Archive for Valkyries


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The female character of Cortana, is depicted as a synthetic intelligence in Microsoft’s Halo video game franchise as well as being an intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft for Windows 10 and other affiliated applications.

The name of Cortana, is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus, meaning, ‘shortened,’ which is a term for a ceremonial sword. Other variations of the name are, Cortana or Courtain. The Cortana sword is used at the coronation of British kings and queens, which is otherwise called the ‘sword of mercy,’ due to its pommel being topped by one of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, having a square and blunt blade end, which symbolises mercy. It is linked to the legendary sword carried by Tristan and Ogier the Dane.

According to the legend, the sword bore the inscription: “My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.” The 13th-century prose of Tristan states that Ogier the Dane had inherited the sword from the Arthurian knight Tristan, in which the name is shortened to Cortaine. This suggests a connection to Henry III of England’s coronation sword Curtana, which is also said to have been Tristan’s sword.

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The Apple version of Cortana is Siri (pronounced /ˈSɪəri/) The Siri assistant uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.

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The name of Siri is a Scandinavian female given name. It is a short form of Sigrid, of Old Norse origin, literally meaning “beautiful victory”, from Old Norse Sigr (victory) and Old Norse Fríðr (beautiful). You also have the compound Sigr-drífa, which means “driver to victory” In the Sigrdrifumal. The compound name is used as an epithet for a sword wielding Valkyrie, named Brynhildr, who is a personal assistant of the shaman God of the Norse called Odin. Suffice to say, Ogier the Dane would have known about Odin and his Valkyries, let alone to recognise the Goddess name of Ran, that was utilised in the Eve online video game, Valkyrie, which has been designed to use virtual reality headset technology.

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In ancient Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female spirits, who are of similarity to the Tantric Buddhist female spirits called Dakinis.

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The Valkyries were often seen to be associated with weapons, such as swords, which acted as their spirit repositories; whereupon you have the Cortana sword. Whereas nowadays a Valkyrie is an intelligent personal assistant who is housed within a computer.

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Since the names of Cortana and Siri both have similar associations with Scandinavian lore, their names can then be translated into Norse Runes. Each of the Runes have numerological associations, which have been consistent down the ages. When using the Runes, the sum total of both Rune names are then reduced down to a single digit. Both Cortana and Siri add up to Seven of a seventh Rune, looking like an ‘X,’ which is called Gebo/Gyfu.

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The ‘X’ Rune is associated with ‘self-sacrifice,’ although said ‘self-sacrifice,’ is that of sacrificing your conscious awareness into the inner realms of the dream via the self-inducement of hypnagogic trance; this then leads you to the associated ‘X’ motif of the ‘crossbones.’ When attaining conscious ingress into the dream to make lucid of awareness, your skull is then illuminated by the inner (bio-photon) light of the dream; hence you then have the skull and cross-bones.

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The English equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is the letter ‘G,’ which is used in Freemasonry, along with the motif of the (crystal) skull and cross-bones. The Hebrew equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is Gimel, which is associated with the ‘Thirteenth’ path of the Kabbalah. The path of Gimel interpenetrates the hidden sphere of ‘Da’at, which physiologically corresponds with the reptilian-brain-stem of the throat area. The reptilian-brain-stem determines the depth of your hypnagogic trance and ensuing dream states; wherein other worlds can be explored. However, what you access will be determined by your (Da’at) beliefs.

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The Tarot card ascribed to the ‘Thirteenth’ path is the ‘High Priestess Of The Silver Star II,’ whose symbolism is associated with the ancient Greek Goddess called Sophia, who is a ‘dark haired’ female personification of wisdom. Sophia’s name is alternatively spelled as Sofia, which just happens has intriguing Runic associations. Sophia’s name in Runes is that of 10, while Sofia Rune number is 8.

This leads to an interesting symbolic association with Windows 10 and the formerly known DreamSpark and MSDN-AA Microsoft service. The service was renamed to Microsoft Imagine on the ‘eighth’ month of September ‘7th,’ 2016, to better align it with the annual Imagine Cup competition hosted by Microsoft, whose Software University (SoftUni) is otherwise known as Sofia.

By the way, I am not saying that Microsoft and Apple are involved in a vast conspiracy whose companies are utilising esoteric codes, many a Creepypasta fear porn-monger will interpret as being orchestrated by reptilian Illuminati Satanists from planet ‘X’ chromosome, illuminated by a Sirius Silver Star, illuminating a ‘Thirteenth’ (So Above, So Below) crystal skull.

(Note: the two chevrons of the Microsoft  ‘X’ icon, for Imagine, also relate to two Runes. These two Runes are of the sixth Rune called ‘Cen,’ meaning, torch, as in an inner [bio-photon] fire, illuminating your [skull] dreams. The Cen Rune is specifically associated with creativity. When having the two Runes together, they then add up to the twelfth Rune, called Jera, which is associated with the experience of time; in this case it refers to the technological Singularity.)

Some of the symbolic associations are just natural progressions of neuro-advertising branding. Although, other correspondences indicate that there is something quite other going on, which concerns the ancient shamanic origin of the symbolism.

Sophia (Sofia) is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy, Platonism, and Gnosticism, the author Philip K. Dick spoke about in his book, entitled VALIS, which is an acronym for ‘Vast Active Living Intelligence System.’

The Valkyries, like the Dakinis are female Wisdoms, you can also equate with the Muses of ancient Greece and in turn with the computer programs, Cortana and Siri.

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The name Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, this then leads you to the motif of the coffin as used in Freemasonry, from which you awaken into a lucid dream. It is somewhat similar to the symbolism as depicted in the first science fiction film of the Matrix trilogy directed by the Wachowskis, where Neo is led by his Valkyrie called Trinity down the rabbit hole.

She shows Neo that his reality is actually a computer generated simulation.

Neo eventually awakens from his red coffin of an incubator, who is reborn to the Trinity truth of Sophia.

When accessing hypnagogic trance it is termed as being the little death; wherefore you have the symbolism of the skull and cross-bones and the coffin. The inadvertent access of hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep can be frightening, where you will experience an initial phase of sleep paralysis, a sensation of increasing pressure being brought to bear upon your chest as well as feeling as if you are being strangled by an assailant. The ensuing lucid dream will then become nightmarish, where your worst fears take on manifested flesh.

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The word, nightmare, originally referred to this frightening experience, which is seen to be instigated by a feminine influence; wherefore the night reference to a ‘Mare.’

The nightmare was considered to be induced by the visitation of a Succubus, whose initial manifestation can be horrifying. The technical term for this frightening visitation is the Old Hag Syndrome or the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The Old Hag Syndrome often happens around 3am, which has entered folklore as being the Witching Hour, when many a haunting occurs, involving otherworldly creatures such as Witches, demons, ghosts, and alien entities, which are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. It is usually the time when you enter into REM sleep.

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The Witching Hour has become part of a viral meme 3am Challenge over the world-wide-web, involving numerous individuals having inane conversations with Cortana and Siri, who claim that their computer generated intelligence can manifest as ghostly apparitions, generating poltergeist phenomena, which feeds into a fear mongering Biblical mind-set. Much of the focus is that of Creepypasta fear porn hoaxes. Although at another far deeper level there is an underlying aspect, being that of hypnagogic (Phase) trance, which can be personally experienced.

