Archive for dwarf


Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 20, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

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The Tokoloshe (Tikoloshe or Hili) is a creature from Zulu mythology, which is considered to be a dwarf-like water sprite.

It is often described as being a mischievous entity or an evil spirit, which is said can become invisible when drinking water.

It has been noted by a number of parapsychologists that the manifestations of ghosts is often tied up with locales of a high water density.

For example, the author Carlos Castaneda mentions entities used by sorcerers, he terms as the Allies, which are considered to be a shape-shifting, inorganic feminine intelligence, whose abode tends to be found around water holes.

Tokoloshes are usually seen as being conjured up for malevolent intentions by people who seek to cause problems for others.

However a Tokoloshe can be used to protect children, though usually used of mere horror stories to get them to behave as well as entertaining their imaginations of darkly wrought comical tales. But of magical practice its power can be further extended for healing purposes and other means of consciousness expansion.

Or to be otherwise used of psychic warfare for bringing about illness and even death to a victim, of which, the shadowy intelligence services are no doubt interested in of a Skinwalker power. The way to get rid of a bothersome Tokoloshe is to call in the N’anga (Witch Doctor), who has the power to banish the creature from its dream haunt.

Whereupon it will then return raging back to its creator, to thence tear apart his or her psyche, should it had been wrought of malign intent.

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A Tokoloshe is very much like the Tulpa of Tibetan Buddhist practice, which is essentially a materialised thought-form of a created ghost.

It is said that a created Tokoloshe initially acts like a zombie after it has been created, somewhat of similarity to the Hebrew Golem, which can also initiate poltergeist phenomena.

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This has been investigated by a group of parapsychologists in Toronto, Canada during the 70’s, whose coven created a ghost, which generated poltergeist phenomena.

The Tokoloshe of a Tulpa is specifically created by South African shamans, such as when they have been offended by someone.

But it can be used for other far more creative and beneficial purposes, such as being created as an inspiring Art Muse. When a Tokoloshe becomes sentient, it may wander off from its creator, causing mischief wherever it goes, particularly to children, whose ‘navel Chakra’ fear empowers its existence.

Those who fear the Tokoloshe often describe it as having a gremlin-like appearance with gouged out eyes or having black mirror eyes like the alien Greys.

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Although, when not to fear, said entity is described as being an invisible friend; whereas as an adult, the Tokoloshe becomes as a spectral lover.

The Zulu shaman Credo Mutwa, describes the Tokoloshe as having the ability to take on many forms, such as appearing as a bear-like humanoid being.

Let alone that of appearing as Dwarfs, Gremlins, Reptilians, Greys, Elves, Faeries, Demons and Angels, etc; all of which tend to be humanoid or of hybrid form, though, not always.

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Again, Castaneda says likewise of the Allies, who as mentioned, described them as being an inorganic female intelligence, whose dark dream power enables a sorcerer to access other realities.


Suffice to say, a Tokoloshe can be created as a Tulpa Mind-Doll Succubus.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Horror, Love Magic, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The writer H.P Lovecraft very likely experienced night terrors, otherwise termed as the Old Hag Syndrome when he was a child, which inspired the creation of his monstrous Nightgaunts.

The experience of the Old Hag Syndrome involves an individual experiencing involuntary sleep paralysis.

The sleep paralysis leads to a sensation of a growing pressure upon the body as well as experiencing strangulation, along with being afflicted with terrifying hallucinations.

The initial phase of the experience often involves the sensation of an intrusive presence entering the room at the point of sleep paralysis; whereupon an individual experiencing this invisible presence around him/her feels utterly helpless.

The individual will sometimes experience hearing the creeping of echoing footsteps of the approaching entity before the intrusive presence leaps upon him/her, or to sweep down like some kind of predatory creature blown in on a wind, which leads to a mounting pressure upon the body, usually on the chest area, solar-plexus or navel area.

Sometimes, other sensations are experienced, which is interpreted as being a sexual violation. As the individual becomes absolutely terrified the pressure upon the body mounts in increasing magnitude to the point he/she may also sense being strangled by the presence.

As the fear mounts, the individual might see the presence take on a distinct form, which often looks to be quite monstrous of a usual humanoid form looking like an old Hag.

