Archive for greys


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 19, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

In ancient myths the symbolism of the Owl is often entwined with the feminine (Anima) principle, such as Witches and the practice of Witchcraft. For example, the Queen of (Succubi) Succubae called Lilith in Hebrew lore, who is very much associated with the (Lilitu) Owl.

Lilith represents the experience of the Old-Hag-Syndrome or otherwise called the Bedroom Invader Experience, which is experienced when inadvertently accessing hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep.

This experience is known of by many other cultures, which utilise similar symbolism to describe it. When accessing hypnagogic trance, it then leads to conscious ingress into the dream, wherein Lilith manifests as a three-dimensional interactive reality.

Hence, the Owl has held been revered as well as feared throughout human history. Owls have since become associated with alien abduction experiences. The experience of alien abductions often occur when an individual inadvertently experiences hypnagogic (phase) trance, which as mentioned is associated with Lilith.

Hypnagogic trance is consciously induced by shamans, which is termed as being the little death by occultists. The hypnagogic state involves the experience of sleep-paralysis, which gave rise to the term nightmare, since an individual who inadvertently experiences this altered state of consciousness will often experience terrifying visions.

Although, when an individual overcomes his or her fear of the assailing nightmare he/she can then consciously ride the Mare of the Night wherever he/she wills to travel without moving within his/her lucid dreams.

A heterosexual male practitioner can transmute the nightmare into an erotic experience; hence the term Night-Mare and its association with Lilith, who is seen to be a Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima. (Those of other sexual orientations will reverse the symbolism as required.) 

Lilith is associated with the Tarot card of the High Priestess Of The Silver Star II, whose priestess symbolism can be otherwise equated with a Nun, which of an associated aside leads us to a tale related by Whitley Strieber in the book, ‘The Super Natural,’ who tells of an unsettling event, which happened to him in 1968.

“That year, I was living in London and attending the London School of Film Technique, now called the London Film School.  During the summer break, I decided to travel on the Continent.  On an overnight train to Florence, I fell in with a girl.” 

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“We began traveling together.  For a couple of weeks in Florence, we had a lovely time, living together in chaste intimacy.  But then we went on to Rome, and when we toured St. Peter’s, she became crazy, stalking through the church in raging silence.  She scared me.  I was living with her in a small pensione near the railroad station.  I decided, ‘No more,’ and headed off to the pensione to collect my suitcase and get out of there.”

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“I went into our tiny room, threw my toothbrush into my suitcase, and started to leave.  Then I stopped.  Her suitcase was lying at the foot of the bed. I have always been a bit too curious, and I opened it.  What I saw shocked me to my core.  In it was a NUN’s habit and, lying beside it, a dry, flattened OWL carcass. I didn’t get off the train again until I was in Strasbourg.”

“The Owls were gathering,” Strieber concludes, and this is the point of his story. Owls have always been mysteriously intertwined with his experiences of his humanoid alien Greys, he prefers to call, The Visitors.

The Tarot card of The High Priestess/Nun depicts her being seated between two pillars, one is black, the other white. These two pillars represent the two nerve channels of the Autonomic Nervous System, which run along either side of the spine. When these two nerve channels are brought into balance via meditative practices or auto-hypnotism, it then leads to a shamanic practitioner attaining hypnagogic trance, which is symbolically represented as being Grey.

The central pillar is then activated, which represents the central nerve channel running along the centre of the spine. The central nerve channel is associated with the Central Nervous System. Most of the nerve fibres of the Central-Nervous-System are mostly found in the chest area of the lungs. (It is this area of the body, which has the sensation of pressure when experiencing the [Fight-Flight fear-response] Old-Hag-Syndrome.)  

When consciously accessing hypnagogic trance, the practitioner is then enabled to experience lucid dream ingress into other realities, which will be determined by his/her beliefs. In other words your beliefs will determine what you tune into. Your beliefs are symbolically represented as the ‘grimoire’ upon the Tarot lap of the High Priestess/Nun. (At the feet of the Tarot High Priestess is a serpent, which represents the reptilian-brain.)

In the Hebrew Cabbala, the Tarot card of The High Priestess/Nun is associated with the 13th path, which is ascribed to the Hebrew letter, Gimel, whose English equivalent is the Freemason focus upon the letter G, which corresponds with the seventh Rune, called Gebo, looking like an X, of Crossbones.

The seventh Rune means self-sacrifice as well as sexual union. The self-sacrifice refers to hypnagogic trance, whose terror can be negated when to introvert the sexual impulse. As mentioned, the hypnagogic state is termed as being the little death; hence you then have the Skull and Crossbones.

The 13th path of The High Priestess passes through the hidden sphere of Da’at, which means, belief. Da’at physiologically equates with the reptilian brain.

The reptilian-brain does not think in words, it thinks in symbols, which is directly connected to the optic nerve.

Wherefore, the reptilian-brain can be easily influenced via symbolic stimuli, such as seeing Strieber’s alien Grey on his Communion book cover, which set off the viral-meme belief in alien Greys.

Prior to Strieber’s description of Grey aliens, there was little or no mention of them. The prior focus was on Nordic aliens just after WWII, when the Roswell incident occurred in 1947, then Asiatic aliens took to the alien stage when the Vietnam war raged. It was only during the Iraq invasion that Strieber’s Grey alien came to the fore, he described looked like the Sumerian sex Goddess, Ishtar. Now it seems as if the Grey’s have always been around of a cultural influence.

The reptilian-brain governs over the depth of hypnagogic trance as well as your dreams, whose microcosmic domain of the collective unconscious is symbolic, which gravitates towards a macrocosmic collective focus, when stirred by the controlled media.

However, there is the distinct possibility that the symbolic material of your electron dreams are parallel processing information, which is emanating from alternate worlds existing within parallel universes.

This doesn’t sound too unbelievable when looking into quantum computers, which make their calculations in parallel universes.

Should you imagine a science fiction scenario where you  have an alternate Earth, whether it be of the distant past, present or of the far flung future, having a superior technology, which allows the denizens of an alternate Earth to communicate with other Earth’s via spun electron dreams, let alone being able to physically travel to other worlds in their Vimana UFO’s. Then you would have Strieber being abducted by time-travelling ultraterrestrials.

The morning after his first (Yod) experience, when being abducted through the hypnagogic (He) hymen veil, which had occurred on December 26, 1985, the initial memory of his otherworldly (Vau) encounter was the image of a barn Owl staring at him through his hypnapompic (He) window. (YHVH: Tetragrammaton)

Perhaps the barn Owl was a memory-trigger, which referred back to the woman who he had met long prior, whose secret Nun fetish got him to do a runner on this Earth. But on another Earth, just next door, his alternate self stuck around, who was duly abducted by a Lilith in the ‘Hunger’ flesh, who initiated him into Tantric dream Yoga between her ‘Black Magic’ pylon legs, wherein he ‘Wolfen’ howled.

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Who knows, the Strieber of this Earth may have been contacted by his dreaming alternate self, whom eventually got in the Vesica-Pisces sack with a High Priestess Witch of a Silver Star Ishtar coven. And when dream visited, the alternate self sent along all his conjurations of the Fallen Anima, who gathered around the Strieber of this Earth as his Owl eyed Muses bestowing Athena Wisdom.

Should we take this scenario further, the alternate Earth Strieber won over a rebellious Nun when he told her a seventh Rune Magpie Secret in the ‘Night Church’ of St Peter’s, to make as the Grey:

“I will set you free from your feminist wrath, my dear. Although you will not like what I have to reveal. The God you are angry with, is your own deified Animus, made as a God and Devil. You and the Queen Bees of this Earth, women all, have created this patriarchal Matrix of a Beehive down the ages. It is yours to own as your creation, when you see the truth of it. And in knowing the truth, you no longer have to silently rage at all men; for they did not create your gaol. Then you can become as their revealing Anima, of a Sophia incarnate, to otherwise Metis smile as a Wise Owl.”

Then, when leaving ‘Night Church,’ St Peter’s the alternate Strieber hypnotised the Nun with his priestly words. The Nun then experienced ‘Cat-Magic,‘ when synchronicities abound; for when you focus upon certain symbolic stimuli within your microcosmic Triangle Of Art imagination, macrocosmic feed-back-loops of synchronicity will start to manifest. So, you have to careful what you focus upon of a symbol.

The alternate Strieber, being a crafty Svengali Mage, observed whether her synchronicities involved him as his ‘Cat Magic’ Assistant, or not. If so, it would indicate she truly loved him, if not, then off on the train again until he was in Strasbourg. Luckily enough, she loved him as her Mage; just as well, really, if he had got onto the train, the alternate Strieber would have bumped into his ‘Dreamland’ doppelganger, who is not to be seen.

You know the old stories about doppelgangers, meeting your ghostly alternate selves can be far too much of a Chinese box for many; most would promptly give up their ghost, to thence merge with the alternate self. This is very much the case when encountering an alternate self who knows how to walk worlds, whom is a Sorcerer, whose eyes are likened to obsidian scrying mirrors.

Above all the heads of the innumerable Strieber’s occupying the myriad alternate Earth’s a silvery Grey UFO to hover like an Owl, observing all the alternative possibilities, which exist in parallel universes to verily quantum computer Browse.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 10, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

A number of linoleum tiles, which are generally called the Toynbee tiles, were created by an unknown Artist, who set about embedding the tiles within the asphalt of various streets, which soon become a successful viral-meme advertising campaign during the early 80’s. There is the distinct possibility that the Toynbee tiles had in part, influenced, the 2015 space opera, entitled, Jupiter Ascending, which was written, produced, and directed by The Wachowskis, who had prior created the highly influential Matrix trilogy.

Back in 1992, an inquisitive individual in Philadelphia, going by the name of Bill O’Neill started to notice the tiles, which had been randomly embedded in local roads.

The tiles were generally about the size of an American license plate, and each had some variation of the same strange message: “TOYNBEE IDEA IN KUBRICK’s 2001 RESURRECT DEAD ON PLANET JUPITER.”

As you will probably know, Stanley Kubrick’s film, 2001: a Space Odyssey is based upon the novel by Arthur C. Clarke. In Clarke’s novel, a black monolith (or Cube, which is symbolically associated with the eight-legged-mare/trance horse of the shaman, likened to a psychic TARDIS) was placed on Saturn’s Death Star looking moon, called Iapetus.

