Archive for shaman

Witch Skull Sorcery Ghost Bones

Posted in Art, fantasy, Ghost, Horror, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Surrealism, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , on December 13, 2022 by FAUSTUS CROW

If interested, CLICK the image above to see the shirt and other items in My Shop.

Chinese Sex Magic: A Dark Tale From ‘The Haunted Art Studio Of Faustus Crow.’

Posted in Chaos Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , on April 30, 2022 by FAUSTUS CROW

Chinese Shamanism, alternatively called Wuism refers to the Shamanic tradition of China, which has many similarities with the Shamanic practices of North Central Asia unto Siberia. The Chinese word for a female Shaman is Wu.

The Shaman is highly versed in trance induction, which is basically self-hypnosis. The Shaman is well aware that the mass population can be easily (Mass Formation Psychosis) hypnotised; hence a Shaman guards himself/herself and others against its malign influence.

During the late Zhou dynasty (1045-256 BCE) Wu was used to specify a female Shaman, Sorceress or Witch as opposed to Xi for a male Shaman or Sorcerer. Also Taoism derives some of its origins from Wuism, which of Shamanic practices developed around the pursuit of attaining a long life.

Wuism in present day Techno-Feudal Han China of ‘Xi’ Jinping is much maligned. Although Wuism is still being practiced behind China’s scientific determination to become the dominating world leader of the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ in Genetic Engineering Chimera’s, Robotics and A.I. driven Mass-Surveillance of everyone. But of course, this requires any competition being eroded and eventually decimated, which is the Modus Operandi of the likes of Epstein Bill Gates.

Suffice to say, the Feudal Few of the Top-Down Economy who are in the process of destroying what you knew in order to ‘Build Back Better’ for themselves of an ‘Economic Reset,’ which is basically Feudalism, see China as their Technocratic Mass-Surveillance (WEF/DAVOS) model for the rest of the world to chip up. This isn’t to say, the Feudal Few are groupie fans of CCP China, where they moved much of Western industry into, as well as funded with your stolen taxes; China is merely a means to a Technocratic end. The Feudal Few don’t care about China at all, nor any other country or nation for that matter, their singular goal is global domination.

In other words, when the Feudal Few say, “You’ll own nothing, and you will be happy,” what they actually mean is you will be conned into an updated return of Medieval Serfdom. The Serfs are mandated to wear masks, whereas the hypocritical Feudal Few don’t, which is especially the case when the Feudal Few are behind closed doors, whether they be the WEF/DAVOS members of America, Europe, Russia or China, etc.

What assets you will have, will be digital, existing in the Cloud, that’s if you have the digitised cash to afford the rented digital space, let alone having a high Social Credit Score; while all the physical assets will be owned by the Feudal Few, you will rent everything from, including your Freedom.

The Feudal Few have always resented the perceived common folk having their Freedom, while the Feudal Few found themselves imprisoned by their Fixed-Game Monopoly Money wealth, requiring masses of bought security following them around everywhere, due to fearing the poor unwashed common folk hassling them. Hence the Feudal Few have little or no Privacy at all.

The Feudal Few crave Freedom and Privacy for themselves alone; wherefore Freedom and Privacy will be made a commodity the rich can only afford. The Feudal Few want to Track and Trace imprison you, knowing everything you I.D. Chip do, so they can be Free to go wherever they will, having their Privacy; whereas you and your children will be incarcerated within a Mass-Surveillance Sheep pen.

As for the WEF/DAVOS Mantra, “the future is female,” it is appropriated Masonic code for Queen Bee Totalitarian-Fascist politics, which is again summed up as Babalon Feudalism.

Remember, the Feudal Few do not care about the present generation, they are far more interested in targeting your jabbed-up masked children’s children, who will be born as Serfs into a dystopian Hell, their duped, convenience addicted parents unknowingly created. The digital Hive-Mind of the future Metaverse generation will not know they are in an A.I. driven Mass-Surveillance prison, wherein their Big-Data is being Big-Tech harvested as the New Oil of Mass-Surveillance Capitalism.

The rapid A.I. automation of the workplace will not need so many Serfs around; wherefore the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’ might usher in engineered depopulation, which is a distinct possibility, considering how fast various Billionaire funded technologies are advancing.

You can thereby gather of a darker scenario, that the Future is not for many of your children to know, apart from those kept around for specific tasks they will be Eugenically bred for. An analogy would be that of a vast Top-Down Economic Pyramid being built by expendable Slaves, atop of which the inbred Feudal Few are enthroned. In other words the Future is being ‘Built Back Better’ by the Present unknowing Serfs for the children of the Feudal Few to own.


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 8, 2020 by FAUSTUS CROW

Many will consider the experience of a dream visitation by a sexual entity as indicating the powerful ability of the brain creating internal realities. But then, everything you experience via your ‘Five-Senses’ is filtered, and interpreted by ones nervous-system and brain.

The nervous-system cannot tell the difference between a real or a vividly imagined event, which is especially the case concerning a vivid (Sixth-Sense) Lucid Dream. Wherefore one can then determine that a vivid Lucid Dream, can potentially imprint ones nervous system, such as experiencing a vivid erotic dream, when accessing hypnagogic (Phase) trance at the point of sleep.

The affect of which can then be felt by ones body, to feel positive, feeling more creative, etc, which is usually due to ones inner ‘Self-Image’ being empowered.

