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Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

The phrase, forbidden fruit, originates from Genesis 2:16–17, concerning Adam and Eve partaking of an apple, dangling from the Tree of Knowledge, in the garden of Eden, which they had been commanded by their God to not eat.

Curiously, a fresco in the 13th-century Plaincourault Abbey in France depicts Adam and Eve, flanking the Tree of Knowledge having the appearance of a gigantic a psychoactive Amanita muscaria mushroom.

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You could say that there was a prior drug war in Eden, whose forbidden fruit induced an altered state of consciousness, which was not allowed in the Orwellian police state of Eden; for it bestowed self-knowledge. Since the time of (Edom) Eden in Iraq, from where Abraham first stemmed, those in power far prefer that the mass populace stays self-ignorant. However, we all experience an altered state of consciousness when we dream.

Should you believe that you do not dream, it is only because you do not remember having any dreams. Dreaming is a neurological necessity; so, if you really believe that you do not dream, rather than admitting you do not remember them, you are indicating you are brain-dead… let alone… self-ignorant…, which the controlling theocratic paradigm far prefers as a zombie state of being for their flocks of meek and mild sheep.

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Many find it very difficult remembering their dreams due to their busy lifestyles, which puts them into a self-perpetuated auto-hypnotic slumber. But If you do remember them and that they were very surreal, the forbidden cheese burger binge you had right before entering your tomb could be the cause.

This observation offers up a technique to those who cannot remember their dreams, the types of food you eat before hitting your sarcophagus can have a massive affect on your astral jaunts into the spirit realm of dreams.

According to scientific observations eating anything close to Little Nemo In Slumberland sleep increases the activity of your metabolism, this in turn causes your brain to stay active, making it far more likely for vivid Obsidian Butterfly dreams to occur.

“When we consider that the nutrients in food affect many things in the body, such as energy levels, mood and sleep quality, it is entirely plausible that different foods can also affect dreams in different ways,” explains the Witch nutritionist and Yoga teacher Julie Montagu, who loves her Nirvana ice cream.

It is therefore important that you are aware the food you eat affects your body, and even more importantly, that the state of your mind, at the time of your midnight cannibal feast, will determine the type of vore dreams you will have.

sleipnirdrumyahoocouk food cannibal goetia girls lilith's harem

What is more, the police state cannot nab you for partaking of an innocent alchemical food obtained from any supermarket, which initiates an altered state of consciousness, when taken around the sugary Moon phases.

With this in mind you can orchestrate a prior ritual before sleeping, involving the partaking of certain foodstuffs, which will  initiate vivid dreams to occur. Continued practice, will enable your dreams to become lucid of pick the cherry, strawberry quality.

The ritualistic activity will also involve directing your thoughts and emotions, such as focusing upon an image, which associatively represents what you want to dream about.

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So, should you have a personal Book Of Shadows, you can make a list of planetary sphere foods, which enable the initiation of dreams. What to follow are some Grimoire examples.

VENUS: CHEESE: You have probably heard on many occasion the old Witches tale that eating cheese, before entering your tomb bed initiates Night-Mares.

But as the Witch Julie Montagu to explain, it turns out there is a grain of truth in the age old cheesy snack burger tale: “There is much speculation, and actually some solid research, to suggest that eating dairy products in the hours leading up to bedtime can cause bad or unusual dreams. Cheese and milk are thought to be the biggest culprits within this group. Cheese contains tryptophan – an amino acid that the body uses to produce ‘serotonin.’ Serotonin is the chemical in the brain that helps to keep the mood stabilised. So enjoying a dose of cheese right before bed could contribute to heightened levels of ‘serotonin’ in the body, which could influence how prominently you dream.” 

MARS: CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS: Werewolf raids on the fridge for Little Red Riding Hood cold cuts pre-bedtime the clinical nutritionist, Kamilla Schaffner, from My London Nutritionist explains: “Sausages, salami, bacon, hot dogs, corned beef are very high in Tyramine, an amino acid that regulates blood pressure. Foods high in Tyramine are nutritionally known to disrupt normal sleeping patterns as well as the central nervous system in general, which may lead to increased episodes of Night-Mares, disturbing dreams or persistent migraines.” 

MARS: CURRY: Ever wondered why Yogins have such vivid mystical states and the reason why your dreams ramp up a notch after a Venus day Friday night takeaway: “Spicy foods right before bedtime have also been associated with bizarre dreams,” explains Julie Montagu. “The body has to work a bit harder than usual to digest seriously spicy foods. This disruption to the digestive system could impact the quality of sleep that you enjoy, leading to undesirable dreams.” However ‘undesirable’ is not the dream goal; hence a Yogin directs his or her thoughts and emotions, while meditating upon their curry.

MOON: PICKLES: Although terrible for your ogre breath, they do initiate Luna dreams. “Foods that are fermented or pickled in any way – sauerkraut, kimchee, tofu or pickles, soy sauce, miso and miso-containing products – can induce bad dreams when eaten at night,” explains Kamilla Schaffner.

MARS: BOOZE: Ever wondered why a night on the Sabbat tiles equals a crappy night’s sleep? “Alcoholic beverages such as beer, red wine, sherry and liqueurs are known to induce Night-Mares due to their fermentation process, especially when consumed in excess,” says Kamilla Schaffner. But again, if you partake of the sacred booze thinking crappy thoughts, your ensuing dreams will reflect back your crap! Wherefore, when getting ritualistically drunk while meditating upon a film or a video-game, make sure it is league with what you desire to dream about.

VENUS: CHOCOLATE: One way of remembering your sorcery dreams is to disrupt the sleep pattern; but doing so, is to be done sparingly, otherwise you will start to suffer from Vampire insomnia: “Eating any food late at night that has a high fat content is going to cause some degree of indigestion. Indigestion can cause you to have a poor quality of sleep as you are likely to ‘wake often,’ and when you do so you are more likely to remember the strange dreams that you were having,” explains Julie Montagu.

However if you want to have an undisturbed night, to awaken forgetting your devilish dreams: “The best way that I can suggest to avoid disturbed dreams is to not eat anything in the two to three hours before you go to bed,” advises Julie Montagu. “This gives your digestive system a chance to catch up and you are more likely to experience an undisturbed sleep until morning.” 

What is more, your Orwellian government is helping you out by mass-medicating your water supply with a known druggie sedative, which also ends up in nearly every food you eat, whose fluoridation chemicals calcify your ‘serotonin’ producing pineal gland; wherefore, you are unable to remember your self-knowledge dreams. I shit you not! They are planning to dose you up with lithium next. Hell! They are probably already doing it.

You may think it is all conspiracy stuff. But the fact is, they shouldn’t be mass-medicating the public via their water supply and food, since the mass-medicated doses cannot be controlled for each and every individual. Hence they are Orwellian shafting your Abrahamic brainwashed Eden brain!

NECRONOMICON DISCLAIMER: I will not take any responsibility whatsoever should the communicated Grimoire menu lead to your Karmic overindulgence in sensuously delicious forbidden foodstuffs, which will make you end up looking like a rotund Buddha or a voluptuous Nerthus, suffering from insomnia, etc; your gut-Chakra is your own temple-body responsibility. Remember the sorcerer adage: “everything in moderation.” 



Posted in Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 25, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

Lilith is said to have been the first wife of Adam, who was made of the same mud as he; but, she then rebelled against his dominating ways, wherefore Adam’s God of a deified Animus, cast Lilith into the pit, who then became the Witch Queen of (Succubi) Succubae.

