Archive for valefor


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, CREATIVE WRITING, Film, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Poltergeist, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 16, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Sanctum Sanctorum of Doctor Stephen Strange’s brain felt like it was full of broken glass tearing away at the insides of his cracking skull. He needed some help with the messy thoughts, which cluttered the labyrinthine rooms of his fogged memories.

But Strange’s psychic counsellor, named Wong, was no longer at the other end of the phone. Wong had discharged Strange as his client sometime prior, after a number of unpaid bills, who last mentioned that the tortuous folds of Strange’s brain really needed a woman’s touch.

Strange felt a panic attack coming on, before attempting to relax into his armchair, while listening to a cursed radio, which he knew was nigh fatal to the touch due to its bad wiring. His eyes drifted towards peering through the window, out of which it appeared to be constantly raining.

Strange thought that his wardrobe was winking at him as if it was a gateway to a Daemonic realm, whose inner shadows moved of half-lit forms by the red light district of a flickering flame table-lamp, which seemed to be composed of orgiastic Lamia.

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The light of the lamp had a soothing affect upon Strange’s mind, which was accompanied by the fiery coils burning in his magical furnace of an electric heater, whose wrought iron work he imagined had been designed by the shaman smithy, Horguun, to contain the Vril-ya flames of the Faltine

Strange slowly sifted through his tangled memories, all of which were as a mystical library collection of scattered books, buried deep within his subconscious crypt of occult artefacts; such as the book of the Vishanti, the book of Morphesti, the book of Demonicus, the book of Eibon and the tome of Oshtur, as well the Scrolls and grimoire of Watoomb, the Kartkuthi, the Scroll of Eternity, the diary of Kenneth Ward and an unpublished manuscript by the occultist Dion Fortune.

After a time he remembered leafing through a gnarled grimoire, entitled the Goetia, written and illustrated by the mad sorcerer Faustus Crow, out of which he decided to conjure the sixth spirit therein described as being a mighty Succubus Duchess, called Valefora.

Strange considered Valefora would be fit for the task, to clear up his messed up thoughts, due to her being described as manifesting as a French maid.

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Strange’s conjuration of Valefora amidst his Triangle Of Art Imagination, involved him visualising the Window of the Worlds, which he termed as the Anomaly Rue, or the Seal of the Vishanti, which corresponds with his third eye. Strange imagined conjuring Valefora via the window by imagining her seal drawn upon its surface of liquid mercury, becoming thence as an inner Stargate.

As he did this, he also imagined holding the Orb of Agamotto in his left hand, while holding the Wand of Watoomb within his right hand; upon his index finger he wore the Ancient One’s ring called Dragonfang.

As Strange mediated of visualisation, he intoned Valefora’s name over and over again as a mantra, of a Tibetan dream Yoga technique, until he attained hypnagogic trance; whereupon he then slid into conscious dreaming, wherein of an induced lucid dream, Valefora manifested before him as described in Crow’s Goetia.

Valefora related to Strange within his lucid dream that she is not shy of any hard graft, who will work her ‘Ass’ off for him as her master. He found her to be a most loving Ghost Girl Familiar whose temperament is likened to that of a sharp clawed Lioness, who softly bit his lip, ever so feline, upon a kiss.

Strange was aware, that as a poltergeist she is often tempted to teleport valuable artworks from faraway places, as well manifesting coinage, which has been acquired across space and time. But in doing so it could potentially lead to Strange being accused by the law, of obtaining the rare artifacts via undue means, in order to desperately pay off his growing lawyers bills.

However, Valefora revealed, though a thief, she is more so, an Art Muse, who inspires of acquired ideas from other times and places, which are gathered from Strange’s own myriad alternate selves, who exist upon Alternate Earth’s, occupying Parallel Universes. “Its all to do with gravitational waves,” she to have said, “it is how alternate selves communicate with each other, via electron dreams, who exist in parallel universes.” 

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Soon after Strange’s successful lucid dream conjuration of Valefora, she started to haunt his large and spacious townhouse situated at 177A Bleecker Street, New York City, NY 10012-1406, on the corner of Bleecker Street and Fenno Place in the Art ghetto heartland of Greenwich Village.

