Archive for Russian alien autopsy


Posted in Alien, Art, Chaos Magic, Conspiracy Theory, Extraterrestrial, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Science Fiction, Sex Magic, Shamanism, Sorcery, Star Trek, Succubus, Surrealism, Time Travel, Tulpa Creation, UFO, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on January 7, 2015 by FAUSTUS CROW


Freak show fakery across the web of viral meme alien autopsy’s, depicting the dismembering of sentient humanoids along with their CGI UFO’s; but, when to suspend total disbelief; what if some of them are indeed the real deal, which are hidden behind others of disinformation, whose reality is too terrifying to contemplate. If such is the case, what would this horror be?

Most of the supposed visitants to this world are usually described to be mostly humanoids, which indicates they are closely affiliated to us of kin, rather than being alien, who may be time travellers, and that of our probable future descendants. Their craft, though highly advanced, are Area 51 recognisable; whereas their anal probe operations upon abducted humanoids are not much different to what a Chimpanzee will experience in a military laboratory, developing biological weapons.

Should these humanoid visitants have the capability of time travel, it would enable them to colonise the far distant stars. Hence some of our future descendants would have been born off world, whose physiology, though different of evolution, would be bound to us as their ancestors.


Alas, when to visit this era of a time, some of your future descendants end up being dismembered upon an operating table within the infernal guts of an underground military installation, by those who wouldn’t think twice about dosing up your water supply with a neurotoxin, such as hydrofluorosilicic acid, sodium fluorosilicate, and sodium fluoride, in order to negate your intelligence, while creating their new war toys of Orwellian control.

In doing so, they have inadvertently poisoned the planet, which your time travelling descendants may be seeking to rectify, by gathering genetic material from their ancestral kin, or at the very least to scientifically investigate of a crime scene.

However, those who consider themselves to be the elite, do not want to be discovered as being mere criminals; they have committed a grave crime against humanity, as well as endangering all life upon the planet.


The fact is, the corporations of the plutocratic elite have pumped numerous chemicals into the environment since the end of WWII, which of a chemical broth is affecting the males the most, along with those of other species. Many scientists believe it indicates a coming extinction event, unless the technology of cloning is developed. You might think I am kidding you, here. I am not!

Where Have All The BOYS Gone ? Biphenyl A (BPA) – The Disappearing Male from joan sanders on Vimeo.

However, the problem would be, that the future human population will be mostly comprised of females, should the male of the species be severely affected over the coming generations with varying genetic deformities.


Whereupon, those who have committed the crime, have taken measures to eliminate any outside influences revealing the truth behind a smokescreen of disinformation, which of a science fiction, horror film scenario, involves gutting female time travellers on laboratory slabs; probably because they have pointy Elf ears.


Sounds like a science fiction tale right out of Star Trek doesn’t it. Of course it is, just like all those fairytale chemicals affecting your body, more so those of your children, and of the yet unborn. It’s just a crazy conspiracy theory like all those viral meme alien autopsy’s, which enamours many a mind; who do not question why a sentient humanoid, whose technology is very likely thousands if not millions of years ahead of our own, is allowing its self to be cut up upon a Youtube video altar of a sacrificial slab, just like a lab Rat.


But then, so many are being slaughtered in wars over religion, which is just as much of a fairytale, whose bloody reality merges with a video game shooter, dulling fluoridated brains of calcified pineal glands.

Little wonder then that most people have forgotten how to third eye imagine, and to consciously dream; for they fear their own enslaved reptilian brainstem conjurations. Hence afflicted by a limiting nightmare about 1950’s beast movie aliens, rather than to imaginatively ride the Night-Mare into Star Trek possibilities.

goetia_girls_lilith's_harem_succubus_book_mephistophina_ conjuration_of_fastus_crow 2

Although when to dream beyond the constraints of an indoctrinated symbolic Matrix, which encloses many a brainwashed mind, you might just find out what the elite few, have done of a crime, against all.

(Music used in the UFO Alien Girl Mona Lisa Vulcan video is by Northern Lite, entitled: Alien Girl. Video parts include, probable CGI UFO’s flying over Voudon Haiti, supposed leaked footage from a Russian autopsy of an alien female and the controversial Apollo 20 footage of a female EBE nicknamed as Mona Lisa, along with T’pol from Star Trek Enterprise.)
