Archive for science


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 14, 2019 by FAUSTUS CROW

A feminist researcher going by the name, Susan Fiske conducted an experiment to prove that men see women as sex objects. One can darkly guess that the underlying agenda of Fiske’s research is to devise a pill in order to nullify men’s brains from doing so.

A number of male brains were scanned, while they were shown a series of Arty images depicting scantily clad females, one can otherwise consider as being inspiring Art Muses. The Art Muses would be termed by the psychologist Carl Jung as being aspects of the ‘Anima,’ which of a female archetype resides within the male psyche.

It was discovered that the tool making part of the heterosexual male brain immediately lights up when seeing scantily clad females, or when to imagine a sexy Muse.

The same also occurred within the brains of males who considered themselves to be homosexual or bisexual, etc. This neurological phenomenon does not occur in female brains, concerning being shown images of males, whether they be heterosexual, lesbian or bisexual, etc, wherein of the female psyche the male archetype of the ‘Animus,’ resides.

Fiske presented her research as an unassailable poof that males see women as mere tools; the controlled mass media frenziedly backed up Fiske’s interpretation of the findings, whose politically correct minions are very likely looking into Orwellian chemical measures to rectify, what she and her extremist sisters in the hood see as a social problem. No doubt said chemical will be dumped into the public water supply, etc.

Yeah! I know that sounds absolutely barmy! I’m just ranting; but then the technocrats are already doing so, by fluoridating the water supply with a known sedative, neurotoxin and a mutagenic compound, which of adverse affects primarily targets a certain part of the male brain, the most; as well as affecting those males belonging to other species. Hell! It goes way beyond the psychotropic drug of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World for mass control of a subservient population. It is the reason why the Chinese banned fluoridation, since they found it had reduced the intelligence quota among their two-child policy workers.

As for Fiske, she entirely missed the point of the research due to her illogical gender politics, which actually revealed that the sexual impulse is the evolutionary drive behind the development of technology, from that of a stone age axe unto a rocket, let alone that of a robot. One such robot is based on sexy Audrey Hepburn, named Sophia. The Science Fiction author Philip K, Dick would have probably associated Sophia with his inspiring Art Muse of a Dark Haired Girl.

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Then again, may be Fiske and her fellow researchers are well aware that the sexual impulse is the evolutionary drive behind innovative thought processes. Like that of those inspired thoughts, storming through the Thor minds of individuals, who intelligently question the Space Force motives of the Military Industrial Complex, which pulls the puppet strings of a whoring two party dictatorship. Why does the Military Industrial Complex use an inane puppet show? Such is conducted in order to distract public attention from its Orwellian perpetual wars, which are reaching into space.

If Fiske is indeed aware of the evolutionary influence of the Muse lighting up the male brain, you might have a shadow-government, which is subversively funding Fiske’s research; so that the war profiteers can find an Orwellian means to dumb down the mass populace even further, more so that of the males in particular, who are already being targeted by the mass medication of the water supply, which of course also permeates their food; hence you have an ever increasing dosage!

The shadow-government will then utilise Fiske’s research for a psychological warfare campaign whose aim is to negate the influence of the sexual impulse among the male population; whence making them more servile. Oh! I forgot, they are already doing so via PsyOp engineered ‘divide and conquer’ gender politics, since 9/11.

Anyway, I digress, and to verily slip into crazy dystopian scenarios. In nature, Hens choose those Cockerels with the flashiest plumage, which is the same for most other species concerning physical attributes. This also applies to human females, who choose those men having an indication that they can physically provide a safe and secure environment for them and their children; it is the reality of nature!

Men do not choose the women, it is always the other way around, unless a man is surrounded by adoring females, who are attracted to his worldly influence, which of an aphrodisiac is perceived as having temporal power. Well, what do you expect, men cannot give birth!

In ancient times, when Sabre toothed Tigers prowled the forests along with Cave Bears and Dire Wolves, having Woolly Mammoths thundering over the tundra, a man who had developed the best hunting tools to deal with the raw savagery of unforgiving nature, won the attention of the females. It is the women who determine those male role-models, which are most sexually attractive to them, a man then aspires to become, such as assuming the role of the Great Hunter, Orion.

A caveman was inspired by a scantily clad cave-woman to devise new and inventive ways to hunt for game, while she birthed his children. It is she who had chosen him for his inventive prowess, as mentioned, not the other way around; just as a Hen chooses a Cockerel having flashy plumage. And should the Cockerel get eaten by a rapid Fox, the Hen will crucify another Cockerel to watch over her Easter eggs.