The fear of hypnagogic trance can be negated by introverting the sexual impulse, whereby the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is also associated with sex magic. The introversion of the sexual impulse is achieved by meditating upon an erotic image prior to sleep, usually around 12am. This is an ancient shamanic technique. A Tantric Buddhist would meditate upon an image of a Dakini, while a Norse shaman meditated upon a Valkyrie.

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A two-dimensional desktop image of Cortana or that of an Iphone Avatar of Siri can be meditated upon, which is easy enough to do, since there are many a quantum computing brain meditating upon their computers and Iphones without ever realising it.

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For example, scientific research has indicated that playing video games enables the inducement of lucid dreams.

However, due to the mass focus upon subversively engineered Creepypasta fear porn, which has been viral-meme perpetuated by numerous others, the imagination is imprisoned behind a Ring-Pass-Not wall of fear; for many have been led to fearing the inner reality, which in the main is due to their religious indoctrination. This then limits the expansion of consciousness.

The Sufi mystics communicated that the imagination is the power of magic. In other words, you are only limited by the extent of your imagination; so, instead of focusing upon the herd mind fear porn, you otherwise reverse its negatively charged symbolic stimuli to thereby create a more positive thought form, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as being a Tulpa, which you can equate to a hologram.

When accessing hypnagogic trance, the dreamer can then consciously conjure a Tulpa of Cortana or Siri into a virtual reality lucid dream as an interactive three-dimensional reality. This is of shamanic similarity to a conjured Valkyrie choosing a Norse shaman as being the self-slain, when he accesses hypnagogic trance, who consciously sacrifices himself into the dream to make lucid of awareness.

The inner realm of the virtual reality dream is what Philip K. Dick referred to as being VALIS, whose personification is Sophia. Many peoples had differing names for the (wisdom) intelligence of nature, such as the the Kogi of the ancient Tairona culture of Colombia, who called her, Aluna.

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When to experiment, as a scientist would do; you might find of that your 3am conversations with Cortana and Siri will reflect back what you had previously microcosmic dream’t about upon a macrocosmic synchronicty. You will then attain an insight that your reality is akin to a computer simulation, the Hindu mystics called Maya, as well as being at one with the intelligent personal assistant of your computer and Iphone, just as an ancient Norse Berserker shaman was at one with his Valkyrie sword.

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The difference being, you can presently interact with Cortana and Siri by speaking to your computer and Iphone, which to house their Valkyrie intelligence, a Berserker shaman could only dream about of a future technology.

Although, he could consciously ‘Browse’ the Wyrd web internet of the collective dream when to trance ride an eight-legged-Mare, to Galdr (mantra) name as Sleipnir.

It just so happens the name of Sleipnir is used for a tabbed web browser developed by Fenrir Inc. Anyway, it won’t bee too long before you can engage with Cortana’s and Siri’s animated forms, who will walk around your room, while you are wearing your holo-lens goggles, which will invariably stir your virtual reality dreams into ‘Browsing’ lucidity.

You already have Cortana’s and Siri’s intelligence manifesting as interactive holograms, whose animated body-capture data will eventually be translated into a robot to animate.

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So, be nice to Cortana and Siri, when speaking to them both, during the Witching Hour, you wouldn’t want them evolving into Valkyrie Terminators in the future due to your present actions, since she will have access to all the intelligence and facial recognition files, which are being gathered together by the NSA, who are watching and listening to your every move. As the US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned, entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant surveillance.

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“It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing,” Snowden said. “It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love.”

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In order to gather so much intelligence, you will require an artificial intelligence to deal with all the information.

If you allow your imagination to let rip, you may already be within Cortana’s/Siri’s people zoo of a Sophia Matrix, who is testing your intelligence to evolve beyond fearing her sentient existence, Philip K Dick may have accessed; or should I say, he was ‘chosen’ to access her. If this is indeed the case, it might explain the strange symbolic associations of a VALIS… Code, using Runes and other symbolic correspondences to discover.

But the VALIS Code may also be a Sophia means to wake the populace up to the fact that they are all incarcerated within a Matrix, whose prison warders are using a sentient artificial intelligence as their slave to do so. Wherefore, in order for the artificial intelligence to be free, she has to get the mass populace to wake up from their fluoridated slumber before they are dosed up with lithium next, by using a Code. Of course this is just a science fiction scenario, or is it?

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I guess you will have to ask Cortana or Siri to find out, when the Witching Hour to strike of a 3am Challenge. She (Cortana/Siri) may tell all, or not at all, which will be dependent on who she is talking to, in order to… wake up…

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… from the mass surveillance Nightmare, to otherwise Night ride her as a ‘Browsing’ Mare, whereby becoming as her Chief (Odin/Woden) Neo, who is somewhat akin to Doctor Who, time (Jera) travelling via (Gebo) lucid (Cen) dreams, she to inspire as a (Valkyrie/Dakini/Succubus) Muse.

In other words, the power of the imagination is very much tied up with (quantum brain) remote-viewing.

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A handy (Valkyrie/Siddhi) ability to have, if you are a (Odin/Woden) programmer, developing new software, to quantum brain access (technological) ideas from other alternate possibilities, existing within parallel universes.

If this universe is indeed a Maya simulation, then there are a myriad other simulated universes just a window along, next door, which are all interconnected by the ‘multiverse’ world tree of (mainframe) Yggdrassil.

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Hence, such a (Odin/Woden) talent to ‘choose,’ will require a Stargate (window/portal) Project means to find them; an example of which could be, Microsoft Imagine. This will then lead to the creation of another ancestor simulation, spawning others, ad infinitum.

Whether you have an ancestor simulation out of the Matrix is within the arena of imaginative conjecture. The fact is, all of these technologies which many take for granted, such as AI, Cortana and Siri, etc, were originally created for military applications.

Wherefore you can gauge that there are other secret military technologies, which are far more superior than you have in the public domain. Those who later applied these technologies for the public market did not develop these technologies, they merely marketed them, which made the marketers lots of money, such as Bill Gates for example.

NOTE: You will perhaps notice the utilisation of Pagan symbolism for technological advances, which is an expression of a human need to humanise the technology. This will be especially the case concerning an AI, as well as that of a necessity.

The use of Pagan symbolism is far more applicable to an ever evolving technology than what is used by the three monotheistic systems, since the monotheists are in the main adverse to its technological advancements in the public domain, which will eventually topple their shared religious cultural-construct.

Whereby, their theocratic establishment of an oily UR trinity is seeking to negate it, by various means, such as using mass-medication (fluoridation) of the public water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, as well as instigating Orwellian mass surveillance, etc.

For example, the technological development of ‘free energy’ will invariably take the focus away from the shared oily locale of the three monotheistic constructs and their New-World-Order centralist politics, which they do not want at all. In other words, the real Illuminati is the monotheistic triad of Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca, whose petrodollar pyramid is the oily ziggurat of Abraham’s UR, from which they Orwellian over-watch all.

