Archive for extremist feminism


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Film, Horror, Occultism, Psychology, Surrealism, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 24, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Before we dive deeply into the extremely Evil plans Dr. Evil has for the world, and boy, are they really Evil

I would like to first introduce you to some key terms concerning the psychological processes of the mass populace, Dr. Evil is subversively hacking.

Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of Dr. Evil utilises what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the quite oblivious masses.

The personal observance of how the Anima and Animus can be subversively manipulated by others of mundane emotional politics can be observed in ones everyday relationship dynamics, which can then be applied to the bigger picture.

Jung was probably aware that the Animus had become deified by the religious cultural constructs of the three monotheistic faiths, whose shared symbolic paradigm permeates all levels of your culture.

At base level, heterosexual males in particular gravitate towards those male role-models, who are sexually attractive to the opposite sex.

The male role-models are essentially the Animus projections of heterosexual women, who find certain males sexually attractive to them.

Jung was no doubt also aware that the Anima had been entirely castigated out of the symbolic construct of the Animus fixated monotheists.

This is a rather strange case of affairs, since heterosexual females tend to gravitate towards those female role-models, who are sexually attractive to the opposite sex, which are determined by the Anima projections of heterosexual males.

The erasure of the Anima from the Animus fixated paradigm of the monotheists might be best explained by the competitive dynamics of women.

Since a woman is the one who gives birth, she requires the man to stay with her of a total focus, who suffers no other to be worshipped before her.

Whereby a woman becomes very jealous indeed of the man’s Anima, which she feels may make him stray away from his fatherly duties.

This is especially the case if a man imagines his Anima looking like the Babylonian Sex Goddess Ishtar. Hence Abraham dumped his sexy nude idols of Ishtar when caught between Cat-fighting Sarah and Hagar.

Although nowadays a man might imagine his Anima looking somewhat like Elizabeth Hurley…

Or to manifest of inner Anima visions, looking like Angelina Jolie, Caroline Munro, Halle Berry, Eva Green, Kate McGrath, Mathilda May, Emma Watson, Ornella Muti, Thandie Newton, Kensia Solo, Brigette Bardot, Marilyn Munroe and Jane Fonda, etc, etc, you get the drift.

A heterosexual male might imagine his Anima looking like any number of sexy female characters featured in video games, comics and the Arts in general, or to be a knitted-together Frankenhooker combination of all the above.

Whereupon, when a woman feels threatened by the mans Anima, the female manifestations of the Anima are verily attacked and transformed into Hijab wearing celibate Virgin Mary’s, who look very butch and extremely masculine, to the point of growing unruly beards.

This invariably leads to the eradication of the Anima, whose archetypes are classified as being sexist and thereby ripped out of the Playboy grimoires and cast into the pit as being politically incorrect Entartete Kunst.

Whereas the archetypes of the Animus are not mentioned by women, apart from transforming their sons into emasculated Beta-Males before crucifying them with their protesting about their father’s sins.

Yet, said protesting women will make no end of excuses for an Alpha-Male bad-boy Devil, they to then Babalon ride as their Unicorn Great Beast, whose Playgirl grimoires to thence proliferate of politically correct propaganda under a rainbow sickle blood Moon.

Dr. Evil is of course very much aware that the Anima has been nigh erased from the symbolic paradigm of the monotheists, whose feudal politics is centralist of totalitarian/fascist leanings since the time of Abraham’s UR, which is highly versed in Mind Control techniques.

It is this historical observation, Dr. Evil utilises in his psychological warfare campaign against the mass populace of subversive social engineering via the heavily controlled Mass-Media Machine.


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Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, fantasy, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Sword And Sorcery, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 13, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

The occult Arts or otherwise termed magical Arts use techniques many a Faustian Artist will recognise. This is because Art and sorcery are basically one and the same practice.

When an Artist conjures up an idea for a character amidst his or her imagination, which is then visualised, in order create an image of the manifest vision as a painting, he/she is essentially practicing Magic.

faustus crow podcast

This is more so the case when the meditative state of creative intensity leads to the inducement of a lucid dream, wherein the created two dimensional image manifests as a three dimensional interactive reality within the dream. Upon awakening, the Artist might even observe concordant synchronicities, whose symbolism reflects back the symbolic stimuli of the dream, which had been initially conjured up by his/her Artwork.

