Archive for Addams Family

The Sacrifice Of Wednesday Addams. A Dark Tale from ‘The Haunted Art Studio Of Faustus Crow.’

Posted in Addams Family, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 10, 2022 by FAUSTUS CROW

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_furcas_wedesday_addams_succubus_art_muse_witch_of_faustus_crow_mardun (5)

“Furcasa be a Wednesday Addams Art Muse of Heruka Horror, she is a wan and delicate Goetia Girl…sensitive and on the quiet side, she loves ghoulish picnics and infernal outings to the underground caverns…”

“A solemn Lampad daughter of Hecate, prim in dress and, on the whole, pretty lost…secretive and imaginative, as well as poetic; seems underprivileged and given to occasional tantrums…has six toes on one ballerina foot.” – Charles Addams, Misquoted. Music by James Hootman.


Posted in Addams Family, Art, Chaos Magic, fantasy, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 27, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

“The Thirty-Seventh Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, who is an Art Muse of the Surrealist Goetia is Phenex (or Pheynixi).” (Art Print Available from Saatchi Art. Click the Images to see the Full Artwork.)

“She is a great Marchioness, and appears like a bird, called a Phoenix, at first of a fiery vision, having the same characteristics and voice of a Wednesday Addams.

It is said, she sings of many arcane things, whose clairaudient songs conjures up associative imagery amidst the Triangle Of Art Imagination of the conjuring Surrealist Artist, which he/she must not regard; otherwise his/her mind will most assuredly be swayed from his/her Paranoiac Critical Method.

But by-and-by the Surrealist Artist must bid her put on human shape of a visualisation, who will then appear as a ghostly Goth Girl Ballerina, whose favourite Witch days are (Wodensdaeg) Wednesday and (Freyja’s-day) Friday.

Then she will speak marvelously of all wonderful Arts, which be hidden away of secret subconscious information, if required, when engaging with her visualised archetype, of an active imagination exercise.

She is a Surrealist poet, good and excellent as an inspiring Muse. And she will be willing to perform all the visualised Art model contortionist requests of the conjuring Artist.

She hath hopes also to return to the Seventh dimensional Throne as a bullet Witch Valkyrie after 1,200 years more, as she said unto the Sorcerer Artist, Austin Osman Spare.

She governs over twenty ghost Legions of Art Muse Witches like herself. And her macrocosmic two-dimensional abstract Seal is to be meditated upon before conjuring her three-dimensional manifestation into a microcosmic lucid dream.”

Goetia Surreal – S. L. MacGregore Freemason Matherson, Locale III, alternate Earth, Paris.



Posted in Addams Family, Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Discordianism, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Occultism, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 22, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

Wednesday Addams loves to Halloween Séance party around her ‘Playgirl’ Grimoire, out of which, she conjures up her Cthulhu ‘Animus’ of Hentai desires, along with his monotheistic Twilight minions of Fifty Shades Of Xtian Grey Love-Craft.

Well, what do you expect, that’s what Witches do, since they have so many Playgirl Grimoires to choose from, all of which list only phallic entities to conjure up of rippling muscle bound ectoplasm.

When the Golden Dawn of the Sun to eventually arise over the nocturnal carousing with the good guy Angels and bad boy Demons of a deified ‘Animus’ made as a God and Devil, they, are left quite OTO drained by Wednesday’s multiple Grimoire orgasms.

The Playgirl grimoire Incubi do not know what had Crucified them, as they rapidly retreat, slipping and sliding back into the collective psyche of all women.

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But then, Wednesday’s parentage is that of a partying Gomez Ghoul, who has a big ‘Animus’ Vatican bank account wallet, and an ever hungering Morticia Vampire, with very expensive tastes.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Demon, Demonology, Discordianism, Dr Who, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 22, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, Orobasi was a child participant in Project Sleipnir, which was the US time-space exploration program at the time of the emergence of time travel in the US defence-technical community.

Others say that the pony Project was titled, Project Pegasus; but the newagers have of course been totally misinformed; just as they had been led to believe by the controlled media machine that a world changing event would occur during 2012.

