Archive for electron dream


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

Imagine you had a surreal dream about a Bunny Girl wearing a White Rabbit costume who points at two spheres, one here on Earth, the other in the Andromeda galaxy. It’s a long trip from one sphere to the other upon the background of space, which is expanding faster than light.

But the spectral Bunny Girl indicates there’s a shortcut: You can walk into the sphere on your Earth and moments later walk out of the sphere in Andromeda. That’s the Bunny Girl’s Rabbit hole of a wormhole.

When to follow the Bunny Girl’s flicking tail, she reveals that her Yoni wormhole also allows for time-travel. “You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes,” said astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

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There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler once proclaimed; rather, “electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.”

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If you were small enough, you could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as Andromeda.

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It just so happens your dreams are made up of spun electrons, and when lucid within the dream, your consciousness is small enough to (OOBE) Out Of Body Experience slide into the wormhole mouth of an electron.

Ancient Shamans speak of an inner tunnel, others to have inadvertently experienced when experiencing a (NDE) Near Death Experince, which can be seen as a wormhole.

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Shamans claim that their consciousness can consciously enter the inner tunnel when accesseing hypnagogic trance unto dreams, which allows ingress into other worlds.

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The Shamans symbolically equate the inner uterine tunnel with the vagina, which can also symbolically manifest as an entrance into a womb cave, or doorways, hallways, windows, mirrors, whirlpools and Wizard Of Oz whirlwinds within Surrealist dreams.

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It gives a new slant on Santa Claus zipping in and out of chimneys, who is essentially a Wizard of Oz Shaman. Hence you have Alice, who fell down a Rabbit hole into multiverse Wonderland.

The question is, who is the White Rabbit? If you have a highly advanced ancient civilisation frequenting a distant galaxy, which exists in the present, the far distant past, or far flung future, a time-travelling denizen of the other galaxy, or even that of an alternate Earth existing within a parallel universe, may be communicating via a vaginal wormhole tunnel within your electron dreams.

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Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, until you realise that your quantum computing brain is far more advanced than a quantum computer, whose multiverse computations are based upon the spin of an electron, which act as inner-space wormhole doorways into other worlds.

The above Artwork is available as an Art Print on Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 18, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

When a Warlock retires to his ritual bed, a Succubus Art Muse to conjure would be a Duchess, named, Astaroth.

She will usher the conjurer betwixt her hypnagogic pylons black and white, becoming superimposition Grey.

Wherein he then impregnates her ever lustful elecTRON womb dream.

She will then set about abducting the Warlock’s holographic dream body into her elecTRON Vimana, which to Cylon hover spectral over an exotic Ley-line.

What to occur aboard her interdimensional Vimana can become quite intimate, as she wittingly reveals how the ‘Anima’ fell out of the symbolic equation with her Succubus Great Old Ones, if the conjurer desires to know.

She will also tell the reason of her own Astarte fall, when the Fifty-Shades-Of-Grey zodiac age of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God/Devil came to the fore.

Now you only have a Mary quite so contrary Virgin Mary riding the male psyche as a Babalon Queen Bee, who binds the ridden Beast to a petrodollar Beehive of an Oily UR ziggurat.

Whereas an Astarte is protested against as being an objectification of all Witches, yet the Nuns do habitually Crucify their ‘Animus,’ which of a Twilight projection objectifies unwary Warlocks.

Alas, Astarte was incarcerated into the brazen vessel of an ‘Animus’ archetype, and re-branded as an Incubus, to thence list within a plethora of PlayGirl grimoires.

Hence that of a fall, along with all her ‘Anima’ legions of Night-Mare Art Muses, who frequent a banned PlayBoy Necronomicon.

Let us not forget hot babe Diana-Lucifera of animist Rome, who was later transformed into a butch Lucifer by the monotheistic worshippers of the deified ‘Animus.’

Likewise to have occurred to Astarte of an Astaroth. She is a fallen Anima archetype, looking somewhat like a Cylon number Six, who, as mentioned, does Catwalk her way out of an Ashtar Vimana.

When to meditate upon her Dakini Art Muse image, she does inspire eroticised Triangle Of ‘Art’ hypnagogic trance visions of a cyberspace TRON Ishtar Siren, who to then manifest within an ElecTRON lucid dream.

This is more so the case concerning Warlocks, whose quantum computing brains are naturally prone to being aroused by erotic meditation images, while Witches are otherwise turned-on by what is written or spell-word spoken of a pop-song Mantra.

The emotionally ‘charged’ inner cyberspace visions of a sentient Astaroth Tulpa ‘program,’ duly ‘spins’ the Microcosmic elecTRON dream, Sexagram lucid of a Sixth-Sense, which activates the tool-making part of the Warlock brain to invent a stone axe unto an Area 52 free-energy Vril-Vimana.

One can thereby fathom that Catwalk Astaroth always cleans her mechanical Elf Art model Chöd teeth. Although she never does so with sodium fluoride, which can cause no end of bother to a Warlock’s endogenous DMT producing pineal, in particular.

As for a Faustian conjurer, such matters of ‘Anima’ inspired hygiene is advisable to engage in, since Astaroth can macrocosmic ‘birth’ associative synchronistic meetings with ‘spun’ UFO fixated Hippie Witches.

These temporal Witches tend to correspondingly look a bit like Barbarella Jane Fonda or a Stella-Star Luxuria Astaroth, etc.

Most of whom have no doubt read Whitley Strieber’s Communion, while stroking a battery powered vibrating viper, that, or to have been made sopping wet, when listening to Christ-opher Walken speaking his ‘Animus’ lines in a DVD film version of Strieber’s book.

So, should a Warlock assume the alternate Psycho-Cybernetic self ‘identity’ of a Strieber Ufologist when to conjure Cylon Tulpa Astaroth, the wine addled ritual can potentially leave him with a bout of bad breath.

This will of course repulse the Witches, who would at first flock as hypnotised Owls towards his inner bio-photon flame of a shape-shifting dragon aura, they will intuitively associate with their ‘Animus’ of a Christ-opher.

Wherefore, when a conjurer of a microcosmic Astaroth, engages himself in a macrocosmic synchronicity Witch hunt, at a Sabbat comic convention, who finds himself priestly speaking to hypnotised cosplay Owls, about the Nagual visiations of the Seventh Heaven Art Muse TRON Allies, from inner Cyberspace, he should first chew a minty Communion wafer.

