Archive for Great Work


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 6, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


The Conjuring of varying entities and those worlds, which they occupy, many an Artist to know. The practice of Conjuration is engaged in whenever the Artist is confronted by a blank canvas onto which is Conjured a form. This requires an emotional connection with what is to be Conjured; for it is the emotional charge of the Artist, which animates what is being visualised.


The visualisation phase engenders thought processes, which automatically kick in, generating a myriad number of symbolic associations, which can take on manifested form within a lucid dream.

The symbolic associations are determined by what is being visualised. The visualistion will be of differing intensities depending upon the emotional charge of the Artist.

Most often than not, the visualisation will be more of an impression than a fully fleshed out form; at other times, it will be quite vivid, though fleeting.

Sometimes it will be very vivid of an overlapping ghost reality. Whatever is Conjured of a form, will be constructed from innumerable symbolic associations, which are derived from the memories of the Artist.

Everything that the Artist has ever experienced is stored within the subconscious, being the storehouse of memory. You then have a formula of: Emotion, Thought and Memory, which can be termed as the ‘Triangle Of Art.’ At the midst of the ‘Triangle Of Art,’ you have the ‘Eye’ of the ‘Imagination.’

It is the inner eye of the imagination, which, of a ‘Paranoiac-Critical Method’ example, fuses the memory of a Fox with a human figure of, say, a Hogwarts Witch of a schoolgirl, which then creates something else of a St Trinian ‘Exquisite Corpse’ Conjuration, you could knit-together as a Manga version of a Japanese Succubus, known as a Kitsune.

This will of course require the Artist to have the necessary ‘observational’ memories concerning Japanese culture, which will be Conjured up automatically.

If not, the Artist will then have to rely on references. Whatever the case, when the Artist observes everyday events, it is not done in a haphazard way; the Artist has to make it a habit of consciously transforming what is being observed into a sketch, let alone a painting within his/her imagination.

The character of a Kitsune does not exist in a void; wherefore, her Conjuration will then generate associations with everything Japanese drawn from memory of ‘re-remembering.’

So, when the Artist manifests her upon the canvas, it will then lead to an associative world being painted around her.

The trick is, the stronger the emotional connection the Artist has with the initial Conjured character of a Kitsune, it will then lead to a free-flow association into her world.

The intensity of the creative act, is its self a form of meditation, and like a martial art, it best occurs when the analytical mind does not interfere. This requires that the emotion is felt by the body; in other words, the emotion is transmuted into a feeling, a shaman would say is felt by the heart, where the ‘power of (hypnagogic state) trance’ resides.

This then leads to a (Theta brainwave) state of automatism, where the Artist is not thinking about what is being painted, it just manifests via the (pentagram) hand, guided by the eye of the imagination.

With continued practice it can initiate vivid dreams, leading to a state of lucidity; this will in turn engender concordant synchronicities. The experienced synchronicities will reflect back the symbolic focus of the Artist, who, when to observe the synchronicities, to take further of artistry, becomes as a Shaman.

However if an individual is unprepared for the feed-back-loop of synchronicities, which will reflect back his/her ‘symbolic’ beliefs, such as dreaming about a subject, to then, upon awakening, suddenly overhear a conversation about what had been dream’t, or even prior thought; as well as losing and finding items under mysterious circumstances, or seeing an email from someone, he/she was thinking of, before seeing the email, etc, said individual might just become very paranoid.

The experienced paranoia is a reactive state of the unprepared conscious mind, which is esoterically termed as entering ‘Chapel Perilous;’ basically, the mind attempts to come to an understanding of what is going on, based upon what has been learn’t, which invariably does not allow for such phenomena to be recognised, whereby his/her belief system starts to fragment, being the Nigredo stage of the Great Work of Alchemy.

This can initially lead to an individual believing that his/her life is being subversively manipulated by secret agencies of the government, to even see men in black around him/her upon a synchronicity, or to believe he/she is being pursued by malign Satanists, Biblical demons, or Newage-Gnostic aliens, who experiences assailing Illuminati nightmares, along with those who feed into the fear, whose ulterior motive is to exacerbate the paranoia even further, which of a hidden agenda is to enslave him/her within their ring-pass-not symbolic construct, etc.

The Nigredo stage will continue of disintegrating madness until the individual realises of an Albedo stage of inner Alchemy, that his/her (microcosmic) dreams reflect back himself/herself, and likewise the feed-back-loop of concordant (macrocosmic) synchronicity.

When to then transform his/her symbolic beliefs, the dreams of the individual and the experienced synchronicities will then accordingly change of an Alchemical Rubedo stage; whereupon the individual becomes aware of the reality of Magic in his/her life, which is the goal of the ongoing Great Work to evolve consciousness.

Hence the Artist, Austin Osman Spare extensively practiced (automatism) automatic-drawing, which he made as his symbolic Alchemy of (metaprogramming) sorcery practice. Alas, there is hardly any documented examples of his technique, apart from what he had described in his esoteric writings.

