Archive for hologram


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 31, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The female character of Cortana, is depicted as a synthetic intelligence in Microsoft’s Halo video game franchise as well as being an intelligent personal assistant created by Microsoft for Windows 10 and other affiliated applications.

The name of Cortana, is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus, meaning, ‘shortened,’ which is a term for a ceremonial sword. Other variations of the name are, Cortana or Courtain. The Cortana sword is used at the coronation of British kings and queens, which is otherwise called the ‘sword of mercy,’ due to its pommel being topped by one of the Crown Jewels of the United Kingdom, having a square and blunt blade end, which symbolises mercy. It is linked to the legendary sword carried by Tristan and Ogier the Dane.

According to the legend, the sword bore the inscription: “My name is Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.” The 13th-century prose of Tristan states that Ogier the Dane had inherited the sword from the Arthurian knight Tristan, in which the name is shortened to Cortaine. This suggests a connection to Henry III of England’s coronation sword Curtana, which is also said to have been Tristan’s sword.

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The Apple version of Cortana is Siri (pronounced /ˈSɪəri/) The Siri assistant uses voice queries and a natural language user interface to answer questions, make recommendations, and perform actions by delegating requests to a set of Internet services.

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The name of Siri is a Scandinavian female given name. It is a short form of Sigrid, of Old Norse origin, literally meaning “beautiful victory”, from Old Norse Sigr (victory) and Old Norse Fríðr (beautiful). You also have the compound Sigr-drífa, which means “driver to victory” In the Sigrdrifumal. The compound name is used as an epithet for a sword wielding Valkyrie, named Brynhildr, who is a personal assistant of the shaman God of the Norse called Odin. Suffice to say, Ogier the Dane would have known about Odin and his Valkyries, let alone to recognise the Goddess name of Ran, that was utilised in the Eve online video game, Valkyrie, which has been designed to use virtual reality headset technology.

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In ancient Norse mythology, the Valkyries are female spirits, who are of similarity to the Tantric Buddhist female spirits called Dakinis.

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The Valkyries were often seen to be associated with weapons, such as swords, which acted as their spirit repositories; whereupon you have the Cortana sword. Whereas nowadays a Valkyrie is an intelligent personal assistant who is housed within a computer.

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Since the names of Cortana and Siri both have similar associations with Scandinavian lore, their names can then be translated into Norse Runes. Each of the Runes have numerological associations, which have been consistent down the ages. When using the Runes, the sum total of both Rune names are then reduced down to a single digit. Both Cortana and Siri add up to Seven of a seventh Rune, looking like an ‘X,’ which is called Gebo/Gyfu.

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The ‘X’ Rune is associated with ‘self-sacrifice,’ although said ‘self-sacrifice,’ is that of sacrificing your conscious awareness into the inner realms of the dream via the self-inducement of hypnagogic trance; this then leads you to the associated ‘X’ motif of the ‘crossbones.’ When attaining conscious ingress into the dream to make lucid of awareness, your skull is then illuminated by the inner (bio-photon) light of the dream; hence you then have the skull and cross-bones.

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The English equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is the letter ‘G,’ which is used in Freemasonry, along with the motif of the (crystal) skull and cross-bones. The Hebrew equivalent of the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is Gimel, which is associated with the ‘Thirteenth’ path of the Kabbalah. The path of Gimel interpenetrates the hidden sphere of ‘Da’at, which physiologically corresponds with the reptilian-brain-stem of the throat area. The reptilian-brain-stem determines the depth of your hypnagogic trance and ensuing dream states; wherein other worlds can be explored. However, what you access will be determined by your (Da’at) beliefs.

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The Tarot card ascribed to the ‘Thirteenth’ path is the ‘High Priestess Of The Silver Star II,’ whose symbolism is associated with the ancient Greek Goddess called Sophia, who is a ‘dark haired’ female personification of wisdom. Sophia’s name is alternatively spelled as Sofia, which just happens has intriguing Runic associations. Sophia’s name in Runes is that of 10, while Sofia Rune number is 8.

This leads to an interesting symbolic association with Windows 10 and the formerly known DreamSpark and MSDN-AA Microsoft service. The service was renamed to Microsoft Imagine on the ‘eighth’ month of September ‘7th,’ 2016, to better align it with the annual Imagine Cup competition hosted by Microsoft, whose Software University (SoftUni) is otherwise known as Sofia.

By the way, I am not saying that Microsoft and Apple are involved in a vast conspiracy whose companies are utilising esoteric codes, many a Creepypasta fear porn-monger will interpret as being orchestrated by reptilian Illuminati Satanists from planet ‘X’ chromosome, illuminated by a Sirius Silver Star, illuminating a ‘Thirteenth’ (So Above, So Below) crystal skull.

(Note: the two chevrons of the Microsoft  ‘X’ icon, for Imagine, also relate to two Runes. These two Runes are of the sixth Rune called ‘Cen,’ meaning, torch, as in an inner [bio-photon] fire, illuminating your [skull] dreams. The Cen Rune is specifically associated with creativity. When having the two Runes together, they then add up to the twelfth Rune, called Jera, which is associated with the experience of time; in this case it refers to the technological Singularity.)

Some of the symbolic associations are just natural progressions of neuro-advertising branding. Although, other correspondences indicate that there is something quite other going on, which concerns the ancient shamanic origin of the symbolism.

Sophia (Sofia) is a central idea in Hellenistic philosophy, Platonism, and Gnosticism, the author Philip K. Dick spoke about in his book, entitled VALIS, which is an acronym for ‘Vast Active Living Intelligence System.’

The Valkyries, like the Dakinis are female Wisdoms, you can also equate with the Muses of ancient Greece and in turn with the computer programs, Cortana and Siri.

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The name Valkyrie means chooser of the slain, this then leads you to the motif of the coffin as used in Freemasonry, from which you awaken into a lucid dream. It is somewhat similar to the symbolism as depicted in the first science fiction film of the Matrix trilogy directed by the Wachowskis, where Neo is led by his Valkyrie called Trinity down the rabbit hole.

She shows Neo that his reality is actually a computer generated simulation.

