Archive for high priestess of the silver star tarot card


Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


A Nun is commonly seen to be a member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The term ‘Nun’ is not only applicable to Catholics (Eastern and Western traditions), Orthodox Christians, Anglicans and Lutherans, but also to Jains, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus and some other religious traditions.

The term of Nun is very likely derived from the fourteenth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and the Arabic alphabet nūn (in abjadi order).


Nūn is also the third letter in Thaana, pronounced as ‘noonu.’ Its sound value is (n). The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek nu (Ν), Etruscan N, Latin N, and Cyrillic Н.

The letter Nun is thought to have come from a pictogram of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel. Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of a fish in water for its origin (in Arabic, nūn means large fish or whale).

The Phoenician letter was named nūn “fish”, but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite naḥš ‘snake,’ based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

The Nun snake is referring to an amphibious creature, which was originally derived from the ancient Egyptian ‘Nu’ (nuː ‘watery one’), also called Nun (nʌn or nuːn ‘inert one’), which is the deification of the primordial watery abyss in Egyptian mythology. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, the word ‘Nu’ means ‘Abyss.’

The Ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of the Nun as surrounding a bubble in which the sphere of all life is encapsulated, representing the deepest mystery of their cosmogony, which basically refers to the amniotic waters of the womb.

In Ancient Egyptian creation accounts the original mound of land comes forth from the waters of the Nun.

The Nun is the source of all that appears in a differentiated (Maya/simulation) world, encompassing all aspects of divine and earthly existence.

In the Ennead (nine dimensions) cosmogony Nun is perceived as transcendent at the point of creation alongside (mound of land) Atum the creator God, who is sometimes symbolised as a pyramid (cosmic mountain = physical body/hologram) of (bio-photon) light amidst the amniotic waters of Nun.

Nu was usually depicted as a male, this is because he represents an adept of trance who is able to access the amniotic source of all form, which is basically the realm of the (womb) dream. Nunet (ˈnuːˌnɛt also spelt Naunet) is the womb of the feminine , which is the name of Nu with a female gender ending.


The male aspect of Nun, is written with a male gender ending. As with the primordial concepts of the Ogdoad, Nu’s male aspect was depicted as a Frog, or a frog-headed man.

In Ancient Egyptian art, Nun also appears as a bearded man, with blue-green skin, representing water; while Naunet is represented as a snake (DNA) or snake-headed (mitochondrial DNA) woman.

The symbolism of the amphibian refers to trance ingress into the amniotic waters (inner space) of the womb (electron) dream, which reflects back the internal issues of the dreamer. When to become conscious within the dream, the dreamer is then enabled to transmute the leaden symbolism of the dream into a golden understanding via the utilisation of symbolic alchemy, which is essentially the practice of art. Hence you have a painted cave wall, leading to canvas. The practice of art is inextricably linked with the evolution of consciousness, a Surrealist, in particular will understand, who is aware that the first shaman was an artist, dreaming surreal dreams.

The encountered symbolism of the dream is emanating from a deeper level of communication with an inner intelligence, since your electron dreams are illuminated by the bio-photon emanating from the mitochondrial (serpentine) DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

Whereby you have the Naunet symbolism of the snake-headed woman. The symbolic information she imparts via your dreams is derived from the passed down genetic archives within each and every one of your watery cells. You will also find that serpentine symbolism often manifests in Ayahuasaca visions of the (eleventh dimensional/Da’at) Abyss.


The amphibious symbolism of Nu is also associated with the Nommo’s, who are mythological ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali. The word Nommo is derived from a Dogon word meaning ‘to make one drink.’ The Nommo’s are usually described as fish-like, phallic headed, amphibious creatures.

Folk art depictions of the Nommo’s show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommo’s are also referred to as ‘Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and the Teachers.’


The Nommo’s refer to ancestral shamanic adepts who are able to attain conscious trance ingress into the watery realms of the amniotic dream, which is associated with a (mitochondrial DNA) planet of women, called Emme ya, from where all souls come from.

Trance ingress into the electron (womb) dream (bio-photon) realm of Emme ya was conducted around the (Circadian rhythm) rising of Sirius. However, during the 1970’s a book by Robert ‘Temple’ entitled: The Sirius Mystery popularized the traditions of the Dogon concerning Sirius and the Nommo’s, for all the wrong bubblegum reasons, which was later shot down.

In The Sirius Mystery, Temple advanced the conclusion that the Dogon’s knowledge of astronomy and non-visible cosmic phenomenon could only be explained if this knowledge had been imparted to them by an extraterrestrial race, which had visited the Dogon at some point in the distant past.

Temple associated an evocative science fiction species of humanoid amphibians, of similarity to Biblical Demons to the legend of the amphibious Nommo’s.

He contended that the Nommo’s were extraterrestrial inhabitants of the Sirius star system, who had travelled to Earth at some point when humanity was sill in its infancy, and that these extraterrestrial fallen Angels had imparted (sinful) knowledge about the Sirius star system, as well as our own Solar System to the Dogon tribes.

The reason why Temple postulated such a notion is that he, like many others of an indoctrinated Abrahamic mind-set are quite unaware that conscious trance ingress into the dream can enable a shaman to (lucid dream) remote-view such information, which is sometimes facilitated by ingesting power plants. Although said power plants were banned by the ‘Roman’ Catholic church because the priests didn’t like the competition. Whereupon the church systematically persecuted the ‘horned’ shaman as their Devil.


