Archive for comic book


Posted in Alien, archaeology, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Demonology, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 1, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

If you are interested in the Al Azif Necronomicon, which is being serialised as a fully illustrated underground comic book, it can be found on my Patreon page, Please Click Here.

The first part of the Al Azif Necronomicon is based upon H.P. Lovecraft’s own description and history about Abdul Alhazred’s book, which I have taken into the Twilight Zone.

As for Lovecraft’s character, Randolph Carter, I have based him upon the ‘Altered States’ of consciousness researchers, Dr John C. Lilly and Terrence McKenna.

Lovecraft’s surrealist creation of the Al Azif Necronomicon transmuted the dualism of a religious fixation upon a war in Heaven and Hell into the realms of science fiction.

Ancient alien entities are in perpetual conflict with one another, whose shadowy existence has engendered bored humans to engage themselves in exotic cargo-cult religions.

Interestingly, you find the same transmutation of religious symbolism into the domains of science fiction when looking into the UFO mystique, where Angels and Demons have been transformed into Aliens, whether they be hovering around amidst the cosmos, or hiding away in underground bases.

Lovecraft described Al Ahazred’s book to be a very dangerous tome, because it revealed the archetypal theme of a cosmic war fought by deities as being, in actuality, a conflict between monstrously ancient alien races, who far predate humanity and even predating the formation of the solar system.

However, Lovecraft’s subject matter would not be too Earth shattering of a revelation to a cultist whom worships deities, who is then told that his/her deities are actually aliens, whose technology is indivisible from magic. The cultist would just shrug his/her shoulders and make the symbolic transition quite easily.

In other words, Lovecraft’s Al Azif Necronomicon wouldn’t be considered as being dangerous at all, nor would it be banned, since it validates the established religious orientation from a scientific perspective.

There are numerous historical examples of grimoires, which are in archetypal accord with the religious paradigm, even when they veer into what can be considered as being the arena of proto-science fiction, such as, for example, Dr John Dee’s Enochian system.

I am more concerned about what has actually been banned, and totally castigated out of the symbolic equation.

Also, I am not saying another order of alien intelligence does not exist, far from it, since what has been cut out of the equation is a particular expression of the ‘symbolic interface,’ which facilitates communication with other forms of intelligence via the informational realms of electron dreams.

Hence, a certain form of the ‘symbolic interface’ is considered as being dangerous. Wherefore, it has been banned!



Posted in Addams Family, Alien, Anime, archaeology, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Conspiracy Theory, Cyberpunk, Demonology, Dinosaur, Discordianism, Dr Who, Dystopian, Extraterrestrial, Film, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Manga, Occultism, Paleontology, Poltergeist, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Vampire, Video Games, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 1, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

I have had an idea of creating an EC comic for some time, which has only become a reality when I discovered Createspace and Patreon.  Although Createspace has since been assimilated by Borg Amazon whose publishing emphasis is Kindle.

faustus crow podcast

The comic will be of similarity to the adult science fiction fantasy comic magazine Metal Hurlant/Heavy Metal, but not its present Politically-Correct manifestation. Metal Hurlant/Heavy Metal used to be over-the-top rebellious, now its Newspeak Woke. I will be putting the Comic Strip Artwork on my PATREON Page.

The comic, will involve my alter-ego, Faustus Crow, who is the principle character; then again he is actually is myself, since the character and who I am, are indivisible of an Artistic persona, being one and the same. So, I should more accurately say, the comic is an autobiography of sorts. As Crow I do not see a division between the practice of Art and Sorcery, which led me into the inner space realms of the lucid dream.

The main underground comic will be an anthology of stories, which are based in varying dream worlds, I myself have experienced over the years. Though separate, the stories are inter-related by Crow journeying between them who is sometimes featured directly or indirectly, which will be made up of one pagers, as well as short stories, numbering two or four, to eight pages each.

The Artwork will be drawn in black and white using traditional media. Some of the stories will be about the Goetia Girls, as depicted in my Art book grimoires as well as being introduced by the (Succubae) Succubi, I as Crow have conjured into my lucid dreams, as salacious Art Muses.

Some of the Succubi are knitted-together Frankenhooker Tulpa Mind-Dolls who have been animated into their spectral life by Crow’s Sorcery Art, which I practice. The principle Succubus Art Muse is Mephistophina who is Crow’s illustrated ‘Anima,’ manifestation, whose knitted-together Frankenhooker canvas skin tells of many a tattooed story world, and each dream world is governed over by her (Succubi) Succubae sisters.


Crow’s Faustian persona is a fusion of differing role-models such as Hermann Hesse’s Steppenwolf character, Harry Haller, Austin Osman Spare and Salvador Dali fused with Doctor Who, but then they have been somewhat formative influences among numerous others, such as Carlos Castaneda.

My story is somewhat like an adult version of Little Nemo In Slumberland, which of dream interactions with Night-Mare Art Muses, led me into alternate dream worlds. The Comic strip is tied in with my book, Lilith’s Harem. The other Steppenwolf dream worlds Crow journeys into will investigate varying Magic Theatre themes, covering Occult, Horror, Science Fiction and Fantasy as well as other associated genres.

