Archive for protest


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Demonology, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 2, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Ninth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is called, Paimona. She is a Great Witch Queen, and very obedient unto DIANA-LUCIFERA. She sometimes appears as a woman sitting upon a Dromedary, with a Crown most glorious upon her head.

There goes before her also a host of Succubus Great Old Ones, who be female Genies, with loud trumpets and well sounding cymbals, and all other sorts of musical instruments, which cause a stir of protest music.

She has a most seductive voice, and seduces at her first coming, and her hypnotic speech is such that the Sorcerer cannot well understand, unless he can compel her to explain, who will reveal, what has been established of a patriarchal symbolic matrix by the minions of the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil, is actually the biologically driven creation of the Queen Bees.

This Succubus of the Fallen Anima can teach all Arts and Sciences, and other secret things to relate concerning the elite few who control all, whose monotheistic triangle of the deified Animus cults stem from oily UR.

She will reveal that your perception of reality is being managed for the benefit of the elite few atop of their ziggurat Beehive of patriarchal skulls, and why they do so; and to reveal how they control your mind via the controlled media.

Such as making heterosexual males feel guilty about their own sexuality by attacking the Fallen Anima, and where it is all going; or any other thing you may desire to know.

She gives Dignity, and confirms the same. She binds or makes any of the elite few subject unto the Sorcerer, by revealing who they are, if he so desires it. But alas, most Sorcerers are into egocentric role playing games, who fight among one another, rather than fighting against the insanity of the elite few.

She gives good Anima Familiars, and such Muses can teach all Arts; for the practice of Art is indivisible to the artistry of Sorcery; they are one and the same of shamanic practice.

She is to be observed towards the West, due to the fact that she has migrated, because of all the insane religious wars, and slaughter over the petrodollar, which afflicts her original homeland.

She is of the Order of Dominations who has under her 200 Anima Legions of Succubae Genies, and part of them are of the Order of Angels, and the other part of Potentates. Now if you call upon this Succubus, Paimona alone, you must make her some ejaculatory offering; and there will attend upon her two Witch Queens called LABALA and ABALI who are most salacious twin sisters, and also other Succubae who be of the Order of Potentates in their host of 25 Legions.

And those Succubae Genies which be subject unto them are not always with them unless the Sorcerer do compel them. Her Character is depicted amidst her bottle, which must be prior meditated upon, before conjuring her within your lucid dreams, etc.

NOTE: The classical grimoires, which primarily list an Animus fixated pantheon of fallen male Angels, depicted them as being part of an aristocratic hierarchy, who ‘symbolically’ represented the ‘Rebellious Anti-Thesis’ of the ruling (Angelic) aristocratic elite. You could see the Daemonic hierarchy of the grimoires as being an artistic form of prior Protest against the (Angelic) establishment. This tradition has carried over into David Icke’s Reptilian Agenda, although, its surrealistic theory is seen as being a literal conspiracy by Icke and his followers, just as many believe that humanity is in thrall to Biblical Demons spewing out of their Middle Eastern Hell hole; however, they are all too human, who make out that they are more than what they are!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Film, Goetia Girls, Horror, Occultism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 30, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

“What Dragon of cement and aluminium bashed open their skulls and ate up their brains and imagination?

Cthulhu! Solitude! Filth! Ugliness! Ashcans and unobtainable oily dollars! Abandoned children screaming under the stairways! Boys sobbing in monstrous armies! Old men weeping in the lonely parks! 

Cthulhu! Cthulhu! Nightmare Babalon, of Cthulhu! Cthulhu the loveless! Mental Cthulhu! Cthulhu the deified ANIMUS judger of men! 

Cthulhu the incomprehensible prison! Cthulhu the crossbone soulless jailhouse and Congress of sorrows! Cthulhu whose buildings are judgement! Cthulhu the vast stone of WAR! Cthulhu the stunned governments!  

Cthulhu whose Babalon mind is pure machinery! Cthulhu whose Babalon blood is running money! Cthulhu whose phallic tentacles are ten armies! Cthulhu whose patriarchal breast is a cannibal dynamo! Cthulhu whose controlled media mouth is a smoking tomb! 

Cthulhu whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! Cthulhu whose skyscrapers stand in the long migrant streets like endless Jehovahs! Cthulhu whose factories dream and choke in the fog! Cthulhu whose smokestacks and antennae crown the cities! 