Hence, the male tends to be rather expendable, his biological role is to invent better ways to protect and empower a female and her children, who perpetuate the survival of the species, to one day attain the technological singularity. She is the Fifth Element meaning of his Great Hunter existence.

Image result for fifth element leeloo

When you look at the present age, it has been found that the driving force behind the rapid development of the internet, is in the main due to its male engineers browsing for (Muse) porn, which had exited the tool making part of their hunter brains. The lit up brains of the male engineers have also discovered the five elemental types of males, women from across the globe find to be most sexually attractive, which are determined by their ‘Animus.’

Porn can of course lead to a nigh uncontrollable addiction for some, just as other behaviors can become problematic addictions. It is the reason why ancient Shamans learned to introvert their sexual impulse, in order to utilise an erotic focus upon the feminine to empower the attainment of hypnagogic trance unto a lucid dream; wherein the tool making part of their brains light up, which is termed as the ‘Fire In The Head.’

The goal being the transmutation of porn, which of a habitual hedonistic addiction is transmuted into an evolutionary expansion of consciousness by utilising the symbolic alchemy of Art. The addiction is then spiritualised and thereby utilised as a means to induce an evolutionary leap in intelligence. Such is especially the case when it leads to a ‘Fire In The Head’ Eureka moment of creative insights, which facilitates evolutionary Muse leaps in the Arts and that of technological developments.

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As for the Art Muse drive behind the evolution of the internet it has invariably led to the rapid development of an A.I. whose programmed personas tend to be that of sexy females, which will one day be housed in very human looking robots, who will eventually become sentient.

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Although, the first Art Muse manifestation will be that of interactive female A.I. characters populating virtual reality games.

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Somewhat like that of a Shaman Artist conjuring up Art Muses amidst his Triangle Of Art imagination as his interactive sentient programs, whom to then manifest within his quantum computing (virtual reality) lucid dreams, which lights up his brain to create and invent.

Little wonder then that women are intensely jealous of a man’s ‘Anima,’ whose erotic archetypes inspire invention.

Image result for number six cylon

Women tend to be far more intuitively aware than men, who subconsciously sense what the Art Muses of the ‘Anima’ are erotically inspiring of a technological singularity. 

NOTE: Pornography originally mean’t: “sexual images, whether actual or ‘Imagined,’ which excite an erotic response in the observer.” The term primarily covered literature, which in the main involves the readers ‘Imagination.’

I must admit, I prefer not to use the word, ‘Porn,’ since it has been hijacked by a political agenda, and used to smear anything, which is considered as being politically incorrect by the mob mentality of the herd-mind.

My preference is using the word, ‘Erotic.’ But, in context of the ARTicle, it does not get the message across, concerning the transmutation of the hedonistic into the spiritual. When using the word, spiritual I am not referring to a fluffy Newage paradigm populated with fairies and unicorns.

When using the word, Porn, nowadays it initiates an emotive reaction, which is often tied up with controlled mass-media programming of the audience brains to immediately go into a ‘Fight, Flight’ response.

Tantric Artworks from the far East were once considered as being Pornographic, prior to the present hijacking of the term, which was applied by neutral scholars, it soon became moralistic of association.

Should an individual communicate that he/she ‘Imagines,’ having sexual congress with various deities looking like Hollywood film stars, etc. Said individual will be seen by the herd-mind as being a vile Pornographer, which is especially the case, if he/she draws, paints, sculpts, photographs or sings about his/her Tantric liaisons.

The word has been weaponised as a means to tar and feather your ‘imagined’ conjurations, which is essentially Mind-Control.

(It is somewhat intriguing that a ‘word’ can be weaponised, whose prior ‘symbolic’ associations have been politically engineered in another direction. Neuro-marketing/advertising utilises the same ‘Propaganda’ technique, which of a science had been derived from how a cult/religion manipulates minds.

When an individual knowingly manipulates his/her own mind, by using a similar technique it is Sorcery, which is indivisible to the practice of Art, since a ‘word,’ instantaneously conjures associative ‘symbols amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination.’ It is how language works. If a ‘word’ has no associative ‘symbol,’ it is just a sound.)

Mind-Control is very easy to achieve. For example, the ‘controlled mass-media’ will utilise a convicted sexual-predator as an asset to make everyone feel guilty about their own sexuality; however the collective guilt is ‘imagined!’