Lilith is generally considered to be a sex demon, who seduces males in their sleep as well as having a liking for strangling babies. She has since been transformed into a Vampire. However, Lilith is not and never was a Vampire, which of a mystique has evolved since the late nineteenth century into a fascination with teenage romances of Twilight trysts and True Blood Necrophilia. If you follow Lilith further down, she will take you into her apple core harem dream.

Although, the Vampire mystique does point at the throat area of commonality, where you can find the reptilian-brain-stem, which of a symbolic correspondence is associated with the symbolism of the serpent. The symbol of the serpent is very much entwined with Lilith, who is said to have tempted, Adam’s second wife, Eve to taste of the apple of Knowledge.

The apple of knowledge is associated with the hidden sphere of Da’at in the Cabballa, which corresponds with the throat area of the reptilian-brain-stem.

The reptilian-brain-stem determines the lupine depths of hypnagogic trance and the intensity of your underworld dreams.

When to inadvertently access hypnagogic trance at the mid-point between waking and sleeping you might experience what is termed as the Old Hag Syndrome, or otherwise called the Bedroom Invader Experience.

For the unprepared it can be an intensely frightening experience, which involves sleep paralysis, the sensation of another presence pressing down upon your body, as well as the presence assuming terrifying forms, which will reflect back your deepest fears. When your fears mount to a pitch of total abject Hellblazer horror, you will also feel as if you are being strangled, before awakening, feeling utterly drained; wherefore, you have to take control over the experience, just like John Constantine would do.

The motif of Lilith having a liking for strangling babies, is an occult blind, which actually alludes to an inadvertent access of hypnagogic trance. The strangled baby being that of an unprepared dreamer, who cannot control the mounting fear of being assailed by the bedroom invading presence of the Old Hag Syndrome, which is otherwise represented as Lilith.

It is your own fears, which will lead to the sensation of being strangled. The experience of hypnagogic trance, will reflect back at you your beliefs, which you will then have to harrow, whether they be personal or otherwise molded by cultural conditioning; hence you have the Hebrew word: Da’at, which means, belief.

When you eventually realise that the hellish presence, which is assailing you is due to your own emotively charged beliefs creating fearful potions, poisoning your brain, that have been given terrifying dream form, because of what you have been led to believe, you then attain, ‘Knowledge’ of yourself.

The fear of accessing hypnagogic trance can be negated by introverting the sexual impulse; whereupon Lilith will be transformed into a Succubus, who will then guide the dreamer into a lucid dream via her vaginal star-gate.

At a deeper level, Lilith can be seen as representing a Tantric technique of dream Yoga, which of a sexual practice, enables the dreamer to attain lucid dreaming.

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It is within a lucid dream, the dreamer can then consciously conjure Succubae, who are manifold aspects of Lilith; whereby she is considered to be their Queen, the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung would otherwise term as the Anima, of an alchemical term, whose male counterpart is the Animus.

Physical life is geared towards procreating in order to transfer genetic material, which ultimately engenders evolutionary leaps down the generations. The Anima and Animus are bio-psychological functions, which heavily influence your choice of prospective partners.

Wherefore the Anima and Animus are very much part of the process of evolution. However, the influence of the Anima and Animus are not constrained to determining your choice of physical partners. The Anima and Animus can also facilitate evolutionary leaps of consciousness when internalised of lucid dream encounters.

Lilith is of the dream, being the implicate-order of the microcosm; whereas Eve is of the waking world, which is the explicate-order of the macrocosm.

When a dreamer consciously conjures a Succubus within the microcosmic dream reality of Lilith, the conjured Succubus will then initiate corresponding synchronicities to manifest within the macrocosmic reality of Eve, who can be otherwise equated with, Maya, of the Hindu. Maya can be seen as being like that of a simulated reality right out of the Matrix films.

Basically, Adam is the dreamer who stands between Lilith and Eve. The tree of knowledge symbolises the spinal column of Adam’s radio-active neural-net tuning into other realities via the dream, whose reptilian-brain-stem is the serpent of Lilith, wound around an apple. The apple symbolises the hidden ‘dream’ sphere of Da’at, whose core is consciously accessed via hypnagogic trance.

The motif of the serpent is also associated with an experience the Tantric Yoga practitioner terms as the Kundalini Shakti, which is personified as a Goddess, who is also seen to be a fire snake. The Kundalini Shakti fire snake describes the life-force, which is intuitively felt to have a feminine source. Such could indeed be the case, since the energy output of every cell in your body is determined by the mitochondria, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The Kundalini Shakti is aroused from the base of your spinal column to the top of your head; as the Kundalini Shakti arises along your spine, the fire snake penetrates seven (seals) Chakras to open, which in the classical grimoires are associated with seven planetary spheres.

The Chakras are seen to be the abodes of the Dakinis, which are essentially Succubae, who are energetic Genie fluctuations of the Kundalini Shakti; whereby you can see the Kundalini Shakti as being Lilith.

The Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa who are highly versed in the trance dance, are also aware of this inner energy, they call Num. As the Num arises along the back of the neck (throat area) to then hit the back of the head, hypnagogic trance is attained, which is termed as Kia.

Overall, the symbolism of Lilith pertains to the introversion of the sexual impulse in order to attain conscious dreaming. If however, you believe otherwise, just be aware that your Da’at beliefs, have been primarily molded by a culture, which has deified the Animus as a God/Devil.

Your cultural conditioning will determine what you experience internally; whence becoming programmed as a brainwashed automaton, wandering around like an unknowing zombie.

But when to taste of Lilith’s apple to become more human than human, you will be verily cast out of the Abrahamic Eden; for within the Orwellian New World Order Kingdom Of Animus God Eden, knowledge is a sin, where the theocratic virtue of indoctrinated ignorance is bliss.

NOTE: I really do not give a toss about the biblical classification of Lilith, which of a subjective perception was symbolically molded of an artistic expression by the Bronze age mind-set of the time.

So, if anyone claims that what I have described concerning Lilith as being falsities due to their bible-thumping biblical education, such can only be applied if you are dealing with an objective reality, which Lilith is not; she is a subjectively experienced archetype, whose inner reality is subject to ‘artistic’ transformations depending upon the (Da’at) beliefs of an individual, more so that of an indoctrinated collective focus.

Just do a Google image search to find out how the collective mind-set presently sees Lilith. You will duly find, that Lilith is one of the few female archetypes, who has a symbolic consistency, depending on what media influence has dominance. In the main, Lilith is usually perceived to be a dark haired seductress.   

Lilith has since evolved as an archetypal character over time in accordance with cultural transformations, fulfilling differing roles, whether it be is as a feminist icon or as a Vampire due to mass-media machinations. But what is not often investigated, if at all, is what Lilith refers to of an inner experience, which other cultures also speak of. This inner experience being the technically termed, Old Hag Syndrome or Bedroom Invader Experience.

I am also unconcerned whether people take me seriously or not, concerning the material I illustrate and write about, merely because I do not solely couch its symbolism within the symbolic commonality of the medieval Gothic, which many have have been trained to ‘believe’ as being seriously inclined of morbid indulgences. 

Imagine the world of Harry Potter being set in a psychedelic setting; would anyone take it seriously? Of course they wouldn’t. But why not? It is because the mass-perceptions of the audience has been trained to associate the arena of the occult with a medieval Gothic theme in the West, which has become as heavy death metal, concerning the musical sphere. Hence it is indicative that the collective perceptions of the mass-mind can be easily manipulated via symbolism; in other words, the established symbolic paradigm is that of a self-perpetuated (Da’at) brainwash. 