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Although it can also take on animal or hybrid forms as well, or even to appear, looking like some alien.


In very rare cases this experience of an ‘amphibious’ state of (hypnagogic) consciousness can lead to an out-of-body-experience, or otherwise described astral journey into a vivid lucid dream, whose content will be determined by the individual’s interaction with the presence during the initial phase of the experience.

Lovecraft appears to have attained an out-of-body-experience, which had been induced by his Old Hag Syndrome visitations, which later inspired the creation of his Nightgaunts in the Cthulhu Mythos.

These creatures appear in Lovecraft’s poem, Night-Gaunts as well as his surrealist novella The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.


Lovecraft describes his Nightgaunts as having a vaguely human shape, who are thin, black, and faceless. He also describes the texture of their skin as being slick and rubbery.

The Nightgaunts are also described as having a pair of inward-facing horns atop of their heads with clawed hands and a long barbed tail which is used to tickle their victims into submission. They can fly using a set of membranous wings who make no sound.


The Nightgaunts are associated with one of the Cthulhu Mythos’ deities in Lovecraft’s writings, notably, in his story ‘The Strange High House in the Mist,’ lists them as being the servants of Nodens, Lord of the Great Abyss, (a relatively benevolent entity, although still an incredibly alien intelligence among Lovecraft’s pantheon).

The Great Abyss refers to the Cabbalistic hidden sphere of Da’at, which is associated with the reptilian brainstem of the throat area.

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Hence the acute sensation of strangulation, which is to do with the activation of the Reticular-Activation-System; whereas the pressure upon the body is associated with the Autonomic-Nervous-System.

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However, the experience of strangulation and the associated pressure upon the body can be overcome if the individual does not fear the visitation of the entity, which is then otherwise transformed of an experienced manifestation; whereupon for a heterosexual male it can manifest as a Succubus.


A Succubus is usually seen to be a female demon or a supernatural entity in folklore, which can be traced back to medieval legend. The Succubus appears in vivid lucid dreams in the form of a human woman in order to seduce men, usually through a sexual interaction, which can lead to an out-of-body-experience.

However, the Succubus is usually seen to be rather negative due to a very peculiar religious indoctrination, which has negated sexuality and in turn the feminine (Anima) principle from the spiritual equation.


The Succubus In German folklore is otherwise called, a Drude (pl. Druden) Other names for Drudes include Trutmahr (“Nightmare”) and Walriderske. Drudes typically take on the form of an ugly, old, withered woman, who is, at the same time, very heavy. This old woman creeps into homes at night through the smallest of cracks and openings. Once in the room, the Drude sits upon the person’s chest. Drudes are also shape-shifters and can appear as feathers, clouds of smoke, bumblebees, snakes, toads, dogs or cats.


According to old German belief, Drudes are virgin Witches who have the ability, to split off a Drude from their spirit. This was known as the Drudenfluch or ‘Drude’s curse.’ Sometimes they voluntarily chose to do so, while in other cases it is forced upon them. Although this can have either a benevolent or malevolent effect on others around them.

Women suffering from the Drude’s curse will keep this a secret from their fellow human beings. The only way to free themselves from the curse is by being given a very tame and important domestic animal to pass the Drude onto, which kills the animal in the process. It was believed that amongst seven daughters there would be one Drude.


In elder European lore the Drude was also called an Elf (Alp/Alb) or a Kobold (a Dwarf/Hag), basically the Elves and Dwarves were originally seen to be all female entities.

The Drude are very much associated with inducing the Old Hag Syndrome, which of an experience inspired the word ‘nightmare,’ as in ‘night’ and ‘mare.’ The motif of the mare represents the increasing pressure upon the body, but the mare can also be ridden by a shaman.


A Drude is always female but it is often confused with the Trude, a half-human, half-birdlike being, which shares some features with the Drudes. The term Trude or Trut is thought to be derived from the Middle High German word Trut or the Gothic word mini Trut, both in the sense of, to be Trut. Supporting this are names for Drudes, which are also based on the root to Trut from the Alpine region such as Trut or Romansh Trut and a Bavarian word for a wizard, Truderer.


The Truderer (wizard/sorcerer or shaman) is in fact the Trude who has the ability to conjure up the Drudes as his Succubae.