The monolith (Cube/eight-legged-mare) allows ingress into a vaginal star barreled (NDE tunnel) portal, you could see as a (Yoni) wormhole, leading to another space and time, via which the protagonist travels through, just like the ancient shamans did, who to have conjured ‘feline’ (Succubi/Succubae) Dakinis when to ‘quantum dream,’ wherein to lucidly remote view ‘honeycombed’ fractal futures beckoning back through time.

However, in the movie adaptation, the final destination of Saturn was transformed into Jupiter because of the then technical problems, since it was extremely difficult to create a convincing looking Cabbalistic model of planetary Binah sphere Saturn with its iconic Lord Of The… Rings, back in 1968.

So, 46 years later in the 2011 science fiction film, Interstellar, its director Chris Nolan, having at his architect disposal a Masonic VFX crew and state-of-the-art CG technology, created the beautiful CGI imagery of Saturn in order to ‘square its ‘circular’ rings.’

Nolan then depicted the Saturn opening of a vaginal portal where Clarke had intutively envisioned its (Sexagram/Hexagram) Chronos technology.

As for the Toynbee tiles, they varied a bit in colour and arrangement, which were all made of an unidentifiable hard substance. Some of the tiles had disturbing footnotes, far darker than the message itself, such as “Murder every journalist, I beg you,” and “Submit. Obey.”

There were other tiles, which may have not been created by the same Artist, whose message was accompanied by lengthy, paranoid diatribes about the news-media, as well as political statements being made.

Bill decided to find out who was creating the tiles, but nobody knew anything about the Artist, or what he or she was attempting to communicate, or whether there was not just one Artist involved, but also others who were also creating tiles, of a viral-meme Happening.

So, Bill decided to create a website devoted to the mysterious tiles, and in doing so, enabled the tiles to become a viral-meme entity spreading its self over the web, and in turn discovering that the tiles were not just a local phenomenon.

Similar Jupiter Ascending tiles have appeared in other US cities, including Washington DC, Pittsburgh, New York City, Baltimore, Boston, and many others. Some have even been discovered in South America, such as Brazil, Argentina, and Chile. There are 130 tiles, which have been found.

The Artist, had managed to embed the tiles into public roads, some of which are busy 24/7, without being Banksy style spotted. The tiles resurrection of the dead Toynbee message refers to Immortality. Believe it or not, there are some scientific theories. which point at the attainment of immortality. These theories involve quantum computers, simulated worlds, and what is called the Omega Point.

For example you have the philosopher Nick Bostrom, who explored the Simulation Hypothesis, which states that, given empirical reasons, at least one of the following must be true:

1: The human species is very likely to go extinct before reaching a “posthuman” stage.

2: Any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or variations thereof).

3: We are almost certainly living in a computer simulation.

Bostrom’s argument indicates that each of the above possibilities is just as likely as the other. And, more likely than not, we are already living within a simulated universe created by a posthuman civilization, which essentially means, that an ancestor simulation equates with the resurrection of the dead. Another example is the theoretical physicist, and cosmologist Frank Tipler, who is intrigued by the Omega Point, whose concept has existed before the creation of the Toynbee tiles.

The term Omega Pont, was first coined by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, back in 1950, the Omega Point is described as being the point at where the universe will reach its peak level of complexity and consciousness.

At this point, humans will theoretically be able to transcend and attain ever higher levels of consciousness as well to have physically evolved into another humanoid form, such as, for example, looking like alien Greys out of UFO lore.

However, Frank Tipler’s idea of the Omega Point is slightly different. Tipler believes that, at a certain point within our own universe, sentient life will eventually dominate the cosmos. Intelligent beings, perhaps posthumans, will have a profound command over science and technology, who are able to control space and time in ways we can hardly imagine.

Like in Bostrom’s hypothesis, Tipler suggests that the computational complexity within the universe will become so great that it will allow for the existence of cosmic simulations. But not just simulations of the universe, but also simulations of everything, which has ever existed, everything that has ever occurred, and everything that ever will occur. Hence, it has already happened.

One of the results of such a simulation you could call the Matrix, would be that everyone who has ever lived or died would be “resurrected,” born again within the simulated universe, a Hindu mystic would term as Maya, which would be ‘eternally recurring,’ whose simulations are like Schrödinger’s Cat.

As for the symbolic utilisation of the planet Jupiter in the Toynbee tiles, you could imaginatively see it as being an occult blind, which points at Jupiter’s ancient esoteric association with the number four, and that of a fourth civilisation upon the Kardashev scale.

The Kardashev scale is used as a method of measuring a civilization’s level of technological advancement, which is based upon the amount of energy a civilization would be able to use for communication. The Kardashev scale usually has three designated categories:

1: A Type I civilisation (also called a planetary civilisation) can use and store energy which reaches its planet from a neighbouring star.

2: A Type II civilisation can harness the energy of the entire star (the most popular hypothetical concept being the Dyson sphere—a device which encompasses the entire star, transferring its energy to the planet(s) in its surrounding system.

3: A Type III civilisation can control energy on the scale of its entire host galaxy.

However, Should you apply the same esoteric symbolism to the number 3, you then have the association with planet Saturn, the ancient Greek’s called Chronos. The name of Chronos means, ‘time,’ leading thence to ‘communication’ across time, and time-travel, as depicted in the aforementioned film, Intersteller, which features the planet Saturn and an astronaut haunting his own past as a poltergeist.

3: A Type III civilisation would have the technological ability to engineer a planet, which has certain intrinsic properties of a vortex, twisting both space and time to become their TARDIS time-machine via whose Chronos portal a Type III civilization could send a space station the size of Iapetus, back into the past.

The Type III civilisation will also be able to easily send a Chronos signal, back into the past, in order to influence the electron dreams of certain individuals throughout history, who might communicate that they have experienced accessing an NDE tunnel prior to contacting another intelligence, let alone being abducted by entities at the point of hypnagogic trance ingress into a lucid dream; or to have otherwise intuitively tapped into what is going on, which is then symbolically communicated in varying mythologies, entering unto the media of varying interconnected science fiction scenarios, whose surrealist symbolism is that of a… Chronos Code.

4: Should you extend the Kardashev scale further, a Type IV Omega Point civilisation can control the energy of the entire universe, which is an ‘Eternally Recurring Simulation.’ But it is not the only simulated Maya universe, there are a myriad number of other Maya simulations; whereupon you have the Many World theory of the multiverse. If the multiverse is indeed made up of interconnected Maya simulations, you might just have ‘feline’ Sexagram Cylons frequenting the virtual reality of the quantum dream as its sentient Dakini programs.

Wherefore, if there is indeed a cover-up going on concerning evidence pertaining to another civilisation, which surrounds your own, just as your civilisation surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe amidst the Amazon jungle, it is probably because the other civilisation is the creation of your future descendants, who have time-travel capability, which enables them to journey to the far distant stars, let alone observing their own ancestors. Hence, they are protecting their own past, just as your present civilisation has taken measures to protect a stone age tribe in the Amazon from knowing about your civilisation.


But, their protective measures involving a few contacted agents who police the past, can only be sustained for a time; whence, there will be an eventual ‘Childhood’s End’ point of a technological ‘singularity,’ which invariably occurs of a ‘recurrence.’



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 13, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Female aliens wearing spray on latex, of a futuristic fetish fashion, is utilised in many a Science Fiction image, which to be ever so sexist, of a present pin-prick, in many a politically correct eye. But, when to spiritualise the imagery, it is not far too removed from the Hindu/Tibetan depiction of Dakinis.


Although the Dakinis are usually depicted as being sky-clad, naked, which of symbolism represents the nakedness of the vaginal void of hypnagogic trance, into whose maw the dreamer leaps of conscious ingress into the inner ‘space’ of the dream; whereby the Dakinis are also known as void going women.

The Dakinis are manifold aspects of the primordial feminine archetype called Shakti, the Alchemists called the Anima-Mundi, which means Soul-World, usually termed as World-Soul or the Quintessence.

Hence, the psychologist Carl Jung would otherwise term Shakti as being the ‘Anima,’ which of a female archetype resides within the male psyche. The male counterpart of the ‘Anima,’ is called the ‘Animus,’ whose archetype resides within the female psyche.

A practitioner of Yoga would term the male counterpart of Shakti as being Shakta whose male manifestations are called Daka.

What is interesting is that there have been a number of UFO abductees whose experiences are of similarity to the Old Hag Syndrome, which is endured at the point of hypnagogic trance, some of whom are males, who have reported since the late 40’s, that they were abducted by female humanoid aliens wearing, what was often described as spray on latex type clothing. But, such reports are often ignored by so called serious UFO researchers, who prefer the Freudian nuts and bolts of their Jungian disks, cylinders and flying triangles, which are presently piloted by politically-correct sexless non-binary humanoid Greys.

You might assume that the female aliens were of differing ethnic looks. However, this is not the case, the most common were the Nordic types during the late 40’s after WWII. There are hardly any mention of African looking entities, which appears to reflect back the racial divide in America at the time, since the majority of UFO reports were, and still are being pumped out by the highly-controlled American media machine.

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The ethnic manifestation of the aliens appears to be reflecting back fears when a conflict rears up of war. During the late 50’s when the Korean conflict raged, followed by the Vietnam war of the 60’s Hippie era, the invasive Bedroom Invading female aliens were described as being Asiatic of looks. Other reports had the aliens, whether female or male, manifesting as dark skinned Mediterranean types looking like Mafia goons, after Kennedy’s magic bullet demise.

There were a number of UFO abductions across America during the late 70’s, and 80’s, whose male abductees described humanoid female aliens looking like a Barbarella Jane Fonda, Baywatch Pamela Anderson or a Bond Girl Kim Bassinger, of the Nordic type, wearing spray on latex space-suits/jump-suits. You could conjecture that the influence of the mass-media had a hand in formulating their seductive manifestations, which was at the time indulging its self in the growing mystique, concerning the shadowy Illuminati using Nazi super-science.

Although you have a rather odd curiosity concerning the Australian case of Peter Khoury, who claimed to have been supposedly seduced by two female humanoid aliens during July 1992, whose Old Hag Syndrome seduction was not too different to that of classical Bedroom Invading (Dakinis/Succubi) Succubae.