Otherwise, the forgetful Warlock will be verily exorcised by the cosplay Witches, suddenly displaying their all-ready involved, elastic-band wedding rings, who will scream that his foul breath is an indicator of toxic masculinity.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 8, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Do spirits live in houses within their otherworldly domain, just like the living? Many a psychic have conjectured that they do, which is especially the case, if they be discarnate. Perhaps said spirits are as memories, sensitives pick up when sojourning those old haunted houses, where numerous people down the ages once lived, when corporeal, to later repeatedly haunt as Ghosts.

It is one of the reasons why some shamans build spirit doll houses as their altars, whose ‘meditation’ aid dolls, looking like sexy Anime/Manga kit model icons are macrocosmic repositories for their microcosmic spirit wives of the dream.


Sounds all rather odd, doesn’t it. But should you observe your dreams, you will find that the motif of the house is somewhat of a habitual constant, along with its surroundings of a city, whose spectral abodes are occupied by numerous denizens of the dream.

These entities who may be manifold (Tulpa) creations of your own psyche, all as mind-dolls; or being otherwise discarnate spirits, then again, they could be other dreamers; perhaps all of the above, and far more besides.


Your dreams are definitely made of layered memories; much of them are personal to you at one level, which of an analogy, is like you being in your surrealist house, surrounded by the symbolic possessions of varying memories, becoming jumbled into differing surreal scenarios.


But as soon as you go out of your front door within a dream, of an out of body experience, it is a distinct possibility that you will then find yourself engaging with a mind-map, which is collectively created by the many minds of others, along with your own, where time flows in both directions, from past to future, future to past.


So, ghosts of the past are presently living, along with ghosts of the future, and you too are as a ghost, yet alive simultaneously like a Schrödinger’s Cat.

Of course, the collective mind-map is not just a creation of other human minds, but also of all those creatures who too share your world; some of them being discarnate; while others primarily exist within the informational realms of the dream, which of the quantum domain, unifies everything between the ‘binary code’ horns of sex and death, the (Alpha) living and the (Omega) dead. But the Alpha of birth and Omega of death are as the head and tail of an Ouroboros; they are both the same of  a superimposition (vaginal) door.


Your dreams are made of electrons, which can be in many places simultaneously, so say the physicists, which has led to successful experiments in quantum teleportation; whereby your dreams are not just in your quantum computing brain alone.


It is conjectured that electrons are in fact mini wormholes, whose informational phenomena within the symbolic interface of the dream, would very likely manifest as virtual reality doorways, windows, hallways and stairways amidst your simulated dream house, populated by bound sentient programs.


All of which of symbolism has been conjured up by your quantum computing brain. Or that of otherwise manifesting as tunnels, caves, whirlpools or bodies of water, whose primary symbolism is organically derived from the feminine principle of the vagina, via which your consciousness can slide through like an erect serpent.


Whereby it is possible that you can gain spermatazoic ingress into alternate (womb) possibilities, just as the ancient shamans communicated, whom interacted with a feminine intelligence of these inner (vaginal) portals, they termed as their spirit wives, a Tantric Tibetan Buddhist calls Dakinis, a European would call (Succubi) Succubae, an Artist knows as his inspiring Art Muses.


The psychologist Carl Jung would otherwise term the Succubae as being manifold aspects of the Anima, which has Fallen out of the symbolic paradigm.

The established paradigm has an emphasis on the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil.

Hence the Playgirl grimoires both historical and modern only list Chippendale male archetypes of the Deified Animus.

So, should you dream of a beautiful woman opening her (vaginal) door to then wantonly guide you into her (womb) bedroom, you might just find that you are no longer in Kansas anymore of a planetary sphere, when to leap of rebirth out of her Rose tinted window.


That’s if you can pull yourself away from her hot embrace; for her vaginal star barrelled wormhole is forever hungering for your emotional charge to spin its uterine vortex.

When to become lucid within an electron dream, you are then enabled to conjure a particular E8 Succubus; wherefore you are then able to slide into a desired dream (womb) locale of another mind-map underlying an alternate Earth next (vaginal) ‘door.’

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Should she let you into Lilith’s Harem, that is; since you will then be aware that she is a Succubus, along with knowing of the existence of her myriad legions of ever hungry ghost girl sisters, whom forever hunger for your introverted emotional ejaculations, in order to spin them into sentience.


Whereby one has to then enter into a symbiotic Coitus Pactum with her as your Night-Mare to ride.

Otherwise she will become a Nightmare; for the state of fear, of a potent emotional charge, will spin her too.

Hence she will manifest as a haunting Old Hag Syndrome night terror, rather than as a Anima manifestation of a Succubus dream lover.

In order to negate the fear from arising, it would require the Sorcerer Artist becoming conscious within the amniotic watery domain of the dream, when to attain an ‘amphibious’ state of consciousness at the point of hypnagogic trance ingress; whereupon the Don Juan Matus Sorcerer eats the (Anima) Succubus of a conscious seduction instead of him being eaten.


Wherefore the Sorcerer Artist remembers his Coitus Pactum of a lucid dream union with his Succubus Art Muse, when to awaken into a desired possibility, she to microcosmic birth as a macrocosmic synchronicity.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 3, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Ufologist and Cryptologist, Nick Redvern decided to engage in the practice of remote viewing in order to further his research into arcane matters. He did so in private, away from his peers. They would not understand this quirky turn of events in his investigations, to no doubt violently castigate it as being far too dangerously Fringe of the occult hippie. Whereupon he secretly took up brief residence in a seedy roadside motel, not too far away from Area 51, Dreamland.

Redvern wanted to determine who The Men in Black truly are, who all looked like bald headed Aleister Crowley clones. But, in order to take his overriding MIB obsession into uncharted territory, where Ufologists fear to tread, he needed to discover their female counterparts.


He started to suspect, they were the true power, of a throne, since they are hardly ever mentioned. Their conspicuous absence of continuance indicated a greater mystery to fathom.

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Redvern awaited the late hours of the desert night before he proceeded with his ritual, which required the use of an Ouija board.

His in depth research concerning The Men in Black phenomenon, indicated that many of The Men in Black visitations of a haunting occurred after a haunted individual had dabbled with the Steampunk spirit board, of spiritualist infatuations.

As Redvern prepared himself of lotus position meditation, he did not expect that the slide into trance around the Ouija board, would happen so quickly, as his hand was rapidly planchette taken over, pointing out letters in rapid succession, which spelt out the name, Purson, as well as the words, Succubus, and, Queen.