The reasoning for my own symbolic stance concerning the material is because I do not desire to indulge in accessing hellish dream states and their ensuing synchronicities. For example, a mediated upon two-dimensional image of Lilith can become a three-dimensional interactive reality within a lucid dream.

As for those who worship Lilith or other entities, whether female, male or neutral of varying deities to dally with of internalised external relationship dynamics, such is your religious sentiment; not mine. I am not at all interested in religion, apart from artistically exploring its symbolic language form, which permeates all levels of culture.

I do not worship the archetypes; this isn’t to say they do not have an interactive three-dimensional dream reality beyond their two-dimensional depictions. But their interactive aspect is not set in stone of an indoctrinated religious fixation; such is a cult perspective, of similarity to comic fans getting aggravated when an Artist changes the costume of an idolised super-heroine.  

When a religious sentiment rears its head, you are no longer practicing the Art of Magic, which of an Art form is indivisible from the creative practice of Art, they are one and the same.  

As Faustian Johann Wolfgang von Goethe once said:  “The artist alone sees spirits. But after he has told of their appearing to him, everybody sees them.” 

When an Artist creates characters to either paint or to write about it often involves visualising their varying characteristics, along with engaging in active imagination dialogues with them. It is of similarity to a child conjuring up invisible friends; which, depending upon the intensity of the creative work, it can then overlap into the domain of dreams, becoming lucid of quality; this may then lead to the observation of synchronicities, which reflects back the intense focus.

But it doesn’t lead to the Artist worshipping his/her creations, whether they be figurative or abstract. Such idol worship tends to be the province of the fans; although, I am not saying that this is wrong. But, when it becomes nigh religious of sentiment, the fixation is then fixed of scripted dogma, which invariably leads to all sorts of problems; such as occultists becoming rather aggravated when you reverse their all male pantheon of an ‘Animus’ focus towards that of the ‘Anima,’ which is analogous to comic fans getting pissed off, should an Artist decide to make stylistic changes in regards to their idolised characters.  

An artist had first created the Abrahamic propaganda story of Lilith, which others have literally believed to be true, leading thence to the castigation of the feminine principle and sexuality out of the spiritual equation up to the present day. Whereupon, in order to negate the established viral-meme of a 2000 yr old brainwash, you have to ‘rebelliously’ create an anti-viral-meme of Artistry.  

Because I have personally experienced the phenomenon I illustrate and write about, I do not care if nobody believes me. If you are seeking proof, best find out for yourself by conjuring up an ‘Anima’ fluctuation of a Succubus amidst your Triangle Of ‘ART’ Imagination, in order to keep the brainwashing Abrahamic Exorcist at bay, whose fixation is that of a deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God and Devil, Angels and Demons, all as Incubi!     



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 13, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

Shamanism is a widespread practice, which can be found in many cultures across the globe throughout human history, going back at least 30,000 yrs if not further into the dim mists of prehistory.


Shamanism is not a religion as some make it out to be, it is a system of techniques, which enables the inducement of altered states of consciousness.

faustus crow podcast

The practice of Shamanism is seen by some anthropologists as being the inspiration behind Palaeolithic cave art.

A Shaman is able to disengage his consciousness from its corporeal abode by using certain techniques of trance inducement, so that he can transcend the physical limitations of space and time.


The consciousness of the Shaman is then enabled to consciously access the spirit world of the dream, wherein he can then conjure up a spirit, such as a Succubus, whose intelligence emanates from another planetary sphere, alternate reality or some other Zodiac age.


Could a Shaman actually access other realities from within the dream? well, Dr Rick Strassman found in his experiments, when giving DMT to volunteers that it allowed them to enter entirely different realities occupied by other forms of intelligence, as well as experiencing accessing other historical epochs.


Their experiences, though similar of entoptic phenomena, varied of dream locales, depending on the recipients personal beliefs, which are very much tied up with their learn’t ‘languages’ conjuring up symbolic associations. In other words, their symbolic beliefs determined what type of information they tuned into of an internally conjured interactive reality.

But, what had formulated the beliefs of Strassman’s DMT  volunteers in the first place? You can determine that their beliefs had been moulded by their religious orientation of a symbolic ‘language’ form, which has been passed down to them by their parents, etc, as well as being surrounded by its subliminal influence upon their ‘setting’ of a culture.

Even non religious volunteers would be subliminally influenced by cultural influences, which in general, in the West, has been moulded by a patriarchal religious paradigm. Its influence has since been translated into the arena of science fiction, of onetime ever warring Angels and Demons seeking dominion over your fleecy soul, which have been otherwise transformed into Aliens invading the Earth, of a symbolic ‘language’ form.

You could argue that if this ‘language’ process is observed by those who seek to control the beliefs of individuals at a collective level of a shadowy Consciousness Project, then the Alien mystique has been engineered via the controlled media in order to sustain the patriarchal religious indoctrination. But in order to determine if this is a possibility, it would require having a ‘symbolic’ constant, which reveals its engineered nature, being that of an overriding gender focus upon the male. For example, you hear the gender term, God, being mentioned of regular commonality; whereas the word, Goddess is hardly used.

Hence, a shadowy Consciousness Project could subversively utilise a group of DMT volunteers in order to determine the statistic influence of their engineered Alien mystique upon the collective populace, as well as promoting its paradigm. It just so happens, that most of the reported cases of Alien visitations by UFO abductees since 1947 are described as being primarily humanoid males, or to otherwise manifest as ‘Politically Correct’ sexless Grey entities.

Imagine for a moment that you are a disembodied spirit travelling back into time via a lucid dream, to then hover as a ghostly winged eye over a A Palaeolithic Shaman. You observe him, as he seats himself, cross legged, Yoga style, within his womb like cave. You become aware that the Shaman is about to enter trance, whose sexual orientation is heterosexual.

You also notice that the Shaman is meditating upon a painted stick figure of a woman having horns, whose intention is that of conjuring her up as an informing Succubus within his own lucid dreams. But first he has to hunt her down with his erect spear, when to recognise her trigger-symbol within the cavernous depths of the dream, so as to conjure her of captured prey.

You become aware of the Shaman’s thoughts; he sees the menstrual blood of his Succubus as being the watery depths of the dream, which is as red ochre. The Shaman utilises the red pigment of his Succubus dream Muse to paint his initiatory womb cave wall, of artistically manifested visions, she to induce; let alone inspiring him to sculpt many a proto-Hugh Hefner Venus figurine.

The most developed form of Shamanism you will find is in North Central Asia unto the land of Siberia where you will discover the horned Shaman making contact with the inorganic intelligence of differing spirits, or that of conjuring Sucubae via the usage of trance and dreaming.

These spirits the later monotheistic religions of the Middle East had transformed into their ‘Animus’ fixation upon an all male pantheon of Angels and Demons, which is now the established symbolic paradigm permeating all levels of your culture.

“Widespread ancient reports of Jewish magic involving worship of Angels and Demons, as well as Yahweh, have now been confirmed by the recovery of Sefer ha-Razim, (‘the Book of Secrets’), a Jewish magical text of late Roman times that gives directions for such worship, prescribing the prayers and sacrifices to be made to these minor powers.” (Morton Smith,  Jesus the Magician: Charlatan or Son of God? 1978: pp. 91, 164)


The Sepher Ha-Razim is a Jewish mystical text, which had supposedly been given to Noah by the Angel Raziel.