Strange could hear her voice of clairaudience, “I am so very happy to be here master,” she said, “while cleaning up your house, which of an environment mirrors your quantum computing brain, housing your raging Buddha mind, I discovered that it is a focal point for mystical energies, whose nerve centre of twelve intersecting Dragon Ley lines runs deep beneath its reptilian brain-stem foundations.”

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Valefora continued with her ghostly revelations; “I also found that Years before any permanent Western European settlements, a powerful Native American Indian Shaman cursed this land to bind the great whore of Chaos Magic, called, Tyanon to this place and bar her full access to Earth, until a strange Sorcerer, such as yourself, releases her to wreak justice upon the Monotheistic cultists of centralist religion and Feudal politics who oppress the Serfs. This site continued to serve as a place for arcane Native American Indian rituals. Shamans of the Wappinger tribe were also known to journey here for vision quests.” 

Valefora then said, “with the arrival of European colonizers, the site became used for Abrahamic sacrifices to their deified Animus made as a God and Devil. Before any permanent structures were built upon the land, it was used as a Potter’s field; a mass grave for Serfs and inmates from New York’s first Workhouse penitentiary, Newgate Prison. Those European colonists who had first built on the site were the ancestors of Feudal Baron Mordo, which housed a Satanic Epstein cult, performing honey-trap human sacrifices. The original structure was destroyed in a fiery blaze, as were the subsequent five Pentagram point buildings on the same plot of land. Over the years, the various buildings were again used as a lair by an ancestor of Baron Mordo, who was a Totalitarian-Fascist Witchfinder, hating free-speech. The inquisitional Witchfinder abused innocent native girls in the basement. Later it became a notoriously bacchanalian speakeasy, as well as being used as a flophouse for druggie beatniks espousing Alan Ginsberg poetry about Moloch.” 

Valefora to thence whisper,It was eventually transformed into a nunnery by the Chaos Unitarian Nuns Templar, who worship the Crow God. They still have psychic ties with this place, whose Grand Abbess initiated the building of the current structure, which is actually the seventh Chakra building constructed upon this site. The occult architect and details of its structure remain shrouded in intrigue, due to the Night-Gaunt Nuns of the C.U.N.T. mysteriously disappearing during a raging storm, when celebrating Walpurgis night.” 

Strange felt Valefora’s lips seductively caressing his left ear, as she said, “the building itself continues to grow and change of Chaos Magic Artistry. It ever seeks to express its Tyanon self; becoming as a gathering place for the Widdershin Wise kindred, who be as the singular eyed among the kingdom of the blind.”

“I know that Baron Mordo and his politically correct followers of the Top-Down economic Feudal Cult, are attempting to Lockdown stop your Entartete Kunst plans to Artistically transform your house into a Tantric lap-trance-dance club, to call the… Succubus Club.” 

Valefora lustfully spoke. “Because I am in your head, as a Chaos Magic Art Muse of your dreams, I know the real reasoning for the Succubus Club, which of an occult design was initially initiated by the Grand Abbess, who had magically summoned you to release Kali-ma Tyanon via her Dakini Familiar, who I be, of a Succubus sorority.” 

“Hence, you to have then conjured me. But Fighting Economic Reset Mordo in banker owned court is rapidly consuming all of your Monopoly Game finances. Don’t worry master, I, myself, and my Ten Sephiroth legions of Succubae Ghost Girls will lovingly help you with achieving your most sacred goal.”

Valefora to have then said. “Whenever you need my presence, just meditate upon my Seal prior to conjuring me into your lucid dreams, I will appear, whether you will continue having me as a French Maid Familiar, or not. I am your deepest sex-slave desire.”  

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Strange then saw ghostly Valefora walk towards her warded Genie box of an abode, which he had created for her Seal, painted with his seed, upon parchment; before she left, to obediently return, whenever summoned, she said. “But as for all your enemies, such as the two-faced hypocritical Justice Warrior Baron Mordo, I will place a hanged-man’s noose around his Illuminati neck. It is they, of the Feudal Technocracy, who be your censoring enemies, will see another side of me, which is purest… Nightmare! Hear my Banshee scream, Hollywood Woke Mordo… I don’t like you.”



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Goetia Girls, Horror, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


In an attempt to describe Valefora, the old magicians said she manifested as a roaring Lioness and then as a mad woman riding an ass. But Aaron C. Donohoo’s remote viewed drawing of this strange Succubus doesn’t make her look that way at all. Donohoo decided to utilise the sorcerer methodology of Faustus Crow in order to conjure Valefora into his lucid dreams.

