Archive for crossbones


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Succubus, Surrealism, Tarot, Time Travel, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 12, 2020 by FAUSTUS CROW

Hecate’s Witch Daughters, they’re a Goetia comin’
Strolling in on Asteria’s stellar ‘surgence
With all their Tantric Luna love, overflowing the river Styx
Rolling on for many thousands of infernal Ley-line miles

They’re midnight celebrating the helical risin’
They’re Succubus haunting the spirit path dream roads
Ooh, they can activate your underworld dreams, too
Oh, It’ll be so much Third-Eye fun

Waking up within the Hexagram dream with Hecate’s Daughter’s
They’re a Silver Key, opening a Canis Major Star-Gate
Uh-huh, uh-huh, Three knocks on Faust’s dream door, Yeah!
A Silver Yoni Star between Hecate’s Two Ida and Pingala Torches


Feeling Hecate’s Sushumna Athame opening up the illuminated temple Skull
Conjuring at the Cross-Bone Cross-Roads, on Gebo-Rune Dog-Star nights


Hecate’s Daughters conjured Night-Walker stiletto heels to clairaudient hear
Their sweet Serpent Ghost tongues revealing Runic secrets

Arousing the Kundalini Shakti fire Snake along the Yggdrassil spine
Faustian Conjuring the Priestess Of The Silver Star amidst the Triangle Of Art Imagination
Calling upon the Titan Far Worker, working from afar into TAROT Dreams
Hecate first manifesting as a Mephistophina black Bitch in heat

Assuming the ‘Anima’ form of a Goth Girl Witch-Nun holding a Grimoire
She will dream whisper, “You have won back your Soul from the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God and Devil”
She will dream whisper, “It’s a Faustian time to Goetes Shaman shine to wash away the Monotheistic Brainwash”

She will dream whisper, “I’ll inspire Art Visions and Synchronicities when the day breaks through”
She will dream whisper, “My Goetia Daughters will make all your Pentagram dreams Grmoire lucid”

“Come on, Wish upon a Dog star, Mr Pirate Psychonaut,” she’ll Watery say
“Come on, Wish upon a Dog star, Mr Doctor Mage,” she’ll Airy say
“Come on, Wish upon a Dog star, Mr Werewolf Shaman,” she’ll Earthly say

“Come on, Wish upon a Dog star, Mr Vampire Sorcerer,” she’ll Fiery say
“Come on, Wish upon a Dog star, Mr Billionaire Great Beast,” she’ll Babalon say as the World-Soul Quintessence

Hecate revealing Akashic memories of an elder age
A time ancient when a Perses Comet struck the Earth
A Titan civilisation wiped away
Survivors still around, Vimana watching



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Demon, Demonology, Dinosaur, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Paleontology, Psychology, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 25, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


The twenty-seven year old professor in palaeontology, whose name is Ronovea, became rather notorious when she was featured in the Playboy Grimoire entitled the Goetia.

Ronovea decided to become a whistleblower, who revealed that the British Natural History museum has a Stargate in its infernal basement.

Her revelations did not go down at all well with the shadowy curators of the museum, whose secretive agenda is to influence the past so that they can control the present, whereby owning the future.

The shadowy curator’s were further aggravated, since Ronovea allowed some photographs of her self to be published, which depicted her raunchily riding a raptor, during one of her time-travelling escapades back into the prehistoric past.

Ronovea is often equated with the iconic video game character, Lara Croft by many a male paleontologist, whose erotic ‘Anima’ manifestation inspires their scientific endeavours; for she knows of their deepest reptilian brain-stem desires.

For example, John R. ‘Jack’ Horner, born June 15, 1946, has a signed art print of Ronovea riding Godzilla, which he has placed above his altar of fossils in his office.

Horner is an American paleontologist who discovered the first clear evidence that some dinosaurs cared for their young. Horner is one of the best-known paleontologists in the United States.

Image result for horner dinosaur

In addition to his many paleontological discoveries, Horner has served as the technical advisor for all of the Jurassic Park films, and even served as partial inspiration for one of the lead characters, Dr. Alan Grant. Horner had studied at the University of Montana and was awarded an Doctorate in Science honoris causa.