One of the the Succubae looked like the Nordic number Six out of the 2004 reboot of the Battlestar Galactica science fiction TV series, who is an artificial-intelligence, called a Cylon; while the other female alien looked like the Asiatic number Eight Cylon out of the same TV series. Although the Nordic and Asiatic types are well known of in UFOlore, which of manifestations has in turn influenced the genre of science fiction and vice versa.

The Nordic alien girl apparently left behind a sample of hair, which was expertly blow-job wrapped around Khoury’s erection. Many would say that Khoury had ‘cum’ up with far fetched story to bullshit his way out of an altercation with his dark haired wife, who suspected he was dallying with ladies of the night.

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Although, when the hair was tested, it revealed a very rare genetic marker, indicating that its source had emanated from somewhere in Siberia, the ancient Greeks knew as Hyperborea. The hair sample had some remarkable properties; although very human.

As an aside, it just so happens that the genetic locale of the number six of a sexagram Cylon hair strand, is where the Dakinis are said to have their Agharti/Shamballa abode.

Anyway, these humanoid aliens had later evolved into Grey’s during the late ‘Politically Correct’ 80’s on-wards, which had occurred when Whitley Strieber’s book Communion was first published in America. Strieber’s book had the now iconic Grey face on its cover. It’s almost as if some shadowy media moguls got together who had determined that the iconic Nordics and Asiatics were rather racialist as well as being sexist concerning their gender.

Whereupon they derived inspiration from Usula le Guinns science fiction book, Lathe Of Heaven, in which a dreamer dreams of a Social-Justice-Warrior wet dream manifesting as a politically-correct reality, whose fascist politics of a totalitarian state exists without any supposed racialism; but only because its denizens all have grey skin.

However, Strieber described his Grey alien as being of similarity to the Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess Ishtar of looks, even though his Grey was a nigh sexless Queen Bee clone.

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Strieber’s book was published around the time of the growing conflicts in the Middle East, which eventually led to the invasion of Iraq, where Ishtar’s Sumeria/Babylon can be found under war torn Baghdad.

As mentioned prior, the vast majority of UFO reports come out of Media Machine America, which of an initial phase occurred in 1947. UFO’s have since been reported all over the world, as if some event had occurred, which has generated an alternate reality.

The various waves of UFO sightings seem to be associated with the fluctuations of the electromagnetic field of the Earth, which is buffeted by the Sun’s solar storms, as well as corresponding with media events. These influences appear to be inextricably linked. Perhaps there is a shadowy ‘Global Consciousness Project,’ behind it all, who have noticed that the mass-media can subliminally influence the subconscious minds of the collective populace, more so that of protesting Queen Bee feminists.

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You also have the intriguing case of the Thin-Man and its associated UFO mythology, which of an artistic Creepypasta creation, initiated a number of ghost sightings. The ghostly apparition of the Slender Man was reported by a number of individuals across the trembled web.

Whether they were telling the truth is debatable. Or should one otherwise say, what they had experienced, was real or not; but then, what is real? If all five senses were engaged when having the experience, as in a vivid lucid dream, it would be very real to the individual experiencing the phenomenon, which you could construe as being (ESP) ‘Extra Sensory Perception.’

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The reported experiences of the haunting Slender Man were, as stated prior, of similarity to what UFO abductees have described, which involved sleep paralysis and the Old Hag Syndrome of hypnagogic Nightmare. Such can become very real indeed, going by Khoury’s account of a (Dakini) Succubus visitation, which of a rarity appears to have included a dream apport of physical material. Although hard to believe, the manifestation of (apports) physical objects (such as a hair) out of the dream and other similar phenomena were investigated by Stanley Krippner, who is an American psychologist, parapsychologist, and an executive faculty member and Professor of Psychology at Saybrook University in Oakland, California.

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As for Whitley Strieber, he also experienced the Old Hag Syndrome concerning his Ishtar visitation of a ‘Politically Correct’ sexless Grey. Whatever you believe will determine the nature of the inner experience, when to access a lucid dream, which of an analogy is likened to tuning into a TV station of a reality.

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So, if you believe in malign Biblical Demons of an ‘Animus’ fixation, emanating from out of a Lovecraftian Hell, or to otherwise believe that Illuminati Aliens looking like Greys, or Reptilians are seeking to anally possess you with their patriarchal phallic probes, that is exactly what you will experience. But how did you end up believing in such Hell’s to fearfully tune into of an inner reality?

It is because you have been subversively ‘programmed’ to do so via your religious indoctrination, whose theocratic politics seeks to ‘convert’ everyone’s mind, to accept their ‘New-World-Order’ Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth. Even those who do not consider themselves to be religious are surrounded by its relentless propaganda about a Good-Cop-God and a Bad- Cop-Devil fixation upon a Deified ‘Animus;’ it is basically Orwellian mind-control.

It just goes to show how powerful propaganda can be of symbolic artistry, which of Neuro-Marketing can subversively zap your reptilian-brain-stem, and thereby influence the psychic powerhouse of your subconscious mind to lend manifested flesh to your thoughts and ensuing dreams.

It’s almost as if you are existing within a computer simulation a Hindu mystic would call Maya, whose holographic reality is illuminated by what some would term as the Vril. Who knows, maybe the Vril-ya out of Bulwer Lytton’s science fiction tale, The Coming Race, are the programmers of the ancestral simulation, within which you exist.

As for the Nazi mystique concerning the all female coven of the Vril Society, led by the medium Maria Orsic, it spread across the internet of badly photo-shopped viral-meme Creepypasta imagery, just prior to the ‘engineered’ mass-media ‘Newage’ focus upon ‘Carrington Event’ 2012.

You will find that the primary symbolic focus of the Vril mystique is Abraham’s Sumeria in Iraq, just as the media orchestrated mass focus upon 2012 was centred on Biblical Egypt. The engineered mystique about aliens, reptilians, the Illuminati or Satanic conspiracies, etc, is all Creepypasta misdirection.

If you ever wonder why the Middle East of a so called Holy Land is the Deified ‘Animus’ God altar of continued bloodletting, it is because you have been religiously programmed by the ‘Three’ Illuminati (Chevron/Vector) big-business Cults of Abraham to allow for it!

NOTE: The Chevron/Vector of an ‘Arrowhead’ design is an ancient ‘archetypal symbol,’ which stirs the subconscious mind; wherefore, it is nigh instantaneously understood by many, as to what it is communicating without words. Hence its utilisation by NASA and other space agencies, along with its usage in Star Trek, whose technology may have already been attained in secret, let alone to be getting ever closer; that’s if we don’t destroy ourselves first, of a religiously ‘programmed’ suicidal-impulse, which is that of a self-fulfilling prophecy End Of Days!




Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Video Games, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 4, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Marvel character of a Sorcerer Supreme called Doctor Strange was created by the artist Steve Ditko, who utilised surrealistic imagery and increasingly vivid psychedelic visuals, which helped make the master of the occult arts, Doctor Strange, a favourite character during the hippie era of the 1960’s.

But the Faustian character of Doctor Strange, is not alone, he is aided by an otherworldly girl from another dimension, called Clea, you could easily equate with a female version of Mephistopheles, who would be an ultra-terrestrial Succubus.

No doubt Doctor Strange has a grimoire looking like a comic book, out of which he can conjure many another ultra-terrestrial Succubus, in order to access other dimensions via his lucid dreams. Although, it will never be featured in a comic, let alone a Marvel team-up Disney film.

The Comics historian Mike Benton related: “The Dr. Strange stories of the 1960’s constructed a cohesive cosmology that would have thrilled any self-respecting theosophist. College students, minds freshly opened by psychedelic experiences and Eastern mysticism, read Ditko and Lee’s Dr. Strange stories with the belief of a recent Hare Krishna convert.”

“Meaning was everywhere, and readers analyzed the Dr. Strange stories for their relationship to Egyptian myths, Sumerian gods, and Jungian archetypes.” 

The then-associate editor and former Doctor Strange writer Roy Thomas in 1971 recalled: “People who read Doctor Strange thought people at Marvel must be (drug) heads, because they had similar experiences high on mushrooms.” 

The comic historian Bradford W. Wright, noted: “Dr. Strange remarkably predicted the youth counterculture’s fascination with Eastern mysticism and psychedelia.” 

Should you be looking for a real Doctor Strange, then  John Alva Keel, would be a good candidate for the role of the Sorcerer Supreme, who was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist.

Of course some will point out that Keel did not wear a flamboyant superhero costume; but such is all in the mind.

Whereas, unlike Marvel’s Doctor Strange, Keel’s occult adventures were for real. As for his inspiring Muse of a Clea, he did not reveal his Faustian Coitus-Pactum.

Keel did wear a kind of distinctive superhero costume, though of a far more down to Earth sort, which inspired the attire of the occult investigator, named Carl Kolchak, who was featured in the cult film and TV series Nightstalker.

Kolchak was based upon Keel; although he is best known as being the author of The Mothman Prophecies, which was later made into a movie.

There is also the distinct possibility that Keel’s bigger than life personality and colourful tales of travelling into the shadowy occult corners of the world had also inspired the creation of another comic strip character, ‘John’ Constantine.

Another candidate for Doctor Strange, would be that of a scientist, since Strange was initially a neurosurgeon; one such scientist would be Jacques Fabrice Vallée who is a venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, Ufologist and former astronomer. Vallée is notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA as well as for his work at SRI International on the network information centre for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, which I might add was developed by the US Department of Defense.

Vallée had initially defended the scientific legitimacy of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but he later changed his tune, who then promoted the Doctor Strange inter-dimensional hypothesis, which was prior postulated by Keel.

Keel and later Vallée came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon and other ‘strange’ phenomena involving experiences of (Succubi) Succubae, vampires, ghosts, bigfoot, dwarves, giants, angels and demons etc, are all interconnected.

Keel started to see the reports of varying types of entities as being ultra-terrestrials, which of commonality, tend to be mostly humanoid.

The appearances of humanoid entities can be understood as culturally-bound manifestations of non-human intelligences that communicates with us from another dimension via our own consciousness, being that of our surreal dreams.