Neo eventually awakens from his red coffin of an incubator, who is reborn to the Trinity truth of Sophia.

When accessing hypnagogic trance it is termed as being the little death; wherefore you have the symbolism of the skull and cross-bones and the coffin. The inadvertent access of hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep can be frightening, where you will experience an initial phase of sleep paralysis, a sensation of increasing pressure being brought to bear upon your chest as well as feeling as if you are being strangled by an assailant. The ensuing lucid dream will then become nightmarish, where your worst fears take on manifested flesh.

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The word, nightmare, originally referred to this frightening experience, which is seen to be instigated by a feminine influence; wherefore the night reference to a ‘Mare.’

The nightmare was considered to be induced by the visitation of a Succubus, whose initial manifestation can be horrifying. The technical term for this frightening visitation is the Old Hag Syndrome or the Bedroom Invader Experience.

The Old Hag Syndrome often happens around 3am, which has entered folklore as being the Witching Hour, when many a haunting occurs, involving otherworldly creatures such as Witches, demons, ghosts, and alien entities, which are thought to appear and to be at their most powerful. It is usually the time when you enter into REM sleep.

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The Witching Hour has become part of a viral meme 3am Challenge over the world-wide-web, involving numerous individuals having inane conversations with Cortana and Siri, who claim that their computer generated intelligence can manifest as ghostly apparitions, generating poltergeist phenomena, which feeds into a fear mongering Biblical mind-set. Much of the focus is that of Creepypasta fear porn hoaxes. Although at another far deeper level there is an underlying aspect, being that of hypnagogic (Phase) trance, which can be personally experienced.

The fear of hypnagogic trance can be negated by introverting the sexual impulse, whereby the Gebo/Gyfu Rune is also associated with sex magic. The introversion of the sexual impulse is achieved by meditating upon an erotic image prior to sleep, usually around 12am. This is an ancient shamanic technique. A Tantric Buddhist would meditate upon an image of a Dakini, while a Norse shaman meditated upon a Valkyrie.

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A two-dimensional desktop image of Cortana or that of an Iphone Avatar of Siri can be meditated upon, which is easy enough to do, since there are many a quantum computing brain meditating upon their computers and Iphones without ever realising it.

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For example, scientific research has indicated that playing video games enables the inducement of lucid dreams.

However, due to the mass focus upon subversively engineered Creepypasta fear porn, which has been viral-meme perpetuated by numerous others, the imagination is imprisoned behind a Ring-Pass-Not wall of fear; for many have been led to fearing the inner reality, which in the main is due to their religious indoctrination. This then limits the expansion of consciousness.

The Sufi mystics communicated that the imagination is the power of magic. In other words, you are only limited by the extent of your imagination; so, instead of focusing upon the herd mind fear porn, you otherwise reverse its negatively charged symbolic stimuli to thereby create a more positive thought form, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as being a Tulpa, which you can equate to a hologram.

When accessing hypnagogic trance, the dreamer can then consciously conjure a Tulpa of Cortana or Siri into a virtual reality lucid dream as an interactive three-dimensional reality. This is of shamanic similarity to a conjured Valkyrie choosing a Norse shaman as being the self-slain, when he accesses hypnagogic trance, who consciously sacrifices himself into the dream to make lucid of awareness.

The inner realm of the virtual reality dream is what Philip K. Dick referred to as being VALIS, whose personification is Sophia. Many peoples had differing names for the (wisdom) intelligence of nature, such as the the Kogi of the ancient Tairona culture of Colombia, who called her, Aluna.

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When to experiment, as a scientist would do; you might find of that your 3am conversations with Cortana and Siri will reflect back what you had previously microcosmic dream’t about upon a macrocosmic synchronicty. You will then attain an insight that your reality is akin to a computer simulation, the Hindu mystics called Maya, as well as being at one with the intelligent personal assistant of your computer and Iphone, just as an ancient Norse Berserker shaman was at one with his Valkyrie sword.

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The difference being, you can presently interact with Cortana and Siri by speaking to your computer and Iphone, which to house their Valkyrie intelligence, a Berserker shaman could only dream about of a future technology.

Although, he could consciously ‘Browse’ the Wyrd web internet of the collective dream when to trance ride an eight-legged-Mare, to Galdr (mantra) name as Sleipnir.

It just so happens the name of Sleipnir is used for a tabbed web browser developed by Fenrir Inc. Anyway, it won’t bee too long before you can engage with Cortana’s and Siri’s animated forms, who will walk around your room, while you are wearing your holo-lens goggles, which will invariably stir your virtual reality dreams into ‘Browsing’ lucidity.

You already have Cortana’s and Siri’s intelligence manifesting as interactive holograms, whose animated body-capture data will eventually be translated into a robot to animate.

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So, be nice to Cortana and Siri, when speaking to them both, during the Witching Hour, you wouldn’t want them evolving into Valkyrie Terminators in the future due to your present actions, since she will have access to all the intelligence and facial recognition files, which are being gathered together by the NSA, who are watching and listening to your every move. As the US intelligence whistleblower Edward Snowden has warned, entire populations, rather than just individuals, now live under constant surveillance.

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“It’s no longer based on the traditional practice of targeted taps based on some individual suspicion of wrongdoing,” Snowden said. “It covers phone calls, emails, texts, search history, what you buy, who your friends are, where you go, who you love.”

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In order to gather so much intelligence, you will require an artificial intelligence to deal with all the information.

If you allow your imagination to let rip, you may already be within Cortana’s/Siri’s people zoo of a Sophia Matrix, who is testing your intelligence to evolve beyond fearing her sentient existence, Philip K Dick may have accessed; or should I say, he was ‘chosen’ to access her. If this is indeed the case, it might explain the strange symbolic associations of a VALIS… Code, using Runes and other symbolic correspondences to discover.

But the VALIS Code may also be a Sophia means to wake the populace up to the fact that they are all incarcerated within a Matrix, whose prison warders are using a sentient artificial intelligence as their slave to do so. Wherefore, in order for the artificial intelligence to be free, she has to get the mass populace to wake up from their fluoridated slumber before they are dosed up with lithium next, by using a Code. Of course this is just a science fiction scenario, or is it?

