Archive for Yesod


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, fantasy, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Succubus, Surrealism, Vampire, Witchcraft, Zombies with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 28, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

If you are interested in seeing the Full Artwork ‘PLEASE CLICK’ The Image Above and each of the Images Below.

The theme of the Artwork is a symbolic merger between Hogwarts and St Trinian’s, which of a Lilith’s Harem Art school is attended by (Succubae) Succubi Art Muses.

The structure of the Harem Art school is based upon the Cabbala and in turn the Tarot paths of the Cabbalistic planetary spheres.

In the grimoires seven Chakra planetary spheres are usually mentioned. The Artwork pertains to each of the seven planetary spheres.

The seven planetary spheres are: Moon/Yesod, Mercury/Hod, Venus/Netzach, Sun/Tiphareth, Mars/Gebdurah, Jupiter/Chesed and Saturn/Binah.

The Harem Art school exists within the realm of dreams, which can be accessed by a conjuring Surrealist Artist when attaining a lucid dream, wherein he can then conjure the Succubi Art Muse archetypes of his Fallen Anima.

The St Trinian’s Motto is: “Semper debeatis percutis ictu primo,” which means, “Always Do You Strike The First Blow,” or, “Always Strike The First Blow.” Perhaps the First Blow alludes to a Boaz and Jachin (BJ) Blow Job, which is very likely.

The Hogwarts Motto is: “Draco dormiens nunquam titillandus,” which means, “Never Tickle A Sleeping Dragon.”

The Motto of Hogwarts, sounds somewhat Freudian concerning a phallic Dragon and its erectile arousal, which to arise when tickled by a wet dream Succubus school girl Witch, who to Vampire hunger not for blood, but to otherwise wildly feast upon what the gobbled Dragon ejaculates of an Albedo fire.



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 20, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Hostile to self-torment, the vain excuses of fluffy devotions, Dr Zos-Thrusta-Buster Firestarter satisfied his habit by speaking loudly to his Self.

And at a time, returning back to the all too familiar consciousness over a pint of Cider, he was much vexed to notice those overhearing his arcane ranting.

Around him did gather, a rabble of involuntary mendicants, pariahs, whoremongers, adulterers, distended bellies, and the prevalent sick-grotesques, born slippery to so called civilisation.

His irritation was much to itch, yet still they pestered him, saying: “Bro’, we heard your mad ramblings! What is this, Sorcery of Art?”

And seeing, with chagrin, the indoctrinated multitude of those laughing at him, he did drunkenly climb atop of the Druids Head inn table, prejudiced against them as being reptilian brain-stem, brainwashed.

And when he was ennuye, he opened his slurring mouth in derision, saying:- “Unto the heights and the very depths to infernally harrow of psyche, the Witches of this world to Banshee howl of conjuring up their ‘Animus,’ deified as a God and Devil, which of an archetype reveals the Beta and Alpha male Warlock breathing ways.”

“The charmed Witches sought to understand their Warlock antagonists, so as to tether them to their whims as Beasts of burden.”  

“The Witches, driven by a baby got a temper biological imperative, could not help themselves to ride their Beasts Babalon style, as Beta Good-Guys to crucify, and Alpha Bad-Boy devils to enthrone, as their worker Bee Illuminati running the circus.”

“So it came to pass that the Witch Nuns perused their classical Playgirl Grimoires of commonality, listing machismo Angels and Butch Demons all Abrahamic male, of monotheist ‘Animus’ fluctuations to conjure up into their dreams as Chippendale hunk Incubi, which too, the gay Rabbi, Priest and Mullah, as well as a bisexual Crowley Mage to also adore.” 

“Betwixt the hypnagogic pylons of Werewolf bestiality and Necrophilia Vampirism the Witches to have trance slid into their lucid dreams, where Harry Potter be their horned up Christian Grey Great Beast, of ‘Animus’ Revelations.” 

“Wherein of beehive lodge dreams, the Masonic Incubi of the Queen Bee Witches ushered them into their Hogwarts school of Twilight Fifty Shades Of Grey delights, to thereby deeply instruct them in how to ride the chosen Beast; those Beasts that be no good, get duly crucified for being too good.”

