Archive for Clea


Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Video Games, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 4, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Marvel character of a Sorcerer Supreme called Doctor Strange was created by the artist Steve Ditko, who utilised surrealistic imagery and increasingly vivid psychedelic visuals, which helped make the master of the occult arts, Doctor Strange, a favourite character during the hippie era of the 1960’s.

But the Faustian character of Doctor Strange, is not alone, he is aided by an otherworldly girl from another dimension, called Clea, you could easily equate with a female version of Mephistopheles, who would be an ultra-terrestrial Succubus.

No doubt Doctor Strange has a grimoire looking like a comic book, out of which he can conjure many another ultra-terrestrial Succubus, in order to access other dimensions via his lucid dreams. Although, it will never be featured in a comic, let alone a Marvel team-up Disney film.

The Comics historian Mike Benton related: “The Dr. Strange stories of the 1960’s constructed a cohesive cosmology that would have thrilled any self-respecting theosophist. College students, minds freshly opened by psychedelic experiences and Eastern mysticism, read Ditko and Lee’s Dr. Strange stories with the belief of a recent Hare Krishna convert.”

“Meaning was everywhere, and readers analyzed the Dr. Strange stories for their relationship to Egyptian myths, Sumerian gods, and Jungian archetypes.” 

The then-associate editor and former Doctor Strange writer Roy Thomas in 1971 recalled: “People who read Doctor Strange thought people at Marvel must be (drug) heads, because they had similar experiences high on mushrooms.” 

The comic historian Bradford W. Wright, noted: “Dr. Strange remarkably predicted the youth counterculture’s fascination with Eastern mysticism and psychedelia.” 

Should you be looking for a real Doctor Strange, then  John Alva Keel, would be a good candidate for the role of the Sorcerer Supreme, who was an American journalist and influential UFOlogist.

Of course some will point out that Keel did not wear a flamboyant superhero costume; but such is all in the mind.

Whereas, unlike Marvel’s Doctor Strange, Keel’s occult adventures were for real. As for his inspiring Muse of a Clea, he did not reveal his Faustian Coitus-Pactum.

Keel did wear a kind of distinctive superhero costume, though of a far more down to Earth sort, which inspired the attire of the occult investigator, named Carl Kolchak, who was featured in the cult film and TV series Nightstalker.

Kolchak was based upon Keel; although he is best known as being the author of The Mothman Prophecies, which was later made into a movie.

There is also the distinct possibility that Keel’s bigger than life personality and colourful tales of travelling into the shadowy occult corners of the world had also inspired the creation of another comic strip character, ‘John’ Constantine.

Another candidate for Doctor Strange, would be that of a scientist, since Strange was initially a neurosurgeon; one such scientist would be Jacques Fabrice Vallée who is a venture capitalist, computer scientist, author, Ufologist and former astronomer. Vallée is notable for co-developing the first computerized mapping of Mars for NASA as well as for his work at SRI International on the network information centre for the ARPANET, a precursor to the modern Internet, which I might add was developed by the US Department of Defense.

Vallée had initially defended the scientific legitimacy of the extraterrestrial hypothesis, but he later changed his tune, who then promoted the Doctor Strange inter-dimensional hypothesis, which was prior postulated by Keel.

Keel and later Vallée came to the conclusion that the UFO phenomenon and other ‘strange’ phenomena involving experiences of (Succubi) Succubae, vampires, ghosts, bigfoot, dwarves, giants, angels and demons etc, are all interconnected.

Keel started to see the reports of varying types of entities as being ultra-terrestrials, which of commonality, tend to be mostly humanoid.

The appearances of humanoid entities can be understood as culturally-bound manifestations of non-human intelligences that communicates with us from another dimension via our own consciousness, being that of our surreal dreams.

