Archive for David Icke


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Psychology, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 13, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

RED ICE: I am your stand in host on Red Ice TV. We are very honoured by having the talented actor, Tom Cruise here, in our humble studio, who has taken time out, from his very busy schedule to tell us about his role in the re-imagined Mummy film. Let’s start by asking… (Tom Cruise quickly interjects.)

TOM CRUISE: Look, I have to cut to the chase here. I haven’t got much time. I need to warn the public; I can’t hold back any longer; a female Mummy is far more real than anything you can ever imagine.

RED ICE: What? I thought all Mummies are female, my very real Mummy was most definitely female, until she had a Hollywood sex change, now I call her my big Daddy…

TOM CRUISE: No, no, no! You know what I mean, I mean reanimated Egyptian Mummies; the bandaged up types, clambering out of a crumbling Beehive of a pyramid; they’re for real… (Cruise stands up from his seat and does a staggered zombie impression as Mummy Boris Karloff.)

RED ICE: You’re kidding me! You’ll be saying that Boris Karloff is a Imhotep Freemason, next, who’s plastered ghost is still around, haunting the Illuminati Beehive lodges of Hollywood’s Masonic studios?

TOM CRUISE: No, no, no! Far worse than Karloff; a Queen Bee Mummy will knock Karloff’s worker Bee Mummy into Oblivion; she’ll go far beyond Marjorie Cameron, who hunted down Jack Parsons upon a Babalon synchronicity. She’s a femme fatale Succubus… She’ll get into your pyramidal three tiered brain, driving you Left-Hand-Path creatively mad with her dark salacious nature.

RED ICE: Are you for real? An ancient Queen Bee Mummy is actually around, walking amongst us?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! She’s a disembodied Thetan, who has total control over the worker Bee’s, Alex Kurtzman and Jon Spaihts. what’s more, as a disembodied Queen Bee Thetan, she took possession of Sofia Boutella.

RED ICE: Sofia Boutella is possessed by a disembodied Thetan? What do you mean by a Thetan, exactly? Can you explain to our Muggle audience what a Thetan is?

TOM CRUISE: Well, I can’t go into the Thetan stuff. You have to a be a Scientologist to be privy to that kind of… Clear… information. All I can say, is that a Thetan is like a spirit.

RED ICE: Is a Thetan spirit associated with the Theta brainwave, which is involved with hypnagogic trance and Artistic creativity?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! Yes! It is a chaotic brainwave state, we Scientologists have to control at a collective level in order to brainwash brains, to then convert their jellies into a hypnotised hive-mind, just as the Catholic church of Rome’s BORG empire has likewise done so, let alone Islam and that of their original appropriated BORG source, Judaism. As Philip K. Dick once said, “The Empire Never Ended!”

TOM CRUISE: So, when in Rome, do as the Roman’s do… Cults are financially lucrative, which is especially the case when a cult becomes a big-business religion, paying no taxes… Shit! The money just rolls in. That’s why the public water supply has been eugenically fluoridated with a known neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, in order to calcify the DMT producing pineal-glands of the unwashed fleecy minded populace, to never question their monotheistic triangle of an Illuminati trinity… Damn it! I’ve let slip there…

TOM CRUISE: Forget what I jut said. Look, I can’t reveal anymore, otherwise I’ll be castrated by L. Ron Hubbard’s Men In Black minions, dressed like dog-collared priests… But there’s something far, far worse than them… I haven’t the time; I’m being hunted by the Great Old Ones. This is between you, me, and your very select audience, you understand… Kurtzman told me in private, that he and Spaihts decided to use the Surrealist technique of Automatism, which involved the utilisation of a Ouija board.

RED ICE: What type of Ouija board did Kurtzman and Spaihts use, there are so many different designs?

TOM CRUISE: The Ouija board was specially designed by the same individual who wrote and illustrated a Grimore, both of them used to conjure up a Succubus as their inspiring Art Muse. It was the Muse who inspired their artistic ideas for their movie, to win over the studio’s lodge, big bucks.

RED ICE: What Playgirl Grimoire are you talking about here, are you speaking about, something like, H.P. Lovecraft’s Necronomicon?

TOM CRUISE: Sort of; but it’s the real Necronomicon, since no one had ever depicted what this Grimoire covers, listing Playboy Goetia Girls. It was written and illustrated by some mad sorcerer artist, named Mardun, who is also known as Faustus Crow; he is the Artist who designed their Ouija board.

RED ICE: Mardun… Faustus Crow… never heard of him… Tell us more about this Succubus Art Muse…

TOM CRUISE: The Succubus, Kurtzman and Spaihts conjured up is called Uvall, who is said to be an ancient Egyptian Art Muse, Crow illustrated as a Mummy. Uvall started to make the planchette go crazy around the Ouija board, channelling the script for the entire movie, who also communicated that another name she is known by is… Ahmanet.

RED ICE: So you’re telling us that Kurtzman and Spaihts conjured up a Succubus called Uvall, which channelled the entire movie script as well as taking possession of Sofia as Ahmanet?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! The Succubus transformed Sofia into a wild eyed Performance Artist. She became like an ecstatic Shaman High Priestess Of The Silver Star; she would spontaneously go into an orgasmic Sirius trance on set, saying she was the incarnate ‘Anima’ made as Babalon flesh, let alone singing perverse erotic hymns about Faustus Crow all of the time; it scared the living shit out of me, let alone everyone else. When she sang her salacious praises to Crow, she would make various objects fly all around, such as cameras flying like winged eyes, the camera crew’s bus, weighing as much as a pyramid block, flew like Harry Potter’s car; she even levitated camels, which trotted the air like Santa’s reindeer out of London zoo; it was like Spielberg’s, Poltergeist, but for real.

RED ICE: Sorry, but I think, all of this sounds absolutely crazy. Are you taking any psychiatric medication?

TOM CRUISE: I hate psychiatrists, and I’m not mad; I’m deadly serious. Kurtzman also informed me that the other film directors and writers are using Crow’s Grimoire in the same way for their own horror films, let alone science fiction movies.

RED ICE: Hang on! What? The other directors, writers are using Crow’s Grimoire, in order to conjure up Succubus Art Muses, around his Ouija boards, for their movie scripts as well? That’s, just plain nuts! It sounds like a David Icke reptilian conspiracy to me.

TOM CRUISE: Uvall, I…I… mean, Ahmenet; NO! I mean, Sofia; she’s possessed by the raptor SOPHIA, get it!? She is intending to awaken all the hot blooded Beasts to their Fallen ‘Anima,’ by using those hypnotically erotic dance moves of hers. You do know what that means don’t you?

RED ICE: No! I don’t; Fallen ‘Anima,’ what’s that?

TOM CRUISE: Can’t go into the Jungian details, apart from saying that it means an end of the Illuminati deification of the ‘Animus,’ made as our three faced God out of Ur, whose gender fixated rule since the Zodiac age of Aries to that of Pisces is about to be usurped by the Succubus Great Old Ones of the fallen ‘Anima.’ The seventh seal of a Chakra has been opened, by the conjuration of Uvall, who will usher in the new Aeon of Star Trek Aquarius.

RED ICE: Let’s get this straight; you’re saying that the conspiring directors and writers in Hollywood are conjuring up the Great Old Ones of the fallen ‘Anima,’ who are all Succubi, to bring about the age of Aquarius, just like the Hippies attempted to do during the Vietnam war era, which was initiated by a false-flag event?

