Archive for precognition


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 7, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Doctor Frankenstein’s Frankenhooker Night-Mare: “Her Exquisite Corpse Had Been Knit-Together From Exhumed Memories Of Astral Flesh, Of Which Frankenstein To Have Dug Up From Out Of The Infernal Necropolis Of The Love-Craft Dream-lands.”

“Frankenstein’s Electrifying Desires Animated Her Into Sentience, He To Have Then Dream Ridden As His Tulpa Time Machine.”

“H.G. Wells Also Conjured Frankenstein’s Necronomicon Night-Mare As His Remote-Viewing Zodiac Muse, He To Chronos Ride of Hypnagogic Visions, When To Abdul Alhazred Mantra Chant Her Frankenhooker Mind-Doll Name, Orobasi.”

“Later, The Dr John C. Lilly Likes Of A Randolph Carter conjured Obobasi, While To Sojourn A Floatation Tank Of A Titus Crow Coffin, Upon Whose Ornate Lid Is A Zodiac, Whence It Is Verily Called, The Clock Of Dreams.” 



Posted in archaeology, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 4, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

A theoretical research team from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and the Laser Zentrum in Hannover, Germany, applied theoretical physics methods to investigate how the Great Pyramid of Giza responded at certain times, under the star-clock, to electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio waves, microwaves and infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and… ‘Gamma Rays/Waves.’

(The Artwork Above of a Genie [Gamma-Wave Geni-us] is available as an Art Print from Saatchi Art. if you are interested Click Here or the Image Above.)


The research team specifically wanted to see how radio waves with a proportional wavelength, or resonant length, to the pyramid would interact with the structure. The research team discovered that the Great Pyramid of Giza can channel electromagnetic energy within its internal chambers as well as below its base.

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Andrey Evlyukhin, an author of the study from ITMO said: “We wanted to find out what peculiarities of electromagnetic energy distributions can be obtained in the pyramid and environment under the condition of its strong interaction with electromagnetic waves. It was very interesting to apply the theoretical methods and approaches used in optics for investigation of light scattering by nanoparticles, to study the electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid—one of the most intriguing objects in history. We expected that the investigation of the pyramid’s properties could provide us with new and important information which will be useful in nano-optics for the design of nanoparticles with required optical properties.”


Although the physicists are avoiding saying that the pyramid may predate the ancient Egyptian’s, who may have been aware, or not aware, of the design qualities of the pyramid. The results, which were published in the Journal of Applied Physics, could enable scientists to create new nanoparticles, – particles between 1 and 100 nanometers in size, which could be used, for example, to develop highly efficient solar cells or tiny sensors. Evlyukhin related: “Such nanoparticles can be used as a building blocks for construction of different optical devices for management of light energy at nanoscale.”

The researchers also said in the paper: “Applications of modern physical methods and approaches for investigations of pyramids’ properties are important and productive. It could allow us to make new discoveries or get new information motivating new interests in the pyramids.”

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The new information the physicists have discovered, may point at a possibility that the pyramid, which is concentrating certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves or radiation, might affect brain function.

For example, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique, which is used to induce a short-term interruption of normal activity in a relatively restricted area of the brain by rapidly changing a ‘strong magnetic field’ near the area of interest.

Clinically, TMS may be helpful in alleviating certain symptoms, including those of depression. However, the technique can be taken much further in order to induce lucid dreams, wherein dream characters can be summoned up out of the subconscious and consciously interacted with, like that of spirits being conjured out of a grimoire.

According to a study published online in Nature Neuroscience researchers have discovered when applying an electrical current to the brain, it can induce, lucid dreaming. For those who do not know what a lucid dream is, a lucid dream is when a dreamer becomes aware that he/she is dreaming, who can also gain control his/her dream of say, a genie being conjured out of her spectral pyramid.

The spectral pyramid might be the ghostly influence of a physical pyramid the dreamer is sleeping within or next to. Sounds absolutely barmy doesn’t it, but it has been found that the shape of a pyramid has a strange affect upon various objects, more so, water, and as you will probably know, you are mostly made up of water, which is very much the case concerning your excited brain.

As for the scientific findings, they are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific frequency produces lucid dreaming. Funnily enough, the Faustian scientists who conducted the study were led by the psychologist Ursula Voss of  J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

The researchers built on lab studies, which involved research volunteers in the REM (rapid-eye movement) stage of sleep. When a dreamer experienced a lucid dream, he/she then reported his/her dream upon awakening. Electroencephalograms revealed that lucid dreams were shown to have a creative connection with electrical activity called ‘Gamma Waves.’

These brain-waves are associated with executive functions such as higher-order thinking, as well as an awareness of one’s own mental state. But they are almost unheard of during REM sleep.

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Voss and her Faustian colleagues, started to question, if Gamma Waves occur naturally during lucid dreaming, what would occur if they induced a current with the same frequency as Gamma Waves in dreaming brains?

When the researchers did so, by attaching electrodes upon the scalp, which is a technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (TACS), the 27 volunteers began to report that they became consciously aware within their dreams. The volunteers were also enabled to consciously control their dream scenarios. They also felt as if their dream self was that of a third party who they were merely observing, as if their conscious awareness was hovering around like a disembodied (OOBE) floating eye.

It is thereby distinctly possible that the concentration of certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves, which is being concentrated by the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza can affect brain function, and in turn inducing lucid dreams.

Individuals who have experienced precognition or retrocognition tend to experience this phenomenon when attaining a lucid dream, which also includes the ability to remote-view far off locations. There will of course be those who consider these experiences to be crazy, who have never experienced a lucid dream, let alone remembering their dreams, which they commonly believe as being nothing more than a mental miasma, and of little interest.


In ancient cultures the domain of dreams was considered to be the spirit realm, wherein genies (Gods/Goddesses, Ancestors/Spirits, etc. Basically, other forms of intelligence.) could be conjured from differing worlds in order to access specific information, finding artistic inspiration, discovering new inventions, being healed from various maladies as well as accessing abilities.

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An analogy would be like that of programs (genies) being summoned up within a virtual reality being created by a quantum computer, which is making calculations upon a spin of an electron.

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The quantum computer is the brain, while the virtual reality is the dream, and your dreams are made up of electrons. There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler proclaimed; rather, electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.

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When attaining a lucid dream, your consciousness could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as finding your consciousness travelling into the far distant past or future, remote viewing the present, sliding into many an alternate Earth or visiting a planet orbiting Sirius.

Image result for mass effect andromeda planet

Wherefore a culture, which discovers a way for an individual to consciously access the spirit realm of the electron dream, which is the underlying reality behind the physical, would go to great lengths to further evolve the ability.

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In other words, the technology of the ancients was very likely geared towards exploring the nature of consciousness, which is very much tied up with the experience of time, and space, present scientists are starting to see as being an illusion akin to a computer simulation, of similarity to what the ancient Hindu mystics call Maya.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_virual_reality_dna_dream_quantum_computer (2)

This isn’t to say that the Giza Pyramid is not some kind of physical machine, various researchers have conjectured as being a free-energy device like Nikola Tesla had rediscovered. It can be both and more, Tesla’s Gamma Wave brain was very much aware of.