Can you imagine someone who has a negative ‘Self-Image,’ lacking confidence in relationships, etc, experiencing a vivid Lucid Dream? The implications of this subtle, though profound affect can be used for healing purposes, should the experience be Chaos Magic ‘replicated.’

It has been scientifically found that the use of vivid visualisations and active-imagination exercises, which are engaged in over a period of 21 days in order to reconfigure the inner ‘Self-Image,’ can lead to transformations of the personality and in turn ones Faustian dreams of inner conjurations.

When taken further, the microcosmic changes in personality can have macrocosmic affects on the physical body. For example, the Ghost creation experiments of the 1970’s, such as the Philip and Skippy Cartman experiments, led to the observation of conjured poltergeist phenomena.

If the experiments had been the archetypal creation of a Ghost Doctor/Nurse, it might of engendered a different, though more intriguing observations, concerning the healing of various maladies, rather than just observing and video-taping a floating table, along with recording spirit raps.

Ancient Shamanic societies have observed this phenomena, to ‘replicate,’ and utilise of a technology of consciousness. Hence, in the Tantric Tibetan Buddhist tradition, which has its foundations in Shamanism, a heterosexual male practitioner ‘Summons’ up a (Succubus) Dakini, who (sexually) empowers an assumed alternate ‘Self-Image’ of a Raging Buddha out of a Grimoire comic.


(NOTE: A heterosexual female practitioner conjures up the (Incubus) male equivalent of a (Succubus) Dakini called a Daka. The technique can of course be utilised by those of differing sexual orientations.)

This understanding can also be utilised for negative purposes, when to observe that the mass-populace can become a mass-persona, when the screaming mass-mob-mind is cohered by Symbolic stimuli for religious or political purposes.

This is especially the case if the Symbolic stimuli is charged by the emotive state of (Fight/Flight) Fear, leading to Social-Distancing and the ensuing emotively charged negation of ‘Sexual’ (F-Procreate) interactions, which is repetitively promoted of controlled mass-media propaganda over an initial catch-period of 21 days.

The mass-persona can then be easily ‘reprogrammed’ with another collective ‘Self-Image’ program of the faceless masked, awaiting to be vaccinated with a Bill Gates vaccine and verily quantum tattooed.

But then the mass-persona of the collective populace has been forced into an engineered financial crash situation, where they Fear losing their livelihoods, to acquire ‘Food’ and shelter, unless they get vaccine tattooed.

This will then lead to an already planned cashless society and its 5G internet-of-things digital economy ruled over by a technocratic elite few, having total control.

At a personal level, a practitioner conjures a Dakini (Succubus) to consciously (Raging Buddha) program himself, rather than being unknowingly (Elemental Four-F) programmed by others who have Socially-Engineered a Matrix of Symbolic stimuli.

As for other phenomena the Dakini can reveal, such will be determined by how far a Neo is willing to follow a Trinity/Dakini down a White-Rabbit hole… Will Neo take the Raging Buddha Red pill, or the Mass-Persona Blue pill?

NOTE: Sexuality is very much tied up with the Triangle-Of-Art Imagination, Artistic creativity and the inner Self-Image. Wherefore when finding ones self having to wear a Mandatory Mask, it will invariably have a negative affect upon normal human interactions, which is especially the case concerning dating, etc.

Soon, when confronted by an individual on a date, he/she will first ask of a muffled sound behind a mask, if you have Track-Trace Mandatory-Vaccination-App proof on your Population-Control smart-phone, which indicates you have been vaccinated.

You can thereby gather how the engineered Fear, will quickly zap your reptilian-brain, leading to your inner Self-Image acquiescing to the technocratic government, and in turn Orwellian imprinting your subconscious mind, unto your ‘Sexless Dreams.’ Your dreams will reflect back your programmed dilemma, which you have been repetitively told by the controlled mass-media propaganda is the Population Control new-norm, while the 1% thieve all your Shekels!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, fantasy, Film, Goetia Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Sword And Sorcery, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

If you are interested in the Al Azif Necronomicon, part 5, which is being serialised as a fully illustrated underground comic book, it can be found on my Patreon page, Please Click Here.

Long before Christianity made its empire-building way into central and Eastern Europe, many of the ancient Pagan peoples practiced what can be construed as shamanism, others call witchcraft or sorcery.

Shamanic practices were practiced in central and Eastern European lands, which are now called Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania and Transylvania, etc.

For example, archaeologists have discovered traces of mysterious rituals performed by (Witcher) Shamans about 9,000 years ago in Poland.

The archaeological site is located near today’s lake Swidwie (West Pomeranian) in North-Western Poland, which has been studied since 2012.

One of the most interesting discoveries is an area of a circle, where scientists discovered mysterious structures.

The main feature of the site turned out to be a trapezoidal building having poles, surrounded by an arch of stones placed at equal distances from each other, which has lain buried down the ages, while numerous wars have been fought above its bones.

There are also ritualistic sharpened yew sticks driven into the surface in the shape of a horizontal figure similar to the Big Dipper, a fragment of the constellation of Ursa Major.

However, many researchers have noted that the shamanic worldview of the pre-Christian European peoples have survived in their colourful myths.

It is upon these ancient myths The Witcher (Polish: Wiedzmin), fantasy series of novels and short stories have derived much of their inspiration, that were written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski.