Cthulhu whose Babalon love is endless OIL and stone! Cthulhu whose Babalon soul is electricity and petrodollar banks! Cthulhu whose poverty is the specter of Babalon genius! Cthulhu whose Feminist fate is a cloud of sexless hydrogen! Cthulhu whose ANIMUS name, is within the Babalon Mind! 

Cthulhu, against whom I rebel! Cthulhu, against whom I rebelliously dream of Succubae angels! ANIMA crazy against Cthulhu! Pussy-eater against Cthulhu!

Lacklove and manless in third-wave Feminist, Cthulhu ANIMUS! 

Cthulhu who programmed our souls early! Cthulhu in whom I am a consciousness without a body! Cthulhu who frightened me out of my natural ecstasy! Cthulhu whom I abandon! Wake up in the ANIMA, against Cthulhu! Light streaming out of the sky! 

Cthulhu! Cthulhu! Robot apartments! invisible suburbs! skeleton treasuries! blind capitals! demonic industries! spectral nations! invincible madhouses! crucified granite pricks! monstrous bombs! 

They broke their backs, lifting their deified ANIMUS Cthulhu to a New World Order Heaven! Pavements, trees, radios, tons! lifting the city to Holy-wood Heaven which exists and is everywhere about us! 

Visions! Omens! Hallucinations! Miracles! Ecstacies! gone down the American river! 

Dreams! Adorations! Illuminations! ANIMUS Religions! The Seventh Seal ANIMA unsealed reveals a whole boatload of sensitive bullshit! 

Breakthroughs! over the Babalon river, menstrual red! flips and crucifixions! gone down the bloody flood! Highs! Epiphanies! Despairs! Ten years’ animal screams and suicides! Minds! New loves! Mad generation! down on the rocks of Time! Forgotten! 

Real holy laughter in the Euphrates! They saw it all! the wild eyes! the holy yells! They bade farewell! They jumped off the twin tower roof! to solitude! waving! carrying flowers! Down to the BABYLON river! into the migrant street!” 


Freely adapted in part, from part II of the poem, entitled: Howl! By Allen Ginsberg  (1926-1997) Ginsberg once called his protest poem, “an emotional time bomb, which would continue exploding in U.S. consciousness in case our military-industrial-nationalist complex solidified.” 

Howl was originally banned for its Entartete Kunst obscenity; customs officials seized 520 copies of the poem on March 25th, 1957, being imported from the printer in London.

On June 3rd Shig Murao, a ‘Dark City’ bookstore manager, was arrested and jailed after an Orwellian sting operation for selling Howl and Other Poems to an undercover San Francisco police officer. City Lights Publisher Lawrence Ferlinghetti was subsequently arrested for publishing the book. At the obscenity trial, nine literary experts testified on the poem’s behalf. Supported by the American Civil Liberties Union, Ferlinghetti won the case when California State Superior Court Judge Clayton Horn decided that the poem was of “redeeming social importance.”

The greater obscenity is war; nothing has changed; Ginsberg to have foreseen the present insanity. The case was widely publicized. (Articles appeared in both Time and Life magazines.) An account of the trial was published by Ferlinghetti’s lead defense attorney Jake Ehrlich in a book called Howl of the Censor. The 2010 film Howl depicts the events of the trial. James Franco stars as the young Allen Ginsberg and Andrew Rogers portrays Ferlinghetti. It just so happens, the term: Goetia, means, Howl!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Devil, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 8, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

The grimoire entitled the, Goetia, means, howl, which of a word, the poet Allen Ginsberg had used for his 1955 poem of protest, titled: Howl. Ginsberg’s, ‘Howl And Other Poems,’ was published as part of his 1956 collection of poetry, which was dedicated to the writer Carl Solomon at a counterculture time when feminism came to ascendancy. Ginsberg wrote that:

“In publishing ‘Howl,’ I was curious to leave behind after my generation an emotional time bomb that would continue exploding in U.S. consciousness in case our military-industrial-nationalist complex solidified into a repressive police bureaucracy.” 

Ginberg’s Howl utilised the name of a God that was once worshiped by the Phoenicians and Canaanites called Moloch, which Ginsberg saw as representing a repressive police state as well peoples blind submission to it.

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung would probably whimsically see Moloch as representing the masculine principle of a Fifty Shades Of Grey Animus residing within the psyches of all women.

