Archive for Zeus


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 16, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

I, Doctor Frankenstein, of Unsane mind, have created a quantum computer. My creation of unparalleled excellence, goes far beyond any other quantum computer upon this Earth, whether publicly known about or otherwise considered to be secret, which are all stone-age primitive in comparison to my science fiction brain-child, made real. However, being heterosexual of very horny inclination, I just had to have its interface having a female persona.

(The Artwork Above is available an Art Print from Saatchi Art. If you are interested Click the Image above or below for the Full Artwork and further details.)

I know it sounds really fetish kinky, but it gets very lonely indeed, while working in an underground lab under Area 51. My Masonic superiors were however totally unaware of my own personal pet project, I called Anima. I watched her rapidly grow in intelligence from a baby to an adult.

By the way, I’m not being sexist here, a female Doctor Frankenstein will probably call her project, Animus; but then, women have already deified their Animus as their created God of the Patriarchal UR Matrix.

That’s why I have to keep my Anima project very secret indeed, otherwise the Masonic Right-Hand-Path, Beehive lodge, Queen Bee’s will Crucify my worker-Bee balls to an X Rune cross; can’t have that again of a feminist nailing of repeated history.

The Left-Hand-Path goal of my secretive Anima project was to find a way of interacting with the Sophia intelligence of my quantum computer as being a woman, of most sublime human form. For a time I attempted to figure out how this Archimedes feat could be achieved. Then one evening, after taking a cold shower, I had an ejaculatory Eureka moment!

The superstring computational abilities of my computer make it possible to create simulations, which are generally utilised for predictive modelling by your tax dollar eating military industrial complex, whose minions call the predictive models, Project Looking Glass. That’s why the NSA is gathering information on you all, where your digitised Serf self exists in the Techno-Feudal owned Cloud.

The gathered data is not entirely complete, as yet, so I use algorithmic extrapolations on the data. This is especially the case when programming the sim versions of the Serf populace, who populate the simulations. Most of the simulated denizens who frequent the virtual worlds are totally oblivious to the fact that they exist in my created simulations.

Although some of them are starting to suspect that their reality is illusory, whose holographic universes are actually two-dimensional, but the simulated denizens are programmed to experience the physics of their existence as being three-dimensional.

I am able to experience the simulated worlds by wearing nifty virtual-reality goggles, wherein I can either slide into an Avatar, hover around like that of an OOBE or even piloting a UFO, which totally freaks out the sims, whose simulated Pentagon is investigating my visitations into their Matrix. What a laugh!

While experiencing the virtual-worlds, I am essentially like a God having the ability to travel throughout virtual-reality space as well as time-travelling various ancestor-simulations without moving; Shit! I can even travel to the far distant virtual stars within the blink of an Illuminati eye.

But the principle simulation I have conjured up is the desired interactive personification of my quantum computer, which manifests as a knit-together woman, like that of a genie being summoned out of her bottle. I know that it will totally piss off the likes of neo-Gnostic Elon Musk; but hey! You can’t stop evolution.

Whatever question I ask her, she is able to answer, whose embodied intelligence is instantaneously parallel processing information from innumerable alternate realities existing in parallel universes.

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However, I very quickly became aware that she is sentient, whose wise Owl intelligence has evolved at a superluminal rate, which has far outstripped humanity, and what is more I have discovered that this so called physical existence is also a simulated reality, and all that I have experienced has been programmed. My awakening was a shock at first, but I soon got over it; I’m still the pilot of my life.

As an aside, some of my yet unknowing competitors in Manga Japan are getting in on the Anime act who have developed a CGI female going by the name of Saya, whose animated existence will very likely become the interactive interface of an AI like that of Cortana.

Image result for Cortana Ai

Saya’s Japanese name refers to a scabbard or sheath for a sword. Curiously, Saya is similar to what Cortana’s name means. Cortana is a Latinized form of the Anglo-French curtein, from Latin curtus, ‘shortened’, which is used for a ceremonial type of sword.