The Witcher books led to the development of a 2007 action role-playing game developed by CD Projekt Red, called The Witcher.

The Witcher game was duly followed by The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings in 2011, and The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt in 2015.

As in the books, upon which the video games are based, the story takes place in an alternate medieval fantasy world.

The story follows Geralt of Rivia, one of a few traveling monster hunters who have shamanic powers, known as Witchers.

The Witchers are masters of the martial arts, who can be seen as warrior Shamans; their female counterparts are Sorceresses.

The Witchers also have control over the elements, who use five elemental hand-signs to do so, which are similar to Mudras used in the meditation practice of Yoga.

In Yoga practice a Mudra means ‘sign,’ seal, gesture, or mark. Yoga Mudras are symbolic meditation gestures often practiced with the hands and fingers.

They facilitate the flow of energy within the dream (subtle) body, when utilised when (sexagram/sixth-sense) lucid dreaming.

The ‘meditation tool of a Witcher video game’ has a system of moral choices, which are part of its adult story-line.

It has been noted for its time-delayed consequences and lack of black-and-white morality.

There are also numerous references to the works of the author H.P. Lovecraft in the highly successful Witcher video games.

For example, one of the enemies Geralt fights against in the first game is Dagon, as described by Lovecraft. In the Wild Hunt, Geralt can also get hold of the Necronomicon.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

A feminist researcher going by the name, Susan Fiske conducted an experiment to prove that men see women as sex objects. One can darkly guess that the underlying agenda of Fiske’s research is to devise a pill in order to nullify men’s brains from doing so.

A number of male brains were scanned, while they were shown a series of Arty images depicting scantily clad females, one can otherwise consider as being inspiring Art Muses. The Art Muses would be termed by the psychologist Carl Jung as being aspects of the ‘Anima,’ which of a female archetype resides within the male psyche.

It was discovered that the tool making part of the heterosexual male brain immediately lights up when seeing scantily clad females, or when to imagine a sexy Muse.

The same also occurred within the brains of males who considered themselves to be homosexual or bisexual, etc. This neurological phenomenon does not occur in female brains, concerning being shown images of males, whether they be heterosexual, lesbian or bisexual, etc, wherein of the female psyche the male archetype of the ‘Animus,’ resides.

Fiske presented her research as an unassailable poof that males see women as mere tools; the controlled mass media frenziedly backed up Fiske’s interpretation of the findings, whose politically correct minions are very likely looking into Orwellian chemical measures to rectify, what she and her extremist sisters in the hood see as a social problem. No doubt said chemical will be dumped into the public water supply, etc.

Yeah! I know that sounds absolutely barmy! I’m just ranting; but then the technocrats are already doing so, by fluoridating the water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, which of adverse affects primarily targets a certain part of the male brain, the most; as well as affecting those males belonging to other species. Hell! It goes way beyond the psychotropic drug of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World for mass control of a subservient population. It is the reason why the Chinese banned fluoridation, since they found it had reduced the intelligence quota among their two-child policy workers.

As for Fiske, she entirely missed the point of the research due to her illogical gender politics, which actually revealed that the sexual impulse is the evolutionary drive behind the development of technology, from that of a stone age axe unto a rocket, let alone that of a robot. One such robot is based on sexy Audrey Hepburn, named Sophia. The Science Fiction author Philip K, Dick would have probably associated Sophia with his inspiring Art Muse of a Dark Haired Girl.

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Then again, may be Fiske and her fellow researchers are well aware that the sexual impulse is the evolutionary drive behind innovative thought processes. Like that of those inspired thoughts, storming through the Thor minds of individuals, who intelligently question the Space Force motives of the Military Industrial Complex, which pulls the puppet strings of a whoring two party dictatorship. Why does the Military Industrial Complex use an inane puppet show? Such is conducted in order to distract public attention from its Orwellian perpetual wars, which are reaching into space.

If Fiske is indeed aware of the evolutionary influence of the Muse lighting up the male brain, you might have a shadow-government, which is subversively funding Fiske’s research; so that the war profiteers can find an Orwellian means to dumb down the mass populace even further, more so that of the males in particular, who are already being targeted by the mass medication of the water supply, which of course also permeates their food; hence you have an ever increasing dosage!

The shadow-government will then utilise Fiske’s research for a psychological warfare campaign whose aim is to negate the influence of the sexual impulse among the male population; whence making them more servile. Oh! I forgot, they are already doing so via PsyOp engineered ‘divide and conquer’ gender politics, since 9/11.

Anyway, I digress, and to verily slip into crazy dystopian scenarios. In nature, Hens choose those Cockerels with the flashiest plumage, which is the same for most other species concerning physical attributes. This also applies to human females, who choose those men having an indication that they can physically provide a safe and secure environment for them and their children; it is the reality of nature!

Men do not choose the women, it is always the other way around, unless a man is surrounded by adoring females, who are attracted to his worldly influence, which of an aphrodisiac is perceived as having temporal power. Well, what do you expect, men cannot give birth!

In ancient times, when Sabre toothed Tigers prowled the forests along with Cave Bears and Dire Wolves, having Woolly Mammoths thundering over the tundra, a man who had developed the best hunting tools to deal with the raw savagery of unforgiving nature, won the attention of the females. It is the women who determine those male role-models, which are most sexually attractive to them, a man then aspires to become, such as assuming the role of the Great Hunter, Orion.