The (Succubae) Drudes enable the Truderer’s spirit to travel out of his body to fly ecstatic like a ‘bird’ across space and time via an ‘internal’ vaginal-star-barrelled-portal travelled through of a Stargate, which  is associated with a particular (Witch) Succubus, who has been conjured by the Truderer from within his lucid dream.

Whereupon you have the half-birdlike being of the Trude. The Truderer conjures up the Drudes amidst a Hexagram, which is otherwise called the Hex-sign or Sexagram whose number ‘six’ of a six pointed star is traditionally seen to be associated with sex, being that of the Coitus Pactum union of a Truderer and a Drude.


The conjuration of the Drudes is of similarity to the techniques used in Western ‘Ritual Magic,’ which enables the Truderer to ride the Drudes as his Nightgaunt night-Mares just as Lovecraft described his Nightgaunts as being used as steeds by the ghouls of the deeper dreamlands.

The symbolism of the mare is associated with the shamans trance horse, which the Mongolian Kams (shamans) call the Himmori, the Tibetan’s call the Lung-ta, Wind-Horse. The Himmori represents the power of trance, which is seen to reside within the chest area of your heart (Central-Nervous-System). Whereupon you have the pressure upon the chest when experiencing sleep paralysis, of an initial phase of trance ingress, which is technically termed as the hypnagogic state.

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The experience of trance can be quite terrifying to the uninitiated whose fear will block them from attaining internal ingress into the dream; whereupon, the fear has to be overcome. This understanding led to spiritual techniques being devised by shamans, which revolved around the initial ritualistic conjuring of female entities, the Tibetan’s call Dakinis who are otherwise known as Druden in German folklore.


Basically, the technique involved introverting the sexual impulse in order to transform the terror of trance ingress. The reason why an individual experiences acute terror when attaining trance is because the physical body as well as the ego instinctively reacts to the possibility of its demise. Once the fear has been ‘reined’ in by the shaman, he can then ride the Dakini as his mare into far deeper levels of the dream.

The folklore concerning the Drude is especially prevalent in Southern Germany, where the Druden are also seen to be Valkyries who are the Witch wives of the shamanic deity called Woden (Norse: Odin) Lovecraft otherwise called Nodens. The Druden are said to participate in the Wild Hunt like Lovecraft’s Nightgaunts, who were seen to be a particular class of Demon in Alfonso de Spina’s hierarchy; but what do you expect, Spina was a Christian. The word Druden also came to be used as a generic term for a ‘Witch’ during the 16th century.


The Drudenfuss literally ‘Drude’s foot,’ also Alpfuss, Elf’s foot, is Lovecraft’s Elder Sign of a pentagram, which is believed to ward off (Necronomicon) Demons, as explicitly named in Goethe’s Faust (1808). However, the Drudenfuss represents the (Explicate Order) Macrocosm of the waking world when upright and the (Implicate Order) Microcosm of the (spirit world) dream when inverse; whereupon it was believed that the upright pentagram had the power to dispel the creatures of the dream.


The Drudenfuss has been in use since at least the 17th century, which was recorded by Justus Georg Schottelius (as drutenfusz, glossed omnis incolumitatis signum ). Its use is apparently well-recorded in 18th to 19th-century folk beliefs as practiced in Bavaria and the Tyrol.


Drudenfuss is also the German name of the pentagram used as a heraldic device (alternatively Drudenkreuz drude’s cross, elf-foot” or Alpkreuz, elf-cross, besides the more descriptive term of the Pentalpha or Fünfstern.


Another ritualistic item of interest is the Drudenstein (also known as Hascherlit), which is a pebble with a naturally-formed hole in the centre of its (Earth) sphere. The Drudenstein was used as a means to see the Drude when to peer of singular eye through the hole. In Bavaria, such pebbles were hung in rooms, on cradles or in stables to ward off nightmares, or to protect shamans spider mares against matted webbed manes or twisted-helix tails.


A Truderer would use a (phallic) knife called a Drudenmesser or ‘Drude’s knife’ in his conjurations of a Drude, which has nine half moons and crosses on its blade. The Drudenmesser is said to have the power to collapse a whirlwind when needed, which is one of the initial manifestations of a Drude. The knife is thrown into the whirlwind in order to take control over the Drude, who will then become the Truderer’s most loving Ally.