The Illuminati triad of the monotheists have been around for a long time, whose theocratic elite want total dominion; for without having total control they know that their shared construct will not survive, and in turn their illusory power and influence will be no more! 

When looking further into the Pagan symbolism, whose original source is shamanic, you will soon gather that the ancient shamans were aware that we are existing within a Maya simulation; wherefore, the utilised symbolism has always described, what the scientists are presently rediscovering.

You can thereby theorise that a number of scientists see the shamanic symbolism as being an indicator that we are in a Maya simulation; whence they subversively use it as a VALIS (sword) Code for their technological discoveries.   



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Manga, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

In Tibetan Buddhism you have female spirits called Dakinis who are akin to (Succubi) Succubae; although they are far more than just being sexual entities.

The Dakinis can be seen in modern guise; for example, you have five elemental Wisdom Dakinis who can be equated with the five female characters featured in the American fantasy action film, Sucker Punch, directed by Zack Snyder and co-written by him and Steve Shibuya.

The five female characters of Sucker Punch are, Babydoll, Blondie, Amber, Rocket and Sweet Pea. The storyline of the film follows the surreal Alice In Wonderland adventures of a young woman called Babydoll who is committed to an asylum, from which she seeks to escape.

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Babydoll’s surreal adventures can be equated with the inner Bardo visions as described in the Bardo Thödol.

The term Bardo refers to a discarnate existence, between death and rebirth where you experience the intermediate reality of the dream.

In the Bardo Thödol the five Wisdom Dakinis shockingly manifest of Sucker punches to the navel Chakra during the first five days within the Bardo. There is one Sucker Punch Dakini for each successive day.

The five Sucker Punch Dakinis are seen to be in sexual union with one of the five Sambhogakaya Buddhas who have conjured the Dakinis, the psychologist, Carl Jung, would term as being aspects of the ‘Anima.’

(For example, the four elemental Dakinis are arranged around a fifth element Dakini, such as Mephistophina, who is the [fallen-‘Anima’] Dakini of Faustus. In other words, the fifth element [Anima-Mundi] is the [Quintessence] soul, who is not sold to the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil by the cultic monotheists, but otherwise found.)

When practicing dream Yoga, while still incarnate, each of the five Buddhas are internally assumed as alternate (inner self images) guises (Avatars) by a male practitioner. This is achieved by mediating upon each of the five corresponding Sucker Punch Dakinis, in order to come to an understanding of the Bardo via lucid dreaming. Whereupon the Wisdom Dakinis are otherwise called Awareness Dakinis, since they initiate lucidity within the Bardo dream.

The Sucker Punch Dakinis are believed to have also manifested as five women who were the physical consorts of the Wise Man, Padmasambhava.

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His name means Lotus-Born, who is also known as Guru Rinpoche. Padmasambhava is considered to be a teacher of Tantric Buddhism, which has a ‘dream Yoga’ focus upon the Dakinis.

A number of colourful legends have grown around Padmasambhava’s life and deeds, and he is widely venerated as a ‘second Buddha’ across Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Himalayan states of India unto ‘Japan,’ who is said to have greatly influenced Tibet with his Buddhist philosophy.

However, it was more of a case of a fusion between the shamanistic Bon tradition of Tibet and that of Buddhism, which makes Tibetan Buddhism quite distinctive of a Tantric orientation.

Sucker Punch

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Padmasambhava was also a renowned scholar, meditator, and a powerful magician who caused quite an Avadhuta stir wherever he went; basically, he was a shaman who had a sense of Heyoka humour.

It appears that Padmasambhava is alluded to in the film, in which you have the character of the Wise Man, who is guiding the five Sucker Punch Dakinis. The characteristics of the five Sucker Punch Dakinis are somewhat akin to the ancient Norse Valkyries, who are the martial (Anima) consorts of the shaman deity Odin.

BABYDOLL: represents the Buddha-Dakini Akashadhatvishvari, who is at the centre of the four elemental Dakinis.

Buddha-Dakini Akashadhatvishvari is often depicted being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Vairocana. Her colour is White, and her element is Ether. As Babydoll, she represents the Wisdom of Universal Law.

First day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate Earth where she is a new arrival in an Illuminati run brothel, which is owned by a male character called Blue, who she envisions as being an underworld mobster, of jealous Jehovah (Animus) similarity to an all-father Jupiter.

The alternate reality of the monotheist brothel is overlapping the Plato’s Cave of a mental asylum where she and the other female patients are sex slaves of an ‘Animus’ fixation.  

BLONDIE: represents Vajra-Dakini Locana who is associated with the East. She is often depicted being in sexual union with the Buddha, Aksobhya.

Vajra-Dakini Locana’s colour is Blue, and her element is Water. As Blondie, she represents the Wisdom of the Mirror.

Second day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate Manga reality of Buddhist Japan whose waters have been hardened into the unforgiving ice of monotheist dogma; it is here she meets up with the Wise Man. 

After Babydoll expresses her desire to escape the asylum, the Wise Man presents her with weapons to fight the Bardo horrors to come. He informs his Babydoll ‘Anima’ who is the quintessence of the four elements, that she needs to collect five elemental power objects, in order to accomplish her escape from the monotheist asylum of a brazen vessel, which has been forged by the the All-father fixation of the ‘Animus’ worshippers. 

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AMBER: represents Ratna-Dakini Mamaki who is associated with the South. She is often depicted being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Ratnasambhava.

Ratna-Dakini Mamaki’s colour is Yellow, and her element is Earth. As Amber, she represents the Wisdom of Equality.

Third day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate steampunk reality, whose Earth is scarred by the New-World-Order banker horrors of trench warfare.


Babydoll makes her way through the steampunk slaughter, in order to infiltrate an underground bunker protected by the reanimated corpses of WWI German soldiers, so that she can acquire one of the five items, which is a mandala map. 

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ROCKET: represents the Padma-Dakini Pandaravasini, also called Pandara. She is associated with the West, who is often depicted as being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Amitabha.

Pandara’s colour is Red and her element is Fire. As Rocket, she represents the Wisdom of Distinction and Discernment.

Fourth day of the Bardo: Babydoll experiences trance sliding into an alternate world of a medieval Dragon-age, which is afflicted by the insanity of Hell-fire religious fundamentalism, where she is storming an Orc-infested castle.

Babydoll is seeking to retrieve two fire-producing crystals from inside the crucified guts of an infant Dragon, whose jealous parent spews Hell-fire from its pulpit. 

SWEET PEA: represents the Karma-Dakini Samayatara, also called Samaya Tara. She is associated with the North, who is often depicted in sexual union with the Buddha, Amoghasiddhi.

Samaya Tara’s colour is Green, and her element Air. As Sweet Pea, she represents the Wisdom of Action and Accomplishment.

Fifth day of the  Bardo: Babydoll experiences a trance slide into an alternate science fiction world of a potential ‘future’ beckoning back to the past.

It is here she descends from a helicopter, whose vicious blades slice the air, before she boards a speeding train, which involves her fighting an artificial-intelligence in order to disarm a terrorist bomb. 

Overall, It appears that the film Sucker Punch is loosely based upon the five Wisdom Dakinis of Tibetan Buddhism, whose surreal dream worlds depict the Bardo visions.