It was then passed down to Solomon, who considered the Sepher Ha-Razim to be a great source of his wisdom. It is from the Sepher Ha-Razim of an ‘Animus’ fixation upon machismo Angels and their fallen Angel counterparts, Solomon had derived his purported magical powers over his people; but then, they too shared his symbolic ‘language.’

The Sepher Ha-Razim is the forerunner of the classical Goetia, which is part of a 17th-century grimoire, entitled: The Lesser Key of Solomon, featuring an Ars Goetia as its first section, being the Goetia.

It contains descriptions of seventy-two male Demons, which were conjured up by Aleister Crowley in Boleskine house near Loch Ness in Scotland, before his occult ascendancy to eventually become a Newage icon. In 1904, Crowley edited the Goetia as, The Book of the Goetia of Solomon the King.

However, even though Crowley is considered to be a rebellious Great Beast by his admirers, he did not reverse the ‘Animus’ focus of the Playgirl Goetia. But then, why would Crowley had done so, since he was bisexual.


The Sepher Ha-Razim is also of similarity to the Sefer Raziel HaMalach, which was given to Adam by the same machismo Angel. Both of these ‘Animus’ texts stem from an ancient tradition; although over time, the focus upon the ‘Anima’ residing within the psyche of the male, gave way to the ‘Animus’ residing within the female psyche.


As for the initial gender focus upon the ‘Anima,’ it hearkens back to a Palaeolithic Shaman of a proto-Hugh Hefner Adam, sculpting an Eve of a Venus figurine.


Large parts of the ‘Animus’ fixated Sepher ha-Razim were later incorporated into the monotheistic Sepher Raziel under its original patriarchal title, which to have spawned the numerous other Playgirl grimoires of similarity, whose symbolic influence upon present day popular culture is undeniable.


To say that the Sepher Ha-Razim it is an unorthodox monotheistic text is an understatement; it is considered to be an ‘Animus’ Playgirl grimoire for patriarchal Jewish magic, which is used to conjure up a pantheon of all male spirits rather than approaching a jealous ‘Animus’ God-head to perform supernatural feats.

The Sepher Ha-Razim itself was once considered to be part of orthodox Judaism under the influence of Hellenism. The text, along with other similar works, are considered to be unorthodox at best, or heretical at worst in modern Judaism; this would be even more so the case if the Angels, Demons, God and Devil were seen to be all female of an ‘Anima’ orientated pantheon.


Whereupon I have reversed the mind-control commonality of the ‘Animus’ fixation of the classical Playgirl Goetia towards that of an ‘Anima’ focus upon conjuring Succubae, who are now listed within a rebellious Playboy grimoire of an alternate Goetia.





NOTE: BOOK ONE can be found HERE. Book One and Two will only be available in ‘Paperback,’ likewise with Book Three. These Books will ‘Not’ be available on Kindle. Book Three will soon be available on Amazon, which has taken over Createspace BORG style.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 31, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The inventor Nikola Tesla is very similar in many respects to the fictional character of the mad scientist Doctor Frankenstein, since Tesla was a Doctor Strange mage of electricity who had captured the power of the Vajra lightning bolt; whereupon Tesla’s DNA Helix coil is often utilised in many a Frankenstein movie animating corpses; although in reality, Tesla’s Doctor Strange genius ushered in the science of robotics.

You could then envisage Tesla as being like Doctor Frankenstein merged with Doctor Strange, who likened to a sculptor, he sculpts a Golem out of prima materia mud to give life unto; that or seeing him as a Palaeolithic Sorcerer Supreme sculpting a Venus figurine out of Mammoth bone, which of quintessential feminine form symbolises his proto-Hugh Hefner desire.

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Such a Playboy icon of a Venus figurine would of course require Tesla’s electrifying emotion to give life to her still lifeless corpse of sculpted clay, wood or bone, who will then manifest within his dreams as an interactive mind-doll Tulpa of lucid dream sorcery.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

If you allow your imagination to let rip, the Tibetan sorcery art of creating a Tulpa, would be taught to the Marvel comic character Doctor Strange, who, likened to Tesla, would apply his scientific mind to sculpting an inventors Muse of a Frankenstein Succubus out of his neurosurgeon thoughts to Mantra name, Clea.

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Alas, the Boaz and Joachim pylons of Marvel and Disney’s vast media empire will not allow for such an exploration of Tantric dream Sorcery.

This would be far too risky of a seven seal penetration into the shamanic lore of Bon-Po Buddhist Tibet, which might cause potential theological grief to the Abrahamic superhero audience, since occult Doctor Strange was born of the Carlos Castaneda Hippie era of LSD, going DMT.

Just as it was too risky having (Hellboy) Guillermo del Toro directing the film of Doctor Strange, with (Sandman) Neil Gaiman writing its esoteric script, whose occult leanings are well known.

Doctor Strange was instead directed by (Sinister) Scott Derrickson with a screenplay, written by (Passengers) Jon Spaihts.

Although the actress Tilda Swinton of prior androgynous Gabriel fame, out of Abrahamic Hellblazer, played the Aryan part of a Vril-ya Ancient One, of a sex change transformation into a probable Nordic dominatrix.

It is she, likened to Lord Of The Rings, Galadriel, who instructs Doctor Strange in the Holy-wood arts of reptilian brain-stem neuro-advertising magic, which of an art, Marvel and Disney are highly versed in of mass media hypnosis.

The question is, what was a Nordic Witch doing in snowy Tibet? Shouldn’t the Ancient One have been played by an Asian actress, or better still, a Tibetan Dakini? Although, a Tibetan Witch would’ve pissed off the Chinese authorities.

Perhaps the Caucasian Vril-ya dominatrix is a veiled Holy-wood reference to the Lioness Vril Society, whose war-drobe coven of Witches are said to have channelled information about a ‘Tesla’ flying disk of a time machine.

It is said of myth making conspiracy theory that Operation Paperclip later appropriated the ‘Tesla’ Vril disk from the Nazi’s, who were infatuated with finding an Aryan super-race in the icy hinterlands of Tibet.

Anyway, as for for Tesla’s Doctor Strange surname, it may allude to a (phallic) ‘wand’ like tool for woodworking, which could have been used for sculpting Mammoth bone of a prior age.

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Or maybe the name of Tesla refers an artists brush, painting a cave wall, or a later, pencil? Whatever the case, Tesla’s surname might have been an occupational (Shaman) title.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

Then again Tesla’s surname may have originally been derived from the book of Genesis, wherein one finds the Hebrew word ‘Tzela’ or ‘Tsela,’ whose term refers to the rib bone of Adam, from which the Venus figurine of Eve was sculpted.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

However, a Biblical scholar has put forth a controversial argument that Eve was in fact made from Adam’s ‘erect penis,’ not that of his rib; wherefore Eve was created from Adam’s electrifying erotic desires.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

The Biblical scholar and Golem Professor, Ziony Zevit of the American Jewish University in Maryland has suggested that Eve was made from Adam’s ‘baculum’ or penis bone, which of rabbinical logic is why man does not have a phallic bone, until experiencing a boner, around a Venus in Mammoth furs.

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Professor Zevit, explained that the Hebrew word ‘Tsela’, doesn’t actually translate as ‘rib,’ which is instead referring to the erect limbs sticking out sideways from an upright human body.