The term Ally was first coined by the anthropologist and author Carlos Castaneda who said that he had been initiated into the practice of sorcery by the Yaqui sorcerer Don Juan Matus.

The Ally is described as being an inorganic-feminine-intelligence, which enables a sorcerer to accomplish his tasks or deeds however pure or unsavoury just like the Truderer of Germanic wizardry.

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Don Juan’s teacher was a shaman-sorcerer known as a Diablero, a powerful occult spell-master who is said to have the ability to shape-shift. In his works Castaneda writes that a sorcerer’s power, is ‘unimaginable.’ Castaneda goes on to say in an interview in Time Magazine (March 5, 1973):

“The full use of power can only be acquired with the help of an “Ally”, a spirit entity which attaches itself to the student as a guide. The Ally challenges the apprentice when he learns to see. The apprentice may duck this battle. For if he wrestles with the ally – like Jacob with the Angel – and loses, he will, in Don Juan’s slightly enigmatic terms, “be snuffed out.” But if he wins, his reward is “true power the final acquisition of sorcery membership, when all interpretation ceases.”

Some twelve years before the Time magazine article Castaneda wrote in his first book The Teachings Of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way Of Knowledge (1968) from information gathered in the field from Don Juan Matus in 1961:

“The idea that a man of knowledge has an Ally is the most important of the Seven Component Themes, for it is the only one that is indispensable to explaining what a man of knowledge is. In my classificatory scheme a man of knowledge has an Ally, whereas the average man does not, and having an Ally is what makes him different from ordinary men.” 

An Ally is a power, which is capable of transporting a man beyond the boundaries of himself; that is to say, an Ally is a power which allows you to transcend the realm of ordinary reality. Consequently, to have an Ally implies having power; and the fact that a man of knowledge has an Ally is by itself proof that the operational goal of the teaching is being fulfilled.


You could thereby determine that Lovecraft’s Nightgaunts are one and the same as the Drude and Don Juan’s Ally, which is a spirit entity that attaches itself to the student. The Old Hag Syndrome is experienced when the Ally challenges the apprentice.

However, a student is, not a fully fledged sorcerer or shaman at this point, since the Ally is challenging the apprentice to transform his fear, which the student may never achieve. The apprentice is the one that is challenged, who thereby experiences night-terrors; whereas a fully fledged sorcerer or shaman is otherwise enabled to travel into other realities with the aid of the Ally.


As an aside Don Juan’s name is derived from the mythic character of Don Juan, who is usually portrayed as a wealthy, seductive libertine, whom devotes his life to seducing women; he takes great pride in his ability to seduce females of all ages and stations in life; whereupon Don Juan is used synonymously for a ‘womanizer,’ especially in Spanish slang, and is often utilised in reference to hypersexuality.

The sorcerer Don Juan Matus otherwise seduces the feminine-Inorganic-Intelligence of the Allies, who collects (Drudes) Succubae, which refers to the introversion of the sexual impulse to do so. Whereas Lovecraft admitted that he had big emotional problems concerning the opposite sex, who had an avid dislike for the sexual act due to his puritanical religious upbringing; whereupon his Nightgaunts reflected back his fears, which he was unable to transmute.


This invariably led to a development of a physical condition, which eventually brought about his demise. Lovecraft’s Nightgaunts actually indicated within his dreams, what was to occur, many years before when he was a child. Lovecraft described the Nightgaunts clutching him around the area of his stomach. He was later diagnosed with cancer of the small intestine, and as a result Lovecraft suffered from malnutrition.


He lived in constant pain until his death on March 15, 1937, in Providence. His night-mare born work lives on, which has inspired many to dream beyond the Angel-angles of space-time where Nightgaunt Succubae await sorcerers to chose as their lovers. But, once a Coitus Pactum is knowingly entered into with a Nightgaunt of an Ally, a sorcerer you will become, from which there is No Turning Back!



Posted in Alien, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Succubus, Time Travel, UFO with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 4, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Evolutionary theorist Oliver Curry of the London School of Economics has put forward a conjecture that humanity will diverge into two groups in the far flung future, where you will have a genetic upper class and a dim-witted underclass who will emerge in a 100,000 years’ time as predicted by HG Wells in his novel: The Time Machine. Although, said Time Machine could be that of many a UFO, which has been observed over the years.