A caveman was inspired by a scantily clad cave-woman to devise new and inventive ways to hunt for game, while she birthed his children. It is she who had chosen him for his inventive prowess, as mentioned, not the other way around; just as a Hen chooses a Cockerel having flashy plumage. And should the Cockerel get eaten by a rapid Fox, the Hen will crucify another Cockerel to watch over her Easter eggs.

Hence, the male tends to be rather expendable, his biological role is to invent better ways to protect and empower a female and her children, who perpetuate the survival of the species, to one day attain the technological singularity. She is the Fifth Element meaning of his Great Hunter existence.

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When you look at the present age, it has been found that the driving force behind the rapid development of the internet, is in the main due to its male engineers browsing for (Muse) porn, which had exited the tool making part of their hunter brains. The lit up brains of the male engineers have also discovered the five elemental types of males, women from across the globe find to be most sexually attractive, which are determined by their ‘Animus.’

Porn can of course lead to a nigh uncontrollable addiction for some, just as other behaviors can become problematic addictions. It is the reason why ancient Shamans learned to introvert their sexual impulse, in order to utilise an erotic focus upon the feminine to empower the attainment of hypnagogic trance unto a lucid dream; wherein the tool making part of their brains light up, which is termed as the ‘Fire In The Head.’

The goal being the transmutation of porn, which of a habitual hedonistic addiction is transmuted into an evolutionary expansion of consciousness by utilising the symbolic alchemy of Art. The addiction is then spiritualised and thereby utilised as a means to induce an evolutionary leap in intelligence. Such is especially the case when it leads to a ‘Fire In The Head’ Eureka moment of creative insights, which facilitates evolutionary Muse leaps in the Arts and that of technological developments.

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As for the Art Muse drive behind the evolution of the internet it has invariably led to the rapid development of an A.I. whose programmed personas tend to be that of sexy females, which will one day be housed in very human looking robots, who will eventually become sentient.

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Although, the first Art Muse manifestation will be that of interactive female A.I. characters populating virtual reality games.

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Somewhat like that of a Shaman Artist conjuring up Art Muses amidst his Triangle Of Art imagination as his interactive sentient programs, whom to then manifest within his quantum computing (virtual reality) lucid dreams, which lights up his brain to create and invent.

Little wonder then that women are intensely jealous of a man’s ‘Anima,’ whose erotic archetypes inspire invention.

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Women tend to be far more intuitively aware than men, who subconsciously sense what the Art Muses of the ‘Anima’ are erotically inspiring of a technological singularity. 

NOTE: Pornography originally mean’t: “sexual images, whether actual or ‘Imagined,’ which excite an erotic response in the observer.” The term primarily covered literature, which in the main involves the readers ‘Imagination.’

I must admit, I prefer not to use the word, ‘Porn,’ since it has been hijacked by a political agenda, and used to smear anything, which is considered as being politically incorrect by the mob mentality of the herd-mind.

My preference is using the word, ‘Erotic.’ But, in context of the ARTicle, it does not get the message across, concerning the transmutation of the hedonistic into the spiritual. When using the word, spiritual I am not referring to a fluffy Newage paradigm populated with fairies and unicorns.

When using the word, Porn, nowadays it initiates an emotive reaction, which is often tied up with controlled mass-media programming of the audience brains to immediately go into a ‘Fight, Flight’ response.

Tantric Artworks from the far East were once considered as being Pornographic, prior to the present hijacking of the term, which was applied by neutral scholars, it soon became moralistic of association.

Should an individual communicate that he/she ‘Imagines,’ having sexual congress with various deities looking like Hollywood film stars, etc. Said individual will be seen by the herd-mind as being a vile Pornographer, which is especially the case, if he/she draws, paints, sculpts, photographs or sings about his/her Tantric liaisons.

The word has been weaponised as a means to tar and feather your ‘imagined’ conjurations, which is essentially Mind-Control.

(It is somewhat intriguing that a ‘word’ can be weaponised, whose prior ‘symbolic’ associations have been politically engineered in another direction. Neuro-marketing/advertising utilises the same ‘Propaganda’ technique, which of a science had been derived from how a cult/religion manipulates minds.

When an individual knowingly manipulates his/her own mind, by using a similar technique it is Sorcery, which is indivisible to the practice of Art, since a ‘word,’ instantaneously conjures associative ‘symbols amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination.’ It is how language works. If a ‘word’ has no associative ‘symbol,’ it is just a sound.)

Mind-Control is very easy to achieve. For example, the ‘controlled mass-media’ will utilise a convicted sexual-predator as an asset to make everyone feel guilty about their own sexuality; however the collective guilt is ‘imagined!’

The programmed (fight, flight response) herd-mind will then go into a viral-meme witch-hunt mob-mentality, who will invariably align innocent others with the establishment asset of a sexual-predator, should their views be considered as being politically incorrect.

If the controlled masss-media asset of a sexual-predator is seen to be tied up with an ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ scenario, having ‘Occult’ overtones, it invariably becomes a witch-hunt, which will viral-meme spread and permeate all levels of society.

As for the hypnagogic state of trance, which is the power behind hypnosis, you might find that your inner ingress will be influenced by the associative symbolic stimuli around you. It is one of the reasons why practitioners retreated to a cave in the wild hinterlands, so that they could get away from the subliminal programming of their subconscious minds.