The style of the Artwork will be of a Surrealist nature, which may not always use text, to otherwise be more visual of narrative. Most if not all of the stories will be erotic of Tantric orientation. Some of the comic strips will also be experimental of style. Other Comic book ideas such as Munster X Files Marilyn, etc, will involve alternative and mixed media such as photo-montage and CGI, etc.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 1, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

There is some confusion as to what Magic actually is. I think this can be cleared up if you just look at the very earliest descriptions of Magic. Magic in its earliest form is often referred to as “The Art”.

Because I am a bearded Wizard of the Comici Arcanum Guild, knowing Wizard stuff, I know this is completely literal. I know that Magic is Art, and that Art, whether it be Painting, Writing, Music, Sculpture, or any other form of Art is literally Magic.

Art is, like Magic, the science of manipulating symbols, words, or images, to achieve changes in consciousness. The very language about Magic seems to be talking as much about Writing or Art as it is about supernatural events.

For example, an illustrated proto-comic book of spells, called a Grimoire , is simply a fancy way of saying grammar. Indeed, to cast a spell, is simply to spell, to manipulate words, to change people’s consciousness.

And I believe that this is why an Artist and a Writer of a comic book Grimoire is the closest thing in the contemporary world that you are likely to see to a Wizard.

I believe that all culture must have arisen from cult. Originally, all of the faucets of our culture, whether they be in the Arts or Sciences were the province of the Wizard.

The fact that in present times, this Magical power has degenerated to the level of cheap entertainment and manipulation, is, I think a tragedy.

At the moment the people who are using Shamanism and Magic to shape our culture are neuro-advertisers. Rather than try to wake people up, their Shamanism is used as an opiate to tranquilize people, to make people’s reptilian-brain-stems more manipulable.

Their Magic box of television, and by their Magic words, their jingles can cause everyone in the country to be thinking the same words and have the same banal thoughts all at exactly the same moment.

In all of Magic there is an incredibly large linguistic component. The Bardic tradition of Magic would place a Bard as being much higher and more fearsome than a Magician.

A Magician might curse you. That might make your hands lay funny or you might have a child born with a club foot.

If a Bard were to place not a curse upon you, but a satire, then that could destroy you. If it was a clever satire, it might not just destroy you in the eyes of your associates; it would destroy you in the eyes of your family.

It would destroy you in your own eyes. And if it was a finely worded and clever satire that might survive and be remembered for decades, even centuries.

Then years after you were dead people still might be reading it and laughing at you and your wretchedness and your absurdity. Writers and people who had command of words were respected and feared as people who manipulated Magic.

In latter times I think that Artists and Writers have allowed themselves to be sold down the river. They have accepted the prevailing belief that Art and Writing are merely forms of entertainment.

They’re not seen as transformative forces that can change a human being; that can change a society.

They are seen as simple entertainment; things with which we can fill 20 minutes, half an hour, while we’re waiting to die. It’s not the Wizard job of the Artist to give the audience what the audience wants.

If the audience knew what they needed, then they wouldn’t be the audience. They would be the Artists. It is the Wizard job of Artists to give the audience what they need.

The above excerpt was slightly adapted from an article by the Wizard Artist

– Alan Moore



Posted in Addams Family, Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Conspiracy Theory, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 18, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

“Welcome dear flesh eating Ghouls, necrophilia Vampires, bestial Werewolves and many another eldritch creature of the Twilight Left-Hand Path. Within this Heyoka book you will find an Avadhuta reinterpretation of the Munsters for your Discordian delectation to bleed all over of satirical gut spilling X FILE humour.”

“This Horrorwood Munster family is into Discordian Horror Humour most dark of Conspiracy Theory satire investigating X File: UFO’s, Time Travel, Aliens, The Vril Society, Nikola Tesla, Free Energy Suppression, the Kennedy Assassination, the Murder of Marilyn Munroe, Nazi Eugenics, NWO, Population Reduction, Mind Control and why Babalon women prefer Bad Boy Great Beasts, all of which be far closer to the Horrific Truth than any Muggle can ever realise.”

The above introduction is for an experimental work I had completed a time back, which was done specifically for a Kindle book. The book is just over 118-20 pages in length. While working on the third Goetia Girls book and an accompanying Tarot deck, as well as a Comic strip, I have decided to re-publish the Kindle version as a paperback book on Createspace in black and white, in order to determine the best way of publishing my hand drawn comic strip.

However this involved re-sizing all of the pages, which led to re-editing them; I invariably got carried away, and did a number of new pages for the paperback book as well as re-designing a number of the other pages. The paperback book will probably be around 170 pages in length, perhaps more.

I will be serialising the first 50 or so pages on PATREON, which will no doubt go through further transformations as I re-edit the pages, while working on my third Goetia Girls book, Tarot deck and hand drawn Comic, as well as my Paintings, etc.

Image result for kolchak munster

The book is a radical reinterpretation of the now archetypal Hollywood Monsters, who were used for the iconic Munsters TV sitcom of the 60’s. It will also be covering Voodoo Dolls, Love Magic and the Necronomicon as well as the usual Witches, Vampires, Ghosts, Zombies and Ghouls, along with numerous other affiliated cultural themes.

The book is satirically adult of conspiracy theory; for cultural myths do change along with the times, which in this case Hollywood will most definitely fear to touch. The book has since become more adult of Jungian/Freudian orientation, which is an alchemical transformation of the erotic.

Although tongue in cheek on one level, many of the occult themes are workable techniques at another level. The main character around which this work revolves is Marilyn Munroe who is back from the dead as a Marilyn Munster Succubus haunting Horrorwood.