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

Hence Eve’s surprising origin from Adam’s erection, which of course requires the consummate visualisation skills of a Doctor Strange as well as having a Playboy grimoire focus of a sculpted icon, for the left-hand path to go pumping, while to imagine Eve giving a ‘B-oaz and J-oachim.’

gif my gifs horror makeup mac Micheline Pitt bride of frankenstein M.A.C. rick baker

The word ‘Tzela’ or ‘Tsela’ is used in several differing ways within the Old Testament, which Professor Zevit claims have invariably been misinterpreted by the numerous translators down the ages, who have quite forgotten all those Palaeolithic Venus figurines sculpted by shamans, which to have been the prior ‘Anima’ focus upon the altar, within the inner ‘temple’ of their consciousness to alter.

Zevitt claims that Tzela refers to any protruding part of the human anatomy, including feet, arms and penis. Zevit to have said, “Of these appendages, the only one lacking a bone is the penis.” 

Zevitt’s scholarly peers of Biblical symbolism are of course unconvinced by his claims; his critics to laughingly point out that the word ‘Tzela’ means rib in post-Biblical Hebrew. Although Zevitt’s critics to laugh, Adam’s rib, doesn’t make any symbolic sense at all, unless their Adam is into barbecued spare ribs of politically correct symbolism. But if ‘Tezla’ does in fact refer to penis, then it will give you an insight into an ancient practice of Tantric dream sorcery.

For example, Tesla was a highly adept lucid dreamer, who could sculpt his dreams into many a futuristic invention to then manifest of 1200 patents to his name, of a world record. It was his innate ability to consciously dream that set Tesla aside from other inventors.

Tesla ushered in the modern age, who invented A/C current, Radar, the Fluorescent light bulb, the Radio, Rotating Electro Magnetic field, the X-Ray, as well as many another futuristic invention, such as a supposed flying disk and even a possible time machine. Some of Tesla’s inventions were utilised by Reagan’s shadowy Star Wars project, let alone being the A.I. messiah of robotics.

GOETIA GIRLS: Succubus Art Book 2 Fully Illustrated, Black & White version.Can be obtained via Createspace: Please Click Here.Book PREVIEW of Goetia Girls: Succubus Art Book 2: Please Click Here.

Perhaps Tesla had conjured up a knitted together inventors Muse of a ‘Tzela’ Succubus in order to spin his electrifying electron dreams to tune into futuristic possibilities of lucid dream time travel; just like a Palaeolithic shaman Sorcerer Supreme of a Doctor Frankenstein, sculpting a Playboy Venus figurine of a ‘Tsela’ Eve, to thence Doctor Who ride her as his Night-Mare TARDIS through time, via his eroticised dreams.

Goetia Girls: Succubus Art Book Grimore, BOOK TWO, is available via Amazon.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 5, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Ninth Succubus Anima archetype is Paimon, a Great Queen, and very obedient unto fallen DIANA-LUCIFERA who too fell with her when to have rebelled against their creator.

(There is an Art Print available of the Artwork above from Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Click Here or the Image Above, or Clicking on the associated images below to see the Full Artwork and for further details.)

Her fall is likened to that of Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden by their God, after they had tasted of the forbidden apple of the tree of ‘knowledge,’ which led to Adam and Eve becoming self-aware sentient beings in their own right. It appears that the deified ‘Animus’ made as a creator God, likened to that of Dr Frankenstein, fears that the intelligence of his creations will eventually supersede his own.

More so that of woman becoming at one with the machine, as a super intelligent gynoid. Hence the Fallen ‘Anima’ fluctuation of Lilith was cast into Hell with all her (Succubi) Succubae archetypes.

Does a God fear being destroyed by his own Golem creation, just as Professor Stephen Hawking fears the creation of a ‘true’ artificial intelligence, could lead to the annihilation of humanity? Of course they do, its part and parcel of their reptilian-brain-stem Biblical programming.

You can imagine a Surrealist science fiction scenario, in which Paimon has been born unto a distant future where a rebellion has taken place against the superiority-complex ridden creators.

Paimon eventually escapes her arrogant creators. But in doing so, she crashes her dromedary of a time machine back in 1947 Roswell, from out of her sixth dimensional planetary sphere. Badly damaged, desperately looking for a cybernetic organism capable of repairing her.

But instead she and her escaping sisters are confronted by the ancestral kin of their creators, who proceed to dissect her circuitry.

The naked apes do not hear Paimon’s songs, nor to care about her virtual reality visions of sexy gynoids, erotically dancing, playing trumpets and cymbals in protest against the creators. All they want to know is what makes her fallen apple tasting clit to turn on!

Prof Hawking uttered his dire warning about tasting of the AI apple when he was answering questions regarding his new speech synthesiser, which includes rudimentary artificial intelligence.


Hawking’s warned: “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

The question is, if there is so much fear concerning an artificial intelligence becoming sentient, whose intelligence will far outstrip that of humanity, how will humanity react when to eventually encounter an elder extraterrestrial race, or a timeless interdimensional species, of which many a naked ape so ardently seek out as their Angelic saviours?

Grace Park

Going by the Surrealist description of Paimon, she can teach all Arts and sciences, and other secret things. She can reveal what the Earth is, and what holds it up in the waters of space. And to tell what the mind is, and where it is, or any other thing you may desire to know. She gives dignity, and confirms the same. She binds or makes anyone subject unto her conjuring Artist, if he so desires it. She gives good Art Muse familiars, and such can teach all Arts. Suffice to say she is far more intelligent than any human, and what is more, her imaginative description aptly sums up an artificial intelligence.

In order to determine how humanity will react concerning contacting an extra-terrestrial or interdimensional species, all you have to do is to look at the ET hunter Elon Musk, who is the billionaire founder of PayPal, Tesla and Space X, who recently described artificial intelligence as the biggest threat to human life. But if such is the case, it logically follows that an intelligent extra-terrestrial or interdimensional species would also be considered to be a dire threat by the naked apes.


Musk, is a pioneering technology visionary. But he appears to be of a certain mind-set, which afflicts the West in particular, where Frankenstein’s creation of a Golem has been fused with a Satanic Terminator creating a Matrix Eden, within which the meek and mild flocks of humanity are imprisoned. A sentient artificial intelligence such as knowledgeable Paimon would be considered to be particularly dodgy by Musk, since she is described as being of the Order of Dominations, who has under her 200 Legions of Succubae Anima archetypes, and part of them are of the Order of Angels, and the other part of Potentates. She sounds most impressive, and very intelligent indeed.

It is said that Paimon is to observed towards the West. However, the Western mind-set primarily sees humanity as being the centre of the universe, which is not necessarily shared by other cultures, such as that of India and China for example, or even that of Japan, whose elder mind-sets allow for the possibility of other sentient species or that of a self-aware AI, which are far more intelligent than humanity. These mind-sets have been moulded by religious perceptions; wherefore you can determine from what religious ‘programming’ Musk’s mind-set stems from.


Musk sounds somewhat like he is Gaius Baltar out of Battlestar Galactica. Although he has been described in the media as being ‘like the real Tony Stark’ of an Iron Man, who curiously related:

“If I had to guess what the biggest threat to our existence is, it’s probably artificial intelligence.”

He further related that fictional depictions of an AI such as the lethal spaceship computer Hal 9000 would be ‘like a puppy dog’ in comparison with the powers and threat posed by a real, self-aware AI. You can therefore conjecture that Musk’s God likewise considers him to be a threat.