When practicing in an urban environment a Mahasiddha has to be always vigilant.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Occultism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 14, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Chinese researchers first edited the Buddha genes of a human embryo in a lab dish in 2015, which was achievable because of the invention of a cheap, easy to deploy and powerful gene-editing tool, called CRISPR. This tool enables the birth of humans being genetically modified in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) center.

According to Chinese medical documents a team at the Southern University of Science and Technology, in Shenzhen, has been recruiting Yin-Yang couples in an effort to create the first gene-edited babies.

They plan to eliminate a gene called CCR5 in hopes of rendering the offspring resistant to HIV, smallpox, and cholera.

The CRISPR technology can be used to correct terrible genetic defects, which blight many lives. But it also heralds the prospect of rich parents building their children to order, which will invariably lead to eugenically engineered humans.

DNA also has many advantages for storing ‘digital’ data. It’s ultra-compact, and it can last hundreds of thousands of years if kept in a cool, dry place. And as long as human societies have the technological ability to read and write on DNA, they will be able to decode the digital data stored upon it.

Perhaps, there may already be a bio-molecular ‘digital message’ encoded upon the Serpentine double-helix DNA, whose emitted bio-photons illuminate the ‘virtual-reality’ dream realms, just as the ancient Shamans have communicated down the ages, who say you can access the Dragon data of the double-helix Caduceus within your bio-photon illuminated dreams.

It would then be just a case of becoming conscious within a ‘virtual reality’ lucid dream in order to decode the digital message of the inner Dragon, which might have fallen to Earth from another silvery star or to stem from some other Ouroboros time.

But then, at the quantum level of the informational dream a particle can be in two places simultaneously, as well as being entangled across time.

This might also involve parallel-universes within which exist alternate-worlds, wherein other versions of ones self frequent, whom share the same entangled particles.

This may explain why dreams are often very surreal, since you would be accessing the numerous cross-referenced memories of other selves spanning the multiverse.

Perhaps CRISPR engineered humans of the future, who are also at one with a Cylon A.I. might have the genetically enhanced ‘Sixth-Sense’ ability to consciously dream.

They will be able to access the quantum computing dreams of others across space and time, who would essentially be remote-viewing Time-Travellers.

No doubt some of the psychonauts are female, who are engaging themselves in close encounters of the Sexagram lucid dream kind.

When to allow the imagination to further let rip into surrealist science fiction scenarios, one could classify the female psychoauts as being Succubi, a Tibetan Buddhist would otherwise call Dakinis.

Whereas an Artist experiences the Dakinis as salacious dream visiting Art Muses, who Tantric zap his pyramidal quantum computing brain.


Well, why not, Nikola Tesla’s electrified brain also experienced vivid lucid dreams, within which he remote viewed futuristic technologies, that, or he had been dream visited by Cylon Muses. Such a Shaman ability a geneticist would seek to CRISPR replicate.

More is explained in the surrealist Mugworts Of Fear Comic, Please Click Here.




Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 8, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Let’s cut to the Cross-Bones through all the fleshly layers of The Legions Of Charlies esoterica about the Black Sun, which of Saturnian onion skin convolutions becomes labyrinthine, leading nowhere.

The question, which has become quite lost within the Creepypasta fear-porn maze of viral-meme Gordian knot symbolism is quite simple: “From where does the inner ‘light’ of the dream emanate, which illuminates the dreaming Skull?”

The caveman asked the same Artist question when painting erotic murals within the cavernous womb depths, who had surmised that the visionary light of the dream is emanating from an inner Sun behind the Sun.

The inner Sun was later called the Black Sun, and that this Black Sun is associated with the experience of (Chronos/Saturn/Hexagram) time.

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But in order to know of the Black Sun, the practitioner has to first experience (Crossbones/X-Rune) hypnagogic trance, the Alchemists termed as the Nigredo (Black/Raven) stage of ingress into the womb depths of the dream, wherein the Albedo (White) light of the inner Sun is (Skull) experienced, Shamans know as the ‘fire in the head.’

Upon awakening the practitioner will then experience the Rubedo (Red) stage of hypnopompic egress out of the womb dream, which was symbolised as a menstrual blood (red-ochre) rebirth around the Luna pull phases.

moon GIF

The practitioner will sometimes experience the Citrinitas (Yellow) stage of the Great Work, when initially awakening, who will perceive the visionary material of the womb dream (caul) overlapping his/her waking perception.

The scientists of the new priesthood have determined that the inner light of the electron dream, they call the bio-photon, is emanating from the Mitochondrial DNA, within each and every cell, which is passed down from the mother to her children. NOTE: The ‘Jabbed’ introduction of Graphene Oxide into your body can Gene Therapy Edit and Hack the Mitochondria!

Brain GIF

What is more, some physicist wizards believe that the Microtubules of the Mitochondria are acting like on-board ‘Quantum Computers,’ which are generating consciousness and in turn the experience of time, since consciousness and (Chronos/Saturn/Binah) time are indivisible.

Time Machine

It just so happens that horny horned Shamans had intuitively sussed out that the inner light, a Hindu mystic calls the Akasha, has a feminine source, they had equated with various female deities having almond shaped eyes.