Unlike many others who write about otherworldly entities, or, as the more serious of inclination like to call it, ‘Crytozoology’, Keel does not take himself too seriously, which makes his books a breeze to read, like reading a Doctor Strange comic. Keel himself may not believe verbatim in every anecdote he manages to dig up. But Keel, being a journalist knows that the fun is in the reading, to not necessarily believe or disbelieve in their conjured memes, such as those viral-meme entities, which populate the internet; basically, it is best to keep an open mind.


If you are otherwise looking for supposed scientific studies of succubae, shadow-people, men in black, ghosts, angels, demons, dwarves, elves, bigfoot, sea serpents and other unverified terrestrial life forms as well as aliens etc, you had better avoid Keel’s books, because he is not at all interested in placing these ‘strange’ phenomena into separate boxes; he otherwise lumps them all together, under the term ultra-terrestrial, which some will point out is not too different to that of a shamanic perspective, since the ultra-terrestrials are creatures of dreams.

The ultra-terrestrials of UFO lore have evolved over time; after WWII, since 1947 to the late 50’s, they were often described as being Nordics, during the Vietnam era, of the 60’s to late 70’s the ultra-terrestrials were seen to be dark skinned Asiatics. When the the 80’s hit, after the publication of Whitley Strieber’s book, Communion, which featured the now iconic Grey alien on its cover, (Strieber had equated with the Sumerian/Babylonian Goddess Ishtar) the Grey’s have taken centre stage amidst the collective unconscious since the invasion of Babylon, buried under Baghdad.

It just goes to show how powerful the media is in influencing the subconscious minds of the populace since the 1947 Roswell incident, which just so happened occurred around the same year the C.I.A came into being. The influence of the media over the imagination of the mass populace, did not go by unnoticed; hence, the US Department of Defense development of ARPANET, and the ensuing involvement of the C.I.A, which to have later become the conduit for engineered viral-memes, such as the orchestrated focus on 2012.

Consider for a moment, the essence of your dreams are that of electrons and that said electrons could be mini-wormholes, as postulated by the American theoretical physicist John Archibald Wheeler; then, you could then further theorise that if another intelligence sought contact with other sentient species throughout space-time, they would send information via these mini-wormholes, which would be interpreted via the symbolic interface of their dreams; this would be more so the case when the experienced dreams are fully lucid, which would also overlap into visionary (psychedelic) states.

The information will be interpreted by the contactees organic and culturally hewn symbolic languages, which in the case of human contacts, will invariably lead to the prevalence of the humanoid form, as well as other recognisable terrestrial forms.

Some UFO proponents accepted the inter-dimensional hypothesis because of the distance between stars makes interstellar travel totally impractical, when using what scientists presently understand.

Nobody had demonstrated nuts and bolts antigravity or faster-than-light travel that could explain their supposed extraterrestrial machines, whose manifestations never leaves behind any proof of their existence. Whereas the inter-dimensional hypothesis points at the UFO’s as not being spacecraft, but rather devices, which can travel between different realities, in other words, they are time machines.

A time travelling capable civilisation would be able to contact other sentient species via their dreams, let alone contacting their own ancestors in order to engineer alternate time-lines, as well as being able to travel between the stars nigh instantaneously, whose time travel visitations will not leave behind any physical evidence.

What is more, if the time travelling capable civilisation is our own in the future, your time-travelling descendents will play ultra-terrestrial surrealist games with their ancestral contacts in order to disguise their terrestrial origin in the future, since they do not want to reveal that their civilisation surrounds your own, just as your own surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon jungle.

Should they have a mishap, with one of their craft crashing, the military is always there to pick up the pieces, which indicates it is either one of their own devices or that the military are in cahoots with your time-travelling descendents, or both, of the very human!

There is also the possibility that a future civilisation has the necessary computing power to create ancestral simulations. One such simulation you might just exist within; whereby your time-travelling descendents can essentially ‘Browse’ their way across the internet of time.

Who, if they so choose can also assume differing humanoid forms, which will be all as holographic Avatars, when engaging themselves with their simulated contacts, or otherwise get their contactees to observe whatever they want them to see.

Whereby there will be hardly if any physical proof left behind after the encounters, unless they want to play surreal video games with their X-File simulations.

