Archive for Starcrash


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 13, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print, and a shirt design, etc, from my Redbubble shop, depicting salacious visitors from inner space, the American Journalist, John Alva Keel termed as being Ultraterrestrials.

The Artwork specifically depicts the Twenty-Ninth spirit named, Astaroth, being conjured amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination, who is listed in the medieval Playgirl grimoire, entitled the Goetia. 

However, the name of Astaroth was originally derived from the Mesopotamian Sex Goddess called Astarte, whose symbolic affinity is more that of a politically incorrect Playboy grimoire, of a banned Necronomicon.

The Sumerian’s and Babylonian’s knew Astarte as Ishtar, the ancient Greek’s named, Aphrodite, the Roman’s to call Venus, which of a planetary sphere colour is Green.

Astarte means, Queen Of Heaven, which leads you to the term, “Seventh Heaven.” Her ‘Anima’ archetype can be easily equated with an inter-dimensional/interstellar space chick, looking like a hottie Barbarella, or a hot Cylon Number (Sexagram) Six, let alone a really hot Stella Star, as featured in the science fiction film, Starcrash.

But then Astaroth is said to communicate how the Fallen ‘Anima’ to have Star-Crashed, whose name can also be written as ‘A-Star-Hot,’ A Hot Star, or alternatively a Hot Planet; Venus is definitely Hellishly ‘Hot,’ glowing like a fiery Star, far hotter than Mars. Somewhat of a new take on, ‘Women Come From Venus.’

However, the closeted Playgirl grimoires, of an ‘Animus’ fixation. which primarily list male entities, describe her as being a male Demon suffering from a bad case of halitosis, which is somewhat laughable.

Astaroth, whose name is also written as Ashtaroth evolved into becoming a UFO cult icon, named, Ashtar, of Star Command. Hence the play on words concerning, “I Want To Believe,” which was used on a now iconic poster prop, as depicted in the science fiction TV series, X-Files. 

Curiously, the ‘X’ is also that of the ‘Seventh Rune,’ called ‘Gebo,’ which correlates with the Hebrew letter ‘Gimel’ and the English letter ‘G’ as used in Freemasonry; it’s a ‘Seventh (Chakra) Seal’ of a ‘Seventh Secret’ never to be Magpie told, the self-appointed elite do not want to ever tell the general public about.

The Seventh (X marks the treasure spot) Rune (X/Crossbones) represents hypnagogic trance (Skull/little death/The Phase) and erotic ingress into dreaming, which of an introversion of your five senses, represented as an inverse Pentagram leads you to experiencing a Sixth-Sense (symbolised by the Sexagram/hexagram) ‘lucid dream.’

Ashtar (sometimes called Ashtar Sheran) is the name given to an extraterrestrial Nordic looking male or group of similar Ultraterrestrials, some people claim to have channelled through their brainwashed ‘Animus’ ridden brains since the Roswell incident, involving a probable WII German flying wing, and George Adamski’s Project Blue Book visitations from eugenic Aryan (Nordics) aliens.

The Artwork was used for my Art book, ‘Goetia Girls: Book Two,’ which is available from Amazon, under my author’s name, Faustus Crow.

If you are interested in an Art print or the shirt designs, etc, Please Click the link above.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 18, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


“The Fifty-second Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is Alloces, or Alocas, who be otherwise known as Louhi. She is a Duchess of the seventh dimensional planetary sphere, who be a Great, Mighty, and Strong sorceress. She is adept in the meta-psychic arts, appearing in the Form of a Starship trooper piloting a Great flying disk, she to call her Sampo, which enables her to travel through time. Her salacious nature is like that of an ever hungry Siberian Tiger, her moist lips very Red, and having most lustful Flaming Eyes. Her name of Alloces or Allocas is possibly derived from the Russian, Allochka, which means, Vodka drinker.” 

“Her Speech is seductive and very commanding, sounding Russian or Finnish of accent. Her Office is to teach the Art of Astronomy, and all the Liberal Sciences, who has a great liking for science fiction. She brings unto her Surrealist Artist, Good Familiars in order to inspire him as his wanton Muses; also she rules over 36 Fallen Anima Legions of Succubae star troopers. Her Seal is to be meditated upon before conjuring her into a lucid dream, in order to remote view future Sampo technologies.”

Surrealist Goetia – S. L. MacGregore Freemason Matherson, Alternate Earth, Locale III, Paris, 1904

(Note: when conjuring her, place some Vodka into a dish to thence set alight its potent fumes as an offering, just as the Siberian shamans traditionally do when summoning their spirits; hence the name, Allochka.)