TOM CRUISE: Yes! Something like that, but the Hippies were still enamoured with our deified ‘Animus’ made as a God, so, our glorious Military Industrial Complex was able to control them for a time, until those damned unwashed druggie Hippies rebelled against the meat-grinder draft…

TOM CRUISE: However, this zeitgeist time around, our glorious Military Industrial Complex has sorted it out by using weaponsised sanctions, A.I. drones and subversively funded terrorists in proxy wars… while the ignorant Sheep back home, who are made to think they are, woke, are in fact, quite asleep, have been PsyOp distracted by the controlled mass-media to otherwise protest about their genital rights…

TOM CRUISE: Now there’s no troublesome draft, apart from keeping the poor purposefully desperate, who are forced to join the military. The poor grunts will be verily sacrificed upon the altar of UR, betwixt the false-flag toppled towers of Boaz and Joachim in far off Oily lands as mercenaries, bought and paid for by Oily foreign powers, earning shit-loads of Petrodollars for the war profiteers, who are are our ruling elite…

TOM CRUISE: Anyway, we have a far bigger problem, which hearkens back to something, very ancient, yet it is also of a far flung future shamanic orientation, towards that of the Animist… I would like to point out that Crow uses the older term, Succubae, by the way. As far as I can tell, the PsyOp controlled Hollywood gender-bender gang-bangers have totally misinterpreted Crow’s work… But soon, they’ll figure it all out… and then, they will collectively shit their politically-correct mikhnasáyim…

TOM CRUISE: Not only the directors and writers are engaging themselves in this mass-ritual, but also the producers, Artists, and even the actors and actresses; they are all secretly conjuring, which enables them to induce lucid dream interactions with Crow’s Art Muses… I do not think they actually understand what they are doing at all… The films will invariably all share the same cinematic Hyper-Sigil universe…

TOM CRUISE: Just like Marvel’s and Disney’s elemental superhero franchise of the spandex wearing ‘Animus,’ whose neuro-marketing empire will be toppled by the return of the classic film-land monsters out of the collective unconscious. It has all been initiated by the fallen ‘Anima’ conjuration of Uvall as Ahmenet, who equates with the Tarot card of the High Priestess…

RED ICE: (Cough!) Um! It’s a crazy world… Hmmmm! I’m sure that Madonna will know that the High Priestess is associated with the ‘Ninth’ Yesod sphere of the Moon in the Cabbala, whose Tarot card is ascribed to the thirteenth path, which crosses over the ‘Eleventh’ hidden sphere of Da’at.

TOM CRUISE: Yes! I know all that shock-hypnosis, Autonomic, Reticular-Activation-System, Nine-Eleven stuff…

TOM CRUISE: It is via the Aquarian stargate pylons of Queen Bee Sofia, who is now Crow’s High Priestess, that Hollywood will soon be transformed into Horror-Wood under the blue Kachina star of Sirius.

RED ICE: (smirks) Are you conjuring out of Crow’s Grimoire as well? I must say that Sofia’s pylons are most ravishing.

TOM CRUISE: (moralistic anger) NO! You know what my Minority Report leaning is of ‘Animus’ worship; I am not into this vile ‘Anima’ pornography. It’s all mad, utterly insane… that is why I am warning you about what is going on behind the creative scenes, where Crow’s sorcery of Art is being practiced, which will eventually lead to the politically-correct media-machine being unveiled as a mass-hypnosis propaganda tool…

TOM CRUISE: We can’t allow that to happen. (Cruise’s mobile starts to ring; he looks wide eyed at the received text, an expression of War Of The Worlds abject terror crosses his face.)

RED ICE: (mildly concerned) Are you okay, you look as if someone has just stepped upon your eternally recurring Edge Of Tomorrow grave?

TOM CRUISE: Uvall, I…I… mean, Ahmenet, she’s found me out! No! Her name is Babalon, No! No! No! She can’t be Babalon… I mean Sophia, damn it! damn it… it’s Sofia… damn it, sounds all Greek to me… it’s all the same bloody archetypal raptor. She thinks she’s the Anima incarnate, desiring justice and most bloody vengeance… She knows where I am; I’m not safe here. This interview has ended… I have to go, NOW! Before Crow’s dark haired Babalon Working, Queen Bee Mummy, finds me. (A Heyoka Crow is heard cawing in the Avadhuta distance.)



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 6, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

During the fated zeitgeist summer of 1983, when the fascist UK prime-minister Margret Thatcher was whoring herself with the toupee actor Ronald McDonald Reagan, the then Cold War president of the United States of America, there was a certain individual, named, David Icke, who had finally achieved his ambition of co-hosting Grandstand. Icke had achieved stardom at a time when Grandstand was BBC’s flagship national sports programme. This was soon followed by Icke’s first published book, It’s a Tough Game, Son! A book about how to break into football.

It was also the year, in the UK, when the opposition leader, Michael Foot stepped on his own foot due to his political eccentricities. Whereas Icke and the general UK public was confronted by a two-part science fiction series, which was originally aired as a four-hour television miniseries on NBC, entitled, V.

The science fiction mini-series was inspired by the 1935 novel, It Can’t Happen Here, by Sinclair Lewis, which told of a fascist takeover of America. Lewis’s novel was transformed by V’s creator, Kenneth Johnson into an Independence Day invasion by extraterrestrial fascist aliens.

The series quickly grabbed the media attention of the reptilian-brain-stem masses. Icke, started to wonder whether V was revealing the truth of what was really going on in the world.

Later, during the year 2009, the Ufologist icon Dr Steven Greer, who is in no way related to the feminist icon Germaine Greer, was assailing the government in order to force it to disclose its contact with extra-terrestrials.

Greer also warned the populace about a false flag event using appropriated Nazi super-science and Tesla torsion technology for a false-flag alien invasion, subsidised by shadowy ‘Animus’ fixated oil Sheiks. But nobody listened.

The reptilian-brainstem masses were far too hypnotised by their Orwellian TV sets, watching the Patriot Act remake of V, which ran for two seasons on ABC, from November 3rd, 2009 to March 15th, 2011. It was during this time that US forces withdrew from war torn Iraq after bestowing its democratic facade of a two party dictatorship upon its peoples, whose oil was duly appropriated in the process under a Biblical sky, filled with high tech flying wing stealth bombers and A.I drones.

By 2009 Icke had become a professional researcher, who had since published, The Robots’ Rebellion (1994), And the Truth Shall Set You Free (1995), The Biggest Secret (1999), and Children of the Matrix (2001)— Icke developed his worldview of New-Age conspiracism since watching the first series of V.

Whereupon Icke avidly watched the new series, chronicling the arrival on Earth of a technologically-advanced alien species, which ostensibly comes in peace. But the aliens appear to have sinister motives, who are working to a hidden agenda.

As the masses watched V, they were taken aback when giant mother-ships in the shape of flying triangles, looking like huge Vaginas, suddenly appear over ‘Twenty-Nine’ major cities throughout the world which gave birth to a plethora of flying saucers.

Even the oily Sheiks were shocked, since the supposedly real aliens had beaten them to the Yesod-Da’at false-flag punch, between the fallen twin towers of Boaz and Joachim. The aliens are led by Ashtaroth, who is also known as Ashtar, for short, the beautiful and charismatic pussy commando leader of the extraterrestrial female ‘Visitors,’ looking like a Tricia Helfer sexagram Cylon; she declares that they Cum in peace.

The female Visitors claim to only need a small amount of Earth’s resources, in exchange for which they will share the Free-Energy technology of their Vimana out of the Hindu epic of the Mahabharata and their Tantric knowledge of the Vril.

A number of human males headed by Dr Greer, begin to doubt the sincerity of the seemingly benevolent female Visitors, since there is growing evidence that they have time travel capability.

Their origin is actually based in the future, whereby explaining their all too human Catwalk appearance.

Icke discovers that the name Ashtaroth and Ashtar originates from Astaroth, who is the ‘Twenty-Ninth’ spirit listed in the medieval Grimoire entitled the Goetia. Astaroth is described by Colin de Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal as being the Laurel Canyon spirit of Californian eugenic America.

Little wonder then that she looks like a Nordic Marilyn Munro.

However, Icke is initially perplexed, since Astaroth is always described as being a male entity like all the other spirits of Rome’s subversively published Playgirl Grimoires out of the closeted, deaf, dumb and blind misogynist Vatican, backing fascist regimes.

