounds as if it has all been explained away, doesn’t it; Hell! Since Bryan is into gender blurring why not then name Gabriel as Gabriella? Can’t go that far, otherwise it will then become like a hilarious Mel Brooks satire. When to see the Hollywood politics behind the naming of the main character as Michael, it is a total and utter farce, and what is more, a very expensive social engineering STD mistake.

This is exacerbated further by Burnham’s angelic counterpart, Gabriel. It would be understandable that the Trekkies, who are mostly atheist/humanist of persuasion will adversely react because of the blatant religious symbolism, who will hear Roddenberry howling from the grave.

Not only that, the ‘Animus’ fixated God believers in their Satanic Illuminati, will soon be tracing the symbolic strands back to my books and blogs; they will of course not be able to handle my Avadhuta sense of Heyoka humour, who will far prefer to believe in a worldwide Satanic conspiracy…. hmmmm, such could potentially work in my viral-meme favour!?

But it will be more likely that I’ll be faced with a load of asylum nut jobs, who will be claiming that I am an Illuminati disinformation agent of their Satan, along with numerous others calling me all the expletives under the black Sun. Oh! I forgot, they’ve been doing that for ages, already. Whatever the case, I love it when a plan comes together.

I’m starting to suspect someone in Holy-Wood has been looking into my books, blogs etc; there may be others, who also transformed a TARDIS into a female (Sleipnir Night-Mare) intelligence along with having a 13th ‘Tarot Card’ Doctor Who as an Orobas Pony-Girl, all of whom may be just as ‘Unsane’ as I am!? Although, I think they have misinterpreted my work concerning the ‘Animus’ and ‘Anima,’ like many another.

Hang on a minute… where’s my big Holy-Wood bucks, that’s what I wanna know… damn it to Hell! What a laugh!

Shit! It brings to mind a memory… Long ago now, I told a now ex partner of mine about an idea, which made her eyes light up, illuminating her brain with a revelation. Then her eyes to have wandered in thought, to then enquire about someone I knew, whereby revealing in that moment she did not believe I was the one who had thought of the idea.

She was instead impressed by the material glitz I did not have; whereas the other individual shit Shekels, she equated with having substance. She was totally unaware that the Shekel shitting moron had no original ideas of his own.

But she cared less, it was the hollow glitz that hypnotised her, just like many another, who are impressed by the grandeur of the Egyptian pyramids, but that does not mean that the ancient Egyptian’s had come up with the Golden Age idea in the first place, nor to have really understood what they were originally used for.

Anyway’s, enough of my Discordian egocentric ego inflation’s, where’s my bottle of Casillero del Diablo? AHA! Here it is… now back to the, Great Work… Burp!

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NOTE: In the Western magical tradition, which is primarily based upon the Hebrew Kabbalah, there are numerous magical systems, splintering off from one another, which have a very loose consensus of a convoluted opinion. Some of the symbolism is coherent from one branch to another; but others differ wildly from one another. (NOTE: Below is the Native American Medicine Wheel. The South is considered to be the first [hypnaagogic trance] gate of dreaming, which s symbolically equated with entering a ‘cave.’)

Image result for south medicine wheel

Michael is generally considered to be the archangel of Mercury; whereas Gabriel is the archangel of the Moon. In the Kabbalah, Mercury is ascribed to the 8th sephiroth of Hod. The Moon is ascribed to the 9th sephiroth of Yesod.

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The sphere of Mercuy/Hod, is commonly associated with the intellect; whereby you have Michael Burnham’s intellectual Vulcan influence. The sphere of the Moon/Yesod is best summed up by what Jason Isaacs has communicated about his Star Trek Discovery character of Gabriel as being the most f**ked up captain yet.

Belial is generally seen to be of the sphere of the Sun in the grimoires. The Golden Dawn and in turn Aleister Crowley associated the Tarot Cards with the infernals, which is not mentioned in the pre-Golden Dawn grimoires, such as the Goetia, for example. Belial was just simply associated with the Solar sphere.

Magical systems are very personal to the practitioner; wherefore, occult practitioners make symbolic changes to a utilised symbol system in accordance with their own symbolic logic. So, if someone is using the attributed Tarot card paths of the Kabbalah, which had been set up by the Golden Dawn, he/she might decide to associate Belial with a corresponding Tarot Card, which would logically be the Sun XIX.

The Golden Dawn version of the 30th Kabbalah path of the Sun XIX (Belial) links the Sephiroth of (Michael) Hod and (Gabriel) Yesod.

Aleister Crowley had associated Belial with the path of the Star XVII, which otherwise links Yesod/Moon and Netzach/Venus, The archangel of Venus is usually considered to be Haniel.

A practitioner may decide to change the symbolism of a magical system in accordance with changes in his/her life, or that of seeking to initiate a transformation, from that of a Star to that of the Sun, which is esoterically termed as leaping-the-paths. But then the Star is a Sun, which to orbit another planet, is it not.