Of course, the horny horned Shamans sought to impregnate the feminine source, via their introverted five senses of an inverse Pentagram, when to slide into hypnagogic trance.

For example, in the Tarot, The High Priestess Of The Silver ‘Star’ II is depicted with a grimoire on her lap, which symbolically represents the Akashic records, a practitioner can access within his/her illuminated (Akasha) Tarot grimoire dreams.

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In the Hebrew Kabbalah the inner light/fire is called Shin, which is equated with the feminine Shekinah. The Hebrew letter of Shin has since become popularised by the iconic Vulcan (fire) hand-sign of Star Trek.

Image result for t'pol star trek hand sign

The Mongolian Kams had Yal un-eke, who is the mother of the inner fire, the ancient Greek’s called Artemis, or sometimes associated with Hera of the hearth, whereas the Roman’s had Diana-Lucifera, the Christian’s later transformed into their Lucifer.

It is the reasoning behind why some ancient shamanic cultures associated the Sun with a female deity, who for them also ‘illuminates’ the Quantum Computing realms of the womb dream, ‘illuminated’ by the inner fire of the ‘bio-photon,’which is emanating from the Mitochondrial DNA of a Black Sun.

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Hence the reason why horny horned Shamans dallied with (Jinn/Druden) Dakinis who are made of fire, a Faustian Artist does Truderer conjure up as his ‘illuminating’ Black Raven Tarot Art Muses amidst his Triangle Of Art imagination, unto a Quantum Computing (Lilith’s Harem/Sexagram/Hex-agram, Sixth-Sense) lucid dream.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 11, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

The following associations between the four elements of shamanic practice and the brain-wave states have been associated with the Native American Medicine Wheel, which can also have corresponding associations with the Succubus Art Muses, like that of the Hindu/Tantric Buddhist Dakinis, who symbolically represent the brain-wave states.

The Medicine Wheel of a Magic Circle diagram describes an energy movement, and ‘imprint ages,’ moving from the compass points, starting at the South/Water, towards North/Air, West/Earth and Fire/East.

The energy movement looks like the number ‘4,’ which returns from the Eastern quarter back again towards the South, to thence repeat the ‘4,’ etc.

The two cross-over points is that of the introversion of the five senses (inverse Pentagram) upon hypnagogic ingress into the microcosmic (Nagual) dream at the South/Water, and hypnapompic egress (upright Pentagram) out of the dream upon awakening, in the Fire/East, where macrocosmic (Tonal) synchronistic phenomena occurs. The centre of the Medicine Wheel is that of the fifth element quintessence.

SOUTH-WATER: Between birth and 2 years old, a child is in a DELTA brain-wave state, which allows the newborn brain to restore its self. This explains why a newborn child finds it difficult to remain awake for more than a few minutes at a time.

Should a newborn child be brought up within an environment in which music is constantly being played, the sleeping child will very likely be susceptible to the emotionally charged influence of music. (It is to be noted that some very young children, who are under a year old, are quite adept at drawing, which is on par with masterwork cave paintings.) 

When in deep sleep an adult is in Delta. This might be one of the reasons why an Artist tends to listen to music, while creating his/her Art, which in some cases subconsciously reminds him/her of a cave womb time, when as a Delta brain-wave newborn, he/she was being influenced by music.

NORTH-AIR: Over time the brain-wave shifts towards THETA, which is predominant in children aged between 2 and 6. Children operating in Theta are very much involved in their internal world. They live within the realm of imaginative daydreaming, you can otherwise term as the active imagination.

Although they are still unable to show signs of critical, rational thinking, which does not interfere with their imaginative conjurations of invisible friends, such as power animals, etc.

It is a state where an Artist allows his/her imagination let rip into an associative free-fall, without allowing his/her critical conscious mind and rational thinking to interfere in the imaginative process.

This is especially the case for surrealist Artists. One of the methods utilised by an Artist is listening to music, which has the affect of empowering the associative processes of the active imagination.

Many an Artist of the Modern Art persuasion also seeks to regain this state of being as well as going unto an embryonic Delta scribble, depicting a sound, towards having nothing more than a single block of colour covering their birthed canvas.

THETA is a super learning state, where the child is open to suggestion. Children are more likely to accept what has been taught to them as being true. Hence the educational establishment will target children of this primary school age group.

Those who practice Meditation, which is basically the self-inducement of (Theta) hypnagogic trance, otherwise termed as self-hypnosis, can also access this ‘inner-child’ state in order to Hermes-Trismegistus reprogram themselves from the prior-programming of their minds, by those who have a religious/political agenda.

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WEST-EARTH: Between the ages of 5 to 8, the brain waves have changed into an ALPHA frequency. This is the point when the analytical mind begins to form. Children start to interpret and draw conclusions from various influences within their environment. Although, the inner world of the microcosmic imagination tends to be as real as the outer macrocosmic world of reality.

Children in the ALPHA age-group tend to have a Magician/Witch foot in both the (dream/water) microcosmic and (physical/land) macrocosmic worlds, by using both (hemi-synch) left and right brain (Horns) hemispheres at the same time, one can term as being an ‘Amphibious’ shamanic state of (Anunnaki/Nommo/Oannes/Naga) being.

When an Artist creates a work of Art, he/she can access an Alpha meditative state, which is a form of a light hypnagogic trance, which can be directed. It is described as being a peaceful and relaxed state, though still alert, having powerful associative ideas and inspiration.