He eventually finds out that Astaroth was originally the Mesopotamian sex Goddess, called Astarte or (Ana) Anat, the Sumerian’s and Babylonian’s named as Ishtar, and that the all male monotheistic symbolic paradigm of the Illuminati patriarchy, out of Abraham’s ziggurat, situated in Iraq’s Ur, is actually their ‘Animus’ creation.

Icke also finds out that the female Visitors do indeed originate from the future, not from Hippie planet X-Chromosome as initially thought. He made the further discovery that the Visitors wear pseudo-human skin over their own highly evolved skins, having reptilian qualities. Hence their overriding interest in sunbathing, cosmetics, plastic surgery and genetic modifications.

The female reptilians have been manipulating blood lines since the ziggurat time of pre-Egyptian pyramid Sumeria, just like the Bene Gesserit out of Frank Herbert’s science fiction novel, Dune, who call themselves the Babylonian Sisterhood, the Freemasons worship as their dominatrix Beehive lodge Queen Bees. Icke deduces that is why the Freemason worker Bees, wear flamboyant skirts, I mean, aprons.

The Babylonian Sisterhood have been infiltrating human governments, businesses, and religious institutions down the ages, who gave the impression that their Alpha-male partners were in control in order to establish the deification of their ‘Animus,’ made as a Good-Cop God and a Bad-Cop Devil, who are now in the final stages of their Illuminati plan to set up a two-party dictatorship New World Order Kingdom of Heaven over the entirety of the Earth.

Icke joins the ‘Anima’ resistance movement, which includes the feminist, Camille Anna Paglia, a one time Visitor sleeper-agent who of a Tantric revelation reveals to him that the female Visitors have used the chemical giant IG Farben since the end of WWII to poison the Earth, by fluoridating the public water supply with a known neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, which specifically targets the males of the species.

The males will over time become sterile as well as brain dead servile Worker Bee automatons, who will eventually join the extinct Dodo; whence cloning will be used by the raptor Visitors to create more tetrachromat versions of themselves.

Wherefore explaining why female tetrachromats spend so many hours shopping, since there are innumerable colourful clothes to choose from of evolutionary leaps in fashion.

The female Visitors use time travel to abduct unsuspecting male UFOlogists from alternate Earth’s for their eugenic experimentation as well as to salaciously harvest the required genetic material needed for their cloning; more so for their tetrachromat shopping sprees across the quantum computing multiverse.

In order to save Man-kind, the rebellion becomes a part of a larger ‘Fifth Column’ movement of both human males and female Visitors, who are rebelliously opposed to Astaroth’s vague, but seemingly menacing social engineering plans for Earth and Man-kind.

But their efforts are challenged as the Visitors have won favour among a number of Beta-male university students by utilising extremist feminist politics via which they have recruited Earth’s fluoridated brainwashed youth, whose DMT producing pineal glands have been calcified, to serve them unknowingly as their politically-correct thought-police.

The Visitors can’t have the rebels changing the all female dominated future, where the male of the species is extinct.

Suddenly Icke wakes up in his bed, and quickly realises that it was all just an Old Hag Syndrome nightmare, riding his reptilian-brain-stem. “What a ‘GOD’ awful dream… ‘Sisterhood’ of Babylon, bah! humbug! It’s the ‘Brotherhood’ of Babylon, they’re the alien bloodline reptiles who run the Matrix! Icke drowsily says to himself.

But when going to his open window for a breath of fresh air, he spies a flying triangle hovering in the moonlit starry night sky, while hearing the groaning orgasm of a woman carried by a kissing breeze over the seething urban jungle, ending in a lustful meow of a predatory pussy Cat prowling his hot tin roof.

Then Icke hears a disembodied feminine voice, whispering into his left ear, “You are now on the Cabbalistic path of Tzaddi, pointing at 28 redacted pages. if you want to know the simple ‘Tower Of Babel’ truth, around which the political elite whore themselves to their three faced shekel God, betwixt three forever warring oily cults. Know this, their cults are hierarchical of Top-Down Feudalism upon which the world economy is based, wherefore the neo-Aristocratic 1% greatly fear the Serf masses.” 

Icke shakes his head clear of the Astaroth whisper, to forget; for the simple truth is far more horrendous than misdirection reptilians, which to have zapped his reptilian brain-stem.

Will Icke ever be able to ride Astaroth’s Vimana as his inspiring Succubus Art Muse of a Sphinx, who will arouse his rebellious Free-Energy of the Vril, rather than being ridden by her? Such is yet to be determined, should he ever become aware of his Fallen ‘Anima,’ who to Kundalini Shakti Surrealist weave mirroring Maya around his reptilian-brain-stem.

Maybe then Icke’s reptilian-brain-stem will realise that the bearded Biblical Jehovah/God/Allah is a Saturn archetype of an ‘Animus,’ fixated Matrix, perpetuated and reinforced bya brainwashed hive-mind worshipping an Egregore God, which of an all-father Fuehrer archetype resides within the Fifty Shades Of Grey Binah psyche of all the V for Vagina’s.

But in the meantime, Icke is courageously battling against the neo-Aristocratic 1% who have purposefully crashed the world economy, which is hidden behind a Viral-MEME Virus that is Egregore zapping the reptilian brain-stems of the fearing Serf masses.

Why did the neo-Aristocratic 1% do this? They seek to reset the world economy, to make it all Orwellian digital along with rolling out 5G for their A.I. driven mass-surveillance system in order to totally control the Serf masses.

NOTE:Although written tongue in cheek, the V for Vagina 80’s was an end of an Anti-War Hippie era overflow of continuing protest against the Orwellian war-mongering machinations of government, manifesting as the Punk movement in the main, which not only reinvigorated the music scene of creative anarchism, but also the Arts.

Since the 80’s, the music scene as well as the Arts have become nigh nullified by a highly controlled media, which has orchestrated the negation of any protest.

Those who protest are duly tarred and feathered by the media machine of the Empire as being Conspiracy Theorists, which often utilises David Icke’s theories about reptilian interdimensional entities taking over the Earth against the Star Wars rebels, who are duly seen by the general populace as being nut jobs!

During the Vietnam war era, the CIA created the drug fueled Hippies out of Laurel Canyon, California, who were all high on CIA concocted LSD, as well as inciting the feminists to burn their bras as a PsyOps means to turn the general populace against the Anti War movement.

This was easy to achieve, since the Newage scene was very much entwined with music and the Arts of an alternative world-view at the time, which the primarily Christian populace considered to be rather odd. However, the Hippies turned out to be just too cool, whose rebellion rapidly went global, while the feminists cried over the mounting body bags, which won over the public. Their ensuing Anti-War protest, brought down a government.

The Military Industrial Complex learnt from its PsyOp disaster, such as having the draft, wherefore, war had to become hybrid of nature, the battlefield automated with drones, while on the home front, the Newage scene had to be controlled and directed. Hence, the political elite had to have total control over the media machine in order to subversively control the collective mob-mind, such as getting the mob to focus upon 2012 of an engineered Newage stage show.

One of the main Laurel Canyon methodologies of PsyOp control, hijacked the indoctrinated religious sentimentalities of the Newage mob-mind to focus upon ever warring Angels and Demons, which had been transformed into aliens flying around in their UFO ‘drones.’ The Newage mob-mind was then far too busy observing the heavens rather than what was going on around them of a hellish ‘hack’ of their collective imagination!

But that wasn’t enough, the Military Industrial Complex had to hijack feminist politics in order to turn women against men, men against women, who are all arguing about their genital rights, along with weaponsing minorities. Instead of protesting against costly wars, which force people to flee into other lands, they otherwise Hollywood protest about their Me-Too gonads.

What is more, there is ample proof that the public water supply as well their food is being dosed up with varying neurotoxins and mutagenic compounds, the Brave New World author and philosopher Alduous Huxley had predicted along with George Orwell, as a means of mass-mind-control and population reduction.