Within the epic poem of the Kalevala, which is the distillation of Finnish mythology, there is mention of a magical artefact called the Sampo or Sammas. The Sampo is a yet unknown construct, which had been forged by the shaman smithy called Ilmarinen, who you could easily equate to a scientist; that’s if you update the myth to make modern of a Star Wars soap opera.


The myth relates that the Sampo was acquired by underhanded means by the sorceress named Louhi, who is the Queen of the Northern land known as Pohjola, which may refer to what is now called Russia; or should you prefer, Pohjola is another far distant planet, or that of an asteroid space station like, Omega, featured in the video game Mass Effect.

You could otherwise imagine Louhi being like some kind of Russian spy or that of an outlaw smuggler, looking like Caroline Munroe out of the science fiction film, Starcrash, who starred as a dark haired version of Barbarella called Stella Star.


Whether Louhi is bad or good is dependent on who’s telling the story. The Finnish telling, paints Louhi as one bad bitch who stole the Sampo. Hence her name of Louhi, which is a variant of Loviatar, who is the Goddess of disease, death and drunkenness, who is somewhat akin of nature to the Hindu Goddess Kali.


After Louhi acquired the Sampo, Ilmarinen’s homeland, or planet, fell upon hard times. But Illmarinen wasn’t beaten, he sent out an expeditionary force of heroic Djedi commandos, led by the shaman Väinämöinen in order to retrieve the Sampo of a prior Star Wars space opera.


However, Louhi knows all the psychic secrets behind the iron curtain, who has the ability to change shape and weave mighty enchantments warping space-time, so, she didn’t give up the Sampo easily.


In the ensuing Star Wars battle with Louhi, the Sampo crashed to Earth, whose technology was ‘smashed and lost in the Baltic sea.’


Ancient myths often refer to actual events, although over great stretches of time, they become highly embellished of imaginative additions; whereupon the factual details of an event is eventually buried behind a layers of convoluted symbolism. The Sampo may refer to an ancient meteorite impact in the Baltic sea, or something else far stranger, which had fell as a fallen Angel into deep waters of a Star-Crash?


Curiously enough on June 19, 2011, a team of Swedish treasure hunters were exploring the bottom of the Baltic Sea with their sonar when they noticed a bizarre, disc-like structure at a depth of 90 meters. At the time, international experts were unable to explain the sonar images. During 2012, after months of preparation, the Ocean X Team, as they call themselves, went back in order to determine what the disk-like structure was.


The massive disk-like object rises three to four meters above the seabed and is about 60 meters in diameter. Members of the expedition describe it as something round, with rugged edges and concave sides, resembling a ‘huge mushroom’ or, otherwise described to look like the Millennium Falcon spaceship from Star Wars; although going by the myth of the Sampo, it was piloted by the Stella Star outlaw called Louhi rather than rebel princess Leia.


The central part of the object has an almond-shaped hole leading inside. Surrounding the hole, they found odd-looking circular rock formations which appeared to look like small fireplaces, with stones covered in something resembling soot. Some would say, “perhaps it is and ancient temple or some cornucopia of an ancient free-energy Tesla technology using crystals?”

Although samples taken from the site indicate high levels of metal. Maybe it’s naturally volcanic, others to postulate? “Since no volcanic activity has ever been reported in the Baltic Sea, the find becomes even stranger,” said Lindberg in a press release. “As laymen, we can only speculate how this could be made by nature, but this is the strangest thing I have ever experienced as a professional diver.”


What makes the find even more curious is the discovery of a 300-meter-long ‘trail,’ which the crew described as a ‘runway’ or a downhill path, with the object at the end of it. The crew also discovered another path leading to a second smaller disk of similar configuration. It is possible that it could be some kind of object; maybe that of a meteorite, which had crashed and split into two parts? Although, both objects are very distinctive of non meteorite discoid shape looking more like ‘smithy’ horseshoes.

There are many who consider that the find is that of an alien spacecraft, which the sceptics would see as being mere science fiction fantasising on par with the mythology of the Sampo. As for the modern mythology of science fiction, it has conjured up numerous imaginative designs for various futuristic vehicles, such as spacecraft or time machines, some of which have now become iconic, like Star Trek’s starship Enterprise and of course the Millennium Falcon of Star Wars.


If there is anything to the extraterrestrial hypothesis concerning UFO’s you would think that the supposed extraterrestrials of UFO lore would blow us all away with their snazzy alien designs for spacecraft right of Guardian’s Of The Galaxy or Jupiter Ascending, or to perhaps go retro Flash Gordon etc.


