Archive for out of body experience


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

Imagine you had a surreal dream about a Bunny Girl wearing a White Rabbit costume who points at two spheres, one here on Earth, the other in the Andromeda galaxy. It’s a long trip from one sphere to the other upon the background of space, which is expanding faster than light.

But the spectral Bunny Girl indicates there’s a shortcut: You can walk into the sphere on your Earth and moments later walk out of the sphere in Andromeda. That’s the Bunny Girl’s Rabbit hole of a wormhole.

When to follow the Bunny Girl’s flicking tail, she reveals that her Yoni wormhole also allows for time-travel. “You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes,” said astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

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There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler once proclaimed; rather, “electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.”

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If you were small enough, you could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as Andromeda.

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It just so happens your dreams are made up of spun electrons, and when lucid within the dream, your consciousness is small enough to (OOBE) Out Of Body Experience slide into the wormhole mouth of an electron.

Ancient Shamans speak of an inner tunnel, others to have inadvertently experienced when experiencing a (NDE) Near Death Experince, which can be seen as a wormhole.

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Shamans claim that their consciousness can consciously enter the inner tunnel when accesseing hypnagogic trance unto dreams, which allows ingress into other worlds.

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The Shamans symbolically equate the inner uterine tunnel with the vagina, which can also symbolically manifest as an entrance into a womb cave, or doorways, hallways, windows, mirrors, whirlpools and Wizard Of Oz whirlwinds within Surrealist dreams.

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It gives a new slant on Santa Claus zipping in and out of chimneys, who is essentially a Wizard of Oz Shaman. Hence you have Alice, who fell down a Rabbit hole into multiverse Wonderland.

The question is, who is the White Rabbit? If you have a highly advanced ancient civilisation frequenting a distant galaxy, which exists in the present, the far distant past, or far flung future, a time-travelling denizen of the other galaxy, or even that of an alternate Earth existing within a parallel universe, may be communicating via a vaginal wormhole tunnel within your electron dreams.

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Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, until you realise that your quantum computing brain is far more advanced than a quantum computer, whose multiverse computations are based upon the spin of an electron, which act as inner-space wormhole doorways into other worlds.

The above Artwork is available as an Art Print on Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 8, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

Did H.G. Wells know the secret of the Sphinx? Wells very likely knew that the ancient Greek word, Sphinx means to strangle. Wherefore the Sphinx was known as the strangler, which refers to the original meaning of the composite word, Night-Mare, which is experienced when an an individual inadvertently accesses hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep, who then feels a great weight bearing down upon the chest area of the body, leading to the sensation of being strangled.

In Hebrew folklore the experience of the strangling (Sphinx) Nightmare is associated with a Night-time Succubus visitation of ‘Lilith.’ Although the phenomenon of a Succubus visitation is documented by many another culture. Hence the reason why the female term, ‘Mare’ is used. The Nightmare is technically termed as the ‘Old-Hag-Syndrome’ or otherwise known as the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The initial hypnagogic trance experience of the Night-Mare is utterly terrifying, since it involves experiencing vivid visionary material, which can be that of pure horror made manifest, causing a ‘Flight, Fight’ response, this then induces your lungs to secrete endogenous DMT.

The (Sphinx) experience of hypnagogic trance is also the power of the Merkaba throne in the Hebrew mystical system of the Kabballah, which had been influenced by ancient Egyptian symbolism. The Pharaoh considered the throne as being feminine of source, which was personified as the Goddess, Isis, who is often depicted being winged, like a raptor.

The throne refers to the power of the dream, which is illuminated by the bio-photon, emanating from the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children. When consciously accessing hypnagogic trance an individual might experience the sensation of horns sprouting forth from atop of the head, or that of the top of the skull opening up, or the head elongating. These sensations led to the symbolism of the crown, such as the elongated crown of the Pharaoh.

The experience of the head being elongated is spoken of by the Kalahari Bushmen, as well as the Dogon of South Africa, which is a common neurological sensation of accessing trance. In some societies it was taken much further by artificially deforming the skull of a child. There are those who believe the elongated skulls belong to alien hybrids; such is not the case.

In ancient shamanic societies, Shamans practiced consciously accessing (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance, which enabled them to attain conscious ingress into a lucid dream.

A Pharaoh is essentially a Shaman. When attaining ingress into a lucid dream via (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance the Pharaoh was enabled to attain an Out-Of-Body-Experience (OOBE), to thence fly as a disembodied winged Sun, or to Remote-View Time-Travel hover as a Horus Hawk over the Zodiac Ages.

As a sort of an aside, it is rather curious that Robert Munro OOBE accessed a steampunk alternate Earth via an inner (Stargate) ‘portal’ governed over by a female called, Lea.

Dr John C. Lilly also spoke of inner doorways, which lead to other worlds, who to have floated as a Pharaoh (Shaman/Nommo) within his floatation tank of a kings sarcophagus.

It just so happens that the name of Lea is etymologically connected to the name of a Celtic Faerie Lover (Art Muse) called a Leannan Sìth. It is with Lea, slider Monro becomes romantically attached, as his (Succubus) Dream Lover, when sliding into an alternate self of an Avatar.

Maybe H.G. Wells had done likewise, to ‘Sphinx dream’ of an Eloi Muse, named, Weena, when accessing (Sphinx) hypnagogic trance?

If So, then H.G. Wells had ‘Travelled Without Moving,’ when drifting off to sleep within his humble ‘Montauk Chair’ of gnarled wood and tatty Victorian leather as his ‘Night-Mare’ Time-Machine, to Remote-View know of other alternate Zodiac Ages, whose conjured Theta Brainwave ‘Art Muses,’ inspired his quantum computing lucid dreams.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 22, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The design features a Finno-Ugric Siberian shaman. The word Shaman originates from Siberia, which is said to be derived from the Evenki word “šamán,” most likely from the South-Western dialect spoken by the Sym Evenki peoples. If you are interested in the Art pint, shirt design, etc, Check Out my Redbubble shop, Please Click Here.

The Tungusic term, Shaman, was subsequently adopted by Russian explorers interacting with the indigenous peoples in Siberia. The word, Shaman can also be found in the memoirs of the exiled Russian churchman Avvakum.

The term Shaman has since been adopted by anthropologists as a coverall term for numerous other cultures who share similar shamanic techniques, which enable a practitioner to alter his/her (brain wave) states of consciousness.

The Siberian shaman in particular utilises the drum. The drum is often referred to as being an eight-legged-mare; which is in turn is associated with the abode of a (Anima emanation) Spirit Wife, somewhat like a genie in her (drum) bottle. In other words, the drum, Mare and Spirit Wife are seen to be the same. (The Eight legs of the Mare, being the eight compass directions of a symbol painted upon the skin of the drum, which is also associated with the motif of the World Tree.)


