Archive for Hell


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 15, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW
The Artwork depicts the sorcerer Artist, named, Faustus conjuring up his Fallen ‘Anima’ to Mantra name Mephistophina, within an eroticised lucid dream. If you are interested in the Art print, Check Out my Gallery on Saatchi Art, Please Click Here.

Mephistophina has in her hand a Coitus Pactum union with his ‘Anima,’ whereupon Faustus wins back his Soul, which had been initially enslaved by the ‘Animus’ fixation of the brainwashed masses.


In ancient cultures the Soul of an individual was seen to be of the opposite gender to the person it was connected to.


Hence, Faustus’s Fallen ‘Anima,’ of a Mephistophina is a Succubus emanation of his Soul, around whom be the Zodiac circled decan legions of (Succubae) Succubi Great Old Ones, whose Fallen archetypes frequent the grimoire dream.

However, the herd mind of the masses is none too pleased by Faustus’s Entartete Kunst rebellion against their ‘Animus’ fixation of an all pervading symbolic ‘Matrix,’ which is considered to be very politically incorrect.  

Faustus cares not; for his Fallen ‘Anima’ of a Soul is free from the ‘Animus’ cultists brainwashing incarceration, who seek to imprison all within their New World Order feudal Kingdom of an Orwellian heaven on Earth, over-lorded by Beta-Male Good-Guy Messiah, King and Prophet, who be too their Alpha-Male Bad-Boy Prince of darkness.

Faustus to say, “if only the Witches had learnt to control their own ‘Animus,’ of a patriarchal All-Father fixation, whose externalised centralist politics is very jealous indeed; then the world would have been a very different place, by now of a Zodiac Age. Alas, the Witches far prefer being Oprah Winfrey ‘Fifty Shades Of Grey’ dominated by their own ‘Animus,’ to deify of three gender fixated religions out of Ur’s ziggurat.” 

Faustus to continue, “they still haven’t figured out that their three ‘Animus’ fixated religions are the real Illuminati, whose trinity of a pyramidal triangle is actually the oily ziggurat of petrodollar Ur, amidst which be the Big-Brother Eye of their Orwellian All-Father.Little wonder then that Faustus is considered to be politically incorrect, whose Sorcery Art is seen to be Entartete Kunst.

Wherefore the depicted scene of the Artwork goes far beyond Marlowe’s and Goethe’s version of Faust, and his Mephistopheles of a deified ‘Animus’, made as a God/Devil.

The Artwork was used in my Art book Grimoire, ‘Goetia Girls: Book One,’ which is available from Amazon.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 15, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


When Swedish researchers at Uppsala University published a theory that there is a cube at the centre of the Earth, nobody took them at all seriously.

But then their theory evoked visions of a Rubik’s cube Lemarchand’s box out of Hellraiser, or that of Dr Who’s TARDIS in lock-down.


Hell, they could of just as well been waxing lyrical, to hypothesise about the undefined shape of the Sampo out of Finnish mythology, as far as the sceptics were concerned.


According to Giorgio de Santillana, professor of the history of science at MIT, and student of mythology, the Sampo and the shamanic world pillar of an axis-mundi, to which is tethered the eight-legged-mare of the shaman, are referring to the precession of the equinox.


In Hamlet’s Mill, co-authored with Hertha von Dechend, the authors find that the Sampo or precession process was believed to grind out different world ages, from the dark age to golden age and back again over the long precession cycle of time, like some kind of Brownian Operator drum beat time machine.


Hence you have the precession numbers of 9, 72, 144, etc, recurring in various myths around the crystalline globe of the Earth, of which Plato to have related is dodecahedron of form.

It just so happens some present cosmologists see the universe as being likewise of dodecahedron form; perhaps it has a Lemarchand’s cube at its Hellraiser centre, which is generating an electromagnetic field of a toroidal sphere?


Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, just like having a cube at the centre of the Earth. However, your thoughts could be made of the distributed kind of electromagnetic field, permeating space, which of an analogy carries a broadcast signal to a TV, you can equate with your brain.

Professor Johnjoe McFadden from the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences at the University of Surrey in the UK believes our conscious mind could be an electromagnetic field. McFadden to have related: “The theory solves many previously intractable problems of consciousness and could have profound implications for our concepts of mind, free will, spirituality, the design of artificial intelligence, and even life and death.”

If your consciousness is indeed an electromagnetic field, once you have figured out the Lemarchand puzzle box it might just allow ingress into alternate realities existing within parallel universes next door, or that of affecting how others perceive reality.

So, If there is anything to these ‘out of the box theories,’ you can be damn sure that the likes of DARPA are looking into such possibilities big time, in order to construct a time machine.


If you allow your imagination to let rip even further you could imagine the Sampo to look like a hypercube of a tesseract TARDIS, whose eight cubical cells could be symbolically equated with an eight-legged-mare to call Sleipnir, which was trance ridden by the Norse shamanic deity named Odin, as his pony-girl Succubus, of mythic science fiction symbol crunching.