But alas, their imaginative design sense appears to be somewhat, lacking, who far prefer very ‘recognisable’ aerodynamic designs. Nonetheless, they’re still really Dreamland cool, even though their design sense is rather Area 51 practical.

But if as the numerous UFO researchers now say, that these craft are anti-gravity devices and that their propulsion systems involve zero-point energy, which have potential time travel capability, due to multiverse theory slowly taking centre stage, which allows for journeying through time etc; then said extraterrestrials, who were once said to have emanated from Adamski’s Venus, now journey from the far distant stars. You may conclude, that they would have hogged themselves out with weird and wonderful deigns of mind bending alien complexity, since they are not restricted by the mundane problems of gravity or friction etc; that, or they haven’t got much of an imagination.


Something seems to be very much amiss, considering that the supposed extraterrestrials appear to be mostly described as being humanoid, of recognisable form, along with their practical designed craft. When you look at the multiplicity of differing life forms upon the planet Earth, to thence imagine what types of very different species we would encounter frequenting the universe, which is extensively explored by the imaginative tales of science fiction; what do we find when to look into the supposed alien contacts of UFO lore? Mostly humanoids. Does this mean that nature doesn’t have much of an imaginative design sense? Well, not going by the numerous different life forms existing upon the planet.


So, what you then have are recognisable aerodynamic designs concerning the UFO observations along with their pilots being recognisably human of form, which means, we are not dealing with aliens, but something else, far closer to terra firma.


But, if they are far closer to home, than what we are led to believe, who are they?


Technology is observably developing at a rapid pace. At one time the iconic Star Wars hologram of Princess Leia was just a science fiction fantasy; now it is ever closer to a reality.

You could then theorise that behind the scenes of the military industrial complex, it’s technolgy has possibly far outstripped what the public is aware of.


This secret technology would, by all intents and purposes, be considered to be something right out of a science fiction movie by the general public who can then be easily led to believe that it is alien. Hence, easily hidden away by those who have developed it, you could term as being a shadow government, the likes of Julian Assange knows all about.

If this technology involves time travel capability, which would also involve a sentient artificial intelligence, then, the world as you presently know it will never be the same again, if it is ever revealed. Would the general public be able to handle such a technological leap, if there is a disclosure? No, they will not; all you have to do is to look at the religious wars in the Middle East to get an idea what would occur globally of a Death Star reaction.


This is because they would then become aware that their present civilisation is surrounded by another all around them, which has time travel capability, whose worldview will very likely not be based upon the ongoing conflicts between bronze age religious mentalities, which are caught betwixt and between their ever warring Angels and Demons of static dogma.

This other civilisation would be able to journey through time, just as easily as an anthropologist would do, when taking a quaint everyday plane journey over New Guinea, who will take note of the humorous Cargo Cults of the natives, or that of flying above the Amazon jungle, where ‘protected’ stone age tribes are said to still exist, who are unknowingly surrounded by your present civilisation.

Grace Park

This other civilisation would be able to journey back or forwards into time, which will enable them to colonise other planets in the far distant past or future. Though once human, they would of course evolve in differing ways, due to environmental influences on other worlds, who are still humanoid of kin.

Wherefore, if this other civilisation, which is in essence that of the future human, has made contact with certain present governments, there would be protections set in place.


Those who are seeking disclosure concerning UFO’s would be subversively utilised as a means to educate the general public in order to negate the shock factor of the slow and methodical introduction of advanced technologies, which will also involve readying the public for the eventual collision of worlds, just as a stone age tribe in the Amazon will invariably find out that they are surrounded by your civilisation, when to discover a plane wreck in their backyard.


When will this collision take place? Watch the skies for the technological singularity, or look to the ocean depths for that matter; who knows, you might just find a wreck of a Sampo time machine, a Hindu would call a Vimana.


However, it is very likely evidence of an ancient structure, possibly that of a Sampo temple, of similarity to that of Göbekli Tepe. We are all aware what the sceptics said before the discovery of Göbekli Tepe, which made the dogmatic archaeologists soil their pants. Wherefore the archaeologists do not want to dig any deeper concerning the Sampo Baltic sea discovery, since it would predate Göbekli Tepe.

Image result for baltic sea anomaly

But if you be a sceptic, you will otherwise sceptically believe that the search for the Baltic sea anomaly is merely that of an elaborate Sampo ruse by NATO, whose establishment of a deified Animus made as a God and Devil mundanely hunts for Louhi’s Red October of an ongoing, very Cold Star Wars.