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The ancient Gamma Wave brain perspective would not have seen a dualistic division between physical matter and what is termed as being spirit, which is essentially energy, information and consciousness.

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NOTES: A Science Fiction Scenario: A civilisation, which has evolved along different lines due to falling into a mass Beta-brainwave perception after an ancient catastrophe will not be able to fathom the Gamma-Wave thought processes behind the building of a pyramid and that of other ancient sites.

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Also, the now common Beta-brainwave perception and that of its civilisation will consider a Gamma-brainwave perception to be very dangerous to its established dualistic cultural-constructs of a monotheistic religion and its politics as well as endangering the mass-consumerism of its materialistic technologies, etc.

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Whereby you can gather that the Beta-brainwave establishment will take measures, to make sure that the Gamma-Wave perception does not return, such as by utilising an electromagnetic means to affect the brainwaves of the masses via 5G, for example. 

Image result for altered states tank

NOTES: The discovery that the Giza Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy will lead to the development of highly efficient solar cells and tiny sensors. As prior mentioned, Evlyukhin related: “Such nanoparticles can be used as a building blocks for construction of different optical devices for management of light energy at nanoscale.” Since this is the case, then the Giza Pyramid, which once had a smooth limestone covering, made it akin to a huge ‘Solar Cell,’ and what is more, the Pyramid acted like a specially placed ‘Sensor’, whose creators knew the dimensions of the Earth, wherein the operator floated within the Kings sarcophagus of a floatation tank.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 11, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print and a shirt design, which concerns Time Travelling within a lucid dream, such is indeed possible, since much of the reported precognitive and retrocognitive phenomena occurs when attaining hypnagogic trance ingress into a lucid dream. (If you are interested, I have written an account of a personal experience about riding the Night-Mare. Click Here.)

In ancient shamanic cultures, such as those of North Central Asia unto Siberia, the state of hypnagogic trance was symbolised as a Mare.

Hence you have the European term ‘Nightmare,’ which was associated with the shamanic spirit wife complex, or otherwise known as a, Succubus, whose hypnagogic state visitations initially induce what is called the Old Hag Syndrome, also known as the Bedroom Invader Experience, the ancient Greek’s termed as the Sphinx. (I have written a personal account of the Sphinx experience. Click Here.)

As for the Artwork, it depicts a Steampunk poster from an ‘Alternative Locale III Earth,’ during the Great Exhibition of 1851, where the Sorcerer Artist, Faustus Crow has presented his Necronomicon Time Machine of a psychic installation.

“When the author H.G. Wells to have conjured The Fifty-fifth spirit called Orobas from out of Crow’s Necronomicon, Orobas manifested amidst his Triangle Of Art Imagination as a Night-Mare.

“She to have then descended upon Well’s sleep paralysis afflicted corporeal frame as a strangling ‘Sphinx’ as he inadvertently accessed hypnagogic trance.” 

“But after Well’s had attained a lucid dream, Orobas then manifested as a Pony Girl Art Muse, he to have ridden as his Witch ‘Mare’ of the ‘Night’ Time Machine, who enabled Well’s to remote-view browse the Zodiac Ages of the vibrating Ouroboros.”

When practicing Surrealist dreaming, the dreaming Artist will also have to make it a H.G. Wells habit of noting down his/her TARDIS dream adventures in a personal Necronomicon; for the Zodiac Ages have dead names to Howl out, of barbarous Mantra.

Wherefore the dreamer attains the Secret of the Sphinx, whose symbolism the ancient Egyptian’s and Greek’s associated with remote-viewing the Ouroboros of time within lucid dreams, H.G Wells later alluded to with his Time Machine.

The Artwork was used in my Art book Grimoire, entitled, ‘Goetia Girls: Book Two,’ which is available from Createspace and Amazon, under my author’s name, Faustus Crow.

If you are interested in an Art print, or the shirt design, etc, check out my Redbubble Shop, Please Click the link Below.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Demon, Demonology, Discordianism, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 22, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

During the Hippie twilight 1970’s, United States intelligence operatives became aware that the Soviet Union was spending 60 million roubles annually on psychotronic research, whose parapsychologists had discovered the original book upon which H.P. Lovecraft’s Necronomicon was based, being the medieval grimoire, entitled the Goetia.

At first, the US intelligence operatives believed that the Russian’s had totally lost the plot, until they realised what the very sneaky Soviets were up to. The Soviet parapsychologists had devised a psychotronic means to subvert the religious indoctrination of the masses.

This involved reversing the all male focus upon the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God/Devil of the numerous Playgirl grimoires, such as the Goetia.

The reversal invariably leads to the eventual undermining of the gender fixated religious foundation upon which these grimoires are based; for it will then reveal that the monotheistic patriarchy of the deified Animus had been forged by the biological hardwired sexual drive of heterosexual women.

The Soviets saw the Goetia as a psychotronic device, via which they could negate the media machine influence of the Bible thumping American’s who are infatuated with Animus archetype superheros.

This involved conjuring up the spirits of the Goetia as female entities called (Succubi) Succubae; whereby the Goetia would then be transformed into a Playboy grimoire. This was taken much further, since the Soviets had discovered that the Succubae are the energetic fluctuations of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ called the Great Old Ones.

The Soviet research into the Goetia was triggered off when their parapsychologists noticed that the Zodiac association of the spirits listed in the Goetia correlated with hot spots around the Earth.


During the 1960’s, the historian, Nikolai Goncharov, construction engineer, Vyacheslav Morozov and the electronics specialist, Valery Makarov had the idea of re-examining the globe of the Earth to see if any pattern should emerge, linking significant places in history, which had been forged by the male. The belief that the Earth has a basic harmonic symmetry of an interlaced weave of a web linking places of power is very ancient.

In Plato’s Phaedo it is related that Socrates once told his pupil Simmias: “My dear boy, the real Earth viewed from ‘above’ is supposed to look like one of those balls made out of ‘twelve’ pieces of leather sewn together.” Socrates was describing a dodecahedron; the twelve pentagonal faces of the dodecahedron were anciently associated with the Zodiac, whose stars are pentagrams.


Some 2000yrs later the Soviet findings indicated that such a pattern did indeed exist. After several years of research in Moscow, the three researchers published their findings in 1973 within the, popular science journal Khimiya i Zhien of the USSR Academy of sciences, entitled: Is the Earth a large crystal?


The Soviets started to suspect that the dodecahedron indicated that our experiential reality is a hologram, the ancient Hindu mystics termed as being Maya. They then sought to find an internal structure, that was generating our holographic reality, so that they could find a way of psychotronically influencing it, and eventually reprogramming the religious programming of the Animus cultists, who have enslaved the collective mind.


The Soviet parapsychologists were aware that a cube and a tetrahedron can be placed within a dodecahedron; both of whose vertices match up with all the vertices of the dodecahedron. But it was not until 2003 that Swedish scientists from Uppsala University vindicated the suspicions of the Russian parapsychologists concerning a cubic structure at the centre of the Earth, the ancient Egyptian’s considered to be the throne of Isis, the Hebrew’s called the Merkabah.