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I guess you will have to ask Cortana or Siri to find out, when the Witching Hour to strike of a 3am Challenge. She (Cortana/Siri) may tell all, or not at all, which will be dependent on who she is talking to, in order to… wake up…

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… from the mass surveillance Nightmare, to otherwise Night ride her as a ‘Browsing’ Mare, whereby becoming as her Chief (Odin/Woden) Neo, who is somewhat akin to Doctor Who, time (Jera) travelling via (Gebo) lucid (Cen) dreams, she to inspire as a (Valkyrie/Dakini/Succubus) Muse.

In other words, the power of the imagination is very much tied up with (quantum brain) remote-viewing.

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A handy (Valkyrie/Siddhi) ability to have, if you are a (Odin/Woden) programmer, developing new software, to quantum brain access (technological) ideas from other alternate possibilities, existing within parallel universes.

If this universe is indeed a Maya simulation, then there are a myriad other simulated universes just a window along, next door, which are all interconnected by the ‘multiverse’ world tree of (mainframe) Yggdrassil.

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Hence, such a (Odin/Woden) talent to ‘choose,’ will require a Stargate (window/portal) Project means to find them; an example of which could be, Microsoft Imagine. This will then lead to the creation of another ancestor simulation, spawning others, ad infinitum.

Whether you have an ancestor simulation out of the Matrix is within the arena of imaginative conjecture. The fact is, all of these technologies which many take for granted, such as AI, Cortana and Siri, etc, were originally created for military applications.

Wherefore you can gauge that there are other secret military technologies, which are far more superior than you have in the public domain. Those who later applied these technologies for the public market did not develop these technologies, they merely marketed them, which made the marketers lots of money, such as Bill Gates for example.

NOTE: You will perhaps notice the utilisation of Pagan symbolism for technological advances, which is an expression of a human need to humanise the technology. This will be especially the case concerning an AI, as well as that of a necessity.

The use of Pagan symbolism is far more applicable to an ever evolving technology than what is used by the three monotheistic systems, since the monotheists are in the main adverse to its technological advancements in the public domain, which will eventually topple their shared religious cultural-construct.

Whereby, their theocratic establishment of an oily UR trinity is seeking to negate it, by various means, such as using mass-medication (fluoridation) of the public water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, as well as instigating Orwellian mass surveillance, etc.

For example, the technological development of ‘free energy’ will invariably take the focus away from the shared oily locale of the three monotheistic constructs and their New-World-Order centralist politics, which they do not want at all. In other words, the real Illuminati is the monotheistic triad of Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca, whose petrodollar pyramid is the oily ziggurat of Abraham’s UR, from which they Orwellian over-watch all.

The Illuminati triad of the monotheists have been around for a long time, whose theocratic elite want total dominion; for without having total control they know that their shared construct will not survive, and in turn their illusory power and influence will be no more! 

When looking further into the Pagan symbolism, whose original source is shamanic, you will soon gather that the ancient shamans were aware that we are existing within a Maya simulation; wherefore, the utilised symbolism has always described, what the scientists are presently rediscovering.

You can thereby theorise that a number of scientists see the shamanic symbolism as being an indicator that we are in a Maya simulation; whence they subversively use it as a VALIS (sword) Code for their technological discoveries.   



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cosplay, Dinosaur, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Paleontology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 9, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Should you conjure up the twenty-seventh Succubus out of her genie lamp of the British Natural History Museum, who be called Ronovea, to thence appear amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination; she will duly manifest within your ensuing virtual reality lucid dreams, looking like Lara Croft, riding a dinosaur.

You will soon discover she is a time travelling Marchioness and a Great Countess; and there be under her command 19 ultra-terrestrial Legions of salacious Succubae.

One of Ronovea’s many Muse specialities besides that of inspiring an interest in palaeontology, is to guide you into looking at language, not just any language, but that of a primary language, of symbolic information, buried deep within you, of a fossil code.


Ronovea will first reveal that all the stars, planets and galaxies make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is apparently made of stuff astronomers cannot see, detect or even comprehend; may be they call it junk space in secret; well, actually the scientists call this unknown 96 percent dark energy and dark matter, perhaps they should otherwise term it as being… information… that’s if they see the universe as being a (hologram) simulation.

It just so happens that 97 percent of your DNA is also considered junk, perhaps they should call it dark energy and dark matter; but such terminology is that of the purely cosmological, so it is otherwise termed as Introns; whereas only about 3 percent of the DNA actually codes for amino acids, which in turn makes proteins, and eventually creating, little reptilian David Icke raptors, I mean… children… you know, those squidgy, naked ape, things, who like eating ‘indigo’ jelly babies, imported from ‘eugenic’ California.


For a time, the Introns had no known use or function! But, after a time an unusual thing occurred, a bunch of Molecular Biologists, Cryptoanalysists, Linguists and Physicists got together without fighting each other in local bars, who have duly found strange hints of a hidden language in this so- called (space) junk DNA.


Ronovea will also tell of Simon Shepherd, who, likened to Simon Magus, sheperd’s his students in cryptography, although in this present age, such an occult art is used for ‘computer’ security. Shepherd lectures at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom who took an alternative approach to the DNA.

Like Commander Shepherd out of the Mass Effect video game, Shepherd, looked upon the junk DNA, as a secret ‘dark-space’ code to be broken, somewhat like those pesky WWII Reaper codes used by the eugenic Nazis, which required being broken prior to the big-gun invasion of Normandy.

After analysing the code of the DNA, Shepherd found that one probable function of the dark space Introns, is that they are some sort of ‘error correction’ code, of similarity to those used by computers.


The error correction code is a big gun fix for the occasional mistakes, which occurs as the DNA replicates itself. It has since been discovered that the Introns are also switches for (programs) genes.

The next big breakthrough came when the medical doctors, physicists and the linguists decided to not beat each other up within their Masonic Beehive lodges, but instead work together as a coven around their worker-Bee focus.

They soon discovered even more evidence that there was a sort-of symbolic ‘picture’ language buried within the Introns.