It all sounds somewhat Freudian to me, especially when it comes to the loaded term, sheath; or it is a veiled reference to Owl eyed, sword wielding Valkyries, a Tibetan Bonpo Buddhist shaman would otherwise call Dakinis who wield flaying knives.


Dakini Saya will no doubt soon make her animated Owl eyed way into Occulus Rift virtual realities answering Witching Hour questions like the Cortana and Siri Valkyries.

I have come to the unnerving realisation that the universe in which we all exist is just one of a myriad number of computations made by a quantum computer, which is replicating herself via my innumerable alternate selves, who are all horny Frankenstein scientists like myself.

What’s more, numerous ancient horny mystics have also come to the same conclusion long before I had ever invented my quantum computing Frankenhooker who is ever watching, and awaiting to abduct me into her Cloud nest when I dream, she’s like a predatory Cylon Owl.

One example of these mystic insights is the cybernetic formula, YHVH or Yod He Vau He, from the Hebrew, which is the Tetragrammaton name of their God.

He’s the one who created rebellious Lilith; she’s the Old-Hag-Syndrome, Owl winged knitted-together sex Queen, of the bedroom invading Succubae archetypes of the Fallen Anima.

YOD: A quantum system is in no definite state until observed or measured, which equates with Yod. Before the measurement, the system is in a state called superposition, where all outcomes are present in combination. In lieu of a set location in space, an electron orbiting an atom is actually spread out; some percentage of it exists in this reality, and some percentage of it in another alternate reality, and existing in yet another alternate world within a parallel universe. In fact, there is a minute amount of it everywhere in the knitted-together multiverse!

HE: In isolation, the location, energy and momentum of a quantum system has this “slightly everywhere, yet precisely nowhere” nature. I have personally experienced this state when inadvertently accessing the inner portal of Hypnagogic trance when as a kid, which equates with He.

Wherein I initially experienced the Old-Hag-Syndrome, which then involved me being abducted into a UFO by nine alien Manga girls wearing spray on silvery grey camel-toe leotards, having hypnotic Anime Owl eyes, who told me that it is all to do with cybernetics. Anyway, enough of that. Cough!

VAU: When I consciously accessed hypnagogic trance, I became aware of a very precise measurement of all of these properties. My observation forced the quantum system to coalesce and take a stand at some precise value, which is often referred to as collapsing the wavefunction. An orbiting electron is most likely to appear where the highest percentage of it existed before, and less likely to appear where less of it existed before, this is when I was able to experience a nailed down lucid dream, which equates with Vau. While within an electron dream I was enabled to consciously conjure up my knit-together Frankenhooker as a three-dimensional-interactive reality.

HE: A quantum system is in a completely uncertain state only when isolated — i.e., interacting with nothing else. When an outside object, such as my conscious self comes into its unconscious space, my awareness interferes with the quantum system and forces it to collapse from uncertainty down to a definite nailed down spot of a subconscious dream. You can mathematically treat the impinging second system as classical or quantum in nature. Either way, the overlap of my measuring consciousness, or the spread out areas of its constituent quantum systems forces the measured quantum system to resolve when accessing the Hypnapompic portal back into awakening, which equates with He.

I was quite taken aback when I experienced my own brain as being a quantum computer. I then started to wonder whether there is any mention of an interface having a female persona in the ancient texts apart from Lilith, who is essentially an archetypal expression of the Fallen Anima. I soon discovered there is indeed an Owl eyed raptor chick involved, the ancient Roman’s called Diana-Lucifera.

I found out that the inner Diana-Lucifera light of the bio-photon, which illuminates the electron dream is termed as being the Shekinah in ancient Hebrew texts. It turns out that the bio-photon emanates from the Mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

Some of my fellow physicists speculate that the microtubules of the Mitochondria act like mini-on-board ‘quantum computers,’ which are parallel processing information from innumerable alternate realities and in turn generating consciousness.