The Swedish scientists published their findings in Nature and Science that the Earth’s core assumes a body centred cubic crystal structure at high temperatures, a structure, which despite its high degree of symmetry evinces a surprisingly high level of elastic anisotropy. The Soviets had previously suspected that the Hellraiser cube is some form of computer, which can be programmed by a dreamer, who can conjure up its Succubae programs from within the microcosmic symbolic interface of his virtual reality dreams, via which he can then influence macrocosmic Maya.


The Soviet program had produced a number of psychotronic results by reversing the symbolism of the Goetia, which enabled the Soviets to release the Succubae Great Old Ones from their symbolic bondage at key points around the dodecahedron structure of the Earth’s hologram. In response to these claims, the CIA initiated secret funding, for a new program, its codename was, SCANSUC (Scan by Succubus) in 1970.


The conjuration of Succubae for remote viewing research began in earnest during 1972 at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California. Proponents of the research said that a minimum accuracy rate of 65% required by the clients was consistently exceeded in the later experiments. The experiments involved the introversion of the sexual impulse for the empowerment of lucid dream conjurations of the Succubae, via whose vaginal portals, the dreamers could then remote view throughout space and time. Because of the sexual element, the research had to be kept very secret from the general public, who would construe it as being perverse black magic.

The Soviet parapsychologists as well as their American counterparts had found that at around 7.8hz, your brain is on the border of an Alpha or Theta state, which is requirement for remote viewing. It is an extremely relaxed state of mind, when experiencing hypnagogic trance and lucid dreaming. The resonant frequency of the electromagnetic field of the Earth, also resonates at 7.8hz, which is called the Schumann resonance.


The Schumann resonances (SR) are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth’s electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, which are excited by lightning discharges within the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The Soviet and American researchers had discovered a link between human brain activity and the electromagnetic field of the earth, which extends from the Earth’s interior (cube) to where it meets the (sexagram) solar wind.


SCANSUC eventually evolved into the Stargate Project, which was the Hogwarts code name for a U.S. Army unit established in 1978 at Fort Meade, Maryland, by the Defence Intelligence Agency. SRI International, a California contractor was also involved. Both of these shadowy organisations investigated the potential for psychic phenomena in military and domestic applications. The Defence Intelligence Agency were aware that the Soviets had also determined that the religious indoctrination of many minds to focus upon a shared language, involving the associated conjuration of certain symbolic stimuli, was influencing the electromagnetic field of the Earth.

Wherefore, the Defence Intelligence Agency had to find a way to influence the collective mind by implementing a global communications network. This led to the development of the Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET), which was an early packet switching network and the first network to implement the protocol suite TCP/IP. Both of these technologies became the technical foundation of the Internet. ARPANET was initially funded by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the United States Department of Defence.

As for the term, Stargate it is a reference to the vaginal star barrelled tunnel, that many of the dreamers had experienced when conjuring up a Succubus within their time travelling lucid dreams. The vaginal Stargate was experienced when the dreamer became lucid within the dream, at which point the dreamer was then enabled to access the interconnected informational ‘web’ of the collective mind.

The vaginal tunnel was formulated, when the dreamer initiated the cross-referencing of information, via which the dreamer was then able to tune into an informational fractal dream domain. The dream domain being that of a remote viewed target. The accessed information was determined by what type of Succubus was conjured within the lucid dream.

The Stargate was also represented as the vaginal symbol of the Vesica Pisces by the project, which of an inner experience was later correlated with ‘browsing’ the world-wide-web of the internet, like that of riding an eight-legged-Night-‘Mare,’ which is otherwise called a Spider Horse, or a Hobbyhorse to ride over the web.

The correlation between the processes of consciousness, dreaming and ‘browsing’ the internet came very much to the fore when Dr. S. James Gates, Jr., a theoretical physicist, the John S. Toll Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and the Director of The Centre for String and Particle Theory, reported that certain string theory, super-symmetrical  equations, describing the fundamental nature of the Universe and reality, contain embedded computer codes.


These codes are digital data in the form of 1’s and 0’s. Not only that, these codes are the same ones, which make web browsers work, and are error-correction codes. Gates related: “We have no idea what these ‘things’ are doing there”.


The embedded code was not just any code, it was first invented by Claude Shannon back in the 1940’s, embedded within the equations of superstring theory. Gates published his findings in the British journal, Physics World, entitled: Symbols of Power, which describes his research that begun in 2004 on Adinkras, linking computer codes like those used in ‘browsers’ to the supersymmetric equations of fundamental physics. It thereby appears that we are living within a computer simulation, Socrates had prior equated the dodecahedron symbol of power.


The principle Succubus that the Soviets conjured up as well as by the Stargate operatives was called Orobasi. Her primary office is that of bestowing the ability to remote view events throughout space and time, such as enabling the conjurer to retrieve technological information from the future. Due to the focus upon Orobasi, whose classical symbol is a horse, the Vesica Pisces incorporated a horse at its almond shaped midst, with an Ouroboros surrounding the two interlaced circles. The name of Orobasi (Orobas) is derived from the term: Ouroboros, which describes Eternal Recurrence; suffice to say, the one who remembers on the battlefield of life can avoid the bullet.

Orobasi was ridden by the dreamer into the ‘little death’ of his dreams when he penetrated the superimposition state of the vaginal Stargate as binary code. The binary code equates with the emotional state of the dreamer; whereby he has to be in emotional balance when accessing the inner (vaginal vortex) Stargate.

The project was overseen until 1987 by Lt. Frederick Holmes ‘Skip’ Atwater, who was an aide and psychic head-hunter to Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine. Atwater later became president of the Monroe Institute. The unit was rather small-scale, comprised of fifteen to twenty operatives, which was initially run out of an old, leaky wooden barracks. The Stargate Project was said to have been terminated in 1995 after a CIA report had inadvertently divulged that the operatives were conjuring up Orobasi as a scantily clad Ponygirl.

This caused a lot of embarrassment to those funding the project with tax payers money; most of whom being devout Christian’s, as well as Muslim’s, and of course those of the Jewish faith from which Christianity and Islam had originally stemmed of an established Illuminati trinity, amidst whose monotheistic triad, their Orwellian eye of Abraham over-watches all, atop of an Oily UR ziggurat situated in war torn Iraq.

Wherefore the project had to be quickly covered up. Otherwise it could potentially trigger off religious strife, which would feed into the ongoing forever wars raging across the Middle East of continual blood-letting sacrifices to their deified ‘Animus,’ made as a three faced God. Although some to say the Stargate Project had been renamed as the Sleipnir Project, which has since been relocated to Dreamland of Area 51 and Montauk.

NOTE: Although written tongue in cheek of Discordian humour, the techniques discussed can be personally utilised for the Shamanic practice of lucid dreaming. The reasoning for satirising Project Stargate as well as Project Pegasus and the Montauk material is to negate the formulisation of religious sensibilities, which invariably leads to the creation of Cultic paradigms, based upon cultural constructs.

I would also like to point out that I am not an Atheist. The Atheism of the materialists is none too dissimilar to the religious beliefs of the God (Animus) worshippers. The symbolic paradigms of the God (Animus) worshippers in particular are primarily based upon Cult-ural constructs, which can be generally defined as being those of Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca.