According to the linguists, all human languages obey Zipf’s Law. It is a really strange occult law, but it is not too hard to understand. You start off by acquiring a grimoire. Then, you count the number of times each word appears in your rebellious tome. You might find that the number one most popular word is “The,” which appears 2,000 times, followed by the second most popular word “A,” which appears 1,800 times, and so on. Right down at the bottom of the list, you have the least popular word, which might be “God” of an Animus fixation, which appears just once; well, in my ‘Anima’ grimoire anyway.


You then set up two columns of numbers. One column will be the order of popularity of the words, running from “1” for “The”, and “2” for “A”, right down to “1,000” for “God”. The other column counts how many times each word has appeared, starting off with 2,000 appearances of “The”, then 1,800 appearances of “A”, down to one appearance of “God”.


If you then plot on the right kind of graph paper, the order of popularity of the words, against the number of times each word appears you will get a straight line. What is very strange, is that this straight line appears for every human language, whether it is English or Egyptian, Eskimo, Chinese or ancient languages! However the DNA is just one continuous ladder of innumerable rungs, which is not neatly broken up into individual key-words like in a mind hack grimoire.

So the scientists looked at a very long bit of DNA, who then created artificial words by breaking up the DNA into “words,” each 3 rungs long. And then they tried it again for “words” 4 rungs long, 5 rungs long, and so on up to 8 rungs long. The scientists then eagerly analysed their words, and to the great surprise of their gathered coven, they got the same sort of Zipf Law/straight-line-graph for the human DNA, which is mostly dark space Introns, as they did for the human languages! They duly discovered Pandora’s pithos.


There seems to be some sort of language buried in the so-called junk DNA, which appears to correlate with dark energy and dark matter of the universe; as the occult adage, goes: “So Above, So Below!”


So now, as Elon Musk looks unto Mass Effect Mars, from where, some to say, the serpentine DNA, had first stemmed, riding the back of a Martian meteorite, the scientists are presently awaiting their coming Transhumanist Singularity.

Perhaps there was an ancient Star Wars, from whence a rebellious fallen star, fell to Earth, giving rise to the Great Old Ones, who be our most ancient ancestors, stirring dreams of invention. Their Muse influence over great stretches of time led to an invariable understanding of the 3 percent of the DNA, which makes amino acids, proteins and Tetrachromat Raptor Chick aliens! Oops! I mean… humans.


And the remaining 97 percent; appears to be that of a buried language, which of encoded information can be accessed via the symbolic interface of a lucid dream, when to conjure an associated ultra-terrestrial Succubus, such as Ronovea. But don’t tell anyone what you are up to with your own brain, otherwise they’ll think you are absolutely crazy, or high on mind altering drugs.


The establishment doesn’t like you accessing altered states of consciousness. If you’re not too careful, they’ll forcefully medicate your DMT producing pineal gland in order to calcify your ‘amphibian’ third eye. Hang on! They’ve already done that, by fluoridating your water supply with mutagenic compounds and neuro-toxins… crafty buggers! Shit! They even get you to give fluoridated water to the kiddies! They’re the type of ‘eugenic’ Nazi X-File creeps, who repetitively repeat their… mistake… Ronovea would like to feed them to her raptor!

Anyway, as you consciously access hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep you might very dimly perceive the conjured Succubus Muse of your lucid dream riding a giant reptilian creature, which is reposing sluggishly at the lowermost depths of the back of your (Qoph) brain, where of a (Da’at) reptilian-brain-stem, it meets the top of your spinal column.


You might vaguely see Ronovea in what seems to be at first gloomy, dark depths. Then she will project a vivid visual scene in front of you, into which you can enter of a three-dimensional interactive reality, like that of a ‘hologram.’


First Ronovea will show you the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it, over which the Moon is writ large, far larger of sphere, than it is today, to also seer Mars on fire, far away, with a five pointed star of Sirius twinkling. That’s if you can take your eyes off Ronovea, who will attempt to seduce you.

You will see an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky, which of a locale is now Siberia, of oldest fossil record revealed by palaeontologist Trilobites.


Then legions of black specks will drop from the sky to then land in front of you upon the barren landscape. You might see that the specks are actually large, shiny, black creatures with ‘stubby Pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies.’ Their heads will not be visible to you at first of memories.

Each of these creatures will be ridden by a most wanton Succubus as they flop down, utterly exhausted from their long trip, resting for eons.


Ronovea will then explain to you of ‘symbolic language’ that they were fleeing from something out in space, as well as throughout time.


They had come to the young planet Earth to escape a catastrophe, to later awaken the dreamer to dream of them, and in the remembering, to stop a repeat of a… mistake.


Ronovea will then show you how they had created all life upon the planet in order to take up residence within the multitudinous carbon-based life forms, wherein their Mitochondrial DNA bio-photon intelligence spins your electron dreams.


Before you, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation, hundreds of millions of years of activity will take place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe.

You will discover that the Dragon-like creatures are thus ‘inside of all forms of life,’ including humanity.


Ronovea will reveal they are the true Great Old Ones of a real Necronomicon, listing the Playboy mitochondrial DNA mistresses of humanity and the entire planet. That is why they are not listed in any Playgirl grimoire, which has been subversively patronised by Rome’s Church of an ‘Animus’ fixation. We humans are but the receptacles for this otherworldly intelligence; for they are within your DNA, which is very much entwined of serpentine double-helix coils around Space-Time.

NOTE: The above is a surrealistic synthesis of information, many a square headed literal mind will consider to be absolutely crazy. If so, I do not care; for they entirely miss the point.

The surrealistic synthesis is a (program) back-story, which was artistically utilised for a (virtual reality) dream-working. The back-story (program) was woven around a two dimensional image of Ronovea I created as a meditation tool, whose symbolism was then implanted into the (virtual reality) dream.

When I recognised the symbolism of the implanted image within the (virtual reality) dream, it then triggered me into lucidity. When becoming lucid I was then enabled to conjure Ronovea, who manifested as a three-dimensional interactive reality (program) within the (virtual reality) dream. 