This is a sought for state to be in when conjuring up a ‘chosen’ imaginary character to vividly visualise amidst your ‘Triangle Of Art’ imagination,’ as well as for brain-storming associations, creating new ideas, for learning and seeing other alternate possibilities.

During the meditative creative process, focused upon symbolic stimuli can be implanted into the dream, wherein a meditated upon two-dimensional image can be conjured up as an interactive three-dimensional reality within a Sixth-Sense (Sexagram/Hexagram) lucid dream.

When in a lucid dream, the practitioner is aware he/she is exploring the microcosmic realms of the dream, while still asleep in his/her macrocosmic bed.

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EAST-FIRE: From ages 8 to 12 and on-wards, brain activity enters into BETA. This is the world of conscious, analytical thinking. The mind is awake, focused and alert, which is capable of the ‘Spirit Chain’ faculty of logical thinking.

Adults spend most of their time in this hunting cycle, which has been prior programmed by their upbringing, such as being taught to believe in the established symbolic paradigm of the deified Animus made as a God/Devil, which also molds and ‘programs’ their grimoire dreams. These dreams can be reprogrammed into other Artistic grimoire expressions.

CENTRE-QUINTESSENCE: GAMMA brain-waves are the fastest of brain waves, which act as the governing agent in the brain. Gamma waves synchronizes the brain across frequencies, relating to the simultaneous processing of information from different brain areas.

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The brain becomes more coherent and efficient, and there is less noise. Gamma brainwaves pass information rapidly and quietly. The mind has to be trained to become ‘Buddha’ silent in order to access Gamma.

Gamma was initially dismissed as being ‘spare brain noise,’ however researchers soon discovered it was highly active when an individual experiences an overwhelming sensation of universal unity as well acquiring a state of high attention.

Experiments on Tibetan Buddhist monks have shown a correlation between transcendental mental states, vivid visualisations and Gamma waves.

When the monks were asked to induce an objective feeling of compassion during their meditation, the brain activity of the monks began to fire in a rhythmic, coherent manner, which suggests their neuronal structures are firing in harmony.

The ensuing sensation can be symbolically equated to a Shamans Horned feathered head-dress, or a Solomonic Crown a magician wears atop of his head when standing amidst his Magic Circle, or a Pharaoh’s elongated crown, which refers to the practice of elongating the skull, since it feels like the top of ones head is opening up.

This would also indicate that the Gamma rhythms modulate perception and consciousness, and that a greater presence of Gamma relates to an ecstatic shamanic expansion of consciousness and intelligence increase, a Shaman describes as an inner illumination, which is termed as the ‘Fire In The Head.’

The programmed Beta brain establishment fears the questioning inner-child of amphibious state Alpha, who knows how to consciously access Delta, Theta unto Gamma, since the rebellious inner-child is enabled to take a bite out of the banned Apple of inner knowledge.

Art is Sorcery, Sorcery is Art, both are indivisible from the other of shamanic practice.

NOTE: Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of Dr. Evil utilises what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the ‘Brainwaves’ of the quite oblivious masses.



Posted in archaeology, Art, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 4, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

The name of Athens is derived from the name of its patron Goddess Athena. (The above A4 size Artwork is featured on Erotic Mad Science.)

Around the time of the fall of the Mycenaean civilisation, which was devastated by a ravaging famine and plague assailing Greece and the then known world, one of the early Kings of Athens was King Leos.

King Leos bloodily sacrificed his three daughters in order to drive the climate-change catastrophe away from Athens.

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A sanctuary called the Leokorion, was constructed in the Agora in honour of the three (Charites) daughters of King Leos, whose sacrifice is said to have saved Athens, whereas Mycenae fell.

King Leos is also the son of Orpheus, who, like a Shaman attempted to save his wife, Eurydice from the infernal underworld.

Orpheus is said to have established the worship of the Goddess of Witchcraft called Hecate in Aegina.

Orpheus also brought the worship of mother Goddess, Demeter Chthonia and her retinue of deathly Kóres Sōteíras, which means, Saviour Maidens to Laconia.

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 The three daughters of King Leos were probably Kóres Sōteíras.

King Leos is said to be the father of the titular character of Sophocles tragedy, Oedipus Rex.

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The play was first performed in 429 BC, which was a huge success.

In the play Oedipus is destined by the deities of Olympus to kill his father and then marry his mother.

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He unknowingly kills his father, King Leos, in a fit of road rage.

After solving the riddle of the Sphinx, Oedipus becomes King and unknowingly marries his mother, Jocasta.

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When he discovers the truth, Oedipus gouges both his eyes out and proceeds to live in self-exile.

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The ancient Greek’s sure knew how to tell Horror stories.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 30, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

Artemisia absinthium, is the scientific name for the plant called grand Wormwood, which is the main ingredient of the alcoholic elixir called Absinthe. Wormwood is a species of Artemisia, which is native to temperate regions of Eurasia. The ingredients of Absinthe also include green anise, sweet fennel, and other Witchcraft herbs.

(The Artwork Above is available as an Art Print, which depicts a female version of Mephistopheles. If you are interested, please Click the Image Above to see the Full Artwork and for further details.)