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The inter-dimensional hypothesis and that of the associated ultra-terrestrials leads you to the paranormal and in turn the Dr Strange domain of the occult. The association with the occult is often utilised by those who use it as viral-meme fear porn about demons in order to validate their Biblical agenda, which feeds into the vast majority of UFO reports stemming from out of America in particular, since Kenneth Arnold’s UFO sighting, followed by the Roswell incident.

The Biblical fear porn is a reaction against the expansion of the human imagination since the late 40’s, which occurred in league with the atomic age (Nordics), space age (Asiatics) and following information age (Greys), whose technological developments had been subconsciously translated into the archetypal entities of Ufolore, which really took off during the 80’s; probably because of advancements being made in (Greys) artificial intelligence and (Hybrids/Reptilians/Eugenics) genetics; much of this evolving research is tied up with the military industrial complex.

The occult is more about understanding the nature of consciousness, which is tied up with your experience of time; when to attain mastery over consciousness and in turn time, you then have the paranormal and extra-sensory perception.


However most researchers who investigate UFO’s habitually filter out as much of the paranormal as possible in order to make the rest nuts and bolts. Not John Keel. He embraces and seeks out those reports, which other researchers habitually leave out of their rather biased research. So, if you are looking for Doctor Strange reports, which take a shotgun blast at consensus reality, then John Keel, Kolchak, is your real occult superhero.

There are many researchers who investigate sightings of mysterious creatures, such as bigfoot who will try to determine bigfoot’s biology, theorizing about missing links and surviving pockets of Neanderthals. John Keel, otherwise, delves into ‘fringe’ examples of bigfoot being sighted in the vicinity of UFO’s and the associated men in black.

When Keel gets around to the modern UFO theorists, from Whitley Strieber to Budd Hopkins, he lets rip, quoting Strieber as saying “…the so-called UFOlogists are probably the cruellest, nastiest, and craziest people I have ever encountered.” 

The reason why many a Ufologist can be quite crazy is because their research, has no physical proof, which relies solely on ‘belief,’ this invariably leads to a religious fixation, and in some cases the creation of UFO cargo-cults, such as those of the Raelian’s and the Scientologists who compete against each other for dominance, just like many another big-business religion.

The same applies to those who are into bigfoot and other creatures of the night-side, who have a dogmatic tendency to see them as being quite separate phenomena, whose sense of humour has completely gone out of the ‘window;’ this is especially the case when some religiously inclined researchers believe these critters as being evidence of Biblical demons.


However, Doctor Strange Keel, uses his sense of humour when investigating what is generating all these reports of monsters, aliens and devils, etc, who did not care what others thought about him.

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But, then Keel had travelled extensively, experiencing things, that other researchers only cover second hand. Keel is not dogmatic about what he wrote about; he presents the absurd and the chilling alongside the verified hoaxes and the misinterpreted. Keel will seem to be the ultimate ‘strange’ flake to some, who believes nothing and mocks everything; for others, his Doctor Strange research is a breath of fresh air amidst a field dominated by self-important egomaniacs.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 31, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The inventor Nikola Tesla is very similar in many respects to the fictional character of the mad scientist Doctor Frankenstein, since Tesla was a Doctor Strange mage of electricity who had captured the power of the Vajra lightning bolt; whereupon Tesla’s DNA Helix coil is often utilised in many a Frankenstein movie animating corpses; although in reality, Tesla’s Doctor Strange genius ushered in the science of robotics.

You could then envisage Tesla as being like Doctor Frankenstein merged with Doctor Strange, who likened to a sculptor, he sculpts a Golem out of prima materia mud to give life unto; that or seeing him as a Palaeolithic Sorcerer Supreme sculpting a Venus figurine out of Mammoth bone, which of quintessential feminine form symbolises his proto-Hugh Hefner desire.

