Archive for tulpamancy

Mephistophina Frankenhooker Succubus Tulpa

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2023 by FAUSTUS CROW


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 6, 2021 by FAUSTUS CROW

The following Artwork are enlarged portions of Watercolor paintings painted on A4 Art Board for the ‘Spell,’ which is a Chaos Magick fusion of different elements of an illustrated Art Performance Seance. The Spell is based on the Ghost creation experiment, which was conducted by a group of Toronto Parapsychologists back in the 70’s.

The conjuration is orientated towards conjuring the 26th Spirit of the Goetia called Bune, alternatively named Bunea. Bune is listed in the prior Grimoire, the Livre des Esperitz, the French Artist Toulouse Lautrec might of come across, considering his aristocratic financial situation, whose Art inspired many a Bande Dessinée Artist.

The Grimoire comic, which can be found on my PATREON page also utilises the symbolism of ancient Greek Sorcery, Tantric sex magic, the Runes and the Native American Medicine Wheel along with references to the Tarot card of the Wheel X and other symbolic correspondences.

The third page of the spell depicts the Goetic circle of black evocations and pacts as described by the French Occultist Eliphas Levi. Levi’s Goetic circle is also featured in the 1898 Book Of Black Magic And Of Pacts, by Arthur Edward Waite.

I have also added the magic squares from the sacred magic of Abramelin, as depicted in the 28th chapter of Abramelin’s third book, which are associated with wealth.


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Sex Magic, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 11, 2020 by FAUSTUS CROW

Once upon a time, when Faustus Crow was but a changeling Childe, he discovered under the Yggdrassil X-Mas tree a Wyrd gift.

The gift was in the shape of a Hellraiser Cube, which appeared after awakening from a vivid lucid dream about being visited by a fallen Succubus Art Muse from another alien star.


Crow surmised the gift had obviously been left by Frau Hulder’s salacious UFO babe machine Elves from planet X-Chromosome, whose contrary-wise pussy world orbits the Yoni Pole-Stargate. The deposited gift turned out to be an Aurora model kit of The Frankenhooker Bride Of Frankenstein.


The model kit inspired Crow’s Doctor Frankenstein brain to knit-together a Frankenhooker Night-Mare, to lucid dream ride as his Succubus Tulpa across the Wyrd web of a prior weird science Gobal Consciousness Project.

When Crow eventually mutated into a Horny Old Goat, he later found out that one of the first Aurora monster model kits produced by the Aurora Plastics Corporation in the U.S. was of Frankenstein’s monster, sculpted by Jack Lemon. It was originally based on a Marx’s wind-up walker toy. The prototype of the kit was shown at the HIAA annual convention in January, 1962.

At first there were no orders for Frankenstein’s creature until the last day of the show, when affluent industry representatives were allowed to usher in their consumerist families. On that fateful day, the Chicago distributor, Al Davis let loose his sons, Glenn and Fred, whose electrified brains were Borealis hypnotised by the Aurora exhibit.

Instead of grabbing the plethora of cloned planes, cars or trucks, Davis’s sons fought each other to own the unique monster. Davis craftily smiled to himself and quickly placed an Al Capone style order. He was duly followed by a couple of California Hippie distributors who observed Davis’s sons fighting over the monster, they realised the financial underground potential, and rapidly placed orders as well.

Aurora shipped off the ordered kits. A few days later the phone started to ring wildly: “Can we have some more monsters?” And so it came to pass that all the little boys prayers across the globe had been eventually answered by the dollar-sign eyed adults!

It soon became blatantly obvious that the Frankenstein model kit was going to be a huge solar storm success; so the rest of the sculpted line-up was rushed into production. Societas Draconistarum Dracula came next, followed by the Howling Goetes Wolf-Man, both of these kits were in the North Pole bedecked stores in time for Yule 1962.

The following year saw The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Mummy and The Phantom of the Opera, with The Hunchback of Notre Dame, King Kong and Godzilla made their debut in 1964.