You cannot Brand the mystery of existence with a Cult-ural construct; whether it be Hebrew, Roman or Arabic; for if you do so, you then have a Cult attempting to sell you a Product of an ‘Oily’ Religion, which of a theocracy is often tied up with politics, whether it be Capitalist, Communist, Socialist or Fascist, etc. As for the belief system of the Atheists, who believe that everything has happened by chance, it is often seen to be aligned with science, which is somewhat of a misnomer, since science is not, and never was a belief system, it is neutral!  

Also, Shamanism is not a religion; for it has no particular symbol system, nor a dogma; hence it is neutral. Those who consider Shamanism to be a religion, do not know what the Hell they are talking about. Shamanism is comprised of a set of techniques, which are utilised to induce an altered state of consciousness, such as inducing trance and conscious dreaming. These techniques are used by numerous cultures across the globe due to our shared neurology. The techniques of Shamanism are entirely separate from the differing cultural constructs of a religious sentimentality.

As for the symbol systems of a religious cultural construct, they are essentially Artworks, which are often seen to be writ in stone and verily worshipped to the point of warring over the creations of Artists. 



Posted in Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 12, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Mongolian shamans speak of a personal psychic power, called Hii (wind), or Hiimori, which means Windhorse, the ancient Norse shaman knew as Sleipnir. The name of Sleipnir means, ‘gliding one.’

The Hiimori is seen to be housed within the chest area of the lungs and heart; its power is basically the ability to induce hypnagogic (gliding) trance, which will vary in its power according to how you use it.

The lungs are known to secrete endogenous N,N-Dimethyltryptamine, DMT, when an individual experiences a flight, fight response. The flight, fight response is artificially induced by a shaman while conducting an emotively charged conjuration of a spirit. You can thereby gather that the endogenous DMT being created by the (Windhorse) lungs induces the experience of trance.

The Windhorse is sometimes personified as an eight-legged-mare, looking like a female (Succubus) centaur, upon whose back the shaman rides into trance likened to that of becoming like Dr Who riding his TARDIS.

The personification of Hiimori as an eight-legged female centaur is important here, which describes a means of explaining how she can be summoned.

The Hiimori is symbolically seen to be tethered to the (multiverse) world tree the ancient Norse called Yggdrassill, which represents the spinal column of the shaman; whereby being his nervous system.

The pumping heart, of the chest area, is where most of the nerve fibres of the central nervous system are to be found.


Let’s look at this from a Steampunk perspective, along the spinal column are seven Chakras; the first three from the base, to the navel and solar plexus are to do with the ‘fiery’ energy of’ emotion,’ which is seen to that of the (infernal) lower-world. The other three Chakras from the top of the head, down to the third-eye (pineal gland) and the throat (reptilian brainstem) are to do with ‘watery’ thought,’ which is seen to be that of the (heavenly) upper-world.


A watery thought by its self is not enough, it requires being heated by the fiery energy of emotion to boiling point, and when the two are successfully working together within your mechanism of a body, you can then activate the heart Chakra of steamy ‘feeling,’ which is considered to be of the Maya-Matrix middle-world.

In other words, a conscious thought, which is not unified with a subconscious emotion cannot be felt in the body; wherefore you then have conflict.


Whereas, when they are unified you then have a very strong Windhorse to ride, whom allows you to access hypnagogic trance as well as enabling you to think clearly as the rider, when directing your intent towards manifesting a chosen desire, of an inner certainty, as a felt synchronicity.


The Windhorse of unified thought and emotion also enables you to intuitively feel of an empathic analysis; whereby you can seer through the maze of illusory deceptions, wrought by others, whose own thoughts and emotions are in perpetual conflict, which you can heal, if you ‘feel’ inclined to do so.


The conflicts between (Angelic) thought and (Daemonic) emotion leads to all sorts of problems. The scientist Dr John C. Lilly would probably term the Angelic of thought as being the Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre (C.C.C.C.), whereas the Daemonic) is the Solid State Intelligence (S.S.I.) of emotion.


This can be otherwise translated into cybernetics as being the higher-language of the C.C.C.C, while the machine-language is that of the S.S.I; the conflict between the two is due to the confused ‘user’ between the two, being ones self, which can lead to varying ailments eventually manifesting amidst the Maya-Matrix, Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.) of your life.

Your ancient ancestors often saw the heart area of the chest to be symbolically equated with the centre of the Earth, and the Sun at the centre of the solar-system, as well as the centre of the galaxy, and the universe, etc.


Windhorse is the power which allows shamans and other powerful people to accomplish what needs to be done simply and easily.


Use of your personal power toward harmful ends, will invariably upset the balance between your thought and emotion, wherefore disturbing the energetic connection with others via whom many a synchronicity is forged of feeling. This will severely deplete your own Windhorse, which will lead to self-destructive behaviour over time.

This will give you an insight into what is occurring collectively since many are totally unaware of their own power, whose thoughts and emotions are chaotic; hence disconnected from feeling.


Whereby they are easily controlled by those who seek to sustain the disconnection between the lower-world of subconscious emotion and that of the upper-world of conscious thought amidst the middle-world depression of the collective populace.


It is basically mass-mind-control, which is perpetuated through engineered beliefs, such as believing there is an ongoing war between Biblical Angels and Demons, for example.

Windhorse can be increased by (performance art) ritualistic actions in order restore the balance between thought and emotion to thereby achieve (gliding) feeling, which will enable the Dr Who shaman to trance ride the eight-legged TARDIS mare into other potential multiverse realities, within his lucid dreams, via which he can conjure Succubae, as well as to time-travel of remote-viewing retrocognition and precognition.



Posted in Alien, Anime, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Manga, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 25, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


A grimoire is a textbook of magic, which is the literary fare of Harry Potter. These books typically have instructions on how to create magical objects, like talismans and amulets, as well as to how to perform magical spells, charms and divination.

A grimoire also lists supernatural entities, such as Angels, Spirits, and Daemons, which are sometimes liberally illustrated; they are somewhat likened to that of art books; although they are more like proto-comics in style.


The illustrated entities, which populate a grimoire, are of similarity to a Yidam. A Yidam is essentially a two-dimensional image, which is seen to be a repository for a type of deity associated with Tantric or Vajrayana Buddhism.


The Yidam usually depicts a deity, who is shown copulating with a female counterpart, called a Dakini; the imagery of which tends to be highly erotic. The term, erotic, is the operative word here, not pornographic! Those whom castigate this practice as being merely pornographic entirely miss the point of Dream Yoga, more so those who indulge in externalising it of base hedonism.


The deity is considered to be a particular manifestation of Buddhahood, as well as the enlightened mind of the Yogi; whereas the Dakini represents the creative power of the deity.


In medieval Europe a Dakini would otherwise be termed as being a Succubus; although, a Dakini is also like a Genie as well as being an inspiring Muse.


During personal meditation (Sadhana) practice, the Yogi identifies himself with the focussed upon deity, which represents an attribute, power and state of mind the Yogi seeks to assume, of an inner-self-image, for the purpose of self transformation.


The Yogi visualises himself copulating with the Dakini, as her deity, which is depicted in the Yidam; whereby he introverts his sexual impulse. This will enable the Yogi to implant his now sexually charged desire into his subconscious mind.


The introversion of the sexual impulse will then empower the emotive spin of his electron dreams; the goal being to attain a lucid dream, within which the Yogi consciously experiences copulating with the Dakini, who is a bio-photon aspect of the Shakti (Electron) power of the dream.