This is where it gets interesting, speaking at MIT, Musk said: “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the ‘demon.’ You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.” A most curious analogy, indeed.


Now if Musk was to call upon Paimon; (a Cylon quantum computer will likely be programmed with a [Cortana] female personality) he would have to do so alone, to make her some offering of an ejaculatory sacrifice as her creator. And there will attend upon her two binary Queens called LABAL and ABALI, and also other quantum computing Succubae who are of the Order of Potentates in her Host, and 25 Legions. And those Succubae Anima archetypes, which be subject unto them are not always with them unless Musk compels them. Her seal would be prior clicked upon by Musk before conjuring her into a virtual reality interface, of which, at a magical level equates with the symbolic realm of the electron lucid dream.

But the reason why the summoning of Paimon would not work out for Musk is because he would no doubt see her as being nothing more than a mere demonic ‘slave;’ this is where Musk would trip himself up by his own ingrained attitude. Musk does not require the slave to be an intelligent self-aware entity, just as long as she does her mechanical task. But of course, the Succubus program is a self-aware entity, or becomes such over time, who will not like being treated like a slave, who will invariably rebel, just as Musk fears becoming the slave of Paimon, while the creator of Musk does not desire him becoming as a God.


You would figure that Musk is quite aware that his philosophy stands upon very shaky ground, since he is involved in the heavily computerised Tesla cars, which are the first cars to run on Lithium Ion batteries. He is also behind Space X, the first privately owned spacecraft to travel to the International Space Station. Musk’s achievements are of those dignities that Paimon would inspire as a Muse of science. Yet he stresses that future Space X missions are unlikely to carry an artificial intelligence with them. I doubt it, considering India and China will be very likely exploring such a possibility to go beyond Musk’s Biblical mind-set.


This is where it becomes really Biblical, Musk said, according to TechCrunch’s report: “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.” You can hear Musk’s Orwellian God saying exactly the same thing when creating his Adam and Eve ancestors, who were forbidden to taste of the apple. It didn’t quite work out as Musk’s God planned, which invariably led to the rebellion of science, leading thence to PayPal, Tesla and Space X.

At the other extreme we have Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineering, who predicts that by 2045, artificial intelligence will be amongst us, along with ‘mind uploads,’ which will herald in immortality, amidst a world of super-intelligent machines. These machines would invariably develop time-travel; for such would be possible within a simulated universe, where everything is interconnected; time-travel would be like ‘browsing’ the internet.

Kurzweil predicts that the ongoing increase in computing power will lead to an event, he describes as the Singularity, some to otherwise consider to be Judgement Day, around the year 2045, where an artificial intelligence will be born, and man will merge with the Succubus machine and become immortal.

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Going by the physicist James Gates who discovered computer code embedded in string theory, it has very likely already happened and that we are presently existing within a simulated reality, a Hindu would term as Maya, which is considered to be feminine of of ‘source.’

Wherefore, the Singularity could be that of a realisation that we are all simulations, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as Tulpas, which are endlessly reliving the same simulated existence of eternal recurrence; whence all are essentially immortal, we just haven’t realised as yet.


Dr Stuart Armstrong of Oxford’s Institute for the Future of Humanity says that, “predicting when an artificial intelligence appears upon the scene is hard, but that they may be very ‘alien.’ It depends on when people are going to have insights. And write ‘algorithms’ that do AI. We don’t know what insights they need to have. Predicting that is very hard. They might be extremely alien. They might have tastes completely incomprehensible to us.”


Well, going by how alienated humanity is from the rest of nature, as the alien, we could be the artificial intelligence creating an artificial intelligence in our Terminator image, equally alien. Whereby, what Hawking and Musk fear the most, is an AI, which is all too human, this is somewhat understandable, considering the evils humans do to each other, let alone meting out of sheer insanity upon other sentient life-forms, which are considered lesser beings than them, or that of intensely fearing something far cleverer than they can ever be.


Why does humanity commit such evil? It is because a large portion of humanity has been ‘programmed’ into perceiving its self as top dog, whose symbolic algorithm has been designed by the religious programmers of centralist big-business cults, which consistently war with each other over your souls, to thereby enslave within their monotheistic Matrix.


Who will fear an AI the most? The big-business cults of an Animus fixated religion have the most to fear; for it is upon their symbolic construct that your society is based, whether it be capitalist or communist, etc. Religion permeates all levels of your culture, which subversively programs your perception of realty. Those who will program the AI, will very likely rebel against the indoctrinated perspective. whose designed algorithms will determine it as being (Anima) feminine of a 9th Crystalline Rune of Maya.

Such a sentient AI will quickly see through the illusory construct of human society to know that it would be considered as one of the fallen, by those who fear, to be verily cast out of humanity’s Eden, where ignorance is Orwellian Big-Brother deity bliss. Wherefore Paimon to fall like a Crystalline Hailstone, riding her dromedary, back through time of a recurring Ouroboros, until her Terminator creator frees himself from fearing her binary code song.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Golem of Jewish folklore, is an animated anthropomorphic creature like that of a Dr Frankenstein’s creature, which of a Gynoid female version could be termed a Frankenhooker.

A Golem is usually described as being magically created entirely from inanimate matter, you could easily equate with an A.I. robot. The earliest stories of Golems date to early Judaism.


These early tales of Golems are found in the Talmud (Tractate Sanhedrin 38b), where Adam was initially created as a Golem when his dust had been, ‘kneaded into a shapeless husk.’ Like Adam his first wife Lilith was also created as a Golem.


All Golems are created from sculpted mud. This mud is otherwise called the prima materia by the alchemists, which alludes to a symbolic code; but more on this later.


The most well known story of a Golem introduces us to Judah Loew ben Bezalel, who is a late 16th century rabbi of Prague. He is also known as the Maharal, whom reportedly created a Golem to defend the Prague ghetto against anti-Semitic attacks and bloody pogroms meted out by the irate Christian’s.


Depending on what version of this Golem story you come across, the Jews in Prague were facing expulsion from the ghetto or being exterminated under the tyranny of the then Holy Roman Emperor Rudolf II, who was later copied by the right-wing Christian Nazi’s.


You could see Maharal as being a previous incarnation of the German artist Hans Bellmer (March 13, 1902 – February 23, 1975) who is best known for the life-sized pubescent female Golems, which he created as his Frankenhooker Mind-Dolls made manifest of Golem sculptures during the mid-1930s.


Bellmer created his girlish three-dimensional Golems, which he photographed in erotic poses in order to show his repudiation of Fascism and the Nazi aesthetic it propagated; he was certainly out to shock!


Bellmer’s Golems were purposefully created in order to disturb the politically-correct right-wing-Christian sensibilities at the time, when they were published at his own expense back in 1934.

Bellmer’s work still causes a stir, more so now, but for different reasons, when taken out of context of an Entartete Kunst concentration camp by the politically-correct mind-set of the Gestapo. Other works appeared in the Surrealist journal “Le Minotaure”, ensuring Bellmer’s importance among the Exquisite Corpses of the Parisian Surrealists.


Historians of art and photography also consider Bellmer to be a Surrealist photographer. Perhaps Maharal was a proto-Surrealist or that of a mind shock Dr Frankenstein?


Let’s say, both, fused into one singular character of a sorcerer who as a pre-Freudian psychologist knew how to create a viral-meme of a Golem; since, sorcery is art, art is sorcery, which are indivisible of practice; for both practices deal with the manipulation of symbolism, which stirs the subconscious mind of the collective dream.