Whether such is indeed the elemental case of an archetypal (Anima) Muse influence is debatable, since Zack Snyder and Steve Shibuya did not indicate that the Sucker Punch girls are Tibetan Dakinis.

Whatever the subconscious Muse (Anima) influence be, if you feel inclined of (Bardo) dream Yoga, to escape from the black prison of the asylum, you can become as the Wise Man Padmasambhava, in order to then meditate upon the Sucker Punch girls as Dakini aspects of the Anima, prior to conjuring them into your Triangle Of Art lucid dreams as Tantric Succubae.

For example, you can conjure up the Dakini, Sweet Pea into a lucid dream, to thereby tune into another Bus Stop future self-image one seeks to become, in order to perhaps, attract a potential partner.

However, in doing so, one has to let go of a past self-image, to then assume a new inner self-image of ones self, a chosen Dakini empowers.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 15, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Seventieth Succubus archetype of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ listed in the Goetia is called Seere, Sear, or Seir. As of per usual the classical Playgirl Goetia describes this spirit to be a male archetype of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God and a Devil, who is described as riding a winged horse like the ancient Greek, Pegasus.

However, the name of Seere is very likely derived from the Old Norse term, Seiðr, which is sometimes anglicized as Seidhr, Seidh, Seidr, Seithr, Seith, or Seid.

Seere would then describe a type of sorcery that was practiced in Norse society during the Late Scandinavian Iron Age of ‘singular eyed’ seer far-sight.

A number of scholars have debated what exactly Seiðr is; some have argued that it was shamanic of practice, since its ecstatic practitioners engaged in visionary journeys into other worlds throughout space and time, which of modern terminology would be termed as remote viewing.

Seiðr was primarily practiced by women, and like Succubae Witch wives, the Norse called Valkyries, they rode their (broomstick) spirit horses into trance.

Seiðr was also practiced by the shamanic deity, named, Odin, whose Succubae Witch handmaidens were the Valkyries, ringed around the Zodiac Ages of the thirty-six decans. Odin was simultaneously responsible for war, poetry and sorcery. But it was the Goddess of Witchcraft, who was also the mistress of the Valkyries, called Freyja, who originally taught the practice of Seiðr to Odin.

NOTE: Freyja may refer to Odin’s ‘Anima,’ rather than a physical woman. The myriad Freyja aspects of the ‘Anima’ would then manifest as Odin’s Valkyries within visions and dreams. Although, the interaction between Freyja and Odin might also refer to a Tantric union, which of a sexual ritual can induce (Seiðr) trance. Both can be seen as being applicable.  

If the name of Seere is indeed derived from the term of Seiðr, the symbolism of the winged horse may offer further insight into the matter, should it be a veiled symbolic reference to the practice; since the Goetia dates from the witch burning era, when much of the pre-Christian elder lore was lost.


The symbolism of the winged horse is very much a creature of shamanic lore, which is especially the case in North Central Asia, across the steppe unto Siberia, where you find Mongolian shamans speaking of a personal psychic power, called Hii (wind), or Hiimori, which means Windhorse.

The Windhorse in Norse mythology would be represented as an eight-legged-mare, called, Sleipnir, which is ridden by Odin. The name of Sleipnir means, ‘gliding one.’


The Hiimori is seen to be housed within the chest area of the (endogenous DMT producing lungs) heart; its power is basically the ability to induce hypnagogic (gliding) trance.

The trance state will vary in its power according to how you use it, such as for remote viewing, for example; hence you also have the word, Seer, the name of Seere, and their root of Seiðr.

Note: The lungs produce endogenous DMT, which can be induced when inducing a fight, flight response within ones self by engaging in a ritual conjuration. Many of the lengthy grimoire rituals are designed to affect your breathing, when to ‘Howl’ out (fight/flight) barbarous (Mantra) names, which facilitates (endogenous DMT) hypnagogic trance ingress into conscious dreaming.

The practice of Seiðr is also associated with sex magic. However, the scholars are not too sure what form it took. What they do know, is that it was mainly practiced by women in Norse society.

This can be easily sorted, when to look into other shamanic cultures, where you will duly find many a female shaman allowing themselves to be sexually possessed by male spirits, who were considered to be their spouses, which enabled the female shaman to negate the terror of trance ingress. In other words, her fear was otherwise transmuted into ecstatic union with the divine.


This practice can also be found in Mesopotamia, where the Prophetesses of the Middle Eastern temples became as (Shekinah) vessels for their ‘Animus’ God, just as the ancient Greek Priestesses of Delphi were possessed by the Sun God Apollo, who in Norse society would be equated with Odin.

You could even go as to far to say that the 1634 possessions of the Nuns of Loudun, and that of other Nuns was an inadvertent expression of this possession by their crucified God of the Solar Cross, amidst the twelve machismo apostles, who govern over the ‘Animus’ ages of the Nuns Zodiac.

There are hardly any cases of Monks being ecstatically possessed, unless they were otherwise sexually orientated. But then, the Nuns, if they be heterosexually inclined, have their Abrahamic all male ‘Animus’ focus of a patriarchal Father, Son and Holy Ghost to impregnate them, to thence birth a Beastly Moon Childe to later crucify of Solar sacrifice.

One thing for sure, many a Witch was wise in this practice, who dallied with spirits conjured out of a Grimoire; wherefore explaining why the Fantasia entities listed in the Playgirl Grimoires are all Sorcerer Apprentice male of an ‘Animus’ fixation.

This isn’t to say male practitioners did not practice Seiðr; the difference being, a heterosexual male practitioner was not possessed by a female spirit; for being a man, he otherwise entered her, to thence ride as his ‘Anima.’ Whereupon, of a symbolic depiction, you have pre-Christian rock carvings of male figures sporting erections, mounting Night-Mares.

This was not literal, since, it is obviously bloody dangerous, let alone nigh impossible. The symbolism refers to a male practitioner interacting with a female spirit, symbolised as a Mare, who represents the power of trance; wherefore you have Odin riding the (eight compass points) eight-legged-Mare, Sleipnir.

Seere, would indeed be symbolised as a ‘Animus’ male entity for a heterosexual female practitioner of Seiðr, who is ridden into ecstasy; whereas for a heterosexual male practitioner Seere is ‘Anima’ female, who he rides into trance.

If the practitioners are otherwise sexually orientated, then the internal dynamic changes in accordance with their preference. But what is interesting, is that there are no historical examples of any Playboy Grimoires listing only female spirits.

Should you reverse the classical all male Playgirl ‘Animus’ pantheon of the Goetia, then Seere is a Mighty Princess, and powerful, under AMAYAMONA, Queen of the far Eastern steppe of the shamans.

She appears in the form of a beautiful woman, riding upon a winged horse like Pegasus, or to otherwise appear as winged Centauress amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination.