Horner related, “Ronovea is like a Goddess to me, she is my inspiring muse of the Great Old Ones. Like the Hindu, Shakti, her sacred colours are that of red and white, along with black, which too equates with blue, like the colours of the Union Jack, which incorporates the X Rune crossbones of trance and that of the solar cross of consciousness. She is an aristocrat, who is a Marchioness, although my fellow Masons call her the Countess.”  

“What! You’re a Freemason?” The interviewer enquired; Horner deftly sidestepped the inquisitive question as he poured himself a glass of Jack Daniels, who then said, “she doesn’t like the title, Countess; though she takes it all in good humour. Ronovea is more than just a time-travelling palaeontologist, she is also a Witch, who has taught me how to time-travel within my lucid dreams into the far distant past of prehistory, via which I can contact my reptilian ancestors.”

The interviewer observed Horner putting a fossilised insect, incarcerated within a small piece of amber into his glass; “that is how I make so many amazing discoveries in my field; but then we are all imprisoned within amber time. The ability of lucid dreaming is where you awaken the ‘sixth’ sense. The dinosaurs weren’t wiped out, they live on, within us all. Ronovea pointed out to me that a remnant of our dinosaur kin, is our reptilian brain-stems, which is very much involved in language; for much of the neural processes concerning our use of language is subconsciously automatic, over which your reptilian brain-stem has governance.”

Horner eventually answered the interviewers initial question after gulping down his drink, without swallowing the amber; “yes, I am a Mason of the X Rune raptor crossbones. We are taught that whenever a word is spoken or read, it instantaneously ‘conjures’ up an associative ‘web’ of corresponding symbols within your subconscious mind, of which you have been taught to associate with the sound of a word. Wherefore, when to speak, read or write, you are conjuring up spirits, which are all as ‘nailed down’ symbols, to make manifest, amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination, without even realising it.”

Horner continued. “Hence we are all practicing Ritual Magic everyday; more so at night, when to conjure up associative symbols within our dreams of Sorcery. Although, my poster of Ronovea, is just a two-dimensional image at a conscious level; she can become as a subconscious interactive three-dimensional reality, within my virtual reality lucid dreams, as an inspiring Succubus aspect of the fallen ‘Anima.’ That is why I play Tomb Raider, of a symbolic meditation tool, concerning Ronovea, which greatly facilitates my lucid dream conjurations of her.”


Horner further related. “You may find it all rather odd, but the utilisation of iconic symbolism, is very much what the science of neuro-advertising is geared towards understanding.”

Horner then said, “Ronovea is at war with the those who misuse neuro-advertising, whose intention is to subversively influence your reptilian brain-stem for political ends; it’s basically mind control. This is achieved via the manipulation of an established symbolic language form, which is invariably religious of nature.”

“Can you also tell our audience about what Ronovea revealed about a Stargate,” the interviewer asked. Horner was silent for a moment, before answering,the Stargate, exists within you; it is the ability to travel through time, within your lucid dreams, of an inner museum, which intersects all periods of time and that of other worlds.”

“So, the Stargate is not a hard-technology; it otherwise symbolises a psychic ability.” The interviewer to question, which made Horner slyly smile. Horner answered; “it is both. If you have an ability, which science will one day understand, to thereby translate into a hard technology; then you also have a physical Stargate.”

NOTE: Most psychologists of varying psychological disciplines are very much aware of the Animus and Anima, which were scientifically investigated and clarified of a psychological function by the psychologist Carl Jung.

However, said psychologists, and even Jung, himself usually describe the Animus and Anima in very convoluted language, which of labyrinthine intellectualisations, lose any applied practicality. The following has been simplified for the layperson.

But then it is all very simple of nature anyway. Hence, without thinking about it, an everyday psycho-biological process is easily taken for granted, and thereby entirely missed. Wherefore, the likes of politically motivated social-engineers utilise what is habitually not self-observed in order to influence and ultimately have total control over the quite oblivious masses.