What Donohoo experienced greatly surprised him. Valefora at first manifested, dressed as a quirky Victorian French maid, as Crow had described her.


Valefora seemed to be like a most attentive female butler or a (Vale-t/for) valet. The Grimoires state that she makes a superb servant; although there are other, deeper levels of this Succubus, should a sorcerer conjure her as his familiar.

For example, the symbolism of the French maid refers to Valefora’s ability to access the minds (houses) of others without them realising it, in order to discover (clear out) hidden secrets.


Valefora initially assumed the form of a most beautiful half-caste woman, being African and French, which of a manifestation seems to be associated with the motif of a Lioness in particular, though with felines in general.


She said she was from New Orleans, who is highly versed in Voudon. But her secretive sidereal self is that of a Cat thief superheroine, dressed as a Steampunk Catwoman, who emanates from an alternate Victorian world powered by steam.


Valefora seemed to be like a female version of a black-leather clad Robin Hood. She indicated that she thieves secret information from out of the dreams of the disgustingly rich theocratic fascists, whose patriarchal church of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, is built upon lies.


The information she Cat thief steals from lying politicians, priests and other gangsters, who rule over the oppressive establishment is then revealed to the populace; for information is power.


Much of the general populace survive amidst the squalid mind-slum of Londinium who are being used as unknowing slave labour within the plutocratic owned industrialist factories, whose country is essentially a fascist peeler state, which is the most spied upon in the whole world.


It just so happens that Valefora’s Steampunk Britainia mirrors the present country of Orwellian police state Britain where there is 1 CCTV camera per 11 people.


Over time, Valefora related her story via Ouija board divinations, who then manifested amidst Donohoo’s Triangle Of Art imagination as an eccentrically dressed young woman, as described by Crow. Although initially appearing as a half-caste girl, her ectoplasm features started to become more Exquisite Corpse indistinct of shifting ethnic types.


She told Donohoo that her abode is an Arkham Asylum For Wayward Victorian Girls. All of these Wayward Victorian Girls are rebel metapsychic Witches who have been incarcerated by the patriarchal priests, whose fascist cult greatly fears their necromantic spiritualism. Hence the church has mass medicated the public water supply with sodium fluoride, in order to negate any psychic potential developing in the population, to seer beyond their symbolic Matrix of a Plato’s cave Asylum.


Donohoo soon noticed that Valefora started to shift her Exquisite Corpse form into a Chinese looking woman, dressed in a schoolgirl sailor uniform of Victorian design.


It was as if Valefora was comprised of differing split Exquisite Corpse personalities of a knit together Frankenhooker Mind Doll Tulpa, or that other wayward Asylum Succubae under Valefora were appearing in her stead.


However, Valefora assumed a final form who looked remarkably like the artist Emilie Autumn, and like Emilie, Valefora plays a violin, which Crow had also described in regards to this Succubus.


It was as if Valefora was assuming the form of Emilie Autumn in order to indicate who she really is, whose particular archetype has influenced popular culture. Whereupon, Donohoo had determined Valefora’s underlying characteristics by looking at the Emilie Autumn of this world, who is a world-class violinist, singer, composer, author, actress and an artistic genius, as well as being an anarchistic fashion icon.


She is also medically classified as being bipolar, which just so happens, that the most common psychiatric diagnosis among those with extraordinary psychic skills is bipolar disorder. The list goes on of similarities with the Succubus Valefora, whose planetary domain is of the artistic Chakra sphere of Venus.


The artist Emilie Autumn is very much of an eccentric paradox. She was born in (Lost Angels) Los Angeles, whose formal education had ended abruptly at the age of ten when, as a Violinist child-prodigy, she had been taken out her school to begin her life as a high level performer. Her self-published debut novel: ‘The Asylum For Wayward Victorian Girls,’ has been mentioned in text-books as well as being used as part of the psychology curriculum at Oxford University in Jack the Rippers London.