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Such a Playboy icon of a Venus figurine would of course require Tesla’s electrifying emotion to give life to her still lifeless corpse of sculpted clay, wood or bone, who will then manifest within his dreams as an interactive mind-doll Tulpa of lucid dream sorcery.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

If you allow your imagination to let rip, the Tibetan sorcery art of creating a Tulpa, would be taught to the Marvel comic character Doctor Strange, who, likened to Tesla, would apply his scientific mind to sculpting an inventors Muse of a Frankenstein Succubus out of his neurosurgeon thoughts to Mantra name, Clea.

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Alas, the Boaz and Joachim pylons of Marvel and Disney’s vast media empire will not allow for such an exploration of Tantric dream Sorcery.

This would be far too risky of a seven seal penetration into the shamanic lore of Bon-Po Buddhist Tibet, which might cause potential theological grief to the Abrahamic superhero audience, since occult Doctor Strange was born of the Carlos Castaneda Hippie era of LSD, going DMT.

Just as it was too risky having (Hellboy) Guillermo del Toro directing the film of Doctor Strange, with (Sandman) Neil Gaiman writing its esoteric script, whose occult leanings are well known.

Doctor Strange was instead directed by (Sinister) Scott Derrickson with a screenplay, written by (Passengers) Jon Spaihts.

Although the actress Tilda Swinton of prior androgynous Gabriel fame, out of Abrahamic Hellblazer, played the Aryan part of a Vril-ya Ancient One, of a sex change transformation into a probable Nordic dominatrix.

It is she, likened to Lord Of The Rings, Galadriel, who instructs Doctor Strange in the Holy-wood arts of reptilian brain-stem neuro-advertising magic, which of an art, Marvel and Disney are highly versed in of mass media hypnosis.

The question is, what was a Nordic Witch doing in snowy Tibet? Shouldn’t the Ancient One have been played by an Asian actress, or better still, a Tibetan Dakini? Although, a Tibetan Witch would’ve pissed off the Chinese authorities.

Perhaps the Caucasian Vril-ya dominatrix is a veiled Holy-wood reference to the Lioness Vril Society, whose war-drobe coven of Witches are said to have channelled information about a ‘Tesla’ flying disk of a time machine.

It is said of myth making conspiracy theory that Operation Paperclip later appropriated the ‘Tesla’ Vril disk from the Nazi’s, who were infatuated with finding an Aryan super-race in the icy hinterlands of Tibet.

Anyway, as for for Tesla’s Doctor Strange surname, it may allude to a (phallic) ‘wand’ like tool for woodworking, which could have been used for sculpting Mammoth bone of a prior age.

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Or maybe the name of Tesla refers an artists brush, painting a cave wall, or a later, pencil? Whatever the case, Tesla’s surname might have been an occupational (Shaman) title.

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Then again Tesla’s surname may have originally been derived from the book of Genesis, wherein one finds the Hebrew word ‘Tzela’ or ‘Tsela,’ whose term refers to the rib bone of Adam, from which the Venus figurine of Eve was sculpted.

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However, a Biblical scholar has put forth a controversial argument that Eve was in fact made from Adam’s ‘erect penis,’ not that of his rib; wherefore Eve was created from Adam’s electrifying erotic desires.

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The Biblical scholar and Golem Professor, Ziony Zevit of the American Jewish University in Maryland has suggested that Eve was made from Adam’s ‘baculum’ or penis bone, which of rabbinical logic is why man does not have a phallic bone, until experiencing a boner, around a Venus in Mammoth furs.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

Professor Zevit, explained that the Hebrew word ‘Tsela’, doesn’t actually translate as ‘rib,’ which is instead referring to the erect limbs sticking out sideways from an upright human body.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

Hence Eve’s surprising origin from Adam’s erection, which of course requires the consummate visualisation skills of a Doctor Strange as well as having a Playboy grimoire focus of a sculpted icon, for the left-hand path to go pumping, while to imagine Eve giving a ‘B-oaz and J-oachim.’