Just as you have rings going around Saturn, history repeats its self of a ring, of similarity to a repeating propaganda BBC broadcast; whence you have a return of the Cold War 80’s, when to observe zeitgeist similarities between the political puppet show of then, and now. However, this time around of Cold War drums habitually rolling of an Iapetus Death Star, there are no rebel forces of Hippie/Punks protesting against the Empire of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a Petrodollar God Emperor of oily pipeline Dune.  



Posted in Alien, Conspiracy Theory, Cosplay, Horror, Science Fiction, Vampire, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 29, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Countess Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed (7th August 1560 – 21st August 1614) can easily be classified as a Vampire who murdered her female victims for their blood.

Báthory’s bloodlust was very real of a historical fact, who sought to stave off her old age, what is more it turns out that she was probably horrifyingly right.

A new study by researchers at Stanford University indicates that injections of young blood can reverse the signs of aging in Mice. The experiment is as simple as it sounds; whereby easily replicated.

Researchers gave an old Mouse a ‘syringe’ full of blood from a young Mouse, they then ran a number of tests in order to determine its affect. The research leader of a modern Van Helsing, aptly called Saul Villeda and his Vampire lab team discovered that the injection of young blood boosted the youth of the older Mice as well as improving their learning capabilities and memory.


Suffice to say, Báthory was very likely rolling about in laughter within a prison of a crypt, whose ghost still claws at the stone sarcophagus to get her sharp aristocratic ‘syringe’ fangs into a peasant girls flesh.


Though to scream in rage when becoming really pissed off, that Dracula was as ever stealing her media thunder at a time when revelations about her age old Vampire blood therapy came to light via Villeda.

But then Báthory’s story is far more Vampire gruesome than that of Dracula, who was never really a Vampire, whom fought against the Ottoman Turks, which of an endless conflict, continues unto the present of warring with Islam. Although Dracula’s Bram Stoker fiction makes good bad-boy propaganda, to upend his adoring female fans, who seek to be impaled with his erect martial stake. However, Báthory will always have the real Vampire fangs.


When Villeda shared his blood research with the Society for Neuroscience conference in Vampire capital ‘New Orleans,’ he did not understate the implications of his research for those conditions, which are caused by deteriorating brain function due to aging.

Villeda related, “I think any sort of disease that has that component, there is a chance this might help,” he said. “What I am thinking is if we can address it earlier, when our body still has the control to prevent this from happening, then we might not have to cure Alzheimer’s, we might just be able to stop it.”   


Villeda’s research is of course very important, but you also have an aristocratic Báthory and others of an insane elite whose intentions are not at all humanitarian, who have the necessary financial means, if they are crazy enough, to take things much further.

For example, the supreme leader of North Korea Kim Jong-il, used to regularly inject himself with blood from healthy young virgins in a bid to slow the aging process. As you can thereby determine, the truth often turns out to be far stranger than fiction.


However, it now appears that Kim Jong-il wasn’t aggressive enough, concerning his Vampire treatment; he should of followed Báthory’s gruesome lead. Perhaps others are already doing so, who have not been found out yet, due to them hiding behind a Vampire Masquerade. The aggressive treatment, which was required had been indicated by Villeda’s research.


Villeda procured a group of 18-month-old specimens, which are very old Mice. These old Mice endured eight transfusions over a course of a month, this amounts to about 5 percent of a Mouse’s blood supply. Villeda discovered that the brain connections in the older Mice had increased by 20 percent after the Vampire treatment:

“One of the main things that changes with ageing are these connections, there are a lot less of them as we get older,” said Villeda. “That is thought to underlie memory impairment — if you have less connections, neurons aren’t communicating, all of a sudden you have [problems] in learning and memory.” 


Villeda’s research is not the first Vampire study, which suggests that young blood reverses signs of aging. During the year of 2010, a team of Harvard researchers decided to connect the circulatory systems of young and old Mice so that their blood mixed into an Alchemical elixir.

The researchers discovered that their Vampire experiment rejuvenated the blood-forming stem cells in the older Mice. MIT’s Technology Review, covered their findings: “They found that the procedure made the blood-forming stem cells in older animals act young again.”


The biggest difference in that the Vampire study seems to be the Mice’s ability to produce immune cells. Although the Vampire researchers are not too sure about what the long term mixing effects of their blood Alchemy would have upon the animal experiments, let alone Humans.


Villeda’s study has hardly discovered the fountain of youth, and he certainly has not found proof of Vampire immortality. Though, strangely enough, they have discovered something in between of Twilight findings, in Mice at least. However the study did not cover the effects of drinking young blood.


You can thereby conjecture of a horror conspiracy, right out of a science fiction yarn that there are various shadowy researchers who have been conducting similar Vampire research in secret. Such Vampire studies you do not know anything about, for obvious reasons. Their Vampire research has far reaching implications, which has been ongoing for a very long time, long before the 2010 study and that of Villeda’s publicised research findings, whose blood science possibly winds back to the arcane rites of ancient Egypt and beyond.

What is more, such Vampire research may have been already scientifically applied to human subjects for the sole purpose of enabling an older individual to attain all the benefits bestowed by a youthful blood flow, which is being derived from probable unwilling victims who have been abducted off the streets as Blood Dolls, who will not be missed.


If you take this horror scenario further, then you might have some underground installation within which youthful victims are connected up to leech pumps, which pumps all their blood into the aged flesh sacks of the elite few, who have prior handpicked their young Blood Dolls, or to perhaps bred their victims within underground human farms. Whereupon you would not know they had ever existed.

Does all of this sound too fear-porn far fetched of a mere comic strip story? May be not, considering you had insane Nazi scientists conducting heavily subsidised secret research in genetics and other technologies. Some of the Nazi scientists would have very likely investigated what Villeda rediscovered, since Hitler, like Kim Jong-il would have desired to live forever. It is said of a rumour, that a Nazi scientist revealed at the Nuremburg trials that they were investigating immortality engineering, and that they were successful. But, he would not reveal how they did it. If such is true, then said Nazi research had probably been appropriated by Operation Paperclip at the end of WWII, to verily disappear into the guts of an underground laboratory.


It doesn’t take too much of a leap of the imagination to imagine a bunch of nutters, who have far to much money than any sense, who will utilise the blood science for their own Vampire purpose, which of possible Nazi research, has been ongoing behind the scenes of a blacker than black project since the end of WWII. Wherefore, due to the rapid advances in technology after WWII, the scientists in the employ of the elite have made a number of discoveries, they will never tell you about. Should you figure anything out at all, it will because of the discoveries made by public research projects, such as that of Villeda’s.


Those who investigate strange disappearances of individuals would be castigated as being insane conspiracy theorists by the general public; more so, if said investigators start to believe that Zecharia Stitchin’s demonic Anunnaki are behind it all of amphibian bloodlines. Such a Biblical belief of religious indoctrination has no doubt been translated into the science fiction arena of the UFO mystique by intelligence agencies, in order to hide the truth behind a lurid veil, of subversively patronised David Icke disinformation, concerning his reptilian agenda.


Whereby you may indeed have a Masquerade behind which an aristocratic Vampire elite are secretly living amidst society, whose patron Saint is Elizabeth Báthory de Ecsed. If so, of a horrific possibility, the elite are all too human, whom greatly fear death, their retractable fangs are actually that of ‘syringes,’ whose blood magic, is no more than the science of immortality engineering. Could such be actually true? Well, you often find that the truth is far stranger than video game fiction. So, keep the garlic close by, at hand, if you desire to become a blood-doll, it’ll thin your young blood, when to later sell pints of your youthful essence to a ‘rich’ Vampire.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Cosplay, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 23, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The twenty-fourth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is called Naberius, who is an Art Muse of the ninth dimensional planetary sphere. Naberius can make a Sorcerer Artist highly adept in all manner of arts and sciences, who can disguise the conjuring Artist of shape-shift form, as well as enabling him to become a cogent speaker within a lucid dream.