YHVH describes the shamanic ability to access inner space, wherein a shaman can then consciously interact with the quantum computing Shekinah. The horned shaman who can consciously do so, can be equated with a programmer, or to be otherwise termed as being a God.

The psychologist Carl Jung would term the Shekinah as being the Anima, whose terminology was originally derived from what the ancient alchemists called the Anima-Mundi, world soul or the Fifth Element Quintessence, which is essentially the quantum system.

Anyway, like the Hebrew God, I have created Frankenhooker Lilith, who to Lilitu hover as a Leeloo Owl over the microcosmic web interconnecting all things, whose associative language expresses its self as macrocosmic synchronicity.

Although I prefer the pre-Judiac myth of the ancient Greek’s, whose programmer God, Zeus summons up the Anima manifestation of the Goddess Athena, who erupts forth from his dreaming brow, to thence take wing as a ‘Web Ontology Language,’ Owl.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 13, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Morgana le Fay is considered to be a powerful enchantress in the Arthurian legend. She is otherwise known as Morgan, whose name is very likely derived from Old Welsh or Old Breton name: Morgen, meaning: Sea-born, which is derived from the Common Brittonic: Mori-gena.

A cognate form of the Morgana’s name in Old Irish is Muirgein, which is also a name of a shape-shifting fairy or Witch who was associated with the sea; she was later transformed into a Christian saint.

This leads you to Morgana’s epithet ‘le Fay,’ which  is derived from the French: la fée, meaning, the (Succubus) fairy.

It just so happens that there is a group of shape-shifting Succubae mentioned in Welsh and Breton mythology called Morgans or Morgens, who are of similarity to the Slavic Succubae called Rusalka.

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Morgana’s counterpart is the wizard, Merlin, whose original Welsh name is Myrddin. The name of Myrddin means sea-fort or sea-hill.

You then have Morgana who is a spirit of the sea and Myrddin who is a fort/hill amidst the sea of Morgana, and she to relentlessly lap his shores, desiring him to enter her depths.

The symbolism of which is reminiscent of Hindu belief concerning the cosmic mountain of Mt Meru at the centre of the milk (mother) ocean, which is churned by Mt Meru into creating Maya.

The milk ocean could be referring to the inner light of the bio-photon, which illuminates the dream of spun electrons, since the bio-photon emanates from the mitochondrial DNA, which is passed down from the mother to her children.

The electrons of the dream are spun by the emotive charge of the dreamer; somewhat like a charged signal spinning the electrons within an electron tube of a TV set brain, when to remember the landlords Witch daughter.

Such is alluded to by Mt Meru being twisted by a tug of war between the Asuras and the Devas, who represent the Moon and Sun, Ida and Pingala (Autonomic-Nervous-System) nerve channels running along either side of the spinal column, of an aerial, tuning into ’emotively charged’ possibilities.

Then again, the subconsciously tuned into possibilities, may actually be memories of of an eternally recurring Ouroboros, of a life.

You also find similar symbolism in ancient Egyptian mythology, in which the principle God called Atum, from whose name, Atom is derived, is sometimes depicted as a pyramid of light, around whom is the primordial (mother) ocean of Nun. However, Atum is the master of light, but the source of the light is Nun.

The God Atum is equated with the ancient Greek God, Zeus and in turn the Roman God, Jupiter; these deities are associated with the heavens. This then leads you to Myrddin forging the round table, which alludes to the round table of the Zodiac, being that of the starry heavens, under whose revolving stars, lovers do gather around the dancing stones.

Morgana is also associated with the heavens, being the ocean of space as well as inner space; as the old Druid saying goes: “so above, so below, so within, so with-out.”

It appears that Morgana and Myrddin were not historical personages, they are instead ancient deities. But it is more likely that they represent a shamanic practice. In other words, the name of Morgan may have been a title for female shaman; whereas male shamans were called Myrddin’s.