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

The word ‘Tzela’ or ‘Tsela’ is used in several differing ways within the Old Testament, which Professor Zevit claims have invariably been misinterpreted by the numerous translators down the ages, who have quite forgotten all those Palaeolithic Venus figurines sculpted by shamans, which to have been the prior ‘Anima’ focus upon the altar, within the inner ‘temple’ of their consciousness to alter.

Zevitt claims that Tzela refers to any protruding part of the human anatomy, including feet, arms and penis. Zevit to have said, “Of these appendages, the only one lacking a bone is the penis.” 

Zevitt’s scholarly peers of Biblical symbolism are of course unconvinced by his claims; his critics to laughingly point out that the word ‘Tzela’ means rib in post-Biblical Hebrew. Although Zevitt’s critics to laugh, Adam’s rib, doesn’t make any symbolic sense at all, unless their Adam is into barbecued spare ribs of politically correct symbolism. But if ‘Tezla’ does in fact refer to penis, then it will give you an insight into an ancient practice of Tantric dream sorcery.

For example, Tesla was a highly adept lucid dreamer, who could sculpt his dreams into many a futuristic invention to then manifest of 1200 patents to his name, of a world record. It was his innate ability to consciously dream that set Tesla aside from other inventors.

Tesla ushered in the modern age, who invented A/C current, Radar, the Fluorescent light bulb, the Radio, Rotating Electro Magnetic field, the X-Ray, as well as many another futuristic invention, such as a supposed flying disk and even a possible time machine. Some of Tesla’s inventions were utilised by Reagan’s shadowy Star Wars project, let alone being the A.I. messiah of robotics.

GOETIA GIRLS: Succubus Art Book 2 Fully Illustrated, Black & White version.Can be obtained via Createspace: Please Click Here.Book PREVIEW of Goetia Girls: Succubus Art Book 2: Please Click Here.

Perhaps Tesla had conjured up a knitted together inventors Muse of a ‘Tzela’ Succubus in order to spin his electrifying electron dreams to tune into futuristic possibilities of lucid dream time travel; just like a Palaeolithic shaman Sorcerer Supreme of a Doctor Frankenstein, sculpting a Playboy Venus figurine of a ‘Tsela’ Eve, to thence Doctor Who ride her as his Night-Mare TARDIS through time, via his eroticised dreams.

Goetia Girls: Succubus Art Book Grimore, BOOK TWO, is available via Amazon.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, CREATIVE WRITING, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 26, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Portrayed as an advisor to sorcerers, with the power to make her master knowledgeable in all arcane sciences, and philosophy, the Succubus called Gaap is more than this, to the psychic Übermensch and remote viewer Aaron C. Donohoo.

Using the sorcery methodology of Faustus Crow, Donohoo’s summoning of this ancient Succubus, via his remote viewing session, was a time of pleasant rediscovery concerning childhood recollections about an invisible friend.


He started to recollect that it was Gaap, who had been his personal Necronomicon Nightgaunt when he was a child; suffice to say, he was a very lucky boy.


He remembered that Gaap informed him that he was going to grow up to become like Doctor Stephen Vincent Strange, (known as Doctor Strange) who is a superhero appearing in the comic books published by Marvel Comics, which Donohoo avidly read as a child.


Donohoo now speaks fondly of those times when he was carried off by Gaap.


He describes her to be a classic Witch, who sometimes assumed the guise of the Aztec Goddess Tlazolteotl.


She would usually manifest naked at the end of his childhood bed, apart from being dressed in nothing more than a black robe wearing a conical hat.


She then took him on out of body night journeys upon her Sabbat broomstick, to view the future events of fourth dimensional ‘signposts’ in his life.


Gaap told him that she empowers the internal self image of a Doctor Strange, when coupling with a sorcerer within his eroticised dreams, of similarity to the Dakinis of the Tibetan Buddhist’s, who empower their Buddha’s.


Each Buddha is essentially an Avatar, which is assumed as an internal self image via meditation by the practitioner.

The internal assumption of an Avatar enables the practitioner to become a Buddha within a lucid dream. This technique greatly accelerates the spiritual progress of the practitioner.


