Archive for John Wheeler


Posted in archaeology, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 4, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

A theoretical research team from ITMO University in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and the Laser Zentrum in Hannover, Germany, applied theoretical physics methods to investigate how the Great Pyramid of Giza responded at certain times, under the star-clock, to electromagnetic radiation, which includes radio waves, microwaves and infrared, visible light, ultraviolet light, X-rays and… ‘Gamma Rays/Waves.’

(The Artwork Above of a Genie [Gamma-Wave Geni-us] is available as an Art Print from Saatchi Art. if you are interested Click Here or the Image Above.)


The research team specifically wanted to see how radio waves with a proportional wavelength, or resonant length, to the pyramid would interact with the structure. The research team discovered that the Great Pyramid of Giza can channel electromagnetic energy within its internal chambers as well as below its base.

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Andrey Evlyukhin, an author of the study from ITMO said: “We wanted to find out what peculiarities of electromagnetic energy distributions can be obtained in the pyramid and environment under the condition of its strong interaction with electromagnetic waves. It was very interesting to apply the theoretical methods and approaches used in optics for investigation of light scattering by nanoparticles, to study the electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid—one of the most intriguing objects in history. We expected that the investigation of the pyramid’s properties could provide us with new and important information which will be useful in nano-optics for the design of nanoparticles with required optical properties.”


Although the physicists are avoiding saying that the pyramid may predate the ancient Egyptian’s, who may have been aware, or not aware, of the design qualities of the pyramid. The results, which were published in the Journal of Applied Physics, could enable scientists to create new nanoparticles, – particles between 1 and 100 nanometers in size, which could be used, for example, to develop highly efficient solar cells or tiny sensors. Evlyukhin related: “Such nanoparticles can be used as a building blocks for construction of different optical devices for management of light energy at nanoscale.”

The researchers also said in the paper: “Applications of modern physical methods and approaches for investigations of pyramids’ properties are important and productive. It could allow us to make new discoveries or get new information motivating new interests in the pyramids.”

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The new information the physicists have discovered, may point at a possibility that the pyramid, which is concentrating certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves or radiation, might affect brain function.

For example, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a technique, which is used to induce a short-term interruption of normal activity in a relatively restricted area of the brain by rapidly changing a ‘strong magnetic field’ near the area of interest.

Clinically, TMS may be helpful in alleviating certain symptoms, including those of depression. However, the technique can be taken much further in order to induce lucid dreams, wherein dream characters can be summoned up out of the subconscious and consciously interacted with, like that of spirits being conjured out of a grimoire.

According to a study published online in Nature Neuroscience researchers have discovered when applying an electrical current to the brain, it can induce, lucid dreaming. For those who do not know what a lucid dream is, a lucid dream is when a dreamer becomes aware that he/she is dreaming, who can also gain control his/her dream of say, a genie being conjured out of her spectral pyramid.

The spectral pyramid might be the ghostly influence of a physical pyramid the dreamer is sleeping within or next to. Sounds absolutely barmy doesn’t it, but it has been found that the shape of a pyramid has a strange affect upon various objects, more so, water, and as you will probably know, you are mostly made up of water, which is very much the case concerning your excited brain.

As for the scientific findings, they are the first to show that inducing brain waves of a specific frequency produces lucid dreaming. Funnily enough, the Faustian scientists who conducted the study were led by the psychologist Ursula Voss of  J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany.

The researchers built on lab studies, which involved research volunteers in the REM (rapid-eye movement) stage of sleep. When a dreamer experienced a lucid dream, he/she then reported his/her dream upon awakening. Electroencephalograms revealed that lucid dreams were shown to have a creative connection with electrical activity called ‘Gamma Waves.’

These brain-waves are associated with executive functions such as higher-order thinking, as well as an awareness of one’s own mental state. But they are almost unheard of during REM sleep.

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Voss and her Faustian colleagues, started to question, if Gamma Waves occur naturally during lucid dreaming, what would occur if they induced a current with the same frequency as Gamma Waves in dreaming brains?

When the researchers did so, by attaching electrodes upon the scalp, which is a technique called transcranial alternating current stimulation (TACS), the 27 volunteers began to report that they became consciously aware within their dreams. The volunteers were also enabled to consciously control their dream scenarios. They also felt as if their dream self was that of a third party who they were merely observing, as if their conscious awareness was hovering around like a disembodied (OOBE) floating eye.

It is thereby distinctly possible that the concentration of certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves, which is being concentrated by the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza can affect brain function, and in turn inducing lucid dreams.

Individuals who have experienced precognition or retrocognition tend to experience this phenomenon when attaining a lucid dream, which also includes the ability to remote-view far off locations. There will of course be those who consider these experiences to be crazy, who have never experienced a lucid dream, let alone remembering their dreams, which they commonly believe as being nothing more than a mental miasma, and of little interest.


