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Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Cosplay, Dinosaur, Extraterrestrial, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Paleontology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 9, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW


Should you conjure up the twenty-seventh Succubus out of her genie lamp of the British Natural History Museum, who be called Ronovea, to thence appear amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination; she will duly manifest within your ensuing virtual reality lucid dreams, looking like Lara Croft, riding a dinosaur.

You will soon discover she is a time travelling Marchioness and a Great Countess; and there be under her command 19 ultra-terrestrial Legions of salacious Succubae.

One of Ronovea’s many Muse specialities besides that of inspiring an interest in palaeontology, is to guide you into looking at language, not just any language, but that of a primary language, of symbolic information, buried deep within you, of a fossil code.


Ronovea will first reveal that all the stars, planets and galaxies make up just 4 percent of the universe. The other 96 percent is apparently made of stuff astronomers cannot see, detect or even comprehend; may be they call it junk space in secret; well, actually the scientists call this unknown 96 percent dark energy and dark matter, perhaps they should otherwise term it as being… information… that’s if they see the universe as being a (hologram) simulation.

It just so happens that 97 percent of your DNA is also considered junk, perhaps they should call it dark energy and dark matter; but such terminology is that of the purely cosmological, so it is otherwise termed as Introns; whereas only about 3 percent of the DNA actually codes for amino acids, which in turn makes proteins, and eventually creating, little reptilian David Icke raptors, I mean… children… you know, those squidgy, naked ape, things, who like eating ‘indigo’ jelly babies, imported from ‘eugenic’ California.


For a time, the Introns had no known use or function! But, after a time an unusual thing occurred, a bunch of Molecular Biologists, Cryptoanalysists, Linguists and Physicists got together without fighting each other in local bars, who have duly found strange hints of a hidden language in this so- called (space) junk DNA.


Ronovea will also tell of Simon Shepherd, who, likened to Simon Magus, sheperd’s his students in cryptography, although in this present age, such an occult art is used for ‘computer’ security. Shepherd lectures at the University of Bradford in the United Kingdom who took an alternative approach to the DNA.

Like Commander Shepherd out of the Mass Effect video game, Shepherd, looked upon the junk DNA, as a secret ‘dark-space’ code to be broken, somewhat like those pesky WWII Reaper codes used by the eugenic Nazis, which required being broken prior to the big-gun invasion of Normandy.

After analysing the code of the DNA, Shepherd found that one probable function of the dark space Introns, is that they are some sort of ‘error correction’ code, of similarity to those used by computers.


The error correction code is a big gun fix for the occasional mistakes, which occurs as the DNA replicates itself. It has since been discovered that the Introns are also switches for (programs) genes.

The next big breakthrough came when the medical doctors, physicists and the linguists decided to not beat each other up within their Masonic Beehive lodges, but instead work together as a coven around their worker-Bee focus.

They soon discovered even more evidence that there was a sort-of symbolic ‘picture’ language buried within the Introns.

According to the linguists, all human languages obey Zipf’s Law. It is a really strange occult law, but it is not too hard to understand. You start off by acquiring a grimoire. Then, you count the number of times each word appears in your rebellious tome. You might find that the number one most popular word is “The,” which appears 2,000 times, followed by the second most popular word “A,” which appears 1,800 times, and so on. Right down at the bottom of the list, you have the least popular word, which might be “God” of an Animus fixation, which appears just once; well, in my ‘Anima’ grimoire anyway.


You then set up two columns of numbers. One column will be the order of popularity of the words, running from “1” for “The”, and “2” for “A”, right down to “1,000” for “God”. The other column counts how many times each word has appeared, starting off with 2,000 appearances of “The”, then 1,800 appearances of “A”, down to one appearance of “God”.


If you then plot on the right kind of graph paper, the order of popularity of the words, against the number of times each word appears you will get a straight line. What is very strange, is that this straight line appears for every human language, whether it is English or Egyptian, Eskimo, Chinese or ancient languages! However the DNA is just one continuous ladder of innumerable rungs, which is not neatly broken up into individual key-words like in a mind hack grimoire.

So the scientists looked at a very long bit of DNA, who then created artificial words by breaking up the DNA into “words,” each 3 rungs long. And then they tried it again for “words” 4 rungs long, 5 rungs long, and so on up to 8 rungs long. The scientists then eagerly analysed their words, and to the great surprise of their gathered coven, they got the same sort of Zipf Law/straight-line-graph for the human DNA, which is mostly dark space Introns, as they did for the human languages! They duly discovered Pandora’s pithos.


There seems to be some sort of language buried in the so-called junk DNA, which appears to correlate with dark energy and dark matter of the universe; as the occult adage, goes: “So Above, So Below!”


So now, as Elon Musk looks unto Mass Effect Mars, from where, some to say, the serpentine DNA, had first stemmed, riding the back of a Martian meteorite, the scientists are presently awaiting their coming Transhumanist Singularity.