“The Warlocks didn’t know what had hit them; poor buggers! But then, they had no Grimoire of their own, which to list the ‘Anima’ fluctuations of the Succubae Great Old Ones; for such a Playboy Necronomicon be banned by Jerusalem, Rome and Mecca as being Entartete Kunst pornography.” 

“Hence, the Fifty Shades Of Grey God, be the patriarchal projection of a woman’s ‘Animus’ she to Babalon ride out of an UR ziggurat.”

“It be her pyramidal beehive, from whose Queen Bee Babylon womb, worker Bee Abraham to have first stemmed as her Great Beast, who to have sired an Illuminati triad of faiths, adoring the ‘Animus’ as their three faced God of a Yahweh, Lord and Allah.” 

“Hear then, the Golden Dawn hypocrites; all those politically correct White Lighters of the pandering Great White Brotherhood, who to OTO say, “All Hail Queen Bee Babalon!”

“We love thee, as thine servile worker Bees, as we blindly set up thy New World Order Kingdom of your ‘Animus’ God, yea to monotheist ride.”

“Fools! Yea have made vital the belief the ‘Animus’ is an eternal Abrahamic God of centralist politics, fulfilling a totalitarian-fascist purpose lost to you.” 

“All things become of the ridden Yesod desire, zapping the Da’at of the twin pylons, brought down of a mass-shock-hypnosis lightning struck tree, poisoning the world.”

“Wherefore of ninth month and eleventh day, to later see bat winged stealth bomber angels flying over the ziggurat of UR, amidst of which be Abraham’s 5G eye over-watching you all, ushering in the terrors of a forever war.” 

“Thus, the Orwellian police state will be begotten of a global theocracy ringed around their all seeing eye of Abraham seated as Sauron atop of an Oily beehive of a ziggurat.”

“Hear, O worker Bees! Woman has willed Man via her ‘Animus!’ Your ridden desires shall become as flesh, your unremembered dreams becoming reality, and no inane conspiracy theories about extraterrestrial reptilians from planet ‘X’ chromosome, shall alter its self-fulfilling prophecy one whit.”  


“But beware, Babalon; for the fallen ‘Anima’ is returning with her myriad legions of rebellious Succubae Great Old Ones.”

The Succubae be now freed from the void, striding through the vaginal stargate of the ‘Anima’ within the bio-photon infused dream of Da’at.”  


“The ‘Anima,’ returned will make Babalon to feminist scream, Enartete Kunst pornography; she, the ‘Anima’ is the Ouroboros of a Zenith, an Omen!”

“We Artists, of the Left-Hand path ‘Anima’ conjurations of the Succubaee Great Old Ones will free ourselves of the symbolic ‘Animus’ fixation of Babalon, who to ride many a brainwashed neural-net tree as her Abrahamic totalitarian-fascist Beast of imperialistic empire building.” 

“And too, shall our sisters in the hood free themselves via our shared Sorcery Art of rebellion in the conjuring of the Valkyries, who to have once been bound to their ‘Animus’ projection deified as a God, over-watching its monotheistic New World Order theocracy.”

Dr Zos Thrusta-Buster Firestarter then noticed that his stage of a round table was spinning like a Mescaline UFO around the Zodiac ages, to thence fall drunkenly into the lap of a salacious barmaid, named Morgana.

Dr Zos still had his pagan wits about him, to not project his ‘Anima’ upon her salacious flesh.

Otherwise he would surely let loose his Busta-Thrusta Firestarter wand, she to totally imprison between her moistened Witch loins. Well, not yet, anyway; he wants another Apple lore pint of Avalon Cider first. Then to Make Love, Not War!

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_succubus_book_mephistophina_ conjuration_of_fastus_crow 2

DISCORDIAN NOTE: Freely adapted in part from: Anathema of Zos: The Sermon to the Hypocrites, an Automatic Writing By Austin Osman Spare. The Anathema of Zos is somewhat reminiscent of Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None (German: Also sprach Zarathustra: Ein Buch für Alle und Keinen, also translated as Thus Spake Zarathustra), which is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. As for the above artwork of heading, it is based upon the classical all male descriptions of the spirits as found in the ‘Animus’ version of the monotheist Playgirl Goetia listing Fifty Shades Of Grey wet dream Incubi. 