The counterpart of the Animus is the Anima, which in Carl Jung’s school of analytical psychology, is the primary female archetype residing within the unconscious mind of a male.

The Anima is described by Jung as being an influential force within the collective unconscious, which transcends the unconscious of the personal psyche of an individual male.


However, due to the mass indoctrination into the monotheistic paradigm of the deified Animus made as a God/Devil, the expression of the Anima has been systematically erased or otherwise incarcerated into the symbolic form of a celibate Virgin Mary.

The Virgin Mary masks the one time ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, whose name has since become a buzz-word of the highly controlled mass-media, when describing Animus fixated Wahabi extremists.

The Anima and Animus are archetypes of the collective unconscious; they are not personal aggregates of a father, or mother, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, or teachers, etc; although their imprints upon the personal unconscious can influence an individual.


The Animus in particular is symbolically expressed as the all male pantheon of Angels and Demons.

These all male Angels and Demons are commonly listed within the monotheistic grimoires, who dance around a God and a Devil; wherefore the fixation upon the male is that of the Animus residing within the unconscious psyches of all women.

You can thereby conclude that the symbolic construct of the monotheistic religions, upon which these grimoires are primarily based has been forged by women, due to an overriding fixation upon the Animus, made as a God and Devil.


Hence, when women berate what is termed as being a male dominated paradigm, they are inadvertently berating their own Animus projection, which has been personified as an All-Father God, enthroned between a crucified Beta-Male Good-Guy Christ and an Alpha-Male ‘Bad-Boy’ Devil.

However, every personification of the unconscious has a light and a dark aspect, such as the Animus, which can bring life-giving development and creativeness to the personality, or it can cause an individual to reactively erase its influence, which leads to insanity, the eventual death of a personality, becoming like that of a soulless automaton.


Should this reaction be applied to the collective, it manifests as hypocritical political-correctness, totalitarian thought-control and fascistic politics.

The religious symbolism of the monotheist faiths mirrors the relationship dynamic between women and those men they choose as their mates, whether in actuality or that of fantasy.


For example, many a woman is infatuated with a crucifying Bad-Boy Christian Grey, of fifty-shade Twilight desires, who desire being nailed by his conservative necrophilia of bestial dogma.

This fixation upon the Animus is genetically hardwired, of a biological imperative, which of an unconscious influence within the psyches of all women, over the Zodiac ages, has forged the present monotheistic focus of Piscean age society.


As you are no doubt aware, the present monotheistic society of an Animus fixation is becoming progressively more fascist of a totalitarian orientation.

Those who argue that such is not the case, are faced with the unerring fact that the creative principle behind the entirety of existence has been symbolically personified as a (Animus) God, whose ‘three’ religious constructs of an all male paradigm is derived from a particular cultural perspective, stemming from the war torn Middle East out of UR’s petrodollar ziggurat of Abraham.

Logic would dictate that the creative principle behind the entirety of existence cannot be personified by a religious focus upon a singular gender, of human form, let alone being based upon a cultural construct. Hence, the overriding monotheistic focus upon the male points at something else, being that of the Animus.

As for the symbolic expression of the Anima within the Playgirl grimoires, it is none existent.

But then, the religious construct upon which these grimoires are based, has castigated the Anima out of the spiritual equation.


Should a male presently explore his Anima, he will duly find himself being tarred and feathered as being a misogynist, or a sexist pornographer, merely because he plays video games, involving sexy female characters.

This is more so the case, if a male artist expresses his explorations of the Anima via his Art, which can potentially lead to his work being shunned, censored, let alone banned as being Entartete Kunst.

Artistic renditions of the Anima often manifest within the art-form of video games, which are being presently targeted by social engineers, who invariably utilise the emotively charged front of feminist politics to do so.

When to investigate the Anima, a male practitioner of symbolic alchemy has to keep in mind what Jung had termed as, ‘invasion,’ of the conscious by the unconscious archetype of the Anima, which can then lead to him being easily manipulated by the emotional politics of his female partners, upon whom he unknowingly projects his Anima.


Women are generally more emotionally astute than men; this is because their emotional intelligence develops at an earlier age than males do. This is not a sexist remark, it is actually a biological fact.


Jung insisted that: “A state of Anima possession…must be prevented. The Anima is thereby forced into the inner world, where she functions as the medium between the ego and the unconscious, as does the persona between the ego and the environment.”