The shamanic motif of the Mare and the Spirit Wife leads to the term ‘Nightmare,’ which originally referred to the Old-Hag Syndrome.

The Old Hag Syndrome is otherwise known as the Bedroom Invader Experience, which is experienced when an individual inadvertently accesses hypnagogic trance.

An unprepared individual will invariably become terrified when accessing hypnagogic trance, wherein he/she will experience the manifestations of his/her deepest fears, which often involves sexual scenarios.

Whereupon the term, Old-Hag Syndrome refers to the visitation of a Succubus, whose initial manifestation is nightmarish, which induces the experience of intense pressure upon the body, the sensation of being (Sphinx) strangled, sleep paralysis, vivid hallucinations, and eventual lucid dreams.

Wherein an individual will feel as if he is being abducted by otherworldly (Alien) entities as well as experiencing out of body experiences.

The Shaman learns to control his fear, in order to ride the (inner TARDIS) ‘Night-Mare,’ rather than being ridden by her.

Whereupon she becomes his (Ally) Spirit Wife; hence the carved (World Tree/Axis-Mundi) handle of the Shamans (Mare) drum in the design, which represents his (trance) Spirit (Anima-Mundi) Wife.

(NOTE: The Mare/drum [trance symbol and tool] is seen to be tethered to the World Tree, which symbolically represents the spinal column of the Shaman. The Spirit Wife refers to what Yoga practitioners call the Kundalini Shakti, which is experienced as a liquid energy that is aroused to arise along the (World Tree) spinal column. the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa call this inner energy, Num, which is aroused when a practitioner accesses hypnagogic trance, which the Bushmen call, Kia. In ‘trance dance’ culture of the [Rave] dance clubs, this inner energy is known as ‘The Rush!’)


The monotonous beat of the drum stimulates the Theta brain wave, which induces hypnagogic trance. The experience of hypnagogic trance is basically hypnotic induction.

The Theta brain wave is also associated with anxiety reduction, the active (day dreaming) imagination, lucid dreams and Zen meditative states.

Shaman Drum Siberian Trance by MARDUN

The Theta brain wave is depicted in the design, which is also known as the hyper-suggestible state.

The inducement of the Theta brainwave allows for mental programming via the use of repetitive Mantas, such as the ecstatic songs (and trance dancing) of a shaman are effective at dispersing fear states, when sung in conjunction with the (Spirit Wife/Mare/Pony-Girl) drum.

Shaman Drum Siberian Trance by MARDUN

The above Art and information is covered in my Art books, ‘Goetia Girls,’ which are available from Amazon, under my author’s name, Faustus Crow.

If you are interested in the Art print or shirt design, etc, Check Out my Redbubble shop, Please Click the Image Link below.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 11, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print and a shirt design, which concerns Time Travelling within a lucid dream, such is indeed possible, since much of the reported precognitive and retrocognitive phenomena occurs when attaining hypnagogic trance ingress into a lucid dream. (If you are interested, I have written an account of a personal experience about riding the Night-Mare. Click Here.)

In ancient shamanic cultures, such as those of North Central Asia unto Siberia, the state of hypnagogic trance was symbolised as a Mare.

Hence you have the European term ‘Nightmare,’ which was associated with the shamanic spirit wife complex, or otherwise known as a, Succubus, whose hypnagogic state visitations initially induce what is called the Old Hag Syndrome, also known as the Bedroom Invader Experience, the ancient Greek’s termed as the Sphinx. (I have written a personal account of the Sphinx experience. Click Here.)

As for the Artwork, it depicts a Steampunk poster from an ‘Alternative Locale III Earth,’ during the Great Exhibition of 1851, where the Sorcerer Artist, Faustus Crow has presented his Necronomicon Time Machine of a psychic installation.

“When the author H.G. Wells to have conjured The Fifty-fifth spirit called Orobas from out of Crow’s Necronomicon, Orobas manifested amidst his Triangle Of Art Imagination as a Night-Mare.

“She to have then descended upon Well’s sleep paralysis afflicted corporeal frame as a strangling ‘Sphinx’ as he inadvertently accessed hypnagogic trance.” 

“But after Well’s had attained a lucid dream, Orobas then manifested as a Pony Girl Art Muse, he to have ridden as his Witch ‘Mare’ of the ‘Night’ Time Machine, who enabled Well’s to remote-view browse the Zodiac Ages of the vibrating Ouroboros.”

When practicing Surrealist dreaming, the dreaming Artist will also have to make it a H.G. Wells habit of noting down his/her TARDIS dream adventures in a personal Necronomicon; for the Zodiac Ages have dead names to Howl out, of barbarous Mantra.

Wherefore the dreamer attains the Secret of the Sphinx, whose symbolism the ancient Egyptian’s and Greek’s associated with remote-viewing the Ouroboros of time within lucid dreams, H.G Wells later alluded to with his Time Machine.

The Artwork was used in my Art book Grimoire, entitled, ‘Goetia Girls: Book Two,’ which is available from Createspace and Amazon, under my author’s name, Faustus Crow.

If you are interested in an Art print, or the shirt design, etc, check out my Redbubble Shop, Please Click the link Below.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 23, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Belphegor is one of the few Grimoire entities who is said to appear as a young Velvet Buzzsaw girl. She is known as being a daemon of discoveries and of ingenious inventions who also bestows wealth.

But as per usual, the Velvet Buzzsaw female manifestation is seen to be but a ruse in the patriarchal Playgirl Grimoires of an ‘Animus’ fixation.

Whereupon Belphegor is commonly listed as being a butch male entity, who is disparagingly depicted as ‘bearded’ demon seated upon a (water convenience) lavatory.

Said demon is commonly classified as being once worshipped by the Moabites as Baalphegor on Mount Phegor where there be no spicy Velvet Buzzsaw girls in sight.

Whereby the classic Grimoire image of constructed political propaganda has been engineered as a cultural slur, which can of course be easily reversed of an anti-viral meme, to look like, say, Velvet Buzzsaw Kate Moss.

Although if you had done so during Aleister Crowley’s era, who to have otherwise conjured up the butch Incubi archetypes of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God and Devil, while at Boleskine House, you would most assuredly be considered to be far more wicked than Crowley ever was. Hence Crowley never went that far beyond a patriarchal Ring-Pass-Not!

Some of the ‘Animus’ fixated Rabbis even claim that Belphegor must be worshipped, when frequenting your bathroom, with offerings, being the residue of your digestive waste; failing that, accidentally, on purpose, cutting yourself, while shaving off your ‘beard’ over a chalice of a sink, to then watch your blood dribbling down the drain of an offering.