Unlike many others who write about otherworldly entities, or, as the more serious of inclination like to call it, ‘Crytozoology’, Keel does not take himself too seriously, which makes his books a breeze to read, like reading a Doctor Strange comic. Keel himself may not believe verbatim in every anecdote he manages to dig up. But Keel, being a journalist knows that the fun is in the reading, to not necessarily believe or disbelieve in their conjured memes, such as those viral-meme entities, which populate the internet; basically, it is best to keep an open mind.


If you are otherwise looking for supposed scientific studies of succubae, shadow-people, men in black, ghosts, angels, demons, dwarves, elves, bigfoot, sea serpents and other unverified terrestrial life forms as well as aliens etc, you had better avoid Keel’s books, because he is not at all interested in placing these ‘strange’ phenomena into separate boxes; he otherwise lumps them all together, under the term ultra-terrestrial, which some will point out is not too different to that of a shamanic perspective, since the ultra-terrestrials are creatures of dreams.

The ultra-terrestrials of UFO lore have evolved over time; after WWII, since 1947 to the late 50’s, they were often described as being Nordics, during the Vietnam era, of the 60’s to late 70’s the ultra-terrestrials were seen to be dark skinned Asiatics. When the the 80’s hit, after the publication of Whitley Strieber’s book, Communion, which featured the now iconic Grey alien on its cover, (Strieber had equated with the Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess Ishtar) the Grey’s have taken centre stage amidst the collective unconscious since the invasion of Babylon, buried under Baghdad.

It just goes to show how powerful the media is in influencing the subconscious minds of the populace since the 1947 Roswell incident, which just so happened occurred around the same year the C.I.A came into being. The influence of the media over the imagination of the mass populace, did not go by unnoticed; hence, the US Department of Defense development of ARPANET, and the ensuing involvement of the C.I.A, which to have later become the conduit for engineered viral-memes, such as the orchestrated focus on 2012.

Consider for a moment, the essence of your dreams are that of electrons and that said electrons could be mini-wormholes, as postulated by the American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler; then, you could then further theorise that if another intelligence sought contact with other sentient species throughout space-time, they would send information via these mini-wormholes, which would be interpreted via the symbolic interface of their dreams; this would be more so the case when the experienced dreams are fully lucid, which would also overlap into visionary (psychedelic) states.

The information will be interpreted by the contactees organic and culturally hewn symbolic languages, which in the case of human contacts, will invariably lead to the prevalence of the humanoid form, as well as other recognisable terrestrial forms.

Some UFO proponents accepted the inter-dimensional hypothesis because of the distance between stars makes interstellar travel totally impractical, when using what scientists presently understand.

Nobody had demonstrated nuts and bolts antigravity or faster-than-light travel that could explain their supposed extraterrestrial machines, whose manifestations never leaves behind any proof of their existence. Whereas the inter-dimensional hypothesis points at the UFO’s as not being spacecraft, but rather devices, which can travel between different realities, in other words, they are time machines.

A time travelling capable civilisation would be able to contact other sentient species via their dreams, let alone contacting their own ancestors in order to engineer alternate time-lines, as well as being able to travel between the stars nigh instantaneously, whose time travel visitations will not leave behind any physical evidence.

What is more, if the time travelling capable civilisation is our own in the future, your time-travelling descendents will play ultra-terrestrial surrealist games with their ancestral contacts in order to disguise their terrestrial origin in the future, since they do not want to reveal that their civilisation surrounds your own, just as your own surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon jungle.

Should they have a mishap, with one of their craft crashing, the military is always there to pick up the pieces, which indicates it is either one of their own devices or that the military are in cahoots with your time-travelling descendents, or both, of the very human!

There is also the possibility that a future civilisation has the necessary computing power to create ancestral simulations. One such simulation you might just exist within; whereby your time-travelling descendents can essentially ‘Browse’ their way across the internet of time.

Who, if they so choose can also assume differing humanoid forms, which will be all as holographic Avatars, when engaging themselves with their simulated contacts, or otherwise get their contactees to observe whatever they want them to see.

Whereby there will be hardly if any physical proof left behind after the encounters, unless they want to play surreal video games with their X-File simulations.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_virual_reality_dna_dream_quantum_computer (2)

The inter-dimensional hypothesis and that of the associated ultra-terrestrials leads you to the paranormal and in turn the Dr Strange domain of the occult. The association with the occult is often utilised by those who use it as viral-meme fear porn about demons in order to validate their Biblical agenda, which feeds into the vast majority of UFO reports stemming from out of America in particular, since Kenneth Arnold’s UFO sighting, followed by the Roswell incident.

The Biblical fear porn is a reaction against the expansion of the human imagination since the late 40’s, which occurred in league with the atomic age (Nordics), space age (Asiatics) and following information age (Greys), whose technological developments had been subconsciously translated into the archetypal entities of Ufolore, which really took off during the 80’s; probably because of advancements being made in (Greys) artificial intelligence and (Hybrids/Reptilians/Eugenics) genetics; much of this evolving research is tied up with the military industrial complex.

The occult is more about understanding the nature of consciousness, which is tied up with your experience of time; when to attain mastery over consciousness and in turn time, you then have the paranormal and extra-sensory perception.


However most researchers who investigate UFO’s habitually filter out as much of the paranormal as possible in order to make the rest nuts and bolts. Not John Keel. He embraces and seeks out those reports, which other researchers habitually leave out of their rather biased research. So, if you are looking for Doctor Strange reports, which take a shotgun blast at consensus reality, then John Keel, Kolchak, is your real occult superhero.

There are many researchers who investigate sightings of mysterious creatures, such as bigfoot who will try to determine bigfoot’s biology, theorizing about missing links and surviving pockets of Neanderthals. John Keel, otherwise, delves into ‘fringe’ examples of bigfoot being sighted in the vicinity of UFO’s and the associated men in black.

When Keel gets around to the modern UFO theorists, from Whitley Strieber to Budd Hopkins, he lets rip, quoting Strieber as saying “…the so-called UFOlogists are probably the cruellest, nastiest, and craziest people I have ever encountered.” 

The reason why many a Ufologist can be quite crazy is because their research, has no physical proof, which relies solely on ‘belief,’ this invariably leads to a religious fixation, and in some cases the creation of UFO cargo-cults, such as those of the Raelian’s and the Scientologists who compete against each other for dominance, just like many another big-business religion.

The same applies to those who are into bigfoot and other creatures of the night-side, who have a dogmatic tendency to see them as being quite separate phenomena, whose sense of humour has completely gone out of the ‘window;’ this is especially the case when some religiously inclined researchers believe these critters as being evidence of Biblical demons.


However, Doctor Strange Keel, uses his sense of humour when investigating what is generating all these reports of monsters, aliens and devils, etc, who did not care what others thought about him.

Image result for carl kolchak nightstalker

But, then Keel had travelled extensively, experiencing things, that other researchers only cover second hand. Keel is not dogmatic about what he wrote about; he presents the absurd and the chilling alongside the verified hoaxes and the misinterpreted. Keel will seem to be the ultimate ‘strange’ flake to some, who believes nothing and mocks everything; for others, his Doctor Strange research is a breath of fresh air amidst a field dominated by self-important egomaniacs.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 10, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

After WWI, of swinging twenties, and just prior to WWII there was an avid interest in far Eastern mystical disciplines, which was especially the case in Vienna.

Many of those who were interested in the occult lore of the far East, were inspired by the work of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. She was a Russian emigrant to America, who soon became the Queen Bee of the New York based Theosophical Society. Her larger than life influence initiated the later Newage movement.

A number of members who belonged to the Theosophical Society believed that Edward Bulwer Lytton’s 1871 novel, Vril: The Coming Race, was literally based on fact, who sought to discover the Pellucidar realm of the subterranean super-race called the Vril-ya.

However, much of the occult lore of the far East had been misinterpreted by the European mind-set, which of a habitual perception, due to its Conquistador religious indoctrination, has forgotten how to dream as a Horned Shaman. It is the Horned Shaman who knows the ‘Seventh’ Seal secret of the ‘X’ Rune of Gebo.


The ‘X’ Rune of Crossed-Key ‘Crossbones’ represents ‘Trance,’ of the little death ingress into the dream, whose inner light illuminates your ‘Skull.’ The key-secret of the ‘X’ Rune had been forgotten due to the ascendancy of the Church of Rome, which had nigh eradicated shamanistic practices across Europe, of a prior holocaust of Witch burning genocide.


Your pagan ancestors fought back; but the Christian holocaust lasted for at least 500 yrs of inquisitional terror. Wherefore, the elder understanding was lost. Hence the underworld of Agharti, and the realm of Shamballa, which had been tied in with the Vril-ya, was misinterpreted by Conquistador Christian’s as being actual geographic locales. This has led to a number of Indiana Jones conspiracy theories, woven by Christian researchers, concerning the Nazi party attempting to discover their temporal reality, which is said to have been inspired by Blavatsky’s metaphysical theories concerning eugenic root-races preying on one another.

The truth of the matter was that the Nazi’s were aided and abetted in their eugenic agenda by the American eugenics movement. Eugenics was practiced in the United States many years before the eugenics programs in Nazi Germany; the U.S. eugenics movement provided much of the information and materials for the Nazi eugenics programs to create their super-race.

Blavatsky like many another during her time were influenced by eugenics, She, and her then peers had a disdain for anything they considered to be primitive; it was the common mind-set of the time. (NOTE: The Artwork below is available as an Art print. If you are interested, Please Click the Image Link.

Blavatsky either ignored, or did not understand that the far Eastern disciplines of Tibet have their ancient roots in what she considered to be the primitive practices of Shamanism, whose orientation concerns its self with trance induction and conscious dreaming, which enables a practitioner to experience shifts of consciousness into other realities.


AGHARTI: is associated with a shift of consciousness towards the (Cerebellum) back of the head, which of a sensation is experienced as falling into the centre of the Earth via an initial (emptiness/void) phase of an abyss or tunnel. When to consciously awaken at a destination within the dream, the practitioner experiences being in another reality. Agharti is usually associated with past ancestral memories; whether they be human or non-human.

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SHAMBALLA: is associated with a shift of consciousness above the (Cerebrum) head, where the practitioner feels as if he/she is flying up into a (emptiness/void) tunnel; when to consciously awaken at the dream destination; the practitioner will experience being in another reality, which is to do with accessing information in the future.

