Archive for George Orwell


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, CREATIVE WRITING, Discordianism, Film, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 11, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


By this Crow feathered quill I do write down my conjuration of a Succubus. I had summoned this Succubus from out of her planetary sphere abode, in the ongoing war against Sauron, who seeks to initiate a totalitarian/fascist New-World-Order over the entirety of Middle-Earth, whose burning Orwellian eye of Mordor technology has sired the NSA Overwatch Systems, which observes all.

The author J. R. R Tolkien to have said, that he loathed allegory. But reality has a tendency to reflect art; while history does repeat its self, of many a repeating war. One of these wars to end all wars had forged Tolkein’s ring out of Múspell’s volcanic fields of Surtr conflict, from whence the slaughtered innocents were received by Hela.

Wherefore of a repeat, the warmongering Wraiths of a deified ‘Animus,’ made as a monotheist God and a Devil, who serve Sauron, have set about establishing their base of Mordor operations in the Ozarks, under which they have created a vast underground Orc city, along with a towered fortress. This fortress be Shemhamphorasch large, spanning 72,000 square-foot, larger than the Whitehouse, within which Saruman now resides as Sauron’s shadowy puppet.

As to who be writing this telling, my humble name is Gandalf. But I am known by many another name of archetypal lineage, to be also named as Odqan by the Altaic shamans of Southern Siberia, Odin by the Norse, Woden by the Saxon’s; Wotan and Votan I be named by the Germanic tribes, Mercurius by the Gauls, and Myrddin by the ancient British, the Norman’s to otherwise name me as Merlin.

Whereupon the 72 Shemhamphorasch Fusion Centers across America are on the look out for my name of Gandalf to damn as their Devil. Suffice to say, I am banned from landing there. But as a horned shaman of myth, I cannot be silenced; for as an idea, it has an archetypal life of its own to become cinematic.


Alas for the European and those peoples of the Turkic steppe, unto some parts of Siberia, have quite forgotten their own ancestral-self-identities long ago.

Thereby entirely losing their shamanic legacy; whence I am now remembered as quaint Father Christmas, and Santa Claus of a one time Saint Nicholas, or that of being castigated as the Devil, to call Old Nick.

Although, of modern shaman guise I have assumed the science fiction mantle of Doctor Who, who be of many guises like myself, whose Project Pegasus time machine of a policing TARDIS, was once that of my eight-legged-mare called Sleipnir, when I rode her as Odin, travelling the multiverse world tree of Yggdrassill. Whereas, as Gandalf, Sleipnir is otherwise named, Shadowfax of a quaint gender change.


I decided to conjure the Fouteenth Necronomicon aspect of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ who is listed as a Succubus in the Goetia, whose name is Leiraikha, to thence battle against Sauron’s Orwellian intent.

She is otherwise known as Leraie, Loray, Oray, alias Tauriel. She is a great Marchioness of the ninth planetary sphere Elven guard, who be a daughter of the elder Mirkwood forests of this world, which have not as yet been destroyed by the hand of Sauron’s corporate greed.

She showed herself unto my third eye vision of Pan returned, in the bio-photon likeness of a Silvan Elf archer, clad in green, carrying a mind bow and a memory quiver. By her Alb seal I did conjure this Elfin Valkyrie, who of elder Druden lore, her kin of Sol light Elves and the Luna dark Elf Dwarves were originally all ‘Anima’ fluctuation female. These Elven Succubae do inspire those who still dream, to dream harder, to thence inner sight drink of Mimir’s well, into remembering.


She engages herself in battles, who putrefies all such wounds as are made with her Elf shot, which to only heal when the enemy disavows themselves from their dark path. This belongeth unto Sagittary: “Quos optimos objicit tribus diebus;” meaning, “who best drives away mobs from the days.” Whence, she drives away those malign enemies of her conjuring Artist, and she has regiment over thirty legions of Elfin Succubae, both light and dark.


Another source, who be that of a most beautiful Hebrew sorceress going by the name of, Evangelina Līlītu, who be a bearer of good news, in these dark days of George Orwell’s prophecy, says of this Marchioness, of the Succubae Elven guard: “She’s slightly reckless and totally ruthless and doesn’t hesitate to kill the Orc intentions of Sauron, whom seeks to ravage Middle-Earth.”