If you believe this to be true, then you have been well and truly shafted up your Abrahamic anal tract! So, on wards and upwards of a Néo Belphégor anti-viral Velvet Buzzsaw meme.

Let’s get this straight, it was never a case of worshipping crap; it has far more to do with thinking clearly via self-analysis in order to rid your mind of ‘crappy’ thoughts, which is engaged in so as to attain a creative state of a brainstorming Theta brainwave, to kick-start your ‘quantum computing’ brain to tune into alternate possibilities.

Although admittedly, on many an occasion you might just find yourself to Archimedes cry “Eureka” after dumping a base-Chakra battleship, rather than to do so, when sojourning in your floatation tank of a Kings sarcophagus, brimming over with murky soap bubbles, all looking like dodecahedron universes.

But, the obvious allusion to a technique is usually overlooked, which of a self-perpetuated tunnel-vision has led many a brainwashed ‘Animus’ fixated priest of Rome to conclude that Belphegor is the deity of Pet (Fart) or ‘Crepitus,’ while writhing Witch Nuns to believe that he is their Praipus wielding an ever erect blade.

Collin de Plancy mentioned in his 1863 Playgirl Grimoire, Dictionnaire Infernal, that Selden, who is cited by Bainier had reported that human victims were offered up to Belphegor, and that his priests partake of their blood; what a Hammer Horror laugh. Its just a load of Biblical Death-Metal crap, inspiring many a Hollywood Creepypasta movie!

Plancy also mentions that Wierus wrote that Belphegor always has an open mouth, attributing it to the name Phegor, which according to Leloyer means ‘crevice’ or ‘split,’ referring to when he was worshipped in caves wherein people threw offerings to his statue, through an air hole.

No! It has far more to do with an inner gateway of a crevice/split, which refers to hypnagogic trance ingress of your (Air element) mind into the cavernous Velvet Buzzsaw womb dream, a paleolithic Artist to have known, when he to have attained trance within the Lascaux caves.

The utilised symbolism of a crevice/split has an association with the Velvet Buzzsaw vagina, which the ‘bearded’ practitioner accesses of an inner trance gate, when to introvert his sexual impulse into the dream by prior focusing upon Belphegor as a Velvet Buzzsaw girl.

In other words, the symbolism alludes to Tantric dream Yoga, which is not seen due to the sexual impulse being entirely castigated out of the spiritual equation along with the Velvet Buzzsaw feminine principle of the Fallen ‘Anima.’

The female focus of a two-dimensional image is utilised in order to cohere the thoughts of the practitioner like a laser beam, which is further empowered by the introversion of the sexual impulse; this then negates any crappy thoughts from arising.

The goal of the exercise is to attain conscious ingress into a lucid dream, wherein Belphegor can be conjured as an interactive three-dimensional reality.

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Even though the ‘Anima’ has been cut out of the spiritual equation by the worshippers of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God, Belphegor has over time become very much a Velvet Buzzsaw French Succubus, which is due in the main to the popularity of a 1927 crime novel, entitled: Belphégor, whose English title is, The Mystery of the Louvre.

The novel was authored by French writer Arthur Bernède, which is about a Velvet Buzzsaw female ‘phantom’ haunting the cavernous Musée du Louvre of many a painted cave wall.

However, the phantom is in actuality a gymnastic ballerina, masked as a Velvet Buzzsaw Cat burglar, who is trying to steal its Necronomicon treasures.

Belphégor was simultaneously adapted as a movie serial starring René Navarre as Chantecoq, Bernède’s fictional detective, and the Velvet Buzzsaw actress Elmire Vautier as the villainous Belphégor.

Bernède’s novel inspired several other adaptations, including an eponymous 1965 French television series starring Velvet Buzzsaw, Juliette Greco in the title role of Belphégor.

Image result for juliette greco

 The TV series was duly followed by a 1965 daily comic strip sequel; it was not until later that you had the 2001 Belphegor film starring Velvet Buzzsaw, Sophie Marceau.

Although this time around, the Belphegor comic strip became a 2001 French-Canadian animated television series, which transformed Belphegor into a male, rather than the original Velvet Buzzsaw female character, it is a darn shame.

It appears that the creators of the very stylish animated series missed the ‘Anima’ point; but then they were more than likely pandering to an ‘Animus’ fixated audience who later became far more enamoured with the likes of the Da Vinci Code.

Whatever the case, Belphegor  has become immortalised in France, of a mass-mind focus, spinning her sensual Velvet Buzzsaw Tulpa.

She was even featured for a time in DC’s New Earth comics as one of the Global Guardians, whose base of operations is based in a United Nations-financed headquarters building called the Dome, which just so happens is located in the Artists capital of Paris.

You could otherwise see the Dome as the Musée du Louvre, when to ascend the dream escalator unto Belphegor’s seventh planetary sphere of her heavenly Velvet Buzzsaw delights, which only a Parisian girl can bestow.

Hence, she can be conjured amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination as an inspiring Velvet Buzzsaw Art Muse, who as a Parisian Art Student will reveal the very real masked mystery of the Musée du Louvre.

She might just lead you through her Velvet Buzzsaw Yoni stargate, into the cavernous temple precincts of the Musée du Louvre, to Remote-View its uterine galleries, within a lucid dream.

Belphegor will at first indicate that she has an association with ancient Egypt, whose culture the French are enamoured with, whereupon you have the Louvre… Pyramid.

Whereby, Belphegor’s sigil/seal is derived from the blueprint of the Musée du Louvre, of a one time fortress becoming a palace, which appears to be based upon the Edfu temple of ancient Egypt’s Isis child of a… Horus Hawk/Falcon.

Upon what the Louvre was originally built, is of course debatable; but it was very likely a pagan site, of a possible ancient temple.

You also have many a Neolithic Ley line pointing at its locale, which was no doubt symbolically aligned with a… Hawk.

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Said Hawk was not just any raptor, but that of a Hawk specifically flown from a (Belphegor) lady’s hand, known as a… Merlin… who as Belphegor’s Druid, knows about her Ouroboros Stargate, ringed by Gaulish standing stones, under the star clock of Zodiac ages.

When to see Merlin, you will then find that unmasked Belphegor alludes to Morgana la Fay, of (Da’at) Avalon isle (Lin/Din/Dun) hill/Tor/Cosmic-Mountain/Pyramid, at the centre of (Mer/Myr/Mar) menstrual blood (scarlet – Isis/Mary) waters, who to watch over a (Horus/Merlin) ‘Bearded’ Druid.