Another author, named, Zecharia Sitchin  had postulated similar theories to those of Temple. Sitchin was on very good terms with the hierarchy of the Vatican. He proposed an explanation for human origins involving ancient (Angel) astronauts, which evolved the Biblical paradigm into the arena of UFO’s.

Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of amphibious extraterrestrials of similarity to the Nommo who had come from a planet beyond (Cabbala: Kether) Neptune called Nibiru, the Dogon to otherwise call Emme ya.

Sitchin’s ideas heavily influenced David Icke’s theories concerning reptilian humanoids influencing human society, which invariably led to a New-Age Witch hunt for amphibian Demons.

The symbolism of the amphibious reptilian, such as the Anunnaki actually refers to a shamanic trance adept, which as mentioned prior are symbolically represented as a serpent or a fish in ancient art.


The fish symbolism was also utilised by the early Christian’s concerning their (crucified Oannes) Christ; however, their symbol of the fish is originally derived from the symbol of the (Vesica Piscis) Vesica Pisces.


The Vesica Pisces is a shape, which is made up of the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the centre of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other.


The two circles represent, the amniotic waters of the ‘microcosmic’ dream, being one circle, and your waking reality of the ‘macrocosm,’ is represented as land, being the other circle.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_tron_siren_succubus_of_faustus_crow_mardun (10)

When the two circles of water (Microcosm/Implicate Order/Nagual/Inverted Pentgram) and land (Macrocosm/Explicate Order/Tonal/Upright Pentagram) are intersecting you then have the (superimposition) mid-point of (amphibious) hypnagogic trance, at the ‘almond’ shaped centre. Hence a trance adept of a shaman is symbolically represented as an amphibian, such as a Frog, Serpent, Fish or other reptilian creatures like that of a Dragon, for example.


The name Vesica Pisces literally means the ‘bladder of a fish’ in Latin. The shape at its centre is called the mandorla, ‘almond’ in Italian, which refers to the ‘Vaginal’ orifice. The reasoning for this symbolism is because, when accessing trance at the hypnagogic point of sleep, you will sense your conscious awareness being ‘ejaculated’ out of your body into the domain of the dream, which is symbolised as the ‘womb.’


Hypnagogic trance ingress through the Vesica Pisces portal can be equated with a (Vaginal) Stargate, which is sometimes associated with the almond shaped eye.


(NOTE: The symbolic motif of the Eye is associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, which of a corresponding Greek letter is Omicron. Both letters allude to the inducement of Hypnagogic Trance, and the inner conjurations amidst the Triangle Of Art of the Imagination. The Triangle points at the Greek letter Delta. Hypnagogic Trance is otherwise termed as Hypnosis, and when applied at a collective level it is called Mass Formation Psychosis.)

Omicron Delta Triangle

This is more so the case, since the Dogon (Nommo/Phallic headed Fish) trance adepts journeyed into inner space around the rising of the eye star of Sirius. This had occurred in league with the (Ninth-Gate/Yesod) full Moon, which the ancient Egyptian’s had observed marked out the rising of the Nile.

The gravitational pull of the Moon not only has an affect upon the tides of the Earth, it also affects the depth of dream-states; whereupon the grimoires make mention that conjurations are best done when the Moon is in a certain phase. The trance adepts noted that it is easier to access trance when Sirius marked out a Moon phase time when its pull affected their dreams, which enabled them to consciously access the watery (Nun) womb domain of the dream. The domain of the dream is symbolically represented as the planet of (Nun) women, Emme ya, where the Succubae of ‘Lilith’s Harem’ can be encountered.

Sirius symbolically correlates with an inner Sun, which (bio-photon) illuminates your electron dreams. The symbol of the inner Sun, is also represented as the ‘black Sun,’ which is in turn associated with the God-Sun/God-Son, Crucified (Trance-Fish/Nommo) Christ, who equates with the shaman.


Hence you have the symbolism of the Nun, who traditionally eats (crucified) Fish on (Venus-Pentagram) Friday’s.

NOTE: There are those who sincerely believe in the existence of the Nommo, Annunaki, Reptilians or even Mermaids as being alien entities, etc, who will consider the above material to be against their viral-meme beliefs, and that the realm of dreams are just the phantasmagorical miasma of the mind. 

Everything that you experience via your Five-Pentagram senses is interpreted by your brain. Hence, what you consider to be reality exists within your head. The archetypal reality of the aforementioned creatures of myth does not mean they are not real; for within the dream, their macrocosmic depictions of symbolism can become microcosmic interactive realities.

There are differing layers of the dream, whose oceanic (Nun) depths reveal realities, which are indivisible to what you would consider to be physical reality; in fact, their domains will be experienced to be more real than real. What you believe will determine what you tune into, like that of using (Mantra) Key-Words, when ‘Browsing’ the (Dream) internet.

Truth is often far stranger than fiction; you have in your midst a quantum computer, which of a technology makes quantum computations in parallel universes, where alternate realities exist. The technology is merely copying nature, which reveals that your own brain is making quantum computations in other alternate realities via alternate selves. The ‘Browsed’ information manifests within your watery (Nun) dreams. 

The technology of your ancient ancestors concerned its self with exploring consciousness; they used their own brains to do so. Their technological language was communicated symbolically; hence, when a shaman attained an amphibious (hypnagogic trance) state of consciousness, the shaman was symbolised as an amphibian, fish or as a reptile.

“Later, The Dr John C. Lilly Likes Of A Randolph Carter conjured Obobasi, While To Sojourn A Floatation Tank Of A Titus Crow Coffin, Upon Whose Ornate Lid Is A Zodiac, Whence It Is Verily Called, The Clock Of Dreams.” 