However, the Art world has over time developed a disdain for anything to do with occultism, which does not see Art and the practice of Magic as being the same. Art has become a product, a commodity, nothing more than that. (The Art world is heavily controlled from the top down, whose elitists dictate what is considered to be Art, and what is not Art.)

To a degree, this is understandable since many an occultist often becomes embroiled with a religious sentiment, which has nothing to do with Magic/Art, who dogmatically distance themselves from Art as being quite separate and of little importance.

The same can be said of the Arts, which presently has a dogmatic emphasis on the brand of the abstract.

Whereas the symbolic expression of occultism tends to be rather morbid of gothic branding, which in the main, is due to an entrenched medieval mind-set. (Don’t get me wrong here, I like, and employ the symbolism; but not of overall branding!)

The medieval mind-set has systematically negated sexuality out of the symbolic paradigm to make nigh celibate in accordance with its religious indoctrination.

When sexuality enters into the occult formula, it is usually seen to be malign of a perceived Satanic influence. This is very much the case when the female archetypes of the Anima are mentioned, whose conjurations are habitually termed as being occult porn.

When the word pornography is utilised by politically correct mind-sets it is usually used as a loaded means to trash what it is applied to, of tar and feathering, since porn solely concerns its self with meaningless Hentai copulations.

Those who castigate the Artistic conjuration of female Anima archetypes as being politically-incorrect occult porn quaintly forget, or should I say, ignore the fact, that their male archetypes of an Animus fixation have been conjured down the indoctrinated ages by numerous occult practitioners for the express purpose of sexually exploring their psyches.

For example, Aleister Crowley was bisexual of orientation, whose conjurations of the all male archetypes listed in the Goetia, he had ‘illustrated’ having huge erections, which, curiously enough is generally not considered as being porn.

Suffice to say my Artwork is usually termed as being occult porn by traditionalist occultists, who in the main dogmatically practice religion, not Magic/Art. Nor is my Art primarily gothic of style, which is commonly associated with the occult; this confuses the branded clique. If it was to be pigeonholed at all, it could be construed as being Pop-Surrealist, which is due to the infernal underground comic art style of the Artwork using themes from popular culture.

As for the emphasis upon the female form, it is to do with illustrating various archetypes of the Fallen Anima.

The Anima is a female archetype residing within the heterosexual male psyche, which is conjured up amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination, whenever a male visualises his idea of a perfect female partner, or even one to avoid, etc.

The Anima influences his attraction to those women he seeks to become intimately involved with, who reflect back how he sees himself of an internal-self-image, such as the male’Role Model’ of a Witcher, for example.

The counterpart of the Anima, is the Animus residing within a heterosexual female psyche, which influences her choice of those males she seeks to become involved with. Her male partners also reflect back how she sees herself deep down, who might see herself as a Sorceress.

When a man or woman falls in love at first sight it is due to the unconscious influence of their Anima and Animus being conjured up within their psyches. Those of a different sexual orientation reverse the symbolism in accordance with their respective natures.

The Anima and Animus are not quaint concepts; nor are they part of some new-age fundamentalist pseudo-ideology. The Anima and Animus are psychological realities, which are an expression of your biological hard-wiring; it is basic nature.

What is intriguing is that the grimoires, whether ancient or modern have an overriding gender fixation upon the deified Animus, made as a patriarchal God and Devil along with their all male pantheon of Angels and Demons, which you could otherwise term as being Playgirl grimoires.

The Playgirl grimoires primarily describe male archetypes of the deified Animus, which as mentioned, reside within the female psyche. In other words the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil is the patriarchal creation of woman, who to dally with the Beta and Alpha male archetypes of her monotheistic Animus manifesting as machismo Angels and butch Demons, you can aptly term as being Incubi.

The male archetypes can be otherwise seen as being role-models by a conjuring male Artist who assumes their guises to act out, when to engage in performance Art, or to imagine assuming their daemonic Avatars, while drawing/painting their (seals/sigils) characters.

A shaman likewise does the same when accessing hypnagogic trance, who then becomes the conjured archetype within a lucid dream, somewhat like becoming a character in a (virtual reality) video game.

However, each of the male archetypes the shaman assumes as his (magical-persona) Avatar would be coupled with a corresponding female archetype of his Anima.

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(A Tibetan Buddhist [Hindu or Tantric] would term the Anima as being Shakti, whose energetic [Succubus] emanations are called Dakinis, and each Dakini is coupled with a [Avatar] raging Buddha.)  

