Archive for Wise Man


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Manga, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 15, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

In Tibetan Buddhism you have female spirits called Dakinis who are akin to (Succubi) Succubae; although they are far more than just being sexual entities.

The Dakinis can be seen in modern guise; for example, you have five elemental Wisdom Dakinis who can be equated with the five female characters featured in the American fantasy action film, Sucker Punch, directed by Zack Snyder and co-written by him and Steve Shibuya.

The five female characters of Sucker Punch are, Babydoll, Blondie, Amber, Rocket and Sweet Pea. The storyline of the film follows the surreal Alice In Wonderland adventures of a young woman called Babydoll who is committed to an asylum, from which she seeks to escape.

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Babydoll’s surreal adventures can be equated with the inner Bardo visions as described in the Bardo Thödol.

The term Bardo refers to a discarnate existence, between death and rebirth where you experience the intermediate reality of the dream.

In the Bardo Thödol the five Wisdom Dakinis shockingly manifest of Sucker punches to the navel Chakra during the first five days within the Bardo. There is one Sucker Punch Dakini for each successive day.

The five Sucker Punch Dakinis are seen to be in sexual union with one of the five Sambhogakaya Buddhas who have conjured the Dakinis, the psychologist, Carl Jung, would term as being aspects of the ‘Anima.’

(For example, the four elemental Dakinis are arranged around a fifth element Dakini, such as Mephistophina, who is the [fallen-‘Anima’] Dakini of Faustus. In other words, the fifth element [Anima-Mundi] is the [Quintessence] soul, who is not sold to the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil by the cultic monotheists, but otherwise found.)

When practicing dream Yoga, while still incarnate, each of the five Buddhas are internally assumed as alternate (inner self images) guises (Avatars) by a male practitioner. This is achieved by mediating upon each of the five corresponding Sucker Punch Dakinis, in order to come to an understanding of the Bardo via lucid dreaming. Whereupon the Wisdom Dakinis are otherwise called Awareness Dakinis, since they initiate lucidity within the Bardo dream.

The Sucker Punch Dakinis are believed to have also manifested as five women who were the physical consorts of the Wise Man, Padmasambhava.

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His name means Lotus-Born, who is also known as Guru Rinpoche. Padmasambhava is considered to be a teacher of Tantric Buddhism, which has a ‘dream Yoga’ focus upon the Dakinis.

A number of colourful legends have grown around Padmasambhava’s life and deeds, and he is widely venerated as a ‘second Buddha’ across Tibet, Nepal, Bhutan, and the Himalayan states of India unto ‘Japan,’ who is said to have greatly influenced Tibet with his Buddhist philosophy.

However, it was more of a case of a fusion between the shamanistic Bon tradition of Tibet and that of Buddhism, which makes Tibetan Buddhism quite distinctive of a Tantric orientation.

Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch Gif - ID: 181234 - Gif Abyss

Padmasambhava was also a renowned scholar, meditator, and a powerful magician who caused quite an Avadhuta stir wherever he went; basically, he was a shaman who had a sense of Heyoka humour.

It appears that Padmasambhava is alluded to in the film, in which you have the character of the Wise Man, who is guiding the five Sucker Punch Dakinis. The characteristics of the five Sucker Punch Dakinis are somewhat akin to the ancient Norse Valkyries, who are the martial (Anima) consorts of the shaman deity Odin.

BABYDOLL: represents the Buddha-Dakini Akashadhatvishvari, who is at the centre of the four elemental Dakinis.

Buddha-Dakini Akashadhatvishvari is often depicted being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Vairocana. Her colour is White, and her element is Ether. As Babydoll, she represents the Wisdom of Universal Law.

First day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate Earth where she is a new arrival in an Illuminati run brothel, which is owned by a male character called Blue, who she envisions as being an underworld mobster, of jealous Jehovah (Animus) similarity to an all-father Jupiter.