The Buddha Avatars are empowered by a corresponding Dakini who personifies the (mitochondrial DNA) Shakti (bio-photon) power of the (electron) dream.

Whereupon Donohoo moulded his inner self image upon a Buddha Avatar of a Doctor Strange, who is empowered by the Dakini Gaap.


The character of Doctor Strange is described as being a former neurosurgeon before he became the Sorcerer Supreme, the primary protector of Earth against magical and mystical threats.


Donohoo saw the neurosurgeon as representing an in depth understanding of consciousness and neurology, and how to manipulate it via shamanic techniques of trance inducement.

Doctor Strange had originally debuted in the Silver Age of comics, whose character featured in several self-titled series along with Marvel-endorsed products, which includes video games, an animated television series as well as a direct-to-DVD film.


There is other Doctor Strange merchandise, such as trading cards; all of which Donohoo obsessively collected of meditational aids, inspiring power objects and elemental weapons.


Donohoo describes Gaap, as having silken white skin, which seemed to glow as if she had spent years under the sunless sky of the far North, who sometimes had silvery hair or to be otherwise black as a Raven’s wing.


This Succubus taught Donohoo the arcane sciences of Doctor Strange, wherefore gifting him wisdom beyond his boyhood years.


He said these events happened during the night, when she induced erotic lucid dreams. Many of the Doctor Strange events and fourth dimensional signposts of his life showed by this Succubus have already come true, just as she said they would.


As for Doctor Strange, his character had been co-created by writer-editor Stan Lee and artist/co-plotter Steve Ditko. Doctor Strange made his eventual debut in Strange Tales #110 (July 1963), which is a split book, Strange shares with fellow Marvel character, the Human Torch who is a practitioner of Tummo Yoga.


In issue #135 (August 1965), the Torch was eventually replaced by berserker Nick Fury until issue #168 (May 1968). Doctor Strange then appeared in issues #110–111 and #114, somewhat before the character’s eight-page origin story appeared in #115 (December 1963).


The character is said to have been inspired by the Chandu the Magician radio program, which originally aired on the Mutual Broadcasting System during the 1930’s. Although Donohoo believes that they were psychically influenced from another dimension to create Dr Strange in order to empower his Übermensch self image.

Ditko drew the Doctor Strange feature through Strange Tales #146 (July 1966), it was during this period Ditko and Lee introduced many of the allies of Strange, such as his lover Clea, who made her, unnamed debut, in Strange Tales #126 (November 1964) around the same time that the TV sitcom, called, Bewitched was first televised, along with the Addam’s Family and The Munsters.


Donohoo sees Clea as being a coded reference to Gaap, since both names have four letters, which in Runic numerology add up to the same Rune. Although Donohoe also calls Gaap by the name of Gaapa.


Clea in Runic numerology adds up to 50, which is then reduced down to the 5th Rune of Raidho. Gaap adds up to the 23rd Rune of Dagaz, which also reduces down to the 5th Rune of Raidho.


The name of Gaap refers to the Ginnungagap (Gap) of Norse lore, which is the great yawning void between fire (0) and ice (1) from where all (Tulpa) form is created.

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The Ginnungagap is a symbolic allusion to hypnagogic trance, where the conscious awareness of a Sorcerer Artist is caught between sleeping (fire/spirit/energy/information/dreaming/microcosm) and waking (ice/physical/matter/hologram/waking/macrocosm); wherefore Gaap is a mistress of hypnagogic (superimposition () state) trance, which of an experience, is when the Sorcerer Artist takes account of his life, whereby leading to creative (Tulpa) artworks.


The Rune of Dagaz means day, dawn, illumination and awakening, which Donohoe sees as a reference to the dawning age of Aquarius, of the Hippie era; whereas the Raidho Rune means wagon or chariot, ride and journey.

Wherefore, Donohoo equates the 5th Rune with a Volkswagen Type 2 camper van, which is quite apt for Gaap, since she carries her master through space and time of a magical mystery Sabbat tour.