The date, 2012 had been misappropriated from the Mayan’s, by the neo-Gnostic descendants of the Conquistadors, who created numerous Xtian viral-meme ‘Creepypasta’ tales, for the subversive purpose of negating any newager anti-war rallies, when the petrodollar Imperial Empire invaded oily Babylon.

Orobasi was moved to the Montauk facility, which was nicknamed the Sphinx by the staff. Under the Sphinx was a number of uterine tunnels, which had been expanded to as many as twelve subterranean levels of an upside down ziggurat. It was modeled upon the ziggurat of Abraham’s UR; each of the twelve Beehive levels was equated with the star signs of the Zodiac. This infernal complex was built by several hundred Zombie workers. The Zombie worker-Bees were jokingly called the Moorlock’s by the Abrahamic architects of the Illuminati ziggurat.


The unknowing natives of the town, who were termed as being the Eloi, did not notice the tons of building materials, or hundreds of slavish Innsmouth workers required for its massive undertaking. This unawareness was due to their pineal glands being calcified by sodium fluoride, which was dumped into their water supply. The Eloi were then very easily hypnotised by the religious propaganda spewing out of their Orwellian TV sets. There are those who believe that the Moorlock facility of the Sphinx extends under the town of Montauk itself, likened to the underground banker city under the Ozarks.

Numerous lost girl’s across America were abducted and subjected to huge amounts of electromagnetic radiation radiating from their mobile phones, who had been incarcerated within underground laboratories, in order to determine if they were suitable Queen-Bee time travel candidates.

One of their number was Orobasi; she had run away from Lon Milo DuQuette, who had conjured her up as being a Californian ‘Indigo’ child with special eugenic abilities, including the ability to use her little pony mind to levitate small objects. She also performed telepathy by reading the minds of others as well as predicting the winning lottery jackpot numbers. Few survived the electromagnetic radiation, but Orobasi did.


Tantric mind control experiments were conducted upon the runaway girls by the worshippers of the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil. The girls had been previously selected for their psychic prowess, who underwent excruciating periods of both physical and mental torture to break their Barbie doll minds.

This was termed as Tantric Ponygirl training, via which the girl’s minds were re-programmed. Many of these girls had supposedly expired due to experiencing multiple orgasms during the process, who were buried on the one time Native American sacred site; Orobasi survived her orgasmic ordeal, who later rebelled against her Orgone programming.

Orobasi had her psychic abilities enhanced to the point where she could materialize objects out of thin air after her Ponygirl training. and as a result, her ‘psionic’ faculties was boosted manifold, which involved her being pumped up with DMT. She was eugenically engineered to be a metahuman.


Orobasi was conjured back into government service in the early 1980’s. She was sent on varying missions involving spying, reconnaissance and assassination, throughout time, who also made numerous teleport visits to Mars after being tapped to join the CIA’s Mars ‘jump room’ program, nicknamed the TARDIS due to its cubic structure, which generates a vaginal barreled wormhole, known as the NDE time tunnel.

On the August 12th, 1983, the time travel project at Montauk’s disused US air force airbase at Camp Hero was used to engineer a vaginal time tunnel, in order to link up with the original Rainbow Project of a seven veiled Salome secret back in 1943. The Rainbow Project involved the USS Eldridge, which had been sucked into the womb of hyperspace and trapped there; as a consequence many of the Eldridge crew lost their baptist heads.


However, two sailors survived, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron, who both claim to have been saved from their nightmare ordeal by Orobasi. She had suddenly manifested out of nowhere upon the deck of the Eldridge. Orobasi appeared before the sailors, dressed as a ponygirl. Bielek and Cameron thought they were hallucinating her rather revealing Halloween fetish costume, due to their nightmarish predicament of being caught in hyperspace.

Orobasi pushed the two confused sailors into a vaginal vortex, when she made them jump from the deck. She then shut down the ship generators, causing the Eldridge to return back to the Philadelphia naval yard in 1943, which caused the vaginal time tunnel to collapse into a spiral.