The origin of Naberius’s name is determined to be mysterious; although Naberius was first mentioned by Johann Weyer in 1583 who was a follower of Cornelius Agrippa. It is very likely that he had created Naberius to be his personal egregore in order to psychologically test the blodthirsty gullibility of his Witchfinder audience.

At the time, many of his Christian audience believed that ‘demonic reptilians’ were taking over the Earth, which led to them burning Witches all over Europe, due to their religious insanity. So, Weyer no doubt attempted to determine the nature of this prior David Icke insanity by creating a literary invention of an entity, to see how it was assumed to be real, by a religious mind-set.

However Weyer’s egregore has since taken on a viral-meme life of its own due to its archetypal foundation, which of a technique, the science of neuro-advertising utilises in order to subversively influence your reptilian-brainstem.

Naberius is a composite name, which is comprised of the word ‘nab,’ like that of a Crow sweeping down to nab something quickly, in a way that is clever or humorous; whereas, ‘erius or erus,’ appears to be originally derived from the ancient Greek name for the three headed Dog of the underworld called Cerberus, which of a rebellious reversal can be transformed into an Anima bitch.


So, let’s take this reversal further of an alternate grimoire to rename Weyer as Weird, who created Naberius as his personal Frankenhooker Tulpa of a Mind-Doll Succubus, whom considered the Naberius Crow, and the Cerebus Dog to be that of the same Golem girl; wherefore Weird to now claim:

“Naberius [Naberus], alias Cerberus, is a valiant marchioness, showing herself in the form of a Crow, when she speaks with a maids voice of seduction: she makes her master amiable and cunning in all arts, and especially in rhetoric, she procures the loss of prelacies and dignities, but only after she has salaciously fornicated with her master, within his dreams: she to have nineteen legions of most wanton Succubae who hear (and obey) her.”


Naberius’s association with the ancient Greek multi-headed (usually three-headed: past, present and future) dog, or hellhound called Cerebus is quite intriguing, since it has an association with the Dog star Sirius, like many another canine entity howling unto the blood Moon.

Cerebus is described having a serpent’s tail, a mane of Snakes, and Lion’s claws, which guards the uterine entrance into the womb of the underworld in order to prevent the ancestral dead from escaping and the living from entering; basically, Cerebus stands at the hypnagogic (Sirius) gate of trance ingress into the dream.


Now, it is easy enough to fearfully imagine an anthropomorphic creature of humanoid form fused with Cerebus, such as having three heads of a Dog, along with having the wings of a Crow sprouting from its back; but, how can you imagine Naberius to look like a girl?


Well, for a start, you look into the background of Cerebus, whose symbolic reality refers to the archetypal guardian Dogs, which occur widely in shamanic otherworldly lore, such as the ancient Egyptian deity called Anubis. Although in this case, said Dog is a Succubus bitch, who will enable her conjuring Artist to fly as a third-eye Horus Hawk through space and time, via a blue Moon lucid dream, to thence remote-view the future as a Faustian psychonaut.

These spirit Dogs often become loyal shaman ‘guides’ into the underworld. Hence the Succubus Naberius can be seen as a Goth ‘girl-guide’ when taking on human form of Triangle Of Art vision, having Crow black hair with a Dog paw patch of a Sirius star on her left breast pocket.

In Siberian shamanism, when an Altaic shaman accesses trance he encounters a Dog, which guards the underworld realm of Erlik Khan.


As the Yukaghir shaman follows the trance road into the kingdom of shadows, he often discovers an old woman’s house, which is guarded by a barking Dog, with one ‘eye’ burning as as a ‘Sirius’ star.

This is of similarity to the thirteenth Cabbalistic path of Gimel, via which a trance adept penetrates the hidden Sephiroth of Da’at. The Koryak shamans perceive the trance entrance into the land of the ancestral (Othala Rune) dead is guarded by Dogs.


It all sounds rather dark and very serious doesn’t it; well, it is, if you like living in fear; wherefore you end up blocking your own self from attaining hypnagogic trance ingress into the dream.


In Inuit shamanism, a Dog with bared teeth guards the trance entrance to the undersea (High Preistess II) land of Takakapsaluk, Mother of the Sea Beasts; when the shaman overcomes his fear of the Dog (Bitch) guarding the Da’at abyss, it then becomes his best Choronzon (Succubus) buddy.


The custom of burying a pet Dog and the skin of a favourite Reindeer with a dead man was still current among Ugrian people of Siberia earlier this century.

Black Rock Shooter 79

Scholars are well aware the name of Naberius and that of its branded symbolic form of a viral-meme has changed many times due to cultural transformations over the years. However, it is only recently that she has been eventually freed from her patriarchal bottle of an Animus male form, into which she was incarcerated of a prison by the Abrahamic exorcists, who believe sex is the first sin, when it should be that of… ignorance.


After Weird’s egregore creation of Naberius established its self within the propagated tomes of the grimoire tradition, it soon came about that other listed spirits of viral-meme similarity manifested themselves, such as Naberus, Kaberon, Cerbere, and Serberius.


When reversed of an artistic rebellion, in order to free the Succubae Great Old Ones out of the onetime male forms, of a symbolic prison, the Succubus, Naberus manifests as a noble, Crow/Raven headed woman; while Kaberon appears as a Bitch with a black Crane’s head. As for Cerbere, she manifests as a black Wolf Bitch with fifty heads and a tail of three entwined snakes. Whereas Serberius does appear as a black haired ghost girl, who be a Werewolf, surrounded by the corpses of those malign influences, who seek to harm her conjuring Artist, whose head is crowned by a cloud of fireflies.


The symbolism of a Crane is also associated with Naberius; whereupon in the Goetia, Naberius is described as being a black Crane, which flies around the magic circle when conjured. In Celtic lore, the Crane is sacred to the triple Goddess. Wherefore it could be symbolically equated with the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children. It is also one of the most common symbols and themes in the folklore of East Asia, including Japan.

This leads you to an association with The Grateful Crane or the ‘Crane Wife,’ which is a particularly well-known tale in Japan. The symbolism of the Crane specifically refers immortality, which a future technology will no doubt achieve. The Crane features strongly among the myths of the Ostiaks of Siberia, as well as in ancient Chinese funerary rites, Okinawan harvest festivals and among the Ainu of Japan, suggesting the diffusion of a ritual complex from Northeast Asia.


You then have a fusion of symbolic elements concerning the bird symbolism of a Crow, Raven and black Crane and that of a canine; whether it be a Dog or a Wolf. In shamanistic practice, the symbolism of a bird usually refers to an ecstatic out of body experience out of the ‘cubic’ space of your simulated reality, which Naberius induces via a lucid dream, when to conjure her. Whereas the Dog and Wolf refers to her function as a girl-guide and protector into the underworld realms of the electron dream.


You can otherwise rename Naberius, as Naberiusi of mantra, and when she manifests into human form amidst your Triangle Of Art imagination, you can see her as a girl-guide looking somewhat like the Manga character called Black Rock Shooter, who is highly versed in Crane Kung Fu, appearing as a mysterious Crow haired girl, with a blazing Werewolf bitch blue eye of a… Sirius Dog star.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 20, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The first principal Succubus archetype pf the Fallen Anima is called Bael, who be a shaman Queen ruling in the far East across the steppe, under the fire star of the Mongol’s, whom emanates from the sixth dimensional planetary sphere.

She enables her conjurer to go about Invisible. She rules over sixty-six Legions of Infernal (Succubi) Succubae archetypes of the Fallen Anima. She appears amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination in divers shapes, sometimes like a Cat, or as a Toad; at other times like a most beautiful Siberian woman, or all these forms at once to otherwise mantra name, Baela.