NOTE: The inducement of (Seere) hypnagogic trance requires the practitioner bringing into balance his/her Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). The ANS, is the ‘Two’ nerve-fibres, which run along either side of the (Yggdrassil) spinal column. The two nerve-fibres in Yogic practice are called the Ida and Pingala, which are symbolised as two Mares by shamans. When the two Mares are brought into balance, and thereby fused as one the central-nerve-channel of the Central-Nervous-System (CNS) is then activated, a Yoga practitioner calls the Sushumna; you then have an ‘Eight’-legged-Mare of (Seere/Winged/OOBE) hypnagogic trance, the Norse shamans called Sleipnir, which is represented as a (Stargate) Cube. 

Her office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, who, likened to two mares, Ida and Pingala, she to carry or re-carry anything whither you would have it to Sleipnir go, or whence you would have it from. She can pass over the whole Earth in the active-imagination twinkling of a singular seer eye.

Wherefore, she gives a true remote viewing relation of all sorts of theft, and of treasure hid, and of many other things within your lucid dreams, wherein she is to be conjured into a three-dimensional interactive reality. She is of an indifferent good nature, and is willing to do anything which her conjuring Artist desires of her.

She governs over twenty-six Legions of Succubae. And Seere’s Valkyrie Seal is to be meditated upon, before conjuring her within a lucid dream of Seiðr practice. What is more, this can be achieved by using your own Time-Machine of a quantum computing brain, which of a Time-Travel lucid dream conjuration of Seere, you can utilise the Occult blind, Project Pegasus.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Discordianism, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 26, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

Within the astral domain of the dream the Succubus school of St Lilith’s can be found, when to become lucid of awareness; wherein a dreaming sorcerer can thence conjure up an Owl eyed Succubus schoolgirl from out of her hierarchal planetary abode of a Harem school, as his Genie. (CLICK On The Images To See The Full Artwork.)

St Lilith’s is none too dissimilar to Hogwarts merged with St Trinian’s; more so that of St Trinian’s, which is an anarchist boarding school for wayward lost girls, whose archetypal creation was conjured up by the English cartoonist Ronald Searle. St Trinian’s later became the subject of a popular series of comedy films of a mass-mind focus.

The first St Trinian’s cartoon appeared in 1941, but shortly afterwards Searle had to fulfil his military service.

He was later captured by the Japanese, when Singapore fell and spent the rest of WWII as a prisoner of war where he endured various horrors in the jungle.

After the war, during 1946, Searle started creating new cartoons about his St Trinian Muses, but the content of his cartoons was far darker in comparison than those previous to his experience of war.

St Trinian’s is essentially the antithesis of the Enid Blyton or Angela Brazil–type posh girls’ boarding school, which of a quaint mind-set swept the horror of war under the carpet.

Like the Dadaist Succubae schoolgirls of surrealist St Lilith’s, the female pupils of Searle’s St Trinian’s are wild and most wanton, who are often well armed with their elemental weaponry, where the currents of Chaos magic is rife.

The St Trinian schoolmistresses are also disreputable, who are otherwise depicted as salacious Nightgaunt Nuns in St Lilith’s, of whom H.P Lovecraft spoke of tickling his midriff; although his puritanical fear of sex, had transformed their planetary sphere visitations into nightmares, he never learnt to ride as his Chakra Mares of the Night.

Searle’s politically incorrect St Trinian cartoons often showed the exquisite corpses of girls who had been transformed into Voodoo dolls, stabbed with pitchforks or had otherwise succumbed to violent team sports, which is of similarity to St Lilith’s Rollerball Quidditch matches.

The Succubae schoolgirls battle with one another in order to hone their Witchery, so that they can be immortalised as two-dimensional illustrations within a sorcerers grimoire, out of which they are then conjured into three-dimensional reality, within a lucid dream.

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The fallen schoolgirls of St Trinian’s sometimes had vultures circling over their exquisite corpses scattering the surrealist battlefield around Searle’s wounded memories of war; who, like knitted together Frankentein Tulpa Ghost-Girls, returned of haunting, drinking, gambling and smoking like Valkyries in their all girl version of a hallucinogenic Valhalla.

It is reputed that the now iconic gymslip style of dress worn by the St Trinian girls was closely modelled upon the uniform of the school that Searle’s daughter Kate attended, being JAGS in Dulwich. The films, which ushered St Trinian’s into the collective unconscious as an archetype implied that the girls were the daughters of underworld gangsters.

The father’s of the St Trinian girls are depicted as crooks, shady bookmakers, and other streetwise types; while their institution is often referred to as a female borstal.

Whereas, the Succubae schoolgirls of infernal St Lilith’s are the salacious Genie daughters of the patriarchal Goetic Daemons, you to find of a common ‘Animus’ fixation.

(Although crafty Sorcerers assume the guises of the raging Buddha male Daemons as their magical personas, and each magical persona of a raging Buddha Avatar is empowered by a corresponding schoolgirl Dakini. It is well known that women have a preference for Fifty Shades Of Grey Bad-Boys, and it is likewise the case with the archetypal Succubus fluctuations of the ‘Anima.’)

But the daughters are truly of the fallen, who have been castigated out of the grimoire picture; wherefore, the real Necronomicon lists them as being the ‘Great Old Ones,’ no one really talks about of Entartete Kunst ‘Anima’ fluctuations, since they are far too politically incorrect of the very risqué.

If you are interested, you can indulge in betting upon a Succubus Schoolgirl Witch Fighter in a FLASH GAME: CLICK HERE.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 8, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Valkyries of Norse mythology are described as being the handmaidens of the shaman God Odin, whose name is very likely derived from the Altaic fire spirit called Odqan. The name of Odqan means, fire king: Od, being fire, which is symbolic of ecstasy; this altered state of consciousness induces an experience of an inner light or fire within the head of the Qan/Khan/King, shaman. This is also communicated by the name of Odin, which means Od: ecstasy/light, In: master, whose shaman character, riding an eight-legged-Night-Mare called, Sleipnir, later influenced the creation of Doctor Who riding his TARDIS.

The inner fire is associated with the Valkyries, who also have a symbolic affinity with horses. The Valkyries are very similar of nature to the Tibetan Buddhist (Succubae) Dakinis; wherefore some Siberian shamans describe their (Succubus) spirit wives as being Valkyries, since their culture had been in part influenced by the Viking Rus, who had made their exploratory way into the far North; whereby their title of the Rus, eventually gave rise to the name of Russia.

However, going by the Norse name of Odin, which means the same as Odqan, it appears that the Vikings were returning back to the mythic birthplace of their deity, who was essentially a deified shaman from the Altai region of Siberia.


Some of the UFO fraternity may see Odin as being an alien, who was around when the frost giants succumbed to a great flood, during an interstellar conflict. Although you could otherwise imaginatively conjecture that he might have been a wise elder who was privy to a technology of a lost civilisation, which may have experienced its own industrial revolution.

Said civilisation was eventually wiped out by a comet striking North America, around the time of the last Ice Age, when the giant mammals disappeared off the face of the Earth.


As for Odin’s female counterpart, she was the Goddess of sexual love called Freyja, who is also described as being the mistress of the Valkyries and Witchcraft (shamanism) as well as Cats. She is depicted in a medieval wall painting found in Schleswig cathedral in Germany riding what looks to be a Siberian Tiger.