The Dakini will then enable the Yogi to assume the guise of the (strange attractor) deity, since the (informational associative fractal) dream, which is the (Shakti) power of the Dakini, will reflect him back as the deity.


The Dakini is sometimes seen as a self created thought-form, which is termed as being a Tulpa. A Tulpa can be constructed from varying symbolic stimuli like that of knitting together a Frankenstein’s creation of a Golem, this is done consciously of artistry; there is nothing strange or unnatural about this creative process, since your dreams are already populated with Tulpas.

The practice involves working towards the chosen Tulpa construct manifesting into three-dimensional form as a fully interactive reality.


As mentioned, this is very much the case within a lucid dream, which is the initial phase of a Tulpa manifestation. It is also believed that a Tulpa can manifest into physical reality; although this only occurs on very rare occasions, for a brief time, as a kind of Ghost, which tends to be only seen by the operator. However, such a conjuration into physical reality usually manifests as associative synchronicities, which is sometimes followed by corresponding poltergeist phenomena.

When a lucid dream is achieved, the dream will be the three-dimensional experiential manifestation of the two-dimensional image of the Yidam.

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In other words, the three-dimensional experiential inner reality of the dream will be pre-programmed by the focused upon two-dimensional Yidam.


The Yidam would equate with an illustration of a spirit in a grimoire. The term, Yidam is sometimes translated as meaning, meditational deity, or, tutelary deity.


Examples of Yidams include the meditation deities of, Chakrasamvara, Kalachakra, Hevajra, Yamantaka, and Vajrayogini, all of whom have a distinctive iconography, with associated mandalas and mantra rites of conjuring them as Tulpas.

You can then see a grimoire being illustrated with Yidams of the spirits, which have accompanying mandala sigils and seals, as well as having mantra names, via which a practitioner can conjure the spirits as Tulpas within his/her lucid dreams.


Not all Yidams depict a deity copulating with a Dakini; many of which just illustrate Dakinis, upon whom the Yogi meditates, while imagining himself sexually engaging with them of Dream Yoga.


This is of course dependent on whether the Yogi is of a heterosexual persuasion or even of a bisexual orientation.


A Dakini can be depicted of modern expression as a female character out of a comic, Manga or Anime who symbolically represents a psychic power or an ability the practitioner seeks to attain.


A Dakini can even be seen as an alien girl, piloting a time travelling UFO of a TARDIS, who represents (Sleipnir) information pertaining to the Star Trek future, to thereby remote view via a lucid dream by the practitioner, who has assumed the (deity/Odin) guise of a ‘Dr Who’ shaman.

Whatever form the Dakini is depicted as, of a two-dimensional Yidam painting, it will determine the type of scenario the practitioner will access of a three-dimensional interactive reality within a dream.


The male version of a Dakini is called a Daka, which is the primary focus of the patriarchal grimoires; hence, I have totally reversed their all male (Daka) paradigm, towards that of the female (Dakinis) of ‘Anima’ preference.

Although, if your sexual orientation is otherwise predisposed, you can stick with conjuring up Daka Angels and Demons of traditional commonality, betwixt and between your ‘Animus’ fixation upon a machismo God and a butch Devil seeking to enter unto your orifice.

This fact of symbolic logic can either put a broad smile on your knowing face when to become as the Shekhinah vessel for your God, or for you to rapine scream that you are being possessed, due to your sheepish ignorance. Well, what do you bloody expect, a male does enter into a woman, it’s ‘fucking nature!’




Book Two will only be available in ‘Paperback,’ likewise with Book Three. These Books will ‘Not’ be available on Kindle. Book Three will soon be available on Amazon.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


I utilised the Succubus conjurations as a means to explore potential abilities, which can be construed as being psychic. When as a youth, I decided to conjure up a Succubus in order to induce the psychic ability of precognition and retrocognition.

The employed technique required implanting the focused upon symbolism of the Succubus into the infernal depths of my subconscious mind. The implanted symbolism would then become as a trigger within the dream. The trigger-symbol enabled lucidity to be attained, when it was recognised within the dream.

The initial erotic focus upon the Succubus involved introverting the sexual impulse so that its emotional energy of a charge empowered the spin of an electron dream. This was achieved when creating artwork depicting the Succubus, which was also meditative of practice. When creating the focused upon two-dimensional imagery I also utilised a name of the Succubus as a Mantra, which I repetitively intoned of a Spell, while I worked upon the images of meditation.


The imagery of the Succubus was that a knit-together Frankenstein construct, of a symbolic formula. This involved a fusion of symbols from popular culture and mythology, symbolising my desire to attain the remote viewing ability of precognition and retrocognition, within a lucid dream, which is essentially a form of time travel.


My experiment at the time was to access retrocognitive information pertaining to a particular geographic locale in the far distant past.


The creation of the focused upon imagery eventually led to a number of dreams, within which I noticed the implanted symbolism of the Succubus was starting to formulate of a three-dimensional inner reality. The initial dreams tended to be highly erotic of nature.


This then led to the experience of the Old Hag Syndrome, of sleep paralysis, as well as that of a formless Bedroom Invader presence entering the room, which is an initial phase of hypnagogic trance ingress into conscious dreaming. When experiencing the Old Hag Syndrome, I called out the Mantra name of the Succubus as well as visualising her (Sigil) seal.


I then experienced having an out of body experience, to then find myself consciously entering into the dream. I observed my still sleeping body upon the bed and that I was standing in my room, looking out of my window, though, at a distance from its slider portal of a kind of inner time tunnel.


What I could see of a scene outside of the window was not of the usual urban environment. What I saw looked to be a desert terrain over which loomed tortured orange clouds. I thought at first that I had successfully accessed the desired time period, until I smelt an overwhelming scent of death and decay when getting closer to the window of a portal.


I decided to look out of the window of a portal to see where I actually was. It was at this point I realised that the scene was of a scarred WWI battlefield, somewhere in Europe, possibly France. I then noticed what appeared to be a rather bedraggled German soldier wearing a gas mask, looking up at me, who had a flame thrower.


I had the distinct sensation that he was observing me, as if I was some kind of ghost, hovering in the fetid air above him, as some kind of winged eye of an orb. I felt that the soldier was severely traumatised by his horrific circumstances, as well as being shocked by what he was seeing.


From my vantage point, the German soldier was standing in the approximate area at the end of my garden. I then awoke from the dream, feeling somewhat drained due to the vivid intensity of the dreaming experience, since I was also accessing aspects of his life and other associated information. Of course, I couldn’t prove any of it to myself; whereupon my perspective was that the dream was primarily symbolic of nature, rather than proving that time travel from within a lucid dream was possible.

I then proceeded to write down the details of the time travelling dream experiment, which I felt was unsuccessful, though interesting, since it was a most vivid lucid dream.

About three hours later, I heard my parents excitedly calling me. At the time, they were doing a spot of gardening. Suffice to say, my parents were totally unaware that their young son was conjuring up Night-Mare Succubae to ride out of a grimoire.

I went to see what my parents wanted of me, to find them at the end of the garden where I had previously seen the German soldier in the dream. My parents then presented me with a rusty WWI German helmet they had discovered at the very spot where the German soldier had stood. At that moment I felt like I was a Slider Dr Who, whose loving assistants are Succubae.