Līlītu  also describes Leiraikha as being a nonconformist, explaining that, “as a result of her relative youth among Elves, she is brash and impulsive, tending to rebel against the hierarchal feudal order of the Elves.” Līlītu further explains of visionary conjuration, “She’s only 600 years old, she’s just a baby. So she’s a bit more impulsive, and she’s a bit more immature. I think she’s more easily romanticized by a lot of things.” However, she also has a, “softer side”, and she greatly loves her conjuring Artist, wherefore stirring erotic lucid dreams via which she, as his girl-guide, guides him into an alternate reality of a Middle-Earth, of whose realm, Tolkein to have vividly Triangle Of Art described.


Leiraikha is also described by Līlītu  as having knee-length red ochre hair, whose Elven ears are larger than other Elves. In terms of clothing, unlike those female Elves, who are often depicted as noblewomen, wearing complex formal gowns, Leiraikha is a border guard and soldier, and therefore wears more pragmatic Elven military garb. She is proficient in a variety of weapons, but mainly wields a long bow of the mind, whose arrows are as thought; along with wielding two Wiccan Athames, having Moon and Sun inlaid handles, coloured black and white, becoming as the hypnagogic grey, of twilight trance testing, of your Panic.

Gandalf The Grey; Middle Earth Year: 3021



Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Discordianism, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 26, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Sixty-third Succubus archetype of the Fallen ‘Anima’ is Andras, whose name is derived from the Icenic war Goddess called Andraste, also known as Andrasta or Andred. Her temperament is akin to Subject Zero Jack out of Mass Effect. According to the Roman historian Dio Cassius, Andraste was invoked by blue Wode, Boudica in her fight against the Roman occupation of Britain in AD 60. Andraste may be the same as Andate, mentioned later by the same source, described as, “their name for Victory,” 

Romanised as the Goddess Victoria. Some researchers assert that Andraste may be related to Andarta also. As for the Goddess Victoria, she is related to Nike, Bellona, Magna Mater (Great Mother), Cybele, and Vacuna; all of these Goddesses are often depicted riding chariots, you can otherwise imagine as star (chariot) ships.

(If you are interested, the above Artwork is available as an Art Print, Please Click Here.

Andras is a Great Marchioness, appearing in the Fallen ‘Anima’ form of a Punkette Angel, who may be wearing an SS officers Hat, if nothing else.

This does not mean that her character of an ‘Anima’ archetype is a neo-Nazi, quite the reverse, she absolutely hates right-wing fascist Nazis as well as left-wing totalitarian nut-jobs, both of them are one and the same of an Orwellian Big-Brother pincer-movement.


That is why she is a rebel, who loathes the jealous God Fuehrer of the deified ‘Animus,’ whose symbolic ‘Matrix’ of an imprisoning symbolic paradigm permeates all levels of culture.

The reason for the hat is because of the skull and crossbones motif of an ‘X,’ which is the seventh Rune of Gebo.

The seventh Rune is associated with the Nigredo state of trance into whose hypnagogic vaginal maw a shaman sacrifices himself unto.


Wherefore she sometimes manifests within a lucid dream, dressed in a tight clinging Black Night Raven uniform, wantonly dancing in a trance dance club, or otherwise being nigh naked.


She will also be seen of third eye vision riding upon a Tiger I Tank as her chariot, alongside a strong Black Wolf, while she to wield Tommy guns flourished aloft in her hands.

She is very much into the ritual music of the English Punk rock band called Crass, formed in 1977, which promoted anarchism as a political ideology, a way of life and that of a resistance movement.

Crass popularised the anarcho-punk movement of the punk subculture, advocating direct action, animal rights and environmentalism. The band used and advocated a shamanic DIY Punk ethic approach to its sound collages, leaflets, albums and films.

Crass utilised spray-painted stencilled graffiti messages in the London Underground system and on advertising billboards long before the likes of Banksey, as well as coordinating squats and organised political action.