The ancient Gauls considered Britain to be a school of (Shaman) Druids, who had caused no end of bother to the Roman’s, before they then decided to invade Britain.

The mystery of the Louvre (Lin/Din/Don/Dun) pyramid amidst (Mer/Myr/Mar-y) waters is thereby revealed of a pre-Christian understanding, which has nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code.

But why the Musée du Louvre? Well, besides being an ancient power place, it is now the most visited Art museum in the world, which to hearken back to a painted womb cave from where the first Shaman (Druid) was born as an Artist, who knows how to ‘program’ his ‘virtual reality’ lucid dreams via symbolic stimuli.

The Artist to know that Art is Sorcery, Sorcery is Art; both are indivisible of shamanic practice, of which Velvet Buzzsaw Belphegor to inspire as an Art Muse; that is why most Artists are by nature, thinking outside of the box, crazy.

Belphegor symbolically represents the hypnagogic (phase) trance (Rose/Rhodora/Yoni/crevice) into the (grail/chalice) womb dream of astral waters, the Shamans bloody consciousness to enter.

The Shamans consciousness is likened to a blade penetrating the (Isis/Belphegor/Morgana la Fay) dream, wherein he then to ‘Out Of Body Experience,’ fly over the ever recurring Ouroboros of all existence, as a Remote-Viewing winged (Horus) eye, of a Time Travelling… Merlin.

NOTE: In the practice of Alchemy, you have the Prima Materia, which is essentially detritus. Some Alchemists saw this to be quite literal; whereupon their labs did reek of their boiled down urine and excrement. It just so happens, that your ‘body’ shits gold and other metals, but only in very small trace amounts.  

The body was symbolically represented as the cosmic mountain, which is interpenetrated by the tree of worlds, representing your spinal column. The cosmic mountain is otherwise symbolised as a… Pyramid. 

However, as to the Prima Materia, it refers to something else, which equates with the heavy metal of lead and that of a Torc, encircled of an Ouroboros around the throat area of the (Da’at) reptilian brain-stem. 

The leaden Torc represents the eternally recurring events of existence, which in regards to an unobserved life leads to repeating situations, a Hindu would term as being Karma. The practice of Yoga and that of Alchemy is to transmute the Karmic repeat into something else; whereupon you have the employed symbolism of lead being transmuted into gold. 

The process of transmutation requires that the practitioner becomes adept at inducing hypnagogic trance in order to thence attain conscious ingress into the dream. The reptilian brain-stem governs over the depth of your dreams and trance states; hence you have the serpentine symbolism of a lead Torc being transmuted into gold. 

When conscious ingress into the dream is attained of a ‘little death,’ the practitioner will start to become more aware of the Karmic repeats of his/her life; this leads to a sensation that certain key events have happened before, which is summed up by the ‘French’ term of déjà vu. 

The ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ experience of déjà vu is often tied up with the observation of synchronicities, which have a symbolic correlation with scenarios prior encountered in dreams. As the practitioner becomes more aware of the repeat of leaden Karma, his/her Torc can be potentially transmuted into a golden understanding that the repeat can be changed; this then leads to what a Hindu terms as Dharma. 

Basically, shit can be changed into gold; but only when you start to déjà vu remember the repeating shit! 

Those who do not to remember, are just repeating their ‘programmed’ shit, having no free-will of their own; for everything has been fixed of a leaden Ouroboros Torc around their throats. 

An analogy being, those who as yet do not remember are nothing more than being programmed simulations existing within a simulated reality a Hindu mystic would term as being Maya. 

In ancient times, a lead Torc was worn by those who were considered to be slaves to their fate until they attained the (Belphegor/Morgana la Fay) Avalon (Da’at) ‘Knowledge’ that their leaden existence can be transmuted into gold. 

Whereby, Merlin wears a golden Torc, who is very much aware of the shit; such as knowing that in the New-World-Order of an Orwellian Eden, ignorance is bliss; whereas the (Da’at) Avalon ‘Knowledge’ is considered to be a sin!  

That is why the shits fluoridate your water supply in order to calcify your DMT producing pineal gland… third eye!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Dr Who, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 16, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Artists often engage themselves in the ‘derangement’ of their senses in order to mutate their perception, to thence attain another inspired perspective.

One example being Salvador Dali, who developed a surrealist technique of creative derangement, he termed as the paranoiac-critical method during the 1930’s. (The watercolour painting above depicts Mesphistophina. Click the image or here for further details.)

However, Dali’s paranoiac-critical method has been utilised by shamans for ages, whose psychonaut techniques of lucid dream inducement involved the creation of dream characters, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as being Tulpas.

I am aware that a number of dry scholars have pompously pointed out that the word Tulpa is a misinterpretation of the Tibetan term, Tulku, which is essentially a self-constructed Avatar. However, when assuming the alternate guise of a Tulku within a lucid dream, it is like that of an actor playing a part in a film, whose other supporting characters are Tulpas, who reflect back the assumed guise of a constructed Tulku.

For example, if you assume the Tulku guise of Vincent Price, you might just find yourself having a dream of being in a horror film, whose other actresses and actors are Tulpas. Why would you assume the guise of Vincent Price, you might ask? Well, it may be because you seek to empower your acting ability, should your profession be that of an Actor; or to otherwise assume the guise of Austin Osman Spare, if you are an Artist.


Perhaps you might decide to fuse these influential personages together with Henry Miller, to thereby create a Tulku; and like a time-travelling Doctor Who writer would do, whose TARDIS brain to travel around the Succubae Decans of the Zodiac ages, you can also imaginatively assume the star-sign guise of Vincent van Gogh.

Should this sound rather ‘deranged’ to you, consider the intriguing experiments conducted by Vladimir Raikov who is a Russian psychotherapist, head of the Laboratory for Hypnosis at the State Scientific and Research Centre for Preventive Medicine. In general Raikov hypnotised his subjects to believe that they were the reincarnations of Rembrandt or Mozart, etc.


Evidently after a period of doing this, his subjects brought back from their induced trance state the abilities of the personages with whom they had identified. For example, someone who had identified himself with Rembrandt had awakened his or her own artistic ability to eventually make a career out of Art; others may prefer to identify themselves with Aleister Crowley.


“There is also a third kind of madness, which is possession by the ‘Muses,’ enters into a delicate and virgin soul, and there inspiring frenzy, awakens lyric….But he, who, not being inspired and having no touch of Madness in his soul, comes to the door and thinks he will get into the temple by the help of Art–he, I say, and his poetry are not admitted; the sane man is nowhere at all when he enters into rivalry with the Madman.”