Dr Jekyll as Mr Hyde were not released until 1965. Later that year, The Witch and the Bride of Frankenstein went into production. But The Salem Witch kit, and most especially the Frankenhooker Bride of Frankenstein was generally considered to be a costly miscalculation by Aurora; girls tend to not buy model kits, which is very much the case concerning kits of iconic male characters, or so it was first thought by puritanical minds.

It has since been revealed by the world-wide-web of the internet, the pornographic literature read by females is populated with Twilight predator bad-boy monsters, such as Vampires and Werewolves, along with Frankenstein Surgeons, Ghost Pirates and Phantom of the Opera Billionaires, etc.

Whereas Cat-Walk model kits of females are generally seen to be unappealing to little boys; well, they were very Playboy appealing to Crow, for a number of politically incorrect Frankenhooker Tulpa reasons. Cough, splutter, cough, cough!

NOTE: The above Pen sketch and Artwork are close-up ‘Panels’ from comic pages. Traditionally drawn on A4 size paper, which has been scanned without being manipulated or cropped in photoshop. The pen sketch is for a non-narrative comic, which is a continuation of the Little Nemo in Slumberland theme, though adult of subject matter. The full comic page can be found Here!



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Dr Who, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 7, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

Doctor Frankenstein’s Frankenhooker Night-Mare: “Her Exquisite Corpse Had Been Knit-Together From Exhumed Memories Of Astral Flesh, Of Which Frankenstein To Have Dug Up From Out Of The Infernal Necropolis Of The Love-Craft Dream-lands.”

“Frankenstein’s Electrifying Desires Animated Her Into Sentience, He To Have Then Dream Ridden As His Tulpa Time Machine.”

“H.G. Wells Also Conjured Frankenstein’s Necronomicon Night-Mare As His Remote-Viewing Zodiac Muse, He To Chronos Ride of Hypnagogic Visions, When To Abdul Alhazred Mantra Chant Her Frankenhooker Mind-Doll Name, Orobasi.”

“Later, The Dr John C. Lilly Likes Of A Randolph Carter conjured Obobasi, While To Sojourn A Floatation Tank Of A Titus Crow Coffin, Upon Whose Ornate Lid Is A Zodiac, Whence It Is Verily Called, The Clock Of Dreams.” 



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 12, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

The above is part of an Chaos Magic comic, which is a pop-surrealist ‘experimental prelude’ to the traditionally hand-drawn comic Artwork.

The full experimental comic, which is Free, can be seen on Patreon. Please CLICK HERE.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 23, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW


Within the Da’at realms of the symbolic interface of the dream, St Lilith’s Harem School of the arcane Arts can be found. Wherein of surrealist ideas, the Succubus Art Muses of an alternate Goetia, await the dreaming Artist to impregnate their hypnagogic hymen veils of conjuring seals, which to veil their planetary Chakra womb spheres of a pyramidal school hierarchy.


But first, the Artist to meditate upon their abstract two-dimensional Grimoire seals, when to conjure the Succubus Art Muses of the ‘Anima’ amidst the Triangle Of Art Imagination; so as to pop-surrealist knit together their exquisite corpses, as Tulpa Art models, to thereby visualise of active imagination, while howling out their barbarous names of Mantra.


Then, at the dozing point of hypnagogic trance impregnation into the womb dream, of introverted five senses, which of an inverse pentagram, is further enabled by drinking copious amounts of Casillero del Diablo; the conjured Art Muses to thence manifest as three-dimensional interactive realities, made as vivid flesh, within a lucid dream.


The trick is to then hypnopompic remember the sexagram Coitus Pactum of a sixth-sense lucid dream upon awakening; whence a microcosmic Hogwarts Art Muse, becomes as a St Trinian’s Art model to verily draw and paint.


Hell, what do you expect; hiring a macrocosmic flesh and blood Art model is hellishly expensive, nowadays!


Come to think of it, I had the same eternally recurring problem of eternal recurrence many a time around, which was somewhat exacerbated by me losing my artistic discipline; you know, getting, intimately involved, and all that slushy stuff; suffice to say, my easel got the better of me!