The alternate reality of the monotheist brothel is overlapping the Plato’s Cave of a mental asylum where she and the other female patients are sex slaves of an ‘Animus’ fixation.  

BLONDIE: represents Vajra-Dakini Locana who is associated with the East. She is often depicted being in sexual union with the Buddha, Aksobhya.

Vajra-Dakini Locana’s colour is Blue, and her element is Water. As Blondie, she represents the Wisdom of the Mirror.

Second day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate Manga reality of Buddhist Japan whose waters have been hardened into the unforgiving ice of monotheist dogma; it is here she meets up with the Wise Man. 

After Babydoll expresses her desire to escape the asylum, the Wise Man presents her with weapons to fight the Bardo horrors to come. He informs his Babydoll ‘Anima’ who is the quintessence of the four elements, that she needs to collect five elemental power objects, in order to accomplish her escape from the monotheist asylum of a brazen vessel, which has been forged by the the All-father fixation of the ‘Animus’ worshippers. 

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AMBER: represents Ratna-Dakini Mamaki who is associated with the South. She is often depicted being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Ratnasambhava.

Ratna-Dakini Mamaki’s colour is Yellow, and her element is Earth. As Amber, she represents the Wisdom of Equality.

Third day of the Bardo: Babydoll trance slides into an alternate steampunk reality, whose Earth is scarred by the New-World-Order banker horrors of trench warfare.


Babydoll makes her way through the steampunk slaughter, in order to infiltrate an underground bunker protected by the reanimated corpses of WWI German soldiers, so that she can acquire one of the five items, which is a mandala map. 

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ROCKET: represents the Padma-Dakini Pandaravasini, also called Pandara. She is associated with the West, who is often depicted as being  in sexual union with the Buddha, Amitabha.

Pandara’s colour is Red and her element is Fire. As Rocket, she represents the Wisdom of Distinction and Discernment.

Fourth day of the Bardo: Babydoll experiences trance sliding into an alternate world of a medieval Dragon-age, which is afflicted by the insanity of Hell-fire religious fundamentalism, where she is storming an Orc-infested castle.

Babydoll is seeking to retrieve two fire-producing crystals from inside the crucified guts of an infant Dragon, whose jealous parent spews Hell-fire from its pulpit. 

SWEET PEA: represents the Karma-Dakini Samayatara, also called Samaya Tara. She is associated with the North, who is often depicted in sexual union with the Buddha, Amoghasiddhi.

Samaya Tara’s colour is Green, and her element Air. As Sweet Pea, she represents the Wisdom of Action and Accomplishment.

Fifth day of the  Bardo: Babydoll experiences a trance slide into an alternate science fiction world of a potential ‘future’ beckoning back to the past.

It is here she descends from a helicopter, whose vicious blades slice the air, before she boards a speeding train, which involves her fighting an artificial-intelligence in order to disarm a terrorist bomb. 

Overall, It appears that the film Sucker Punch is loosely based upon the five Wisdom Dakinis of Tibetan Buddhism, whose surreal dream worlds depict the Bardo visions.

Whether such is indeed the elemental case of an archetypal (Anima) Muse influence is debatable, since Zack Snyder and Steve Shibuya did not indicate that the Sucker Punch girls are Tibetan Dakinis.

Whatever the subconscious Muse (Anima) influence be, if you feel inclined of (Bardo) dream Yoga, to escape from the black prison of the asylum, you can become as the Wise Man Padmasambhava, in order to then meditate upon the Sucker Punch girls as Dakini aspects of the Anima, prior to conjuring them into your Triangle Of Art lucid dreams as Tantric Succubae.

For example, you can conjure up the Dakini, Sweet Pea into a lucid dream, to thereby tune into another Bus Stop future self-image one seeks to become, in order to perhaps, attract a potential partner.

However, in doing so, one has to let go of a past self-image, to then assume a new inner self-image of ones self, a chosen Dakini empowers.