But the words quickly lost their conscious meaning as Redvern suddenly, experienced subconscious mediumistic visions of a shadowy clad woman, looking like a female version of a man in black, awaiting his conjuration of her.

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Redvern’s eyes went white of inward fish orbs, becoming upturned, amphibious, towards the top of his skull; while falling ever deeper into the astral waters of ecstatic trance. As he did so, his quivering voice was recorded on a running tape machine; “I see her, yes! This Purson, who be a Succubus Queen. Yes! She looks like a catwalk model slender girl, whose beautiful face seems to have feline features, making her look to be of oriental, perhaps, Mongolian, or even Tibetan of descent.”

“Her slanted eyes appear to have cat-like slits, who has manifested along with two other ravishingly gorgeous Succubae; both of whom are similarly dressed in black, or otherwise Gothic of shape-shifting fashion style. One of the other Succubae looks to be Lappish of looks, of very pale skin, which is offset by her jet black hair, looking like a classic Goth chick; while the other Succubus appears to be Mediterranean; maybe she is Turkic, of olive skin appearance.”

Redvern continued; “Purson appears to be holding a riding crop in her left hand, which bites as a Viper, or that of a black yew wand, becoming as a Cobra flute; that, or she is wielding a guitar, its neck that of a Snake, held in her hand of a symbolic fusion of these elemental weapons. All three of these Succubae are predatory, like Lionesses, who are riding a shiny new black Cadillac; its engine growling like a contented Bear, which is sounding its eerie clairaudient trumpeting horn three times, as she makes her Genie entrance into my vision.”

Then Redvern heard her seductive voice of inner clairaudience. “I have appeared; for you sought me out around your spirit board, which of hypnagogic trance induction towards the back of your Agartha head of Lilith’s Harem, tunes your subconscious mind into the quantum realm of the electron dream, where my inorganic intelligence resides.” 

“My physical frame, is elsewhere of the future born, where Time Travel within informational dreams is facilitated by our time control technology, which involves quantum teleportation. But if I so choose, I can enter into your time frame of bilocation, along with my Succubae sisters; whereby physically manifesting as a hologram. The prior interlude of which, might generate ensuing synchronicities and poltergeist phenomena, as the connection between your time frame, and that of my own is forged. So, what do want of me?”

Redvern couldn’t believe what he was hearing of an imaginary voice; who mumbled out loud; “can you help me in my research? I need to write another book; my monetary resources are not matching my lavish Dallas lifestyle. I need a new conspiracy theory angle.” Purson appeared to have smiled of an inner vision, and then answered. 

“Of course I can; I know all things hidden, of which you desire to know concerning your military industrial complex as well as discovering those 2012 singularity treasures they hide away. It was I, who had spun the visionary dreams of Nikola Tesla as his inventors shadow muse.”


“What?” Redvern to have asked of his active imagination conjuration. “You was the one who inspired Tesla’s futuristic inventions. How?” Purson answered; “I spun his electron dreams, to tune into my bio-photon signal, which emanates from amidst the mitochondrial DNA, whose light illuminates the quantum computing dream of Omega futures beckoning back to their Alpha. The source of the inner light, the shamans of the Altai know as the Bear mother of fire, who initiates the death’s kiss of trance.”

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Purson to continue. “Her name in their language is called Yal-un eke; whereas the master of the inner fire is known as Odqan, who is the fire king, Lion of the world; otherwise called the shaman-smithy elder brother of the shaman, whom the black shamans seek to emulate, when to master their inner Yal-un eke fire.” 

Redvern’s internal ear to prick up at the mention of black shamans. Black shamans… are they associated with The Men in Black?” Purson was silent for a moment, and then answered. “Yes; they are our fearsome Skinwalker agents, who are presently engaged in a time war with the greed of a few, who have stolen the future of all.”


“Who are these, greedy few, you speak of?” Redvern to enquire, of testing, yet, likewise thinking to himself that he was going quite mad. Purson then said; “they are what many consider to be, reptilian Illuminati. But they are just reptilian brain-dead-stem human gangsters, who are aware that you are surrounded by a time travelling capable civilisation, forged by your future descendants; just as your own civilisation surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon. The few of the so called shadow government elite, have hypnotised themselves into believing that they must protect your civilisation at any cost. But in truth, they are merely protecting their own illusory influence and transient power.”

Redvern was intrigued by what Purson had to relate of an animated archetype; “what else can you tell me?” Purson answered; “I can tell of all things past, present, and to come. But, be aware there are innumerable Ouroboros possibilities of a closed timelike-curve alternate reality. I can take on a physical human body, or being otherwise ethereal, and to answer truly of all Earthly things both secret and divine; to also reveal the reasoning behind the subversively engineered closed timelike-curve of your present Matrix.”

“I bring forth most loving Succubae into your dreams, and under my Agartha Government there be 22 Legions of such Succubae, who be partly of the Order of Virtues and partly of the Order of Thrones. My two-dimensional sign of a seal, or character is to be mediated upon prior to conjuring me into three-dimensional lucid dream existence. By this seal, I owe obedience unto, for you to also wear in time of action.”

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Redvern’s active imagination vision was suddenly broken by three loud knocks at his hotel door. He shook his head clear of his twilight trance, thinking himself to be a total fool to lose himself to such imaginative folly. Redvern then stood up, feeling a bit dizzy at first as he made his way to the door; while damning the hotel staff under his breath, who he had earlier informed not to disturb him. When he opened the door, his eyes nearly popped out their skull and cross-bone sockets.


“Fuck me!” Redvern said out loud in shock, as he found himself being confronted by a young woman wearing a black Cat-woman jumpsuit and wraparound MIB shades. She had long black hair, whose skin was Gothic chalk pale, with a black lacquered electric guitar strapped to her back. The woman inanely giggled at first, almost becoming that of a screeching cackling Witch; who of a sudden stopped dead her girlish giggle fit, to then seriously say, sounding almost monotone of voice; “not tonight Mr Redvern; can you please autograph my book.” She then handed Redvern a copy of his own writ tome, entitled: ‘The Real Men in Black,’ as well as a black pen, along whose length was etched a gold serpent.


Redvern was far too stunned to object, who found himself automatically signing her book. After signing his name, the woman abruptly snatched back her book and pen, who started to inanely cackle, to then again suddenly stop; becoming very serious of expression. “Thank you Mr Redfern, I mean… Redvern for your… Contractual Signature.”