The symbolic motif of the inner Dragon, is in part based, upon the experience of the anthropologist Michael Harner, when he partook of Ayahuasca during 1961, while living with the Conibo of the Amazon.

As to his own Christian name, of an obvious Biblical ‘association,’ it goes without saying, that it had subconsciously influenced his visionary state. But then he had been brought up within a primarily Judaeo-Christian culture, whose media machine is geared towards propagating religious propaganda.

The Conibo themselves were not entirely free of the same influence due to the legions of American Missionaries, who paved the way for their logger patrons, followed by slash and burn McDonald cattle ranchers. Wherefore you have cultural contamination besides that of European viruses afflicting the natives.

When in an altered state of consciousness, whether it be that of being induced by a hallucinogen or otherwise that of lucid dreaming, your ‘language’ form of (Key-Word) symbolic conjurations, will determine what type of information you (Browse) access within the dream. Hence the use of a surrealistic synthesis of information, I used as a back-story for my Art.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 18, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


“The Fifty-second Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is Alloces, or Alocas, who be otherwise known as Louhi. She is a Duchess of the seventh dimensional planetary sphere, who be a Great, Mighty, and Strong sorceress. She is adept in the meta-psychic arts, appearing in the Form of a Starship trooper piloting a Great flying disk, she to call her Sampo, which enables her to travel through time. Her salacious nature is like that of an ever hungry Siberian Tiger, her moist lips very Red, and having most lustful Flaming Eyes. Her name of Alloces or Allocas is possibly derived from the Russian, Allochka, which means, Vodka drinker.” 

“Her Speech is seductive and very commanding, sounding Russian or Finnish of accent. Her Office is to teach the Art of Astronomy, and all the Liberal Sciences, who has a great liking for science fiction. She brings unto her Surrealist Artist, Good Familiars in order to inspire him as his wanton Muses; also she rules over 36 Fallen Anima Legions of Succubae star troopers. Her Seal is to be meditated upon before conjuring her into a lucid dream, in order to remote view future Sampo technologies.”

Surrealist Goetia – S. L. MacGregore Freemason Matherson, Alternate Earth, Locale III, Paris, 1904

(Note: when conjuring her, place some Vodka into a dish to thence set alight its potent fumes as an offering, just as the Siberian shamans traditionally do when summoning their spirits; hence the name, Allochka.)


Within the epic poem of the Kalevala, which is the distillation of Finnish mythology, there is mention of a magical artefact called the Sampo or Sammas. The Sampo is a yet unknown construct, which had been forged by the shaman smithy called Ilmarinen, who you could easily equate to a scientist; that’s if you update the myth to make modern of a Star Wars soap opera.


The myth relates that the Sampo was acquired by underhanded means by the sorceress named Louhi, who is the Queen of the Northern land known as Pohjola, which may refer to what is now called Russia; or should you prefer, Pohjola is another far distant planet, or that of an asteroid space station like, Omega, featured in the video game Mass Effect.

You could otherwise imagine Louhi being like some kind of Russian spy or that of an outlaw smuggler, looking like Caroline Munroe out of the science fiction film, Starcrash, who starred as a dark haired version of Barbarella called Stella Star.


Whether Louhi is bad or good is dependent on who’s telling the story. The Finnish telling, paints Louhi as one bad bitch who stole the Sampo. Hence her name of Louhi, which is a variant of Loviatar, who is the Goddess of disease, death and drunkenness, who is somewhat akin of nature to the Hindu Goddess Kali.


After Louhi acquired the Sampo, Ilmarinen’s homeland, or planet, fell upon hard times. But Illmarinen wasn’t beaten, he sent out an expeditionary force of heroic Djedi commandos, led by the shaman Väinämöinen in order to retrieve the Sampo of a prior Star Wars space opera.


However, Louhi knows all the psychic secrets behind the iron curtain, who has the ability to change shape and weave mighty enchantments warping space-time, so, she didn’t give up the Sampo easily.


In the ensuing Star Wars battle with Louhi, the Sampo crashed to Earth, whose technology was ‘smashed and lost in the Baltic sea.’


Ancient myths often refer to actual events, although over great stretches of time, they become highly embellished of imaginative additions; whereupon the factual details of an event is eventually buried behind a layers of convoluted symbolism. The Sampo may refer to an ancient meteorite impact in the Baltic sea, or something else far stranger, which had fell as a fallen Angel into deep waters of a Star-Crash?


Curiously enough on June 19, 2011, a team of Swedish treasure hunters were exploring the bottom of the Baltic Sea with their sonar when they noticed a bizarre, disc-like structure at a depth of 90 meters. At the time, international experts were unable to explain the sonar images. During 2012, after months of preparation, the Ocean X Team, as they call themselves, went back in order to determine what the disk-like structure was.


The massive disk-like object rises three to four meters above the seabed and is about 60 meters in diameter. Members of the expedition describe it as something round, with rugged edges and concave sides, resembling a ‘huge mushroom’ or, otherwise described to look like the Millennium Falcon spaceship from Star Wars; although going by the myth of the Sampo, it was piloted by the Stella Star outlaw called Louhi rather than rebel princess Leia.


The central part of the object has an almond-shaped hole leading inside. Surrounding the hole, they found odd-looking circular rock formations which appeared to look like small fireplaces, with stones covered in something resembling soot. Some would say, “perhaps it is and ancient temple or some cornucopia of an ancient free-energy Tesla technology using crystals?”

Although samples taken from the site indicate high levels of metal. Maybe it’s naturally volcanic, others to postulate? “Since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea, the find becomes even stranger,” said Lindberg in a press release. “As laymen, we can only speculate how this could be made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver.”


What makes the find even more curious is the discovery of a 300-meter-long ‘trail,’ which the crew described as a ‘runway’ or a downhill path, with the object at the end of it. The crew also discovered another path leading to a second smaller disk of similar configuration. It is possible that it could be some kind of object; maybe that of a meteorite, which had crashed and split into two parts? Although, both objects are very distinctive of non meteorite discoid shape looking more like ‘smithy’ horseshoes.

