Archive for Philippe Druillet


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Cosplay, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Manga, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 5, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

Salem’s Vampy Vampira of Goetia Girls Research TV here, at my usual haunt of a bar. Although this time around, I’m in the Le Crazy Horse de Paris. I am ever so excited to be in Art central Paris, interviewing ghost hunter Jacques Bellegarde and the psychic detective Chantecoq about their paranormal investigations into the ghostly apparitions of the Seven Sisters Of Purgatory, haunting the Musée du Louvre. Check out their book. 

VV: Thank you both for talking to Goetia Girls Research TV and our still living audience. You both make the claim, in your book, that supernatural activity is everywhere on the dark Art side of Paris, but what makes a place truly haunted, such as the labyrinthine Art gallery of the Louvre?

CHANTECOQ: Well, it’s about the belief, the mystery, and the culture around the myth. the major Art attraction of the Louvre is not just by chance, but by design. The whole Art instillation acts something like a psychic battery… a Ley line focal point. Some of the locals believe that a number of the paintings in the Louvre are actually painted with the blood, harvested from human hearts, creating inter-dimensional portals into other realities, which open at certain Tarot key-times around the Zodiac.

VV: Ley lines… the Louvre is a psychic battery… paintings painted in human blood acting as stargates; sounds like something right out of H.P. Lovecraft’s Necronomicon brain; I love it!

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JACQUES: It is all symbolic of course… an occult blind, which refers to a primordial shamanic technique the ancient Egyptian’s also practiced in their temples. The chest area of the heart is where most of the nerve fibres of the Central-Nervous-System are to be found. Also, the lungs pump out endogenous DMT, which activates the inducement of hypnagogic trance at certain circadian rhythm key-times. Basically, the Artist who to have painted the painting was in a state of hypnagogic trance while doing so. Whereas the motif of blood refers to the Artist’s emotional state when creating the Artwork. As for Ley lines and the psychic battery bit, that’s where it gets really interesting…

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VV: I must admit, I never got my head around all this Ley line stuff, for real; let alone psychic batteries… the Louvre being a massive psychic battery sounds far too New-Age fluffy to me… no offence…

CHANTECOQ: No offence taken… You just figured it out without realising it, when you said… head; and I must say you do have a very pretty head… (All three laugh) 

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VV: You are such a bad boy Cthulhu flirt… (All three laugh)

CHANTECOQ: (Continues) The Ley lines, which are generally seen to be hypothetical energy lines covering the Earth like a web, actually exist within your crystalline skull. What you externally observe, with your eyes is interpreted by your brain, which has a liking for patterns; whether you are aware of it or not.

CHANTECOQ(Continued) Should you look at the world as an Artist would, you will soon realise that wherever you look, you will notice that the area you are observing has an underlying composition to it, a symmetry; hence, having a pattern. That is why, when accessing hypnagogic trance, you will sometimes experience entoptic phenomena, made up of geometric patterns looking like grids, zigzags, cones, dots, spider webs or that of Ley lines underneath the internally experienced visionary material, which is associated with what is externally observed.

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VV: Is that why Palaeolithic cave paintings often feature geometric patterns; whereby indicating they were painted while in a state of hypnagogic trance?

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CHANTECOQ: Yes. The caves of Lascaux for example, were the first Art gallery temples. At an external level, the cave is just a cave; but when accessing hypnagogic trance, the cave becomes a psychic battery, whose stored energy is emotion. Or should I say, it evokes an emotional reaction from one or more of the Seven Chakras of the endocrine system, within an individual, via the symbolic stimuli of the paintings. This then leads to thoughts making nigh instantaneous associative connections, which generates the entoptic phenomena of the experienced Ley lines, corresponding with the conjured visionary material of deep memories.

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VV: Hang on a minute, just to clarify what you just said… when in hypnagogic trance, the symbolic stimuli of a painting evokes an emotional response from the Seven Chakras, equalling energy, which then sets up associative thoughts, being entoptic phenomena Ley lines… and that these lines of thought correspond with visionary material, that are conjured memories…

CHANTECOQ: Yes. emotion, thought and memory is symbolised as the Triangle Of Art in occult practice; but it is essentially that of Art. At the midst of the Triangle Of Art you then have the ‘eye’ of the imagination, which allows an Artist to introvert his or her five senses into the dream consciously.

CHANTECOQ: (continues) Wherein of a sixth sense lucid dream a two-dimensional painting becomes as a three-dimensional interactive reality. Whereby, a macrocosmic painting can indeed act as a Vaginal stargate into another microcosmic reality.