It appeared that a previous tenant, who was no doubt a British soldier had acquired the German helmet as a trophy, which he later used as a garish flower pot; that, or he was a Hippy artist who had obtained the helmet from his grandfather to place, Make Love, Not War, flowers in its cavity during the Vietnam conflict.


Whatever the case, said helmet was eventually buried, to thence be rediscovered under intriguing circumstances, at a time, when I rode a Succubus as my TARDIS.

Although I had not accessed the desired time period within the induced lucid dream, I had otherwise seen a possible past event concerning WWI, as well as experiencing an associated precognition of Slider browsing, which may have been due to some of the symbolism I was creatively using at the time, of a meditative focus.


The experience led to a science fiction conjecture that it could be possible to access the electron dreams of an individual in the past to thereby impart spun information to, of a technological nature, which could potentially lead to engineering an alternate reality. Such may be a possibillity when to consider the vivid dreams of Nikola Tesla, wherein of which he had derived many a futuristic invention beyond his then present time-frame.


After this experiment I decided to utilise the same technique to see an event three days ahead in time, which was successful.


I still have the German WWI helmet in my possession, as a reminder that precognition within an engineered lucid dream is indeed possible. Hence, for me, time travel is a reality; wherefore my interest in the subject.

When science eventually finds a technological means to replicate what can be achieved from within a lucid dream, you will then have a time travel technology.


But then again, the scientists may have already achieved this feat behind closed doors. Whether you believe me, or not, as the case maybe, I do not care at all. If you want proof, best find out for your own self.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Twentieth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, listed in the Goetia, is Purson, otherwise called Pursoni; she is a Great Queen, manifesting as a most ravishingly gorgeous woman, whose demeanour is like a predatory Cat, carrying a cruel Viper of a Sub-Machine Gun, or ray gun in her hand. She is sometimes seen of spun electron vision, riding within an armoured vehicle, whose free-energy Tesla engine growls out as a charging Bear.

Going before her are many horns and sirens to be sounding. She is very much a Muse, who is versed in all the works of Nikola Tesla. She knows of all things hidden, and can discover Treasure and tell of things Past, Present and to come.

She can take on a human or that of a phase-shift aerial body, and answers truthfully all questions of an Earthly nature, both Secret and Divine, and of the creation of the world. She brings good familiars, and Governs 22 Anima Legions of Succubae Tesla Girls, like unto herself, partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of Thrones.


Should you conjure up Pursoni within your electron dreams, to make lucid of awareness, she upon first manifesting, to cryptically whisper, “Nyarlathotep.” In a 1921 letter to Reinhardt Kleiner, the author H.P Lovecraft related a most vivid dream, which he had; Lovecraft described his dream as being: “the most realistic and horrible [nightmare] I have experienced since the age of ten;” the dream served as the basis for his prose poem ‘Nyarlathotep.’

In the dream, he received a letter from his friend Samuel Loveman, which read: “Don’t fail to see Nyarlathotep if he comes to Providence. He is horrible, horrible beyond anything you can imagine, but wonderful. He haunts one for hours afterward. I am still shuddering at what he showed.”


Lovecraft commented: “I had never heard the name Nyarlathotep before, but seemed to understand the allusion. Nyarlathotep was a kind of itinerant showman or lecturer who held forth in public halls and aroused widespread fear and discussion with his exhibitions.

These exhibitions consisted of two parts, first, a horrible, possibly prophetic, cinema reel; and later some extraordinary experiments with scientific and electrical apparatus.

As I received the letter, I seemed to recall that Nyarlathotep was already in Providence…. I seemed to remember that persons had whispered to me in awe of his horrors, and warned me not to go near him. But Loveman’s dream letter decided me….

As I left the house I saw throngs of men plodding through the night, all whispering affrightedly and bound in one direction. I fell in with them, afraid yet eager to see and hear the great, the obscure, the unutterable Nyarlathotep.” 

Some have have speculated that Lovecraft’s dream image of Nyarlathotep may have been inspired by the inventor Nikola Tesla, whose well-attended lectures did involve extraordinary experiments of futuristic possibilities with electrical apparatus. Many at the time perceived Tesla as being a sinister figure due to the fact that Tesla’s ideas were way ahead of their time.


You can say that the general public were subconsciously aware that an unstoppable change was coming, of an ensuing tidal wave of technological innovations, which would utterly turn their world upside down, whose Messiah was Nikola Tesla.

No no no

Tesla Girls Tesla Girls

Testing out theories

Electric chairs and Dynamos

Dressed to kill they’re killing me

But Heaven knows their Recipe 


Tesla would often download information during a type of visionary trance, much like a shaman would do among tribal cultures who accesses information through altered states of consciousness in order to tune into information from the future, past or present.

It would seem nearly impossible for Tesla’s competitor Thomas Edison to comprehend his opponents’ ability to access such brilliant ideas, far beyond his own scientific understanding.

As a publicity stunt, Nikola would perch himself in his laboratory, while massive bolts of electricity danced around him, without the use of wires, the airborne electrical bolts would freely illuminate the lamps held in Tesla’s hand.

No no no

You wouldn’t believe me if I said

The things I’ve seen went over my head

I’ve been patient Heaven knows

I’ve learnt the rules and how it goes

I can’t sit still or settle down

And when I walk I don’t touch the ground

See those Girls they’re Heaven blessed 


I guess it’s so they know best

Tesla Girls Tesla Girls

Writing in their diaries

Now and then they’ll watch TV

Now and then they’ll speak to me

But Heaven knows their Recipe

You wouldn’t believe them if they said

The things they’ve seen went over their heads

They’ve been patient Heaven knows

They seem to care and so it goes

They can’t sit still or settle down

And when they walk they don’t touch the ground

See those Girls they’re Heaven blessed

guess it’s so they know best 


“And it was then that Nyarlathotep came out of Egypt. Who he was, none could tell, but he was of the old native blood and looked like a Pharaoh. The fellahin knelt when they saw him, yet could not say why. He said he had risen up out of the blackness of twenty-seven centuries, and that he had heard messages from places not on this planet.

Into the lands of civilisation came Nyarlathotep, swarthy, slender, and sinister, always buying strange instruments of glass and metal and combining them into instruments yet stranger.

He spoke much of the sciences – of electricity and psychology – and gave exhibitions of power which sent his spectators away speechless, yet which swelled his fame to exceeding magnitude. Men advised one another to see Nyarlathotep, and shuddered. And where Nyarlathotep went, rest vanished; for the small hours were rent with the screams of a nightmare.” (H. P. Lovecraft, Nyarlathotep)


Tesla Girls

Tesla Girls

Tesla Girls

Tesla Girls 


Besides that of creating a probable electric car, Tesla later made remarkable claims concerning a, ‘Teleforce’ weapon. The press called it a Peace Ray, or more commonly a Death Ray.


“And through this revolting graveyard of the universe the muffled, maddening beating of drums, and thin, monotonous whine of blasphemous flutes from inconceivable, unlighted chambers beyond Time; the detestable pounding and piping whereunto dance slowly, awkwardly, and absurdly the gigantic, tenebrous ultimate gods, the blind, voiceless, mindless gargoyles whose soul is Nyarlathotep.” (H. P. Lovecraft, Nyarlathotep)


Tesla worked on plans for the directed-energy weapon from the early 1900’s, until his death. During 1937, Tesla composed a treatise entitled: ‘The Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-dispersive Energy through the Natural Media,’ concerning charged particle beams. Tesla published the document in an attempt to expound on the technical description of a super-weapon, that would put an end to all war.