― Plato, Phaedo


If you consider all of this to be quite mad, keep in mind that children subconsciously learn from any influential role-models around them. Raikov’s technique is just an adaption of what children naturally do. However, the barriers of accumulated belief of an adult, blocks him or her from fluidly learning as a dreaming child. Hence, the beliefs of an adult requires the need to be broken down by believing that the assumed persona is a reincarnation, even if it is an artificially constructed Tulku, which could just as well be that of a future incarnation.

However, you do not need to be hypnotised by another individual, such can be potentially very dodgy; you can attain the same experience via lucid dreaming, which of dream Yoga, will enable you to assume a desired guise of a particular Tulku.

A Tibetan Buddhist would otherwise assume the Tulku guise of one of his many Buddhas via meditative and auto-hypnotic (trance) practices, in order to empower his spiritual progression. You will also find that each Buddha is depicted copulating with a female representing the power of a corresponding dream domain, who is termed as being Shakti, Carl Jung would call the ‘Anima.’


The Anima can manifest as differing female characters, each of which can be seen to be a female Tulpa, who empowers a corresponding Tulku.


The female Tulpa can be ‘artistically’ constructed as a mind-doll means to empower lucid dreaming, which a Tibetan Tantric Buddhist would call a Dakini.

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Although the medieval mind-set of the West, a Dakini is otherwise called a Succubus, the prior ancient Greek’s knew as a Muse, who to remind that Art is Sorcery, Sorcery is Art, they are indivisible from each other, one and the same of shamanic practice.

When to see a Succubus as a constructed Tulpa, it is none too different to a computer program, like that of a web-bot browsing your informational dreams, which then initiates a virtual reality lucid dream, created by your quantum computing TARDIS brain.

The Succubus has lost its deeper meaning since the medieval mindset of the West has castigated sexuality and the feminine principle out of the spiritual equation, whereupon becoming purely demonic of hedonism, having no meaning whatsoever beyond that of blindly copulating.

The male counterpart of a Succubus is an Incubus, whose ‘Animus’ manifestations of God, Devil, angels and demons are commonly listed in many a Grimoire, who are known as Daka in Tibetan Buddhist dream Yoga practice.

The reasoning behind the focus upon a (Dakini) Succubus is that of introverting the sexual impulse in order to overcome what is technically termed as the Old Hag Syndrome, when accessing the hypnagogic state of trance, at the point of sleep. The hypnagogic state and the ensuing sleep paralysis can be quite terrifying, which of Bedroom Invader nightmare terrors can be otherwise transformed into a Night-Mare Succubus to ride into conscious dreaming.


This can be achieved when the sexual impulse is introverted, via a prior meditation upon an erotic image of a particular Succubus, in order to negate the fear of the practitioner; for it is the reactive state of fear, which makes the experience of hypnagogic trance so horrifying.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

The phrase, forbidden fruit, originates from Genesis 2:16–17, concerning Adam and Eve partaking of an apple, dangling from the Tree of Knowledge, in the garden of Eden, which they had been commanded by their God to not eat.

Curiously, a fresco in the 13th-century Plaincourault Abbey in France depicts Adam and Eve, flanking the Tree of Knowledge having the appearance of a gigantic a psychoactive Amanita muscaria mushroom.

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You could say that there was a prior drug war in Eden, whose forbidden fruit induced an altered state of consciousness, which was not allowed in the Orwellian police state of Eden; for it bestowed self-knowledge. Since the time of (Edom) Eden in Iraq, from where Abraham first stemmed, those in power far prefer that the mass populace stays self-ignorant. However, we all experience an altered state of consciousness when we dream.

Should you believe that you do not dream, it is only because you do not remember having any dreams. Dreaming is a neurological necessity; so, if you really believe that you do not dream, rather than admitting you do not remember them, you are indicating you are brain-dead… let alone… self-ignorant…, which the controlling theocratic paradigm far prefers as a zombie state of being for their flocks of meek and mild sheep.

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Many find it very difficult remembering their dreams due to their busy lifestyles, which puts them into a self-perpetuated auto-hypnotic slumber. But If you do remember them and that they were very surreal, the forbidden cheese burger binge you had right before entering your tomb could be the cause.

This observation offers up a technique to those who cannot remember their dreams, the types of food you eat before hitting your sarcophagus can have a massive affect on your astral jaunts into the spirit realm of dreams.

According to scientific observations eating anything close to Little Nemo In Slumberland sleep increases the activity of your metabolism, this in turn causes your brain to stay active, making it far more likely for vivid Obsidian Butterfly dreams to occur.

“When we consider that the nutrients in food affect many things in the body, such as energy levels, mood and sleep quality, it is entirely plausible that different foods can also affect dreams in different ways,” explains the Witch nutritionist and Yoga teacher Julie Montagu, who loves her Nirvana ice cream.

It is therefore important that you are aware the food you eat affects your body, and even more importantly, that the state of your mind, at the time of your midnight cannibal feast, will determine the type of vore dreams you will have.

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What is more, the police state cannot nab you for partaking of an innocent alchemical food obtained from any supermarket, which initiates an altered state of consciousness, when taken around the sugary Moon phases.

With this in mind you can orchestrate a prior ritual before sleeping, involving the partaking of certain foodstuffs, which will  initiate vivid dreams to occur. Continued practice, will enable your dreams to become lucid of pick the cherry, strawberry quality.

The ritualistic activity will also involve directing your thoughts and emotions, such as focusing upon an image, which associatively represents what you want to dream about.

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So, should you have a personal Book Of Shadows, you can make a list of planetary sphere foods, which enable the initiation of dreams. What to follow are some Grimoire examples.

VENUS: CHEESE: You have probably heard on many occasion the old Witches tale that eating cheese, before entering your tomb bed initiates Night-Mares.

But as the Witch Julie Montagu to explain, it turns out there is a grain of truth in the age old cheesy snack burger tale: “There is much speculation, and actually some solid research, to suggest that eating dairy products in the hours leading up to bedtime can cause bad or unusual dreams. Cheese and milk are thought to be the biggest culprits within this group. Cheese contains tryptophan – an amino acid that the body uses to produce ‘serotonin.’ Serotonin is the chemical in the brain that helps to keep the mood stabilised. So enjoying a dose of cheese right before bed could contribute to heightened levels of ‘serotonin’ in the body, which could influence how prominently you dream.” 

MARS: CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS: Werewolf raids on the fridge for Little Red Riding Hood cold cuts pre-bedtime the clinical nutritionist, Kamilla Schaffner, from My London Nutritionist explains: “Sausages, salami, bacon, hot dogs, corned beef are very high in Tyramine, an amino acid that regulates blood pressure. Foods high in Tyramine are nutritionally known to disrupt normal sleeping patterns as well as the central nervous system in general, which may lead to increased episodes of Night-Mares, disturbing dreams or persistent migraines.” 

