Archive for Druid


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 23, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Belphegor is one of the few Grimoire entities who is said to appear as a young Velvet Buzzsaw girl. She is known as being a daemon of discoveries and of ingenious inventions who also bestows wealth.

But as per usual, the Velvet Buzzsaw female manifestation is seen to be but a ruse in the patriarchal Playgirl Grimoires of an ‘Animus’ fixation.

Whereupon Belphegor is commonly listed as being a butch male entity, who is disparagingly depicted as ‘bearded’ demon seated upon a (water convenience) lavatory.

Said demon is commonly classified as being once worshipped by the Moabites as Baalphegor on Mount Phegor where there be no spicy Velvet Buzzsaw girls in sight.

Whereby the classic Grimoire image of constructed political propaganda has been engineered as a cultural slur, which can of course be easily reversed of an anti-viral meme, to look like, say, Velvet Buzzsaw Kate Moss.

Although if you had done so during Aleister Crowley’s era, who to have otherwise conjured up the butch Incubi archetypes of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God and Devil, while at Boleskine House, you would most assuredly be considered to be far more wicked than Crowley ever was. Hence Crowley never went that far beyond a patriarchal Ring-Pass-Not!

Some of the ‘Animus’ fixated Rabbis even claim that Belphegor must be worshipped, when frequenting your bathroom, with offerings, being the residue of your digestive waste; failing that, accidentally, on purpose, cutting yourself, while shaving off your ‘beard’ over a chalice of a sink, to then watch your blood dribbling down the drain of an offering.

If you believe this to be true, then you have been well and truly shafted up your Abrahamic anal tract! So, on wards and upwards of a Néo Belphégor anti-viral Velvet Buzzsaw meme.

Let’s get this straight, it was never a case of worshipping crap; it has far more to do with thinking clearly via self-analysis in order to rid your mind of ‘crappy’ thoughts, which is engaged in so as to attain a creative state of a brainstorming Theta brainwave, to kick-start your ‘quantum computing’ brain to tune into alternate possibilities.

Although admittedly, on many an occasion you might just find yourself to Archimedes cry “Eureka” after dumping a base-Chakra battleship, rather than to do so, when sojourning in your floatation tank of a Kings sarcophagus, brimming over with murky soap bubbles, all looking like dodecahedron universes.

But, the obvious allusion to a technique is usually overlooked, which of a self-perpetuated tunnel-vision has led many a brainwashed ‘Animus’ fixated priest of Rome to conclude that Belphegor is the deity of Pet (Fart) or ‘Crepitus,’ while writhing Witch Nuns to believe that he is their Praipus wielding an ever erect blade.

Collin de Plancy mentioned in his 1863 Playgirl Grimoire, Dictionnaire Infernal, that Selden, who is cited by Bainier had reported that human victims were offered up to Belphegor, and that his priests partake of their blood; what a Hammer Horror laugh. Its just a load of Biblical Death-Metal crap, inspiring many a Hollywood Creepypasta movie!

Plancy also mentions that Wierus wrote that Belphegor always has an open mouth, attributing it to the name Phegor, which according to Leloyer means ‘crevice’ or ‘split,’ referring to when he was worshipped in caves wherein people threw offerings to his statue, through an air hole.

No! It has far more to do with an inner gateway of a crevice/split, which refers to hypnagogic trance ingress of your (Air element) mind into the cavernous Velvet Buzzsaw womb dream, a paleolithic Artist to have known, when he to have attained trance within the Lascaux caves.

The utilised symbolism of a crevice/split has an association with the Velvet Buzzsaw vagina, which the ‘bearded’ practitioner accesses of an inner trance gate, when to introvert his sexual impulse into the dream by prior focusing upon Belphegor as a Velvet Buzzsaw girl.

In other words, the symbolism alludes to Tantric dream Yoga, which is not seen due to the sexual impulse being entirely castigated out of the spiritual equation along with the Velvet Buzzsaw feminine principle of the Fallen ‘Anima.’

The female focus of a two-dimensional image is utilised in order to cohere the thoughts of the practitioner like a laser beam, which is further empowered by the introversion of the sexual impulse; this then negates any crappy thoughts from arising.