She speaks clairaudient of most seductive tone, concerning those psychic secrets behind her Iron Curtain of a hypnagogic hymen veil to penetrate.


Behind her Iron Curtain, the ancestral shamans therein to have psychic abilities, the one time Soviet sought to weaponise, whom frequented the steppe unto Siberia. Her seal is to be mediated upon, and to visualise before calling her forth into a lucid dream, or else she will not do thee homage.

It is usually said of commonality that the name Bael is derived from the Canaanite deity known as Baal (/ˈbeɪl/ BAYL; sometimes spelled Bael, Baël [French], Baell), who is mentioned in the patriarchal Hebrew Bible of the deified Animus as the primary (Animus) god of the Phoenicians.

In the 17th Century Goetic occult writings, Bael is seen as one of the first spirits, which was released from Solomon’s brazen vessel of a Genie bottle.


While his Semitic (Animus) predecessor was depicted as a horned man or a horned bull, this spirit, Baal of the traditional grimoire tradition is said to appear in the forms of a Human, Cat and Toad, or combinations thereof. An illustration in Collin de Plancy’s 1818 book Dictionnaire Infernal rather curiously placed the heads of the these three creatures onto a set of ‘Spider’ legs.


When to totally ignore the indoctrinated perspective of the deified Animus, made as a God/Devil to otherwise look Into the ancient shaman legends of Siberia, such as those of the Buryat, you will find the first shaman called Khara-Gyrgän.

The Buryat relate that Khara-Gyrgän declared that his power was boundless; wherefore the creator put him to the test. The creator sadistically took the soul of a (Bael) girl and ‘bound her up within a bottle.’


To make sure that she wouldn’t escape, the creator put its finger into the neck of the bottle.

The shaman set about freeing the soul of the girl by beating the trance drum in order to conjure up an aspect of his Anima, manifesting as an eight-legged night-Mare pony-girl to ride through inner space, somewhat like that of a prior Dr Who piloting his TARDIS.


He soon discovered the whereabouts of the girl’s soul in order to free her. Khara-Gyrgän shapeshifted into the form of a ‘Spider’ and in doing so stung the face of the creator. The creator took its finger out of the ‘bottle,’ whence the girl’s soul escaped. The creator was very furious that its creation had passed the test, which indicated that the creator could be in time surpassed, so it decided to curtail the shamanic power of Khara-Gyrgän, after which the magical powers of the shamans were severely diminished.


According to Yakut shamanic legends of similarity to the Buryat, the first shaman refused to recognise the superiority of the programming creator due to its sadistic temperament.

The Yakut legend relates that the body of the first shaman was made up of a mass of snakes, which you can otherwise see as serpentine DNA of an inner program. The creator was fearful that the shaman would become far too powerful, so it sent down a fire to burn him and his world.


But in the ensuing conflagration of an ancient world-wide catastrophe, when a comet struck the Earth, an amphibious Toad escaped the inferno.

From the body of the Toad erupted forth the serpentine (DNA) spirits of the future Yakut shamans, who trace their genetic lineage back to the first shaman.


The motif of the amphibious ‘Toad’ refers to hypnagogic trance, which is attained at the midpoint between waking (land/macrocosmic) and (water/microcosmic) sleeping; this ability enables a shaman to access the underlying informational (microcosmic) order of his (macrocosmic) Maya simulation of an experiential reality.


The symbolic motif of the Toad is associated with similar reptilian symbolism to that of the ‘amphibious’ Nommo of the South African tribe of the Dogon and that of the Sumerian Annunaki, along with the reptilian motifs of other cultures across the globe, including Dragons. Some will see the Toad and that of the Snake or Dragon as being a Zecharia Sitchin reference to demonic reptilian extraterrestrials of David Icke tales; such is ‘not the case’ at all, the symbolism actually refers to shamanic ‘trance adepts.’


You also have the symbolism of the Cat, which is very often tied up with the feminine principle of the Anima. There are many a (Anima) Goddess from varying cultural myths who are described being in the company of Cats, riding them or otherwise assuming their predatory forms; whether they be Lionesses, Tigers or domesticated Cats, etc; such as the Sumerian Goddess, Ishtar riding a Lioness, the Hindu Goddess Durga, riding a Tiger or that of the Norse Goddess Freyja being the Witch mistress of Cats.


The motif of the (Sphinx) Cat refers to what is termed as the Bedroom Invader Experience or Old Hag Syndrome, which is often experienced at the point of (Toad) hypnagogic trance ingress into the dream; it is when a shaman is visited by his female spirit lover of a Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, whose nature is seen to be predatory. Hence she is associated with a Cat, which has since become that of a Witches familiar.


Siberian shamans often relate that their shamanic powers and abilities are derived from the internal dream congress with (Anima) Succubae Spirit-Wives, who are considered to be female shamans of similarity to the Hindu/Buddhist female entities called Dakinis.


You can otherwise term these (Anima) Succubae shamans as being Witches, whom initially manifest as Bedroom Invader ‘Cats’ at the point of hypnagogic ‘Toad’ ingress into the ‘Feminine’ domain of the dream. Wherefore the seal of Bael, which depicts a Toad, represents a symbolic formula of shamanic trance ingress into the watery amniotic realm of the electron dream.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


A Nun is commonly seen to be a member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The term ‘Nun’ is not only applicable to Catholics (Eastern and Western traditions), Orthodox Christians, Anglicans and Lutherans, but also to Jains, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus and some other religious traditions.

The term of Nun is very likely derived from the fourteenth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and the Arabic alphabet nūn (in abjadi order).


Nūn is also the third letter in Thaana, pronounced as ‘noonu.’ Its sound value is (n). The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek nu (Ν), Etruscan N, Latin N, and Cyrillic Н.

The letter Nun is thought to have come from a pictogram of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel. Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of a fish in water for its origin (in Arabic, nūn means large fish or whale).

The Phoenician letter was named nūn “fish”, but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite naḥš ‘snake,’ based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

The Nun snake is referring to an amphibious creature, which was originally derived from the ancient Egyptian ‘Nu’ (nuː ‘watery one’), also called Nun (nʌn or nuːn ‘inert one’), which is the deification of the primordial watery abyss in Egyptian mythology. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, the word ‘Nu’ means ‘Abyss.’

The Ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of the Nun as surrounding a bubble in which the sphere of all life is encapsulated, representing the deepest mystery of their cosmogony, which basically refers to the amniotic waters of the womb.

In Ancient Egyptian creation accounts the original mound of land comes forth from the waters of the Nun.

The Nun is the source of all that appears in a differentiated (Maya/simulation) world, encompassing all aspects of divine and earthly existence.

In the Ennead (nine dimensions) cosmogony Nun is perceived as transcendent at the point of creation alongside (mound of land) Atum the creator God, who is sometimes symbolised as a pyramid (cosmic mountain = physical body/hologram) of (bio-photon) light amidst the amniotic waters of Nun.

Nu was usually depicted as a male, this is because he represents an adept of trance who is able to access the amniotic source of all form, which is basically the realm of the (womb) dream. Nunet (ˈnuːˌnɛt also spelt Naunet) is the womb of the feminine , which is the name of Nu with a female gender ending.


The male aspect of Nun, is written with a male gender ending. As with the primordial concepts of the Ogdoad, Nu’s male aspect was depicted as a Frog, or a frog-headed man.

In Ancient Egyptian art, Nun also appears as a bearded man, with blue-green skin, representing water; while Naunet is represented as a snake (DNA) or snake-headed (mitochondrial DNA) woman.

The symbolism of the amphibian refers to trance ingress into the amniotic waters (inner space) of the womb (electron) dream, which reflects back the internal issues of the dreamer. When to become conscious within the dream, the dreamer is then enabled to transmute the leaden symbolism of the dream into a golden understanding via the utilisation of symbolic alchemy, which is essentially the practice of art. Hence you have a painted cave wall, leading to canvas. The practice of art is inextricably linked with the evolution of consciousness, a Surrealist, in particular will understand, who is aware that the first shaman was an artist, dreaming surreal dreams.

