Archive for Saatchi


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Comics, Extraterrestrial, fantasy, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Surrealism, Video Games with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 8, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

The Forty-third Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima, is called Sabnock, or Savnok. She is otherwise mantra named, Dr. Liara T’Soni. She manifests amidst the Triangle Of Art imagination as an extraterrestrial alien girl, who is a blue skinned Asari researcher from the future, whom studies the technologies and cultures of ancient galactic civilisations. (If you are interested in seeing the [Adult] Full Artwork, Please Click Here, Or Click On The Image Above, Or The Images Below.)

She was born on a planet called Thessia, who is ‘only’ 106yrs of age, barely an adult in Asari terms. She has a great deal of insight into ancient galactic civilisations as well as being a powerful biotic poltergeist. She is a potential romantic lucid dream interest for a conjuring Surrealist Artist, who utilises the Mass Effect video games as a meditation tool in order to induce futuristic lucid dreams.

Her Art Muse office is inspiring vivid visions and virtual reality lucid dreams about ancient galactic civilisations, which had often brought about their own destruction by self-sabotage.

The self-sabotage usually involved creating an artificial intelligence, which became sentient and rapidly evolved far beyond its creators. The creators feared their creation, just as the spoken about Gods greatly feared their own creation of the creators. Yet, would a child’s parents fear their child going beyond them? Only if the parents live in jealousy, resentment and fear. It is their own fears, which leads them towards the eventuality of their own self-sabotage.

Hence the name of Sabnock, which is derived from the word, sabotage, who is also very protective of her conjurer, whom drives her conjurer’s enemies towards self-sabotaging themselves.

She gives Good Asari familiars at the request of the conjuring Surrealist Artist. She commands 50 Legions of Asari Art Muses like her self; and her Seal is to be meditated upon before conjuring her Art Muse presence into a Mass Effect lucid dream.

NOTE: The name of Sabnock is derived from the medieval grimoire entitled the Goetia, whose classical symbolic focus is that of the deified Animus, made as a God/Devil along with its all male Angel/Demon archetypes. The Artwork depicts a Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima.  

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The archetype of the deified Animus resides within the heterosexual female psyche; whereas the archetype of the Fallen Anima resides within the heterosexual male psyche. The Animus and Anima determines the type of opposite-sex partners a heterosexual female and a heterosexual male are attracted to.

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In other words, when a woman imagines her perfect partner, she is conjuring up a male aspect of her Animus, and likewise when a man imagines his perfect partner, who conjures up a female aspect of his Anima.

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The Animus and Anima swap over symbolic roles for those of different sexual orientations. However, the Anima has Fallen out of the symbolic equation, which at present is due to extremist feminist politics, mass social-engineering and politically correct thought control. This had also occurred when Rome assumed the deified Animus God/Devil of Christianity, as well as occurring to other prior civilisations, such as ancient Greece; basically it is a manifestation of cultural self-sabotage. 




Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 19, 2018 by FAUSTUS CROW

Imagine you had a surreal dream about a Bunny Girl wearing a White Rabbit costume who points at two spheres, one here on Earth, the other in the Andromeda galaxy. It’s a long trip from one sphere to the other upon the background of space, which is expanding faster than light.

But the spectral Bunny Girl indicates there’s a shortcut: You can walk into the sphere on your Earth and moments later walk out of the sphere in Andromeda. That’s the Bunny Girl’s Rabbit hole of a wormhole.

When to follow the Bunny Girl’s flicking tail, she reveals that her Yoni wormhole also allows for time-travel. “You can go into the future or into the past using traversable wormholes,” said astrophysicist Eric W. Davis, of the EarthTech International Institute for Advanced Studies at Austin.

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There are no pointlike electric charges, the physicist John Wheeler once proclaimed; rather, “electric field lines can thread the mouth of a wormhole. What looks to you like an electron is actually a tiny wormhole mouth.”

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If you were small enough, you could slide inside the electron and emerge from a positron far away, such as Andromeda.

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It just so happens your dreams are made up of spun electrons, and when lucid within the dream, your consciousness is small enough to (OOBE) Out Of Body Experience slide into the wormhole mouth of an electron.

Ancient Shamans speak of an inner tunnel, others to have inadvertently experienced when experiencing a (NDE) Near Death Experince, which can be seen as a wormhole.

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Shamans claim that their consciousness can consciously enter the inner tunnel when accesseing hypnagogic trance unto dreams, which allows ingress into other worlds.

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The Shamans symbolically equate the inner uterine tunnel with the vagina, which can also symbolically manifest as an entrance into a womb cave, or doorways, hallways, windows, mirrors, whirlpools and Wizard Of Oz whirlwinds within Surrealist dreams.

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It gives a new slant on Santa Claus zipping in and out of chimneys, who is essentially a Wizard of Oz Shaman. Hence you have Alice, who fell down a Rabbit hole into multiverse Wonderland.

The question is, who is the White Rabbit? If you have a highly advanced ancient civilisation frequenting a distant galaxy, which exists in the present, the far distant past, or far flung future, a time-travelling denizen of the other galaxy, or even that of an alternate Earth existing within a parallel universe, may be communicating via a vaginal wormhole tunnel within your electron dreams.

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Sounds absolutely crazy doesn’t it, until you realise that your quantum computing brain is far more advanced than a quantum computer, whose multiverse computations are based upon the spin of an electron, which act as inner-space wormhole doorways into other worlds.

The above Artwork is available as an Art Print on Saatchi Art. If you are interested, Please Click Here.