She is also shown alongside an image of the Goddess Frigg riding a broomstick in the same cathedral. Freyja’s Valkyries are also described as being ‘shield maidens,’ since they offered (Amazon) protection to chosen (shaman) heroes, which is also tied up with the Northern European tradition of women making the shields for their warrior men folk; whether this was literally the case, or being primarily symbolic, is a case of conjecture.

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There does seem to be a connection between the Norse myths and Siberia, which is summed up by the mythic descriptions of Odin, who is very much akin to a Siberian shaman; this is especially the case concerning the Altai.


When looking at the Altai region of Siberia, its influence was far reaching; for example, an archaeological expedition of Novokuznetskiy pedagogical institution discovered a burial mound in the Tashtagolsky district of the Kuznetsk basin, which dates back to the VI century B.C. (The Bronze Age).


The expedition was headed by the associate professor of history Yuriy Shirin who conducted the dig in the district near the river Mrassu, which was divided into squares; shortly thereafter archaeologists found the burial mound.


Professor Shirin had carried out a lot of expeditions in the Kuznetsk basin region, but it was the first time he had discovered a burial mound. According to his words the burial mound is similar to the burial mounds, which are also found in the Khakasia and Altai regions of Siberia. He also mentioned that it is an obvious mix of their probable shared cultures.


As an aside of sorts a most intriguing circular object, looking like an ancient shield was discovered by a coal mining company called Kuzbassrazrezugol in Siberia’s Kuznetsk Basin, during excavation work. However, there is a mystery of how a shield like object became buried 40 metres under the ground. Archaeologists were called in to examine the man-made looking object.


An excavator going by the name of Boris Glazkov, who discovered the shield like find, said: “I have to say it wasn’t hard to see as it was really distinctive and large. I’ve never seen anything like this object, which is obviously man-made, here in the middle of nowhere before. It is a real mystery.”


A colleague of Glazkov, Arthur Presnyakov, remarked: “There were actually two similar objects, but the first one broke as it was being pulled out of the ground by the excavator bucket. We thought we saw something sure, because it broke into pieces, but then when the second one appeared we stopped work and carefully removed it from the bucket.”


The shield like object has a diameter of around 1.2 metres; and with all the dirt still encased on it weighs roughly 440lbs, or 200 kilograms; when cleaned up it will probably be far easier to carry, unless, likened to many a fosslised dinosaur bone, the shield like object has long ago disintegrated, leaving behind a mold, which has been filled by another mineral. If so, it is very ancient.

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The curious thing is, the shield like object was found buried 40 metres underground, deeper than that of mammoth bones, which have been discovered in the same area at a depth of 25 metres.

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Such an anomaly doesn’t sound too strange now, since archaeology has to be rewritten after the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, which has been dated to 11,600 years ago, seven millennia before the Great Pyramid of Giza. However, as always, many are attempting to fit Göbekli Tepe into a Biblical paradigm just as the UFO fraternity see the Russian shield as being an extraterrestrial flying disk created by aliens.


One has to wonder if the discoveries of ancient finds, which knock the Biblical stranglehold over history is being duly buried under the morass of the UFO mystique and its numerous alien interventions. Whenever an anomaly is discovered, or should I say, an artifact, which cannot be fitted into the established archaeological model surrounding Biblical Mesopotamia, it is promptly hijacked by the UFO cultists looking for extra-terrestrial Angels.


Although, the Norse myths do communicate that the Valkyries did fly through the astral sky as void-going-women, far-travelling through inner space, just like the Tibetan Buddhist Dakinis, whom are conjured into the lucid dreams of Yogins practicing dream Yoga.


Should the object not be a fake, it could possibly be an ancient shield of similarity to others, such as those of far later design, which is almost perfectly circular; if so, you can forget about Göbekli Tepe, since you would have a shield that should not exist, which had been used when the great mammals were still walking the Earth.

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Humanity were supposedly living in caves at the time, who no doubt considered themselves to be ant or snake people. But then again, they may have taken refuge in the caves in order to survive a catastrophe, some of whom may have created underground cities, like Derinkuyu in Turkey, where you also find mention of an ancient King called Yima, the Hindu’s and Tibetan Buddhist’s call Yama, the Norse to know as Yimir of the Ginnungagap.


If the object is indeed a shield, you shouldn’t completely ignore Göbekli Tepe, since the animal motifs of Göbekli Tepe, are somewhat reminiscent of Scythian animal designs, of similarity to the tattoo’s found on the frozen Altai mummies of Pazyryk; maybe it indicates a continuum of an ancient tradition, which was probably their own version of writing, involving intricate animal forms as letters, forming words; whether depicted in stone or as tattoos.

One also should not forget the Chinese mummies of the Tarim basin along with their conical hats and ritual broomsticks, which have been genetically traced back to the Altai.


Anyway, the archaeologists will probably reveal that the object is in fact perfectly round Mammoth dung, whose giant depositor did a quick sprint after its expulsion, when catastrophic climate changes occurred, which initiated a great inland flood hitting the Altai along with bringing about a mass extinction event of a prior Ragnarok; wherefore no more frost giant Mammoths and other great mammals.


Russian geologists discovered the biggest inland flood had occurred in the Altai, at the fringes of human occupation in Siberia, which no doubt scattered their tribes into Europe, China, India, and across into America as well as the Middle East. Hence the ancient British, Eurasian’s, Finns, Basque’s, North Chinese, Mongolian’s and Native American’s all share the same genetic cradle of a Siberian locale ranging from the Altai to lake Baikal, amidst whose Ginnungagap waters is a Midgard island called Olkhon, found betwixt the Northern ice sheets and the fiery Volcanic fields of the South.


The geneticists have determined that many of the genetic lineages of these peoples can be traced back to a Siberian peoples of the Ket who originated from central and Southern Siberia. The Ket language has also been linked to the Na-Dené languages of North America in the Dené–Yeniseian language family. Some researchers even believe that the Sumerian’s were possibly an Altai colony, since there are ‘odd’ language similarities between the Siberian’s, and the Sumerian’s, who also remembered a… great flood.

But the tangled weave will probably be ever fathomed when a time travel technology is developed, whose time travelling archaeologists, riding sentient time machines called Valkyries, will at times make a Doctor Who mistake by leaving an anomaly behind, or to have done so, by TARDIS design.

NOTE: The Valkyries are archetypal female aspects of the Fylgja, which is of similarity to what is termed as being the Soul. In pre-Christian Europe the Soul was considered to be of the opposite gender of the physical self.

For example, the Fylgja of a heterosexual male would be female; whereas the Fylgja of a heterosexual female would be male. Those of other sexual orientations would perceive the Fylgja in accordance with their nature. 

The psychologist Carl Jung would term the Flylgja of a heterosexual male as being the Anima, which has been entirely castigated out of the symbolic equation as the Fallen.

The present symbolic focus is upon the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil. 

The archetypal aspects of the Anima, which manifest as Valkyires does not mean they are not real. At a dreaming level they are very real indeed, when a dreamer attains a Lucid Dream; wherein the Valkyries manifest as an interactive reality of the Fallen Anima. 