Because a man’s sensitivity is usually repressed, the Anima is considered to be one of the most significant autonomous complexes of all within the psyche of a male, which influences a man’s interactions with women as well as his attitudes towards them.

If he is not aware of his Anima, he will duly find himself being manipulated by the controlled media machine manipulation of women, upon whom he unknowingly projects his Anima; just as women are likewise influenced by their Christian Grey Animus.


Jung related: “the encounter with the shadow is the ‘apprentice-piece’ in the individual’s development…that with the Anima is the ‘masterpiece.”  

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_succubus_book_mephistophina_ conjuration_of_fastus_crow 2

Jung saw the Anima as being the interface with the collective unconscious. Hence, she is the doorway into the collective dream; whereby, those who seek to influence the unconscious minds of individuals will target the Anima via subversively stirring up the women, which is easy to achieve since most males are totally unaware of the archetypal existence of the Anima within their own psyches.

The established symbolic paradigm of an Animus fixation has castigated the Anima out of the spiritual equation. Wherefore Faustus Crow summons up his Anima, Mephistophina, in order to negate the viral-meme brainwashing of the establishment, by conjuring her Muse sisterhood of Succubae amidst his Triangle Of Art lucid dreams, to thence list within his howling Skull and Crossbones pirate grimoire, of artistic anarchy.

NOTE: I am not saying that the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood are the unseen cause of all the woes of this world, that would be plain stupid, which would be just as crazy as saying that the Illuminati Brotherhood are the cause of every woe afflicting society.

It is more of a case of the many who blindly give over their power to a few who have sway over unlimited finances, whom delude themselves, that they are the elite.

This is due to them suffering from an inbred superiority-complex. The insanity of the brain-dead puppeteers is plain for all to see when to look at the petrodollar Middle East of mass-sacrifice, should you not be distracted by a PsyOps engineered conflict between the genders, which has nullified any anti-war protests.

The guilty party who have engineered the suffering of war, can be seen by all; for the insane few are the ones who ‘benefit’ from the orchestrated confusion and mass slaughter!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 26, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Sixty-third Succubus archetype of the Fallen ‘Anima’ is Andras, whose name is derived from the Icenic war Goddess called Andraste, also known as Andrasta or Andred. Her temperament is akin to Subject Zero Jack out of Mass Effect. According to the Roman historian Dio Cassius, Andraste was invoked by blue Wode, Boudica in her fight against the Roman occupation of Britain in AD 60. Andraste may be the same as Andate, mentioned later by the same source, described as, “their name for Victory,” 

Romanised as the Goddess Victoria. Some researchers assert that Andraste may be related to Andarta also. As for the Goddess Victoria, she is related to Nike, Bellona, Magna Mater (Great Mother), Cybele, and Vacuna; all of these Goddesses are often depicted riding chariots, you can otherwise imagine as star (chariot) ships.

(If you are interested, the above Artwork is available as an Art Print, Please Click Here.

Andras is a Great Marchioness, appearing in the Fallen ‘Anima’ form of a Punkette Angel, who may be wearing an SS officers Hat, if nothing else.

This does not mean that her character of an ‘Anima’ archetype is a neo-Nazi, quite the reverse, she absolutely hates right-wing fascist Nazis as well as left-wing totalitarian nut-jobs, both of them are one and the same of an Orwellian Big-Brother pincer-movement.


That is why she is a rebel, who loathes the jealous God Fuehrer of the deified ‘Animus,’ whose symbolic ‘Matrix’ of an imprisoning symbolic paradigm permeates all levels of culture.

The reason for the hat is because of the skull and crossbones motif of an ‘X,’ which is the seventh Rune of Gebo.

The seventh Rune is associated with the Nigredo state of trance into whose hypnagogic vaginal maw a shaman sacrifices himself unto.


Wherefore she sometimes manifests within a lucid dream, dressed in a tight clinging Black Night Raven uniform, wantonly dancing in a trance dance club, or otherwise being nigh naked.


She will also be seen of third eye vision riding upon a Tiger I Tank as her chariot, alongside a strong Black Wolf, while she to wield Tommy guns flourished aloft in her hands.

She is very much into the ritual music of the English Punk rock band called Crass, formed in 1977, which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, a way of life and that of a resistance movement.

Crass popularised the anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, advocating direct action, animal rights and environmentalism. The band used and advocated a shamanic DIY Punk ethic approach to its sound collages, leaflets, albums and films.