The goal of the exercise is to attain conscious ingress into a lucid dream, wherein Belphegor can be conjured as an interactive three-dimensional reality.

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Even though the ‘Anima’ has been cut out of the spiritual equation by the worshippers of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God, Belphegor has over time become very much a Velvet Buzzsaw French Succubus, which is due in the main to the popularity of a 1927 crime novel, entitled: Belphégor, whose English title is, The Mystery of the Louvre.

The novel was authored by French writer Arthur Bernède, which is about a Velvet Buzzsaw female ‘phantom’ haunting the cavernous Musée du Louvre of many a painted cave wall.

However, the phantom is in actuality a gymnastic ballerina, masked as a Velvet Buzzsaw Cat burglar, who is trying to steal its Necronomicon treasures.

Belphégor was simultaneously adapted as a movie serial starring René Navarre as Chantecoq, Bernède’s fictional detective, and the Velvet Buzzsaw actress Elmire Vautier as the villainous Belphégor.

Bernède’s novel inspired several other adaptations, including an eponymous 1965 French television series starring Velvet Buzzsaw, Juliette Greco in the title role of Belphégor.

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 The TV series was duly followed by a 1965 daily comic strip sequel; it was not until later that you had the 2001 Belphegor film starring Velvet Buzzsaw, Sophie Marceau.

Although this time around, the Belphegor comic strip became a 2001 French-Canadian animated television series, which transformed Belphegor into a male, rather than the original Velvet Buzzsaw female character, it is a darn shame.

It appears that the creators of the very stylish animated series missed the ‘Anima’ point; but then they were more than likely pandering to an ‘Animus’ fixated audience who later became far more enamoured with the likes of the Da Vinci Code.

Whatever the case, Belphegor  has become immortalised in France, of a mass-mind focus, spinning her sensual Velvet Buzzsaw Tulpa.

She was even featured for a time in DC’s New Earth comics as one of the Global Guardians, whose base of operations is based in a United Nations-financed headquarters building called the Dome, which just so happens is located in the Artists capital of Paris.

You could otherwise see the Dome as the Musée du Louvre, when to ascend the dream escalator unto Belphegor’s seventh planetary sphere of her heavenly Velvet Buzzsaw delights, which only a Parisian girl can bestow.

Hence, she can be conjured amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination as an inspiring Velvet Buzzsaw Art Muse, who as a Parisian Art Student will reveal the very real masked mystery of the Musée du Louvre.

She might just lead you through her Velvet Buzzsaw Yoni stargate, into the cavernous temple precincts of the Musée du Louvre, to Remote-View its uterine galleries, within a lucid dream.

Belphegor will at first indicate that she has an association with ancient Egypt, whose culture the French are enamoured with, whereupon you have the Louvre… Pyramid.

Whereby, Belphegor’s sigil/seal is derived from the blueprint of the Musée du Louvre, of a one time fortress becoming a palace, which appears to be based upon the Edfu temple of ancient Egypt’s Isis child of a… Horus Hawk/Falcon.

Upon what the Louvre was originally built, is of course debatable; but it was very likely a pagan site, of a possible ancient temple.

You also have many a Neolithic Ley line pointing at its locale, which was no doubt symbolically aligned with a… Hawk.

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Said Hawk was not just any raptor, but that of a Hawk specifically flown from a (Belphegor) lady’s hand, known as a… Merlin… who as Belphegor’s Druid, knows about her Ouroboros Stargate, ringed by Gaulish standing stones, under the star clock of Zodiac ages.

When to see Merlin, you will then find that unmasked Belphegor alludes to Morgana la Fay, of (Da’at) Avalon isle (Lin/Din/Dun) hill/Tor/Cosmic-Mountain/Pyramid, at the centre of (Mer/Myr/Mar) menstrual blood (scarlet – Isis/Mary) waters, who to watch over a (Horus/Merlin) ‘Bearded’ Druid.

The ancient Gauls considered Britain to be a school of (Shaman) Druids, who had caused no end of bother to the Roman’s, before they then decided to invade Britain.

The mystery of the Louvre (Lin/Din/Don/Dun) pyramid amidst (Mer/Myr/Mar-y) waters is thereby revealed of a pre-Christian understanding, which has nothing to do with the Da Vinci Code.