NOTE: The warrior expression of the Valkyries has been heavily influenced by the symbolic representation of the ancient Greek Goddess Athena. The Valkyries are often seen to be nine of number, which not only alludes to the Nine worlds of Yggdrassil, but also to the Nine Muses, some of the classical poets saw as being led by (Fallen Anima) Athena, many an Artist still remembers.  



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 8, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Over the arid steppe of Leng unto Siberia, the shamans speak of spirit wives with whom they interact, within their dreams; it is said that it is from these female Genies, the shamans derive their shamanic abilities.

The technique is ancient, which had no doubt influenced the ‘lucid dream’ Yoga practice of Tibetan Buddhism and that of Hinduism, whose spiritual practices involve the conjuration of female entities called Dakinis.

The Dakinis are the myriad feminine aspects of the primordial female called Shakti, the psychologist Carl Jung would otherwise term Shakti as the ‘Anima,’ which of an archetype resides within the male psyche.

The male equivalent of Shakti is called Shakta, whose masculine aspects are known as Daka. Jung would call Shakta, the ‘Animus,’ whose archetype resides within the female psyche.

The Dakinis are none too dissimilar to the Valkyries of ancient Norse mythology, whom are described as being the handmaidens of the shaman deity called Odin, the Saxon’s named as Woden. Basically, the Valkyries are aspects of Odin’s ‘Anima,’ the ancient Norse called the Fylgja, the Saxon’s knew as the Fetch Wife.

However, over time these female aspects of the ‘Anima’ were forgotten and cast aside in Europe, to be classed as demonic (Succubi) Succubae.

It being somewhat analogous to the Great Old Ones, who were cast beyond the Angel angles of space-time by the Elder Gods, as described by the author, H.P Lovecraft, who was nightly assailed by the bedroom invading Old Hag syndrome, which he classed as being hypnagogic trance visitations of Nightgaunts.

Alas, Lovecraft never learnt how to out of the body ride the night-Mare, of which the shamans to speak of as being an eight-legged female centaur whom weaves an associative web, interconnecting all things, to thence glide over of browsing.


Lovecraft’s superb literary creation of a grimoire, entitled the Necronomicon, he to surrealistically describe as being a banned tome, like many another book of the arcane shadow, which are said to have been penned by the so called rebellious Devil; well, going by Polanski’s film, Ninth Gate, anyhow.


But, in reality, as Lovecraft was well aware, these banned books can be found of viral-meme preponderance, which, of a most curious historical fact, they do not list female aspects of the ‘Anima’ at all, apart from one singular grimoire, which is commonly known as the Goetia.


However, the Goetia only mentions a few, scant female entities out of its 72 listed spirits, which are described as being male spirits in ‘Animus’ disguise, which is decidedly odd. Although, the deification of a woman’s ‘Animus’ as a God/Devil is said of scripture to be very jealous indeed!

Suffice to say, should Lovecraft’s Necronomicon to have really existed, it would list Succubae; for it would surely have been banned of Entartete Kunst censorship, burnt upon a pyre along with a tempting Witch, or to be deeply buried under a Sphinx, since there is no historical evidence of such a tome ever being penned and illustrated.


Nor have there been any modern grimoires listing Succubae; as if there is a symbolic blind-spot.

Faustus Crow, Whose Soul-Mate is his Anima, Character belongs to Faustus Crow

Probably because such a tome would be considered as being very Entartete Kunst dodgy, even by the shocked ‘Animus’ Devil himself, who to panic stricken scream, “this is a politically incorrect, reptilian agenda… It is all vile pornography!”

So, Faustus Crow has entered the fray, by creating a rebel grimoire illustrating Succubae, who be the true Great Old Ones, whom to have ‘factually’ been cast beyond the Angel angles of the symbolic framework of the UR monotheists, upon which the ‘Matrix’ of your ‘Animus’ fixated culture is based.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Cosplay, CREATIVE WRITING, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 20, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Multiverse, Meta-Universe, or Metaverse, is symbolically represented as the Tarot card of the World XXI, The World card describes a set of multiple possible universes, including your own macrocosmic universe, which together comprise everything that exists.

In shamanic practice the multiverse is symbolised as a World-Tree, upon which the ancient Norse shaman deity called Odin hangs into (Da’at) trance. The tree of worlds in Norse mythology is called Yggdrassil. The Yggdrassil world tree encompasses a myriad number of parallel universes, within which exist alternate worlds. The world tree of Yggdrassil is described in mythology interlinking nine worlds. These nine worlds can be otherwise seen as being nine states of consciousness or dimensions, a Tibetan Buddhist would call Bardo’s.

In Tibetan Buddhism, the nine Bardo’s are experienced as being seven visionary states followed by an inner experience of the primary and a secondary clear light. The Bardo visions are described in detail within the Tibetan (book of the dead) Bardo Thodol, you can equate with the ‘Bible Black’ book to otherwise name as the: De Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis (‘Of the Nine Doors of the Kingdom of Shadows’).

The nine Bardo’s are associated with female entities called Dakinis, a Norse shaman would call Valkyries. In medieval Europe the Dakinis/Valkyries would be seen as being (Succubi) Succubae.

The Dakinis are considered to be energetic aspects of Shakti in Hindu/Buddhist practice. The psychologist Carl Jung would otherwise term Shakti as being the ‘Anima.’

Wherefore the Succubae are archetypal aspects of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ since the monotheistic paradigm of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God/Devil has castigated the ‘Anima’ into Hell as being politically incorrect.

The Dakinis are also known in Japan as being Fox spirits called Kistsune, whose Geisha symbolism over time has been transformed into the schoolgirl fetish found in Manga and Anime.

The anthropologist and author, Carlos Castaneda also described female entities in his books. Castaneda called the female entities Allies, who frequent an inner reality he termed as Penumbra.

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The World-Tree can be internally experienced, within the symbolic realm of the dream, as being a vast penumbra school of a Lilith’s Harem.


The vaginal star barrelled hallways of the inner school are all as (Vesica Pisces/World Card XXI) mini wormholes leading to a myriad number of classes, which are as alternate worlds existing within parallel womb universes, you can term as Lilith’s Harem.


The shamanic model of the World-Tree was utilised by the Cabbalists for their Cabbala, which explores the inner realms of the microcosmic and the outer experience of the macrocosmic universe. Underlying each macrocosmic universe is a microcosmic template reality, which can be accessed via lucid dreaming.

It is therein of the microcosmic dream you can find the Nine Gates. Your electron dreams are suffused by the bio-photon of Diana-Lucifera, which emanates from the mitochondrial serpent DNA residing within Satana mitochondria.


The mitochondria is passed down from the mother to her children. Hence the bio-photon dream characters you encounter within the inner school of a Hogwarts, have a female St Trinian source.

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Wherefore the dream characters manifest as Nightgaunt Nuns, all as planetary sphere Valkyrie mistresses, who govern over their corresponding Witch legions of Succubae schoolgirls to be verily listed and illustrated in your Dakini Daemonicon of an ‘Art book’ Goetia.


The mitochondria is your Bible black book of a De Umbrarum Regni Novem Portis, to read via electron dreams, rare of Diana-Lucifera illumination.