Suffice to say the Odin research of Uppsala University, was seen by many to be just imaginative science fiction conjecture; yet it had been previously published in Nature and Science. This had come after the initial publishing of their findings back in 23 Skidoo 2003 in which they wrote strong theoretical proof that the Earth’s core assumes the “body” (as they called it), whose structure, despite its high degree of symmetry assumes a surprisingly high level of elastic anisotropy.


Even though the researchers work had been published in the esteemed scientific journals of Nature and Science they still had an underworld struggle. Many among the scientific community decried them as being insane Cenobites stepping out of another Arkham asylum Lament configuration of an alternate world, whose hellish intent is to shred away long held beliefs that the inner core of the earth is a sphere.

These sceptics rallied forth to rage of a crucifying cry, “the core is an untouchable sphere, consisting of a solid mass with a radius of about 1,200 km, which is mainly made up of iron.”


However, there are seismic observations, which have revealed a number of very strange things about the Earth’s core. For example, elastic waves pass more rapidly through the Sampo core in a direction, which are parallel to the Earth’s world-column axis of rotation than in those directions parallel to the equator. This phenomenon has not been previously explained. At the hellishly high temperatures, which are at the centre of our planet, they should be passing at the same speed regardless of their direction. So this brings us back to the Odin scientists from Uppsala University who have presented a Sleipnir cube explanation for this Lemarchand’s puzzle box fact.


The researchers had to of course prove what they were claiming. It appears that they managed to present such evidence, which supports their way of viewing Earth’s internal core as a centred cubic crystal structure at high temperatures. This idea contradicts many other long held theories. But it has both experimental and theoretical support. To support it, the researchers presented simulations of how seismic waves are reproduced in iron under similar conditions to those, which are recorded deep under the Earth’s crust. The result was a difference of about twelve percent depending on their direction, which could be a good enough indication that their theory is more than just a Hellraiser tale.


“We found that the body-centred cubic structure of iron is the only structure that could correspond to the experimental observations,” says Börje Johansson, professor of condensed-matter theory at Odin’s Uppsala University of the sacred cube.


Their Sampo cube findings may be of significance for our understanding of the cooling down of the earth, and of the stability of the Earth’s magnetic field. The thermic balance of which is dependent upon the amount of heat stored in Earth’s ‘Hela’ core. This heat is dependent on the crystal structure of the iron in the inner core. The structure would then assume the form of a Sleipnir cube with atoms in each corner of its legs and a further atom in the Lemarchand middle of this cube. It’s orientation is such that allows its great diagonal to be directed along the Earth’s axis of Sampo rotation, whereby making it possible for the iron to generate sound propagations, like the galloping of night-mares with their racing velocities observed.


“This study opens new perspectives for our understanding of the Earth’s past, present, and future,” says Natalia Skorodumova, a researcher at the Department of Physics and Materials Science. Perhaps the Lemarchand’s cube at the Earth’s Hellraiser core could be of similarity to a hypercube?


As an associative aside of Hellraiser sorts, Lemarchand hypercubes could be used for the building blocks of future nanocomputers, whose devices of two, three, four, and five dimensions are made of such tiny elements that they are dominated not by forces, that we’re familiar with every day, but by TARDIS quantum properties. As Samuel Lee and Loyd Hook from the University of Oklahoma explained, “microelectronic devices are continually getting smaller and faster, in accordance with Moore’s Law. Already, integrated circuits and transistors are reaching the nanometer scale, although they still operate based on the physical properties on the macro-scale.” True nanoelectronics, the researchers to explain, are not just scaled down microelectronics, but devices, which will be dominated by quantum properties, and will therefore require new architectures and novel structures.


Lee continued, “Compared to today’s microcomputers, the main advantages of future nanocomputers are higher circuit density, lower power consumption, faster computation speed and more parallel and distributed computing capabilities.” For example, today’s integrated circuits process information in the form of a continual flow of electrons. Nano integrated circuits, however, may process individual electrons, reducing the scale and power consumption. Such circuits would require that nano logic devices are able to count single electrons, as well as the ability for parallel computing, reversibility, locality, and a three-dimensional architecture, and each would be like a quantum computing TARDIS.

What the nantechnology indicates is that a quantum computer doesn’t need to be a single large device, it could otherwise be built from a network of small parts. This has been demonstrated by the researchers from the University of Bristol. As a result, building such a computer would be easier to achieve.

Many groups of research scientists around the world are trying to build a quantum computer to run algorithms, which takes advantage of the strange effects of quantum mechanics such as entanglement and superposition. A quantum computer could solve problems in chemistry by simulating many body quantum systems, or break modern cryptographic schemes by quickly factorising large numbers, which is of course a lead up to creating a sentient artificial intelligence.