The encountered symbolism of the dream is emanating from a deeper level of communication with an inner intelligence, since your electron dreams are illuminated by the bio-photon emanating from the mitochondrial (serpentine) DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

Whereby you have the Naunet symbolism of the snake-headed woman. The symbolic information she imparts via your dreams is derived from the passed down genetic archives within each and every one of your watery cells. You will also find that serpentine symbolism often manifests in Ayahuasaca visions of the (eleventh dimensional/Da’at) Abyss.


The amphibious symbolism of Nu is also associated with the Nommo’s, who are mythological ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali. The word Nommo is derived from a Dogon word meaning ‘to make one drink.’ The Nommo’s are usually described as fish-like, phallic headed, amphibious creatures.

Folk art depictions of the Nommo’s show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommo’s are also referred to as ‘Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and the Teachers.’


The Nommo’s refer to ancestral shamanic adepts who are able to attain conscious trance ingress into the watery realms of the amniotic dream, which is associated with a (mitochondrial DNA) planet of women, called Emme ya, from where all souls come from.

Trance ingress into the electron (womb) dream (bio-photon) realm of Emme ya was conducted around the (Circadian rhythm) rising of Sirius. However, during the 1970’s a book by Robert ‘Temple’ entitled: The Sirius Mystery popularized the traditions of the Dogon concerning Sirius and the Nommo’s, for all the wrong bubblegum reasons, which was later shot down.

In The Sirius Mystery, Temple advanced the conclusion that the Dogon’s knowledge of astronomy and non-visible cosmic phenomenon could only be explained if this knowledge had been imparted to them by an extraterrestrial race, which had visited the Dogon at some point in the distant past.

Temple associated an evocative science fiction species of humanoid amphibians, of similarity to Biblical Demons to the legend of the amphibious Nommo’s.

He contended that the Nommo’s were extraterrestrial inhabitants of the Sirius star system, who had travelled to Earth at some point when humanity was sill in its infancy, and that these extraterrestrial fallen Angels had imparted (sinful) knowledge about the Sirius star system, as well as our own Solar System to the Dogon tribes.

The reason why Temple postulated such a notion is that he, like many others of an indoctrinated Abrahamic mind-set are quite unaware that conscious trance ingress into the dream can enable a shaman to (lucid dream) remote-view such information, which is sometimes facilitated by ingesting power plants. Although said power plants were banned by the ‘Roman’ Catholic church because the priests didn’t like the competition. Whereupon the church systematically persecuted the ‘horned’ shaman as their Devil.


Another author, named, Zecharia Sitchin  had postulated similar theories to those of Temple. Sitchin was on very good terms with the hierarchy of the Vatican. He proposed an explanation for human origins involving ancient (Angel) astronauts, which evolved the Biblical paradigm into the arena of UFO’s.

Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of amphibious extraterrestrials of similarity to the Nommo who had come from a planet beyond (Cabbala: Kether) Neptune called Nibiru, the Dogon to otherwise call Emme ya.

Sitchin’s ideas heavily influenced David Icke’s theories concerning reptilian humanoids influencing human society, which invariably led to a New-Age Witch hunt for amphibian Demons.

The symbolism of the amphibious reptilian, such as the Anunnaki actually refers to a shamanic trance adept, which as mentioned prior are symbolically represented as a serpent or a fish in ancient art.


The fish symbolism was also utilised by the early Christian’s concerning their (crucified Oannes) Christ; however, their symbol of the fish is originally derived from the symbol of the (Vesica Piscis) Vesica Pisces.


The Vesica Pisces is a shape, which is made up of the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the centre of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other.


The two circles represent, the amniotic waters of the ‘microcosmic’ dream, being one circle, and your waking reality of the ‘macrocosm,’ is represented as land, being the other circle.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_tron_siren_succubus_of_faustus_crow_mardun (10)

When the two circles of water (Microcosm/Implicate Order/Nagual/Inverted Pentgram) and land (Macrocosm/Explicate Order/Tonal/Upright Pentagram) are intersecting you then have the (superimposition) mid-point of (amphibious) hypnagogic trance, at the ‘almond’ shaped centre. Hence a trance adept of a shaman is symbolically represented as an amphibian, such as a Frog, Serpent, Fish or other reptilian creatures like that of a Dragon, for example.


The name Vesica Pisces literally means the ‘bladder of a fish’ in Latin. The shape at its centre is called the mandorla, ‘almond’ in Italian, which refers to the ‘Vaginal’ orifice. The reasoning for this symbolism is because, when accessing trance at the hypnagogic point of sleep, you will sense your conscious awareness being ‘ejaculated’ out of your body into the domain of the dream, which is symbolised as the ‘womb.’


Hypnagogic trance ingress through the Vesica Pisces portal can be equated with a (Vaginal) Stargate, which is sometimes associated with the almond shaped eye.


(NOTE: The symbolic motif of the Eye is associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, which of a corresponding Greek letter is Omicron. Both letters allude to the inducement of Hypnagogic Trance, and the inner conjurations amidst the Triangle Of Art of the Imagination. The Triangle points at the Greek letter Delta. Hypnagogic Trance is otherwise termed as Hypnosis, and when applied at a collective level it is called Mass Formation Psychosis.)

Omicron Delta Triangle

This is more so the case, since the Dogon (Nommo/Phallic headed Fish) trance adepts journeyed into inner space around the rising of the eye star of Sirius. This had occurred in league with the (Ninth-Gate/Yesod) full Moon, which the ancient Egyptian’s had observed marked out the rising of the Nile.

The gravitational pull of the Moon not only has an affect upon the tides of the Earth, it also affects the depth of dream-states; whereupon the grimoires make mention that conjurations are best done when the Moon is in a certain phase. The trance adepts noted that it is easier to access trance when Sirius marked out a Moon phase time when its pull affected their dreams, which enabled them to consciously access the watery (Nun) womb domain of the dream. The domain of the dream is symbolically represented as the planet of (Nun) women, Emme ya, where the Succubae of ‘Lilith’s Harem’ can be encountered.

Sirius symbolically correlates with an inner Sun, which (bio-photon) illuminates your electron dreams. The symbol of the inner Sun, is also represented as the ‘black Sun,’ which is in turn associated with the God-Sun/God-Son, Crucified (Trance-Fish/Nommo) Christ, who equates with the shaman.


Hence you have the symbolism of the Nun, who traditionally eats (crucified) Fish on (Venus-Pentagram) Friday’s.

NOTE: There are those who sincerely believe in the existence of the Nommo, Annunaki, Reptilians or even Mermaids as being alien entities, etc, who will consider the above material to be against their viral-meme beliefs, and that the realm of dreams are just the phantasmagorical miasma of the mind. 

Everything that you experience via your Five-Pentagram senses is interpreted by your brain. Hence, what you consider to be reality exists within your head. The archetypal reality of the aforementioned creatures of myth does not mean they are not real; for within the dream, their macrocosmic depictions of symbolism can become microcosmic interactive realities.

There are differing layers of the dream, whose oceanic (Nun) depths reveal realities, which are indivisible to what you would consider to be physical reality; in fact, their domains will be experienced to be more real than real. What you believe will determine what you tune into, like that of using (Mantra) Key-Words, when ‘Browsing’ the (Dream) internet.

Truth is often far stranger than fiction; you have in your midst a quantum computer, which of a technology makes quantum computations in parallel universes, where alternate realities exist. The technology is merely copying nature, which reveals that your own brain is making quantum computations in other alternate realities via alternate selves. The ‘Browsed’ information manifests within your watery (Nun) dreams. 

The technology of your ancient ancestors concerned its self with exploring consciousness; they used their own brains to do so. Their technological language was communicated symbolically; hence, when a shaman attained an amphibious (hypnagogic trance) state of consciousness, the shaman was symbolised as an amphibian, fish or as a reptile.