Now this time around the Ouroboros, I remember, to keep my easel firmly centred amidst my Magic Circle of an Art studio.


Hang on a minute; whats that? Three knocks at my Rune door, I do hear, this thirteenth hour. It’s Mephistophina, she has hunted me down again.


I answered the door, peering through its half opened creaking Yoni crack.


“Sorry, my dear, I cannot afford to pay you to pose for me, this Walpurgis night, I have to illustrate the rest of your Night-Mare sisters in the hood. Good bye and blessed be,” I to have loudly said.


Mephistophina, as of per usual, ignored me. She pushed the door open, and walked into my Art studio as a feline Cat-walk model dressed as an ‘Anima’ version of Marlowe’s and Goethe’s, Mephistopheles, replying, “What a forgetful old Goat you are. This night be Samhain; let’s Osculum Infame party, horny Baphomet. By the way, do you like my All Hallows Eve costume?”


I coughed, attempting to hide my extending easel; “look, I really have to concentrate on my Artwork… I have to earn some bloody Shekels, so that I can transmute this leaden Ouroboros of the skint into Gold; Hell, I’m still working the third Goetia Girls grimoire, let alone others on the go!”

Salaciously predatory Mephistophina be; her feline eyes lustfully Coitus Pactum aflame. She then to Tantric whisper hotly into my old Goats ear, “all is as Maya, my dearest, Faustus!”

(Goetia Girls book Three will soon be available on Amazon.)



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 14, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print from Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here. 

The Artwork depicts a Frankentein Night Nurse of pure (Mare) trance, whose exquisite corpse, has been knitted together into a Succubus archetype of the Fallen ‘Anima.’ Her name of a mantra, is Marbas, who is listed in the medieval grimoire entitled the Goetia.

She is a Surrealist Art Muse, whose Succubus name is a knitted together composite, which is made up of the words: ‘Mar’ and ‘Bas.’

The word Mar in Spanish, means sea, which is also etymologically connected to ‘Mer’ and ‘Myr’ of the name Merlin or Myrrdinn.

You also have the Hebrew name of Mary and even the name of Mars, since the sea is associated with the menstrual blood of the mother, and in turn the watery amniotic domain of the dream. As for the word Bas, it is derived from, Bass (/bæs/bass), which is a name shared by many different species of fish.

The term Bass encompasses both freshwater and marine species. All belonging to the large order of Perciformes, or perch-like fishes. In fact the word Bass comes from Middle English Bars, meaning ‘Perch.’ The name of Marbas, can then be translated as, ‘Sea Fish.’

Some will argue that Marbas is derived from the name Barbas, which comes from the Latin ‘barba’ meaning beard, leading thence to the association with a barber; or to be otherwise associated with the hellebore, which is one of a plants used in witchcraft.

However, the Goetia specifically states that the name of the fifth spirit is Marbas, not Barbas. What is more, when the name Marbas is interpreted to mean ‘Sea Fish,’ the symbolism is invariably overlooked by those looking for a Anton LaVey number one haircut, sniffing hellebore.

One of the principle functions of Marbas is to initiate the experience of shifting into other forms, which occurs when the practitioner is experiencing hypnagogic trance ingress into a lucid dream.

The experience of pure trance, is often described as feeling like swimming in an ocean by many shamanic cultures.

Frankenstein Night Nurse Of Pure Trance by MARDUN

For example; the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa, who practice the trance dance, when attaining pure trance will fall to floor to then be seen acting as if they are (Nommo) fish or (Annunaki) serpents.

The trance adepts experience becoming amphibious creatures within their hypnagogic visions, which many a Surrealist Artist seeks to also experience of knitted together Art Muse inspiration, who create Mind-Doll Tulpa Art Models within their lucid dreams, to verily take note of in their Frankenstein lab diaries.

The Artwork was used in my Art book Grimoire, ‘Goetia Girls: Book One,’ which is available from Amazon.

If you are interested in the shirt designs, etc, Check Out my Redbubble Shop, Please Click the image link above.
