Archive for punishment


Posted in Art, Chaos Magic, Goth Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 6, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW

Most of the spirits, which are listed in the grimoires are described as being male entities, which are essentially archetypes of the deified ‘Animus,’ made as a God and Devil.

However many of these grimoire spirits were originally one time deities of varying cultures, which had been dominated by the monotheist worshippers of the deified ‘Animus.’

This led to their ancestral-self-identities being demonised of symbolic bondage.

There is little or no mention of female spirits, in the grimoires, which are the archetypal manifestations of the Fallen ‘Anima.

Although when the one time prior (Anima) Goddesses are mentioned of a rarity, if at all, they are invariably seen to be enslaved male entities in disguise. When these entities are otherwise seen to be female it becomes somewhat obvious why a heterosexual Sorcerer would conjure them.

This would in turn reveal the underlying sexual reasoning behind why male entities are conjured, such as a King, Dark Lord, or a Prince Of Darkness, etc.

However, the male entities can also be seen as Fifty Shades Of Grey Alpha-Male ‘Role-Models,’ a conjuring heterosexual Magician can assume as (Alternate-Guises) Avatars within trance and dreams in order to become more sexually Vampire/Werewolf attractive to the opposite sex, which in turn involves seeking to attain wealth, power and influence of a materialistic aphrodisiac women find to be a sexual turn on.

It is the women who define the male ‘Role-Models,’ towards which males gravitate, so that the women will choose them as potential mates; whereby the commonality of the Hogwarts Playgirl grimoires list women’s ‘Animus’ desires.

As for those of a different sexual orientation, such as that of the homosexual and bisexual, the all male pantheon of the deified ‘Animus’ is a ready made erotic focus, which has been forged by the heterosexual female.

The religious foundation on which the overriding focus upon the male gender is based, is thereby indicative of a sexual orientation. Hence you have the deified ‘Animus’ of a God/Devil or a Mephistopheles.


This underlying sexual orientation becomes more obvious, when the grimoires communicate that a disobedient spirit will need to be severely punished should it not manifest before a Magician, which leads to a certain active-imagination technique being employed.


The technique is described in most grimoires of similarity, which involves cursing the spirit with varying exorcist expletives along with flagellating, whipping, burning, tearing and ripping apart the seal of the disobedient spirit, with the intention of destroying its ethereal flesh within the torture chamber of the Magician’s mind.

Or at the very least, curse the spirit into the deepest nether depths of an indoctrinated collective unconscious perception of a Hell. And while doing so, the spirit suffers the dreadful torments of the conjurers meted out punishments amidst its spiritual sphere of a (Lilith’s Harem) dream abode.

Of course it doesn’t make sense symbolically or even literally, should the conjured entity be seen as being an ageless creature, whose powers go well beyond that of the mortal conjurer. Not even howled out religious curses, from any exorcist text will affect its archetypal existence, since its ancient nature pre-dates any simplistic human conceptualisations of the great mystery, of which, the conjured entity is more privy to, than that of any transient mortal.


So, why would an inorganic intelligence allow its self be tortured by a carbon life-form of a naked ape? Well, you will have to apply some psychology to the matter, whose science was originally derived from the practice of Magic, just as Alchemy led to the science of chemistry. It is because, the technique is utilised to force subconscious material to the surface of the conscious mind of the conjurer, which sometimes requires forceful means to do so.


The employed technique had originally been appropriated from shamanistic practices, which of a symbolic act is engaged in to attain hypnagogic trance. The state of hypnagogic trance is accessed when becoming physically exhausted. The exhaustion is attained, while raging at a two-dimensional image of a spirit seal, so that a particular emotional charge is generated.


The intensity of emotion is required in order to break through limiting beliefs of cultural brainwashing. Certain ingrained beliefs can block the conjuration of a visualised archetype into its chained manifestation of an imagined form, which leads to self doubts formulating along with dispersing the emotional energy.


The emotional energy needs to be cohered into a laser beam of a ‘forceful’ focus, which will then determine the eventual three-dimensional expression of a spirit within a lucid dream.

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When you reverse the ‘Animus’ fixated all male symbolic paradigm of the Playgirl grimoires to that of an all female Lilith’s Harem paradigm, of the Fallen ‘Anima,’ the underlying sexual orientation becomes far more apparent of sadomasochistic bondage.


However, you may have to ‘force’ the issue of a rebellious reversal, since your ingrained beliefs concerning an all male symbolic paradigm of the deified ‘Animus’ will invariably block its manifestation amidst your Triangle of Art Imagination.


This is further exacerbated by an indoctrinated collective focus upon its egregore form, which subliminally influences the collective unconscious, and in turn your subconscious mind.


Although, many a mind will be morally outraged by such symbolism, it is not externalised of a hedonic activity, it is otherwise internalised of ecstatic active-imagination.

The symbolism is employed in order to establish a connection with the feminine ‘Anima’ domain of the dream.

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NOTE: There will of course be many a mind who will not be able to disengage their projected externalisation of the described technique, to otherwise castigate it as being vile pornography or to indulge themselves in base instincts. Others will point out that the practitioner should show loving respect towards the conjured entity amidst the Triangle Of Art Imagination, who will do so, by showering gifts upon an altar of fluffy Newage feminist devotions. However, the feminine nature of the ‘Anima’ can be fathomed when observing her fleshly counterparts, who have a cross-cultural liking for Bad-Boy Beasts of a genetic imperative, and what is more, the ‘Anima’ has to be ‘internalised’ as well as ‘controlled.’  

Faustus Crow, Whose Soul-Mate is his Anima, Character belongs to Faustus Crow

A Witch likewise has to do so by learning how to internalise her deified ‘Animus’ made as a God and Devil, in order to Playgirl Grimoire ‘control,’ otherwise, she’ll end up being blindly led by her externalised ‘Animus’ projection upon a Beta-Male Good-Guy Christ to invariably Crucify, or by an Alpha-Male Bad-Boy Devil, who will 50 Shades Of Grey dominate her!

DISCLAIMER: Should you engage in such dark erotica active imagination exercises in order to indulge your Christian Grey shadow; just keep in mind that the realm of the dream will reflect you back of a probable reversal concerning your self-sacrificial messianic complex, which might lead to you being crucified, whipped, and verily upended by Judaeo Christian Chippendale Demons, dressed as Roman legionnaires.


But then, this may be just up your monotheistic UR alley of a Nightmare kink; if so, go right ahead. This is more so the case, if you otherwise be a 50 Shades Of Grey, Christ loving, Oprah Winfrey Witch Nun, subconsciously desiring to be Twilight bound to a feminist cross, by oiled up Angelic and Demonic Incubi.