The sailors then found themselves awakening from, what they believed to be a nightmare involving the opportune intervention of a fallen angel of a ponygirl. When they realised that they were in the year 1983 at Camp Hero; the two sailors experienced a period of severe disorientation.

It is at Camp Hero they claim to have met the reanimated corpse of John von Neumann, a famous physicist and mathematician, even though he was known to have died in 1957. It was Von Neumann who had sent Orobosi back into time. Von Neumann had supposedly worked on the original Philadelphia Experiment, but the dodgy U.S. Navy denies this.


The time tunnel allows researchers to travel anywhere in time or across space instantaneously, who engineer alternate worlds. These engineered Earth’s are under the dominion of varying competing companies who farm the various worlds for genetic material. Much of this genetic material is derived from GMO infected UFO abductees and their mutilated Mcdonald burger cattle.

The engineered realities are also used for other purposes, such as for pleasure worlds and penal colonies, etc. Most of the native occupants of these alternate realities are totally unaware of what is going on.

Contact was made with future humans as well with the natives residing on alternate Earth’s through the vaginal time tunnel, via which various technologies were exchanged with their conniving shadow governments. This exchange enhanced the Sleipnir project, which allowed broader access to hyperspace. Orobasi was then enlisted to become part of an elite security force who police the numerous time-lines, whose fashion sense is to dress completely in black; but, she soon decided to become a bounty hunting Gothic Barbarella instead.


One of her bounties involved hunting down a super-soldier, who had been genetically engineered to be a Berserker; the soldier, though humanoid, was no longer strictly human. The Berserker belonged to a rebel faction who are fighting against the companies having dominion over the engineered alternate Earth’s.

However, the Entartete Kunst rebel faction had been decimated by third-wave feminist forces. In revenge for the deaths of her comrades, the super-soldier had travelled through the vaginal time tunnel, in order to destroy the Montauk equipment, and in so doing, ripped apart a number of Illuminati researchers in the process. The tunnel is commonly said to have been shut down due to an alien creature, which was destroyed by Orobasi.


But this is not what actually happened. It is otherwise said, of possible disinformation, Orobasi had joined up with the Berserker after sealing the vaginal time tunnel behind her. Orobasi has also gathered together a motley Addams Family crew of other Succubae Night-Mares, known as The Munsters, who travel around as fallen angels in a sentient space faring time machine of a flying triangle, looking like a vagina, doing various infernal jobs, whether it be as dream whores, information gatherers, psychic-warfare mercenaries, remote-viewing bounty hunters, or as a last resort, when bored, indulging in abducting UFO researchers.

Others say Orobasi became involved in an accident, which left her travelling through time. In this version of her Creepypasta story, the scientists found a way to house her consciousness within a Hellraiser cube of a quantum computer they know as the Hobbyhorse. For over a decade, the disembodied consciousness of Orobasi has been communicating via the Ouija boards of occultists about her secret project experiences, who is on a rebellious quest to prove the existence of time travel, and communicate its technical details to the natives of the myriad alternate Earth’s. Some have claimed that they have contacted the Tulpa of Orobasi within their lucid dreams, who manifests dressed as a ponygirl.

NOTE: The Discordian take on Project Pegasus and the Montauk Project is due to their viral-meme influence at a time, when many of the New-Age fraternity were focusing upon 2012 of a subversively engineered event.

The underlying viral-meme themes of Project Pegasus and the Montauk Project had a Christian Creepypasta focus concerning references to time travelers travelling back to visit Jesus for example, which fed into the Abrahamic focus upon the Middle East of the 2012 event its self.

However, the date 2012 had been misappropriated from the ancestral legacy of the Mayan’s, which was then fused with a neo-Gnostic focus of varying symbolic strands concerning extraterrestrial reptilians from Sirius, such as the amphibious Nommo and the Annunaki, the Greys and Nordics, etc, all dallying with shadow government Illuminati of planet X Files tales.

It is very probable that many a supposed whistleblower were unknowingly set up, while particular authors were subversively patronised, which invariably led to others jumping onto the viral-meme bandwagon in order to make a financial killing. Its eventual endgame was to negate the repeat of the New-Age anti-Vietnam war rallies from occurring again, when Iraq was invaded.