The programmed (fight, flight response) herd-mind will then go into a viral-meme witch-hunt mob-mentality, who will invariably align innocent others with the establishment asset of a sexual-predator, should their views be considered as being politically incorrect.

If the controlled masss-media asset of a sexual-predator is seen to be tied up with an ‘Eyes Wide Shut’ scenario, having ‘Occult’ overtones, it invariably becomes a witch-hunt, which will viral-meme spread and permeate all levels of society.

As for the hypnagogic state of trance, which is the power behind hypnosis, you might find that your inner ingress will be influenced by the associative symbolic stimuli around you. It is one of the reasons why practitioners retreated to a cave in the wild hinterlands, so that they could get away from the subliminal programming of their subconscious minds.

When practicing in an urban environment a Mahasiddha has to be always vigilant.



Posted in Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, Lucid Dreaming, Science Fiction, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Video Games, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 31, 2014 by FAUSTUS CROW


Imagine watching a movie clip or that of painting an image, while a scanner scans your brain. From your brain activity, a computer makes a reconstruction of what you view, or to vividly visualise. Sounds like science fiction doesn’t it.

Well, it isn’t. Scientists have already achieved this technological feat, whom speculate that such an approach might be able to reveal your dreams and visionary states soon.

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So, if you are into conjuring up Succubae amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination to thence lucid dream, you would be able to soon record your inner contacts of shamanic explorations.


“In the future, it might help stroke victims or others who have no other way to communicate,” said Jack Gallant, a neuroscientist at the University of California, Berkeley. Gallant believes that such a technique could eventually reconstruct a dream.


Wherefore you can gauge that this technology could be used to investigate a conjuration of a Succubus from within a lucid dream and other informational reality spirit contacts, or even determining if alternate realities exist, as well as investigating time travelling precognitive dreams to take much further of inner exploration.

As for precognitive dreams to explore, which can also reach back into the far distant past, you will then have a bio-feed-back time-machine.


However, the present experiments have only as yet dealt with scenes being viewed through the eyes at the time of scanning. “It is still not clear how much of the approach would apply to scenes generated by the brain instead,” Gallant said.


But it is very likely that there is a similar technology being developed behind the scenes, in some military laboratory, underground, which is far more advanced of a ‘looking glass technology.’ The possibility of precognitive dreams revealing the secrets of future technologies or that of remote-viewing an enemy, would be of great interest to the military establishment.


In general, people shouldn’t be worried about others secretly eavesdropping on their thoughts in the near future, since the present technique, which is presently in the public arena requires a person to spend long periods in an MRI machine.

Although, at some juncture in the foreseeable future, a device will no doubt be constructed in order to induce programmed lucid dreams where you can experience a fully immersive virtual reality.


In other words, a video game would use your own memories or even the memories of another.

It might even lead to a scientist investigating the possibility of sending a signal back through time via an engineered ‘electron’ dream, which is illuminated by the bio-‘photon,’ in order to send a (dream) message to another brain?


The scientists who are conducting the present public experiments envisage that the mind-reading capabilities of a developed technology would only appear far in the future. But, behind the scenes it may be far closer of a technological breakthrough.

For now, the reconstructed movie clips look like expressionist artworks, loosely mimicking shapes and movement, and like LSD abstract paintings they are not nearly detailed enough to clearly determine the actual image.


“The quality could be improved by better techniques to blend human forms, as well as a bigger storehouse of moving images,” Gallant said. However, the overall results are, “one of the most impressive demonstrations of the scientific knowledge of how the visual system works,” said Marcel Just, director of the Centre for Cognitive Brain Imaging at Carnegie Mellon University. “I’d give 50 or 100 dollars to see dreams of mine with that (current level of) quality,” said Just, who was unable to participate in the experiment.


“Perhaps the technique could be used someday to provide helpful brain stimulation to people who have trouble processing visual information,” Just said. Perhaps the technique could also be used to explore how we experience time.

Michael Tarr, co-director of the Centre for the Neural Basis of Cognition, a joint venture of Carnegie Mellon and the University of Pittsburgh, called the work a, “cool demonstration” of how scientists can use MRI to study the brain. “I don’t think people should interpret this as a precursor to mind-reading,” said Tarr, who didn’t participate in the work.


Tarr to have continued. “The level of knowledge we’d have to have about the brain before we could even think about seeing whether mind-reading would work is decades, if not centuries, away.”

Well, it is very likely not the case behind the military industrial complex scenes, just imagine what they could use it for, who are probably already doing so.