MARS: CURRY: Ever wondered why Yogins have such vivid mystical states and the reason why your dreams ramp up a notch after a Venus day Friday night takeaway: “Spicy foods right before bedtime have also been associated with bizarre dreams,” explains Julie Montagu. “The body has to work a bit harder than usual to digest seriously spicy foods. This disruption to the digestive system could impact the quality of sleep that you enjoy, leading to undesirable dreams.” However ‘undesirable’ is not the dream goal; hence a Yogin directs his or her thoughts and emotions, while meditating upon their curry.

MOON: PICKLES: Although terrible for your ogre breath, they do initiate Luna dreams. “Foods that are fermented or pickled in any way – sauerkraut, kimchee, tofu or pickles, soy sauce, miso and miso-containing products – can induce bad dreams when eaten at night,” explains Kamilla Schaffner.

MARS: BOOZE: Ever wondered why a night on the Sabbat tiles equals a crappy night’s sleep? “Alcoholic beverages such as beer, red wine, sherry and liqueurs are known to induce Night-Mares due to their fermentation process, especially when consumed in excess,” says Kamilla Schaffner. But again, if you partake of the sacred booze thinking crappy thoughts, your ensuing dreams will reflect back your crap! Wherefore, when getting ritualistically drunk while meditating upon a film or a video-game, make sure it is league with what you desire to dream about.

VENUS: CHOCOLATE: One way of remembering your sorcery dreams is to disrupt the sleep pattern; but doing so, is to be done sparingly, otherwise you will start to suffer from Vampire insomnia: “Eating any food late at night that has a high fat content is going to cause some degree of indigestion. Indigestion can cause you to have a poor quality of sleep as you are likely to ‘wake often,’ and when you do so you are more likely to remember the strange dreams that you were having,” explains Julie Montagu.

However if you want to have an undisturbed night, to awaken forgetting your devilish dreams: “The best way that I can suggest to avoid disturbed dreams is to not eat anything in the two to three hours before you go to bed,” advises Julie Montagu. “This gives your digestive system a chance to catch up and you are more likely to experience an undisturbed sleep until morning.” 

What is more, your Orwellian government is helping you out by mass-medicating your water supply with a known druggie sedative, which also ends up in nearly every food you eat, whose fluoridation chemicals calcify your ‘serotonin’ producing pineal gland; wherefore, you are unable to remember your self-knowledge dreams. I shit you not! They are planning to dose you up with lithium next. Hell! They are probably already doing it.

You may think it is all conspiracy stuff. But the fact is, they shouldn’t be mass-medicating the public via their water supply and food, since the mass-medicated doses cannot be controlled for each and every individual. Hence they are Orwellian shafting your Abrahamic brainwashed Eden brain!

NECRONOMICON DISCLAIMER: I will not take any responsibility whatsoever should the communicated Grimoire menu lead to your Karmic overindulgence in sensuously delicious forbidden foodstuffs, which will make you end up looking like a rotund Buddha or a voluptuous Nerthus, suffering from insomnia, etc; your gut-Chakra is your own temple-body responsibility. Remember the sorcerer adage: “everything in moderation.” 



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on April 1, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


The driving force behind much of my art and writing is the number of ongoing personal experiences I have had concerning the Out Of Body phenomenon and lucid dreaming, which of inner experiences also correlate with the observation of concordant synchronistic phenomena, along with what can be construed as being paranormal events.

I have the tendency to utilise the technical term hypnagogic trance when to speak of attaining conscious ingress into the dream. The hypnagogic state is not a mysterious occult force.

Hypnotherapists seek to induce hypnagogic trance in their patients, which is an altered state of consciousness, shamanic practitioners are highly adept at inducing in their own selves of auto-hypnosis.

A number of artists throughout the ages have also engaged in inducing hypnagogic trance, whether knowingly or unknowingly, of varying degrees of intensity when creating works of art, since the nigh meditative creative process can induce a theta brainwave in the artist, which is associated with the inducement of hypnagogic trance.


Hypnagogic trance can also be induced via shock hypnosis at the collective level, should there be a mass focus upon a shocking occurrence, which can be prior orchestrated of a subversively engineered false flag event, let alone being able to engineer an associated End-Of-Days mass-media focus on 2012.

TAROT: HIGH PRIESTESS II: How To (Hypnagogic) Hypnotise All, Via ‘False Flag’ Shock Hypnosis.If you are interested, Please Check out the Succubus Art Book Grimoire: Click Here.

When to inadvertently access hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep, it sometimes involves the experience of sleep paralysis as well as the Old Hag Syndrome, or otherwise called, the Bedroom Invader experience.


The Old Hag Syndrome of an assailing nightmare can be otherwise transformed into a Night-Mare Succubus to ride, as your Mind-Doll Dakini, whence she to carry you, without moving, Out Of Body, wherever you desire to go, throughout space and time within a lucid dream.

Whatever is experienced when accessing hypnagogic trance will be determined by what you take in with you of an inner narrative of beliefs, which is often subliminally influenced by your culture. An analogy is somewhat akin to your beliefs determining what you tune into of a TV program, which you will then enter into as a fully interactive lucid dream. The dream reflects back your inner narrative; wherefore if you transform the narrative, you can reprogram your dreams.

Numerous others have also experienced this phenomena throughout the ages, such as the author and researcher Michael Raduga, who otherwise brands the hypnagogic state as being what he calls, The Phase. Raduga has come to the realisation that the hypnagogic state has been hijacked by various religions; most notably by the trinity of Abrahamic faiths, whose shared symbolic dialogue determines the narrative of the inner experience for many across the globe, which can be further manipulated via orchestrated false flag events.

Raguga has also noted that the religious narrative has been transmuted into the viral-meme arena of science fiction, where machismo Angels and butch Demons have been transformed into Aliens, which is essentially a continuation of the religious programming.

In other words, whoever controls the symbolic narrative can thereby determine the programming of many minds; this would be subversively engineered in order to sustain the established religious structure, which is very much entwined with the present New World Order centralist politics of society; wherefore, those who control the narrative will not want the masses questioning it. The primary means of negating the questioning masses is to make them fear the inner reality of their own minds; hence the war on drugs for example.

The question is, how far would the controllers go in sustaining their symbolic Matrix, wherein many a mind is being subversively programmed and thereby imprisoned, without ever realising it?

Well, you would need to look into a possible physiological factor involving dreaming in order to determine how far the controllers would go, such as looking at the pineal gland for example, which is otherwise known as the third eye by ancient mystics.