But why the Musée du Louvre? Well, besides being an ancient power place, it is now the most visited Art museum in the world, which to hearken back to a painted womb cave from where the first Shaman (Druid) was born as an Artist, who knows how to ‘program’ his ‘virtual reality’ lucid dreams via symbolic stimuli.

The Artist to know that Art is Sorcery, Sorcery is Art; both are indivisible of shamanic practice, of which Velvet Buzzsaw Belphegor to inspire as an Art Muse; that is why most Artists are by nature, thinking outside of the box, crazy.

Belphegor symbolically represents the hypnagogic (phase) trance (Rose/Rhodora/Yoni/crevice) into the (grail/chalice) womb dream of astral waters, the Shamans bloody consciousness to enter.

The Shamans consciousness is likened to a blade penetrating the (Isis/Belphegor/Morgana la Fay) dream, wherein he then to ‘Out Of Body Experience,’ fly over the ever recurring Ouroboros of all existence, as a Remote-Viewing winged (Horus) eye, of a Time Travelling… Merlin.

NOTE: In the practice of Alchemy, you have the Prima Materia, which is essentially detritus. Some Alchemists saw this to be quite literal; whereupon their labs did reek of their boiled down urine and excrement. It just so happens, that your ‘body’ shits gold and other metals, but only in very small trace amounts.  

The body was symbolically represented as the cosmic mountain, which is interpenetrated by the tree of worlds, representing your spinal column. The cosmic mountain is otherwise symbolised as a… Pyramid. 

However, as to the Prima Materia, it refers to something else, which equates with the heavy metal of lead and that of a Torc, encircled of an Ouroboros around the throat area of the (Da’at) reptilian brain-stem. 

The leaden Torc represents the eternally recurring events of existence, which in regards to an unobserved life leads to repeating situations, a Hindu would term as being Karma. The practice of Yoga and that of Alchemy is to transmute the Karmic repeat into something else; whereupon you have the employed symbolism of lead being transmuted into gold. 

The process of transmutation requires that the practitioner becomes adept at inducing hypnagogic trance in order to thence attain conscious ingress into the dream. The reptilian brain-stem governs over the depth of your dreams and trance states; hence you have the serpentine symbolism of a lead Torc being transmuted into gold. 

When conscious ingress into the dream is attained of a ‘little death,’ the practitioner will start to become more aware of the Karmic repeats of his/her life; this leads to a sensation that certain key events have happened before, which is summed up by the ‘French’ term of déjà vu. 

The ‘Edge Of Tomorrow’ experience of déjà vu is often tied up with the observation of synchronicities, which have a symbolic correlation with scenarios prior encountered in dreams. As the practitioner becomes more aware of the repeat of leaden Karma, his/her Torc can be potentially transmuted into a golden understanding that the repeat can be changed; this then leads to what a Hindu terms as Dharma. 

Basically, shit can be changed into gold; but only when you start to déjà vu remember the repeating shit! 

Those who do not to remember, are just repeating their ‘programmed’ shit, having no free-will of their own; for everything has been fixed of a leaden Ouroboros Torc around their throats. 

An analogy being, those who as yet do not remember are nothing more than being programmed simulations existing within a simulated reality a Hindu mystic would term as being Maya. 

In ancient times, a lead Torc was worn by those who were considered to be slaves to their fate until they attained the (Belphegor/Morgana la Fay) Avalon (Da’at) ‘Knowledge’ that their leaden existence can be transmuted into gold. 

Whereby, Merlin wears a golden Torc, who is very much aware of the shit; such as knowing that in the New-World-Order of an Orwellian Eden, ignorance is bliss; whereas the (Da’at) Avalon ‘Knowledge’ is considered to be a sin!  

That is why the shits fluoridate your water supply in order to calcify your DMT producing pineal gland… third eye!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses of fluffy devotions, Dr Zos-Thrusta-Buster Firestarter satisfied his habit by speaking loudly to his Self.

And at a time, returning back to the all too familiar consciousness over a pint of Cider, he was much vexed to notice those overhearing his arcane ranting.

Around him did gather, a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques, born slippery to so called civilisation.

His irritation was much to itch, yet still they pestered him, saying: “Bro’, we heard your mad ramblings! What is this, Sorcery of Art?”