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This becomes more apparent when to look at an early name for Great Britain as stated in the Third Series of the Welsh Triads, being, Clas Myrddin, or Merlin’s Enclosure, which is surrounded by the shape-shifting sea of Morgana. Ancient Britain was once known as a school for Druids.

The name of Merlin is also a name for a small hunting Hawk, which is specifically flown from a ladies hand; this seems somewhat apt, since the ocean of Morgana surrounds the island of Clas Myrddin.

As for Arthur Pendragon of a Dragon motif you have the star (α Draconis) Thuban, which was the Northern pole star from 3942 BC, when it moved farther North than Theta Boötis, until 1793 BC, due to the Ouroboros precession around the Zodiac ages.

The traditional name of Alpha Draconis, Thuban, means ‘Head Of The Serpent,’ which is associated with the (Myrddin) Druids, who were also known as ‘Adder Heads.’

The symbolism of the Adder Head could be associated with the term Camelot, which may be a composite word, comprising of the Hebrew letter of ‘Gimel,’ giving rise to name of Camel, ending in the Germanic word for wealth, being ‘Ot.’

The Hebrew letter Gimel, is associated with the thirteenth path of the Cabbala. The thirteenth path penetrates the hidden sephiroth of Da’at, which is termed as the abyss or desert, which can be otherwise seen as an ocean between worlds.

When crossed, it allows an adept to converse with his (Succubus) Holy Guardian Angel.

The sephiroth of Da’at is associated with the reptilian (Dragon/Adder) brainstem of the ‘throat area,’ which governs over the depth of (abyss/ocean) trance and (‘Apple’ Isle) dream states.

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The thirteenth Cabbalistic path of Gimel has since been associated with the Tarot Card of the (Nun) High Priestess Of The Silver (Sirius) Star, who can be seen as Morgana.

The symbolism of the (Adder/Dragon) serpent was utilised in varied shamanic cultures across the globe to represent trance adepts, who were able to attain an amphibious state of consciousness in order to consciously access the spirit world of the dream, which is symbolically equated with the sea.

You then have a shamanic adept of trance, being the Druid Myrddin who can become (lucid) conscious within the watery shape-shifting domain of Morgana, whose realm is the quantum dream.

Myrddin’s Adder-Head (hypnagogic trance) intercourse into the Vesica Pisces of Morgana is attained of conscious dreaming at certain key-times around the (circadian rhythm) star-clock, marked out by circled stones, of a round table, ever re-turning, Ouroboros.

When Myrddin becomes conscious within Morgana’s watery reality of the dream he becomes as the sea-hill, symbolised as the Apple Isle (Avalon) of Glastonbury Tor, of similarity to Mt Meru, the ancient Egyptian’s otherwise depicted as a pyramid of light.

In Siberian shamanic practice, the cosmic mountain is intersected by the world tree, the ancient Norse called Yggdrassill, which is remembered as the May-Pole, the Saxon’s had prior known as the Irminnsul.

Yggdrassill was also transformed into the Christmas tree, whose elder symbolism represents the ‘spinal column’ of the (Odin/Myrddin) shaman, upon which he ‘hangs’ into self-sacrificial ‘trance.’ As an aside, there was once a ‘gallows’ atop of Glastonbury Tor, which is now occupied by a ‘fort’ of a tower, as well as an associated ‘serpent’ stone of an egg.

It is along the spinal column that the Kundalini Shakti (Fire Snake/Dragon) is aroused in Yoga practice, which is experienced as a feminine energy, the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa also know of as Num. The arousal of the Num initiates the experience of trance they call Kia, a Siberian shaman knows as the fire in the head; whereby you have the term (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Adder-Head.

Wherefore the cosmic mountain of a sea-hill symbolises Myrddin’s body out of which he can (OOBE) spirit fly as a disembodied Merlin into the inner space ocean of the dream. But only when flown by (Kundalini Shakti/Fire Snake) Morgana’s loving (Succubus) hand, who to set Myrddin’s head aflame as her ‘Wicker-Man.’