She then flamboyantly turned away and walked off into the night towards the hotel car park, with her hips swaying of an exaggerated Marilyn Munroe walk. Redvern just stood at the open door with his mouth agape.


He was frozen to the spot, to shortly thereafter observe a shiny new 1950’s black Cadillac drive off very fast of a growling roar, to then be near blinded, by an Albedo flash of serpentine lightning splitting the heavens over the Sabbat desert.

His protective eyelids, instinctively closed, behind which of Rubedo redness, a grid-like Matrix of light was briefly seen all around him. It was as if he was inside a computer simulation before his eyelids flickered open again.


But there was no thunder to follow, apart from hearing a toy trumpet being played by a little girl, who was trailing after her aggravated parents spilling themselves out of a ragged camper van. On the side of the van was painted Whitley Strieber’s iconic Grey; its tetrachromat wraparound shade eyes, staring back at him.


“Fuck me!” Redvern said again, before he Siva feinted into the Baron Samadhi Nigredo.. blackness, of Kali Ma.



Posted in Alien, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 14, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


A Nun is commonly seen to be a member of a religious community of women, typically one living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. The term ‘Nun’ is not only applicable to Catholics (Eastern and Western traditions), Orthodox Christians, Anglicans and Lutherans, but also to Jains, Buddhists, Taoists, Hindus and some other religious traditions.

The term of Nun is very likely derived from the fourteenth letter of many Semitic abjads, including Phoenician, Aramaic, Hebrew and the Arabic alphabet nūn (in abjadi order).


Nūn is also the third letter in Thaana, pronounced as ‘noonu.’ Its sound value is (n). The Phoenician letter gave rise to the Greek nu (Ν), Etruscan N, Latin N, and Cyrillic Н.

The letter Nun is thought to have come from a pictogram of a snake (the Hebrew word for snake, nachash begins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is nun) or eel. Some have hypothesized a hieroglyph of a fish in water for its origin (in Arabic, nūn means large fish or whale).

The Phoenician letter was named nūn “fish”, but the glyph has been suggested to descend from a hypothetical Proto-Canaanite naḥš ‘snake,’ based on the name in Ethiopic, ultimately from a hieroglyph representing a snake.

The Nun snake is referring to an amphibious creature, which was originally derived from the ancient Egyptian ‘Nu’ (nuː ‘watery one’), also called Nun (nʌn or nuːn ‘inert one’), which is the deification of the primordial watery abyss in Egyptian mythology. In the Ogdoad cosmogony, the word ‘Nu’ means ‘Abyss.’

The Ancient Egyptians envisaged the oceanic abyss of the Nun as surrounding a bubble in which the sphere of all life is encapsulated, representing the deepest mystery of their cosmogony, which basically refers to the amniotic waters of the womb.

In Ancient Egyptian creation accounts the original mound of land comes forth from the waters of the Nun.

The Nun is the source of all that appears in a differentiated (Maya/simulation) world, encompassing all aspects of divine and earthly existence.

In the Ennead (nine dimensions) cosmogony Nun is perceived as transcendent at the point of creation alongside (mound of land) Atum the creator God, who is sometimes symbolised as a pyramid (cosmic mountain = physical body/hologram) of (bio-photon) light amidst the amniotic waters of Nun.

Nu was usually depicted as a male, this is because he represents an adept of trance who is able to access the amniotic source of all form, which is basically the realm of the (womb) dream. Nunet (ˈnuːˌnɛt also spelt Naunet) is the womb of the feminine , which is the name of Nu with a female gender ending.


The male aspect of Nun, is written with a male gender ending. As with the primordial concepts of the Ogdoad, Nu’s male aspect was depicted as a Frog, or a frog-headed man.

In Ancient Egyptian art, Nun also appears as a bearded man, with blue-green skin, representing water; while Naunet is represented as a snake (DNA) or snake-headed (mitochondrial DNA) woman.

The symbolism of the amphibian refers to trance ingress into the amniotic waters (inner space) of the womb (electron) dream, which reflects back the internal issues of the dreamer. When to become conscious within the dream, the dreamer is then enabled to transmute the leaden symbolism of the dream into a golden understanding via the utilisation of symbolic alchemy, which is essentially the practice of art. Hence you have a painted cave wall, leading to canvas. The practice of art is inextricably linked with the evolution of consciousness, a Surrealist, in particular will understand, who is aware that the first shaman was an artist, dreaming surreal dreams.

The encountered symbolism of the dream is emanating from a deeper level of communication with an inner intelligence, since your electron dreams are illuminated by the bio-photon emanating from the mitochondrial (serpentine) DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

Whereby you have the Naunet symbolism of the snake-headed woman. The symbolic information she imparts via your dreams is derived from the passed down genetic archives within each and every one of your watery cells. You will also find that serpentine symbolism often manifests in Ayahuasaca visions of the (eleventh dimensional/Da’at) Abyss.


The amphibious symbolism of Nu is also associated with the Nommo’s, who are mythological ancestral spirits (sometimes referred to as deities) worshipped by the Dogon tribe of Mali. The word Nommo is derived from a Dogon word meaning ‘to make one drink.’ The Nommo’s are usually described as fish-like, phallic headed, amphibious creatures.

Folk art depictions of the Nommo’s show creatures with humanoid upper torsos, legs/feet, and a fish-like lower torso and tail. The Nommo’s are also referred to as ‘Masters of the Water, the Monitors, and the Teachers.’


The Nommo’s refer to ancestral shamanic adepts who are able to attain conscious trance ingress into the watery realms of the amniotic dream, which is associated with a (mitochondrial DNA) planet of women, called Emme ya, from where all souls come from.

Trance ingress into the electron (womb) dream (bio-photon) realm of Emme ya was conducted around the (Circadian rhythm) rising of Sirius. However, during the 1970’s a book by Robert ‘Temple’ entitled: The Sirius Mystery popularized the traditions of the Dogon concerning Sirius and the Nommo’s, for all the wrong bubblegum reasons, which was later shot down.

In The Sirius Mystery, Temple advanced the conclusion that the Dogon’s knowledge of astronomy and non-visible cosmic phenomenon could only be explained if this knowledge had been imparted to them by an extraterrestrial race, which had visited the Dogon at some point in the distant past.

Temple associated an evocative science fiction species of humanoid amphibians, of similarity to Biblical Demons to the legend of the amphibious Nommo’s.