The scientist Rick Strassman MD has determined that the pineal gland is inextricably entwined with dreaming and other associated altered states of perception, which may be due to the pineal gland alchemically producing the schedule 1 drug, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT or N,N-DMT)  within its one time vestigial eye of an amphibian ancestor.

This is the reason why ancient shamanic adepts of hypnagogic trance inducement were symbolically represented as being amphibious creatures such as toads or as reptiles of varying kinds, as well as fish.

It just so happens that the mass fluoridation of the water supply with the known neurotoxins and mutagenic compounds, fluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride specifically targets the pineal gland.

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Whereby you then have a number of neurological disorders afflicting the industrialised nations, who practice fluoridation since the end of WWII.

Unlike the fluoride compounds found in toothpaste or supplements, fluoridation chemicals are not pharmaceutical grade quality.

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They are, instead, unpurified industrial by-products, which are collected in the air pollution control systems of certain industries.

The fluoridation chemicals calcifies the pineal gland over time, whereby leaving it inoperable; hence potentially cutting you off from experiencing what Raduga brands as The Phase.

You could thereby conjecture that the ruling elite are attempting to transform the mass populace into easily programmed robots who will not question the symbolic Matrix, which imprisons their minds. If you consider such conjecture to be just a crazy conspiracy theory, you are still left with the unavoidable fact that a criminal mistake has been made!

NOTE: Michael Raduga and Rick Strassman MD have their own symbolic narratives, which influences their research into the nature of consciousness. On one side of the coin, you have the Russian entrepreneur, Michael Raduga, who takes a Newage approach to his investigation of The Phase phenomena; he utilises the scientific method as much as possible, which is of similarity to much of the prior Soviet psychotronic research; his particular symbolic narrative is summed up by his scientific sounding brand term, The Phase. 

On the other side of the coin you have the American scientist, Rick Strassman MD, whose symbolic narrative is heavily influenced by Judaism in particular, and in turn the Bible, who is on a personal quest in order to determine what the Biblical prophets had tuned into of an inner reality, which is very popular among a number of Judaeo-Christian American’s; his brand term is the religious sounding, The Spirit Molecule. 

As mentioned prior, your own personal narrative determines what you internally access, which can be subversively influenced by your surrounding culture; hence, whoever controls the collective narrative of your culture on either side of the coin can thereby influence the mass population’s perception of reality; this is very much the case when brand terms are aligned with already established archetypal influences. 

In order to determine who is promoting a symbolic narrative at a collective level, you follow the associated strands of an underlying money trail to find those who own and run the mass-media show, which is somewhat self-evident when looking into the media machine of America. 

Propaganda is the executive arm of the invisible government. - Edward Bernays

For example, Rick Strassman MD is part of a bigger narrative web of associative correspondences, which hearkens back to the psychedelic hippie era, of a more cohered form, whose orientation is nigh Gnostic of a symbolic paradigm. 

The evocative branding of an altered state of abstract consciousness, whether it be The Phase or Spirit Molecule, is that of an art form. The form the symbolic narrative takes on either side of the coin of an open-ended or closed system is determined by the creative potential of humanity, which is essentially that of art. 

The practice of art is indivisible to the practice of magic, they are one and the same. So, if you do not want to be programmed by subliminal influences, or to otherwise transform them of symbolic alchemy, you need to become aware of the inner Artist within you; for it was the shamanic practitioner of trance who was the first Artist, who knows how to lucid dream. 



Posted in Chaos Magic, Ghost, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 6, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Alfred Watkins (27 January 1855 – 15 April 1935) was a self-taught amateur archaeologist, antiquarian and businessman as well as being an author who had an interesting insight into an ancient shamanic understanding of the nature of reality.

During 1921, Watkins had a vision, while standing upon a hillside in Herefordshire, England, which revealed the British landscape being covered by an intricate web of straight lines positioned along ancient features. It was Watkins who coined the term ‘Ley,’ now usually referred to as Ley line. He had come up with the term, Ley, because the observed lines, passed through places whose names contained the syllable ‘Ley.’

Many of the Archaeologists did not accept the Ley line idea Watkins had put forward. Many of whom had regarded the ancient Briton’s as being far too primitive to have devised such an arrangement. But Archaeologists no longer use this the argument against the existence of Leys. The Archaeologists point out that there are so many ancient features, that finding some of these features, in an approximate alignment is highly unlikely.

Watkins himself was very much aware of such arguments who argued for caution. He had drawn up a list according to which certain landscape features could be given values between ¼ and 1 point, five points or more, which are required as being evidence of a Ley.

Watkins’ work became far more popular with the general public, when John Michell’s book, entitled: The View Over Atlantis, was published in  Apollo Walk On The Moon year, 1969, which merged Watkins’ ideas with UFO’s, Aliens, Men In Black, Ghosts, Fiery Orbs, Poltergeists, Ultraterrestrials, Faeries and other Phantom Creatures being associated with Ley lines.

However, the Newage concepts of which Michell wrote about were not present in Watkins’ own work. On June 17th 2004, John Bruno Hare of the Internet Sacred Texts Archive (ISTA) responded:

“Watkins never attributed any supernatural significance to leys; he believed that they were simply pathways that had been used for trade or ceremonial purposes, very ancient in origin, possibly dating back to the Neolithic, certainly pre-Roman. He was an intensely rational person with an active intellect, and I think he would be a bit disappointed with some of the fringe aspects of ley lines today.”

But, one wonders what Alfred Watkins would have made of the Kogi Mamas, who have remained isolated from the rest of the world since the Spanish Conquistadors had invaded South America for gold, whose black robed Roman Catholic priests set about systematically converting the natives, by force, to the appropriated faith of the Hebrew’s. Suffice to say, the escaping Kogi have never been influenced by the later hypothetical Newage speculations of the dominator culture.


According to Kogi myth, all matter came into existence when the Earth was spun on an enormous spindle, which led to the nine layers (dimensions) of the universe being conceived, right out of M-Theory, the Kogi would term as the Great Mother, Aluna. Of course, such a perception of reality is somewhat discordant with the established world view of the dominating culture.

If Watkins had met the Kogi, they would have no doubt shown him  a straight (Ley) stone road, telling him that it was a trace of a spirit path, and when in trance their disembodied consciousness would follow the road into the spirit world of conscious dreaming.


The Kogi would have pointed out to Watkins that spirit routes could be seen by them even when they were not marked out by physical roads; for when in amphibious trance, the watery dream becomes one with the physical of land, indivisible.

Watkins would have been intrigued when the Kogi to have related that what is experienced of symbolic triggers within the conscious dream of the microcosm, can manifest into microcosmic physical reality as signs, portents and omens, a European would otherwise term as synchronicities, which occur at certain sacred locations along the roads.