In many of the far Eastern disciplines and that of other shamanistic traditions there is mention of an energy, which is often described as being like liquid light or living flame, illuminating your dreams. This liquid light has many names, such as the Hindu, Prana, Chinese, Chi or Austronesian, Mana etc. The Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa call it Num, which initiates trance, they term as Kia.

In pre-WWII Vienna, it was called Odic force, which is named after the Shamanic Norse deity, known as Odin, whose name translates as Od/Light/Ecstasy/Trance – In/Master. Odin is equivalent to the ancient Greek deity called Hermes, the Roman’s knew as Mercury. The Saxon’s knew Odin as Woden, whose name lean’t its self to Wednesday. The name of Odin was originally derived from the Southern Siberian Altay name, Odqan, which means Fire King.


The Odic force is also associated with Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy. The term Od, gave rise to the word ‘Odd,’ which of an original meaning described an altered state of consciousness.

The word of Od, may have originated from the African root-word, ‘Odun,’ which means virtually the same as Odqan and Odin. Whereas others had utilised the term of Vril for the liquid light, which illuminates the inner reality of your dreams.

The liquid light, which illuminates your dreams is that of the Bio-Photon emission emanating from your Mitochondrial DNA. The Mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children; wherefore the liquid light (Vril) has a female source.

This intuitive (Biospheric TV) understanding is communicated by Odqan’s female counterpart, called Yal-un eke, who is the mother of fire. As for Odin’s female counterpart, she is called Frigga, who is Goddess of the hearth, of similarity to the ancient Greek Goddess Hera. In ancient Rome she was called Diana-Lucifera, the Christian’s had transformed into their machismo Lucifer.

Diana is the Roman name for Artemis, whose twin brother is Apollo, both of whom are said to have come from the land of Hyperborea, beyond the North Wind. The ancient Greek poet Aristeas sought out Apollo, which led him as far as Mongolia. But he didn’t quite make it to the Hyperborean realm of the Altay to discover that Apollo was Odqan; whereby Artemis is Yal-un eke.


Odqan is a term for a shaman, who has mastery over the inner fire of Yal-un eke. The Hindu’s called the female source of the inner fire, Shakti, whose myriad manifestations manifest as the Dakinis when to arouse the (fire snake) Kundalini, which arises through the seven Chakras along your spine.

The Dakinis were seen to reside within the seven (planetary spheres) Chakras as their (Endocrine System) abodes. They are often described as being faerie sorceresses, or Witches, who are associated with the dream domains of Agharti and Shamballa. The term Dakini is also given as a title to a physical woman; basically, she is a female shaman who is highly versed in Tantric magic.


The Shakti of the Hindu, Carl Jung termed as the alchemical ‘Anima’ within the psyche of a male; whereas the female has her ‘Animus,’ which empowers her internal self-image as a Goddess.

In Tibetan (Tantric) Buddhist practice a male practitioner mediates upon an ‘Erotic’ image of a (Succubus) Dakini, in order to conjure her up within his dreams, which is an initial stage of creating a Tulpa.

The internalisation of the sexual impulse negates the terror of hypnagogic trance. The conjured Dakini then empowers the male practitioner to assume the Avatar of a particular Buddha within a (Agharti/Shamballa) lucid dream.

The Dakinis are of similarity to the Valkyries, who are the handmaidens of Odin. which leads you to the temporal (Vril/Odic force) priestesses of Odin, you can otherwise term as the Vrilerinnen. The Vrilerinnen are said to be the Tantric Kama-Sutra priestesses of the Vril society who had seductively persuaded the big-business Masons of the Thule Society to build a flying disk.

You can’t have the Vril Society without the ‘Mercurial’ trance medium, Maria Orsic, who like Blavatsky, is said to be the Queen Bee Witch of the Vril Gesellschaft. She was no doubt highly versed in arousing the Vril along her axis-mundi spinal column, which the alchemists had otherwise termed as the ‘Mercurius,’ before initiating trance ingress into the (back-of-the-head) Agharti sphere of the ‘Moon.’


Orsic’s name is rather intriguing of nigh Catholic connotations, being that of Mary, while Orsic, means Divine Ruler, which leads you to an Aryan Mary Queen Of ‘Seventh’ Heaven, having peroxide blond hair.

It appears that someone has attempted to create a German version of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, whose Theosophical Society has been transformed into the Vril Society of a Witches Coven.

Most of the conspiracy tales about a Nazi occult society investigating the Vril is based upon what Willy Ley said, who was a German rocket engineer. Ley had emigrated to the United States in 1937. In ‘1947,’ he published an article in the science fiction magazine, Astounding Science Fiction, entitled: ‘Pseudoscience in Naziland’. Ley related:

“The next group was literally founded upon a novel. That group which I think called itself Wahrheitsgesellschaft — Society for Truth —and which was more or less localised in Berlin, devoted its spare time looking for Vril.” 

Ley did not utilise the terminology of the Vril Gesellschaft when describing the Wahrheitsgesellschaft, which appears to be none too different to a Berlin branch of the Theosophists, whose members were, and still are intrigued by the Vril.

Maria Orsic’s modern appearance of Creepypasta design, makes her out to look almost like an Aryan Marilyn Monroe of an archetypal Venus icon, who as a White Rabbit is said to have remote-viewed a Vimana Time Machine, which is commonly described as a flying disk. Her remote-viewed Time Machine, as mentioned prior, was then financed by the Thule Society. Perhaps it was of similarity to Nikola Tesla’s anti-gravity device? Orsic is somewhat likened to the ‘feline’ Norse Witch Goddess Freyja of the inner fire, who is the dream mistress of the Valkyries.

The photographs of Maria Orsic appear to be badly photo-shopped in order to illustrate the Creepypasta viral-meme of the Vril mystique, which of design may have been subversively orchestrated in order to divert attention away from discovering the lost ancestral-self-identity of the European’s, let alone to hide right-wing Christian atrocities behind a veil of Nazi UFO-lore.

But more likely it is a further elaboration of the Nazi UFO mystique, involving interdimensional (Incubi: manifestations of the ‘Animus’) Aliens dallying with orgiastic Witches. which is a potent archetypal mix.

As you may know, one of the abilities of a Witch is that of remotely viewing the future, which could be applied to accessing information about a futuristic technology. Such a ‘Stargate’ ability would be sought out by the Military Industrial Complex, whose scientists are intrigued by ‘Vimana’ Time-Machines.

So, if Maria Orsic had actually existed, or to otherwise creatively evolve the Creepypasta, she would have probably been abducted by Operation Paperclip, to then sojourn in an Aldebaran Area 51 underworld laboratory, of a Vril Gesellschaft Dreamland; wherein she to lucid dream of remote-viewed futuristic technologies, for the Industrial Military Complex, of the Star Wars Neuordnung.

Of course whatever futuristic technological information is accessed will have to be tested in the real world, just as the Nazis did, who were at least fifty years ahead of the Allies. Whereas now, behind the scenes, the appropriated technology may be at least a hundred years or far more ahead than what is publically known about, apart from observing UFO’s hovering all over the place, piloted by Valkyries, or to otherwise crash in remote places, with the United States army ‘always’ awaiting their angelic fall.

A time travel technology would be a prerequisite for deep space travel; whereby we are very likely surrounded by our time travelling descendants, who to freely journey between alternate realities within the ‘Seventh’ dimension. In other words a time travel capable civilisation of our future descendants completely envelops your own, just as your civilisation surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon jungle.

Many may consider remote viewing the future to be rather implausible, since this could potentially lead to generating ‘alternate realities.’ But you will find that Nikola Tesla experienced vivid lucid dreams via which he accessed technological information, whose inventions ushered in your modern age of a Coming Race, circled around the splitting of the WWII (Atum) Atom; wherefore you are all now as the Vril-ya.

NOTE: The Chevron/Vector of an ‘Arrowhead’ design is an ancient ‘archetypal symbol,’ which stirs the subconscious mind; wherefore, it is nigh instantaneously understood by many, as to what it is communicating without words. Hence its utilisation by NASA and other space agencies, along with its usage in Star Trek, whose technology may have already been attained in secret, let alone to be getting ever closer; that’s if we don’t destroy ourselves first, of a religiously ‘programmed’ suicidal-impulse, which is that of a self-fulfilling prophecy End Of Days!




Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Extraterrestrial, Film, Occultism, Psychology, Science Fiction, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 4, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

Sacred and profane, Angels and Demons transformed into Science Fiction Aliens; such is the mainstay of UFO lore, along with the media machine of the film industry, which manages your symbolic perception of reality; whether it be that of Demonic reptilians, spectral Greys, Angelic Nordics or Satanic men in black, etc.

It is all a continuation of an age old viral-meme, concerning horned up critters and their phallic symbolism, of a deified ‘Animus’ made as a God and Devil.

The majority of films, if not all are specifically made to conjure up the ‘Animus,’ residing amidst the psyches of all Women.

Whether it be monstrous of ‘Animus’ manifestation or otherwise of a projection upon men, it can be easily ‘socially engineered’ by the heavily controlled mass-media machine.

In Holy-Wood, ‘No One Can Hear A Woman Scream.’ Apart from those who love to make money off the back of a Scream Queen, who has been incited to protest against the ‘Anima.’

Film makers know that a Bad-Boy male character, or that of some nightmarish phallic critter who personifies the ‘Animus,’ of women, rakes in their audience Shekels.

Image result for alien ripley alien

But they have to be intuitively versed in Neuro-Marketing to do so, which doesn’t require a filmmaker being in league with some shadowy organisation, such as the mythic construct of the Illuminati, apart from his or her singular lens of an ‘eye’ being influenced by the three ILL-uminati cults of a deified ‘Animus‘ out of UR.

But the filmmaker will never knock the ILL-uminati trinity of UR, since he or she has to pander to the religious indoctrination of the mass populace, who have been trained to buy into a mythic product over the generations; wherefore inadvertently reinforcing their brainwash.

Image result for alien engineers

Those filmmakers who attempt to do something different, invariably end up with an expensive flop. But then, they wouldn’t have got the finance to do so in the beginning; Holy-Wood’s media machine is a fixed game.