Emilie’s historical knowledge, literary skill of poetic prose, which had been published during her early twenties, along with her astute ability as a unique singer with a dynamic and most colourful operatic range have been primarily self-taught; these being the three Triangle Of Art hallmarks of her influential Venus notoriety. A ghost of a George Orwell Chaos Magician, who is intrigued by her understanding of history, related: “Emilie seeks to understand the Past to thereby own her Present of artistic prowess; whereby becoming as a Seeress, who to seer a Future, she desires to make manifest.”


Her works have also been utilised as the basis for the original works of New York’s Rochester Ballet Company, whose production scores were performed using Emilie’s spoken-spell-sung-words and teen-age Witch classical violin recordings.


Emilie’s role as an activist for mental health care reform, as well as her outspoken views on gender equality, and animal rights have underlined her rebellious reputation as being a controversial young lady, who, like Valefora, unapologetically rebels against the fascist New World Order of the Animus fixated gangster elite.


Emilie had originally intended to begin and end her Ouroboros career as a classical violin soloist and composer. But she gradually became aware that, in order to express herself completely as an artistic sorceress, she had to use her hypnotic voice as well as her nimble pentagram fingers. As soon as she opened her Siren mouth, screaming out her existence, she never kept silent.


Emilie is now fully armed with a blitzing electric violin of an elemental weapon, a shockingly powerful mantra voice, as well as self-taught neuromancer skills as a digital programmer, creating her own simulated reality of Maya, who is able to record and produce her own multi-genre hyper-sigil albums.


Emilie has also been made an official Witch representative for Steinberg’s Cubase, the industry leading digital recording and programming software of a viral meme, made manifest into flesh, who is becoming ever louder as a self made icon.

Then came Emilie’s literary creation, which entirely altered the course of her magical career, utterly transforming the ingrained perceptions of who she is within the coven minds of both fans and friends alike. Emilie published an illustrated autobiographical novel weighing in at nearly five pentagram pounds, entitled: ‘The Asylum For Wayward Victorian Girls’.


It was first published in 2009 as a companion to her 2009–2010 North American, European, and Australian tour: The Asylum Tour. The fully illustrated book chronicles Autumn’s real life experiences in a mental ward after an attempted suicide, situated in this asylum world; while a doppelganger self of a young girl called Emily with a ‘y,’ is sojourning in an alternate Steampunk reality of a Victorian England, who is also admitted into an insane asylum.


The tome’s contents was derived from Emilie’s real-life diary entries. Her story begins with Emily’s suicide attempt and prompt imprisonment within the rotting guts of an Arkham asylum. She spares no detail of personal experience. Emilie shows her reader what exactly went on within her Asylum house of horrors. Many mental institutes still utilise Victorian methods of continuance, up to the present.


But what do you expect, California practiced eugenics, where many a considered undesirable lost Angel were forcefully incarcerated within Asylums and then sterilised, up until the late 60’s. If you don’t believe it, check out War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America’s Campaign to Create a Master Race by Edwin Black. In Emilie’s book, she reveals of personal experiences dark Asylum secrets, which the general public would prefer to sweep under their hypocritical church altar.

Emilie’s book appears to have inspired the film, entitled: Sucker Punch, which is a 2011 American fantasy action film directed by Zack Snyder and co-written by him and Steve Shibuya. It is Snyder’s first film, supposedly based upon an original script going by Snyder.


The film stars a fifth element actress who, just so happens, is coincidentally named, ‘Emily’ Browning, and her four elemental sisters, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung and Carla Gugino. Basically, the principle character is somewhat like a Western Alice in Wonderland version of the Mongolian Utagan/Utygan (female shaman) called Nishan, whose speciality of practice is that of a (black shaman) Khara Kam, who is highly versed in the (underworld journey) Dolbor ritual.

The storyline follows Emily’s shamanic trance journeys into alternate Matrix realities. Of course, Emily is acting the part of Sweet Pea, who is committed to an infernal mental institution. She attempts to escape the Orwellian hospital before suffering a lobotomy; while the general public are unknowingly suffering the same Orwellian fate, due to being mass medicated with sodium fluoride, which is calcifying their pineal glands.


Sucker Punch drew a lot of criticism from the political correct mind-set of the heavily fluoridated for its depiction of women. Several deadened pineal critics described the movie as being misogynistic; whereas blinded others expressed their concern over its treatment of sexual violence. But then, it was made by a male, to easily crucify. However, in all likelihood Snyder was inspired by Emilie Autumn’s real life experiences, which would shock the critics mouths shut.