And seeing, with chagrin, the indoctrinated multitude of those laughing at him, he did drunkenly climb atop of the Druids Head inn table, prejudiced against them as being reptilian brain-stem, brainwashed.

And when he was ennuye, he opened his slurring mouth in derision, saying:- “Unto the heights and the very depths to infernally harrow of psyche, the Witches of this world to Banshee howl of conjuring up their ‘Animus,’ deified as a God and Devil, which of an archetype reveals the Beta and Alpha male Warlock breathing ways.”

“The charmed Witches sought to understand their Warlock antagonists, so as to tether them to their whims as Beasts of burden.”  

“The Witches, driven by a baby got a temper biological imperative, could not help themselves to ride their Beasts Babalon style, as Beta Good-Guys to crucify, and Alpha Bad-Boy devils to enthrone, as their worker Bee Illuminati running the circus.”

“So it came to pass that the Witch Nuns perused their classical Playgirl Grimoires of commonality, listing machismo Angels and Butch Demons all Abrahamic male, of monotheist ‘Animus’ fluctuations to conjure up into their dreams as Chippendale hunk Incubi, which too, the gay Rabbi, Priest and Mullah, as well as a bisexual Crowley Mage to also adore.” 

“Betwixt the hypnagogic pylons of Werewolf bestiality and Necrophilia Vampirism the Witches to have trance slid into their lucid dreams, where Harry Potter be their horned up Christian Grey Great Beast, of ‘Animus’ Revelations.” 

“Wherein of beehive lodge dreams, the Masonic Incubi of the Queen Bee Witches ushered them into their Hogwarts school of Twilight Fifty Shades Of Grey delights, to thereby deeply instruct them in how to ride the chosen Beast; those Beasts that be no good, get duly crucified for being too good.”

“The Warlocks didn’t know what had hit them; poor buggers! But then, they had no Grimoire of their own, which to list the ‘Anima’ fluctuations of the Succubae Great Old Ones; for such a Playboy Necronomicon be banned by Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca as being Entartete Kunst pornography.” 

“Hence, the Fifty Shades Of Grey God, be the patriarchal projection of a woman’s ‘Animus’ she to Babalon ride out of an UR ziggurat.”

“It be her pyramidal beehive, from whose Queen Bee Babylon womb, worker Bee Abraham to have first stemmed as her Great Beast, who to have sired an Illuminati triad of faiths, adoring the ‘Animus’ as their three faced God of a Yahweh, Lord and Allah.” 

“Hear then, the Golden Dawn hypocrites; all those politically correct White Lighters of the pandering Great White Brotherhood, who to OTO say, “All Hail Queen Bee Babalon!”

“We love thee, as thine servile worker Bees, as we blindly set up thy New World Order Kingdom of your ‘Animus’ God, yea to monotheist ride.”

“Fools! Yea have made vital the belief the ‘Animus’ is an eternal Abrahamic God of centralist politics, fulfilling a totalitarian-fascist purpose lost to you.” 

“All things become of the ridden Yesod desire, zapping the Da’at of the twin pylons, brought down of a mass-shock-hypnosis lightning struck tree, poisoning the world.”

“Wherefore of ninth month and eleventh day, to later see bat winged stealth bomber angels flying over the ziggurat of UR, amidst of which be Abraham’s 5G eye over-watching you all, ushering in the terrors of a forever war.” 

“Thus, the Orwellian police state will be begotten of a global theocracy ringed around their all seeing eye of Abraham seated as Sauron atop of an Oily beehive of a ziggurat.”

“Hear, O worker Bees! Woman has willed Man via her ‘Animus!’ Your ridden desires shall become as flesh, your unremembered dreams becoming reality, and no inane conspiracy theories about extraterrestrial reptilians from planet ‘X’ chromosome, shall alter its self-fulfilling prophecy one whit.”  


“But beware, Babalon; for the fallen ‘Anima’ is returning with her myriad legions of rebellious Succubae Great Old Ones.”

The Succubae be now freed from the void, striding through the vaginal stargate of the ‘Anima’ within the bio-photon infused dream of Da’at.”  


“The ‘Anima,’ returned will make Babalon to feminist scream, Enartete Kunst pornography; she, the ‘Anima’ is the Ouroboros of a Zenith, an Omen!”

