Archive for shapeshifting


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Film, Ghost, Goetia Girls, Goth Girls, Horror, Lucid Dreaming, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Steampunk, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 14, 2017 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Artwork is available as an Art print from Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here. 

The Artwork depicts a Frankentein Night Nurse of pure (Mare) trance, whose exquisite corpse, has been knitted together into a Succubus archetype of the Fallen ‘Anima.’ Her name of a mantra, is Marbas, who is listed in the medieval grimoire entitled the Goetia.

She is a Surrealist Art Muse, whose Succubus name is a knitted together composite, which is made up of the words: ‘Mar’ and ‘Bas.’

The word Mar in Spanish, means sea, which is also etymologically connected to ‘Mer’ and ‘Myr’ of the name Merlin or Myrrdinn.

You also have the Hebrew name of Mary and even the name of Mars, since the sea is associated with the menstrual blood of the mother, and in turn the watery amniotic domain of the dream. As for the word Bas, it is derived from, Bass (/bæs/bass), which is a name shared by many different species of fish.

The term Bass encompasses both freshwater and marine species. All belonging to the large order of Perciformes, or perch-like fishes. In fact the word Bass comes from Middle English Bars, meaning ‘Perch.’ The name of Marbas, can then be translated as, ‘Sea Fish.’

Some will argue that Marbas is derived from the name Barbas, which comes from the Latin ‘barba’ meaning beard, leading thence to the association with a barber; or to be otherwise associated with the hellebore, which is one of a plants used in witchcraft.

However, the Goetia specifically states that the name of the fifth spirit is Marbas, not Barbas. What is more, when the name Marbas is interpreted to mean ‘Sea Fish,’ the symbolism is invariably overlooked by those looking for a Anton LaVey number one haircut, sniffing hellebore.

One of the principle functions of Marbas is to initiate the experience of shifting into other forms, which occurs when the practitioner is experiencing hypnagogic trance ingress into a lucid dream.

The experience of pure trance, is often described as feeling like swimming in an ocean by many shamanic cultures.

Frankenstein Night Nurse Of Pure Trance by MARDUN

For example; the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa, who practice the trance dance, when attaining pure trance will fall to floor to then be seen acting as if they are (Nommo) fish or (Annunaki) serpents.

The trance adepts experience becoming amphibious creatures within their hypnagogic visions, which many a Surrealist Artist seeks to also experience of knitted together Art Muse inspiration, who create Mind-Doll Tulpa Art Models within their lucid dreams, to verily take note of in their Frankenstein lab diaries.

The Artwork was used in my Art book Grimoire, ‘Goetia Girls: Book One,’ which is available from Amazon.

If you are interested in the shirt designs, etc, Check Out my Redbubble Shop, Please Click the image link above.



Posted in Cosplay, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 9, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The fifth Succubus of the Goetia is called Marbas. She will manifest amidst your Triangle of Art imagination as a surrealist exquisite corpse, looking like a knit together Frankenstein nurse. She is a great President who rules over 36 legions of Succubae like herself. The name of Marbas is a composite name, made up of the words: ‘Mar’ and ‘Bas.’ The word ‘Mar’ in Spanish, means sea, which is also etymologically connected to ‘Myr’ and ‘Mer’ of the Welsh name, Myrddin and the Norman variant, Merlin.

You also have the Hebrew name of, Mary and even the name of, Mars, since the sea is associated with the menstrual blood of the mother and the amniotic watery realm of dreams. As for the word Bas, it is derived from, Bass (/bæs/bass), which is a name shared by many different species of fish.


The term Bass encompasses both freshwater and marine species. All belonging to the large order of Perciformes, or perch-like fishes. In fact the word Bass comes from Middle English Bars, meaning ‘Perch.’ The name of Marbas, can then be translated as, ‘Sea Fish.’


Some will argue that Marbas is derived from the name Barbas, which comes from the Latin, barba, meaning beard, leading thence to a beard trimming, barber; or to be otherwise associated with the hellebore, which is one of a plants used in witchcraft. However, the Goetia specifically states that the name of the fifth spirit is Marbas, not Barbas. Although, in ancient times a barber could also function as a hellebore dispensing doctor/nurse.

It is very likely, when the name Marbas is interpreted to mean ‘Sea Fish,’ the symbolism will be invariably ignored, by those looking for an Anton LaVey number one haircut, and a goatee beard trim at the local barber, sniffing hellebore.


One of the principle functions of Marbas is to initiate the experience of shifting into other forms, which occurs when the practitioner is experiencing pure trance.

The experience of pure trance, is often described as feeling like swimming in an ocean by many shamans from various shamanic cultures across the globe. But then, we all share the same neurology.


For example; the Kalahari Bushmen of South Africa, who practice the trance dance, when attaining pure trance, will fall to floor to then be seen acting as if they are (Nommo) fish or (Annunaki) serpents, who believe they are such amphibious creatures within their watery hypnagogic visions.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_Trance State Art

While within the visionary state the Kalahari Bushmen can assume other shapeshift forms of particular animals in order to then heal a patient of their affliction, or to otherwise call upon a power animal, such as a Lioness.

Those cultures who live near Lions are well aware that the female Lion is far more vicious than the male Lion, because it is the female Lion’s who primarily do the hunting. So, when a Kalahari Bushman seeks to heal a patient via the trance dance, a female Lion is quite a powerful spirit ally to have.


Whereby the Tibetan Bon Po Buddhist’s conjured up the Lion headed Dakini Simhamukha in order to negate negative influences. Hence Marbas is traditionally seen to be associated with a Lion, which is probably a predatory Pure Trance Kitty Lioness.

This technique can of course be otherwise utilised to afflict an enemy with an illness, although such to often rebound of Karma. It is more of a Simhamukha case of Marbas returning the Malediction of others back to its ignorant source.


Marbas is also described as emanating from the eighth dimensional planetary sphere of Mercury, who is able to heal various afflictions as a psychic healer, or to otherwise afflict others with their own reactive angry ghost Maledictions, of psychic warfare. This will of course overflow into the temporal arena of medicine and in turn anatomy, as well as associated Marbas technologies, which are rapidly evolving.

Marbas is also described as being associated with the mechanical arts, which can be interpreted in different ways, in relation to Art as well as technology. Wherefore you can see Marbas as being a female doctor, scientist or nurse who is highly versed in pure trance, as well being an Art muse who has feline Kitty qualities.


When an Artist, such as Leonardo Da Vinci, looked into the necessary prerequisite of understanding anatomy, he became aware that the anatomy of organic creatures as well as humans can be replicated by machines. This understanding can be easily equated with the present and future scientific arenas of robotics and cybernetics. Wherefore, Marbas can also be seen as a female version of Frankenstein’s knit together creature.


Marbas bestows the shamanic ability to assume shapeshift forms from within a lucid (sea) dream, which can be accessed via hypnagogic (fish) trance. When assuming other shapeshift forms within a lucid dream or via trance, such as that of power animals, it can enable a sorcerer to heal others. A sorcerer will also attain the Dr Frankenstein ability to construct Mind-Dolls, a Tibetan Buddhist would call Tulpas, you can otherwise term as Frankenhooker Succubae, via whose erotic (programs/memes) mind (robot/golem/egregore) constructs, a sorcerer can access hidden or secret information to remote view.