There are many similarities between Emilie Autumn’s autobiography and Sucker Punch. Emilie’s tale takes a surrealistic turn of events, when she is still in the psych ward, who discovers evidence of a parallel universe within which there is another Earth, the out of body traveler, Robert Munroe would describe as locale III, which of an alternate world, very soon becomes indiscernible from Emilie’s own reality.


As the padded cell days drift by, the seemingly separate worlds of the story’s two lead characters, Emilie and that of her Victorian Steampunk Daemon sister begin to entirely merge. This leaves the reader, as well as the book’s genius, rather confused as to whether the accounts are truly autobiographical or whether Emilie has managed to seamlessly Skinwalk from her present world personality into her alternate world self as a World-Walking Skinwalker via an inner Da’at portal.


What is quite curious, is that Robert Munroe also spoke of sliding into the corporeal frame of another self, who existed within an alternate reality, when to have shifted his consciousness towards the back of his infernal Qoph head, where the alternate world technology is based upon steam power.


Donohoo to thereby theorise that there is indeed an alternate Steampunk reality just next door to our own world, and that Valefora knows how to travel between realities like a void-going Steampunk Dakini.


Many of the readers of Emilie’s mind-bending psychological thriller who are presently living amidst an Asylum of this world consider her story to be a profoundly empowering Ouroboros tale of mental suffering, elemental sisterhood, and eventual Karmic revenge. Emilie’s story culminates in what has been called one of the most suspenseful Sucker Punch cliff-hangers of all time.


Emilie has held hundreds of ritualistic book readings and performed séance scenes from her-self created Grimoire across Europe and the United States.


Emilie’s viral meme self has manifested on Leno and Letterman as part of Courtney Love’s former band. She has also appeared on glossy magazine covers, such as Bizarre, throughout the world of a Goth icon, as well as attending ritual spots on albums by such artists as Love, Otep, Billy Corgan, and TV’s ‘Metalocalypse’, of a self made hyper-sigil. She also had a starring role as the Exquisite Corpse ‘painted doll’ in the musical film phenomenon of Darren Lynn Bousman’s (SAW II, III, & IV) ‘The Devil’s Carnival.’

Whereby, Dononhoo has deduced that under Emilie Autumn’s lacy corset, is the Succubus Valefora, who seeks to bust out of her feline cage. Hence, Emilie Autumn is no ordinary rock singer, she is a self created Tulku.


Should you look closely at Donohoo’s drawings of Valefora inspired automatism, they depict what appears to look like some kind of Tesla time machine in the distance, looking like a wheeled throne, which Valefora rides as her Montauk ass of a hospital wheelchair.


Like Emilie Autumn, Valefora’s familiar is a Rat, whose quantum tunnelling intuition knows about the infernal sewers connecting alternate worlds, which tend to flood with bipolar liquid light during the full Moon. But then the gravity of other worlds has to go somewhere of a tidal flux.


Another name Valefora to have is the, Rat Witch. The Rat is very much an animal of Mercurial thieves; for it takes a thief to catch a thief. But the Rat is more so an animal of wounded survivors, becoming as Mercurial Shamans, since the Rat survived the catastrophic fall of the blindly repetitive dinosaurs. She has been considered to be among the most bizarre and little known Succubae over the Grimoire years, and consequently not much has been written about her until now.

Yet she was chosen by the ancient shaman Wodkhan from among the thousands, if not millions of Succubae Tulpa Mind Doll legions to be included in the ‘Anima’ list of 72 Goetia Girl archetypes, who are subdivided into four primary elemental groups of 18, which in turn, of two groupings, of 9 each, are associated with the enneagram of archetypal personalities. Thus Valefora obviously has powerful archetypal qualities to be considered by a conjuring Sorcerer Artist, who is as ferocious as a Lioness and works hard as an Ass for him.


It is said that Valefora was an actual woman and that Wodkhan sought to save her soul, after she had committed suicide, in order to bring her back to life; whose lost soul wandered the infernal spirit world of a ‘meanwhile’ place outside of time. Whereupon Wodkhan entered into the death trance to find her. But in so doing, Wodkhan soon discovered that he had actually taken his own life, and she was the one seeking him. This tale is somewhat like the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar, who sacrificed herself into the underworld trance to save her lover Tammuz; but will Tammuz remember her? Should Tammuz not remember, Ishtar to suffer great pain, until she heals her wounded heart, of ‘shamanic’ artistry; whereupon Ishtar becomes a… Shaman.