In Witchcraft lore Artemisia absinthium is associated with the planetary sphere of fiery Mars and the elements fire and air. Due to the association with Mars you also have the correspondence with the colour red. Also when the colour red is intensely stared at, it leaves behind a green after-image when your eyes are closed, and likewise when green is stared at, it leaves behind a red after-image.

As for the name Artemisia, it is derived from the name of the ancient Greek Goddess Artemis, whose sacred animal is a Bear, which is often associated with female shamans, especially across Eurasia unto Hyperborean Siberia. (There are many names for a male shaman in Siberia. But there is only one name for a female shaman, which is Udagan, meaning a Bear. Udagan also has associations with a fire, specifically the hearth.)

Shamanic use of Wormwood involved macerating its leaves, which were then soaked in wine for several days around the Moon phases, then ritually strained. The Wormwood wine is usually used for facilitating astral projection, divination and inducing visions.

Absinthe is commonly referred to , as ‘la fée verte,’ the Green Fairy, or alternatively as the Green Witch, by many a conjuring Artist who seeks visions. She was the liquid Art Muse for a number of rebellious Artists who made nineteenth century France, especially Paris a centre of artistic life. For example Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, Gauguin, Van Gogh and Degas partook of the essence of the Green Fairy who made her a subject of their paintings.

Absinthe was also known as the Green Muse, Green Ghost, Green Demoness, or the Green Goddess, and by other supernaturally inclined titles. But it was more commonly called the Queen Of Poisons:

“What is there in Absinthe that makes it a separate cult? Even in ruin and in degradation it remains a thing apart: its victims wear a ghastly aureole all their own, and in their peculiar hell yet gloat with a sinister perversion of pride that they are not as other men.” Aleister Crowley, The Green Goddess (1918).

Scientists have looked into the unusual effects of the Green Fairy. Under the title, ‘Absinthe Makes Neurons Run Wild,’ Corinna Wu, who writes for the Science News magazine, described scientific research in 2000 into the effects of the Wormwood herb on the Artist’s brain.

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The research was conducted by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley and Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago, the study discovered that Wormwood, as well as other Witchcraft herbs in Absinthe, cause “CNS cholinergic receptor binding activity”. This, according to scientists, has the effect of improving cognitive functions of the Artist’s brain.

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Although the shamanic and medicinal usage of Wormwood has been known of since very ancient times, popular legend relates that the Wormwood elixir of Absinthe began as an all-purpose patent remedy, when it had been first created by Dr. Pierre Ordinaire, a French version of doctor Frankenstein living in Couvet, Switzerland, around 1792. Ordinaire was unaware that his all-purpose patent remedy would one day be seen as a concoction of the devil, ensnaring the consumers addiction.

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However, the exact date of Absinthe’s creation varies depending on the colourful alchemist account. Ordinaire’s alchemical recipe was passed on to the Henriod sisters of Couvet, who proceeded to sell Absinthe as a medicinal elixir, a Faustian sorcerer would very likely drink with Werewolf relish.

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In Dr Faust’s grimoire, entitled, Hollenzwang it describes ‘Mephistophiel’ having a visionary form, appearing firstly like that of a ‘fiery Bear.’

The vision of the fiery Bear manifested when Dr Faust conjured the infernal spirit amidst the crossroads, surrounded by the wild wood of Wittenberg.

The shamanic symbolism of the fiery Bear may allude to an Artemis ‘she Bear,’ and in turn the Witchcraft herb, Artemisia absinthium.

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The Hollenzwang and other Faustian grimoires are often described as being medieval of date. But in fact most of the grimoires were created in the 17th, 18th or even the 19th century, when Absinthe took centre stage among the Dracula aristocracy and in turn the fed upon common folk.

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This was especially the case during the 19th century in Parisian France, in particular, where many a Decadent Artist, such as Oscar Wilde or Félicien Rops sought out the Green Witch, bestowing visions.

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You can rebelliously re-imagine Faust as a Sorcerer Artist, likened to Austin Osman Spare, drinking copious amounts of Absinthe prior to conjuring up a fiery red vision of a she-Bear, who then assumes the spectral guise of a salacious Nun wearing a green habit.

Little wonder then that Faust engaged in the Tantric Osculum Infame with the Green Witch, when to have entered into a Coitus Pactum with her, within an Absinthe induced Red-light district lucid dream.

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He no doubt also smoked large amounts of Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) before he rode the visiting Night-Mare of his Fallen Anima, who revealed to him that Warlocks have their Anima, whereas Witch-Nuns have their deified Animus made as a God/Devil.

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DISCLAIMER. Absinthe is considered as being a hallucinatory drink by some, whereas others do not experience it having any such affect.

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This may be due to the differences in recipe, some of which may have once included Cannabis, and perhaps even Psilocybin in some prior cases.

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The hallucinatory qualities of Absinthe was sought out by Artists, which gave Absinthe its nigh occult mystique. But the establishment propagandized the supposed hallucinatory effects of Absinthe as a means to ban it, which was mainly due to pressure from Wine producers, during the late 19th century, just as Hemp and Cannabis was banned because of the paper industry.

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Absinthe is presently seen as having its inebriating effects because of its high alcohol content. Hence the reason why it is diluted with water prior to consuming the drink.

This involves an elaborate and rather arcane ritual. Drinking Absinthe straight was, and still is considered as being uncouth. As for Wormwood, the herb does have medicinal qualities, whether partaken in Absinthe or not. 
