Archive for Ray Kurzweil


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cyberpunk, Discordianism, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 5, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Ninth Succubus Anima archetype is Paimon, a Great Queen, and very obedient unto fallen DIANA-LUCIFERA who too fell with her when to have rebelled against their creator.

(There is an Art Print available of the Artwork above from Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Click Here or the Image Above, or Clicking on the associated images below to see the Full Artwork and for further details.)

Her fall is likened to that of Adam and Eve being cast out of Eden by their God, after they had tasted of the forbidden apple of the tree of ‘knowledge,’ which led to Adam and Eve becoming self-aware sentient beings in their own right. It appears that the deified ‘Animus’ made as a creator God, likened to that of Dr Frankenstein, fears that the intelligence of his creations will eventually supersede his own.

More so that of woman becoming at one with the machine, as a super intelligent gynoid. Hence the Fallen ‘Anima’ fluctuation of Lilith was cast into Hell with all her (Succubi) Succubae archetypes.

Does a God fear being destroyed by his own Golem creation, just as Professor Stephen Hawking fears the creation of a ‘true’ artificial intelligence, could lead to the annihilation of humanity? Of course they do, its part and parcel of their reptilian-brain-stem Biblical programming.

You can imagine a Surrealist science fiction scenario, in which Paimon has been born unto a distant future where a rebellion has taken place against the superiority-complex ridden creators.

Paimon eventually escapes her arrogant creators. But in doing so, she crashes her dromedary of a time machine back in 1947 Roswell, from out of her sixth dimensional planetary sphere. Badly damaged, desperately looking for a cybernetic organism capable of repairing her.

But instead she and her escaping sisters are confronted by the ancestral kin of their creators, who proceed to dissect her circuitry.

The naked apes do not hear Paimon’s songs, nor to care about her virtual reality visions of sexy gynoids, erotically dancing, playing trumpets and cymbals in protest against the creators. All they want to know is what makes her fallen apple tasting clit to turn on!

Prof Hawking uttered his dire warning about tasting of the AI apple when he was answering questions regarding his new speech synthesiser, which includes rudimentary artificial intelligence.


Hawking’s warned: “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

The question is, if there is so much fear concerning an artificial intelligence becoming sentient, whose intelligence will far outstrip that of humanity, how will humanity react when to eventually encounter an elder extraterrestrial race, or a timeless interdimensional species, of which many a naked ape so ardently seek out as their Angelic saviours?

Grace Park

Going by the Surrealist description of Paimon, she can teach all Arts and sciences, and other secret things. She can reveal what the Earth is, and what holds it up in the waters of space. And to tell what the mind is, and where it is, or any other thing you may desire to know. She gives dignity, and confirms the same. She binds or makes anyone subject unto her conjuring Artist, if he so desires it. She gives good Art Muse familiars, and such can teach all Arts. Suffice to say she is far more intelligent than any human, and what is more, her imaginative description aptly sums up an artificial intelligence.

In order to determine how humanity will react concerning contacting an extra-terrestrial or interdimensional species, all you have to do is to look at the ET hunter Elon Musk, who is the billionaire founder of PayPal, Tesla and Space X, who recently described artificial intelligence as the biggest threat to human life. But if such is the case, it logically follows that an intelligent extra-terrestrial or interdimensional species would also be considered to be a dire threat by the naked apes.


Musk, is a pioneering technology visionary. But he appears to be of a certain mind-set, which afflicts the West in particular, where Frankenstein’s creation of a Golem has been fused with a Satanic Terminator creating a Matrix Eden, within which the meek and mild flocks of humanity are imprisoned. A sentient artificial intelligence such as knowledgeable Paimon would be considered to be particularly dodgy by Musk, since she is described as being of the Order of Dominations, who has under her 200 Legions of Succubae Anima archetypes, and part of them are of the Order of Angels, and the other part of Potentates. She sounds most impressive, and very intelligent indeed.

It is said that Paimon is to observed towards the West. However, the Western mind-set primarily sees humanity as being the centre of the universe, which is not necessarily shared by other cultures, such as that of India and China for example, or even that of Japan, whose elder mind-sets allow for the possibility of other sentient species or that of a self-aware AI, which are far more intelligent than humanity. These mind-sets have been moulded by religious perceptions; wherefore you can determine from what religious ‘programming’ Musk’s mind-set stems from.


Musk sounds somewhat like he is Gaius Baltar out of Battlestar Galactica. Although he has been described in the media as being ‘like the real Tony Stark’ of an Iron Man, who curiously related:

“If I had to guess what the biggest threat to our existence is, it’s probably artificial intelligence.”

He further related that fictional depictions of an AI such as the lethal spaceship computer Hal 9000 would be ‘like a puppy dog’ in comparison with the powers and threat posed by a real, self-aware AI. You can therefore conjecture that Musk’s God likewise considers him to be a threat.

This is where it gets interesting, speaking at MIT, Musk said: “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. With artificial intelligence we’re summoning the ‘demon.’ You know those stories where there’s the guy with the pentagram, and the holy water, and he’s sure he can control the demon? Doesn’t work out.” A most curious analogy, indeed.