VV: Whoa! So the Louvre is like the painted caves of Lascaux… are you saying that the reported ghosts of the Louvre were seen by individuals who had inadvertently accessed hypnagogic trance, by any chance?

JACQUES: You are now getting very close to… Le secret du Louvre. But it’s not quite the whole story, there’s far more. Chantecoq and myself resorted to using the classic Ouija board of Surrealist automatism in a number of the Louvre galleries to see if an entity would communicate with us.

CHANTECOQ: We found that the ghost sightings are associated with singular entity, such as sightings of old guards walking through the museum, as well as the Red spectre of the Tuileries, which was initially considered to be a male ghost. But we soon discovered that the ghost in Rubedo Red is actually a female entity, which had communicated with us via the Ouija board. She even revealed that she has six other ghostly sisters as well revealing her symbolic-key of a name.

VV: So, what is her name?

JACQUES: She said her name is Belphégor. We decided to look into her name, which is listed in the grimoires as being that of a spirit. Belphégor is one of the very few spirits described manifesting as a female entity, appearing as a young girl, when conjured into a lucid dream.

JACQUES: (Continues) She is said to inspire innovative invention, especially via her Art Muse inspired dreams, which, for example could be that of innovative Art movements. However, her name is originally derived from the ancient Egyptian Goddess Ahathoor as well as being associated with another Egyptian Goddess named Amunet.

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CHANTECOQ: We found it very curious indeed that Ahathoor means the house, or temple of Horus. When we looked at the Ahathoor temple plans of Edfu, we found out that the Louvre is based upon the same temple plan.

JACQUES: Going back to the Red spectre… or a red Rose, of the TuileriesAhathoor is depicted dressed in scarlet, who is the original scarlet woman… she is sometimes shown to be naked. The reason for her nakedness and the colour Red, is that it is associated with menstrual blood, the Rubedo of alchemy, which points at a naked Vaginal portal of ingress into this reality. As for Amunet, also pronounced Amonet or Amaunet, she was a primordial Goddess in Ancient Egyptian religion. She is a member of the Ogdoad and the consort of Amun

Asmodeus - Umineko no Naku Koro ni.

CHANTECOQ: Amun is sometimes depicted as being a pyramid of light surrounded by the primordial ocean called Nun, which of similarity points at the Louvre pyramid, whose symbolism of a pyramid is associated with the Masonic symbol of the Beehive having a Queen Bee Witch.

VV: So, by using an Oiija board, you both come across the name Belphégor, which then led you to an ancient Egyptian Goddess called Ahathoor pointing at the Edfu temple, having the same ground plan as the Louvre. Are you saying that the Louvre is the house of Horus?

JACQUES: Well, actually, here in France, the Horus hawk, equates with a type of hawk called a Merlin, which is flown from a ladies hand. This then leads you to the wizard called Merlin who as a deified shaman is also associated with Amun, whose consort is Amunet. The Egyptian Goddess Amunet would then equate with Morgana le Fay coupled with Merlin, which then leads you to the locale of Glastonbury tor in the Uk, having a Seven fold Chakra spiral… Glastonbury tor was once surrounded by an inland sea, just like Amun’s pyramid, which in turn, as said, leads you to the Louvre pyramid… As for the name of Amunet, it means, ‘the female hidden one,’ like that of being masked, who is depicted wearing a Red crown wielding a staff of papyrus.

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CHANTECOQ: When you have papyrus it is symbolically associated with paper unto canvas; hence, Merlin can be seen as a bearded shaman Artist, whose house is the Louvre… Funnily enough, In the innovative British and American TV series Penny Dreadful, the character of Vanessa Ives, is played by the French actress Eva Green, who is implied to be an incarnation of Amunet. You also have another French actress, Sofia Boutella playing Ahmanet, who is Amunet, in the Mummy film, which is the first official instalment in the Universal Monsters Cinematic Universe… you could say, the Mummy film, of a moving painting will act somewhat like a Vaginal portal, whose ageless archetype of the Arts is Belphégor.

VV: Curious, sounds like Belphégor is very French, no wonder Kamasutra Paris is the Art central of symbolic Alchemy, whose sorcerer Artists, inspired by their Succubus Art Muses, transmute the Seven hedonic sins into golden Tantric virtues. You mentioned that all of this is by design, what do you mean by that… who or what designed it all?

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JACQUES: We suspect that it has something to do with the junk DNA, which is tied up with language. The language we are talking about here is at a far deeper level, it is symbolic, manifesting within dreams… not that of words. It’s as if, there is a symbolic code embedded in all of us, which physically manifests its self via trance Art; whereupon you then find various cultures throughout history, manifesting similar symbolic motifs across the globe, which are all interconnected.