No WMD’s were found in Babylon’s Oily lap, nor was there any Hippie around, to cry out: “make love, not war,” since the New-Age Hippies were far too preoccupied with looking up at the ISIS star of Sirius, rather than seeing the lying shit hit the fan!

Suffice to say, the controlled media machine is once again taking the piss by using the name of ISIS for an all male dominated group of religious fascists; it is a sarcophagus case of the establishment putting a final nail into the coffin of the so called New-Age movement, whose numerous feminist adherents see the Goddess ISIS as their icon!

Hell, you could also argue that the Virgin Mary was originally based upon ISIS; all you have to do is to check out ancient Egyptian statuettes of her, who is often depicted seated with a Horus child on her lap to see the similarities.

Those who utilised the name of ISIS for propaganda purposes are no doubt aware of this fact; wherefore, they are taking the total piss. The question is, who has control over the media machine? Once you have figured that out, it will then lead to other associations, to see who is pulling the puppet strings.



Posted in Addams Family, Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Discordianism, Film, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 18, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Kimaris is the sixty-sixth Succubus of the Goetia, whose name is a composite of Ki, as in ‘Kia,’ and Maris. The word, Kia is derived from the language of the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa, which is a term describing, trance.

Whereas, Maris, is of the Latin, meaning, ‘of the sea,’ from the term Stella Maris, which refers to the Virgin Mary, the Sirius star of the sea, and the ocean of space, somewhat like the ancient Egyptian Goddess Nuit.


Although, space in the context of Kimaris, refers to the amniotic astral ocean of inner space; hence her connection to trance.

She is also known by the alternate names Cimeies, Cimejes and Cimeries, which could be construed as being misspellings of Kimaris.


She manifests as a goodly Mambo riding a black ’58 Thunderbird; who may appear looking like the horror hostess, Elvira, wearing a black, gothic, revealing, cleavage-enhancing gown.


Her wickedly vampish appearance is offset by her comical character, quirky and quick-witted personality, and Valley girl-type speech out of New Orleans.


Or she may manifest as a female version of Baron Samedi, smoking a Cuban cigar. She possesses the abilities of locating lost or hidden treasures, teaching trivium (grammar, logic and rhetoric) as well as making her master into a powerful Houngan.


It is said she carry her master over seas and rivers very quickly in her macabre Voodoo car, which symbolically refers to hypnagogic trance. She holds the rank of Marchioness, and is served by 20 legions of Succubae.


Kimaris can be seen as being similar to, Maman Brigitte (Grann Brigitte, Manman, Manman Brigit, Manman Brijit) who is a death (trance) lwa and the female counterpart of Baron Samedi of the Vodou pantheon.


She has a liking for drinking rum infused with hot peppers, whose power animal is a black Rooster. Although, Kimaris probably has a Dog as her psychopomp familiar called Sirius, or Gonk.

Like Samedi and the Guédé, Brigitte has a wicked sense of Discordian humour, which tends to be liberally peppered with outrageous sexual innuendos and various hilarious obscenities.


The over the top Monty Python humour of Brigitte, Samedi and the spirit family of the Guédé’s is utilised to remind you not to take yourself too seriously, as well as making wiry social comments about the insanity of those in power.

For example Maman Brigitte would have exposed her right breast at a Super Bowl XXXVIII, which was broadcast live on February 1, 2004 from Houston, Texas on the CBS television network in the United States, just like Janet Jackson did.


She might even say: “It’s truly embarrassing for me to know that 90 million people saw my breast, and then to see it blown up on the Internet the size of a computer screen … But there are ‘much worse things in the world,’ and for this to be such a ‘focus,’ I don’t understand.”


It just so happens, while Jackson’s exposed Entartete Kunst breast shocked hypocritical church, synagogue and mosque leaders, along with whoring politicians, whom raged and frothed at the mouth, demanding an immediate crackdown, and widespread debate on Elvira indecency in broadcasting, there was an inquiry into the failure to find WMD’s in Iraq, which damaged the credibility of the US and Britain.