The Raidho Rune is similar in meaning to the Hebrew mystical tradition surrounding the chariot-throne of God, called the Merkabah as well as the Hindu chariot symbolism surrounding the Vimana, many equate with a UFO. Wherefore Donohoo believes that Gaap influenced Lee and Ditko to create Dr Strange upon whom Donohoo later modeled himself.


Donohoo also sees the four letters of Clea and Gaap being associated with the 4th Rune of Ansuz, which is the shaman Rune of the Norse God Odin, the Saxon’s called Woden, who is the ‘Sorcerer Supreme’ of their shared pantheon, whom travels the multiverse world-tree of Yggdrassill, when to trance ride his eight-legged (TARDIS) mare of a ‘Spider’ horse called Sleipnir.


Both Odin and Woden have a byname, which is that of the unknowable one, of an eternal question mark. The sacred colours of Odin/Woden are blue and black; whereby Dr Strange wore blue to now wear black.


The name of Odin gave rise to the word Odd, which is used to describe anything ‘Strange.’ Basically, Dr Strange is a veiled reference to Odin/Woden, the master of the Runes, lord of the dead.

The enemies, of Dr Strange, such as Nightmare in #110, and the flame-headed Dormammu, were featured in #126 (November 1964).


These superb stories showcased the surreal landscapes of increasingly occult symbolism, which enabled the feature to become a mystical favourite among the Timothy Leary college students during the, ‘make love, not war,’ Hippie era.


The Comics historian Mike Benton made the astute observation: “The Dr. Strange stories of the 1960’s constructed a cohesive cosmology that would have thrilled any self-respecting theosophist. College students, minds freshly opened by psychedelic experiences and Eastern mysticism, read Ditko and Lee’s Dr. Strange stories with the belief of a recent Hare Krishna convert. Meaning was everywhere, and readers analyzed the Dr. Strange stories for their relationship to Egyptian myths, Sumerian gods, and Jungian archetypes.”


Alas not all, were impressed by the ‘dawning’ age of Aquarius zeitgeist interest in Doctor Strange: “People who read ‘Doctor Strange’ thought people at Marvel must be heads (drug users),” recalled, the then-associate editor and former Doctor Strange writer Roy Thomas in 1971; “because they had had similar experiences high on mushrooms. But … I don’t use hallucinogens, nor do I think any artists do.” How wrong he was concerning the artists usage of power plants, although not all indulged; as Salvador Dali once said; “I don’t do drugs, I am drugs.”

As co-plotter and later sole plotter, who was highly versed in the ‘Marvel Method,’ of viral-meme brand sorcery, Ditko took Strange into ever more arcane abstract realms. In an epic 17-issue story arc in Strange Tales #130–146 (March 1965–July 1966), Ditko introduced the cosmic character Eternity, who personified the universe, he was depicted as a silhouette, whose outlines are filled with the cosmos.


As historian Bradford W. Wright observed: “Steve Ditko contributed some of his most surrealistic work to the comic book and gave it a disorienting, hallucinogenic quality. Dr. Strange’s adventures take place in bizarre worlds and twisting dimensions that resembled Salvador Dalí paintings. Inspired by the pulp-fiction magicians of Stan Lee’s childhood as well as by contemporary Beat culture, Dr. Strange remarkably predicted the youth counterculture’s fascination with Eastern mysticism and psychedelia. Never among Marvel’s more popular or accessible characters, Dr. Strange still found a niche among an audience seeking a ‘challenging alternative’ to more conventional superhero fare.”

Donohoo’s visions of Gaap the Witch, involved surreal imagery, like that of Ditko’s artwork merged with Alan Moore’s Doctor Manhatten occult insights.


The moment Gaap appeared to him within the ‘beehive’ temple of an abandoned Masonic hall, which he recognised as a signpost shown to him as a child, Donohoo remembered her as his childhood Queen-Bee Witch teacher.