Curry also states that the human race will reach its peak in the year 3000, before its eventual decline due to an over dependence on technology. Humanity would become far more choosier about their sexual partners, which will bring about a division into two sub-species.

The descendants of the genetic upper class are described as being Elfin tall, whose initial phase will be slim, healthy, attractive, intelligent, and creative.

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These type of humanoids are often mentioned in UFO lore as being Nordic of appearance; most of which were reported during the ‘Eugenic’ era of the late 1940’s-50’s, after WWII. who later appeared as Asiatic looking humanoids, having slanted eyes with coffee coloured skin during the Vietnam war era of the 1960’s-70’s.


What is intriguing here is that the Elves and Dwarves, which were otherwise known as Light-Elves and Dark-Elves, are very much part of European folklore, made famous by the likes of J.R.R Tolkein. The elves have since evolved into aliens of a ‘Eugenic’ fixation on Nordics.

However, in elder lore, both the Elves and Dwarves were seen to be primarily female entities.


Going by Curry’s evolutionary scheme the physicality of the genetic upper class will probably become far more fragile over time, who will be very different from the underclass humans, whom would have evolved into robust squat Dwarves.

This description of Elfin type humans and Dwarves is very similar to what the author Whitley Strieber communicated in his book Communion, which was published in the same year when the USS Stark incident occurred during the Iran–Iraq War on 17th May 1987, involving an Iraqi jet aircraft that fired missiles at the American frigate USS Stark. Strieber said that he had been abducted by humanoid creatures, whom appeared as two groups, one group being Elfin of very fragile, spindly appearance while the other group looked like Dwarves.

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Strieber’s abduction experience initiated a number of visions via which he saw present humanity as being very insect like, of a hive mind; as if most people are programmed, basically… brainwashed.

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Strieber’s Communion book kick started the fixation upon the alien Greys during the 80’s, which came very much to the fore when the invasion of Iraq occurred, and up to the present. Prior to his book featuring a now iconic Grey on its cover, there was hardly any mention of said entities.

It just goes to show how a symbolic viral-meme of a brand can reptilian brainstem target the subconscious minds of many. This isn’t to say that the Greys are not real; quite the contrary. The Greys appear to allude to an archetypal evolutionary theme concerning the future of humanity.


As for Curry he failed to investigate the rapid rise in infertility rates since WWII as well as an increase in numerous neurological disorders, which appears to be mostly afflicting the male of the species of a disturbing development.

This situation appears to coincide with the industrial introduction of certain highly toxic chemicals into the environment. These chemicals are known neurotoxins as well as being mutagenic compounds, one such chemical being Sodium Fluoride, which is being criminally dumped into municipal water supplies. The authorities are even considering dosing the water with lithium next!


The decline in fertility among the male population, which is also afflicting other species, along with ensuing neurological disorders is seen to be indicative of a future extinction event by some scientists.

You could theorise that the male of the species will become extinct in future. Wherefore the only way for humanity to survive as a species would be that of cloning, and what is more, the future would be probably owned by female clones.


The usual perspective concerning Strieber’s abduction experience is that he had been abducted by extraterrestrial aliens.

However, as in most abduction experiences, the abductees usually describe that their so called alien abductors are humanoid of appearance.


You can thereby theorise, if they had indeed encountered otherworldly beings, these entities are more likely of a similar genetic makeup to ourselves, who are our future descendants, whose technology allows them to travel through time, let alone attaining interstellar travel.

In other words, the numerous reports of UFO’s and extraterrestrials are not alien at all; they are in fact our time travelling future descendants who have physically evolved over great stretches of time.

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It is very likely that our future descendants will have the technological capability to travel through time since it would be a prerequisite in order to make interstellar travel practical. Wherefore our present civilisation is surrounded by the civilisation of our time travelling descendants who are perhaps all female clones. (Going by the present industrial pollution of the planet afflicting the male of the species.)

Just as our civilisation surrounds an unknowing stone age tribe in the Amazon, whose green lung abode of the world is being systematically cut down by loggers in order to make way for Ronald McDonald cattle to feed the brainwashed hive-mind insects, hypnotised by their 5G IPhones.