Anyway, Ridley Scott’s film, Alien, would have never been a success without H.R. Giger’s sorcerer conjurations, whose visionary genius of symbolic conjurations got people to see reality somewhat differently.

Although it’s a darn shame that Scott went all Biblical Nephilim with Prometheus, involving a reference to a Luciferian alien, from whose fallen Angel DNA, all life on Earth had stemmed.

The alien kin of the fallen Angel, who are called engineers, then set about planning to destroy his progeny. But as the old story goes, there was a rebellion in heaven; whereupon the spaceship, which was carrying the genetic bomb was put out of commission by the rebel Angels.

But what do you expect of rehashed story lines, most of the Holy-Wood movies reinforce the symbolic ‘Matrix’ of the ILL-umaniti cults out of UR.

You then find your mind incarcerated; your inner eye, blinded by blood, caught within a black prison, whose cell bars are invisible; for they are made up of symbols, which is NSA over-watched by the fixation upon an oily Middle Eastern ‘Animus’ God of the Petrodollar!



Posted in Alien, Cyberpunk, Extraterrestrial, Science Fiction, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 8, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Many of the reported encounters with the humanoid pilots of UFO’s, usually describe them as being small of stature; their small size may have something to do with the extreme G-forces, which are experienced when piloting their exotic craft.

G-forces push down upon the body; the pressure overcomes the ability of the heart to pump oxygenated blood upward into the brain. Blood begins to pool in the lower extremities, while blood circulation to the head is reduced. When blood circulation to the head is sufficiently reduced, the oxygen supply to the brain becomes insufficient, the pilot then blacks out.

A shorter person has less distance between the heart and the brain, which means the blood has more chance of getting there.


Whereby the reported short stature of the UFO pilots indicates that the physiology of the supposed aliens is very likely human, not alien.

Wherefore their craft is human made; this would then indicate that UFO’s are a secret technology that the general public are totally unaware of.

Or an indication that these craft are from the future, which have time travel capability and that these craft are piloted by your evolved descendants. (Whether they indulge in creating fake, though entertaining holograms is debatable.)

This would be the case, should they travel faster than the speed of light, which of course sounds impossible; however, the scientists have recently discovered that the fabric of space is expanding faster than the speed of light. Both of these possibilities, reveal a splinter civilisation surrounding your present civilisation.


As for the height of a pilot determining the ability to tolerate G stress, it just so happens that women have a smaller body mass on average than men.

The shorter distance between their heart and brain makes it easier for women to counteract the G-forces; whereby making them more tolerant of the G-forces, a UFO can pull in the Earth’s atmosphere and that of other planetary bodies, than their male counterparts.


You could thereby imagine a secret technology, which has made behind the scenes advances in centrifuge technologies and training, using special exercises, as well as developing new materials for G-suits, that would enable improvement in aircrew G-tolerance, unless they’re opting for craft being flown by an artificial intelligence.

Although the sophisticated G-Suits and large black goggle helmets, will probably make the short female pilots look like alien Greys, you can otherwise imaginatively call Valkyries.


The disparity between the G’s a UFO can pull and the G’s a pilot (even a short Valkyrie with probable high blood pressure) is one of the arguments to get the pilot out of the vehicle, and have the craft being flown remotely, from the ground, like many a drone, which can be presently piloted from the internet.

The ability to remote control an aerial vehicle has been taken much further by Arati Prabhakar, who is the director of the Pentagon’s advanced research arm of DARPA. Prabhakar has revealed a breakthrough achievement in machine mind control.


A machine mind control experiment was conducted with Jan Scheuermann, a 55-year-old quadriplegic woman who was recruited by DARPA for its robotics programs. Scientists and doctors implanted electrodes into the left motor cortex of her brain during ‘2012;’ this allowed her to control a robotic arm, which she did successfully.

But Scheuermann was not using the robotic arms to control the joystick in the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II simulator, being used for the tests. She was otherwise controlling the plane with, ‘nothing but her thoughts,’ according to Prabhakar, it is pure neural signalling:

“Instead of thinking about controlling a joystick, which is what our ace pilots do when they’re driving this thing, Jan’s thinking about controlling the airplane directly. For someone who’s never flown—she’s not a pilot in real life—she’s flying that simulator directly from her neural signalling.” 

Grace Park

Basically, Scheuermann and the machine have become a singular entity. Prabhakar, made the announcement at the first, ‘Future of War’ conference, celebrated in Washington. But it is very likely that the technology had been secretly developed long before the public revelation, which had been hidden behind the orchestrated smokescreen of the UFO mystique.

However, Prabhakar expressed some concern about the future applications of this technology, which was initially created to enable soldiers and people affected by motor problems, to extend the abilities of their bodies by using robotic parts.

His research will of course lead to the development of robots, which will think as humans do, as well as eventually looking like humans.

Prabhakar related: “In doing this work, we’ve also opened this door. We can now see a future where we can free the brain from the limitations of the human body and I think we can all imagine amazing good things and amazing potential bad things that are on the other side of that door.” 


Prabhakar continued: “I can’t see the “bad potential” of this overweighting the good potential. Sure, we can use machine mind control to remotely control killing robot soldiers on the field, but we can already do that just like we control drones. What I can see is an incredible breakthrough that will one day enable people with motor problems to overcome whatever limitations they have.”

If DARPA has achieved what Prabhakar is talking about, this would be an amazing breakthrough for the seamless integration of robotics and humans. But, as stated earlier, it is very likely that what has been revealed to the general public has already been secretly achieved behind closed doors, many years prior, in league with other secret technologies, which are far ahead of what the public is aware of.


You can thereby determine that the technological singularity has already occurred and that the UFO phenomenon is tied up with a mind machine integration with an artificial intelligence.


You might even have a time travel technology, which has led to the development of a time machine, flying around as a UFO, whose Valkyrie pilots are short female time travellers, wandering through space and time as Grey raptors, who are part of a Secret Space Program.

This is of course all science fiction conjecture, but it isn’t as crazy as having Demonic David Icke Reptilian’s slithering around out of the fearful reptilian brainstems of the masses, who have been ‘religiously’ stirred up to fear the ‘Future Now,’ betwixt and between Biblical Angels and Hollywood Aliens.


Alas, many greatly fear those technologies, which will turn their world upside down. This is very much the case concerning those who are of a particular religious persuasion; you merely have to look at the never-ending religious conflicts in the Middle East, to see the reasoning for the secrecy concerning a Secret Space Program.

Hence, what has been discovered by the ingenuity of the human mind is kept behind closed doors; so, the Future Now is not yet disclosed of a UFO Disclosure!



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

Jupiter Ascending is the title of a 2015 American–Australian space opera, which was written, produced, and directed by Lana and Andy Wachowski. The film can be generally described as being a cross between The Matrix, Star Wars and a politically correct version of Barbarella. Many of the visuals of the film appear to be heavily influenced by Roger Vadim’s Barbarella as well as by Terry Gilliam’s artistic style. Gilliam’s influence is obvious, since he has a small part in the movie as well. The film also cleverly utilises the UFO mystique concerning the now iconic Greys and UFO abductions.

The principle Barbarella character is Jupiter Jones, who is living her life as an ordinary cleaning woman, until she meets up with Caine Wise, an interplanetary warrior sporting Vulcan ears, though Lupine of hybrid source, who has been sent to protect her from being murdered by Balem of the House of Abrasax, the most powerful of the alien dynasties.


It is a shame that Jupiter Ascending takes itself so seriously, it would have been far better if it had the slick Barbarella humour of Space Girl.

The Barbarella Space Girl episodes were created by Tom Small, written by the Barely Political Team and Edward Einhorn, which stars sexy Lauren Francesca. As for the name of Balem, it is derived from the 51st Goetia spirit called Balam; whereas Abrasax is the name of Abraxas, who is a Gnostic deity, being a fusion of God and the Devil.

Anyway, it turns out that Space Girl, I mean Barbarella, damn it, sorry, Jupiter Jones is the reincarnation of Balem’s mother. Balem is essentially the male equivalent of Barbarella’s Great Tyrant, otherwise called the Black Queen of Sogo; she is the one who said; “pretty, pretty,” in a most sensual way.

The population of Earth are totally unaware that their far flung ancestors had been originally seeded upon the planet after the then dominant dinosaurs were purposefully eradicated by a technologically advanced seventh type Barbarella civilisation.


Countless other worlds throughout the universe have also been likewise seeded by the ruling families of trans-human and alien royalty who are somewhat akin to the Gnostic Archons, fused with Vampires, whose genetically enhanced butch stormtrooper soldiers have wings of Angels.

The trans-human Archon families seeded the Earth and that of other planets for the express purpose of later harvesting humans to produce a serum for the elite Vampires, which enables them to become immortal.


Balem has inherited an enormous serum refinery on Jupiter after his mother’s demise who, like jealous Jehovah seeks to harvest the Earth’s human population, so, he is none too happy that she has been resurrected as a Diana-Lucifera on Earth, since his mother rebelled against the continuance of harvesting humanity’s life-force, for an elite few in Heaven.

The themes of immortality, reincarnation and resurrecting the dead are the main themes of the Barbarella type movie, which is tied up with the planetary sphere of Jupiter.


The film’s focus upon Jupiter may in part have something to do with the Toynbee tiles (also called Toynbee plaques), which are messages of unknown origin found embedded in the asphalt of streets scattered around two dozen major cities in the United States as well as four South American cities. Perhaps it is a Dadaist joke, or a Surrealistic rebellion, or both, to go viral, of art meme.

Resurrect Dead – The Mystery of the Toynbee Tiles (2011) from Shabda on Vimeo.

Since the 1980’s, several hundred of these tiles have been discovered. They are generally about the size of an American license plate (roughly 30 cm by 15 cm), sometimes considerably larger. The tiles communicate variations of the following inscription: TOYNBEE IDEA, IN MOViE `2001, RESURRECT DEAD ON PLANET JUPITER.


Toynbee’s idea” stems from a passage in Arnold Toynbee’s book Experiences, pp. 139–142: “Human nature presents human minds with a puzzle which they have not yet solved and may never succeed in solving, for all that we can tell. The dichotomy of a human being into ‘soul’ and ‘body’ is not a datum of experience. No one has ever been, or ever met, a living human soul without a body… Someone who accepts—as I myself do, taking it on trust—the present-day scientific account of the Universe may find it impossible to believe that a living creature, once dead, can come to life again; but, if he did entertain this belief, he would be thinking more ‘scientifically’ if he thought in the Christian terms of a psychosomatic resurrection than if he thought in the shamanistic terms of a disembodied spirit.”

