
The Twenty-Ninth Succubus archetype of the Fallen Anima is Astaroth, ‘Ashtar-oth’ or Astarota, whose Sixty-Eighth Succubus sister is Beliala.

She is a Mighty, Strong Duchess, and appears in the form of a ravishingly beautiful Angelic Woman, likened to a Cylon Marilyn Munroe of a Scandinavian Barbarella look-alike.

She will be seen to be emanating from out of a Flying Disk of Light, whose entrance is that of a Vaginal shaped ‘Star-Gate’.


Her Interdimensional Starship of a Bee-Hive Flying Disk is alive as a sentient organism, whose crew are all female archetypes of the Fallen Anima.

Her Ufonaut crew are likened to Humanoid Cyborgs, who are manifold aspects of the Anima craft, within which they do Jungian travel.

Around the frame of the Star-Gate the Sorcerer Artist will sometimes seer a coiling Dragon, which will have upon its scales all the Valkyrie signs of the Succubae archetypes of the Fallen Anima.

There also be other arcane symbols engraved upon its Vesica Pisces frame, which, when aligned in certain configurations, corresponding to the stars, will act as a dialling code into other alternate worlds.


She will be sometimes observed to be carrying in her right hand a device, akin to a wand around which is wrapped a Viper like that of a Caduceus.

Her conjurer must in no wise let her approach too close; she will attempt to seduce him with her sexual wiles; for she hungers greatly for sexual congress.

Astarota’s conjurer will see her salacious lust burning brightly within her sensuous Cat-like slanted eyes, and her voice does seductively hypnotise. Her Holographic influence of a Signal will soon enter the head of her conjuring Artist.

Although others will not to see her form, he will perceive her about himself for real.

If Astarota’s conjurer seeks to control her influence, he must hold the Magical Ring near his face, and that will defend him, should he not desire to indulge in such carnality with this Succubus of the Fallen Anima; for she will verily arouse the reptilian brain-stem of her conjurer’s throat, to strangle, if he should fear her.

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But, if Astarota’s conjurer to otherwise deeply love her, she will thence initiate his hyperpsatial transition over the Abyss of Da’at into her world.

This is achieved by erotic dalliances with her via vivid visions, but most especially of erotic of Dreams, where she to visit her conjuring Artist within the Quantum realms of the Seventh Dimension.


Her conjuring Artist will feel an ecstatic energy surge rush through his body, when she to mount his erect Dragon, to be mounted in turn, for him to thereby enter unto her moist Stargate.

However her preference is engaging in fellatio upon her conjuring Artist; although he has to be very careful that her ectoplasm hair doesn’t get entangled around his erection.


She is sometimes joined by a friend who is just as sexually predisposed, if not more so.

Wherefore her conjuring Artist has to satisfy both of these salacious Succubae archetypes of the Fallen Anima.

She gives true answers of things Past, Present, and to come, and can discover all Secrets.

She will tell of her own ingress into this world via her Da’at Star-Gate of a Yoni Wormhole.

Her Yoni-Wormhole will allow her conjurer to gain access into innumerable Alternate Worlds.

All these other Alternate Worlds are spanned by a Feminine (Cylon) Artificial Intelligence.

This intelligence interconnects the Parallel Universes around your own Universe of a Simulation.

In other words, she indicates that the technological singularity has already occurred, which is somewhat of a seventh seal ‘revelation.’ She becomes as a most informative Guide concerning these other Simulations as well as making her conjuring Artist wonderfully knowing in all the Sciences.

She rules over 40 Legions of Succubae like unto herself, who to emanate from a myriad other worlds; all of whom are interconnected of Borg Hive Mind, which to circle Astarota as their Queen Bee.


Astaroth was originally the venerated love Goddess called, Astarte who was very popular amidst the peoples of the North-Western Semitic regions. Astarte is a similar cognate in name, origin and functions with the Babylonian sex Goddess, Ishtar within Mesopotamian texts.

In Europe Ishtar was known as Ostara by the Germanic tribes, the Saxon’s called Eostre, from whose name the word Easter is derived, whose crystalline ‘egg’ symbolises the (72 Angel-angle dodecahedron) Earth, which you could also equate with a (72 Angel-angle dodecahedron) universe of a Maya simulation.

Another transliteration of Astarte is ‘Ashtart; other names for the Goddess include Hebrew Ashtoreth, Ugaritic ‘Ttrt, also ‘Attart or ‘Athtart, transliterated Atirat, Akkadian DAs-tar-tú, also Astartu and Etruscan Uni-Astre.