But the Artist Kim Jung Gi demonstrates what Spare was speaking of who is a supreme Martial Artist of the Arts. There will of course be those who to argue that Gi’s work is not automatic, which of commonalty is usually defined as a return back to a childhood spontaneity by many a so called Modern artist drawing scribbles a 2001 Space Odyssey ape can too doodle, or that of allowing the subconscious to chaotically take over, as if it is some David Icke reptilian with a planet X mind of its Freudian own, or otherwise equated with archetypal entities possessing a Jungian Artist.

Don’t get me wrong, I have nothing against Modern art; but it has far more to do with ‘who you know,’ rather than ‘what you know.’ However, Gi has the childhood spontaneity of being at one with his subconscious mind, like Spare, to such an extent that his inner Conjuring of various characters (spirits) and their (dream) worlds Gi is able to ‘vividly visualise’ with his inner eye of re-remembering onto paper, without using any references, let alone avoiding being esoteric about his artistry, which to freak out many a square mind, who make up the majority of the audience. In other words, Gi draws as a child would do, who can… actually draw.

There are those square brained sceptics who argue that a Conjuration of a spirit is merely Hogwarts fantasy, who, when to dare practice, gibber their rituals, read out of a medieval Playgirl grimoire in an empty room, seeing nothing appearing. Well, what do they expect, they are not thinking correctly, who to have quaintly forgotten that the Art of Magic is that of Art.


The trick is, you have to think and act like an Artist, to otherwise practice Conjuring a spirit onto a page, within a book of shadows sketch-pad, to thence draw of manifestation; but first, you draw within your mind, whence your inner eye to then guide your pentagram hand.


You will then have a Succubus Art Muse to appear amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination, to seer the Muse taking on an Art Model life of her own of a drawing, the sorcerer Artist Austin Osman Spare to have known, who was aware that the drawn image has an interactive informational reality within the experienced dream.

She to then guide your winged eye of the Artist into her uterine tunnel of the Active Imagination, which of Art, is Sorcery.

As an Artist, you to stand as the creator at the centre of your Magic Circle of an Art studio, divided of four quarters, surrounded by your elemental weapons of a Wand of a Brush, Palette of a Shield, Sword of a Palette Knife, and a Cup, wherein the colours of your Art are mixed of Alchemy.

The Altar is your Easel, upon which be the canvas of a one time cave wall to paint with Metals suspended in oils, when to conjure up a quintessential Succubus Art Muse out of your Triangle Of Art imagination. Her Mind-Doll form of a symbolic expression can be knitted-together of an ‘Exquisite Corpse’ Tulpa, which of symbolic Alchemy, will pertain to one of the seven planetary (Chakra) spheres of an archetypal influence.

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The initial two-dimensional image is then but a ‘doorway’ into your creative mind of an Artist, a conjured Succubus Art Muse to Symbolist inspire; who, depending upon your emotional intensity, may then manifest as a three-dimensional reality within the temple of a Surrealist ‘lucid dream.’

As a Sorcerer Artist, you might also observe that the conjured symbolism of a particular Succubus Art Muse within a microcosmic lucid dream, or that of a vividly imagined evocation, will generate concordant macrocosmic synchronicities.

Said synchronicities may lead you to meet up with a Muse of an Art Model, you have already depicted within a painting of oiled flesh, for yet another painting to model for, of Sorcery Art.

Such is what I explore of artistry, to take further of experimentation. Should you be one of those who to scream that you cannot draw, I am sure that you can draw a stick figure, like those depicted in Palaeolithic cave paintings, or likened to those of hieroglyphs, you can create as your colourful Sigils of Howling Conjuring.





Posted in Addams Family, Chaos Magic, Demon, Demonology, Devil, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Vampire, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on July 14, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The name of Mephistopheles is a composite of the Greek word, Megistos, which means, Greatest, and the name of the Olympic spirit of Mercury called, Ophiel, who is mentioned in many Grimoire.

Ophiel is otherwise named Ariel in William Shakespeare’s, play, The Tempest. The name of Ophiel is also a composite name, which comprises of the Greek for Serpent (Oph) and the Hebrew El, meaning lord, or deity.

The translation of which would then be: ‘Greatest Serpent Deity.’ You then have, Megistos-Ophiel, thence leading you to Mephist and Opheles.

Mephistpheles is essentially an alternate version of the ancient Greek God, called Hermes, the Roman’s called Mercury, whose symbol was the serpentine Caduceaus, looking like a (trident) trisula. (Mercury’s colour association is Orange.)

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This is more so the case concerning the Hermetic deity, called, Hermes Trismegistos, Thrice ‘Greatest’ Hermes, the early Christian’s had demonised, whose name probably developed into the composite of Mephistopheles.

This invariably led to the name of Mephistopheles being commonly interpreted from the Hebrew word, Mephitz, meaning ‘destroyer,’ and Tophel, ‘liar.’

The literal translation of the name would then be: ‘Destroyer Of Liars.’

This does not of course equate with the common Christian perception of Mephistopheles, who, as the, ‘Destroyer Of Liars,’ would be more like a Hindu deity, who is the ‘Destroyer of Maya/Illusion.