Going by Tonybee’s quote he hadn’t figured on how far computers have technologically evolved, which may lead to individuals uploading (Ascending) their (Jones/John the Baptist/Head) consciousness into a (Matrix) virtual reality, at their eventual ‘Omega Point’ demise. As for the tiles usage of Jupiter, it can be seen as a possible allusion to an occult focus upon Jupiter’s planetary sphere, which is traditionally associated with the number, ‘four.’


The number four is also used to describe a level of a civilisation’s evolutionary progress concerning the Kardashev scale. The Kardashev scale is used to investigate hypothetical technological levels of future human civilisation as well as possible extraterrestrial civilisations.


However, the Kardashev scale only describes three types of civilisation; our present civilisation is not even a first type. Although many extensions beyond the three types of the Kardashev scale have been proposed by theoretical scientists.

A type four Kardashev rating for a civilisation can control or use the entire universe. Such a civilization approaches or surpasses the limits of speculation based on current scientific understanding, its technology would be indivisible from magic.


A Type four civilisation is also capable of manipulating individual atoms, creating nanotechnologies on the atomic scale as well as creating complex forms of artificial life; wherefore overcoming death.

The ‘Omega Point’ theory of physicist Frank J. Tipler would presumably occupy this fourth level, as would the Biocosm hypothesis. Tipler’s Omega Point describes human personalities, being run as simulations within a universe, which has been transformed into a vast computer.


As a result, after the Omega Point has been reached, humans will have omnipotence, who are able to see all of history and predict all of the future.

Additionally, as all history becomes available, past personalities will be able be to run as (Tulpa) simulations within the (Maya) simulation, who are essentially the resurrected dead.


Tipler equates this Jupiter (Zeus/Jehovah) state with the Christian heaven. However, it may be a case we are already simulations within an ancestor simulation, being run by a future ‘Jupiter’ level civilisation, which has the capability to time travel browse, through their ‘eternally recurring’ simulation; whereby we are all the resurrected dead within a Matrix.

As an aside, Jupiter Jones is eventually swept up in the Angel wings of Cain Wise who had initially lost his wings for being a bad-boy lupine.


Cain is somewhat like the blind Angel named Pygar who helps Barbarella in her quest to save the universe from the Great Tyrant.

Pygar states in the Barbarella movie that he is the last of the ornithanthropes and that he has lost his will to fly; but Barbarella soon gives him the will to fly again by riding his rocket.


Barbarella is a cult classic, which transformed Jane Fonda into a Venus icon, though later considered to be sexist by many feminists; this would have been have been more so the case if her curvaceous form was being assaulted by the ‘fifty’ slimy ‘grey’ alien tentacles of Lovecraftian entities, seeking to devour her aroused flesh.

Whereas Jupiter Ascending has become a favourite of female science fiction fans who are no doubt fans of the Twilight saga, concerning a girl bound between necrophiliac Vampires and bestial Werewolves, which led to bondage Fifty Shades of Grey.


However, Jupiter Ascending didn’t go down too well with a larger audience who are presently living through the Orwellian war on terror after the Iraq conflict, though some to say it will become a cult classic, just like the space flick, Gravity.

But it will not be in the same league as Barbarella. When you have a film about techno Vampires, immortality and death, it invariably conjures up the opposite of erotica, since sex equals life and creativity. Jupiter Ascending was far too politically correct to depict erotic themes, you to find in Barabarella, which had surfed the Make Love, Not War Hippy zeitgeist age of Aquarius, to also have a sense of Terry Gilliam humour during the era of the Vietnam war.


Overall, I liked Jupiter Ascending as well as all the other art movies by Lana and Andy Wachowski. The special effects and visuals are quite stunning of an updated similarity to Vadim’s Barbarella. But if a TV series of Barbarella ever gets off the ground, which of a production, is also Entartete Kunst politically correct, due to the Twilight pandering to Fifty Shades of Grey feminists, it will fall like a leaden Angel, without any wings!



Posted in Alien, Cosplay, Cyberpunk, Dystopian, Film, Goth Girls, Horror, Occultism, Science Fiction, Steampunk, UFO, Vampire, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 30, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Aristocratic Vampires do not like rotting Zombies at all, whereas lowly Ghouls are the underworld minions of Vampires. As for Werewolves, their low-tech, back to nature Hippie ways, really pisses off the Gothic Vampires big time. The infernal pop-occulture interactions of these creatures of the night leads to many an intriguing tale to tell of a developing modern mythology. Their terrifying popularity of dark cultural conjurations is very likely a subconscious reaction to ever changing world events, as well as consciously coming to terms with rapidly developing technologies.

Another aspect of this modern mythology, which otherwise expresses its self via the genre of science fiction, concerns extraterrestrial alien Greys or ultraterrestrial reptilians and their hybrid creations along with men in black, who are seen to have bases under the Earth, or at its hellish core. These mythic viral-meme themes appear to be referring to futuristic technologies, such as the development of an artificial intelligence and genetic research, in one form or another, which many distrust; wherefore being subconsciously translated into mythologies involving demonic entities or aliens.


For example, the recent scientific revelations about transfusions of youthful blood revitalising old blood, which in turn improves brain function and other physical abilities afflicted by aging, conjures up associations with the Vampire.

You would be hard pressed to believe that the scientific discoveries are only recent, since the ancient Vampire sums up the findings. You can then imaginatively conjecture of mythic conspiracy theorising that this technology has been around for a long time, and that an elite few, who have the financial means to do so, have utilised the blood science of the Vampire for themselves behind closed doors.

The elite are commonly seen to be a shadow government, who of a modern mythological theme have been translated into the Illuminati, whose myth has been interwoven into the Vampire mystique as well as science fiction aliens and their UFO’s.

The elite few, who are otherwise classified as being Vampires, would have to hide their blood science away amidst underground laboratories, as well as to weave an intelligence veil of a Masquerade around themselves. They would do so, since they see the rest of humanity as being dumb Zombies who far outnumber their Vampire elite.

When to be hypnotised by a Zombie flick, while eating copious amounts of popcorn and takeaway Pizza, you will note that a huge gathering of Zombies, are virtually unstoppable, unless you divide and conquer them or of a last resort nuking their undead hordes to thereby reduce their rotting population. Hence the Vampire elite have taken measures against the Zombies, such as dosing up their water supply and food source with hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride, which are known neurotoxin and mutagenic compounds in order to systematically dumb them down.

This has been done because the Vampires greatly fear the Zombies becoming aware of their existence who have also looked into using biological warfare against the Zombies, should things really get out of hand of mass civil unrest.


Another more passive measure, which the Vampires have used is that of subversive psychological warfare, this involves brainwashing many of the Zombies to believe in exotic cargo-cult belief systems, such as believing in demonic reptilians emanating from planet ‘X’ of a 1950’s science fiction movie scenario.

Those Zombies who sincerely believe in the engineered myths, are duly considered as being scum of the Earth conspiracy theory nutters by the other Zombies. Whereupon, the few Zombies who do get far too close to the truth are also tarnished with the same scum of the Earth nutter brush; this is quite handy, since the Vampire elite can also hide their high tech singularity behind the wrought UFO myth of a Masquerade.


Being a Zombie can be quite monotonous, whose existence is none too dissimilar to that of a programmed automaton. Its programming stems from its religious indoctrination or via the relentless engineered media.

The Zombie goes through the motions of similarity to that of a servile serf who is chained to the tomb banks who secretly aspires to become a Vampire driving a Dragula. But, you have to be born a Vampire; for they are of the elite, who are a continuance of the aristocracy.


The religious orientation of the Vampire elite is monotheist of theocratic centralism, which ties in with their New World Order politics lorded over by their jealous Big-Brother ‘Animus’ deity, behind whose smiley face is that of a totalitarian/fascist.

The totalitarian/fascist politics of the Vampire elite has always been feudal who utilise politicians as their whoring muppet puppets via whom they weave the Masquerade of Democracy or otherwise that of Communism, by which they then divide and conquer the Zombie masses.


The elite few greatly fear their eventual demise, who, likened to Vampires have indulged themselves in financing the blood science of immortality engineering and other associated medical disciplines; much of which is being conducted in secret, by the enslaved Zombie scientists within their underworld labs. This is easy to accomplish, since the Zombies, whether they be scientists, or of the military, along with the police can be hypnotised by money, and thereby easily controlled, hence controlling all the other Zombies.

Whereby, should a Van Helsing Zombie and a Scully Witch X-File researcher team desire to find out if a Vampire Masquerade actually exists beyond the veil of subconsciously wrought myths, they would have to follow the money trail into the infernal depths. Although the Zombie X-File team would have to use a Witch-crafty route in order to avoid detection by the 72 Shemhamphorasch Fusion Centres of the Vampire elite. But where to start on this terror trail? The first bloody rung on the ladder of investigation would be the Ghoul trade in human body parts.


The financial world wide crisis, which was engineered by the Illuminati Nazi criminals of Wall Street led to Europe experiencing a sparked increase in the trade of human organs, as Zombie families scrambled to put food on the table, whom the Vampire elite utilise for spare body parts. It sounds like something right of a science fiction horror flick; but its all crash and burn real.

The undead X-File team would note that the Ghoul black market for human organs, traditionally based in India, China, Brazil and the Philippines, is spreading to crisis-hit Western countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and poor Balkan nations, like Serbia.


Vulnerable and impoverished Zombies are trying to sell their kidneys, bone marrow, lungs, corneas and of course their blood, which is spurred on by the internet. The Ghoul traffickers use the internet body part donors to fill the glut of a global shortfall for organ transplantation. This is made worse by criminal Ghoul gangs getting in on the act, who prey on war victims for body parts or otherwise preying on homeless Zombies, who mysteriously disappear off the streets.

The creeper X-File researchers will discover that the Ghoul trade has expanded into the US where, there have been numerous cases of poor undocumented Zombie immigrants selling their kidneys via websites such as Craigslist to get by: “Thanks to the global financial crisis organ trafficking is a growth industry,” said Jonathan Ratel, a European Union prosecutor. “Organized criminal groups are preying upon the vulnerable on both sides of the supply chain, people suffering from chronic poverty, and desperate and wealthy patients who will do anything to survive,” he said.