CHANTECOQ: We found that the Belphégor dream code is associated with certain zeitgeist times, when innovative Art movements in Paris influenced the whole world. One such zeitgeist Art movement was initiated by Les Humanoïdes Associés, a publishing house specialising in comics and graphic novels. It was founded in December 1974 by Mœbius, Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Philippe Druillet and Bernard Farkas in order to publish their adult fantasy magazine, Métal Hurlant; it quickly expanded to include a variety of science fiction work.

JACQUES: Métal Hurlant was innovatively revolutionary in the comic book Art-form at the zeitgeist time; because of its inventive focus on the genre of science fiction, it inspired many generations of authors and filmmakers, such as George Lucas for his film Star Wars and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner and Alien, as well as influencing Wachowskis Matrix trilogy. The American version of Métal Hurlant is the magazine Heavy Metal whose base of operations is in H.P. Lovecraft land Massachusetts.

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VV: Yeah! Salem, that’s where I come from; born and bred as a salaciously sinful Witch… I wonder what one of the Seven very naughty Chakra sins I would be? (all three laugh.)

CHANTECOQ: We also discovered that the Paris base of Les Humanoïdes Associés is aligned with the Louvre pyramid, which both of us find to be rather curious…

VV: Looks as if Belphégor not only travels around the Ley lines like a Witch riding her broomstick, she is also into Bandes dessinées…

CHANTECOQ: What do you expect, she is a Succubus Art Muse Catwalk model out of Vogue, looking like a Vampy Vampira… (all three laugh)

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VV: So, what will be the next zeitgeist Art movement, she is going to inspire, do you think?

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JACQUES: Well, we did have the word, Crow, that kept on cropping up when using the Ouija board. What that means, we haven’t as yet determined…

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VV: Crow… Belphégor… Crow… Belphégor… sounds familiar; I’m sure I have come across that association somewhere… not sure… where… (shakes her Louise Brookes bob style raven tresses) sorry, please continue…

JACQUES: Perhaps, going by the sensual French actresses playing the Penny Dreadful and Mummy manifestation of Amunet… pointing at Belphégor, that the next zeitgeist will occur in tandem with the return of the Universal Monsters and their sinfully delicious EC comic Cinematic Universe…

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CHANTECOQ: Whatever the zeitgeist Art movement to be of an artistic manifestation; it will be very much dependent on the bearded Artist who has conjured Belphégor as his ‘throne’ of Muse inspiration… as the saying goes, “behind every great man there is a woman,” although I far prefer the Hindu adage, “a God is not a God without his Shakti.” (Chantecoq winks at Vampy Vampira. All three laugh, while drinking a third bottle of Faust, Cabernet Sauvingnon. )

VV: Thank you both for the interview. Salem’s Vampy Vampira of Goetia Girls Research TV signing off from the dark side of Paris. Hell! I’ve just been asked to do a Belphégor mask dance on the Crazy Horse Dakini stage with my six other most salacious Witch sisters.

VV: (continues) But before I do, I’m going to Cat burglar steal another bottle of Faust. Make sure to subscribe to the Goetia Girls Research TV on YouTube, to catch my Crazy Horse Performance Art dance, it’ll send you into a surrealist trance.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 21, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

Should the Oglala Lakota warrior, visionary mystic and Shaman, whose name is Tȟašúŋke Witkó (‘His-Horse-Is-Crazy’ or ‘His-Horse-Is-Spirited’) generally known as Crazy Horse (ca. 1840 – 1877), had foreseen that his name was to be later adopted by Le Crazy Horse Saloon, or Le Crazy Horse de Paris, his Black and White pinto Mare named Inyan, may have become even crazier.

Then again, perhaps that is why Crazy Horse’s Surrealist Night-Mare was Chaos Magic Art Muse crazy.

Crazy Horse is a Parisian cabaret known for its artistic stage shows, performed by nude female dancers, a Tibetan Bonpo Tantric Buddhist would equate with Dakinis, who to dance around the four elemental quarters of their medicine wheel, which is curiously similar to the native American medicine wheel.

Crazy Horse also features a diverse range of magical acts and esoteric variety ‘turns’ between each Tantric show.

Its visionary owners have helped to create related shows in other power place cities around the dodecahedron globe , followed by unrelated businesses, which to have used the name of Crazy Horse as well.