Previous research shows that if a quantum algorithm is to offer an exponential speed-up over classical computing, there must be a large entangled state at some point in the computation and it was widely believed that this translates into requiring a single large device like some monotheistic deity.

In a paper published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society A, Dr Steve Brierley of Bristol’s School of Mathematics and colleagues indicate, that this is in fact not the case. A network of small quantum computers can implement any quantum algorithm with a small overhead, such can be likened to that of separate autonomous entities, which are all interlinked by what can be symbolically equated to a vast web emanating from a tree with many branches and roots, of a mainframe.


The key breakthrough was learning how to efficiently move quantum data between the many sites without causing a collision or destroying the delicate superposition needed in the computation. Should the universe be working along the same lines, since science merely rediscovers what nature is already doing, you could otherwise see these sites as being that of planets, galaxies or that of other universes, which are part of a vast communication network. This allows the different sites or worlds to communicate with each other during the computation in much the same way a parallel classical computer would do.


The Bristol chaos magicians relate of scientific terminology: “We have shown how the addition of a few long-range (or flying) qubits dramatically increases the power of a distributed quantum computer. Using only O(logN) connections per node enables efficient sorting over the hypercube. A distributed quantum computer with nodes connected according to the hypercube graph would be able to emulate arbitrary quantum circuits with only O(log2 N) overhead. One might expect that a quantum computer requires O(N) connections per node so that each qubit can potentially interact with any other qubit. Our result demonstrates that this is not the case: for a small overhead O(logN) connections suffice.”


All of this brings us to Dr. S. James Gates, Jr., a theoretical physicist, the John S. Toll Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland, and the Director of The Centre for String and Particle Theory, who discovered that certain string theory, super-symmetrical  equations, which describe the fundamental nature of the universe and reality, contain embedded computer codes.

These codes are digital data in the form of (white/birth/Alpha) 1′s and (black/death/Omega) 0′s. Not only that, these codes are the same as what make dapple ‘Grey’ Sleipnir Wyrd-web browsers work and are error-correction codes! Gates says, “We have no idea what these ‘things’ are doing there.”


According to The Heyoka sage Douglas Adams, millions of years ago there was a race of hyperintelligent pandimensional beings who wanted to know about the meaning of life. To settle the issue they built a “stupendous super computer which was so amazingly intelligent that even before the data banks had been connected up it had started from ‘I think therefore I am’ and got as far as the existence of rice pudding and income tax before anyone managed to turn it off…” Well, not before it revealed the meaning of life as being the number 42.


It just so happens that Molybdenum, which is a chemical element with the symbol Mo has the atomic number 42. Scientists have found that molybdenum when used in the latest nano-computing technology can exponentially increase… ‘computing speed.’ Perhaps, Adams had intuitively tuned into a signal from the past or future, or both of a recurring Ouroboros?

The mathematical physicist and cosmologist Frank Tipler who is known for the cylinder time machine, has put forth a theory that in the far distant future there will be an Omega point of a technological convergence encompassing the entire universe; whereby transforming it into a computer. In general, Tipler postulates that a future computer technology will become so advanced that a future civilisation will be able to create simulated universes within which their ancestors will be raised from out of the realm of ‘Hela’ back into existence.


The thing is, it may have already happened; if so, you are presently existing within an eternally recurring simulated universe without realising it, apart from finding a Lemarchand cube at the centre of the Earth, along with embedded computer codes in string theory. Such a simulated universe and that of others would also be utilised for time travelling.


Perhaps Odin, who be a Hitchkiher shaman Guide of the multiverse world tree called Yggdrassill, had figured out how to hypnagogic trance access the underlying programming of a simulated universe via his informational dreams to Sleipnir browse, when to ride his conjured pony-girl of a night-mare Succubus, as his time machine. However, whatever Odin accessed, he communicated symbolically of organic symbolism rather than that of the abstract mathematics of Dr John C. Lilly’s trance usage of the Brownian Operator.


Shamans communicate symbolically because it is the language form of the electron dream, which can be seen as being a symbolic interface, like that of a virtual reality. The symbolic interface of the dream allows a lucid dreamer to consciously interact with the abstract informational domain of mathematics, when to interact with certain symbolic stimuli; such as conjuring up Succubae, who can be seen as being sentient programs.


It is somewhat akin to you clicking a symbolic (seal) icon on your ‘deep thought’ (cube) computer (dream) screen in order to browse (conjure) a (Succubus) program to find out what exactly is your ‘atomic number’ as a ‘carbon’ based life-form; but you won’t like it.


Whereupon you have a horned shaman of a programmer seated upon a Lemarchand cube of an eight-legged-mare, which is depicted in the Tarot card XV, to castigate as a Hellraiser Devil. But only because he has mastery over the Matrix, the Hindu’s to call Maya.