In ancient cultures the domain of dreams was considered to be the spirit realm, wherein genies (Gods/Goddesses, Ancestors/Spirits, etc. Basically, other forms of intelligence.) could be conjured from differing worlds in order to access specific information, finding artistic inspiration, discovering new inventions, being healed from various maladies as well as accessing abilities.

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An analogy would be like that of programs (genies) being summoned up within a virtual reality being created by a quantum computer, which is making calculations upon a spin of an electron.

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The quantum computer is the brain, while the virtual reality is the dream, and your dreams are made up of electrons. There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler proclaimed; rather, electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.

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When attaining a lucid dream, your consciousness could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as finding your consciousness travelling into the far distant past or future, remote viewing the present, sliding into many an alternate Earth or visiting a planet orbiting Sirius.

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Wherefore a culture, which discovers a way for an individual to consciously access the spirit realm of the electron dream, which is the underlying reality behind the physical, would go to great lengths to further evolve the ability.

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In other words, the technology of the ancients was very likely geared towards exploring the nature of consciousness, which is very much tied up with the experience of time, and space, present scientists are starting to see as being an illusion akin to a computer simulation, of similarity to what the ancient Hindu mystics call Maya.

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This isn’t to say that the Giza Pyramid is not some kind of physical machine, various researchers have conjectured as being a free-energy device like Nikola Tesla had rediscovered. It can be both and more, Tesla’s Gamma Wave brain was very much aware of.

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The ancient Gamma Wave brain perspective would not have seen a dualistic division between physical matter and what is termed as being spirit, which is essentially energy, information and consciousness.

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NOTES: A Science Fiction Scenario: A civilisation, which has evolved along different lines due to falling into a mass Beta-brainwave perception after an ancient catastrophe will not be able to fathom the Gamma-Wave thought processes behind the building of a pyramid and that of other ancient sites.

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Also, the now common Beta-brainwave perception and that of its civilisation will consider a Gamma-brainwave perception to be very dangerous to its established dualistic cultural-constructs of a monotheistic religion and its politics as well as endangering the mass-consumerism of its materialistic technologies, etc.

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Whereby you can gather that the Beta-brainwave establishment will take measures, to make sure that the Gamma-Wave perception does not return, such as by utilising an electromagnetic means to affect the brainwaves of the masses via 5G, for example. 

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NOTES: The discovery that the Giza Pyramid can concentrate electromagnetic energy will lead to the development of highly efficient solar cells and tiny sensors. As prior mentioned, Evlyukhin related: “Such nanoparticles can be used as a building blocks for construction of different optical devices for management of light energy at nanoscale.” Since this is the case, then the Giza Pyramid, which once had a smooth limestone covering, made it akin to a huge ‘Solar Cell,’ and what is more, the Pyramid acted like a specially placed ‘Sensor’, whose creators knew the dimensions of the Earth, wherein the operator floated within the Kings sarcophagus of a floatation tank.



Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

Imagine you had a surreal dream about a Bunny Girl wearing a White Rabbit costume who points at two spheres, one here on Earth, the other in the Andromeda galaxy. It’s a long trip from one sphere to the other upon the background of space, which is expanding faster than light.

But the spectral Bunny Girl indicates there’s a shortcut: You can walk into the sphere on your Earth and moments later walk out of the sphere in Andromeda. That’s the Bunny Girl’s Rabbit hole of a wormhole.

When to follow the Bunny Girl’s flicking tail, she reveals that her Yoni wormhole also allows for time-travel. “You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes,” said astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

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There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler once proclaimed; rather, “electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.”

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If you were small enough, you could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as Andromeda.

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It just so happens your dreams are made up of spun electrons, and when lucid within the dream, your consciousness is small enough to (OOBE) Out Of Body Experience slide into the wormhole mouth of an electron.

Ancient Shamans speak of an inner tunnel, others to have inadvertently experienced when experiencing a (NDE) Near Death Experince, which can be seen as a wormhole.

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Shamans claim that their consciousness can consciously enter the inner tunnel when accesseing hypnagogic trance unto dreams, which allows ingress into other worlds.

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The Shamans symbolically equate the inner uterine tunnel with the vagina, which can also symbolically manifest as an entrance into a womb cave, or doorways, hallways, windows, mirrors, whirlpools and Wizard Of Oz whirlwinds within Surrealist dreams.

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It gives a new slant on Santa Claus zipping in and out of chimneys, who is essentially a Wizard of Oz Shaman. Hence you have Alice, who fell down a Rabbit hole into multiverse Wonderland.

The question is, who is the White Rabbit? If you have a highly advanced ancient civilisation frequenting a distant galaxy, which exists in the present, the far distant past, or far flung future, a time-travelling denizen of the other galaxy, or even that of an alternate Earth existing within a parallel universe, may be communicating via a vaginal wormhole tunnel within your electron dreams.

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Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, until you realise that your quantum computing brain is far more advanced than a quantum computer, whose multiverse computations are based upon the spin of an electron, which act as inner-space wormhole doorways into other worlds.

The above Artwork is available as an Art Print on Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here.