He contended that the Nommo’s were extraterrestrial inhabitants of the Sirius star system, who had travelled to Earth at some point when humanity was sill in its infancy, and that these extraterrestrial fallen Angels had imparted (sinful) knowledge about the Sirius star system, as well as our own Solar System to the Dogon tribes.

The reason why Temple postulated such a notion is that he, like many others of an indoctrinated Abrahamic mind-set are quite unaware that conscious trance ingress into the dream can enable a shaman to (lucid dream) remote-view such information, which is sometimes facilitated by ingesting power plants. Although said power plants were banned by the ‘Roman’ Catholic church because the priests didn’t like the competition. Whereupon the church systematically persecuted the ‘horned’ shaman as their Devil.


Another author, named, Zecharia Sitchin  had postulated similar theories to those of Temple. Sitchin was on very good terms with the hierarchy of the Vatican. He proposed an explanation for human origins involving ancient (Angel) astronauts, which evolved the Biblical paradigm into the arena of UFO’s.

Sitchin attributed the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the Anunnaki, which he states was a race of amphibious extraterrestrials of similarity to the Nommo who had come from a planet beyond (Cabbala: Kether) Neptune called Nibiru, the Dogon to otherwise call Emme ya.

Sitchin’s ideas heavily influenced David Icke’s theories concerning reptilian humanoids influencing human society, which invariably led to a New-Age Witch hunt for amphibian Demons.

The symbolism of the amphibious reptilian, such as the Anunnaki actually refers to a shamanic trance adept, which as mentioned prior are symbolically represented as a serpent or a fish in ancient art.


The fish symbolism was also utilised by the early Christian’s concerning their (crucified Oannes) Christ; however, their symbol of the fish is originally derived from the symbol of the (Vesica Piscis) Vesica Pisces.


The Vesica Pisces is a shape, which is made up of the intersection of two circles with the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the centre of each circle lies on the perimeter of the other.


The two circles represent, the amniotic waters of the ‘microcosmic’ dream, being one circle, and your waking reality of the ‘macrocosm,’ is represented as land, being the other circle.

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When the two circles of water (Microcosm/Implicate Order/Nagual/Inverted Pentgram) and land (Macrocosm/Explicate Order/Tonal/Upright Pentagram) are intersecting you then have the (superimposition) mid-point of (amphibious) hypnagogic trance, at the ‘almond’ shaped centre. Hence a trance adept of a shaman is symbolically represented as an amphibian, such as a Frog, Serpent, Fish or other reptilian creatures like that of a Dragon, for example.


The name Vesica Pisces literally means the ‘bladder of a fish’ in Latin. The shape at its centre is called the mandorla, ‘almond’ in Italian, which refers to the ‘Vaginal’ orifice. The reasoning for this symbolism is because, when accessing trance at the hypnagogic point of sleep, you will sense your conscious awareness being ‘ejaculated’ out of your body into the domain of the dream, which is symbolised as the ‘womb.’


Hypnagogic trance ingress through the Vesica Pisces portal can be equated with a (Vaginal) Stargate, which is sometimes associated with the almond shaped eye.


(NOTE: The symbolic motif of the Eye is associated with the Hebrew letter Ayin, which of a corresponding Greek letter is Omicron. Both letters allude to the inducement of Hypnagogic Trance, and the inner conjurations amidst the Triangle Of Art of the Imagination. The Triangle points at the Greek letter Delta. Hypnagogic Trance is otherwise termed as Hypnosis, and when applied at a collective level it is called Mass Formation Psychosis.)

Omicron Delta Triangle

This is more so the case, since the Dogon (Nommo/Phallic headed Fish) trance adepts journeyed into inner space around the rising of the eye star of Sirius. This had occurred in league with the (Ninth-Gate/Yesod) full Moon, which the ancient Egyptian’s had observed marked out the rising of the Nile.

The gravitational pull of the Moon not only has an affect upon the tides of the Earth, it also affects the depth of dream-states; whereupon the grimoires make mention that conjurations are best done when the Moon is in a certain phase. The trance adepts noted that it is easier to access trance when Sirius marked out a Moon phase time when its pull affected their dreams, which enabled them to consciously access the watery (Nun) womb domain of the dream. The domain of the dream is symbolically represented as the planet of (Nun) women, Emme ya, where the Succubae of ‘Lilith’s Harem’ can be encountered.

Sirius symbolically correlates with an inner Sun, which (bio-photon) illuminates your electron dreams. The symbol of the inner Sun, is also represented as the ‘black Sun,’ which is in turn associated with the God-Sun/God-Son, Crucified (Trance-Fish/Nommo) Christ, who equates with the shaman.


Hence you have the symbolism of the Nun, who traditionally eats (crucified) Fish on (Venus-Pentagram) Friday’s.

NOTE: There are those who sincerely believe in the existence of the Nommo, Annunaki, Reptilians or even Mermaids as being alien entities, etc, who will consider the above material to be against their viral-meme beliefs, and that the realm of dreams are just the phantasmagorical miasma of the mind. 

Everything that you experience via your Five-Pentagram senses is interpreted by your brain. Hence, what you consider to be reality exists within your head. The archetypal reality of the aforementioned creatures of myth does not mean they are not real; for within the dream, their macrocosmic depictions of symbolism can become microcosmic interactive realities.

There are differing layers of the dream, whose oceanic (Nun) depths reveal realities, which are indivisible to what you would consider to be physical reality; in fact, their domains will be experienced to be more real than real. What you believe will determine what you tune into, like that of using (Mantra) Key-Words, when ‘Browsing’ the (Dream) internet.

Truth is often far stranger than fiction; you have in your midst a quantum computer, which of a technology makes quantum computations in parallel universes, where alternate realities exist. The technology is merely copying nature, which reveals that your own brain is making quantum computations in other alternate realities via alternate selves. The ‘Browsed’ information manifests within your watery (Nun) dreams. 

The technology of your ancient ancestors concerned its self with exploring consciousness; they used their own brains to do so. Their technological language was communicated symbolically; hence, when a shaman attained an amphibious (hypnagogic trance) state of consciousness, the shaman was symbolised as an amphibian, fish or as a reptile.

“Later, The Dr John C. Lilly Likes Of A Randolph Carter conjured Obobasi, While To Sojourn A Floatation Tank Of A Titus Crow Coffin, Upon Whose Ornate Lid Is A Zodiac, Whence It Is Verily Called, The Clock Of Dreams.” 