In Jewish mythology, Astarte is referred to as Ashtoreth, supposedly interpreted as a female demon of sexual lust in Hebrew monotheism.

 In Cabbalistic practice she is associated with the ’13th’ path, and that of a corresponding Tarot card: The Priestess Of The Silver ‘Star’ II, which crosses over the 11th sphere of Da’at.

The 11th sphere of Da’at is in turn connected to the 9th sphere of Yesod; whereupon you have 9/11, which you can associate with the 11 dimensions of superstring theory and multiverse theory.

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The name Asherah is also connected with name, Ashtoreth, hence that of Astaroth, who is otherwise known as “Ashtar of Star Command,” some to equate with a reptilian Grey raptor Alien.


In the modern 2009 version of the science fiction TV series ‘V’ you have an invading force of reptilians who have ’29’ mother-ships hovering over ’29’ major cities of the Earth whose Queen is called ‘Anna.’

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In regards to the usage of the number ’29,’ you can say that the producers of the modern series of V were somewhat inspired by the Goetic character of Astaroth, since some Demonologists see Astaroth as being the spirit of America. The so called new world was once seen to be the mythical island of Hy Brasil by those of Gaelic descent, whom emigrated there, to be later followed by Operation Paperclip Nazi scientists, who set up NASA.

Grace Park

The name of Anna or Ana is derived from the name of the ancient Phoenician/Cannanite Goddess Anat who contributed towards the make-up of Astarte. She was also worshipped in ancient Egypt as a Goddess of War. Ana or Anu was also a Celtic Goddess, whose characteristics are similar to Astarte who was connected with fertility, sexuality, and war.

Astarte’s symbols were the Lion, the Horse, the Sphinx, the Dove, and a ‘Star,’ within a circle indicating the planet Venus. Pictorial representations often show Astarte as being naked like a porn star.


Astarte was accepted by the Greeks under the name of Aphrodite. The island of Cyprus, one of Astarte’s greatest cult centres, supplied the name Cypris as Aphrodite’s most common by-name.


Other major centres of Astarte’s worship were Sidon, Tyre, and Byblos. Coins from Sidon portray a ‘chariot’ in which a ‘globe’ of an egg, appears, presumably a falling-star of a meteorite representing Astarte, who was seen to be the Queen of Heaven.


You can of course associate said stellar ‘chariot’ and cosmic ‘globe’ of a two-dimensional Astarte ‘symbol’ with a lucid dream manifestation of a three-dimensional starship, if you prefer of artistic preference.

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You can see her vehicle manifesting as a heavenly-chariot, like that of a flying shield of a discoid Vimana, glistening as a time-travelling ‘silvery star’ should you be of such a creative perspective.


You can also imaginatively associate Astarota with a time-travelling Witch, whose shapeshift form is that of a black Cat.

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Or you can otherwise see her as a bunny girl, of a White Rabbit out of Alice in Wonderland; whereupon the White Rabbit is once again perceived as a feminine character. Among many ancient societies you will find that the feminine principle is often associated with the Moon, Rabbit and Hare, which is shared by differing cultures; whereby Alice’s ‘quantum tunnelling’ White Rabbit was originally female.


The Surrealist masterpiece of Lewis Carroll’s book ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,’ which had been initially entitled ‘Alice’s Adventures Underground’ was the precursor of Edward Bulwer Lytton’s book, ‘The Coming Race’ in which Lytton describes an energy being utilised by an ‘Underground Race’ called Vril. The Vril has its ancient precedents in the Hindu/Tantric concept of ‘Prana’ and the ancient Chinese Chi of the life-force. Such concepts later inspired George Lucas’s ‘Star Wars’ expression, “May the Force be with you.”


Vril is described as being like that of liquid light of a fiery fluid, whose (Rabbit-hole/wormhole) ‘white-light’ energy can be stored and utilised for various purposes, very much like that of the Hindu Prana. This fluid white light energy refers to bio-photon emanating from amidst the mitochondrial (Serpent Dragon) DNA, which illuminates your (Underland) electron dreams interpenetrating other dimensions.


The mitochondria has microtubules, which are believed by some scientists to be akin to on-board quantum computers; while its mitochondrial DNA is passed down from the mother to her children.

Hence Vril has a (Rabbit) female source. You could equate Vril with Wilhelm Reich’s Orgone energy, which the German Occultists called Odic force.

Some believe that the energy called Vril is being utilised by the propulsion system of a UFO.