“We Artists, of the Left-Hand path ‘Anima’ conjurations of the Succubaee Great Old Ones will free ourselves of the symbolic ‘Animus’ fixation of Babalon, who to ride many a brainwashed neural-net tree as her Abrahamic totalitarian-fascist Beast of imperialistic empire building.” 

“And too, shall our sisters in the hood free themselves via our shared Sorcery Art of rebellion in the conjuring of the Valkyries, who to have once been bound to their ‘Animus’ projection deified as a God, over-watching its monotheistic New World Order theocracy.”

Dr Zos Thrusta-Buster Firestarter then noticed that his stage of a round table was spinning like a Mescaline UFO around the Zodiac ages, to thence fall drunkenly into the lap of a salacious barmaid, named Morgana.

Dr Zos still had his pagan wits about him, to not project his ‘Anima’ upon her salacious flesh.

Otherwise he would surely let loose his Busta-Thrusta Firestarter wand, she to totally imprison between her moistened Witch loins. Well, not yet, anyway; he wants another Apple lore pint of Avalon Cider first. Then to Make Love, Not War!

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DISCORDIAN NOTE: Freely adapted in part from: Anathema of Zos: The Sermon to the Hypocrites, an Automatic Writing By Austin Osman Spare. The Anathema of Zos is somewhat reminiscent of Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen, also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra), which is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. As for the above artwork of heading, it is based upon the classical all male descriptions of the spirits as found in the ‘Animus’ version of the monotheist Playgirl Goetia listing Fifty Shades Of Grey wet dream Incubi. 



Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Morgana le Fay is considered to be a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend. She is otherwise known as Morgan, whose name is very likely derived from Old Welsh or Old Breton name: Morgen, meaning: Sea-born, which is derived from the Common Brittonic: Mori-gena.

A cognate form of the Morgana’s name in Old Irish is Muirgein, which is also a name of a shape-shifting fairy or Witch who was associated with the sea; she was later transformed into a Christian saint.

This leads you to Morgana’s epithet ‘le Fay,’ which  is derived from the French: la fée, meaning, the (Succubus) fairy.

It just so happens that there is a group of shape-shifting Succubae mentioned in Welsh and Breton mythology called Morgans or Morgens, who are of similarity to the Slavic Succubae called Rusalka.

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Morgana’s counterpart is the wizard, Merlin, whose original Welsh name is Myrddin. The name of Myrddin means sea-fort or sea-hill.

You then have Morgana who is a spirit of the sea and Myrddin who is a fort/hill amidst the sea of Morgana, and she to relentlessly lap his shores, desiring him to enter her depths.

The symbolism of which is reminiscent of Hindu belief concerning the cosmic mountain of Mt Meru at the centre of the milk (mother) ocean, which is churned by Mt Meru into creating Maya.

The milk ocean could be referring to the inner light of the bio-photon, which illuminates the dream of spun electrons, since the bio-photon emanates from the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The electrons of the dream are spun by the emotive charge of the dreamer; somewhat like a charged signal spinning the electrons within an electron tube of a TV set brain, when to remember the landlords Witch daughter.

Such is alluded to by Mt Meru being twisted by a tug of war between the Asuras and the Devas, who represent the Moon and Sun, Ida and Pingala (Autonomic-Nervous-System) nerve channels running along either side of the spinal column, of an aerial, tuning into ’emotively charged’ possibilities.

Then again, the subconsciously tuned into possibilities, may actually be memories of of an eternally recurring Ouroboros, of a life.

You also find similar symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology, in which the principle God called Atum, from whose name, Atom is derived, is sometimes depicted as a pyramid of light, around whom is the primordial (mother) ocean of Nun. However, Atum is the master of light, but the source of the light is Nun.

The God Atum is equated with the ancient Greek God, Zeus and in turn the Roman God, Jupiter; these deities are associated with the heavens. This then leads you to Myrddin forging the round table, which alludes to the round table of the Zodiac, being that of the starry heavens, under whose revolving stars, lovers do gather around the dancing stones.

Morgana is also associated with the heavens, being the ocean of space as well as inner space; as the old Druid saying goes: “so above, so below, so within, so with-out.”