The path of the Star is associated with the Hebrew letter of Tzaddi, which means, Fish-Hook, as in, hooking others with an idea, to bring them all onboard your boat of a project. The path of the Sun is associated with the Hebrew letter, Resh, which means, head, you can symbolically see as winning over the heads of the audience with what you have created. In other words, taking their heads to another planet, which is illuminated by your (Star/idea) Sun… creation.

The obvious intent is capture the the ‘inner fire’ of audience between the relationship dynamic between Hod/Burnham and Yesod/Lorca, just as Gene Roddenberry did with Spock and Kirk.

But there is a big difference, between the eras of the Enterprise and the Discovery. Roddenberry was riding the Zeitgeist of the Vietnam war Hippie era, he had symbolised as the (age of Aquarius/Uranus) Enterprise. Now it is far more of a case of ‘rediscovering’ the inner fire of a rebellion.  

The Sun XIX is the Sol Invictus, basically, the all conquering Sun of the Golden Age, returned (as in the age of Aquarius), which points at creating an iconic creation, surpassing all others. This is also symbolically indicated by the Roman numerals of an X on either side of a I, or if you prefer, that of two archangels on either side of the (chariot of [Shin] fire) starship Discovery… Belial-a.

There is the distinct possibility that the Holy-Wood square-head suits decided to subversively introduce religion into Roddenberry’s Star Trek, along with their leftist SJW politics, etc, which may have generated much protest from the Roddenberry creative team; but the square-head-suits had them by the financial balls. So, the creative team decided to be crafty, who came across ‘My Surrealist Material’ to duly utilise. 

The square-head-suits got their religious propaganda and politics into Star Trek, without realising that the employed symbolism actually points at the protesting rebel angel, Belial.

The square-head-suits might have sussed it out by now, who are now fervently engaged in a damage limitation exercise, since it is too late to change their ‘fundamentalist’ premise.

Then again, they may have all agreed to use the reinvented Sta Trek to push their religious and political agenda, going by the numerous comments, which have been made by those involved in Star Trek Discovery to win over the Trump era heads of the deified ‘Animus’ worshippers. It looks as if they have been unknowingly utilised to release the fallen ‘Anima,’ Belial-a from her brazen vessel of an ‘Animus’ gaol.

(By the way, if you do not understand what the ‘Animus’ and ‘Anima’ terminology means, look to Carl Jung. It has nothing to do with SJW extremist feminist politics. As for those who believe I am anti-feminist or of a right wing persuasion, they have their brainwashed ‘undercover cop’ heads up their detritus ridden anus’s!) 

Wherefore, the employed symbolism of Star Trek Discovery would have come about without any conscious manipulation by the TV series creative team, which to have otherwise been formulated by what they would call, pure chance; but at another level it would have manifested via interweaving synchronicities, which is the power of… Magic.

If this indeed the case, then the makers of Star Trek Discovery have been so wrapped up in their religious politics, which has screwed up Rodenberry’s creation, they are totally oblivious to the overall symbolism, that points at… Belial-a.  

If you listen hard enough around your Ouija board, you’ll hear Roddenberry’s starry laughter. 

Overall, at a purely entertainment level, apart from all the politics, etc, surrounding Star Trek Discovery, I find that I like it. Well, sort of; but only if I see it as not being Star Trek, and to totally ignore its obvious social engineering, which will invariably lead to the series not lasting the media marathon, that or being remembered as an obvious propaganda example of subliminal brainwashing.   


Though very different from the other Star Trek series, it has its own J. J. Abrams style, or should I say, boot stamp. Hmmmm! I wonder if Abrams is some distant relative of Aaron Harberts and Jason Aaron? Abrams of course knows Nataile Portman. May be they also know the Jewish American film director, producer and screenwriter Jac Schaeffer, who wrote SJW, Captain Marvel and is writing the upcoming Marvel Cinematic Universe film, sexless Black Widow along with a feminist Wanda Vision TV series about the Scarlet Witch. 

Lets not forget another pop-culture icon, The Witcher, whose TV manifestation, is being written by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich, she no doubt knows Abrams, Harbetrts, Aaron, Portman and Schaeffer along with Ghostbusters 3, Jason Reitman, and Teminator Dark Fate, David Samuel Goyer, etc. 

Anyway, many have noted that Star Trek’s Discovery abbreviation is STD. How the producers of STD let that one slip by them, is an oddity. But then, they’re probably not Trekkies, who also quaintly forgot that Roddenberry would NOT allow for a chaplain on his starship vision, now you have two STD Biblical angels. That, or they are taking the total utter social-engineering piss out of everyone, and having a Newspeak laugh at everyone’s audience expense, while doing so! 

That aside, I have the hots for sexy Natalie Portman, Rachael Weisz, Gal Gadot, Mila Kunis and Scarlet Johansson, to name but a few hotties I am very much attracted to.   

Make Love Not War…

Live Long And Prosper!