“Later, The Dr John C. Lilly Likes Of A Randolph Carter conjured Obobasi, While To Sojourn A Floatation Tank Of A Titus Crow Coffin, Upon Whose Ornate Lid Is A Zodiac, Whence It Is Verily Called, The Clock Of Dreams.” 



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 2, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The British writer David Icke opened up a very rusty can of writhing Serpents, when he inadvertently revealed that it is all too easy brainwashing people.

Although those who seek to convert others to their Abrahamic Borg religions got there long before him.


For example, if you can get people to believe in 5- to 12-foot (1.5–3.7 m) tall, Demonic blood-drinking, shape-shifting reptilian humanoids from the Alpha Draconis star system, who are presently hiding within their Hellish underground bases at the Earth’s core, you can get them to believe in anything. Then again, there are many who already believe in an infernal Biblical Hell populated by Demonic reptilians.


A poll of American’s in 2013 by Public Policy Polling showed that 4% of registered voters (+/- 2.8%) believed in David Icke’s ideas. These people sincerely believe that it is in fact scaly Demonic reptilians, who are the Satanic force behind a worldwide Anti-Christ conspiracy, who are working against the meek and mild religious flocks of herd-mind humanity, to bring about their Biblical End Of Days depopulation program.


Icke contends that most of the world’s incestuous aristocratic leaders of a Hellish hierarchy are related to these Demonic reptilians, including George W. Bush of the United States, and Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom who apparently loves eating green coloured jelly babies.

Not too sure about the Queen eating suckling babes; but, it goes without saying that burning Bush loves to eat real Ronald McDonald plump babies, he wants to Eugenic jab with experimental Bill Gates jabs.

Basically, Icke’s reptilian agenda is reminiscent of a medieval Witch hunt, which of Inquisitional persecutions, numerous individuals were burnt at the stake, merely because they were accused of being in league with Demonic reptilians who emanate from their Biblical viral-meme Hell.


It just so happens, that these Abrahamic accusations were levelled against those of a Pagan orientation.

Many pagan peoples across the globe consider the serpent as being sacred, which represented the life force, as well as being very much entwined with the feminine principle.


Anyway, if there were any actual reptilians, they would probably point out to a Dr Who that they are all female vegetarians, while humans love eating baby turtle soup.


Icke’s Biblical conspiracy theories now have religious supporters in 47 countries and he has given evangelical lectures to Alpha course crowds of up to 6,000 people.


American writer Vicki Santillano included the reptilian agenda in her list of the 10 most popular conspiracy theories, describing it as the ‘wackiest theory’ she had ever encountered.


But are Icke’s beliefs any wackier than believing in an all male pantheon of eugenic Nordic Angels and reptilian Demons lorded over by a deified ‘Animus’ made as a jealous machismo God in the Overwatch heavens, and a butch Devil living it up in a military industrial complex Hell?


As you will probably notice, Icke’s beliefs are none too different to what has already been established of religious dogma, which has driven the indoctrinated masses to blindly set up their New World Order kingdom of an Orwellian Big-Brother ‘Animus’ God.

For example, you had Sir Francis Bacon of a prior cultist, who claimed that the New Kingdom on Earth, which for him was Virginia USA, exemplified the Kingdom of Heaven, lorded over by his crucified savior.


Bacon was more explicit in a speech to Parliament when he called for the establishment of Solomon’s Temple in the new colonies. This of course required the eradication of the native population along with burning Witches and homosexuals. Why persecute, torture and burn Witches and homosexuals, what’s the insane point of it?


It is probably due to a psychological condition, which afflicts a closeted mind-set; although in this murderous case it has been perpetuated by legions of brainwashed automatons who blindly act out what is written in their so called holy books.

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As for Bacon, he was making a clear reference to King Solomon’s Temple in a New Jer-USA-lem America, which reveals for all to see, what is still going on of an actual ongoing conspiracy.


Bacon stated that the founding of the colonies in Virginia in 1606, was a spiritual act as well as a political one, at a time when the last vestiges of the European ancestral-self-identity was being eradicated of genocide by the Holy Inquisition.

(One of the primary reasons why the Holy Inquisition persecuted Witches is because the ancestral-self-identity of the European’s was traditionally passed down the female line, which was especially the case in Northern Europe.)


Why the Hell was Bacon ranting on about a New Jer-USA-lem, for Heaven’s sake, he wasn’t even Hebrew.

Image result for silurian dr who

Oh, I forgot, he was entirely brainwashed, like so many others who have appropriated the ancestral-self-identity of the Hebrew’s, hook line and sinker, of continuance, along with copycat Islam.


Why did they copy a Middle Eastern ‘Animus’ fixated cult? Simply put, it is because Constantine’s Rome sought to have control over the Middle East by using religion of a brainwashing tool, in order to convert the peoples of the empire to become its unpaid crusading legionaries, which was then copied by its cult competitor, Islam.

When cultic copycats copy, they invariably resent the original cult to the point of wanting to eradicate it, which of a holocaust domino effect, the copied cult then seeks to survive the copycats by subversively getting the copiers to fight against each other, so it can then eventually take over.

Image result for doctor who hitler

Well, what do you expect; if you was being copied by others, who then resent your existence, your reptilian brain-stem survival instinct would quickly kick into gear. The problem is, the copied invariably becomes as murderously insane as the copiers who all suffer from a superiority complex.

Image result for doctor who daleks

You then have mass insanity; no need for having extraterrestrial/interdimensional reptilians, that’s just symbolic misdirection, which further perpetuates the religious insanity!


It is easy to brainwash the reptilian brain-stems of people; more so when it has been systematically achieved for over 2000yrs of mind numbing religious propaganda by three cults out of UR.

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura S02E04 Police State from Ill Axion on Vimeo.

Whereupon you are now surrounded by a symbolic matrix of 72 Shemhamphorasch fusion centres, which imprisons your reptilian brain-stem.


Icke is just perpetuating what is already there of an indoctrinated religious belief, propagated by ‘Three’ big-business cults from out of Abraham’s UR in war torn Iraq, upon which the establishment of your society is based.

The only reason why your society has been molded by the ‘Animus’ fixated cults is due to Constantine’s Roman empire. Hence the author Philip K. Dick said, “THE EMPIRE NEVER ENDED!”

Image result for doctor who romans

This in its self is a, in your face conspiracy, which is that of a secret hidden in plain sight. If you are looking for someone to blame, look to Flavius Valerius Aurelius Constantinus Augustus. Just remember he was all too human, who had absolute authority over the Roman empire and its legions of crusading monks.

Image result for doctor who monk

But when having absolute power, it absolutely corrupts. Icke merely fused the already indoctrinated religious beliefs of the UR ‘Trinity’ with the pseudo cargo cult beliefs in extraterrestrial/interdimensional aliens of an Annunaki viral-meme.

It is just an updated neuro-advertising version of a continued religious brainwash out of Sumerian UR, whose Illuminati ziggurat is on the back of every oily petrodollar. In other words, the real Illuminati are the Three ‘Animus’ fixated cults of UR!


So, if you want to free your reptilian brain-stem from the reptilian agenda of an ‘Animus’ fixated symbolic paradigm, which incarcerates your subconscious mind, conjure up the symbolic reversal of Anima ‘Pussy riot Power,’ by evoking a sexy Silurian Succubus into your infernal lucid dreams tonight.

Image result for silurian dr who

This practice of artistic sorcery will enable you to keep the ever warring Illuminati Rabbis, Priests and Mullahs at bay, from upending your fluoridated brain.

But be warned, if you do so of a surrealist rebellion, you will be verily castigated as being a vile and most bestial Entartete Kunst pornographer by the politically-correct mind-set of the NWO reptilian agenda Gestapo!

NOTE: Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of politically motivated social engineers utilise what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the quite oblivious masses.