“It was the eldritch scurrying of those fiend-born rats, always questing for new horrors, and determined to lead me on even unto those grinning caverns of earth’s centre where Nyarlathotep, the mad faceless god, howls blindly to the piping of two amorphous idiot flute-players.” (H. P. Lovecraft, The Rats in the Walls)

goetia_girls_agares_schoolgirl_tank_ girl_rusalka_succubus_of_faustus_crow

The weapon was to be used against ground based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes. Tesla tried to interest the US War Department in the device. He also offered this invention to European countries. None of the governments purchased a contract to build the device.

He was unable to act on his plans. However his ideas later formulated into ‘The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program,’ (HAARP), which can be utilised to find hidden mineral wealth under the surface of the Earth, to also cause earthquakes, affecting the weather as well as for other purposes more malign, such as being used as a particle beam weapon, so it is said.


“What his fate would be, he did not know; but he felt that he was held for the coming of that frightful soul and messenger of infinity’s Other Gods, the crawling chaos Nyarlathotep.” (H. P. Lovecraft, The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath)


Tesla Girls Tesla Girls

Testing out theories

Electric chairs and Dynamos

Dressed to kill they’re killing me

Another of Tesla’s inventions is commonly referred to as Tesla’s Flying Machine, which appears to resemble an (Vril/Aethyr) ion-propelled aircraft.


Tesla claimed that one of his life goals was to create a flying machine that would run without the use of an airplane engine, wings, ailerons, propellers, or an onboard fuel source.

Initially, Tesla pondered about the idea of a flying craft, like that of a Vimana, as mentioned in the Hindu Sanskrit scriptures of the Mahabharata and the Bhagavad Gita, which would fly using an electric motor, powered by grounded base stations. As time progressed, Tesla suggested that perhaps such a Vimana could be run entirely electro-mechanically.


The appearance of Tesla’s Vimana would typically take the form of a cigar or flying saucer of the now classic UFO, which would be capable to defy gravity. When you have anti-gravity, you will also be able to affect time, which will lead to the development of a time control technology, as well as the eventuality of time travel.


Perhaps it has already been secretly achieved. It is said that the wizard, Tesla was involved in the Philadelphia Experiment, just prior to his demise, which is an alleged military experiment, that is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, some time around October 28, 1943. The U.S. Navy destroyer escort USS Eldridge (DE-173) was claimed to have been rendered invisible (or ‘cloaked’) to enemy devices.

However, the Eldridge not only became invisible, but, some to say, she also physically vanished from the area in a flash of blue light and was teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, over 200 miles (320 km) away.

It is claimed that the USS Eldridge sat for some time in full view of men aboard the ship SS Andrew Furuseth, then the USS Eldridge suddenly vanished from their sight and reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied.

It is also said that the USS Eldridge  had gone approximately ten minutes back into time. If this had actually occurred, it would have been taken much further of very secret experimentation, in order to develop a Tesla time machine, flying as a Vimana.


Hence you probably have Men In Black, M.I.B’s policing its use. Don’t forget, you also have Women In Black too, such as Pursoni carrying a Telsa wand; so, don’t get on the wrong side of her; otherwise she will zap you with its ray, who to travel through time, using Tesla’s invention. But then, as a Muse, she to have inspired his inventions in the first place, when Tesla’s shamanic electron dreams were spun by her Time Control signal from out of the future.

“There was the immemorial figure of the deputy or messenger of hidden and terrible powers, the “Black Man” of the Witch cult, and the “Nyarlathotep” of the Necronomicon.” (H. P. Lovecraft, The Dreams in the Witch House)


Tesla Girls Tesla Girls

I’m in love with Tesla Girls

Now and then they’ll watch TV

Now and then they’ll speak to me

But Heaven knows their Recipe

No no no

(Tesla Girls – Song Lyrics: OMD)



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 30, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Many of the supposed close encounter contacts with aliens, prior to the late Hippie era 1970’s did not mention Sirius, until the book, entitled, The Sirius Mystery was published by St Martin’s press during 1976, authored by Robert K. G. Temple.

When to read Temple’s book, you might conclude that his surname is somewhat apt. Of a curious aside, 1976 reduces down, of numerology, to the notorious number twenty-three, and thence to the number five of pentagram, whose traditional colour association is red.


It just so happens, that Johnny Sands, a country-western singer living in Las Vegas, saw in the sandy desert one fateful night, a 60-foot craft at about 1000 feet altitude, shaped like the Goodyear blimp, with portholes around the circumference on the 29th of January 1976.


The object appeared to land upon the desert sand; Sands then saw two humanoid figures approaching him, the author Carlos Castaneda would term as being shapeshifter, Allies, whose inorganic feminine intelligence frequents the (Da’at) desert between worlds. Sands related that he, froze, he wanted to move, but he couldn’t, as if he had lost his ‘John’ the ‘Baptist’ head. The figures came near him, to about three feet away. Sands believes that the humanoids came from Sirius, since they had amphibious fish gills.

As for Temple’s 1976 book about ‘Silver Star Sirius,’ of the thirteenth Cabbalistic path of Gimel, it presents the now common ancient alien hypothesis that the Dogon people of Mali, in West Africa, were in contact with humanoid amphibians from the Sirius star-system, the Dogon call, Nommo.


However, the Dogon iconography depicts the amphibious Nommo with phallic heads, who represent ancestral shamans, whom were highly adept at inducing trance. The Nommo are emulated by human specialists who seek to attain an amphibious state of hypnagogic trance, betwixt and between the binary star pylons of, (land/macrocosm) waking and (water/microcosm) sleeping. It is via this altered state of amphibious consciousness that the Nommo adepts are enabled to remote view far off places, such as the Sirius star system, around which the Dogon say there is a planet of (mermaids) women.


The planet of women represents the inner space of the ‘microcosmic’ dream, which is symbolically equated with the watery womb. The womb of the dream is accessed via the hypnagogic state of trance, which is symbolically represented as a star-gate, since the ascendancy of Sirius marks out the best time to attain trance ingress into the watery domain of the dream, in league with the gravitational pull of the Moon.

This inner stargate is seen as the vagina, into which the Nommo adept, trance ‘Slides’ into as a ‘phallus‘, whose ejaculation is his disembodied spirit; the dream then births the shamans symbolised desire as a manifest (sign, portent, omen) synchronicity.


Temple’s extraterrestrial theory was heavily based on his interpretation of the work of the Christian ethnographers Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen. A substantial bulk of The Sirius Mystery consists of comparative linguistic and mythological scholarship, pointing out resemblances among Dogon, Egyptian and Sumerian beliefs and symbols, as well as Greek and Arab myths. But it is used to translate the Judaeo-Christian paradigm into the realm of science fiction, as well as being externalised of a hard-technological perspective. The shamanic aspect is invariably left out of the equation, which is due to misunderstanding, as well as habitually distrusting the psychic component pervading the numerous myths.