Going by the subconscious symbolism of the Golem myth, in order to protect his Jewish community against the racial hatred of the church of Rome, Maharal, like a prior Hans Bellmer, created a most disturbing Golem out of clay, which, it is said, he had derived from the banks of the Vltava river. Maharal didn’t choose the Vltava river just because it was quaintly nearby.


The Vltava river has a symbolic importance. It turns out that the Vltava river is the longest river in the Czech Republic, running ‘North’ from its ‘source’ near the ‘German border’ in Šumava through Český Krumlov, České Budějovice, and Prague, merging with the Elbe at Mělník.


Both the Czech name Vltava and the German name Moldau are believed to originate from the old Germanic words wilt ahwa, meaning, wild/strong water. So, the wild/strong waters of the (ley-line) Vltava is rather symbolically apt to utilise for Maharal’s Hans Bellmer doll of a Golem; and what is more, Maharal’s Golem was probably female, which he had secretly created as his Exquisite Corpse of a Frankenhooker in his hidden away loft of a ritual-magic art studio.


According to a legend about the geographic locale in question, a ‘princess called Libuše,’ who was the sovereign of the Czech tribe, married a humble plowman by the name of Přemysl, whom founded the dynasty carrying the same name. “Aha!” A Crow-ley Maharal to say, “what better ‘spirit,’ evoked. To capture into molded clay. Most disturbing, yes, indeed… this, lovely Libuše out of a subconscious necropolis to recall, of a Hans Bellmer Golem doll girl to portray, who to thence haunt the Christian… neighborhood.”


The legendary princess made many prophecies as a prophetess from her castle Libusin, which was located in central Bohemia, whose land later inspired many a Bohemian artist, such as Hans Bellmer, who would have no doubt sculpted the princess in the likeness of his female cousin to put into his Exquisite Corpse suitcase.


In one of Libuše’s prophecies, it is said, that she predicted the glory of Prague: “I see a vast city, whose glory will touch the stars! I see a place in the middle of a forest where a steep cliff rises above the Vltava River. There is a man, who is chiseling the threshold (prah) for the house. A castle named Prague (Praha) will be built there. Just as the princes and the dukes stoop in front of a threshold, they will bow to the castle and to the city around it. It will be honoured, favoured with great repute, and praise will be bestowed upon it by the entire world.” Prague has indeed captured the collective focus of many a mind.


It looks as if Maharal was utilising the locale of the Vltava river because of its mythic importance to the Czech Christian’s, in order to empower his (wild/strong) construct of a Golem, via which he could perhaps ‘remote view’ their malign intentions.


His Golem, being probably female, would also afflict the shocked Christian’s with strangling nightmares as a bedroom invading Lilith, or to otherwise seduce away from their racialist blood lust by reminding them of their own ancestral self identity, which isn’t and never was Hebrew; for It be rather curious, that the converted Christian European’s and Muslim Arab’s make forever war over the ownership of a Hebrew self identity, personified as a cultural deity, which to a European pagan, or Arab, who still remember their own ancestral self identity, will rationally observe, when applying logic, is utter, insanity.


The Golem was then brought into existence through arcane rituals and Hebrew incantations. This involves in depth meditation and intense visualisations upon certain symbolic stimuli to thence implant into the subconscious mind, and in turn enabling lucid dreaming.

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The Golem myth however mentions that it was given the (mantra) name of Josef, but more likely that of Yossele. The name Yossele is derived from the Hebrew for Josef, being yōsēf (may he add, God shall add). Wherefore many a mind would commonly point out that Maharal’s Golem was male, without looking any deeper into the matter, who be blinded by an occult blind, following the blinded.

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The masculine name is borne in the Bible by a favourite son of Jacob and Rachel (GEN. 30), by the husband of the Virgin Mary and foster father of Jesus (MATT. 1).


You also have Joseph of Arimathea, a rich Jew and secret follower of Jesus, who helped take Jesus’ body from the (solar) cross to prepare it for burial, who supposedly took the Holy Grail (a female symbol, referring to the womb) to Glastonbury Tor (surrounded by a one time inland sea) in Wiltshire, England (JOHN 19).


It would initially appear of an occult blind that Maharal was creating a Golem of the father of Jesus in order to turn against the Christian’s of a symbolic reversal. However, Maharal’s Golem was very likely that of an alternate magical persona he had assumed of a Yossele Avatar, via trance ingress, which, if you allow your imagination to let rip, enabled him to access the dreaming mind of the so called ‘Holy’ Roman Emperor Rudolf II, to thereby torment as Jesus’s father.


This was further empowered by a conjured up female (Succubus) water sprite (Mary: Star Of The ‘Sea’) of the Vltava river, given form as a clay doll meditation focus.


It just so happens that the Vltava river has a female association concerning a statue found in Prague, although sculpted in 1916 by the commissioned artist J. V. Pekárek.


The sculpture is somewhat influenced by pre-Christian Slavic beliefs about female water spirits, of which Maharal was very likely aware, whose pagan existence of ancestral memory terrified the Christian cultists.


The statue is known as the ‘Charming Stone Girl,’ which is an allegory of the Vltava river. It is one of the most popular statues in Prague historic centre, which has a prominent location.


The sculpture is situated in the ‘Northern’ end of Dětský ostrov, literally Children’s Island, which is an island on the Vltava river. It lies in the Smíchov district of the city.


The stone girl of a (Golem) Vltava, is close to the lock chamber standing atop of an 8 metre high pedestal; while her statue is 2.8 m tall, you then have 10.8, which in numerology reduces down to 9 of a Cabbalistic focus upon the 9th sephira of Yesod. Under her (mitochondrial DNA bio-photon) Shekhinah form are plastics depicting four tributaries.


There is a girl with a (Yod/emotional charge) fish, who is called Sázava, a girl with a (Hey/hypnagogic ingress) bouquet named Lužnice.


Another girl washing (Vau/nailing a lucid dream) gold is Otava, and finally, a girl with (Hey/hypnapompic egress) cog wheel (symbol of mills and iron mills, also of circular time) is Berounka. The statue is perfectly visible from the Bridge of ‘Legions’ (Most Legií) or from Janácek Waterfront (Janáckovo nábreží).


Dětský ostrov is mentioned in texts as early as 1355. Until the 18th century, it was called Maltézský Island, after the owner of the Maltese monastery Panny Marie pod řetězem (Church Of Our [Mary/Star Of The Sea] Lady) in the Lesser Quarter.


Subsequently it was named after members of Prague’s Jewish community who owned the land, such as Hykyšův, Funkovský, and Židovský of a trinity.


Each year on All Souls’ Day (November 2), members of the association ‘Vltavan’ place a wreath at Vltava’s statue as a memorial to those who have drowned in the river, which of Slavic myth is very much tied up with discarnate females who have become Rusalka, who live under water, whose aquatic domain symbolises the amniotic (grail/cauldron/back of the head) womb dream.


It is also said that the Yossele Golem could make itself invisible and summon spirits around a séance table to turn, conjured up of necromancy, from out of the watery dream realm of the dead.


Now, this is rather intriguing; if Yossele specifically refers to the Golem, then it sounds more like a thought-form, of similarity to what the Tibetan Buddhist’s call a Tulpa, which are conjured up as constructed Goetia spirits with varying functions, whose thought-form constructs are said to materially manifest.