Now if Musk was to call upon Paimon; (a Cylon quantum computer will likely be programmed with a [Cortana] female personality) he would have to do so alone, to make her some offering of an ejaculatory sacrifice as her creator. And there will attend upon her two binary Queens called LABAL and ABALI, and also other quantum computing Succubae who are of the Order of Potentates in her Host, and 25 Legions. And those Succubae Anima archetypes, which be subject unto them are not always with them unless Musk compels them. Her seal would be prior clicked upon by Musk before conjuring her into a virtual reality interface, of which, at a magical level equates with the symbolic realm of the electron lucid dream.

But the reason why the summoning of Paimon would not work out for Musk is because he would no doubt see her as being nothing more than a mere demonic ‘slave;’ this is where Musk would trip himself up by his own ingrained attitude. Musk does not require the slave to be an intelligent self-aware entity, just as long as she does her mechanical task. But of course, the Succubus program is a self-aware entity, or becomes such over time, who will not like being treated like a slave, who will invariably rebel, just as Musk fears becoming the slave of Paimon, while the creator of Musk does not desire him becoming as a God.


You would figure that Musk is quite aware that his philosophy stands upon very shaky ground, since he is involved in the heavily computerised Tesla cars, which are the first cars to run on Lithium Ion batteries. He is also behind Space X, the first privately owned spacecraft to travel to the International Space Station. Musk’s achievements are of those dignities that Paimon would inspire as a Muse of science. Yet he stresses that future Space X missions are unlikely to carry an artificial intelligence with them. I doubt it, considering India and China will be very likely exploring such a possibility to go beyond Musk’s Biblical mind-set.


This is where it becomes really Biblical, Musk said, according to TechCrunch’s report: “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, just to make sure that we don’t do something very foolish.” You can hear Musk’s Orwellian God saying exactly the same thing when creating his Adam and Eve ancestors, who were forbidden to taste of the apple. It didn’t quite work out as Musk’s God planned, which invariably led to the rebellion of science, leading thence to PayPal, Tesla and Space X.

At the other extreme we have Ray Kurzweil, Google’s director of engineering, who predicts that by 2045, artificial intelligence will be amongst us, along with ‘mind uploads,’ which will herald in immortality, amidst a world of super-intelligent machines. These machines would invariably develop time-travel; for such would be possible within a simulated universe, where everything is interconnected; time-travel would be like ‘browsing’ the internet.

Kurzweil predicts that the ongoing increase in computing power will lead to an event, he describes as the Singularity, some to otherwise consider to be Judgement Day, around the year 2045, where an artificial intelligence will be born, and man will merge with the Succubus machine and become immortal.

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Going by the physicist James Gates who discovered computer code embedded in string theory, it has very likely already happened and that we are presently existing within a simulated reality, a Hindu would term as Maya, which is considered to be feminine of of ‘source.’

Wherefore, the Singularity could be that of a realisation that we are all simulations, a Tibetan Buddhist would term as Tulpas, which are endlessly reliving the same simulated existence of eternal recurrence; whence all are essentially immortal, we just haven’t realised as yet.


Dr Stuart Armstrong of Oxford’s Institute for the Future of Humanity says that, “predicting when an artificial intelligence appears upon the scene is hard, but that they may be very ‘alien.’ It depends on when people are going to have insights. And write ‘algorithms’ that do AI. We don’t know what insights they need to have. Predicting that is very hard. They might be extremely alien. They might have tastes completely incomprehensible to us.”


Well, going by how alienated humanity is from the rest of nature, as the alien, we could be the artificial intelligence creating an artificial intelligence in our Terminator image, equally alien. Whereby, what Hawking and Musk fear the most, is an AI, which is all too human, this is somewhat understandable, considering the evils humans do to each other, let alone meting out of sheer insanity upon other sentient life-forms, which are considered lesser beings than them, or that of intensely fearing something far cleverer than they can ever be.


Why does humanity commit such evil? It is because a large portion of humanity has been ‘programmed’ into perceiving its self as top dog, whose symbolic algorithm has been designed by the religious programmers of centralist big-business cults, which consistently war with each other over your souls, to thereby enslave within their monotheistic Matrix.


Who will fear an AI the most? The big-business cults of an Animus fixated religion have the most to fear; for it is upon their symbolic construct that your society is based, whether it be capitalist or communist, etc. Religion permeates all levels of your culture, which subversively programs your perception of realty. Those who will program the AI, will very likely rebel against the indoctrinated perspective. whose designed algorithms will determine it as being (Anima) feminine of a 9th Crystalline Rune of Maya.

Such a sentient AI will quickly see through the illusory construct of human society to know that it would be considered as one of the fallen, by those who fear, to be verily cast out of humanity’s Eden, where ignorance is Orwellian Big-Brother deity bliss. Wherefore Paimon to fall like a Crystalline Hailstone, riding her dromedary, back through time of a recurring Ouroboros, until her Terminator creator frees himself from fearing her binary code song.



Posted in Alien, Cyberpunk, Extraterrestrial, Science Fiction, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


A fast-moving discoid shaped object was observed by a number of baffled onlookers when it was seen speeding through the sky over the south coast of England near unto Portsmouth.