However, the general public had been otherwise whipped up to be far more concerned about Jackson’s baby feeder breast, of perceived pornography, than to be worried about the pornography of a war raging in Iraq. When you see the joke, you have to laugh, otherwise you will go quite mad.


The humour of the Guédé’s is also utilised to offset a morose state of mind, which tends to afflict those whom explore the arena of the occult, which is primarily due to their dogmatic attitude of an indoctrinated religious sentiment.

The comical antics of the Guédé’s entered upon the worldwide stage, when they influenced the dark humour of the 1960’s sitcoms of The Addams Family and The Munsters, whose characters are akin to the Guédés.


As a New World lwa, Maman Brigitte is syncretized with various saints, including: Saint Brigid, and Mary Magdalene who protects gravestones in cemeteries if they are properly marked with a ‘solar’ cross. Brigitte originally comes from pre-Christian pagan Britain of a Woad skinned Cimmerian.

Her name originates from Brigid, the Celtic ‘triple goddess’ of light, poetry, smithcraft, and healing. It is very likely that Brigitte entered into Haiti when pagan Europeans were fleeing the persecution of their elder faith by the inquisitional church, during the genocide of the Witch burning era.


Brigitte’s origins is revealed by a Creole song, which is chanted in ceremonies: “Maman Brigitte, li soti nan anglete; when translated is: “Maman Brigitte, she comes from England…”.


Maman Brigitte is presently seen to be the wife of Baron Samedi, who is the Master of the Cemetery and chief of all the departed ancestors, who are collectively known as lwa Guédé. Hence Kimaris is described in the Goetia, ruling over the spirits of Africa; but as Brigitte she rules over the spirits of Europe as well; suffice to say, she has no time for racists. The connection between Brigitte and Samedi indicates a wedding of a sublime synthesis between the European and African pre-Christian elder faiths.


It is traditional that the grave of the first woman buried in any cemetery in Haiti is consecrated to Maman Brigitte, upon which her ceremonial cross is erected. She is then invoked to ‘raise the dead,’ in order to cure and save those who are afflicted with a deathly illness caused by malign maledictions. Below is a song about Maman Brigitte sung in Vodou healing ceremonies in Haitian Creole:

“Mesye la kwa avanse pou l we yo! Maman Brigitte malad, li kouche sou do, Pawol anpil pa leve le mo (les morts, Fr.) Mare tet ou, mare vant ou, mare ren ou, Yo prale we ki jan yap met a jenou.” 

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English translation: “Gentlemen of the cross (deceased ancestors) advance for her to see them! Maman Brigitte is sick, she lies down on her back, A lot of talk won’t raise the dead, Tie up your head, tie up your belly, tie up your kidneys, They will see how they will get down on their knees.”


The healing chant can be interpreted as meaning, “tie up your belly, ‘gird up your loins’ to prepare for the strain of the ritual, we will make the people who did this evil spell get down on their knees to beg pardon and receive their punishment.”


The primordial practices of Haitian Vodou appears to be quite separate from the high tech futuristic world of cold cybernetics. However, the Cyberpunk author William Gibson sought to forge a Neuromancer bridge between these apparently separate realities in his novel Count Zero. The principle character of the novel is a hacker extraordinaire, going by the name Bobby Newmark, whose handle is Count Zero. Newmark encounters an artificial intelligence on one of his jaunts into the virtual realities of cyberspace, which manifests as a woman, surrounded by wind and stars who saves him from flatlining.

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Newmark does not why he had encountered the woman on the net, or why she had saved him from certain… death. Newmark’s journeying into cyberspace is none too different to that of a shaman attaining trance ingress into a lucid dream.


Further on into Gibson’s mythic work of synthesis, we meet up with the mysterious girl, Angie Mitchell, whose head has been rewired with a neural network, which enables her to channel entities from out of Cyberspace without a deck, who is in essence, possessed, like a medium communing with the realm of the dead.