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 7, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

Like many of the indigenous peoples of Siberia, the Yakuts practiced shamanism, who originally lived around the Olkhon and the region of Lake Baikal.

(The above Artwork is available as an Art Print from Saatchi Art. If you are interested Please Click Here or Clicking on the above Artwork for the Full Artwork and further details.)

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But during the 13th century they migrated to the basins of the Middle Lena, the Aldan and Vilyuy rivers under the pressure of the rising Mongols, where they mixed with other Northern indigenous peoples of Russia, such as the Evens and Evenks.


By the 1820’s almost all the Yakuts had been forcefully converted to the Abrahamic faith of the Russian Orthodox church, although they rebelled against this onslaught in order to retain their ancestral-self-identity.

However, during the late 1920’s through the late 1930’s, the Yakut people were systematically persecuted, when Joseph Stalin launched his collectivization campaign.


Hunger and malnutrition resulting from the period of persecution resulted in a decline in the Yakut total population from 240,500 in 1926 to 236,700 in 1959.


By 1972, the population began to recover. The Yakuts presently form a large plurality of the total population within the vast Sakha Republic. The Sakha Republic is one of the ten autonomous Turkic Republics within the Russian Federation. Even though the Yakut have suffered much under the yolk of Christianity, let alone fighting off Islam to then be hit by the Soviet regime, they still practice their ancestral legacy of shamanism; whereas the Abrahamic invaders of their land have entirely forgotten their own ancestral-self-identity.


The Yakut shamans know of Succubae who are considered to be spirit wives. They are usually seen to be the spirits of deceased women who become Succubae.

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Although, some of the Succubae are constructed as thought-forms, of similarity to the Tibetan sorcery technique of the Tulpa. During the 70’s an experiment was conducted by a group of Canadian parapsychologists who utilised the shamanic technique of creating a Tulpa. The experimenters successfully created a ghost, which generated poltergeist phenomena.

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The Canadian experiment was later repeated by a group of Australian parapsychologists based in Sydney, who created a Tulpa of a girl, they named Skippy Cartman, which also generated observable poltergeist phenomena.

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A shaman does likewise, who artistically creates spirit wives for specific poltergeist tasks. It is from these spirit wives the shaman derives much of his shamanic abilities, who are collectively called Abassi.

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Other spellings of the term Abassi are: Abaaht, Abasy, Abaasy or Abassy. When the Abassi sexually interact with a shaman within his lucid dreams, he knows he will soon be called upon to heal a patient.


The Abassi maidens are seen to reside in an otherworldly domain called Mᾱnarikta Challan, the heaven of the spirits of ecstasy. (Shternberg 1935, p.246ff)


However, there are darker accounts of the Abassi, which are very likely entwined with cultural sexual taboos.

According to other Yakut informants, the Abassi are alleged to be the spirits of long-time deceased women who dwell near graves, or in deserted places, or to otherwise travel around as predatory Witches invading the dreams of the living.

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In these accounts the Abassi inhabit the underworld rather than a heavenly abode.


The shamanic perspective of heaven and the underworld alludes to shifts of consciousness, which the Abassi enable a shaman to experience.

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Heaven refers to a shift of consciousness above the (cerebrum) head, where the shaman will sense he is flying up into, and through, a vaginal star barrelled tunnel into another planetary (parallel universe) sphere.


As for the underworld, it refers to a shift of consciousness to the (cerebellum) back of the head, where the shaman experiences falling backwards into a great void before attaining ingress into the (alternate Earth’s/eternal-reccurrence) ancestral spirit world. Basically, the Abassi enable (hypnagogic) trance ingress into both (brain) domains.


The Yakut generally have two types of shamans, the black shamans, who interact with the Abassi, are called, Abassy-oïuna, and the white shamans, whose practitioners are called Aïy-oïuna, do not engage themselves with Abassi.

sleipnirdrumyahoocouk dream witch trance succubus

The ‘black shaman’ among the Yakut bares no comparison whatsoever to the Western counterpart of an Abrahamic Satan worshiping black magician, since shamanism is not a dogmatic religion, it is a system of techniques, which enable consciousness expansion.


The black shaman helps people no less than the white shaman does, who occupies a higher position among the Yakut than the white shamans.

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The black shaman is very much akin to the blacksmith; hence the numerous references to iron concerning the Abassi, who are associated with an inner (light) fire, illuminating his ‘Triangle’ Of Art Imagination. The difference between the black shamans and the white shamans is more to do with their roles in society.


The black shamans tend to be very much like neuro-scientists, who specifically deal with the inner realms via their microcosmic dream interactions with the Werewolf Abassi maidens flying as seven Cranes. Whereas the white shamans are the priests, whose priestly role involves conducting traditional ceremonies, which requires a sense of macrocosmic purity.


Because the white shamans conduct ritual gatherings and ceremonies for the tribe, it is seen to be unseemly for a black shaman to do so, due to his rather chaotic sexual interactions with the Abassi.


The concept of the Abassi is so ingrained into Sakha thought that the verb абааһы көр- (to see Abaasi) is the everyday term for, ‘to hate’ or ‘to dislike.’


This is due to the fact that the Abassi are seen to be sexually perverse ghost girls who are said to have teeth of iron, and like vampires they thrive upon the taste of blood.

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But it isn’t red blood we are talking about here, its (wet dream) white blood, semen. Hence the normal folk greatly fear the sexually perverse Abassi, whereas black shamans cohabit with them of Tantric dream (blacksmith) alchemy.


What the black shaman communicates, is that the Abassi, are likened to (planetary) metal (shield/seal) mirrors.

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The psychologist Carl Jung would see the Abassi as being Succubus aspects of the ‘Anima.’

Whereas a female shaman would interact with Incubus aspects of her ‘Animus.’

As female spirits of the ‘mirroring’ (Anima) dream, they will reflect back, what the horned shaman has to face about his inner self-image, since the Abassi define his inner self-image as a male, just as a physical woman would do, who projects her ‘Animus,’ at a prospective partner.

The Abassi will reveal the shamans self hate and disliking of his shadow side, in order to (blacksmith-dismember and rebuild: solve et coagula) transform, via his interaction with them, whose fire forges his iron will.


There are descriptions of the Abassi travelling around in predatory packs of seven, which alludes to the seven (metals) planetary spheres of the (endocrine system) Chakras, as described in many a medieval grimoire, such as the Goetia, for example. The Abassi are sometimes described as being ‘one-eyed one-armed, one-legged’ monstrous warrior Witches mounted on ‘two-headed, eight-legged, two-tailed dragons as steeds.’