The multiverse world tree of Yggdrassill is a strange place indeed; in this world of a Midgard Asylum you have Emilie, in a world next door, you have Emily, and in yet another world you have ‘Emilia.’

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The ‘Sucker Punch’ of this, is, all these worlds, including your world are as Maya simulations, which ever repeat of Eternal Recurrence; there is no escaping the encircled Asylum of Midgard. You may believe you are escaping the pointless madness of it all when to take your own corporeal life via the noose, taking pills or of slashing razor blade etc; but there is no escaping ‘your-own-self;’ even when to forget, because you end up repeating everything, over and over again of a leaden Jormungand cycle.


The only way out is, to remember, not to repeat, to do things another way; whereupon a survivor often turns to Art, of symbolic alchemy, in order to survive the Asylum of a world. The practice of Art is indivisible from Sorcery; wherefore you win your Ouroboros Torc of gold engraved with Runes, out of Hela’s domain.

One old Grimoire related that Valefora is associated with the 6th Rune of Cen along with two other Succubae; for each of the 24 Runes house 3 Succubae (Valkyries) per Rune. Cen means: torch, as in, an inner fire, which alludes to the (bio-photon) light quality of the electron dream.


The Cen Rune is usually associated with artistic creativity in Rune readings, which is very much the case concerning Emilie Autumn’s artistry, who has inspired Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch, Gerald McMorrow’s film, Franklyn and numerous others as a Steampunk Art Muse. Valefora has been called other names, including Valafara, Valefara, and Malaphara. As an Emilie Autumn, Valefora is a Duchess who governs over 10 legions of wayward Victorian girls out of a Goetia Girl Asylum.


Johann Weird, who seemed to view this Succubus as a sacred trickster, wrote that Valefora comes forth: “in the shape of a fearsome Lioness and the head of a ghost woman, she comes from a rough place of unfeeling, hellish iron monstrosities belching fire, smoke and steam of industrie. She becomes verie intimate with a sensitive sorcerer, to whom she maketh herself wantonly acquainted, till she hath brought him to the Da’at suicide gallowes of nightmare ridden insanity. If the sorcerer shouldst fear her, he will most surely hang. But if he does not to fear her, she takes him backwards of Odin’s self-sacrificial noose of trance, over the Ygg abyss, within her lightning, throne of a chariot to her world, knowing wonders and terrors, ever repeating of Ouroboros. She also produces dream apports of artistic treasures out of the aire, stolen from faraway places, and other times should her master desirest it so. But she only thieves from those who are blind abusers of their riches in this world, who are unaware that they are living within a dream, she to see, singular of eye.”

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Seagreave describes Valefora: “she is highly skilled in the arts, who enables her master to access the surreal dreams of others.”  Valefora will always counsel accessing the dreams of others even when it involves remote viewing companions and friends of (extraction) information gathering. But such is to be primarily used for healing purposes, just as a Shaman uses lucid dreaming to retrieve lost souls. She cannot be broken of that shamanic habit, no matter how she is bound. Her advice will tend to be persuasive; for she will reveal that the true nature of genius, is the ability to access the collective mind, to thereby (Inception) influence via conjured archetypes stirring subconscious dreams, to heal. But such viral meme power of artistry, can of course be abused. Valefora is very much aware of this power, because she is an artist and a musician who has a seductive, singing voice; though, having a very eccentric manner;” the Seagreave report to state.


Whereupon, Donohoo sees Valefora as being a sacred trickster, who knows how to mould your dreams, as a shaman would do, by shocking your cultural sensibilities of indoctrinated perceptual limits, to seer beyond, into other potential realities. Wherefore a Valefora Emilie Autumn, is a Babalon… Steampunk Shaman.

The Psychic Übermensch Aaron C. Donohoo by Erin C. Donohoo (2012: Engineered Newage date of a Carrington Event ‘Coronal Mass Ejection,’ from the Sun, which missed the Earth by Nine Days; if it had hit the Earth, your nigh Cyberpunk world would have been sent back to the Steampunk era! The next CME is forecast for 2025-2030.)