Steam Community :: :: Witcher 3

For example, let’s say we have a heterosexual male Artist who is drawing the video game character of the Witcher, who associates the ‘Role-Model’ Witcher with a Shaman.

The Shamans were once many, until the ascendancy of the (Eternal Flame) deified Animus cults started to systematically eradicate them; whereupon there are now only a few.

The Artist’s creative intensity of a meditative focus is introverted into his dreams, which is sexually empowered by the Witcher’s intimate interaction with his female counterpart named, Yennefer.

Image result for the witcher yennefer

Or that of other female characters, such as the (Succubi) Succubae, having varying (mutagen) Muse abilities, the Witcher becomes entwined with in his shamanic story of a hero’s journey. But the Art Muses are arranged around a central Art Muse, who is their Anima Queen.

The Artist experiences assuming the daemonic Witcher Avatar within a lucid dream, who will find that the dream domain he consciously accesses is represented by Yennefer. It is she and other female characters who personify the sorceress power of his Anima dream.

Related image

When you have a gender fixated paradigm it will have an underlying sexual orientation, which cannot be denied, even if you attempt to cut sexuality out of the symbolic equation.

Sex has been cut out of the symbolic paradigm of the monotheists in order to negate you seeing the underlying sexual orientation behind their focus upon the deified Animus.

One of the grimoires, which describes just a few female spirits out of seventy-two of number is the Goetia. However the female spirits the Goetia depicts are described as being actually androgynous male entities in hermaphrodite disguise, or if you prefer, they are fluid of Hollywood gender politics, the feminist extremists presently espouse, while battering the Anima.

The extremist feminists are not saying anything too dissimilar to what orthodox Judaism, right-wing fundamentalist Christianity or Whahibist Islam have said concerning the Anima, which has been entirely castigated out of the symbolic paradigm as the Fallen.

It is essentially mass thought-control, which specifically targets the Anima within the male psyche and in turn targeting his sexuality.

You could hypothesise of a science fiction scenario that its hidden agenda is population-control. Whether it is cyclic of nature, or that of human wrought witchery can be considered as being a mystery.

Although when to science fiction observe that the Biblical Hell-fire imprisonment of the psyche is losing its hold, it now also involves alchemical practices being employed.

You have the dumping of sodium fluoride, fluorosilicic acid, and sodium fluorosilicate into the public water supply, along with it being added to the food in league with GMO Soya.

They are also considering putting lithium into the public water supply, which will put an inane smile on your face.

But it appears that lithium and other metals are being introduced into the environment via chem-trails, etc. You can thereby gather it is very likely being engineered by the all too human, which is the real porn.

At one time during the dark ages of the Witcher, the numbers of your ancestors were kept down by natural illnesses, various false-flag instigated religious wars, as well as being systematically programmed to believe, that any untoward thought not allowed by the Animus fixated Playgirl scriptures, would consign them to being eternally damned, within the fiery depths of Hell.

Now, during the science fiction era, many a male are being media programmed to believe that any considered politically incorrect thoughts they might have indicates that they are objectifying women as sex objects, exuding a toxic Witcher masculinity, let alone being sexually perverse misogynists, etc.

The thought control is engineered to get males to censor their own thoughts via the emotively charged state of being made to feel guilty about being male, etc, which in turn censors their dreams.

Perhaps science fiction is becoming science fact!? So, if you have a very real Necronomicon, which has been banned by the cults of the deified Animus, it would list what has been entirely cut out of the symbolic equation, a Faustian sorcerer would fathom…

“Horrid, old and dumb,” many a protesting Mummy Porn Maenad to have screamed at me, likening an Avadhuta Faustian rebel to Danny DeVito, while I flew over their tangled Medusa hair Nets, to Heyoka howl… “Animus!”


Wherefore I decided to create a Necronomicon based upon the Goetia, which illustrates the female archetypes of the Fallen Anima, you could term as being a Fifty Shades Of Grey Playboy grimoire, whose tome explores the rebellious lucid dream conjurations of Owl eyed Athena (Succubi) Succubae, betwixt the High Priestess pylons, black and white.

Those who term my Artwork as being occult porn, merely reveal where they are coming from, who reside within a closeted Plato’s cave of a neuro-marketing Animus fixation

It is the symbolic Matrix where the feminist likes of Oprah Winfrey read Fifty Shades Of Grey Mummy Porn, which objectifies the male in their Playgirl grimoires! Savvy!