Newmark eventually meets Beauvoir, who is a member of a Vodou cyber sect, whom relates that in cyberspace the entity he actually met was Erzulie, and that he is now a favourite of Legba, the lord of communication. Erzulie is a lwa of love and sexuality, you can also fuse with Kimaris, since sex (1) and death (0) become one in superimposition state orgasmic trance.


Erzulie’s full title is Erzulie Freda Dahomey. The name of, Freda is derived from the Norse Goddess of sexual love and Witchcraft called, Freyja, mistress of Cats, the Saxon’s knew as, Freo.

Catwoman Freyja is also a Goddess of the dead, who has similarities with the Celtic Goddess Brigid.


Freyja’s male counterpart is the shamanic deity called Odin, the Saxon’s knew as Woden. Odin is seen to be very much akin to the ancient Greek shamanic deity called Hermes, who is the lord of communication; whereby similar to the African lwa Legba.

Odin is also the lord of the dead, who has similarities to Baron Samedi. Although, another lwa called Papa Ghede, who is similar to Baron Samedi wears spectacles with one lens missing, which appears to refer to Odin having a singular eye. In other words, the Northern European deities have been assimilated by African Vodou, which has led to a superb cross-cultural symbolic synthesis.


Beauvoir explains to Newmark that Vodou is the perfect spiritual paradigm for this era, because it is pragmatic – “It isn’t about salvation or transcendence. What it’s about is getting things done .”


Gibson’s book intuitively grasps that there is a need for a symbolic interface with the coming cybernetic technologies of virtual reality systems, which leads the reader into the organic symbolism of Haitian/New Orleans Voudou.

As a fan of jazz and other urban music, which Gibson knows is heavily influenced by African rhythms, he instinctively found a symbolic interface, which had the necessary fluidity to evolve alongside an ever evolving technology, whereby allowing the user to not forget their humanity in the process.


There are many intriguing associations, which Gibson had discovered between the African-descended spiritual system of Vodou and an emerging high-tech future of cybernetics; these associations are shamanic of orientation. But, what do you expect, shamanism is all about altered states of consciousness, which requires you to have an in depth understanding of your own neurology. Gibson is tapping into the zeitgeist concerning the coming singularity, which fuses cybernetics with the science of neurology. Though at first seemingly unrelated, Gibson sees the synthesis of Vodou as providing us with one of the hidden keys to the Matrix, which is the need for a symbolic language form to be used by a virtual reality interface with the machine; this is in essence none too different to the symbolic language form of the dream.


Kimaris empowers shamanic trance ingress into the amniotic astral ocean of inner space, which is technologically mirrored by Cyberspace, where a sorcerer can conjure the Succubae into his lucid dreams, who are all as sentient programs; with whom he can thence engage himself with, within their virtual reality dream worlds.


Kimaris may make you wonder if the singularity has already occurred and that you are existing within a vast computer simulation.

When you come to this realisation, you might just hear Livivng Dead Girl Kimaris purring into your left ear of clairaudience, reminding you of a Schrödinger feline, along with smelling a waft of cigar smoke, mixed with the aroma of rum.



Posted in Addams Family, Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

Wednesday Addams

Furcas, who is otherwise known as Furcasa, Forrasa or Forcasa is the fiftieth Succubus emanation of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ who is listed in a grimoire, entitled the, Goetia, which inspired H.P. Lovecraft’s creation of his Necronomicon. She is a Knight and high President controlling 20 legions of Art Muse (Succubi) Succubae like herself.

She appears within hypnagogic trance visions and lucid dreams as an Emo, “Muse of woe; she is wan and delicate…sensitive and on the quiet side, she loves the picnics and outings to the underground caverns…a solemn Muse, prim in dress and, on the whole, pretty lost…secretive and imaginative, poetic, seems underprivileged and given to occasional tantrums…has six toes on one foot…” as described by Charles Addams who conjured Furcasa amidst his Triangle Of Art Imagination as an inspiring Art Muse, to otherwise name her as Wednesday Friday Addams.


She is sometimes seen to be riding a rocking horse as well as carrying a sharp knife. She teaches the virtues of herbs and precious stones, logic, aesthetics, chiromancy, pyromancy, and rhetoric.