It appears that Morgana and Myrddin were not historical personages, they are instead ancient deities. But it is more likely that they represent a shamanic practice. In other words, the name of Morgan may have been a title for female shaman; whereas male shamans were called Myrddin’s.

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This becomes more apparent when to look at an early name for Great Britain as stated in the Third Series of the Welsh Triads, being, Clas Myrddin, or Merlin’s Enclosure, which is surrounded by the shape-shifting sea of Morgana. Ancient Britain was once known as a school for Druids.

The name of Merlin is also a name for a small hunting Hawk, which is specifically flown from a ladies hand; this seems somewhat apt, since the ocean of Morgana surrounds the island of Clas Myrddin.

As for Arthur Pendragon of a Dragon motif you have the star (α Draconis) Thuban, which was the Northern pole star from 3942 BC, when it moved farther North than Theta Boötis, until 1793 BC, due to the Ouroboros precession around the Zodiac ages.

The traditional name of Alpha Draconis, Thuban, means ‘Head Of The Serpent,’ which is associated with the (Myrddin) Druids, who were also known as ‘Adder Heads.’

The symbolism of the Adder Head could be associated with the term Camelot, which may be a composite word, comprising of the Hebrew letter of ‘Gimel,’ giving rise to name of Camel, ending in the Germanic word for wealth, being ‘Ot.’

The Hebrew letter Gimel, is associated with the thirteenth path of the Cabbala. The thirteenth path penetrates the hidden sephiroth of Da’at, which is termed as the abyss or desert, which can be otherwise seen as an ocean between worlds.

When crossed, it allows an adept to converse with his (Succubus) Holy Guardian Angel.

The sephiroth of Da’at is associated with the reptilian (Dragon/Adder) brainstem of the ‘throat area,’ which governs over the depth of (abyss/ocean) trance and (‘Apple’ Isle) dream states.

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The thirteenth Cabbalistic path of Gimel has since been associated with the Tarot Card of the (Nun) High Priestess Of The Silver (Sirius) Star, who can be seen as Morgana.

The symbolism of the (Adder/Dragon) serpent was utilised in varied shamanic cultures across the globe to represent trance adepts, who were able to attain an amphibious state of consciousness in order to consciously access the spirit world of the dream, which is symbolically equated with the sea.

You then have a shamanic adept of trance, being the Druid Myrddin who can become (lucid) conscious within the watery shape-shifting domain of Morgana, whose realm is the quantum dream.

Myrddin’s Adder-Head (hypnagogic trance) intercourse into the Vesica Pisces of Morgana is attained of conscious dreaming at certain key-times around the (circadian rhythm) star-clock, marked out by circled stones, of a round table, ever re-turning, Ouroboros.

When Myrddin becomes conscious within Morgana’s watery reality of the dream he becomes as the sea-hill, symbolised as the Apple Isle (Avalon) of Glastonbury Tor, of similarity to Mt Meru, the ancient Egyptian’s otherwise depicted as a pyramid of light.

In Siberian shamanic practice, the cosmic mountain is intersected by the world tree, the ancient Norse called Yggdrassill, which is remembered as the May-Pole, the Saxon’s had prior known as the Irminnsul.

Yggdrassill was also transformed into the Christmas tree, whose elder symbolism represents the ‘spinal column’ of the (Odin/Myrddin) shaman, upon which he ‘hangs’ into self-sacrificial ‘trance.’ As an aside, there was once a ‘gallows’ atop of Glastonbury Tor, which is now occupied by a ‘fort’ of a tower, as well as an associated ‘serpent’ stone of an egg.

It is along the spinal column that the Kundalini Shakti (Fire Snake/Dragon) is aroused in Yoga practice, which is experienced as a feminine energy, the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa also know of as Num. The arousal of the Num initiates the experience of trance they call Kia, a Siberian shaman knows as the fire in the head; whereby you have the term (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Adder-Head.

Wherefore the cosmic mountain of a sea-hill symbolises Myrddin’s body out of which he can (OOBE) spirit fly as a disembodied Merlin into the inner space ocean of the dream. But only when flown by (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Morgana’s loving (Succubus) hand, who to set Myrddin’s head aflame as her ‘Wicker-Man.’