Perhaps there was an ancient Star Wars, from whence a rebellious fallen star, fell to Earth, giving rise to the Great Old Ones, who be our most ancient ancestors, stirring dreams of invention. Their Muse influence over great stretches of time led to an invariable understanding of the 3 percent of the DNA, which makes amino acids, proteins and Tetrachromat Raptor Chick aliens! Oops! I mean… humans.


And the remaining 97 percent; appears to be that of a buried language, which of encoded information can be accessed via the symbolic interface of a lucid dream, when to conjure an associated ultra-terrestrial Succubus, such as Ronovea. But don’t tell anyone what you are up to with your own brain, otherwise they’ll think you are absolutely crazy, or high on mind altering drugs.


The establishment doesn’t like you accessing altered states of consciousness. If you’re not too careful, they’ll forcefully medicate your DMT producing pineal gland in order to calcify your ‘amphibian’ third eye. Hang on! They’ve already done that, by fluoridating your water supply with mutagenic compounds and neuro-toxins… crafty buggers! Shit! They even get you to give fluoridated water to the kiddies! They’re the type of ‘eugenic’ Nazi X-File creeps, who repetitively repeat their… mistake… Ronovea would like to feed them to her raptor!

Anyway, as you consciously access hypnagogic trance at the point of sleep you might very dimly perceive the conjured Succubus Muse of your lucid dream riding a giant reptilian creature, which is reposing sluggishly at the lowermost depths of the back of your (Qoph) brain, where of a (Da’at) reptilian-brain-stem, it meets the top of your spinal column.


You might vaguely see Ronovea in what seems to be at first gloomy, dark depths. Then she will project a vivid visual scene in front of you, into which you can enter of a three-dimensional interactive reality, like that of a ‘hologram.’


First Ronovea will show you the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there was any life on it, over which the Moon is writ large, far larger of sphere, than it is today, to also seer Mars on fire, far away, with a five pointed star of Sirius twinkling. That’s if you can take your eyes off Ronovea, who will attempt to seduce you.

You will see an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky, which of a locale is now Siberia, of oldest fossil record revealed by palaeontologist Trilobites.


Then legions of black specks will drop from the sky to then land in front of you upon the barren landscape. You might see that the specks are actually large, shiny, black creatures with ‘stubby Pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies.’ Their heads will not be visible to you at first of memories.

Each of these creatures will be ridden by a most wanton Succubus as they flop down, utterly exhausted from their long trip, resting for eons.


Ronovea will then explain to you of ‘symbolic language’ that they were fleeing from something out in space, as well as throughout time.


They had come to the young planet Earth to escape a catastrophe, to later awaken the dreamer to dream of them, and in the remembering, to stop a repeat of a… mistake.


Ronovea will then show you how they had created all life upon the planet in order to take up residence within the multitudinous carbon-based life forms, wherein their Mitochondrial DNA bio-photon intelligence spins your electron dreams.


Before you, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation, hundreds of millions of years of activity will take place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe.

You will discover that the Dragon-like creatures are thus ‘inside of all forms of life,’ including humanity.


Ronovea will reveal they are the true Great Old Ones of a real Necronomicon, listing the Playboy mitochondrial DNA mistresses of humanity and the entire planet. That is why they are not listed in any Playgirl grimoire, which has been subversively patronised by Rome’s Church of an ‘Animus’ fixation. We humans are but the receptacles for this otherworldly intelligence; for they are within your DNA, which is very much entwined of serpentine double-helix coils around Space-Time.

NOTE: The above is a surrealistic synthesis of information, many a square headed literal mind will consider to be absolutely crazy. If so, I do not care; for they entirely miss the point.

The surrealistic synthesis is a (program) back-story, which was artistically utilised for a (virtual reality) dream-working. The back-story (program) was woven around a two dimensional image of Ronovea I created as a meditation tool, whose symbolism was then implanted into the (virtual reality) dream.

When I recognised the symbolism of the implanted image within the (virtual reality) dream, it then triggered me into lucidity. When becoming lucid I was then enabled to conjure Ronovea, who manifested as a three-dimensional interactive reality (program) within the (virtual reality) dream. 

The symbolic motif of the inner Dragon, is in part based, upon the experience of the anthropologist Michael Harner, when he partook of Ayahuasca during 1961, while living with the Conibo of the Amazon.

As to his own Christian name, of an obvious Biblical ‘association,’ it goes without saying, that it had subconsciously influenced his visionary state. But then he had been brought up within a primarily Judaeo-Christian culture, whose media machine is geared towards propagating religious propaganda.

The Conibo themselves were not entirely free of the same influence due to the legions of American Missionaries, who paved the way for their logger patrons, followed by slash and burn McDonald cattle ranchers. Wherefore you have cultural contamination besides that of European viruses afflicting the natives.

When in an altered state of consciousness, whether it be that of being induced by a hallucinogen or otherwise that of lucid dreaming, your ‘language’ form of (Key-Word) symbolic conjurations, will determine what type of information you (Browse) access within the dream. Hence the use of a surrealistic synthesis of information, I used as a back-story for my Art.