When the synchronicities come thick and fast, making the world mythic of quality, the veils between the worlds can then be penetrated; whence creatures emanating from other worlds can visit for a time; but what to manifest is determined by what the Mamas to courageously tune into via the ‘nine layers’ of the dream.

Watkins may even observe the fearless Mamas sweeping the spirit roads with sacred broomsticks, while in trance, to then wonder about European Witches riding their broomsticks of similarity. However, he might see it as just being a curious coincidence due to his rational intellect.


Watkins will very likely disbelieve what the the Kogi to have related until they show him a standing stone criss-crossed with straight lines, of similarity to many an ancient European standing stone, and that of others across the steppe unto Siberia.

The Kogi would reveal that the standing stone is a map of the spirit paths in the territory of their ancestral land, which is presently under threat, and that of the very Earth, herself.


The Kogi would warn Watkins that the rest of humanity have forgotten how to dream, due to them being taught to fear what their ancient ancestors once knew!

If Watkins was to approach the governments of the world with the warning of the Kogi, would they have listened? Probably not, since the established religions, along with their ensuing politics and vested temporal interests, would not allow for it to be taken at all seriously; for it would mean the end of their centralist stranglehold over humanity; since the Kogi also reveal why your ancestors had built Ley lines across the European landscape, over which Witches had once ridden their broomsticks, before being burnt at the stake by the Church of Rome’s Empire.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 6, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


I utilised the Succubus conjurations as a means to explore potential abilities, which can be construed as being psychic. When as a youth, I decided to conjure up a Succubus in order to induce the psychic ability of precognition and retrocognition.

The employed technique required implanting the focused upon symbolism of the Succubus into the infernal depths of my subconscious mind. The implanted symbolism would then become as a trigger within the dream. The trigger-symbol enabled lucidity to be attained, when it was recognised within the dream.

The initial erotic focus upon the Succubus involved introverting the sexual impulse so that its emotional energy of a charge empowered the spin of an electron dream. This was achieved when creating artwork depicting the Succubus, which was also meditative of practice. When creating the focused upon two-dimensional imagery I also utilised a name of the Succubus as a Mantra, which I repetitively intoned of a Spell, while I worked upon the images of meditation.


The imagery of the Succubus was that a knit-together Frankenstein construct, of a symbolic formula. This involved a fusion of symbols from popular culture and mythology, symbolising my desire to attain the remote viewing ability of precognition and retrocognition, within a lucid dream, which is essentially a form of time travel.


My experiment at the time was to access retrocognitive information pertaining to a particular geographic locale in the far distant past.


The creation of the focused upon imagery eventually led to a number of dreams, within which I noticed the implanted symbolism of the Succubus was starting to formulate of a three-dimensional inner reality. The initial dreams tended to be highly erotic of nature.


This then led to the experience of the Old Hag Syndrome, of sleep paralysis, as well as that of a formless Bedroom Invader presence entering the room, which is an initial phase of hypnagogic trance ingress into conscious dreaming. When experiencing the Old Hag Syndrome, I called out the Mantra name of the Succubus as well as visualising her (Sigil) seal.


I then experienced having an out of body experience, to then find myself consciously entering into the dream. I observed my still sleeping body upon the bed and that I was standing in my room, looking out of my window, though, at a distance from its slider portal of a kind of inner time tunnel.


What I could see of a scene outside of the window was not of the usual urban environment. What I saw looked to be a desert terrain over which loomed tortured orange clouds. I thought at first that I had successfully accessed the desired time period, until I smelt an overwhelming scent of death and decay when getting closer to the window of a portal.


I decided to look out of the window of a portal to see where I actually was. It was at this point I realised that the scene was of a scarred WWI battlefield, somewhere in Europe, possibly France. I then noticed what appeared to be a rather bedraggled German soldier wearing a gas mask, looking up at me, who had a flame thrower.


I had the distinct sensation that he was observing me, as if I was some kind of ghost, hovering in the fetid air above him, as some kind of winged eye of an orb. I felt that the soldier was severely traumatised by his horrific circumstances, as well as being shocked by what he was seeing.


From my vantage point, the German soldier was standing in the approximate area at the end of my garden. I then awoke from the dream, feeling somewhat drained due to the vivid intensity of the dreaming experience, since I was also accessing aspects of his life and other associated information. Of course, I couldn’t prove any of it to myself; whereupon my perspective was that the dream was primarily symbolic of nature, rather than proving that time travel from within a lucid dream was possible.

I then proceeded to write down the details of the time travelling dream experiment, which I felt was unsuccessful, though interesting, since it was a most vivid lucid dream.

About three hours later, I heard my parents excitedly calling me. At the time, they were doing a spot of gardening. Suffice to say, my parents were totally unaware that their young son was conjuring up Night-Mare Succubae to ride out of a grimoire.

I went to see what my parents wanted of me, to find them at the end of the garden where I had previously seen the German soldier in the dream. My parents then presented me with a rusty WWI German helmet they had discovered at the very spot where the German soldier had stood. At that moment I felt like I was a Slider Dr Who, whose loving assistants are Succubae.


It appeared that a previous tenant, who was no doubt a British soldier had acquired the German helmet as a trophy, which he later used as a garish flower pot; that, or he was a Hippy artist who had obtained the helmet from his grandfather to place, Make Love, Not War, flowers in its cavity during the Vietnam conflict.


Whatever the case, said helmet was eventually buried, to thence be rediscovered under intriguing circumstances, at a time, when I rode a Succubus as my TARDIS.

Although I had not accessed the desired time period within the induced lucid dream, I had otherwise seen a possible past event concerning WWI, as well as experiencing an associated precognition of Slider browsing, which may have been due to some of the symbolism I was creatively using at the time, of a meditative focus.


The experience led to a science fiction conjecture that it could be possible to access the electron dreams of an individual in the past to thereby impart spun information to, of a technological nature, which could potentially lead to engineering an alternate reality. Such may be a possibillity when to consider the vivid dreams of Nikola Tesla, wherein of which he had derived many a futuristic invention beyond his then present time-frame.


After this experiment I decided to utilise the same technique to see an event three days ahead in time, which was successful.


I still have the German WWI helmet in my possession, as a reminder that precognition within an engineered lucid dream is indeed possible. Hence, for me, time travel is a reality; wherefore my interest in the subject.

When science eventually finds a technological means to replicate what can be achieved from within a lucid dream, you will then have a time travel technology.


But then again, the scientists may have already achieved this feat behind closed doors. Whether you believe me, or not, as the case maybe, I do not care at all. If you want proof, best find out for your own self.