The Vampire elite and those who have the monetary wealth will do anything to stave off death; whereupon you can easily fathom that a hierarchal Vampire Masquerade actually exists.

But the terror of such a dystopian realisation is too much for many a Zombie to consciously handle, whereby the horrific reality is otherwise subconsciously translated into a modern mythology of shadowy night creatures, which symbolically ‘mask’ underlying truths.


But it isn’t too dark within the underworld, there is light at the end of the infernal tunnel, which of a singularity flame is to do with the rapid development of technologies, where the mythology of Cyberpunk reigns, whose coldness of cybernetic computer science has been humanised via the Darwinian symbolism of Steampunk. It is essentially a subconsciously wrought fusion of mythic genres, which is a way for the conscious mind to deal with the coming Future Shock.

It will soon be possible to have cybernetic implants, along with creating engineered (GDF11) Tru: Blood on an industrial scale as well as having 3D printed organs, which will enable many to far extend their lifespans, of science fiction becoming fact. However, it will take time for this to occur of a Vampire technology becoming widely available to the Zombie masses. But it will still cost an arm and a leg… money, which, like blood, you will need a lot of it, to pay for an extension of your life to become a nigh immortal Vampire.

As for the present, the old ways of the Vampire are still a reality; so, if you should ever meet up with a seductive Hungarian woman in a Goth club looking like Vampira, who says her name is Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed, claiming she is a Countess, you had better watch out for her DARPA ‘syringe.’ This is especially the case if you are a woman, unless of course, you desire to become her drained Blood Doll. If so, charge her lots of cash on your Orwellian Cashless Society IPhone for the Apple Eden core sucking. But then, you will need loads of accumulated blood credits for the coming Future Shock singularity.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 20, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The experience, which assailed me the most when as a child was what is commonly known as the Old Hag Syndrome or otherwise called the Bedroom Invader Experience, or Night Terror.

It was akin to what the author H.P Lovecraft wrote about when describing his Nightgaunts, which abducted his conscious awareness into the realm of Nightmare. Although, I otherwise learnt to ride the Nightgaunt Nightmares as my salacious Night-Mare Witches.

I began to become aware that the Nightgaunt visitations was an initial phase of internal ingress into conscious dreaming. I found out much later that it was technically termed as lucid dreaming.

This experience was deepened much further due to, what can be considered as being my rather acute depressive tendencies. In other words, I did not externalise the condition, I instead internalised it to activate the Hellraiser puzzle box of the dream; whereupon I entered into a far deeper level of dreaming, where the term dream is no longer applicable.


The Nightgaunt visitations led to out of body experiences; however, the experience evolved further of a total shift into another reality.

This had occurred after I had a number extreme Old Hag visitations, where I felt as if I was being strangled by an invisible entity at the point of sleep.


It was at this juncture, prior to my early teens, I started to desperately research similarities of experience, which led me to the books of Colin Wilson, such as his tomes, Occult, Mysteries and Poltergeist. Wilson’s research into the works of Carl Jung interested me in regards to the archetypes, such as the Animus and Anima, for example.

Wison’s book Poltergeist pointed at a particular work of interest by the psychologist and medium, Stan Gooch, who wrote about the Old Hag Syndrome, on his book, entitled: Creatures from Inner Space.


The research led me to using certain occult symbol systems for meditation purposes, as a means to overcome my total terror, when being strangled every night by some unknown shadow creature leaping out of the darkness.


The problem I had come across was most the occult material is in the main a fear based Animus dominated paradigm, whose underlying sexual orientation is somewhat self evident.

Although other material I had researched pointed at the queen of Succubae called, Lilith in one form or another, of a mythic ‘Anima’ description concerning the experience.

However I had my own insight concerning the sensation of the reptilian-brainstem strangulation, which of an initiatory phase, required one to become as a trusting innocent, like that of a babe; for the fear increased the pressure upon ones body and throat area. But such information is communicated in highly coded in form, veiled behind layers of fear laden folklore, through which I saw the truth of it, because I was enduring its experience in actuality.


This insight was taken to another level because of a synchronistic gathering of material concerning the works of Carlos Castaneda in particular. Castaneda spoke of a feminine inorganic intelligence, he termed as the Allies, which are attracted to the four F’s (Flight, Fight, Food, Fuck) of an elemental emotional ‘charge’ of (Karmic dream) energy.

The charge of emotion determines their ‘spin,’ and in turn determining the manifestation of the Allies into particular visionary (Tulpa) forms within the dream. Once understood of a (Wisdom dream)  fifth element ‘lucid’ emotion, this will then lead to the Ally carrying the ‘conscious awareness’ of a sorcerer to a dream locale, which corresponds with its assumed form.


I noted that my experience was like a key, which was unlocking veiled references in other works; although, such works did not mean that the authors themselves had the experience, who, being scholarly types were just copying numerous other previous scholars down through the dusty grimoire ages.


The external research balanced out what was going on internally, which I transformed into artworks at the time, as well as poetry; though brief of a creative period due to mundane pressures. However I ritualistically prepared myself, prior to the strangulation occurring again, which I came to understand was not physically happening as such, it was being caused by my (reptilian brainstem) fear response.

This eventually led to a transformation of the internal experience; it was no longer that of a monstrous entity strangling me, it was otherwise that of a woman, lovingly caressing my throat to the back of my head. I couldn’t see her, but I was aware she was there. The experience was highly erotic, which induced a shift of my consciousness towards the back of my head, where I became aware of a yawning abyss, into which I fell, falling, yet carried by the female presence.

As I fell into the blackness, the female presence indicated to me, not to be afraid; whereupon I called out her name as a mantra. I duly found myself falling into my bed, after the hypnagogic ingress through her (Vesica Pisces) vaginal void, via the Ida, Pingala pylons, black and white.

I awoke, feeling exhilarated that I had overcome my dire terror, which had transformed the experience into something quite other of the blissful erotic. But I felt disappointed that, there was nothing else to follow. I then got out of the bed, my room was illuminated by the glow of the Moon flooding through the window, over my Art table.

I decided to look out of the window; when I did so, I experienced utter total shock mixed with absolute awe. I did not see the usual urban jungle of a concrete sprawl outside; but instead I saw rolling hills, illuminated by the glow of the Moon, under a clear night sky filled with bright stars, and in the far distance there were cottages, out of whose chimneys blue plumes of smoke arced into the vault of the night.

I then looked around my room, noticing that my bedroom door had mysteriously opened. I did not feel I was in a dream. It was much more real, in fact, more real than real. What I often do, to test out if I am dreaming is that of leaping into the air, to test its physics, to find myself usually floating. Let’s just say, it didn’t work, it was real. As I was testing what I was experiencing I kept my eye on the open door, which became increasingly unnerving. I felt as if I was being watched by something, testing to see what I would do next.

I became aware of the possibility that I could have physically died, and somehow transited into another realm of existence. When I started to think upon this possibility, I became increasingly afraid. I then decided to lie upon my bed, to see if I could awaken back into the reality I had left behind. But no such luck. I just lay there on my bed, stuck somewhere totally other, which could’ve been in the distant past, or an alternate Earth, or both for all I knew.


I considered going out of the door, but I felt if I did so, I would never be able to leave. As I lay on my front, pondering how the hell I was going to return, as well keeping my growing terror at bay, a female presence entered my bedroom, whom then sat astraddle my back. She didn’t put her full weight upon me, But I did sense she was naked of a probable petite build. I couldn’t see her, since my face was buried in my pillow.


I then sensed the woman drawing intricate sigilic designs of an arcane nature upon my back down to my buttocks with what I sensed to be her finger tip, the sensation of which was highly erotic. As she drew two spiral designs on each of my buttocks, I suddenly awoke back into the reality I had left.

When I awoke I nearly fell out of my bed; I felt I had been in this other place for some hours. But in fact I had only been asleep for about half an hour or less. This particular experience was awesome in its magnitude for me as a youth. Further experiences followed of growing intensity and high strangeness, which later revealed that my childhood experiences and other situations in my life was a set-up, and that my internal experiences were a teaching method, in order to remind me of something, symbolised as the Ouroboros.

The visitation of the entities, absolutely terrified me as a child, whose initial forms looked like ancient misshapen dwarfs of rubbery cracked skins, dark brown to sheer black of colour, or creatures of similarity to the later termed Greys, along with others of equally terrifying humanoid forms, as well as other hybrid manifestations, and wild animals.

As a young child, I initially considered that I was being abducted by aliens, for a time; but this soon passed; although, I did experience observing associated UFO phenomena as well as some of the entities indicating that they were discarnate personalities. I later learnt that most of these creatures from inner space were being sent back by my future self; somewhat akin to time travel, which was made possible by my future self attuning himself with another form of intelligence, being that of a symbiotic relationship.


This other intelligence is feminine of nature; it was assuming the differing forms in accordance with my emotional charge at varying stages of my life, which spun her and that of others, similar, whom are aspects of her, one could otherwise term as her sisters. It was only when a sexual awakening kicked in, to thence be introverted into the dream, rather than that of the emotive charge of fear, that they were spun into an erotic ‘Anima’ manifestation of the divine feminine in all her myriad forms.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_succubus_book_mephistophina_ conjuration_of_fastus_crow 2

What I have written above, ‘is in general,’ only a very small part of what I have experienced down the years. I wrote this as an answer to those individuals who have queried what I have written about, and wrought of Art, whom question whether it is primarily based upon my own personal experiences, or just made up.


Much of my work is based upon personal experiences, and when to merge them of sorcery practice with what is considered to be imaginative two-dimensional explorations via (Mandala) Art in particular, and that of (Spell) writing, it is a furtherance of inducing interactive three-dimensional lucid dreams along with observing corresponding synchronistic occurrences and other associated phenomena, which can be construed as being paranormal. Dreams reflect back your emotively charged beliefs; change your beliefs of creative ‘artistry,’ you can then tune into a different dream. As I have mentioned elsewhere before, Art is Sorcery, Sorcery is Art, both are indivisible of practice, one and the same of an Ouroboros… Singularity.