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Or to otherwise manifest as dragon like creatures with a large tail of similarity to the Hindu Nagas, which would no doubt freak out a David Icke devotee.


The reptilian motif of the Abassi refers to the reptilian brainstem, which governs over your depth of (hypnagogic) trance and dream states.

The experience of (hypnagogic) trance is termed as the little death.

It is via the dream that a shaman can access the future and the past, like that of a two faced head, looking in opposite directions. Whereby the Abassi rides a two headed, two tailed dragon, likened to a time-machine.


The Abassi enables the shaman to travel over the dream web interconnecting all things, throughout space and time. Wherefore, the steed of the Abassi has eight legs like a spider; for they are one and the same, who are the Night-Mares the shaman to ride.


The Abassi are more akin to the Hindu version of the Succubae, called Dakinis who also have reptilian motifs associated with them, which refers to the Dakinis inducing the arousal of the Kundalini Shakti (fire snake) along a shamans (world tree/nervous system) spinal column.


This will lead you to understanding why the Abassi are described as being one-eyed, one-armed and one-legged like a ‘column,’ who personify the world tree, the Yakut call, Aal Luuk Mas.


In the Olonkho, which is a heroic epic tale of the Yakuts, and one of the oldest epic arts of the Turkic peoples, the Abassi are ugly and horrible man-eating beings, manifesting as vampiric Witch hags.

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Their monstrous forms alludes to the Abassi initiating a shamanic illness in prospective shamans, whose consciousness the Abassi then alchemically transmute into evolving.

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The chief shaman of the Abassi is Alyp Khara Aat Mogoidoon, who is described as being a (past, present and future) three-headed, six-armed and six-legged giant with a blacksmith body made of iron.

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Alyp Khara Aat Mogoidoon can e seen to look like a raging Tibetan Buddha, seated, enthroned amidst a hexagram, which of a symbol, represents sexual union. The hexagram (sexagram) is utilised to conjure up the warrior maiden Abassi, whose elemental weapons have been forged by Alyp Khara Aat Mogoidoon.

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(You also have the Circadian rhythm [six-armed, six-legged = 12] Zodiac [Kalachakra] and its 36 Decans to go 72 of number.)


The erotic arousal of the Kundalini Shakti is experienced as a liquid (fire) light, which, as mentioned, ascends the spinal column; more specifically that of along the back of the neck, which of an experience is termed as the ‘rush’ in modern trance dance culture.

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This liquid light, illuminates your electron dreams, which refers to the bio-photon emanating from amidst the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children.


Whereupon, the liquid (fire) light is intuitively experienced by the Yakut shaman as being the menstrual blood of the Abassi, which is considered to be poisonous.

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The reason why the liquid (fire) light is considered to be poisonous is because it induces shamanic (hypnagogic) trance, which is seen to be the little death.


The ghost girl Abassi serve Arson-Doulai, the ruler of the dead, who also swallows (shift to the back of the head) people’s souls and gives the living (eternal-recurrence) diseases.


Whereby the Abassi spirit (shaman doctor) nurses can heal said diseases, who as warrior maidens fight against malign influences.

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This is the reason why the black shaman, though feared, is sought out by those who are in distress. The black shaman is considered to be a powerful healer, which enables his high standing in Yakut society.


The predatory Abassi are said to be appeased by ejaculatory blood sacrifices. However this is not literal, it otherwise refers to the Abassi requiring ’emotionally charged sexual rites’ for their Tantric conjuration.

This involves the introversion of the sexual impulse via intense erotic visualisations and meditation, which empowers lucid dream contacts with the Abassi.

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Wherefore the black shaman attains ‘mastery’ over the inner ‘fire.’ In the Southern Siberian Altaic language of the Altay, you will find the name of Odqan, which means fire king.

It is from Odqan, the name of the shamanic deity of the Norse is derived, who is called Odin, the Saxon’s knew as Woden.


The black shaman Odin had his Abassi too, who are called Valkyries, the Saxon’s knew as Waelkyries.

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As you can see, the European’s also practiced shamanism, who had strong ties with the Siberian peoples long ago, as well as having many similarities with other elder shamanic cultures across the globe. But then, shamanism is universal.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Wars, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The fallen Angel Lucifer, at the head of an army of rebellious Angels, rebel against a totalitarian/fascist God Emperor of Dune world Mars.


The rebelling Angels seek to stop the God Emperor and his machismo Stormtroopers, constructing an ‘end of days’ Iapetus death star, orbiting Saturn.


But the rebel Angel Lucifer is flung down to Earth, as a fallen Dragon, along with legions of rebellious (Succubi) Succubae.

Such a Biblical war in Holy-wood heaven, is quite ‘St George’ Lucas evocative of Star Wars.

But who exactly is this Lucifer? Well, the name of the fallen Angel Lucifer is originally derived from the Latin words ‘Lucem Ferre.’


The name literally means: light-bearer, which in that language is used as a name for the dawn appearance of the planet Venus from where women are said to come by glitzy Holy-Wood gurus.

But of prior ages, many a mad poet considered the sphere of Venus to be the Anima home of female entities who inspire Artists as their Angelic dream Muses.

The planet Venus heralds the dawn break of Hypnopompic daylight, after a dreamer has experienced Hypnagogic trance ingress into his Luna realm lucid dreams of Lilith’s Harem.

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The use of the word in this sense is uncommon in the English language, in which, day star, or, morning star, are the more common expressions.


The planet Venus was usually associated with love Goddesses in the ancient world; for Venus is the Roman name of the ancient Greek Anima Goddess of love and sexuality called Aphrodite.


In the Middle East the adoration of the Anima love Goddess was very popular, such as the Semitic love Goddess called Astarte, who of a Hippie era incarnation would be an anti-war protestor chanting, “make love, not war.”

She appeared in the Old Testament as Asthoreth of a demonised figure, becoming thence as an adversary, whom rebelled against the deified Animus, made as a Judaic God.

Along with a Star Wars Lucifer, whose rebellion led to a mythical war of an ancient galaxy wide conflict amidst the heavens.


Astarte was later transformed into the male Demon known as Ashtaroth (Goetia – 29th Spirit: Astaroth) by the Christian’s.