Donohoo’s comic book portrayal of Witch girl Gaap is very much in the style of Ditko. He considers her to be a powerful Succubus, thought to be among the most influential of the seventy-two Goetian Succubae, who has been playing an important role in Donohoe’s strange life, and obviously the lives of his strange family, for many years.

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Proof of this can be found in Donohoe’s childhood drawings. One of which is a grade school crayon drawing of his Munster family, clearly showing a naked woman standing beside Donohoo, who is whispering into his boyhood right ear. Apart from her nudity, she seems to be wearing a black cloak and a conical hat, and in her hands, she holds two upside-down crosses. That is pretty heavy art work for a preconscious little boy in grade school.


Donohoo was fascinated with another character, who frequented the Doctor Strange universe called Sise-Neg, whom first appears in Marvel Premiere #13-14 (January 1974). Sise-Neg was created by the comic giants, Steve Englehart, Neal Adams and Frank Brunner.

Sise-Neg (genesis spelled backwards) is a 31st-century sorcerer of similarity to the science fiction Babylon 5 TV series, Techno-Mages, who attempts to become omnipotent by travelling back into time through history in order to collect all magical energies.

During one of his time travel jaunts into the past, Sise-Neg impersonates the magician Cagliostro, while he is in 18th century Paris, where he encounters the Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange. Dr Strange at the time is searching for his perennial foe Baron Mordo.


Despite opposition from Strange, Sise-Neg journeys back into the prehistory of Earth when the Necronomicon demon Shuma-Gorath rules, and subsequently banishes the entity. Continuing on his journey back into time, Sise-Neg reached the moment prior to the Big Bang, which created the universe; whereby he becomes all-powerful.

Image result for sise-neg marvel

Originally intending to recreate the universe in his own image, Sise-Neg realizes that his quest to achieve godhood was pitiable, since reality is already in Tao harmony, as it should be. He therefore decides to recreate the universe exactly as it was.

Image result for sise-neg marvel

This leaves Strange to wonder whether this was, paradoxically, the original creation of the universe. Stan Lee, seeing the issue after publication, ordered Englehart and Brunner to print a retraction saying that Sise-Neg was not the Abrahamic God but just a fallen Luciferian God, in order to avoid offending the cultic sensibilities of religious readers, who have the shared habit of raging war over their religious ‘brands.’

The writer and artist instead concocted a fake letter from a fictitious minister, praising the Gnostic story, and mailed it to Marvel from Texas. Marvel unwittingly printed the letter and dropped the retraction.

Suffice to say, Donohoo admires Sise-Neg of another sorcerer Avatar to assume, whose Luciferian Techno-Mage characteristics is also empowered by Gaap.


Donohoo is working on assuming the internal guise of Sise-Neg, in order to discover the secrets of the 31st century Techno-Mages, who, Donohoo believes, have created an ancestor simulation within which we exist of a Matrix.

This may be one of the reasons why Donohoo’s childhood drawing also depicts Gaap holding onto a four-cornered object in her hands, which, when three dimensional is probably a Cube, like that of a Hellraiser box. Or perhaps it represents Dr Who’s TARDIS of an eight-legged (Cube) night-mare Spider horse called Sleipnir, trance ridden by a ‘browsing’ Doctor Strange.

Donohoo related that while in Stage Seven, being the auditory level of his remote viewing session, he heard, ‘within’ his skull, ‘four’ female voices uttering a monotonous mantra coming from the ‘Omega Point’ object.

Although all of the voices were heard as a single tone, likened to an Ouroboros ring being struck, which he felt to be the ‘Aum’ vibration of the browsed ‘Wyrd Web’ Superstrings.


Gaap is the ‘thirty-third degree’ Yggdrassill vertebrae of a Runic Valkyrie listed in the Goetia.


She is said to rule over ‘sixty-six’ legions of necktie Succubae Witches who serve a Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme as their Techno-Mage master.

The Psychic Übermensch Aaron C. Donohoo by Erin C. Donohoo (2012)