The Crazy Horse of Art central Paris occupies former wine cellars (12 in all of Zodiac number, which have been knocked together) of an impressive Haussmanian building at 12 Avenue George-V (from the British king George V, in French “George Cinq”).

Suffice to say it is situated at a power place of historical importance, which isn’t too far away, as the Crow flies, from the Belphégor pyramid of the Musee du Louvre.

Should the Crow to fly a little further along the Yoni Rose line, you will duly find the rubedo door of the grand Art lodge of the Les Humanoïdes Associés, which is a French publishing house specialising in comics and graphic novels.

The Art lodge was founded in December 1974 by the sorcerer Artists, Mœbius Giraud, Jean-Pierre Dionnet, Philippe Druillet and Bernard Farkas in order to publish their highly influential grimoire, Métal Hurlant, which quickly expanded to include a variety of erotic orientated science fiction work.

Métal Hurlant in English means, Howling Metal. By the way, the Greek term, ‘Goetia’ means, Howling, as in to Howl out barbarous mantras, just as Allen Ginsberg Howled out his performance Art, Howl poem.

Métal Hurlant was considered to be not only rebellious, but also revolutionary of the ninth Art Muse comic book artform at the time, chiefly due to its adult focus on the sci-fi genre, which was an Entartete Kunst rebellion against the spandex superhero media empire of America.

The Entartete Kunst grimoire inspired many generations of authors and filmmakers, such as Ridley Scott for his film Blade Runner.

Not too long after Métal Hurlant’s debut, the American’s created their own Howling grimoire version of Métal Hurlant, which was renamed, Heavy Metal, whose Art lodge is based in the H.P Lovecraft landscape of Easthampton, Massachusetts.

However, top-shelf Heavy Metal has since become a politically correct thought police morass of lower shelf Disney/Marvel fare, whose present editor is the superhero industry giant, Grant Morrison. Gone are the days, when Heavy Metal had the Entartete Kunst Métal Hurlant edge.

It isn’t too hard to imagine the original rebellious Métal Hurlant Artists frequenting the Crazy Horse, which had been opened by Alain Bernardin along the Yoni Rose Line in 1951. Bernardin personally ran the Crazy Horse for decades until his death by suicide in 1994. The Crazy Horse Tantric Dakinis may have been deliberately chosen to be indistinguishable upon the medicine wheel stage, in height, breast size and Palaeolithic Venus figurine shape in the past.

But now they have a more diverse group of Goetia Girls, all of whom are gymnastic of Dakini form and very Necronomicon skilled in their grimoire Muse Art.

Along with its Dakinis, the Crazy Horse has also been a popular coven venue for many other Performance Artists, including Avadhuta magicians, Heyoka jugglers, and Yogic mimes.

Bernardin, like a sorcerer, explained that he loved magic because it corresponded with his ‘mystical vision’:

“Magic is a dream. There is no show that is more dreamlike than a magic show. And what we do with the girls is magic, too, because they aren’t as beautiful as you see them onstage. It’s the magic of lights and costumes. These are my dreams and fascinations that I put onstage.”

Under new shareholders, and new management from 2005, Crazy Horse started to feature prestigious Artists Performance Art stripping, for a limited number of Tantric shows, including Dita Von Teese, Carmen Electra, Aria Cascaval, Arielle Dombasle or Pamela Anderson.

The new management also hired Philippe Decouflé as choreographer; Kelly Brook became a Métal hurlant Crazy Horse Dakini in the fall of 2012.

Perhaps Bernardin was originally seeking to spiritualise the symbolism of various fetish costumes worn by his ‘Anima’ Mares of the Night, who as Dakini Art Muses would inspire politically incorrect Tantric lucid dreams.

Wherein of the dream the Dakinis are ridden as shaman Crazy Horses into other Métal hurlant realities.

Whether such was the actual case of symbolic Alchemy, is of course debatable. But a ridden Crazy Horse Art Muse, knows no Night-Mare visionary limits, who as a Coyote spirit girl knows how to Tantric dance around the Dakini dream wheel.

As for (Tȟašúŋke Witkó) Crazy Horse he was very likely Coyote wise to the fact that the European invaders weak spot is their insane belief in a jealous God, which of an ancestral-self-identity had been appropriated from another people, Carl Jung would term as an ‘Animus’ fixation.

Whereby Crazy Horse’s Heyoka ghost would Coyote conjure the Fallen ‘Anima’ and her (Succubae) Succubi Dakini emanations of an artistic rebellion, around the dodecahedron globe.

The spirit of Crazy Horse might just relate via a Ouija board, “the wand of a virile paint brush is mightier than the castrated gun.”