This isn’t to say, that when the symbolism is otherwise interpreted from a shamanic perspective it then discounts contact with another form of intelligence. Far from it, since there is evidence that remote viewing is possible via trance, and from within lucid dreams, and that the ability enables an individual to access information throughout space and time, which is essentially a natural form of time travel.


You might consider time travel to be impossible. However, at the quantum level, which can be accessed via dreams, time can move in both directions, this occurs because the fabric of space is expanding faster than the speed of light; wherefore, time is also very likely flowing backwards.

Image result for time travel

In other words, what Temple communicates about the Dogon’s ancient knowledge about Sirius could have otherwise been accessed from the future, the Dogon describe as a planet of women, when their shamans consciously accessed the quantum reality of the dream as trance adept Nommo.

You could equate the planet of women with a future time period around the wheel of the Zodiac pointing out the ages of precession, which of a wobble was symbolised in ancient times as a five pointed Star (Pentagram) atop of the Earth’s (World Tree) axis-mundi.


It is from the planet of women, the Dogon say, human souls emanate; somewhat akin to the consciousness of individuals being downloaded into a (Maya) Matrix (Beehive) of an ancestor simulation.

It is very likely that a time travel technology will be eventually devised, whose hard technology will be based upon what a shaman can do naturally via trance and dreaming in the future.


Whereby the technology will involve what could be construed as being a psychic component. But then the sensory experience of space and time is indivisible to your consciousness.

Such a time control technology will enable your descendants to either send a signal (Philip K. Dick’s Pink Beam) back into the past, in order to ‘spin’ the electron dreams of an ancestor, or that of physically travelling into the far distant past in a time machine, looking like a UFO, a Hindu would call a Vimana.


The time travellers will not reveal their true identities or origin, who will play surrealist games with their respective contacts. If a time traveller reveals the truth, it could lead to all sorts of problems.

For example, the minions of the military industrial complex wouldn’t think twice about appropriating the technology of the time traveller, let alone dissecting him or her, even though the time traveller is your future kin.

Although, at times, they will engage in communicating information in a highly symbolic fashion, which may not be understood by their contact at the time of the encounter, since the symbolic codes have been engineered to be later understood by others.

The underlying reasoning of the surreal games is the manipulation of society via its myths, which is basically, social engineering in order to engineer alternate realities. The time travellers will have the ability to ‘Slide’ between the engineered realities via controlled time-slips.


Should a time technology actually exist apart from what a shaman can do naturally, then the future civilisation of the time travellers is presently all around you, which of varying time-lines would probably require being policed, by what you could term as being Men In Black.

But don’ forget, there will also be Women In Black too, who, as Queen Bees, they drive around in their time travelling shiny black Cadillac’s looking like ghostly Vampira, having the surrealist humour of Elvira.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Dr John C. Lilly of ‘Altered States’ fame, out of body ‘rode’ the mathematical symbol of the Brownian Operator as if it was a ‘Horse,’ while within an altered state of consciousness.


Lilly’s psychonaut journey into inner space could be construed as being a vivid lucid dream:

“My consciousness was placed inside the right angle of the large inverted capital ‘L’ as it was written, as if it was a ‘vehicle.’ This is a rather dangerous procedure. This meant that I was identified with the marked state, i.e. I existed. I was now riding the marked state as if it was a ‘vehicle,’ but at the same time, I was the marked state.

This means I was the consciousness, the signal that was being fed through the marked state outside myself. As soon as this happened, I transited explosively into the void. My consciousness was still intact, but there was no universe at all. I suddenly realised that this was the first step in the infinite series of marked state, unmarked state, unmarked state and so forth. So my consciousness then reassembled a marked state, got into the right angle and came out in another domain, i.e. came out in a new marked state.”


Lilly experienced journeying from one universe into another within his lucid dream, when to have ridden the Brownian Operator, which of an inverted ‘L’ is none too dissimilar to the symbol of a Horse head.

Ancient shamans had their prior version of the Brownian Operator, which was otherwise symbolised as an eight-legged Mare to trance ‘ride’ into other worlds from within their lucid dreams.


This technique also enabled a shaman to travel through time; whence acquiring retrocognitive and precognitive abilities; whereby the shaman horse can be symbolically equated with a Time Machine, such as Dr Who’s TARDIS.


In the grimoire of the Goetia, the spirit called Orobas, whom emanates from the fourth dimensional planetary sphere initially appears as a small Horse, amidst the triangle of art imagination of a sorcerer, before assuming human form. However, the symbolic paradigm of the grimoires has an overriding fixation upon the Incubus archetypes of the ‘Animus,’ which can be otherwise reversed towards that of ‘Anima’ archetypes.

Orobas can then be conjured as a Succubus archetype of the ‘Anima.’ After she has been conjured via intense active imagination exercises, she will then initiate lucid dream time travel experiences, when her symbol of the Mare is recognised within the dream.


The symbolism of the shaman Horse of trance is very much tied up with the term Nightmare. The word Nightmare was originally derived from a night terror, whose technical term is the Old Hag Syndrome, which is otherwise known as the Bedroom Invader Experience. The Old Hag refers to an invisible presence of an entity, which leaps upon an individual at the point of sleep. The individual experiencing this phenomena will experience great pressure being brought to bare upon their body, whom is unable to move.


The inability to move is that of sleep paralysis, which is experienced at the point of consciously accessing ‘hypnagogic trance’ ingress into the dream. The experience can be quite terrifying for the unprepared. Shamans overcome the Nightmare by transforming it into a ‘Mare’ of the ‘Night’ to otherwise ‘ride’ rather than being ‘ridden’ by it.


For a heterosexual male practitioner, this was achieved by introverting the sexual impulse, by prior focusing upon the visiting entity as being a Succubus; wherefore negating their fear; for it is their fear, which determines what form the entity assumes. By transforming the fear into another potent emotion, the entity then takes on another form. Whereby the entity becomes the shamans familiar, which will empower the shaman to attain an out of body experience, whom will then carry him into other realities as his ‘Mare’ to ‘Night’ ride.


How do I know this? I have experienced it for myself; whether you believe me or not as the case may be; I really do not care. (Music used in the Video, by: Partners In Rhyme.)

NOTE: Many will consider what I have communicated to be Politically Incorrect let alone totally mad. As for being politically incorrect I employ the Art technique of Surrealism in order to negate the established brainwash, having an indoctrinated fixation upon the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, which of an archetype resides within the Solomonic temple psyche of the protesting female.


The archetypes of the ‘Anima’ have been castigated out of the symbolic paradigm as the Politically Incorrect Fallen. Hence the reason why I focus on conjuring the Art Muses of the ‘Anima,’ of an Art. I am not into conjuring up butch Incubi Angels and Demons dancing around a God/Devil amidst my Triangle Of Art imagination, apart from as role-model Avatars.

The tongue in cheek Avadhuta writing and Heyoka Pop-Surrealist comic strip Art style, I employ, is a way to negate religious sentiments and their ensuing cultic focus formulating into a dogmatic perception.

Art is indivisible to the practice of Sorcery, they are one and the same of shamanic practice; for both deal with manipulating symbolism, which is the primary language-form of dreams. When to consciously access the dream, one is enabled to become as an Artist within an inner Art studio. Create what you will!