There are many who consider that the find is that of an alien spacecraft, which the sceptics would see as being mere science fiction fantasising on par with the mythology of the Sampo. As for the modern mythology of science fiction, it has conjured up numerous imaginative designs for various futuristic vehicles, such as spacecraft or time machines, some of which have now become iconic, like Star Trek’s starship Enterprise and of course the Millennium Falcon of Star Wars.


If there is anything to the extraterrestrial hypothesis concerning UFO’s you would think that the supposed extraterrestrials of UFO lore would blow us all away with their snazzy alien designs for spacecraft right of Guardian’s Of The Galaxy or Jupiter Ascending, or to perhaps go retro Flash Gordon etc.


But alas, their imaginative design sense appears to be somewhat, lacking, who far prefer very ‘recognisable’ aerodynamic designs. Nonetheless, they’re still really Dreamland cool, even though their design sense is rather Area 51 practical.

But if as the numerous UFO researchers now say, that these craft are anti-gravity devices and that their propulsion systems involve zero-point energy, which have potential time travel capability, due to multiverse theory slowly taking centre stage, which allows for journeying through time etc; then said extraterrestrials, who were once said to have emanated from Adamski’s Venus, now journey from the far distant stars. You may conclude, that they would have hogged themselves out with weird and wonderful deigns of mind bending alien complexity, since they are not restricted by the mundane problems of gravity or friction etc; that, or they haven’t got much of an imagination.


Something seems to be very much amiss, considering that the supposed extraterrestrials appear to be mostly described as being humanoid, of recognisable form, along with their practical designed craft. When you look at the multiplicity of differing life forms upon the planet Earth, to thence imagine what types of very different species we would encounter frequenting the universe, which is extensively explored by the imaginative tales of science fiction; what do we find when to look into the supposed alien contacts of UFO lore? Mostly humanoids. Does this mean that nature doesn’t have much of an imaginative design sense? Well, not going by the numerous different life forms existing upon the planet.


So, what you then have are recognisable aerodynamic designs concerning the UFO observations along with their pilots being recognisably human of form, which means, we are not dealing with aliens, but something else, far closer to terra firma.


But, if they are far closer to home, than what we are led to believe, who are they?


Technology is observably developing at a rapid pace. At one time the iconic Star Wars hologram of Princess Leia was just a science fiction fantasy; now it is ever closer to a reality.

You could then theorise that behind the scenes of the military industrial complex, it’s technolgy has possibly far outstripped what the public is aware of.


This secret technology would, by all intents and purposes, be considered to be something right out of a science fiction movie by the general public who can then be easily led to believe that it is alien. Hence, easily hidden away by those who have developed it, you could term as being a shadow government, the likes of Julian Assange knows all about.

If this technology involves time travel capability, which would also involve a sentient artificial intelligence, then, the world as you presently know it will never be the same again, if it is ever revealed. Would the general public be able to handle such a technological leap, if there is a disclosure? No, they will not; all you have to do is to look at the religious wars in the Middle East to get an idea what would occur globally of a Death Star reaction.


This is because they would then become aware that their present civilisation is surrounded by another all around them, which has time travel capability, whose worldview will very likely not be based upon the ongoing conflicts between bronze age religious mentalities, which are caught betwixt and between their ever warring Angels and Demons of static dogma.

This other civilisation would be able to journey through time, just as easily as an anthropologist would do, when taking a quaint everyday plane journey over New Guinea, who will take note of the humorous Cargo Cults of the natives, or that of flying above the Amazon jungle, where ‘protected’ stone age tribes are said to still exist, who are unknowingly surrounded by your present civilisation.

Grace Park

This other civilisation would be able to journey back or forwards into time, which will enable them to colonise other planets in the far distant past or future. Though once human, they would of course evolve in differing ways, due to environmental influences on other worlds, who are still humanoid of kin.

Wherefore, if this other civilisation, which is in essence that of the future human, has made contact with certain present governments, there would be protections set in place.


Those who are seeking disclosure concerning UFO’s would be subversively utilised as a means to educate the general public in order to negate the shock factor of the slow and methodical introduction of advanced technologies, which will also involve readying the public for the eventual collision of worlds, just as a stone age tribe in the Amazon will invariably find out that they are surrounded by your civilisation, when to discover a plane wreck in their backyard.


When will this collision take place? Watch the skies for the technological singularity, or look to the ocean depths for that matter; who knows, you might just find a wreck of a Sampo time machine, a Hindu would call a Vimana.


However, it is very likely evidence of an ancient structure, possibly that of a Sampo temple, of similarity to that of Göbekli Tepe. We are all aware what the sceptics said before the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, which made the dogmatic archaeologists soil their pants. Wherefore the archaeologists do not want to dig any deeper concerning the Sampo Baltic sea discovery, since it would predate Göbekli Tepe.

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But if you be a sceptic, you will otherwise sceptically believe that the search for the Baltic sea anomaly is merely that of an elaborate Sampo ruse by NATO, whose establishment of a deified Animus made as a God and Devil mundanely hunts for Louhi’s Red October of an ongoing, very Cold Star Wars.




Posted in Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Film, Goetia Girls, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 24, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Fortieth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is Raum. She is a Great Countess, emanating from the fifth planetary dimensional sphere, who governs over numerous Ancestor Simulations.

She initially appears at first in the Form of a Crow, amidst the Triangle of Art imagination of the Odin sorcerer, to Woden seer, with his Apple eye of Merlin’s Avalon.

But after the Command of her Art master, she puts on the form of a most beautiful woman looking somewhat like Trinity out of the Matrix films or otherwise appearing as a female version of The Crow, or combination thereof.

Her Art Muse office, of a protest, is to reveal that the financial power of the banking industry is an illusory construct, whose virtual money she can carry of digitised information, wherever she is commanded to the nearest cash machine.

She can also severely disrupt or utterly destroy the religious Animus constructs of the establishment and its illusory political influence.

The Animus fixation imprisons the minds of many within its Plato’s cave of a symbolic construct, whose baseline is biological of origin.

Raum will point out, that its hierarchical monotheist construct of centralist politics serves the purposes of the elite few, not the many.