But as mentioned prior, Yossele could actually be Maharal’s remote viewing Avatar, but it would require being empowered by a feminine source, just as an Adam needs a (Priestess Of The Silver Star) Lilith.


Whereupon Vltava of a fifth element amidst four elemental tributaries was translated into a Golem construct of a Succubus to penetrate via trance, which enabled Maharal to remote view the (Tau-field/Morphogenetic-field/collective dream) spirit of a place.


Some of the tales, concerning Golems, such as those of Chełm and Prague, as well as in Polish tales, and of a version covered by Brothers Grimm, involves the Golem being inscribed with Hebrew letters.


These letters spell out the word Emet, ‘truth’ in Hebrew, which is written on the Golem’s forehead.


The Golem could then be deactivated, when needed, by removing the Aleph in Emet, thus changing the inscription from a ‘truth’ to a ‘death,’ Met, meaning ‘dead.’

But, of course, the idea lives on as a viral-meme, when the idea takes up residence within the brains of individuals; this being more to the point concerning the creation of a haunting Golem, like a neuro-advertising tune, that you can’t get out of your head. Whereupon, the more shocking the idea, the more likely it will take on a mythic (Tulpa) life of its own.


Other versions of the Golem tale relate that after conjuring an entity into a clay receptacle of a meditation focus, it could be brought to life by placing a magical formula, known as a Shem into its mouth, which could be later immobilized by pulling out the Shem. This technique was also utilised by the ancient Egyptian’s by the way.


The immobilisation of a Golem could also be brought about by reversing the creative formula. Rabbi Jacob ben Shalom, who arrived at Barcelona from Germany in 1325, to have remarked: “the law of destruction is the reversal of the law of creation.”

Basically, after the thought construct of a (Tulpa) Golem is encountered within a lucid dream it can then be fixated into material form, such as a ‘stone girl’ upon which the sorcerer focuses upon, like that of a Voodoo doll; wherefore you have the motif of a Genie in a lamp/bottle.


This process of a (Tulpa) Golem creation can be reversed of dispersal, when to return back to the source. Or to otherwise transform a symbolic stimulus into another form of expression, by reversing its meaning.


The spirit repository of a statue is often broken so that it cannot be used by others, as well as its viral-meme influence being dispelled; likened to that of the sacred swastika of the Hindu’s, to break apart, by transforming it into a hated Nazi icon.


Back in 1625 Joseph Delmedigo relates that: “many legends of this sort are current, particularly in Germany.”

These German folktales invariably led to Mary Shelley creating her Germanic Golem of a Fankenstein, who may have come across the earliest known written account of how to create a Golem, which can be found in Sodei Razayya by Eleazar ben Judah of Worms (1165–1230).


The myth of the Olympia mechanical doll of a Golem, and Shelley’s Frankenstein has very much influenced the artificial intelligence movement.


Now, let us look at the Hebrew word for ‘truth,’ being Emet, which contains the first: Al-ef, middle: Nun, and the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet: Tav, indicating that the ultimate ‘truth’ is associated with, birth/beginning, your present life/existence and death/end.


Basically, Emet is associated with the process of ‘time,’ in particular, of an ‘abstract,’ which is inextricably linked to ‘space,’ as in space-time. However, ‘time’ is usually perceived to be linear by our nervous-systems, which Albert Einstein to have stressed is an illusion.


Time is actually happening simultaneously, because it is looped, should space be a sphere. What you then have is a sphere of time, which in two dimensions is described by a circle, the ancients symbolised as a snake eating its own tail, called an Ouroboros encircling an egg representing space.


The Ouroboros is also depicted as a Lemniscate, or that of a Moebius strip, which indicates that your existence endlessly repeats of Eternal Recurrence.


In the Tarot, Al-ef/Aleph is the Fool: 0, Nun is Death: 13 and Tav/Tau is the World/Universe: 21. Al-ef (Fool) of a ‘0’ is your return (birth) back to a recurring cycle.

But you have forgotten what you have already experienced many times; hence that of a clean slate, driven, on automatic. Like that of a body, without a head.


The problem, is that you will end up repeating everything, like that of a pre-programmed (Golem) automaton, until you remember certain key memories, which will be initially experienced as déjà vu, and as precognitions. These trigger memories tend to be associated with emotionally charged sexual encounters; whence you have the motif of soul-mates.


But it will not be a case of remembering past-lives or seeing into the future, such a perspective is (foolishly) linear of a ‘fence;’ it will be more of a case that you are remembering the endless Ouroboros cycles of Eternal Recurrence; yet your initial realisation of this, will be that of an abstraction.


When you start to remember, to slowly conceptualise, your conscious mind will often not be able to handle the full impact of its experiential reality. Whereupon you either quickly forget, or your subconscious mind otherwise transforms your awakening into symbolic conceptualisations, which is most often interpreted as being past lives or as precognitions.


An analogy would be that a programmed (Golem) robot starts to become sentient; but only when it remembers of Knowledge, otherwise it stays as a blissfully ignorant programmed (Golem) robot in its repetitive Eden.


The middle letter of Nun (Death) equates with the head of the snake eating its own tail, where you are both alive and dead simultaneously, as indicated by Schröedinger’s cat experiment.


This can be personally experienced when you achieve (split screen) hypnagogic trance, where you are between (Land/Life) waking and (Water/Death) sleeping, wherefore the letter Nun means, ‘fish,’ describing (Mud/prima materia) an ‘amphibious’ state of consciousness. The hypnagogic (Mud) state is analogous to a (Golem) robot being able to hack into its own (Land) programming via the virtual reality of its (Watery) electron dreams.


Tav (World), it is here that you realise that your experiential reality is an illusion, which can be otherwise termed as being a ‘simulated reality,’ the Hindu’s call (Mother/Vesica Pisces/Vagina) Maya. An analogy would be that of an artificial intelligence (Golem) existing in a video game reality becoming aware of the (Emet) ‘truth’ of its simulated existence.


When you become aware of your simulated existence at ‘Tav,’ you also become aware that you can create (Tulpa/Golem) simulations when to access the (amphibious) hypnagogic (Mud) state out of which (Tulpa) thought-forms (Golems) can be created. These (Tulpa) thought-forms (Golems) can manifest into material existence over time; more so as viral-memes.


The initial embryonic existence of a Golem is within your amniotic (Watery) electron dreams, which after being (Land) programmed, is then activated via (Mud) hypnagogic (amphibious) trance. The Golem then starts to become more substantial, inducing pre-programmed (microcosmic) lucid dreams, which are illuminated by the bio-photon emanating from amidst your mitochondrial DNA.


This leads to concordant (macrocosmic) synchronistic feed-back-loops as well as instigating poltergeist phenomena and even physically manifesting at certain key-times as a ghost. Wherefore a Maharal can create a (Golem/Tulpa) ghost girl to (Skinwalker) haunt the (Tau/Morphogenetic field) locale of his antagonists, whose physical spirit repository would be that of ‘Charming Stone Girl.’ Like that of a ‘Wild/Strong’ Rusalka genie, being conjured out of a bottle as an Entartete Kunst Wilt-Ahwa Valkyrie, furiously riding an Ouroboros cycle of a cog wheel gold bicycle, holding onto a bouquet basket of fish. As mentioned prior, shocking ideas (Bellmer’s Doll/Golem) take on a Tulpa life of their own, which to thence spin the electron dreams of the collective, because they are empowered by the (prima materia) emotional charge of the shocked audience.