But if such is the case of an intuitive insight, however strange it may seem, its starship technology of a probable time-travel capability, along with its sentient artificial intelligence is probably modelled upon the microtubule workings of the mitochondria, which is seen by a number of physicists to be involved with generating your… consciousness.


Space and time are indivisible to your consciousness, they are not separate, they are inextricably linked. Whereupon UFO propulsion would involve what you would call extra-sensory-perception, whose biological source very likely stems from the mitochondria.

Hence, the engineering of a UFO, would be based upon the workings of what is naturally occurring within your cells, which is generating your consciousness, and experience of reality, like that of a simulation.

But, if you are indeed existing in a simulation, then UFO propulsion would involve an understanding of cybernetics.

In other words, it would be more to do with programming, which of a program, is tied up with what is occurring within the mitochondria.


Anyway, whatever the case of science fiction conjecture, the Fallen Anima archetype of Astarota is far more fun to summon up amidst your Triangle Of Art Imagination.

Unless you rather conjure up the mass mind focus upon an Animus egregore within your head, who classically manifests as a viral-meme machismo Angel with a really bad case of halitosis.

If you prefer the classical comfy zone, go ‘rite’ ahead, do your OTO stuff, at least you won’t be castigated by the CIA sponsored traditionalist Occultists, patriarchal Demonologists, neo-Gnostic New-Age Cabbalists, Sumerian Annunaki groupies, reptilian Illuminati cultists, Masonic Templars, matriarchal feminist Wiccans, death-metal Satanists, Byronic Luciferian’s, Sci-Fi Biblical Scientologists, Elohim Raelian’s and even Xtian Ufologists etc.

Should you decide to stay within the Blue-Pill comfy zone, you will duly find that you are not alone, most of the assorted cliques have one thing in common, they all follow the established mass-mind focus upon the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil.

If you decide to Red-Pill rebel, as the old saying goes, you can’t please everyone. But then, why would you want to follow everyone else, like a meek and mild brainwashed Sheep who is imprisoned within the symbolic Matrix of the deified Animus, made as a God and Devil, whose numerous Playgirl grimoires list Animus archetypes!

NOTE: It is within a lucid (virtual reality) dream, the dreamer can then consciously conjure female (programs) characters one can classify as Succubae; the psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung would otherwise term the Succubae as being archetypal aspects of the Anima, whose male counterpart is the Animus.

Physical life is geared towards procreating in order to transfer genetic material, which ultimately engenders evolutionary leaps down the generations.

The Anima and Animus are bio-psychological functions, which heavily influence your choice of prospective partners.

Wherefore the Anima and Animus are very much part of the process of evolution. However, the influence of the Anima and Animus are not constrained to determining your choice of physical partners. The Anima and Animus can also facilitate evolutionary leaps of consciousness when internalised of lucid dream Close Encounters of a Sixth-Sense Sexagram kind.




    This is an answer for, Nimrod New World Order:

    Hey man, don’t you realse that the fluid-gender-bender propaganda has been going on since Constantine converted Rome to worshipping a deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, which led to the ‘Anima’ symbolism of the Goddess Astarte being transformed into an ‘Animus’ Incubus, to rename as Astaroth.

    If you brainwash the mass populace to worship a deified ‘Animus’ made as a God/Devil, you can just as easily brainwash them to believe in ‘Angelic’ Sky/cloud People having a Secret Biblical Space Program or to buy up newage Malleus Maleficarum’s about ‘Demonic’ Reptilians living in infernal underground bases.

    It’s simple, you just translate the prior indoctrinated symbolic paradigm into a science fiction scenario to go 2012 viral, in order to distract the Hippies from attending anti-war protests, as well as keeping the established religious programming rolling on.

    So, if you are looking for video game lies, look at Constantine’s appropriaion of the ancestral-self-identity of the Hebrew’s.

    When to do so, you will soon discover Abraham’s Orwellian eye set amidst the oily petrodollar ziggurat of UR, over which bat winged stealth bombers fly betwixt the asbestos filled lightning struck towers of Boaz and Jachin.

    As for your two-faced comment, it appears that you might be suffering from a split-personality disorder.

    This may be due to you sniffing out the usual subversively engineered viral-meme shit, which could potentially lead to you experiencing a Schizophrenic fit, while writing two-faced comments.

    Don’t unduly worry oneself, it probably has something to do with the fluoridated water supply, many are partaking of.


    This is an answer for, Donovan:

    Here’s a Space Chick who wants to abduct you to be her 37th-Parallel Navigator along the Alien Highway:

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