Crass utilised spray-painted stencilled graffiti messages in the London Underground system and on advertising billboards long before the likes of Banksey, as well as coordinating squats and organised political action.

The band expressed its ideals by dressing in black, military-surplus-style clothing and using a stage backdrop, which amalgamated icons of perceived authority, such as the Christian cross, the Swastika, the Union Jack and the Ouroboros.


Alas, at present you only have numerous conspiracy theorists who haven’t got a subculture to fall back upon of a protesting music scene anymore, since it has been utterly commercialised; wherefore heavily controlled of an artistic expression, which is unimaginatively stifling.

Crass was highly critical of punk subculture and youth culture in general during the Thatcherite years, which was rapidly being commercialised by the media empire of the establishment, and thereby controlled via engineered Sex Pistol fashion.

Whereas Crass otherwise promoted a personal form of artistic anarchism, whereby they are considered Art Punk in their use of tape collages, graphics, spoken word releases, poetry and improvisation of artistic protest. Hence Andras is a Punk art Muse whose rebellious Office is to inspire her master to engage in sowing artistic anarchy via ninth dimensional planetary sphere surrealism.

However, If a traditionalist Exorcist of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, has not a patriarchal care to know that Andras is in fact ‘Anima’ emanation Andraste, she will surely Boudica slay the monotheistic ideals of both him/her and his/her ‘Animus’ cult fellows, who be of the fascist Illuminati cults out of oily Petrodollar UR, and likewise with those thought police totalitarians of the politically correct left.


She governs over 30 Legions of Punkette Succubae, and her Seal is to be meditated upon, alongside that of the Crass logo, while chanting their Punk lyrics.

It just so happened that a crop circle appeared near Stonehenge during the midsummer (Litha) solstice, 21st of June, 2011, which looked like the howling anarchistic Crass logo.


But then, there was much social unrest due to government cutbacks at the time, of similarity to the Thatcherite years of BSE contaminated beef. A growing number of peaceful protests, were causing a lot of grief to the horse-meat scandal Conservative government, with further proposed mass protests being planned during the coming 2012 Summer Olympics.

The Games of the XXX Olympiad took place between 27th July 2012 and 12th August 2012, of media hype end of days, over which an apparent UFO did hover of blimp similarity to George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Los Angeles Olympics.


Although the Los Angeles Overwatch event of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Big-Brother key-time, was far more Hollywood, of eye in the sky, Spielberg fare. Whereas the London show was somewhat, very subtle, until it went viral over the internet, of a cohered mass 2012 focus at an engineered key-time, which coincided with a ‘Mass Coronal Ejection of the Sun,’ the Earth missed by Nine days.

solar storm

As for the Conservative government, they couldn’t allow for the proposed protests to take place during the games. Wherefore the unwashed populace who were planning to paint themselves protest Wode blue had to be curtailed somehow, since Thatcher’s Humpty Dumpty fall, from her Yuppie wall, still haunts the Conservative psyche.


As if on cue, the Conservative government got what they wanted. Prior to the 2012 Olympic games, between Saturday 6th August and Thursday 11th August 2011, thousands of youths suddenly rioted in several London boroughs and in cities and towns across England. The resulting chaos generated looting, arson, and the eventual mass deployment of police, in certain lucrative areas of London, while impoverished others were left to burn. There was much criticism that the police came onto the stage rather late in the day, whose questionable actions, just before the riot, were also looked into.


The events were also called, BlackBerry riots, because the organised rioters used mobile devices and social media to spur them on, so it is said, of similarity to the Arab Spring protestors. Suffice to say, there were ‘no protests’ during the games, apart from a conspiracy theory UFO hovering over the audience.


In other words, if you want to stem the tide of peaceful protests, all you have to do is to ‘Crucify’ the protestors to look like insane nutcases, by subversively promoting outlandish conspiracy theories, as well as spreading fearful rumours, along with orchestrating yobs to cause a violent riot. It works every time of a Big-Brother political tool of ‘Totalitarian/Fascism.’ History repeats itself like that of an ‘Ouroboros.’


You thereby have the crop circle of a Crass logo, whose symbol reminds many an 80’s Punk to remember the Poll Tax riots under BSE brain-dead Thatcher, who considered Crass to be a thorn in her Conservative side. Whereby when to conjure the protest Art Muse Punkette Andras-te, she has an anarchistic Bjork liking for Crass to be played of ritual music.