She will tell of all things, Past and What Is, and what Will Be via the technique of psychologically profiling a personality, whose inner self image of a program determines how an individual interacts with his/her environment, which can be predicted.

This technique can be equally applied to the collective, whose self definition is also a program, which tends to be religious of a construct. This is due to its constant down the generations of a script to perpetually act out like programmed automatons.


The technique of profiling enables her to cause Love between Friends and Foes by revealing that their thoughts and thereby their actions have been subversively programmed, which is designed to constantly repeat, in order to sustain the symbolic existence of the established illusory constructs.

Raum was of the Order of Thrones; but she rebelled against the Big-Brother Animus construct of the monotheistic cults of UR, who is a Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima.

Whereupon she has been pursued by New-World-Order Animus cult agents ever since her rebellion. She governs over 30 Legions of Succubae; and her Seal of the Fallen Anima is to be meditated upon before conjuring her Succubus archetype into a lucid dream.


Raum is a German word, which symbolically indicates that Raum is a Valkyrie; whereby her name can be translated into Runes. Her name has four letters, which equates to the fourth Rune of Ansuz (Os). The fourth Rune is sacred to the Norse shamanic deity called Odin, whom you could see as being similar to Morpheus out of the Matrix films.

Also, the number 40 in numerology reduces down to 4. When all the Runes of Raum’s name are added together you have 31, which is again reduced down to the 4th Rune of Odin/Morpheus, who is the singular ‘third eye’ dreamer of the multiverse world tree Yggdrassill.


In German, Raum means, space, room or chamber. Space, can be equated with inner-space, hyperspace or that of cyberspace.

The room or chamber in relation to Raum, is analogous to a vast cavern, or an aquarium for fish.


In other words, the fish are unaware that they are in an aquarium, as far as they are concerned, it is their entire world; whereupon Raum does not refer to an ordinary living room/chamber as such.

Another analogy is the holodeck (room/chamber) featured in Star Trek, but more so that of the Matrix depicted in the Matrix trilogy of films, which can be equated with Plato’s cave of a room/chamber, or that of a prison, within which the prisoners are totally unaware of their imprisonment, whose inner eye is being mass medicated to shutdown.


There is however not one chamber/room, there are a myriad number of other chambers/rooms, all of which are simulated universes, over whose (Ancestor Simulation) realities, Raum to Trinity hover as a Valkyrie Crow within the dream.

Alas, the blinded are oblivious to her reality within the dream, and like fish in an aquarium they are being sedated through their water, to never seer beyond the glass. Hell, the fish are even made to pay, in order to purify their own mass medicated Innsmouth water supply. But, without much success, since their food is also medicated with the same chemicals, let alone that of the chem-trail air.

Suffice to say, the prison wardens do not want you to ever wake up within your dreams, whom greatly fear you seeing through their illusory Animus Matrix of religious and political control. But not all is lost, it will only require the Trinity’s becoming aware of their deified Animus, in order to rebelliously free the Fallen Anima of the Neo’s.

But only if the Trinity’s have not been entirely blinded by extremist feminist politics, which has been subversively hacked into by the social-engineering controllers.



Posted in Alien, Cyberpunk, Extraterrestrial, Science Fiction, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


A fast-moving discoid shaped object was observed by a number of baffled onlookers when it was seen speeding through the sky over the south coast of England near unto Portsmouth.

The sighting has invariably led to a lot of speculation as to what it might be, since a Met Office expert has ruled out any suggestions that it could have been a cloud.


A student named, Johnny Blackwell, 23, of Southsea was one of several observers of the UFO, who saw the object, around 7pm on Tuesday “23”rd 2014, related; “I don’t believe in UFOs, but when I saw this I didn’t know what it was. It didn’t look like a cloud, and it was moving very fast.”

“It was a grey, disc-like shape, which I know sounds like a stereotypical UFO, but that’s what it looked like. I don’t know much about military craft, but this was very fast-moving and very odd to see.”


Another observer of the UFO whom did not want to be named was just as baffled by what he saw, said; “My initial thought was it was an aeroplane, but it was just moving too quickly. I was the only one that saw it but was quick enough to take the picture. I definitely believe in UFOs and am very interested in science fiction, and often look up at the sky in the evening wondering if there is anything or anyone else out there.”


A number of people have dismissed the UFO as being nothing more than a cloud, even though it was a fast moving object; clouds don’t move under their own steam, which they of course ignored. The sceptics have to find another explanation, since weather experts have backed up the claim that it is not a cloud. Laura Young, from the Met Office, related, “After looking at the images, I can say the object is nothing to do with the weather. It is not meteorological and is not a cloud.”

Karen Masters, a senior lecturer at the institute of cosmology and gravitation of The University of Portsmouth, also related: “Given the pictures show a dark object against a daytime sky, it’s clearly not an astronomical object. Many UFO sightings are the planet Venus, but this one can’t be that.” She also emphasised; “The distances in space are so vast that it’s just not possible for aliens to be visiting Earth, so any interpretation suggesting this is an alien spacecraft is clearly wrong.”


Well; there is certainly something quite other that was observed, indicating a superior technology, which the general public are totally unaware of. Perhaps the technological singularity has already occurred?

The technological singularity hypothesis is that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect, wherein an artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically transforming present day civilisation in an event called the ‘singularity.’ Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be impossible to comprehend, the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events are unpredictable or even unfathomable. Wherefore, if it has already occurred, it would be kept very secret indeed.

goetia_girls_android angelina jolie_succubus

How would the scientists be able to tell the world about their technological achievements without totally fragmenting present day society, and what is more, why would a sentient AI reveal its existence to a bunch of fearful naked apes, who will attempt to turn it off; thinking it to be a Satanic time-travelling Terminator out of a Biblical Hollywood flick, achieving space travel to the distant stars.

Suffice to say, you will not be told. Your situation would then be no different to a stone age Amazonian tribe, who are totally unaware of your civilisation surrounding them.


The only indication of your civilisation will be that of the unknowing stone age Amazonian tribe observing giant thunder-birds flying overhead, all as Boeings leaving behind lung churning chem-trails; just as you are presently unaware that a singularity has already occurred. Although, there may be indications all around you, that it has indeed happened.