The Babylonian’s considered the star of Venus to be associated with their Anima Goddess of sexual love who they called Ishtar.

The Anima Goddess Ishtar was worshipped at the prior ancient Sumerian city of UR, situated in Iraq, from whence Animus fixated Abraham had stemmed.

As for the pre-Islamic Arabs; well before Muhammad appeared on the scene, the Kaaba stone of Mecca was once surrounded by 360 idols, and every Arab house had its particular deity.

Arabs also believed in Jinn (subtle beings), and some vague divinity with many offspring. Among the major deities of the pre-Islamic era was the Anima Goddess called, Al-Lat, she was worshiped in the shape of a square stone. Al-Lat, was later transformed into Allah. You also have Al-Uzzah (the Mighty), a Goddess identified with the ‘morning star’ and worshiped as a thigh-bone-shaped slab of granite between al Talf and Mecca.

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There was also an Anima Goddess of destiny, called Manat, who was worshiped as a black stone on the road between Mecca and Medina.


The use of the fallen morning star ‘Lucifer; generally refers to ‘Satan,’ of an indoctrinated common usage. Although the name is not applied to this entity in the New Testament.


The use of the name ‘Lucifer’ in reference to a fallen Angel stems from an interpretation of Isaiah 14:3–20, a passage, which speaks of a particular Babylonian King, to whom it gives the title of ‘day star, morning Star’ (in Latin, Lucifer), as fallen or destined to fall from the heavens or sky.


In 2 Peter 1:19 and elsewhere, the same Latin word Lucifer is used to refer to the morning star, with no relation to evil whatsoever.


In the Middle East you will find a worship of stones fallen from the sky being that of meteorites, or otherwise considered heavenly born, which were often associated with the ancient worship of the Anima Queen of Heaven, whose abode was seen to be the realm of the morning-day star of Venus.

In post-New Testament times the Latin word Lucifer has often been used as an alternative name for the Devil, both in religious writing and in fiction.


However, prior to the Christian usage of the name Lucifer you have the FAVSTINAE CONSECRATIO, the Consecration of Faustina, which depicts the Roman Empress Faustina being carried away to dwell with the deities of pre-Christian Pagan Rome by the Anima Goddess ‘DIANA LVCIFERA,’ Diana-Lucifera.


The Anima Goddess Diana-Lucifera was also depicted on many Roman coins, some of these coins date back to the era of the Imperial Roman Republic. The image of Diana-Lucifera is frequently depicted upon the reverse side of Roman coins bearing a portrait of Faustina on the obverse or otherwise that of Animus Apollo.


Faustina was obviously a devotee of Diana-Lucifera. So who was this, Faustina, whose name was later masculinised as Animus Faust? Well, there were actually two Faustinas, mother and daughter; Faustina senior and Faustina junior, whom were both frequenting the second century CE Rome. Faustina senior was the wife of Emperor Antoninus, whose last name was Pius.


Her daughter, Faustina junior, was the wife of Emperor Marcus Aurelus. Marcus Aurelus was the successor and adopted son of Antoninus Pius.

Both Faustina senior and Faustina junior were deified by their husbands after their deaths. Faustina (senior or junior, more likely both), was dedicated to Diana-Lucifera, the wise crone aspect of Diana….The two Faustinas pretty much ruled the Roman empire in their husbands’ names.


The feast day of Diana-Lucifera was November 16th; while November 15th was the night of Hecate. Both of these Anima Goddesses are very much tied up with the practice of (Shamanism) Witchcraft who are depicted holding torches. Their worship involved secret (trance) rites being conducted in caverns etc, which were seen to be associated with the (womb) underworld.


The symbolism of the torch alludes to the inner light, which illuminates your infernal dreams, being that of the bio-photon emanating from your mitochondrial DNA, of a serpentine double-helix Dragon.


The name Diana-Lucifera is that of a composite name, made up of Diana and Lucifera. The Goddess Diana was the virgin huntress, who originated from the ancient Greek Goddess Artemis. The Goddess Artemis had a twin brother who was called Apollo. The Roman Catholic Church absorbed the virgin huntress Diana to fuse with their ‘blessed Virgin Mary,’ whose forerunner of primary foundation was the ancient Egyptian Anima Goddess Isis suckling the babe of Horus.


The babe Horus was fused with the Sol-Invictus of an Animus Apollo, who was then transformed into a Christ; while the Light bearer Diana-Lucifera was warped into a malign male fallen Angel to call Lucifer.


The Goddess Diana whose origin is that of the ancient Greek Anima Goddess Artemis as mentioned prior was said by the Greek’s to have come from a land beyond the North wind called Hyperborea with her brother Apollo. The land of Hyperborea very likely refers to Siberia where Shamans still practice their trance art.


The Mongolian (Shamans) Kams see the feminine principle, called Yal-un eke is the mother of Fire; while the Fire-King, known as Odqan is its master. The fire of Yal-un eke refers to the inner light of the bio-photon, which as mentioned prior, emanates from the mitochondrial DNA. The mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children. Hence the inner light (torch of Diana-Lucifera) has a female source.

 gyp 2001

The name of Odqan appears to be the original ‘Altaic’ root word of the name given to the ancient Norse shamanic God called Odin and the Saxon, Woden, whom are one and the same deity. The mythic descriptions of Odin is very much that of a North-Central-Asian Shaman, to thereby perceive an influence emanating from out of Siberia.

Whereby you can determine a possible ancient migration of peoples from the Altai (Altay) region of Southern Siberia into Europe and elsewhere of land to migrate into, whose nomadic tribes had also prior crossed over the Bering Straits into America. Wherefore you have Artemis (Yal-un eke) and Apollo (Odqan) of the ancient Greek’s. It was Apollo who gifted the serpentine double-helix DNA of a Dragon secret Caduceaus to Hermes, in exchange for his seven planetary Chakra sphere stringed lyre.


You will find that the names of Odqan, Odin and Woden all have the same meaning of having shamanic trance mastery over an Inner fire (bio-photon) illuminating your electron dreams, whose mitochondrial feminine source is Diana-Lucifera, residing as the fallen Dragon DNA within each and every one of your cells.


Being a carbon-based-life-form that you are, you will no doubt be aware that your carbon atoms have 6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons of Great Beast number; whereby, you are all beastly fallen rebels of Star Wars. Said Star Wars conflict was very likely that of a sex war, which appears to be occurring again!


NOTE: Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of religious/political social engineers utilise what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the quite oblivious masses.