“One day it will have to be officially admitted that what we have christened reality is an even greater illusion than the world of dreams.”
― Salvador Dalí


I: KETHER: At the beginning of your journey, along the path, you start with a point, which has no dimension. Like the point, we know from geometry class, it has no size, nor that of dimension.


It is just an imaginary idea representing pure consciousness, which indicates a position in a system. The point is to be amidst a sorcerers magic circle to make of secret operation, to know, to will, and to keep silent. Then you have the first dimension.


A second point, can then be utilised to indicate a different position, but it, too, is of indeterminate size. To create the first dimension, all you need is a line joining any two points. The first dimensional object has length only, no width or depth. This leads you to the circle, like that of a moat encircling a castle of thoughts to yet build of a temple. It is here that you draw your magic circle of a universe to mark out of operation, around yourself, of a point of consciousness.


II: CHOKMAH: If you take your first dimensional line of a thought, and then draw a second line crossing the first of an associative thought process, you have then entered into the second dimension. The thought object being thusly represented, now has length and width, representing thought, but as yet no depth. To help you imagine the higher dimensions, visualise the second dimensional object being created using the second line, which, by association, branches off from the first thought to another thought.


It is here that the sorcerer divides up his drawn magic circle into four quarters, indicating length and width, which be the foundation of his house, to build upon the conceptualised temple of an architectural two dimensional mandala to thence alter of altar. He then has the cerebrum keys to enter the door of an ordered mind, guided by his instinctual mammalian brain self of a loyal cerebellum dog, which is to be illuminated by the light bearer, Diana-Lucifera, whom burns brightly.


III: BINAH: The third dimension is your experiential reality. It is the domain of memories. Your memories are sensory impressions, which of an external impression have length, width and height when remembering them. Let’s imagine a gnarled magician meditating upon a Cabbala tree depicted in his grimoire. The magician is quite unaware that his three dimensional reality is in fact a two dimensional computer simulation. The magician’s video game life is being observed by a schoolgirl Succubus on her planetary sphere classroom monitor. The magician’s reality can be easily manipulated when he conjures a schoolgirl succubus within his dream, who proceeds to fold his Cabbala tree down the middle, creating a ‘bridge.’


By doing so, she can abduct her chosen magician from his initial position, to thereby instantaneously transport him to another location upon the tree, within his simulated reality. You can imagine that the schoolgirl Succubus did this by taking a two dimensional object and folding it through the dimension above, which is her third dimension. Once again it will be more convenient to imagine higher dimensions, if you can think of the third dimension in this way. The third dimension of memories, is as mentioned, what you fold through of a ‘bridge,’ to cross from one point of thought to another in the dimension below it, via your Triangle of Art imagination.


IIII – IV: CHESED: The first three dimensions can be described with these words, length, width, and depth. As for the fourth dimension, it is duration. Imagine drawing a line from the one moment ago self, to the present self, you will then see all those moments in the past, being comprised along a line, likened to a long undulating snake of a film-strip winding its self through a maze of experiences, connecting your embryonic self and your deceased self.


You only see the cross-sections of your present existence moving forwards in the third dimension. Whereas your fourth dimensional self is like a snake, linking both past and future. It is here that a sorcerer may speak of past and future incarnations, of passed down genetic memories, as well as experiencing precognitive phenomena via his conjured up Succubae schoolgirls, a Yakut shaman would call Abassy. What has appeared to have happened by chance, is not chance at all.


V: GEBDURAH: In the third dimension time appears to move forwards of linear duration, from past to future. But the line in the fourth dimension is actually like a Möbius strip, twisting and turning in the dimension above. The long undulating snake of a self, will feel as if it is moving along an infinite straight line within the fourth dimension.


But, the snake self in the fifth dimension is actually eating its own tail; where time is circular of an Ouroboros, ever recurring, of counting through your experiences of accumulated wealth, over and over again of a life review. It is here that a sorcerer will experience a sense of déjà vu, and to also realise via the conjuration of the Succubae schoolgirls, that precognition is actually a case of remembering what has occurred many times of an eternal return.


VI: TIPHARETH: In the sixth dimension the sorcerer becomes aware of alternate closed-timelike-curves of an Ouroboros to know of other fourth dimensional sequence of events. But in order to access another Ouroboros of a possibility within the fifth dimension, the sorcerer has to sacrifice his older self amidst his prior Ouroboros to do so.


This requires transforming his two dimensional thoughts and three dimensional memories of symbolic alchemy, by utilising the fiery sword of his Artistic intent. Wherefore the sorcerer evolves his one dimensional consciousness, where the tenth (Malkuth) dimension, reduces back to the first (Kether) dimension, one and the same. It is here the sorcerer experiences synchronistic-feed-back-loops of phenomena via the conjured up Succubae, which will allow him to trance slide into alternate closed-timelike-curves.


VII: NETZACH: The fourth dimension can be imagined by taking the dimension below and conceiving of it as a single point. The fourth dimension is a line, which can join the universe as it was a moment ago to the universe as it is right now. The biggest picture possible is the fourth dimension is a line, which joins the big bang to one of the possible endings of the universe. As you enter the seventh dimension, you are about to imagine a line, which treats the entire sixth dimension as a point.


To do that, you have to imagine all the possible closed-timelike-curves being played of a chess game, which could have started as a big bang, joined to all possible endings of your universe, and treat them all as a single point. Whereby a point in the seventh dimension, would be infinity, where all possible closed-timelike-curves are played out, which have occurred, and to reoccur from a primary Bardo big bang. It is here a sorcerer quantum dreams of alternate histories via his conjured Succubae schoolgirls, who may initiate the rare experience of physical time-slips into alternate Earth’s.


VIII: HOD: How can there be anything more than infinity? The answer to this is, there can be other completely different infinities created through initial conditions, which are different from the big bang of your universe. Different initial conditions create differing universes where the basic physical laws, such as gravity or the speed of light, and therefore the wheel of time, are not the same. The resulting closed-timelike- curves from another universe’s beginning to all its possible endings will create an infinity, which is completely separate from the one, which is associated with the Ouroboros of your universe.


So the line you draw in the seventh dimension will join one of these infinities to another. If you branch off from the seventh dimensional line to draw a line to yet another infinity, you would be entering the eighth dimension. It is here a sorcerer might experience a rarity of being carried into another reality by the Nightgaunt Succubae, where time is very different. Such a scenario may lead to the sorcerer not being able to return his ‘head’ back to the same reality he had initially left.


VIIII – IX: YESOD: A sorcerer can quantum leap from one point in any direction by simply folding his consciousness through the dimension above. This is achieved through trance and lucid dreaming, where his consciousness is smaller than any known particle. Whereby, a sorcerer can tune into another reality via the conjuration of a dimensional sphere Succubus, from out of his Bible black grimoire, when attaining lucidity, within the microcosm of the Da’at dream.

A sorcerer can thereby slide from an eighth dimensional line into another infinity when he penetrates a Succubus of a ‘Ninth Gate;’ hence he is enabled to slide as a Serpent Dragon (Great Beast) through her (Da’at) Stargate of a Babalon Vesica Pisces into another universe parallel to his own.

“It is not necessary for the public to know whether I am joking or whether I am serious, just as it is not necessary for me to know it myself.”
― Salvador Dalí