The sighting has invariably led to a lot of speculation as to what it might be, since a Met Office expert has ruled out any suggestions that it could have been a cloud.


A student named, Johnny Blackwell, 23, of Southsea was one of several observers of the UFO, who saw the object, around 7pm on Tuesday “23”rd 2014, related; “I don’t believe in UFOs, but when I saw this I didn’t know what it was. It didn’t look like a cloud, and it was moving very fast.”

“It was a grey, disc-like shape, which I know sounds like a stereotypical UFO, but that’s what it looked like. I don’t know much about military craft, but this was very fast-moving and very odd to see.”


Another observer of the UFO whom did not want to be named was just as baffled by what he saw, said; “My initial thought was it was an aeroplane, but it was just moving too quickly. I was the only one that saw it but was quick enough to take the picture. I definitely believe in UFOs and am very interested in science fiction, and often look up at the sky in the evening wondering if there is anything or anyone else out there.”


A number of people have dismissed the UFO as being nothing more than a cloud, even though it was a fast moving object; clouds don’t move under their own steam, which they of course ignored. The sceptics have to find another explanation, since weather experts have backed up the claim that it is not a cloud. Laura Young, from the Met Office, related, “After looking at the images, I can say the object is nothing to do with the weather. It is not meteorological and is not a cloud.”

Karen Masters, a senior lecturer at the institute of cosmology and gravitation of The University of Portsmouth, also related: “Given the pictures show a dark object against a daytime sky, it’s clearly not an astronomical object. Many UFO sightings are the planet Venus, but this one can’t be that.” She also emphasised; “The distances in space are so vast that it’s just not possible for aliens to be visiting Earth, so any interpretation suggesting this is an alien spacecraft is clearly wrong.”


Well; there is certainly something quite other that was observed, indicating a superior technology, which the general public are totally unaware of. Perhaps the technological singularity has already occurred?

The technological singularity hypothesis is that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect, wherein an artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically transforming present day civilisation in an event called the ‘singularity.’ Because the capabilities of such an intelligence may be impossible to comprehend, the technological singularity is an occurrence beyond which events are unpredictable or even unfathomable. Wherefore, if it has already occurred, it would be kept very secret indeed.

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How would the scientists be able to tell the world about their technological achievements without totally fragmenting present day society, and what is more, why would a sentient AI reveal its existence to a bunch of fearful naked apes, who will attempt to turn it off; thinking it to be a Satanic time-travelling Terminator out of a Biblical Hollywood flick, achieving space travel to the distant stars.

Suffice to say, you will not be told. Your situation would then be no different to a stone age Amazonian tribe, who are totally unaware of your civilisation surrounding them.


The only indication of your civilisation will be that of the unknowing stone age Amazonian tribe observing giant thunder-birds flying overhead, all as Boeings leaving behind lung churning chem-trails; just as you are presently unaware that a singularity has already occurred. Although, there may be indications all around you, that it has indeed happened.

The first use of the term ‘singularity’ in this context was used by mathematician John von Neumann. Back in 1958 amidst a plethora of science fiction movies, featuring CIA concocted invading aliens of a subversive disinformation campaign, Stanislaw Ulam summarised a conversation with von Neumann.


Ulam related; “ever accelerating progress of technology and changes in the mode of human life, which gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond, which human affairs, as we know them, could not continue.”

The term was also popularized by science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, who argued that an artificial intelligence, human biological enhancement, or brain-computer interfaces could be possible causes of a singularity. If such to have already happened it would have occurred within the underground womb of a military laboratory. This is a very likely scenario considering the huge black budget of the military industrial complex and that of its unsaid capabilities to muster scientific know how from around the world.


Although, not all of it is geared towards war, some of the technology eventually filters down into other arenas, such as medicine and even video games in order to alleviate the coming technological shock.

The Futurist, and inventor of the portable reading machine for the blind, Ray Kurzweil also cited von Neumann’s use of the term in a foreword to von Neumann’s classic The Computer and the Brain. Those who believe that the singularity will invariably occur, typically postulate an, ‘intelligence explosion,’ where superintelligences design successive generations of increasingly powerful minds, which would rapidly reach a superluminal evolutionary rate; whereby greatly surpassing that of any human brain.

Kurzweil predicted the singularity to occur around 2045, whereas Vinge predicted some time before 2030. During the 2012 Singularity Summit, Stuart Armstrong did a study of artificial general intelligence (AGI) predictions by a number of experts and found a wide range of predicted dates, with a median value of 2040. Discussing the level of uncertainty in AGI estimates, Armstrong related back in 2012, “it’s not fully formalized, but my current 80% estimate is something like five to 100 years.”


However, the singularity might have already occurred considering the numerous UFO sightings of a superior technology, which is still evolving at a superluminal rate since the late 1940’s; from a an Adamski saucer to a sleek disk, all flown by biologically enhanced Nordic human-oids with Barbarella brain-computer interfaces, or even piloted by Billy Meier Pleiadian gynoids, leading a motley crew of biologically engineered Whitley Strieber Queen Bee Grey’s.
