
The Eighteenth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is Bathin. She is a Mighty and Strong Duchess of the seventh planetary dimensional sphere, and appears like a most beautiful woman wearing a snake skin corset, whose belt trails like a tail of a Serpent, or to otherwise manifest looking like Bat-girl out of the DC comics.


She knows the virtues of hallucinogenic herbs and what precious stones to use for scrying. She can also transport the ‘Ba’ of her conjuring Surrealist comic Artist suddenly from one place to another of ‘pure thrust’ throughout space and time, whom will be enabled to enter any place; for his ‘Ba’ be ‘Thin’ of an ethereal substance.


She will be seen of an Artist’s vision as a Valkyrie biker sitting upon a pale-coloured Iron-Horse, or that of being part woman, part Bat bike, or shapeshifting into a motorcycle for her Surrealist Frankenstein Artist to ride as his Tulpa dream machine.


She rules over 30 Legions of Bat-girl Succubae, whose protective temperament is that of Hell’s Angel Valkyries, all as Art Muse Witches.


Bathin’s Succubus seal is to be meditated upon by the conjuring comic Artist prior to conjuring her within a lucid dream as a Bat-girl Art Muse.


The composite name of Bathin is probably comprised of two words, being, ‘Ba’ and ‘Thin.’ The word Ba is derived from the ancient Egyptian term for the spirit of an individual, which was always portrayed as a human-headed bird, usually a human-headed falcon.


The Ba bird represents an ecstatic out of body experience, just as the Bat symbolises the out of body phenomenon in other spiritual systems, such as that of the Toltec’s to the Aztec’s of ancient Mexico.


In ancient Egyptian art, the Ba was often shown hovering over the deceased’s mummy or leaving or entering the tomb at will, of a ghostly ‘thin’ form, which in turn influenced the mystique of Vampire Bat. Hence you have ‘Ba’ and the word, ‘thin,’ as in, rarefied as air and without solidity or substance.

The word Ba is usually translated as, soul or spirit. However, the Ba can be otherwise seen as the dream body. In shamanistic systems, the dream body is also associated with the symbolism of the serpent, representing hypnagogic trance, via which the shaman can become amphibious of consciousness; hence achieving an out of body experience; whereas the symbolism of the ‘Horse’ represents the power of trance and the ability to out-of-body travel where the shaman desires to go, of erotic exploration, should he be so predisposed.


In some shamanistic traditions, the out of body experience was facilitated by hallucinogenic herbs or that of intensely staring at crystalline structures, such as that of gemstones.

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The Ba is considered to be one of the specific components of the human being, as understood in Egyptian thought. In the New Kingdom, the Ba was a spiritual aspect of the human being which survived, or came into being, at death or when consciously accessing trance. It was endowed with the person’s individuality and personality. The Ba occasionally revisited the tomb of the deceased; for the dead body is its rightful home.

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Animals were sometimes thought to be the Bau (plural of Ba) of deities. At Heliopolis, the Bennu bird was called the Ba of Re. At Memphis the Apis bull was worshipped as the Ba of Ptah or Osiris. At times, Osiris himself was called the ‘Ba of Re.’ However, in the context of shamanistic practice, when the shamans (Ba) spirit leaves his body, he can also shapeshift into other forms, such as animals within his dreams; wherefore he can take on the alternate form of a Bat if he so chooses.

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The ancient Egyptian concept of the Ba could also represent anonymous deities or powers, which can be equated with an Avatar, as used within a virtual reality of a computer game. As such, they are occasionally represented in various mythological contexts; wherefore within a virtual reality of a dream, a conjuring comic Artist can assume the alternate guise of an Avatar, such as Batman.

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These Ba are shown greeting the Sun or travelling with it in its barque. In some illustrations of the Book of the Dead, Ba birds are shown towing the barque of the Sun during its nightly journey through the underworld. The Sun in this context not only represents the Sun of the macrocosm, but also alludes to the inner Sun of the microcosm, whose light is that of the bio-photon emanating from the mitochondrial DNA, which illuminates your electron dreams.

Should you otherwise equate Bathin with the modern slang term, which alludes to ‘bathing,’ you can then equate Bathin with the usage of a floatation tank, which of a simple, though highly effective technique the ancient Egyptian’s may have utilised, in order to initiate an out of body experience, such as the Kings sarcophagus found within the pyramid of Giza.


You can then see Bat-girl Bathin initiating your out of body experience, while you float within a Kings sarcophagus of a floatation tank containing a ‘Hin’ of saline solution. Hin being an ancient Hebrew unit of liquid measure, which is 5.7 litres, equal to about one and one half gallons, although you’ll need at least 200 hundred gallons of water and 650 pounds of Epsom Salt for a modern Floatation Tank; hence, you also have, Bat-Hin.



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