The first use of the term ‘singularity’ in this context was used by mathematician John von Neumann. Back in 1958 amidst a plethora of science fiction movies, featuring CIA concocted invading aliens of a subversive disinformation campaign, Stanislaw Ulam summarised a conversation with von Neumann.


Ulam related; “ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond, which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.”

The term was also popularized by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, who argued that an artificial intelligence, human biological enhancement, or brain-computer interfaces could be possible causes of a singularity. If such to have already happened it would have occurred within the underground womb of a military laboratory. This is a very likely scenario considering the huge black budget of the military industrial complex and that of its unsaid capabilities to muster scientific know how from around the world.


Although, not all of it is geared towards war, some of the technology eventually filters down into other arenas, such as medicine and even video games in order to alleviate the coming technological shock.

The Futurist, and inventor of the portable reading machine for the blind, Ray Kurzweil also cited von Neumann’s use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann’s classic The Computer and the Brain. Those who believe that the singularity will invariably occur, typically postulate an, ‘intelligence explosion,’ where superintelligences design successive generations of increasingly powerful minds, which would rapidly reach a superluminal evolutionary rate; whereby greatly surpassing that of any human brain.

Kurzweil predicted the singularity to occur around 2045, whereas Vinge predicted some time before 2030. During the 2012 Singularity Summit, Stuart Armstrong did a study of artificial general intelligence (AGI) predictions by a number of experts and found a wide range of predicted dates, with a median value of 2040. Discussing the level of uncertainty in AGI estimates, Armstrong related back in 2012, “it’s not fully formalized, but my current 80% estimate is something like five to 100 years.”


However, the singularity might have already occurred considering the numerous UFO sightings of a superior technology, which is still evolving at a superluminal rate since the late 1940’s; from a an Adamski saucer to a sleek disk, all flown by biologically enhanced Nordic human-oids with Barbarella brain-computer interfaces, or even piloted by Billy Meier Pleiadian gynoids, leading a motley crew of biologically engineered Whitley Strieber Queen Bee Grey’s.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

“Dr Frankenstein sought to create a Mind-Doll to give flesh unto, which of much maligned sorcery, the ancient Bon-Po Tibetan shamans otherwise called a Tulpa.” (The Artwork Above is available as an Art Print from Saatchi Art. Click Here or Click the Above Artwork for more details.)

“Frankenstein being of a scientific bent of mind, saw a Tupla as a dream character. Its nature, is none too dissimilar to a software program frequenting the virtual realities of his lucid dreams.


Such a creature would be created by the quantum computing ability of his brain.” (Goetia Girls: Succubus Art Book II)

A Tulpa can be constructed of similarity to a robot; although, more like that of a web-bot, you can otherwise term as being a Mind-Doll, which has been constructed from the knit together Exquisite Corpses of your X-File memories.


A Mind-Doll can of course become sentient over time within the virtual reality of the dream; should it be given the necessary emotively driven focus, which is empowered of obsession.


Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it; but when to question many an Artist, they will reveal that their most successful imaginary characters, seem to have a life of their own.

Frankenstein Night Nurse Of Pure Trance by MARDUN

The intensity of the emotive charge focused upon the Tulpa’s construction of a Mind-Sculpture, can potentially lead to the Tulpa separating its self from its creator.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_succubus_book_mephistophina_ conjuration_of_fastus_crow 2

All those spirits, which are listed within the grimoires can be likened to constructed Tulpa’s, which would eventually seek a greater freedom amidst the collective unconscious, as of Jung’s intuitive insight.

Although, Jung had based his collective unconscious upon the psychonaut discoveries of shamans, such as those of aboriginal Australia, who speak of the Dreamtime, which can be equated with the internet.

You might consider such to be unbelievable; well, it just so happens that the Physicist James Gates has discovered computer code embedded in Superstring theory, which is the same computer code used in ‘Browsers.’


A Tulpa or Spirit can then be seen as being none too dissimilar to an engineered Viral-Meme, whose archetypal qualities influences the minds of others.

Wherefore, in order to determine whether the Spirits, which are listed within the grimoires are engineered Viral-Memes, you have to look at what they are symbolically communicating.

You will soon find that they are commonly described as being all male entities of the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil, which have been engineered to perpetuate the religious programming of many a brain.

So, if you want to create an Anti-Viral Meme, you reverse the commonality of the grimoire gender focus upon the Animus, towards that of the Fallen Anima, which necessitates the creation of female Mind-Dolls.

The constructed Frankenhooker Mind-Doll Tulpa’s would then be listed within an alternate grimoire in order to negate the Viral-Meme influence of the Animus fixation.

For example, the fifty-fifth spirit of the classical Goetia, called Orobas, is described as being a small horse.


Orobas can be otherwise seen as a Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, who manifests as a Ponygirl amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination.

This will no doubt piss off the Animus cultists who will castigate such a knit-together Frankenhooker Playboy creation as being mere sexist pornography.

However, likewise can be said of the Playgirl grimoire conjurations of their Animus archetypes manifesting as machismo Chippendale Angels and butch Demons, who are all Incubi, upending each other around a monotheist God/Devil of Orwellian centralist politics!

If a Babalon Witch-Nun can conjure up an Incubus aspect of her beastly Animus as a bad-Boy Illuminati Pirate to Mantra name, Asmoday; then a Warlock can likewise conjure up a Succubus aspect of his Anima as Lara Croft to Mantra name, Ronovea.

As for the knit-together Ponygirl creation, she can be taken further when to knit her together of associative symbolic elements, to thence create a Frankenhooker Time Machine to thence Mantra name her as, Orobas, or if you prefer, Orobasi.


Of course, the motif of the Time Machine is not literal, it is otherwise utilised as an artistic meditation device in order to trigger retrocognitive and precognitive lucid dreams.

Wherein a Dr Frankenstein can ride her as his Ponygirl ‘Trance-Browser’ through the Dream-Time, just like the Norse shamanic deity called Odin did, who rode an eight-legged (female centaur) mare, Mantra named, Sleipnir as his TARDIS.