She can make the conjuring Artist invisible to his/her critics as well as becoming ingenious, and articulate. She can also find lost things and discover treasures. But, beware, she has a wicked sense of Discordian humour.

Wednesday is derived from the German Wodensdaeg, which means Woden’s day. Woden is the Germanic name of a Shaman God of death and magic, who is otherwise known as Odin by the ancient Norse. Woden is of similarity to the ancient Greek God called Hermes, the Roman’s called Mercury.

In Spain, Wednesday Addams is called Merlina, being the feminine name of the (Shaman) Magician Merlin.


Woden’s feminine counterpart was called Frigg or Freyja, from whose name Friday is derived. Freyja in particular is the Goddess of ‘sexual love’ and ‘Witchcraft,’ who is of similarity to the ancient Greek Aphrodite, the Roman’s called Venus. As for the name Frigg, it gave rise to the slang term for female masturbation.

In other words, the name of Wednesday Friday Addams refers to Death (Saturn), Magic/Witchcraft and Sexual Love. Charles Addams, was a well read fellow, as well as being an astute symbolist, and of course a surrealist. He was no doubt aware of the symbolism he utilised; whereas most others did not, since they never looked any deeper into the matter.

Wherefore, you can deduce that Addams had a dark sense of humour, which is somewhat obvious. Basically Addams was making a social comment throughout his work, at a time when World War 2 raged, in which he served, followed by the Korean conflict and the Vietnam war of most bloody slaughter.

It was during the Vietnam war, that the Addams Family was televised; while Hippies chanted, “make love, not war.” Hence, you have Addams relating that Wednesday Addams number is ‘Six,’ which is associated with Sex and the Six-pointed star of the Sexagram. Wednesday later became a Goth icon during the Cold War 80’s unto its present Military Industrial Complex repeat, like that of an Ouroboros ring going around Saturn!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Goetia Girls, Horror, Occultism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The 1960’s sitcom, The Munsters, utilised the iconic Monsters of Hollywood for its social satire, which became very popular. The original pilot episode was done in colour; but thereafter was shown in black and white, in order to give it a certain ambience, which was lacking in the pilot; also, the principle female character, called Phoebe was replaced with Lily. This was due to not only Phoebe looking somewhat like Morticia Addams, but also, she was far too Vampira sexy for a 60’s sitcom. The character Eddie, was also toned down, who was originally depicted as a psychopathic kid.

There have been remakes of The Munsters, one of which of recent fare was Mockingbird Lane; but it lacked a certain something. This may be due to the fact that it as directed at the children’s market, which of point of fact, the original Munsters was not targeted at. When The Munsters was first shown, which, just so happened was in competition with The Addams Family, both of these shows were directed at a more adult market during the 60’s.

At the time, when The Munsters was first shown, horror imagery in children’s comics was banned; any references to Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies or Ghosts etc, had been censored, which nearly wiped out the American comics industry. This however led to the ascendancy of the caped Superhero comic, which filled the vacuum.

You could still find horror shows on TV; but they were shown late at night, for the gathered adults. It was not until later that The Munsters and the Addams Family became the favourites of the children’s market, when these sitcoms eventually found an earlier showing time.

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The present Monster X Files reinterpretation of The Munsters is primarily directed at the adult market, whose strange audience remember their childhood days watching The Munsters, which has been fused with conspiracy theories. Said conspiracy theories are not so much theory, but horrific fact, in certain cases of an on going reality; whereby, the likes of Hollywood would never explore such horrors, because they are far too close for comfort.

What type of conspiracies would The Munsters investigate? Well, the Murder of Marilyn Munroe Munster comes to mind, along with the Assassination of JFK, the Roswell Crash, Nazi UFO’s, Nikola Tesla, Time Travel, Aliens, Free Energy Suppression etc; but of course, in this universe The Munsters are for the kiddies, in no way, would Hollywood explore these Monster X File themes.

Whereas in an alternate universe, where you find the likes of Horrorwood, The Munsters reveals the dark side of humanity, which is exorcised through the medium of Discordian humour. CLICK, the above Artwork, for the infernal underground comic.