The band expressed its ideals by dressing in black, military-surplus-style clothing and using a stage backdrop, which amalgamated icons of perceived authority, such as the Christian cross, the Swastika, the Union Jack and the Ouroboros.


Alas, at present you only have numerous conspiracy theorists who haven’t got a subculture to fall back upon of a protesting music scene anymore, since it has been utterly commercialised; wherefore heavily controlled of an artistic expression, which is unimaginatively stifling.

Crass was highly critical of punk subculture and youth culture in general during the Thatcherite years, which was rapidly being commercialised by the media empire of the establishment, and thereby controlled via engineered Sex Pistol fashion.

Whereas Crass otherwise promoted a personal form of artistic anarchism, whereby they are considered Art Punk in their use of tape collages, graphics, spoken word releases, poetry and improvisation of artistic protest. Hence Andras is a Punk art Muse whose rebellious Office is to inspire her master to engage in sowing artistic anarchy via ninth dimensional planetary sphere surrealism.

However, If a traditionalist Exorcist of the deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, has not a patriarchal care to know that Andras is in fact ‘Anima’ emanation Andraste, she will surely Boudica slay the monotheistic ideals of both him/her and his/her ‘Animus’ cult fellows, who be of the fascist Illuminati cults out of oily Petrodollar UR, and likewise with those thought police totalitarians of the politically correct left.


She governs over 30 Legions of Punkette Succubae, and her Seal is to be meditated upon, alongside that of the Crass logo, while chanting their Punk lyrics.

It just so happened that a crop circle appeared near Stonehenge during the midsummer (Litha) solstice, 21st of June, 2011, which looked like the howling anarchistic Crass logo.


But then, there was much social unrest due to government cutbacks at the time, of similarity to the Thatcherite years of BSE contaminated beef. A growing number of peaceful protests, were causing a lot of grief to the horse-meat scandal Conservative government, with further proposed mass protests being planned during the coming 2012 Summer Olympics.

The Games of the XXX Olympiad took place between 27th July 2012 and 12th August 2012, of media hype end of days, over which an apparent UFO did hover of blimp similarity to George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Los Angeles Olympics.


Although the Los Angeles Overwatch event of George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Big-Brother key-time, was far more Hollywood, of eye in the sky, Spielberg fare. Whereas the London show was somewhat, very subtle, until it went viral over the internet, of a cohered mass 2012 focus at an engineered key-time, which coincided with a ‘Mass Coronal Ejection of the Sun,’ the Earth missed by Nine days.

solar storm

As for the Conservative government, they couldn’t allow for the proposed protests to take place during the games. Wherefore the unwashed populace who were planning to paint themselves protest Wode blue had to be curtailed somehow, since Thatcher’s Humpty Dumpty fall, from her Yuppie wall, still haunts the Conservative psyche.


As if on cue, the Conservative government got what they wanted. Prior to the 2012 Olympic games, between Saturday 6th August and Thursday 11th August 2011, thousands of youths suddenly rioted in several London boroughs and in cities and towns across England. The resulting chaos generated looting, arson, and the eventual mass deployment of police, in certain lucrative areas of London, while impoverished others were left to burn. There was much criticism that the police came onto the stage rather late in the day, whose questionable actions, just before the riot, were also looked into.


The events were also called, BlackBerry riots, because the organised rioters used mobile devices and social media to spur them on, so it is said, of similarity to the Arab Spring protestors. Suffice to say, there were ‘no protests’ during the games, apart from a conspiracy theory UFO hovering over the audience.


In other words, if you want to stem the tide of peaceful protests, all you have to do is to ‘Crucify’ the protestors to look like insane nutcases, by subversively promoting outlandish conspiracy theories, as well as spreading fearful rumours, along with orchestrating yobs to cause a violent riot. It works every time of a Big-Brother political tool of ‘Totalitarian/Fascism.’ History repeats itself like that of an ‘Ouroboros.’


You thereby have the crop circle of a Crass logo, whose symbol reminds many an 80’s Punk to remember the Poll Tax riots under BSE brain-dead Thatcher, who considered Crass to be a thorn in her Conservative side. Whereby when to conjure the protest Art Muse Punkette Andras-te, she has an anarchistic Bjork liking for Crass to be played of ritual music.
