Archive for forbidden fruit


Posted in Chaos Magic, Goetia Girls, Lucid Dreaming, Occultism, Psychology, Shamanism, Sorcery, Succubus, Surrealism, Tulpa Creation, Witchcraft with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on May 15, 2016 by FAUSTUS CROW

The phrase, forbidden fruit, originates from Genesis 2:16–17, concerning Adam and Eve partaking of an apple, dangling from the Tree of Knowledge, in the garden of Eden, which they had been commanded by their God to not eat.

Curiously, a fresco in the 13th-century Plaincourault Abbey in France depicts Adam and Eve, flanking the Tree of Knowledge having the appearance of a gigantic a psychoactive Amanita muscaria mushroom.

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You could say that there was a prior drug war in Eden, whose forbidden fruit induced an altered state of consciousness, which was not allowed in the Orwellian police state of Eden; for it bestowed self-knowledge. Since the time of (Edom) Eden in Iraq, from where Abraham first stemmed, those in power far prefer that the mass populace stays self-ignorant. However, we all experience an altered state of consciousness when we dream.

Should you believe that you do not dream, it is only because you do not remember having any dreams. Dreaming is a neurological necessity; so, if you really believe that you do not dream, rather than admitting you do not remember them, you are indicating you are brain-dead… let alone… self-ignorant…, which the controlling theocratic paradigm far prefers as a zombie state of being for their flocks of meek and mild sheep.

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Many find it very difficult remembering their dreams due to their busy lifestyles, which puts them into a self-perpetuated auto-hypnotic slumber. But If you do remember them and that they were very surreal, the forbidden cheese burger binge you had right before entering your tomb could be the cause.

This observation offers up a technique to those who cannot remember their dreams, the types of food you eat before hitting your sarcophagus can have a massive affect on your astral jaunts into the spirit realm of dreams.

According to scientific observations eating anything close to Little Nemo In Slumberland sleep increases the activity of your metabolism, this in turn causes your brain to stay active, making it far more likely for vivid Obsidian Butterfly dreams to occur.

“When we consider that the nutrients in food affect many things in the body, such as energy levels, mood and sleep quality, it is entirely plausible that different foods can also affect dreams in different ways,” explains the Witch nutritionist and Yoga teacher Julie Montagu, who loves her Nirvana ice cream.

It is therefore important that you are aware the food you eat affects your body, and even more importantly, that the state of your mind, at the time of your midnight cannibal feast, will determine the type of vore dreams you will have.

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What is more, the police state cannot nab you for partaking of an innocent alchemical food obtained from any supermarket, which initiates an altered state of consciousness, when taken around the sugary Moon phases.

With this in mind you can orchestrate a prior ritual before sleeping, involving the partaking of certain foodstuffs, which will  initiate vivid dreams to occur. Continued practice, will enable your dreams to become lucid of pick the cherry, strawberry quality.

The ritualistic activity will also involve directing your thoughts and emotions, such as focusing upon an image, which associatively represents what you want to dream about.

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So, should you have a personal Book Of Shadows, you can make a list of planetary sphere foods, which enable the initiation of dreams. What to follow are some Grimoire examples.

VENUS: CHEESE: You have probably heard on many occasion the old Witches tale that eating cheese, before entering your tomb bed initiates Night-Mares.

But as the Witch Julie Montagu to explain, it turns out there is a grain of truth in the age old cheesy snack burger tale: “There is much speculation, and actually some solid research, to suggest that eating dairy products in the hours leading up to bedtime can cause bad or unusual dreams. Cheese and milk are thought to be the biggest culprits within this group. Cheese contains tryptophan – an amino acid that the body uses to produce ‘serotonin.’ Serotonin is the chemical in the brain that helps to keep the mood stabilised. So enjoying a dose of cheese right before bed could contribute to heightened levels of ‘serotonin’ in the body, which could influence how prominently you dream.” 

MARS: CURED AND PROCESSED MEATS: Werewolf raids on the fridge for Little Red Riding Hood cold cuts pre-bedtime the clinical nutritionist, Kamilla Schaffner, from My London Nutritionist explains: “Sausages, salami, bacon, hot dogs, corned beef are very high in Tyramine, an amino acid that regulates blood pressure. Foods high in Tyramine are nutritionally known to disrupt normal sleeping patterns as well as the central nervous system in general, which may lead to increased episodes of Night-Mares, disturbing dreams or persistent migraines.” 

MARS: CURRY: Ever wondered why Yogins have such vivid mystical states and the reason why your dreams ramp up a notch after a Venus day Friday night takeaway: “Spicy foods right before bedtime have also been associated with bizarre dreams,” explains Julie Montagu. “The body has to work a bit harder than usual to digest seriously spicy foods. This disruption to the digestive system could impact the quality of sleep that you enjoy, leading to undesirable dreams.” However ‘undesirable’ is not the dream goal; hence a Yogin directs his or her thoughts and emotions, while meditating upon their curry.

MOON: PICKLES: Although terrible for your ogre breath, they do initiate Luna dreams. “Foods that are fermented or pickled in any way – sauerkraut, kimchee, tofu or pickles, soy sauce, miso and miso-containing products – can induce bad dreams when eaten at night,” explains Kamilla Schaffner.

MARS: BOOZE: Ever wondered why a night on the Sabbat tiles equals a crappy night’s sleep? “Alcoholic beverages such as beer, red wine, sherry and liqueurs are known to induce Night-Mares due to their fermentation process, especially when consumed in excess,” says Kamilla Schaffner. But again, if you partake of the sacred booze thinking crappy thoughts, your ensuing dreams will reflect back your crap! Wherefore, when getting ritualistically drunk while meditating upon a film or a video-game, make sure it is league with what you desire to dream about.

VENUS: CHOCOLATE: One way of remembering your sorcery dreams is to disrupt the sleep pattern; but doing so, is to be done sparingly, otherwise you will start to suffer from Vampire insomnia: “Eating any food late at night that has a high fat content is going to cause some degree of indigestion. Indigestion can cause you to have a poor quality of sleep as you are likely to ‘wake often,’ and when you do so you are more likely to remember the strange dreams that you were having,” explains Julie Montagu.

However if you want to have an undisturbed night, to awaken forgetting your devilish dreams: “The best way that I can suggest to avoid disturbed dreams is to not eat anything in the two to three hours before you go to bed,” advises Julie Montagu. “This gives your digestive system a chance to catch up and you are more likely to experience an undisturbed sleep until morning.” 

What is more, your Orwellian government is helping you out by mass-medicating your water supply with a known druggie sedative, which also ends up in nearly every food you eat, whose fluoridation chemicals calcify your ‘serotonin’ producing pineal gland; wherefore, you are unable to remember your self-knowledge dreams. I shit you not! They are planning to dose you up with lithium next. Hell! They are probably already doing it.

You may think it is all conspiracy stuff. But the fact is, they shouldn’t be mass-medicating the public via their water supply and food, since the mass-medicated doses cannot be controlled for each and every individual. Hence they are Orwellian shafting your Abrahamic brainwashed Eden brain!

NECRONOMICON DISCLAIMER: I will not take any responsibility whatsoever should the communicated Grimoire menu lead to your Karmic overindulgence in sensuously delicious forbidden foodstuffs, which will make you end up looking like a rotund Buddha or a voluptuous Nerthus, suffering from insomnia, etc; your gut-Chakra is your own temple-body responsibility. Remember the sorcerer adage: “everything in moderation.” 