The destroyer of of Maya/Illusion you can otherwise equate with destroying a collective brainwash, which is based on lies.

Mephistopheles of German folklore leads you to the ancient Germanic tribes, who once worshipped the shamanic deity called Wotan, the Norse named as Odin, the Saxon’s knew as Woden, who the Roman’s had equated with Mercury.

Woden also has cultural links with ancient India; for his sacred colour is blue, as well as being singular of eye, who wields the trisula, called Gungnir; just like blue-nectar Shiva of the Hindu’s, who is the third-eye lord of Yoga, wielding the trisula, called Pashupatastra. Both of whom are the ‘Destroyers Of Worlds,’ being that of Maya/Illusions.

Although, one should actually say, that these deities communicate shamanic teachings of ‘Solve et Coagula,’ metaprogrmming, which destroy your limited illusions of reality. Woden’s name in particular was allocated to the third day of the week, which in German is Wodensdaeg, in English, Wodens-day, becoming Wednesday.

Should you then seek out a feminine version of Mephistopheles, to make modern of expression, to otherwise name as Mephistophina, the closest associative parallel would be Charles Addams artistic creation of Wednesday Addams, who has since become rather archetypal of a Goth icon.


Wednesday Addams has Mercurial traits considering her name, whose Goth girl character was depicted in the TV series: Lost Girl, called Kenzi, who is somewhat of a witty comedian and a fast talking Cat thief.

It just so happens that Mercury was classically associated with comedy and thieves.


You might say that a female version of Mephisopheles is pushing the envelope of symbolic believability or to otherwise point out that, such investigations into the symbolism behind an archetype, which has influenced popular culture down through the ages, has no value.

Or to growl, that one should not upset the established symbolic apple cart of a collective fixation upon the deified Animus, made as a God/Devil.

However, when to refer back to translation of, ‘Greatest Serpent Deity,’ you can equate said serpent with the Kundalini Shakti, as described in the practice of Yoga.

The Kundalini Shakti is usually personified as a Goddess, who is also described as being a, ‘Fire Snake,’ which of an energy arises along your trisula spine of a Caduceaus, through the three levels of the unconscious, subconscious and conscious mind.

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The Kundalini Shakti is also associated with three trisula colours, known as the Gunas, being black, white and red, which in the practice of Alchemy equates with the Nigredo, Albedo and the Rubedo stages of the (Hermes Trismegistos) Great Work.

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The Nigredo is associated with hypnagogic trance ingress into the third-eye dream, wherein your emotion is implanted. This then leads to the Albedo of the bio-photon light, which illuminates your spun electron dreams of a fractal association, of thoughts, formulating into a corresponding dream scenario; said dream domain will be empowered by your initial emotional charge.

When to eventually awaken of rebirth, you then have the Rubedo of the Hypnapompic stage, where you feel that the dream experience has imprinted your nervous system; since the nervous system cannot tell the difference between a so called real experience, or that of a vividly imagined one; this is very much the case when you experience a (Great Work) lucid dream.

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When these three alchemical colours of the Gunas are seen in relation to the physical characteristics of a (Fallen Anima) Goddess, you then have her black hair, white skin and red lips, which would make her look like a Goth chick.


The Kundalini Shakti is also known of in the practice of Alchemy, as the, Philosophers Stone, Quintessence, Anima-Mundi (World ‘Soul’/Tarot XXI) or the Mercurius, which is described as being an inner light.

This inner light of the bio-photon, emanates from amidst the mitochondrial (Double-Helix/Caduceaus/Serpentine) DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children; hence, being feminine (Shakti) of source, whose light illuminates your dreams.


In other words, the ‘Great Serpent Deity,’ probably refers to the Kundalini Shakti, which of an inner experience is known of by other cultures, to term by other names; although, of commonality the serpent motif entwined with the feminine principle, unifies them all.

Wherefore, Mephistopheles was originally a female character, who as the Kundalini Shakti , to otherwise name as Mephistophina, she is conjured up by Faust, to thence Coitus Pactum arise along his (Gungnir/Pashupatastra) Caduceaus of a spinal column, who then illuminates his skull, like that of the orgasmic Big-Bang birth of the universe.


Whereupon, Faust is more akin to a Yogi, a Western practitioner would equate with a Hermes Trismegistos, upon whose lap is seated his Succubus, Mephistophina.


A Yogi would consider a Succubus as being an energetic fluctuation of his (World ‘Soul’) Shakti, to call a Dakini.


Faust does not sell his (Shakti) Soul of Abrahamic fear porn, he otherwise enters into a ‘Coitus Pactum’ with her of a ‘Sacred Marriage,’ when to contact his (Shakti) Soul within a (Great Work) lucid dream.

The ancient Norse shaman would call the Soul the, Fylgja; should the practitioner be a heterosexual male, the Fylgja will manifest as a (‘Anima’ Mundi) woman; hence Faustus Crow has conjured up Mephistophina.
